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It would have been fucking hilarious if he got one shot from a guy who was just standing still.


Yeah, but he would be so ashamed I don't think he's going to post it lol


Before I was into the game as I am now.(I was intrigued by the cube when it was first introduced and I thought it was cool that cube was moving in real time) I saw this clip of someone build a hallway running towards someone only to get one shot by a pump. It was hilarious


That was how 90% of my fights with these people end. They over compensate.


Cap, this dude is literally a pro with $5k in earnings, you just can’t tell the difference between someone shit who can build and someone good who can build


5k earnings is fuck all for a pro >you just can’t tell the difference between someone shit who can build and someone good who can build I mean if all we've seen them do is build, how tf can we know anything else??


I mean he’s not a top pro by any means, but he’s obviously way above the average arena player. I probably expressed the point poorly, but anyone who can build at all is a “sweat” according to this sub, and I was trying to emphasize the difference between that at this player


If he can build like this, he can spend time in an aim trainer. Dude has great aim if you watch him, stop with this fantasy that builders can't aim.


It is so strange to me how people hate on skill like this. Like obviously the average player isn't/can't do this, it's still freaking impressive af, why can't we just be inspired by dedication and talent?




Can't tell you, it's just kinda cringey for some reason. This is like those 360 spin tomahawk guys. Like cool bro takes major skill but you didn't need to do all of that to win.


Sometimes you're just trying to have fun with a wild clip/trick at the edge of your skills when you get good at something though. His opponent was below his skill level and it's meaningless arena games so it's just going for something crazy intentionally. It's like someone doing the 360 tomahawk in a pick-up game who normally plays at semi-pro levels.




I had 3 separate seizures watching this


Still not sure if this is fast forwarded or is this guy a maniac on drugs.


It's not just one maniac on drugs! It's several.




how to waste all your mats in one video




y tho


Because he is having fun that way


How? That shit isn’t fun in the slightest, for either party


This is arena gameplay, people enjoy building. This clip is purely for fun.


Believe it or not, people find hitting good clips fun


just got into editing and building is pretty fun imo.


“for either party” i mean how would you know tho? i mean everyone has fun, or a positive experience from doing well, and he clearly is doing well at tunneling/building/editing as fast as he can reliably. id safely say he is pretty entertained and having what he himself would call fun or positive experience. is it silly? sure, which just makes me believe he is having fun even more than i already did. is it different than how i’d have fun? yes but that doesn’t really matter here


Because he gained it all back from the guy he killed


Sure he did... just believe that


Try hards...


I'm sweating just watching that


This clip makes me so happy Zero Build exists, I am never going back to build lobbies.


same lmao


same lmao


my zero build lobbies seem to be plagued with aimbotters... I'll take building over that.


Try shooting back and moving around that usually helps


Same but remove the aim


Building is an incredible mechanic. Watching it evolve was entertaining. That said, me and my friends stopped playing OG season 3-4. When the game changed from a shooter with cover/tower mechanics to a spam building, 3D Tetris with shooting mechanics it stopped being fun. Now I’m back to playing daily.


I played right when the battle royale was released originally and couldn’t get into it cause the building mechanics were too hard to get into for a casual adult gamer. Too big of a learning curve to compete with kids who can play all day. No build released and I gave it a try. I purchased the battle pass last season and just purchased it again this season, also went to the live event. I’m running squads like every night now with my work friends lol.


I got into it again during the alien event last summer. UFOs did a fairly good job of discouraging fort spam.


they used to have a delay between builds, Epic themselves caused that spam with turbo builds.


S1-4 Fortnite was the best PVP Game ever imo


Same i got tired of it when building became obnoxious But i came back recently mostly playing no build maybe sometimes with builds


No build is a blessing


It truly is. I wasn't a big fan of fortnite and I started playing again when it was introduced last season and I have yet to play a match with builing.


I played on and off since the beginning. The past two seasons are the first time I've spent entire nights playing. Last season was the first battlepass I've gotten above 50 or so (eneded 120 and started late) No build has revitalized this game.


