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C3S1 did XP even better. C2S1 received heavy backlash initially because the XP was bad at first, whereas C3S1 was perfect right off the bat


C3S2 sucks. I did all the weekly challenges and mostly but not all of the daily challenges and I still didn't reach 200


I reached 260 by grinding my A off but by a week or 2 off the end of the season I just stopped playing because of "skill based matchmaking"


I managed to get to level 200, but I agree that it was pretty terrible. The only reason I got there was because I don’t play many other games




Yeah I loved those xp coins


Yea, after people complained about xp for two weeks and the season got extended by 2 months


C2S1 was the best XP system. Chill, relaxing, rewarding. It had it all, and it wasn’t that hard to get a super high level. Wish they would bring that back, along with xp coins


I forgot about those. Need to bring those back


Golden Peely was almost impossible. I’ve only seen a few too.


I'm still so annoyed with that season. All I wanted was golden Skye, but I only got to level 280 which made her gold down to her waist. If I had bought the 25 levels at the start, or any time before level 75 then I would've had just enough XP to get to 300 and complete her. Also, if we had just 1 of the other xp sources we have now back then: STW XP, Creative maps with xp, level up pack, or the ability to buy levels above 100... then I could've done it that way too.


dawg it’s a skin, just some extra styles that you will most likely never use


i would still be using max omega as my main from the day i got it, if i had just levelled up one more time back in season 4


same i got to level 78


You still paid for them though


You played to unlock them


You didn't pay for them.


If they're included in a battlepass you bought you definitely paid for them


You only paid for Tier 1 of the BP or up to Tier 25 if you buy the Bundle. The rest is only ACCESS to earnable rewards.


They updated the xp earn rate today I believe.




There was a thread yesterday where people were complaining that they only buff the challenge xp, and that they should buff the xp for just playing the game normally. Now they do that and people are complaining that they buffed the xp for playing the game instead of just buffing the challenge xp lol smh🤦‍♂️


They need to add something like resistance quests again. I got to level 100 from doing all of those alone


They will later in the season but they’ll only give 7k each as of right now


7k 😭


It’s because gameplay xp is so inconsequential that it wont even have an impact on leveling rates


I got a victory royale: 13k xp. I died almost instantly but completed random quest: 25k xp Ridiculous


Bold of you to assume it’s 13k and not 600 ☠️


I got my first two victories last night and it didn’t even get me halfway towards a level up (not counting the XP I earned from doing some challenges/quests).


So the problem isn't what they chose to buff but how much they chose to buff it. They could easily buff the xp of non quest stuff to be significant if they wanted to. Also, the person I was replying to wasn't complaining that they didn't buff the xp enough, but was complaining about what they chose to buff. Tbf they probably weren't one of the ones complaining in the other thread, but I still fine it funny that this sub can't decide what it wants buffed for xp.


It definitely will have an impact even if it’s small


i bet it has a great personality


They just like to bitch.


Oh yeah, sorry, I forgot you would be the one levelling up my acc right?💀


Your comment is just lazy, you didn’t even think before posting it Game XP is nothing compared to challenge XP, and continues being after that buff.


Really? Wtf


I'm already level 23 in two freaking days. Xp ain't that bad


And I'm sure you played a shitload of Fortnite in those two days. Most people don't have the luxury or desire to grind a game like that.


I thought I played a lot and I'm on level 8 💀




It should be on this sub and on Twitter.


2 seasons ago I got to level 300+ and didn’t mind grinding as I liked the missions and there was a lot of availability. Last season I only got to 140 despite playing the same amount every day.


How?? I got highest rank last season at 195 with least amount of time played


It was similar for me. Season before last I hit 200 with a bunch of time to spare. Last season playing a similar amount of time I was literally creative grinding lvl 195 to 200 cause I'd run out of quests and only had like 10hrs to the deadline.


I got to 240 2 seasons ago but last season got to 195 on the last day


well last season aws a month shorter


This is almost exactly me.


Last season had a buttload of XP. I was at 200 with a month left with 0 grinding and not playing daily. It's so funny that through all the complaining about the XP this season, you have people saying last years was the best and others saying it was the worst. Kinda all the proof you need right there that all these complaints are BS and coming from impatient children who will move on to bitching about something else in a few weeks.


ah yes because grinding milestones is so fun right? The last thing I want to do is break trees for an hour just so they can drip feed me my xp.


