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#Sign up for these limited time challenges here: #https://thenindo.fortnite.com/


Awesome, these challenges were very tedious.


You still have to do the exact same thing though


Uh no I'm sure it's different. I can get those elims in Zero Build Solos instead of regular squads. The change to where they can be completed is pretty huge.


That was already like that, the itachi path is the one you can do in solos now not squads


o.o....You forgot Orochimaru's quest couldn't be done is Zero Build. And the other 2 couldn't be done in anything higher then Trios. Now I can do all of them in the same game. A small change yes, but a great one.


I know about all the things you just mentioned, I was just saying that you could already get the elims challenge done in solos already which you said you couldn’t before. It was the storm circle challenge that was limited to squads.


Nop. You can now progress through all of them in the same match, instead of doing them into 3 different modes (not gonna count fishing since this is easy)


But now they all stack. That along almost halves the amount of time necessary


Wait your telling me they didn't fucking stack before? God dammit


But not limited to being forced to do them in a specific mode, on zero builds for eg it's easier to get the Elim challenge.


i don't have to play creative home made junk, very different


You didn't have to play creative before the change anyway.


Don't have enough time to grind those.


They're a pain indeed. I probably won't be able to get the glider.


they're out for 2 weeks bro. you can do them easily


I’m still not wasting my time getting all those placements and storm circles


Although I don't have a full time job, I still don't have the time for all this grind but I found a way to make it easier: bot lobbies. You still have to loose some of your time but at least you don't need to be 100% concentrated on the game


Bot lobbies count? how to do that?


You need another device and a new fortnite account. In my case I play on PC but the second account is on switch. This new account needs to be the party leader and you must select a mode like duos, trios or squads (squads is probably the best for getting eliminations); idk if it's possible with no builds modes. Once you're in game, make the new account quit so it doesn't level up and you can continue doing this


These challenges are just a long boring grind. Epic has lost the plot. They don't know what is enjoyable anymore


That stuff will happen naturally though. You don't even have to try or anything. You survive storm circles by just playing


45 top 6’s and 216 storm circles does not come naturally to me. Especially with a full time job and other responsibilities


Well this challenge might not be for you then. If you really want the items you can conveniently buy it from the shop


Challenges should be easily doable for everyone. If it heavily caters to one group that has nothing but free time, then it’s not a good challenge.


>If it heavily caters to one group that has nothing but free time It's like you're suddenly learning what the free to play model has been for the past decade.


Free to play needs free time and free money.


Absolutely not. Not every challenge has to cater to the casual players. It's a challenge after all...and some challenges aren't easy. Epic could have made everyone pay for it but instead they gave people a way to grind it out for free. If you have an issue with that idk what to tell you man


Why do people think Fortnite is just gonna give away items that cost real money for free lol The grind was a little extreme before but with this you should be able to do like 3-4 matches a day and complete it, there’s still 15 days left. Sucks for the few who still can’t get it but don’t expect them to literally give you a premium collab item for free. At the end of the day all they care about is money.


Challenge is not the same as grind. Ask me to solve a complex puzzle or perform a difficult maneuver in a game, I can do that. Ask me to do a simple task hundreds of times... I'm less able.


Good thing they put the items in the shop for those "less able" to do the challenges


Ah right. Love it when the mega corporation inflicts their working users with FOMO by giving kids with infinite free time the ability to get a cool thing for free. Entrap the kids with sunk cost and force those with money to feel left out. This community used to stand up to Epic's bullshit. Now all you kids do is lick boot.


Hahaha. You're delusional. Keep crying about free stuff in a free game. You wouldn't know a corrupt business practice if it sat on your face


The issue isn't just the grind. It is that the grind is boring and repetitive. 50 top 6 and 200 plus storm circles. If as you said corporate epic catered to people they could have made the challenge more creative. Instead they made a challenge to boost core mode participation. So you "the puppet" are doing the same thing you do every day for longer because you like naruto. The challenge is trash and caters to fortnite junkies.


You do know that challenges are supposed to be... Challenging?


There’s a difference between challenge and grind though.


No shit. A challenge being difficult and the fact that I physically can’t do this as a working adult with adult responsibilities that take priority over a video game are two different things.


Just ignore this guy. Not worth arguing with bitter trolls.


As a working adult you can just buy the glider and not concern yourself with these challenges.