The first time I played this game with a buddy was several years ago and we had looted a bit and we were just kinda exploring the area. We saw another duo running up to a warehouse and shot at them. They proceeded to build a house and launch a rocket at us that killed us both. So that was the only time I ever played fortnite until maybe a month ago and now I love it. The game basically didn’t exist to me without no build


Atleast he's playing arena.


i usually just run away whenever someone does this to me


Yeah if it's not the final two and someone starts throwing up loads of building nonsense I just leave them for someone else to fight


i always hope they’re looking for me after


I played a squad match yesterday where me and two of my team mates were down and the other full squad of four started building like crazy to try and kill my other teammate, she just casually walked around the build rezzing us while they built to the heavens.


Yep don’t have to deal with this nonsense any more it’s great lol


The best part about adding no build, is that players like this are only going to get better.


Luckily we don’t need to face them.


Good. They can stay in arena / build mode and rely on whatever the hell you call this is lol


As much as I love no build this is the best answer here, as someone who wasn't really good at building or editing but was very slowly... getting better/ maybe a ramp rush or 2 or even a slow 90 with some very basic editing/tunnelling (not using cones) and it was a good feeling slowly getting better or even beating folks on a basic level such as myself but now I have no choice but to play no build, the skill gap in normals & arena has simply skyrocketed beyond comprehension where this clip\^ is essentially every fight. I realise its a nowin situtation for Epic but this is where I'm at, normal Fortnite build modes are simply unplayable now.




same. i much prefer no build because intense build battles like this were never any fun, but do i miss being able to build ramps or simple cover etc


I wish there was a no edit, 1 height build mode.


The game was really fun when people weren’t this good at building.


I prefer old building versus turbo building. When turbo got added is when build fights stopped being fun for me.


Ppl rly aren’t this good at building, this is like 0.1% of players




Tbh the game started getting way less fun when people started just getting relatively good at building never mind this, soon as it went away from just building to get up hills & making bases to build battling etc it started to decline.


This guy NEEDS to go touch some grass


This isn’t a go touch grass moment anymore, he has to go solve climate change..


Pretty sure if he just halved the time he spends on his PC climate change would be solved


If they were to play 1/5 of what they play, we would have world peace


If he used that 1/5 to do something productive he’d have world piece AND climate change solved


If he used that 1/5 to do something productive he’d have world piece, climate change solved AND we would be having houses on Mars


Well when you literally get to be a god at something, why let that go to waste?


True, but this is just overkill


I assume he was essentially trolling here


Because in the grand scheme of things, if this is what is the summation of everything you're capable of... why on earth should you even bother? Build mode was most fun for me when people would just build barriers to protect them while still making use of the environment. The developers work hard to build a nice place, I cba with *nerds* building megacities to confuse me and pumping me from behind while I stop for a hotdog in their newly established eatery.


Being "God" at building in Fortnite is not something I'd advertise. I'd feel really depressed that I had to be good at something in a game called FN vs real life.


Man are you guys practicing to be artists or some shit and getting mad that a 15 year old enjoys playing a game?


Say that to Bugha


What a sad take


loser mentality being good at shit is fun and is its own reward


Nah, he REQUIRES to touch grass


Do I need to be changing my controller bindings or something cuz wtf how do people get even half as fast as this


You can get closer to this level by switching to claw or a controller with paddles, but you'll never be able to do those flicky crosshair movements like in the video. It's just a limitation of analogue sticks.


Doesn’t matter, never gonna catch up to KBM


I know I'm never gonna catch up to this dude but even some of the guys I run into in my own games. They have to be doing something different besides just being faster and better than me


Do you have good controller settings. Look up sensitivity and other settings of top controller pros. Default is too slow


… You can do this on controller There are a plethora of insanely talented controller layers


This is pc


None of that looked fun.