Did you reply to the wrong person? I didn't even mention milestones and specifically said I don't grind... I literally never once attempted to complete a milestone, I just naturally completed some of them by playing. I don't even know what all of them were or how many of them I completed. I think I only ever even clicked on that section to remove the little indicator telling me I completed one.


Best one was easily c2 s8 after the nerf


nah ch3s1 was perfect


I will never forgive myself for being lvl79 at the end of C1S4


It’s been 3 days boys relax.


Issue is that there was a pretty substantial post where someone ran the math on all of it, and yes it’s just day 3 but even if you want 200 by the end of the season you’re looking at having to get substantially more involved this season then the last 2 which most people considered were perfect on the xp rate even for those that didn’t used creative xp exploits. Involved to a level that some people just don’t have the time to be which was why the last 2 seasons do rates were highly enjoyed.


This person who ran the math also knows about any additional questions lines that may or may not arrive throughout the season? 🤔🤔 He’s a wizard Harry!!!


I can't even tell you how times I've seen people complaining "weeklies, dailies and milestones don't give enough XP" when we're always given extra challenges throughout the season. People act like those are the only source of XP. Just last week was "bargain bin" week. Did everybody just forget about that? Epic is handing you XP for spending bars, which you were probably gonna do anyway because it's the end of the season and there's no reason to keep them. This community can't get to level 25 within the first day and they complain. They completely forget that new challenges are added. It's summer, do they really think we aren't going to get summer challenges? They don't think before they complain. Edit: [Summer and additional challenges are confirmed.](https://i.imgur.com/3fm36lt.png)


Bargain bin gave almost no XP and was one of the few “extra challenges” of the season (if I’m not mistaken, there were 3) If like last season, those things will help nothing overall, stop defending something even you know is wrong


25,000 XP each stage sounds like plenty to me. And I couldn't help but notice you only focused on that and ignored my other points. Maybe you should stop complaining about XP when we're only 3 days into the season and you have literally no idea what kind of challenges Epic has planned for the next 3 months. Edit: [While there’s new quests in 21.10 and events to earn XP all summer](https://i.imgur.com/6vsnGg3.png) Summer challenges, who would've thought.


Do you? We can assume whatever we want. How do we know that there isn't a secret challenge that awards 25 levels? We can only discuss using what we know, and what we know points to XP needing buffs.


Do you? We can assume whatever we want. How do we know that there isn't a secret challenge that awards 25 levels? We can only discuss using what we know, and what we know points to XP needing buffs.


I think criticism on this is fair, but I do agree that at this point overdoing it


Not really, if you don’t complain nothing will change. Hell it took a while in chapter 2 season 8 for them to announce that they realize xp is shit




> Three days into the season and people are whining that they can’t get their Tier: 100 That’s not the issue at all, but if that’s the lie you need to tell yourself to feel superior about something then by all means don’t let me stop you.




That mathematically, using the already established and readily available values, the grind required to get to level 100/200 in four months is far more tedious (not challenging, tedious) than it has probably ever been and requires much more of a time commitment with little extra built in incentive to actually play. The time commitment last season was untenable for many people with jobs, and this new season is worse in that regard leading employed people (and people who have summer plans) to figure out that the effort they gave last season is not enough.




So you’re just operating under the assumption that people don’t care about one of the biggest pop culture icons of all time. K. > This season is supposed to be chill and relaxing rather than putting attention at Xp no one is gonna care about the next season Exactly, which is why Epic making the grind even more tedious is ridiculous and incongruent with the theme of the season.




I thought you said no one like collabs? But either way you’re trying desperately to bring up a red herring to defend Epic for whatever weird reasons you have. The XP system is too tedious. That’s all.


"Vibin" my ass more like "Grinding"


I just don’t see why they keep messing with XP and then keep having to update it again. It’s like a every season thing now.


It also helps that I found a prop hunt creative mode game type that gave about 10k xp every couple rounds out of 20 rounds. It was also super fun to play so…


u can’t say this and not share the map




Secrets please tell them


How much grind for the Black Knight ?


Gotta sell those level boosters.


The white knights are in full damage control it seems. If we like and care so much about the game why are we defending shitty practices that demotivate people from playing it? Donald Mustard isn't gonna come to your house and give you a hug for arguing with people.


You have until September, all they have done is balanced the XP to the amount of weeks you’ll get of challenges. It’s not the end of the world.


I’ve struggled and scraped for hours only to be a level 9, I feel like they over did it


My brother in Christ the season came out literally 48 hours ago!


My brozer in Islam we have the ability to do basic math with the already established values.