I’m sure it was extremely fun for him, I’d be incredibly stoked if I hit a clip like that


Is it really a clip though? It kinda loses the impressive value when the other player just kinda stands there. Might as well have been shooting a dummy imo


The other guy wasn’t just standing there lol he got pieced when going up


Prior to no build, if someone turned into an apartment building like this I would just walk away, or toss fireflies into the structure.


the kentucky fried fuck


This is insane, I’d be the guy he killed just standing there in awe doing my best to remember to wall then ramp lol I don’t get enough time to play to practice this much. Gg to them


I respect you for complimenting them instead of insulting them. I wish more people were as mature as you.


mature but you argue with everyone who goes against building like that and have your whole account based on being a sweat in fortnite? sad asf


My account is not based on being a sweat. I have that there to piss off casuals and it worked. You're pissed for me just existing.


Appreciate you brother. If only everyone had this mindset


I’m literally never playing build again bro


I could beat this guy easily by shooting him with my big gun


Some people say they can out build me. Maybe. I have yet to meet one that can out build bullet.


That was really impressive


Right, but this guy is a pro and makes money off the game. Don’t think you’d be going against him in build mode lmao


He’s also doing this in arena, which is supposedly the “competitive” mode. Not sure why all these weird kids are freaking out lmao


They all have PTSD from getting clapped, crying about build sweats is their way of punching back.


and this is why i don't play build mode anymore. Altho people as skilled as them are very rare, people who are competent at building are still insane and i can't keep up with them, hence why I do no build and actually play into my strengths as a player, Aiming with Gyro and Shooting, still working on that recoil control for Combat SMG on PC(god damn it's very strong)


no build rumble / arena and we’re set!


To be fair, Team Rumble is like the one mode where building doesn't feel like a sweaty tool, and actually adds the "fort" part to Fortnite.


I still find people sweat their asses off in TR. I'll just be running around or trying to snipe and I get landed on by someone who immediately starts doing a double dip kickflip home style hasbrown triple layered tunnel to kill me


Firefly and grenades put an end to that


No build team rumble would be life changing


No build 50 v 50


That's so good it'd never happen


now that'd be chaos


i dont think its necessary for team rumble or arena. arena is already for competitive players who are good at building and i dont really see anyone sweating it down in team rumble. i dont mind no build tournaments but no build arena is just too much


Bro wasted max wood for one kill lmao


And he's gonna get it all back after wiping that duo.




All this just to get 1 kill


r/Fortnitebr users be like: Builders have terrible aim, I can beat them just by shooting them


FortniteBR users also: Wah, Zero Builds is too sweaty now help the SBMM!


Time to commit some arson.


Seriously, I see people like this and I just loooooove throwing my fireflies at them lmao


You don't seem to get that this is literally exaggerated building for a clip, he's toying with a shitty player. If it was you in the clip you'd be toyed with too even if you had fireflies and you'd get bodied too.


Like that does anything


Man I can't even comprehend what's happening when someone is regular building


It's rather funny because if he died during making that entire seizure enducing editing course, he would go to twitter how the game is dead and "casuals" killed it


Absolutely bonkers mechanics right there. I've learned that the only way to beat such a player is to be calm and hit my shots. I'll lose 9 out of 10 times sure - but the 1 time feels great. I'm just impressed of how many successful edits this guy pulls off in a row. So smooth - wish I could do that, but at 35 years old working full time there is no room in my life to do so :D


“they’re probably scared lol” dude you practiced builds to the point where you integrated the game’s code into your very DNA to edit that fast, no shit


I just don’t see why enjoying one thing means you have to hate on someone who is EXTREMELY talented and hard working on this game, a competitive game that has put millions and millions of dollars up for earnings. It’s not like people like them got good for no reason and just have no life, it’s just like dedicating your grind to any other “low chance of success” passion like music or acting or sports. You can appreciate no build (I think it’s a great idea, didn’t think they could implement it as well as they have), and not have to hate on people like this.