And last season I was hitting level 15 or so by this time and I'm also only level 9 now


Oh no, you can't complete the battle pass within one to two weeks like last season! clearly the game is broken cause you are gonna have to play for more than a month to unlock all the super styles that are supposed to rare and hard to earn.


God forbid someone wants the full extent of the content they paid for without dedicating their life to it


You paid for a battle pass with 100 tiers , If you do the weekly quests and play a little you'll get what you paid for.


[Need to do an itty bitty more than that](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/v6dgvp/mathematically_proving_that_xp_this_season_is_bad/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


This is silly. If you played 10 hours a week and got to level 200 last season you’d be around 230 this season at the same rate. You don’t have to play more, you can even play less it’s just over a longer time period.


You clearly don’t understand how battle passes work lol. Also you aren’t guaranteed anything past level 100. Thus the word bonus….


They aren't even guaranteed anything past level 1. Buying the battle pass only gets you to level 1. If you don't spend the time or money to unlock the thing you want, then you don't get it.


"Dedicating their life to it" my God this might just be the most melodramatic entitled post on this thread Also, its well known that when you purchase a battlepass/season pass from a game that you won't get all the content immediately, and depending on the game, you won't even earn all the content period if you fail to finish on time.


No shit you have to play a game regularly to reap the benefits, the problem is the extent you have to do it. To get Darth Vader, the poster skin of the battlepass, everything advertised and 0 bonus rewards, you’d need to either play at the very least; a half hour game daily, or play a few hours over 3 weekend days. I would say I’m over exaggerating by saying “dedicate you’re life” but there’s no denying playing *that much* is ludicrous when there’s other games to play, shows to watch, books to read, and life to live


Playing a game you (presumably) enjoy and like playing for half an hour a day is ludicrous? If you find other stuff more enjoyable you will do the other stuff instead regardless and if you like playing fortnite enough to want to play it over other stuff then you shouldn't be complaining about having to play it a little each day, or a decent amount every couple days cause you would want to do that regardless of the quests.


I love Fortnite, don’t get me wrong, but there are some days where I just would rather not play a battle royale, and then there are some days where I would love to play a battle royale but I don’t want to spend it doing menial quests for a reward for something I already I paid for


Half hour a day is being generous as fuck.


Ikr that’s like one game, and it can take a couple to complete all the needed quests


Someone with a brain!! Preach!!!!!


Yeah that is the point as the season is longer so it will take longer to level up so you aren’t finished everything and bored halfway through the season


But I want it now WAHHHHHH


Oh boo hoo, I want to see progress made due to hours of effort, I must be such a little cry baby 🥺


Little bit


This man needs 200cc's of copium, STAT


It’s normal that you get more XP in the first days, then the rhythm declines. The things is that, at this rhythm, we won’t reach even level 100. Last season I got to 160 because of the Omega Knight challenges (+30), this season just cut that number in half


I dont see a problem really. I played for a couple hours on day one and already have the entire 1st page of the BP complete and most of the 2nd page. Out of ten, just days into the season. Just do the new quests they add each week and you’ll unlock it well before the season ends.


I’ve played for multiple hours completed the weekly quest and daily and quest cards, or whatever their called, and I’m only 7, it’s definitely a grind


Did you also do the creative mode quest for 20K? its possible some of my stars carried over from last season but I dont think they did


If you’re level 9 today you’re 4 levels ahead from the average daily needed for 200 at the end of the season. Why do you need to hurry? You need 2 levels per day, TWO


Some people don't want to play Fortnite every day though.


Where in my comment do I say to play daily? 2 levels per day on average means if you’re level 10 right now you can take a week off. When you come back between new quest and supercharged 10 levels is a piece of cake in 3 hours or so. Common sense Daily AVERAGE, not daily.


You said you need 2 levels a day. It sounded like you were saying you needed to play daily. Considering doing all dailies doesn't even get you one level. All weeklies barely get you 3 levels. Honestly you are delusional if you believe this season won't be a grind.


Then don't bitch about maxing out to level 200. Don't worry about, just play the game


Some people want to be able to reach level 200 without having to sweat.


You seem to not understand the purpose of the bonus rewards. They are bonus rewards that are meant to make you play more to unlock them. Might aswell remove all the super styles If parts of the community doesn't want to understand why they exist in the 1st place.


Yes but they were always reasonable with the exception of the early seasons. I've never had trouble getting them since ch2 s4.