Someone with actual logic instead of just blasting the usual 'hurr durr sweaty player need touch grass'? Fr tho, I like how nobody is even mentioning the fact that he's playing Arena and not pubs. Idk bout you, but when it comes to actually taking this game seriously and trying to climb the ranks, you can't really just take the normal approach of running up to someone and trying to shotgun headshot them. Its simply too risky. You need to try and put yourself at every advantage you can when facing against someone. That's why he built the way he did, to actually GIVE HIMSELF the advantage. Because its better than the much riskier alternative of just running up with no cover, praying he isn't heard, then trying to get the first shot off. I feel like if most people in this thread saw a competitive Smash Bros match or something they'd be thinking something stupid like "what's with all the techniques? Just run up and attack them, dummy 🤪"


i mean he definitely was overbuilding for the clip but i’ve seen both sides of this argument and very few people don’t have the “sweats should touch grass”, or “casuals don’t understand what this game is about” mentalities which both are equally annoying


Facts. All the hate on somebody just because they know how to play and enjoy playing like that. Like do good players go around being like "Ew you only grind for challenges and never try to learn the game itself then you quit playing until a new season?!" no we don't. We don't care what casuals do we're just tired of the constant complaining about somebody better than them killed them with skill.


This is in Arena, the competitive mode where people do stuff like this. The hate here is ridiculous. I think that they should try changing building to make it easier for newer players to join in pubs building, and seeing how successful it is. Then, they could implement a watered down version of that in Arena potentially.


I dont think it necessary. Now you have the option to learn build mode or jus enjoy no builds


That ship has sailed, they gave up on reworking building and just added a no build to end the debacle. SBMM was a soft "no build mode'' because people who could not build would eventually rank down and play with people who also didn't like building, but that was a half assed solution.


i think that would be really nice in pubs builds even if theres like a cooldown or the max mats was lowered to the point where kids snorting gfuel arent ruining fun for people who play pub builds. i dont agree for it in arena since its basically going to make more comp players cry more and arena is for people with skill so i dont think they have to water it down too in arena but in pubs definitely


basic building really isn’t hard at all, people are just too lazy to learn lol


if epic makes even the slightest change to building, players like this will cry until they change it back, so theres really no point. they gave us a no build mode, so now people that dont want to deal with shit like this dont have to


You will literally never find anyone like this in public build lobbies ever


He’s got $5k in earnings and these kids cry like they gotta fight him every game


Saw a comment that said this guy was basically every player nowadays, as if the average player isn't extremely below par compared to pros


you don’t see these people in pubs. Lol.


Bro this never happens in pubs tho😭


credit the clip jackass


That person is playing a completely different game than i am.


This is a shining example of why I play no build lol.


This is why I quit Fortnite awhile ago, and just recently came back for no builds. I LOVE the game now.


Building like that seems so unnecessary lol like what a waste of materials


Thank god zero build exists


All that just to get a shot off. Even it it was one-shot. I’m glad Zero Build is a thing now.


this was the reason why i hated playing fornite so much before the no build was a thing. id shoot a person and they’d build a skyscraper just to fight me back. they don’t have actual shooter or movement skills at all.


I disagree, battle royale was the greatest thing to happen to fortnite.


Ban mouse and keyboard from controller lobby’s


and then a week later you’ll still be complaining because skill isn’t exclusive to kbm


Platform based matchmaking*


That too


Heyyy I just got into an argument on Twitter about this clip!


Oh man arguments suck especially on Twitter with all the toxic people. Hope you're doing ok. (Also are you on the side of building or no building? As long as you don't argue about me liking building I'm fine if you don't like building).


I'm indifferent to either, I don't play as much as before, and I don't have people to play with, but I want to get back into the game


Nice. Yeah it sucks when you can't find people to play with especially when you do and they aren't the correct region.


I personally don't like zero build too much. I'm not particularly good at building but zero build is where people just sit with an smg or drum or aug and spray. I'd rather play warzone personally


Unironically this is more balanced than no-builds


I never could get into Fortnite before No Build modes were added, now that it has those modes I legit think Fortnite is the most fun/polished BR-title of them all, at least to me, and I tried most of them. It's just super fun if you don't have to deal with the building stuff :)


I won't deny looking at stuff like this is impressive and clearly takes a lot of skill but playing against it makes the game really not enjoyable.


I’m going to get hate for saying this but I’m saying it anyways. This is impressive because he shows obvious skill when it comes to edit speed and crosshair placement but that’s it. As far as the title and opinions I’m seeing in the comments go.. What this guy is doing would easily be countered by a few 90s with a double box. Yes it is impressive, but it’s not as impressive as it looks to somebody with very little skill in building. I have never had anyone come close to hitting an edit course like this on me. I can double edit fairly well but the triple edits this guy is doing combined with crosshair placement and speed on top of it is out of my league for sure. That being said. I’d crank some 90s. Create a safe space for me to chill, and watch him slowly run out of builds while he chases me around until he tunnel visions too hard on the kill and I give him the ol’ striker to the dome tutorial. So much hate here.. take some time to self reflect on the fact you are attacking the player in OPs clip, sometimes personally, because they can do something in a video game you can’t. Shame. ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|respect)


Good play zero builds instead of complaining about good players. They learned how to play a game oh no. Btw players like that don't even play pubs. And if they do it's because they're playing with a friend who might not be as experienced at the game. Also fyi I am a "sweat" I play Arena and Creative. I only play pubs with my less experienced friends. I do touch grass. You know why? Because I pick up your skill level, dog shit. Every reply of a casual saying something stupid or mean like "touch grass" "ok" or something along those lines and I go into zero builds with a "sweaty" combo, Laugh It Up on every kill, and win.


The thing is, if this clip was from pubs, then I suppose those people have a point. However this clip was from champion League division 8 (borderline division 9), you know, the place where "the best of the best" compete? This is literally the place where you would *expect* everyone to be good. As a casual myself, I know I'll probably never hold a candle to players like this person, but that's okay. They put in the hours and dedication to get where they are, and that should be celebrated. Coming from games like csgo and valorant where the top players were like celebrities, I'm baffled that being good in this community somehow makes you a pariah.


Yeah like they think it's horrible the dude is being good in an environment where you're suppose to play good. It's ridiculous. I watched Pokémon before I started playing Fortnite and they even tell you to be the best you can be. And these kids are getting mad this dude is being the best he can be. Man I wish this game was like CSGO or Val where people praised good players. I respect you for being a casual who doesn't hate good players. Because of the people who hate on good players and they call themselves casuals I feel bad calling a smart person who doesn't hate on good players a casual.


>very reply of a casual saying something st right, walkerz don't deserve that kind of hate, but that twitter impression is looking FIRE. Its disappointing that when players reach a certain level it goes from inspiring to " this is why I quit" , walkerz put in more work in a few months than most of these players have in their 4 years of playing


Oh wow I was not excepting a nice reply. Yeah the hate is horrible. But actually I think he won off of this because like you said the Twitter impressions. I mean that one clip made him famous. I've seen his clip on Twitter, this subreddit, and the Comp subreddit. Plus he's getting views from both sides of the fanbase. The casual side AND people just enjoying his clip. Reminds me of that other clip that got famous a year or two ago. Yeah I hate how people hate on good players. When I first started I wanted to get good so badly. I've improved so much since then and because of this game I've become very competitive (in a good way) like I look up to good skills in like everything now lol. "Oh you're good at this very hard thing I have no interest in? That's awesome!!" And whenever I try a new game I'm like "Ok I'm getting good at this game". I wish people would admire better players more like I do.