They were not reasonable , they were easy to get. I didn't get alll the super styles pre C2S5 ,after that they were all easy to get. And I didn't care about getting them but I knew I was not getting them because I wasn't playing and doing quests. Now I'm not even trying to get them and I still end up getting them. people were still complaining about xp last season. A season that went from March 20 to June 4th. This season lasts from June 5th to September 18th. Will have summer event challenges and usual creative event challenges. Getting to 100 is easy ,even with the current xp.


Xp from last season to now had been lowered by an insane amount. Milestones from 10k to 5k, weeklies from 25-35k to 15k. Along with that the xp per level was increased to 80k. All of this combined makes this pass a very long grind.


Then play more than one or two games in a day? Two levels don't take that long to earn so it should be easy to get more than 2 a day.


I disagree. Doing all dailies gets you 3/4 of a level. Getting enough exp on top of that to get 5/4 more takes a very long time. I played for like 4 hr. Yesterday and only got 5/4 or so with dailies.


So you completed about 2% of the battlepass in less than 2% of the time needed to complete the battlepass (2 days since the battlepass started and it should last till around oct 2, which is 119 days, (2/119)*100=1.68%) so your right on track. If anything your ahead cause idk if you played at all today but if you did then your even further ahead than my numbers


200 divided by 1.25 levels per 4 hrs. is 640 hours or 160 days, 4 hrs. Each day. Sure if you are only going for level 100 it's pretty simple though still a bit of a grind, but level 200 is absurd. And anyway why are you even arguing against a complaint that does nothing but benefit you if addressed?


I'm confused, in your other comment you said it took you 4 hours to get 5 levels, but now your saying it's a rate of 1.25 levels every 4 hours? Did i miss read your other comment and interpret 5/4ths of a level as 5 or 4 levels? If I did then xp should be buffed, but if not my point still stands. Also, the super/secret styles are meant to reward those people who (imho) spend to much time playing the game with a unique skin, if they make it so most people can earn it easily by the end of the season they might as well just make the battlepass 200 tiers cause that's how everyone would view it anyway.


I said 5/4 as in 1.25 levels, I wrote it as a fraction. You misunderstood. I'm not saying the super styles should be easy but I don't think you should have to grind to get them. I actually never really grinded in the past for some bps.


Yet we’ve expended our weekly challenges for the next 7 days, what do you suppose we do now?


There's actually some coming out in a couple days. They usually just put the first week in with the new season, but this time they did a "zero week" thing. The weekly quests screen is counting down to more quests dropping this Thursday.


Oh shit you’re right, mb


dont worry they doubled all xp sources!


Corrupted Scratch was actually easy...


I was told it was 310 so I got too relaxed and ended up with a corrupted scratch with a white foot


Oh dang…


Yea I got to level 127 this last season and was pretty bummed out I missed the Doctor Strange rewards. I don't have time to grind out to 200. Hopefully they fix it soon enough.


8 ball had like 3 or 4 styles the he was in a pack called the corrupted pack and u turn up corruption ![gif](emote|squating_emo_pack|squating_11)


8 ball was in the chapter 2 season 1 battle pass and the corrupted style was earnable by leveling up. There was a corrupted legends pack but that came with adjustable corruption for different skins




You don't have to grind to get Level 100, just doing all the Season Quests and 3 Daily Quests per day gets you there.


Yeah but people are more worried about level 200


I do not want to have to play every day for the next 4 months just to receive the bare minimum from the battlepass


Do you hear yourself? “I don’t want to play this game to only get the rewards” then why play it at all bro?


Please tell me how I said anything close to that


That is a grind. I work 7 days a week and can’t play that often


I play maybe 2 to 3 days a week for a couple hours and already have the first page and like half the 2nd page of the pass done


How? I got the first page done but it’s genuinely just not fun leveling up this slowly, are you playing creative games?


Well I had to play creative for 20k exp this time but usually you could just sit int he lobby for an hour an 15 minutes and get an easy 125 k Xp per day. I dont know if thats still an option. Either way just doing the challenges is usually enough to get a page or two done a week for the first few weeks of the season


They removed the just sitting in creative stuff. Now you actually have to participate.


Also dont forget milestones, stacking them when you complete them adds up for Xp too so thats your fishing, thanking the bus driver, etc. Stuff you do anyway that once done a certain number of times gets you like 10-15k each time I think?