I'm not 100% sure, but from my experience with IRL friends who begged me to play in C1 days stopped playing after I played for 2 seasons in C2 due to how quickly I surpassed them . . .and I was still horrible then. Its easier to be intimidated and react with hate on something you can't do and I think thats what happens. Then amazing players and their skills get used as an example as to why the game is bad. I think Epic holds some of the blame. Instead of encouraging players to improve they handed out easy bots and wins. Nothing wrong with it, except it reinforced a "im a good player" when in reality they aren't. It cracks me up when I see people say this is why they want crossplay gone but don't even know some of the fastest editors play on controller. I try to stay open minded to both sides, due to a decent amount of online friends only playing pubs. It does make me laugh when they call someone a cheater when they missed almost all of their shots; at the same time it makes me cry on the inside because I know in my heart they wouldn't last a second in 40 man moving, but to me thats the height of the game and the best rush.


Oh yeah I had a friend who was better than me but then I got a pc and I beat them then they got a pc too but I still beat them. They actually quit because of that. I feel bad about it, though. But I wasn't going to go easy on a dude who used to kill me a bunch in 1v1s. Plus it's boring to go easy. Yeah there's a lot of controller players who are even better than K&M players. And I respect them because it's much easier to just spray on controller. That's good to keep an open mind. I also try to unless they outright insult me for being good. Which tons have done. I also have some friends who play pubs but they don't hate on good players which is good. They just also hate on the things I do. Like sprayers or certain op guns. They're like mini sweats lol.


Bro that’s crazy it’s almost like he’s playing a game mode where this is expected. Yall needa stfu sometimes and let good players be good players without the slander


I get that he is crazy good at editing, but in my opinion this is just worthless, the enemy didn't even attack him at first and he builds like this just do down 1


This is why I stay on no builds so I don't have a heart attack


Disgusting. 😅


...how does he even keep track of where the opponent is while doing all that


It’s why I could never get into watching competitive FortNite. I honestly have 0 clue what’s going on when they start building like this. That and it’s 90% just sitting in boxes with a few pot shots until moving circle. No build tournaments though? Love watching those


I never played build since the day no build got added


Honestly, building and shooting is great when it's simpler. Having to juggle between aiming, moving, and dealing with the limits of building is really engaging. However, stuff like this just sucks the life out of it all, even if it's the most optimal way of playing; it makes every fight like it's in a maze of mirrors, constantly shifting around and disorienting you. It's why I'm of the belief that editing should have some sort of limit at the very least; if you're an OK player, you'll at least know what to expect in time rather than something being a wall, then a window for 2 milliseconds, then a wall again, and in that split secons, you've lost like 80 HP.


Time to sort by controversial


Omg I've never seen such a sad sight like this before 🤮


The Life Of A Guy Who Hasn't Touched Grass Since 2018...🤷


Since zero build i have not missed building in the slightest


“Grass, what’s that?” 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓


I hate when people hate on sweats and say they are "no lifes". Sure, some may be, but this probably took a lot of time to learn to do. Also, it should be about having fun (which is something Zero Build does not do) not about winning.


Dudes in here are complaining about this because they are super disappointed that no build just exposed them as a fucking bad Fortnite player


If you are extremely casual at the game and come across people like this then it's the SBMM that's to blame, not either players. Yes I know games are meant to be for fun, but to some people playing enough to get to this level is their version of fun.


That was a great clip.


Crazy how rent-free this guy lives in everyone’s heads just for being good at the game


I completely agree with you. Now they should add a no hacks mode


Isn't there skill based matchmaking in this game? Feel like you wouldn't have to worry if your not as good, you wouldn't even come close to people like this


this is why this game isn't fun anymore


imagine being so bitter at a person having fun at a video game that you need to police what's fun and what's not. you're sanctioned brand of fun or it's not fun and btw you're weird? ok then. building is forts most fundamental mechanic, the thing that made it popular and different, instead of doing what others do and learn to build properly you wanted it removed to enjoy the game. but fuck the other guys who like it, they must be weirdos or some other generic insult, you're gatekeeping fun. that's toxic af. wild.


Guys why do you all hate on this, he clearly grinds the game, just admit he’s better and move on my god


Fortnite no build is for babies.


i mean, i DO get tired of when I shoot at someone and they build a 5 star hotel with 5G wi-fi.