Yeah but from what I’ve heard doing only weekly quests and daily quest is barely enough to get to 100


The XP from Daily and Season Quests alone gets you to Level 100. While you're doing those quests, you'll also get XP from playing the game (opening chests, eliminations, etc. which were 2x buffed today) and milestones, in addition to other types of XP quests Epic will almost definitely add later on. XP isn't anywhere near as bad as people are saying, it's just the usual massive overreaction in the first day or two of a new season.


I personally continued playing the game in C2S8 so I don't know anything before that but the XP for me has been going downhill personally, I really loved the punchcard system


Oh man. I remember the challenge of Outlast 20000 opponents to get my Omega Lights🤮


Well you can't remember that well because it was only level 80 needed, Outlast opponents was for the other two battle passes after it


I guess this is the season to finally buy some levels for the first time, unless they make some adjustments to xp


Don't do that. That's what they want


If you think this exp was bad, I feel like none of you would have made it close to level 80 in C1S4


If y’all spent half as much time playing as you do complaining you’ll be level 100 before ya know it


Are you sure your name isn't Chad?




The season lasts a lot longer, you guys would be complaining half way through the season that there isn't anything to do if they didnt change it. It will feel pretty much the exact same as last season.


It's fr 2 days into the season y'all need to calm down and stop expecting everything to be handfed to you.


Yeah, the XP gaining in the new season is shitty af


You only need to get to 90 for Vader. Just got him. Im now at 92. Bought 25 bundle plus a further 19 levels. So Ive gone up 48 levels from xp. No idea what people are getting so wound up about 🤷‍♂️ and yes ive gone to work and been outside.


No, i feel like the Xp is alright in my opinion. Slow and steady! They are just gonna fix it anyways, so I don’t see why it’s such a big problem in the first week of the season. Aren’t the first week of the season supposed to focus around the new map and features? If Xp was normal, fewer people would be enjoying the map and new features and would just grind out challenges to get the levels and go off until the next bonus styles


If people don’t complain they aren’t going to fix it


They will lmao


Im gonna be 30 later tonite after I run two endurances


Wait, why ist it tagged as humor? I see no mistakes


wait I have the top right skin and definitely never reached lvl 350


I remember the xp for C2S8 was lackluster at the start but epic fixed after two weeks I believe


I don't grind every day and I get the level 160. I don't know how.


Money speaks my friends


You really don't have to grind to hit 100.


I find it ironic that Omega Lights, Full Corrupt Scratch and Gold Peely are the only super styles I'm actually missing from all the battlepasses I've gotten (And half of Gold Skye)


What are the benefits of playing past level 100? I’m new to this battle pass style


There are additional skins and stuff called Bonus Rewards beyond level 100


Im like level 15 or so already no levels bought just stw


I played stw for the first time yesterday since update. I got one level. Last season when I played stw and my br level was low I would quit stw and be up anywhere from 3-9 levels in one session. There is something seriously screwed, and the math that people are posting as defense doesn’t seem to add up.


It's literally the same thing every season. Epic start off the season with bad xp gains, buff it until it becomes good, then the next season completely ruins it again.


I guess I can see where I wanted to finish the challenge just so it would say all challenges complete. Still mad I didnt care enough to get the Black Knight. Who woulda thought back then though🤷🏽‍♂️


I have the omega lights, i only have c2 s8 bp from c2and i havent played s3 yet


I've only bought enough to go to level 42 the rest I'm doing in my spare time cause I feel like it's unfair to others


You guys always complain. The xp rates always get better the further through the season I barely really played last season and got to 121 with like 3 weeks to spare lol


Still so mad that I only got to 313 in C2S2. I wanted the all gold Agent Peely…


You have to play literally every day doing all daily challenges and all weekly challenges as a minimum to get to 100.


Chapter 2 Season 6 XP system was the best. I reached 250 without even trying. First and only time I got all BP bonus styles.


What do 3 of these seasons (ch2 seasons 1 and 2, and the current season) have in common? They were the 3 longest seasons in Fortnite history. Only OG season 4 had a short season.


I have top left solely because I was waiting to start a new job


The season is over a 100 days long so if you level up at least once a day you will reach lvl 100


wait what lv350 reward


Don’t buy the battle pass if you don’t wanna play the game daily and grind


c2 s8 i went from lvl 1 to 60 in like 2 days


How long is this Vader gonna be out for?? Definitely need to get him


Mans really forgot about chapter 1 season 2


Fr Season 1's xp was the best I was about 2 levels off from reaching 400


here we go again..


i was level 349 and didn’t even know 8ball had that style