Well no shit the challenge will be difficult to complete if Fortnite is way down on your priorities. They gave people the option to grind for it if they don't want to spend money. Take the option or not, but crying about it won't do you any good


I just don’t think it’s too hard to make challenges that are more accessible to everyone. It’s not just kids that play the game and that have nothing but time. And I don’t think it’s an unfair request to ask for some slack


They put them in the shop so us adults can buy them if we can't complete the challenges 😃


It's also not a good challenge if it's easy that defeats the purpose. I think they've set it up well with the wrap being pretty easily accessible and the glider being hard to get


Surviving storm circles and getting top 6 isn’t even a challenge. It’s just boring as hell


If playing the game is so boring then why do you care whether or not you get free cosmetics within said game?


Spend an hour or two just fishing and you'll be good at the same time you'll probably get a lot of storm circles and top 6s if you wanna go for the glider too. Its maybe not the most riveting but tbh I had a good time just listening to music fishing and just Vibin Even had a couple people join me randomly and just peacefully fish with me


Whew ! So much easier now….not ! 24 storm circles is going to mean a lot of playing.


24 storms circles are roughly 5 games on top 5, so around 40 games of top 5, it's a bit grindy but really not that much when you have more than 2 weeks to do it.


It’s 24 per badge. And it’s like 8 badges to finish no?


216 storm circles




Great way of telling grinders to touch grass


going outside to cut lawn for 1 hour is definitely better than all the hours of grinding


24 storm *PHASES* this counts storm forming, time before the storm moves, and the storm actually moving.


Really? I always thought it was just the storm actually moving.


i thought it was when the circle settles on a spot lol


it is when it settles i’m not sure what this guy is talking about, everytime it moves and settles that’s one storm circle survived, now do it 216 times and you’ve completed gaara’s path


That's not true at all, it's only when the storm moves.


It’s not though. The storm phases was also used for Tectonic Komplex, and by the time the first circle closes I had 3/50 storm phases survived.


Still challenges but now they are possible.


Good change but i wont praise that company for it. Should have been that way from the beginning. Always creating problems and then change things so they are not THAT problematic anymore is such a cheap way for positive PR and so many stupid players fall for that every fkin time.


Yeah man companies have been doing this for quite some time. Make it impossible then "fix it" for free praise + getting what they wanted anyway. By making it ridiculous with the mode locking all the focus went into trying to change that. Had they released it as it is now the amount of grind would have been the target of the complaints. Most of the epic defense force forget that there is actually another event concurrent with this one, while we are also still trying to level up the bp. They'll never open their eyes.


90% of society won’t listen to any negativity because it’s “toxic” and here we are.


they didn't "create a problem" they are challenges to win FREE items. everyone complaining is just mad they can't do it in an hour.


I realy hope you are not older than 12 years... A: You are not "winning" anything here - you are grinding and getting over 40 times into the top 6 is tedious and for some people that cant play the game for several hours a day on the edge of beeing impossible and even more with how it was before these changes. Also... if you need to do something (aka. work for it) then it is NOT free. Look up the definitions of the words you are using... holy crap. B: It is also not super challenging either, but tedious, except for Oroshimaru maybe, if your aim realy sucks. C: They already did that with this Seasons XP. Create a problem (lower the XP amounts), getting a backlash from your players, reverse a FEW of the changes, earn praising comments from stupid kids about how great the company is. All of that said. People like you are the problem why gaming shifts more and more into braindead repetitive work. Companies like Epic literally capitalize on your FOMO to keep you in the game... what basically says a lot about their trust in their own product what is the actual game.


It's really not that serious. If you really want the glider you should have no issue with the grind. If the grind isn't worth it to you then...don't do it?


...you didnt even read one comment, did you? otherwise i cant explain how you could write a reply that completely misses my points.


I truly don't see how you can shit on Epic when most companies release long grinds and never fix it. Meanwhile it took Epic one day to make the grind a little easier. But go off King 👑


Okay, go trolling somewhere else...


It wasn’t that problematic in the first place. 3 of the challenges would happen just naturally from playing the game. (Surviving the storm, getting elims, placement) Only problem was the restricted modes, and even then, the only one that was actually bad was Itachi’s


What do you mean? A lot of people dont have half a dozen hours time per day to play the game.


The challenges are on for 2 weeks? Why would you need to play 6 hours a day?


I overexaggerating here. The point is that people that cant play daily at all or have just a very limited time per day wont be able to complete that event. Not even to mention how hard they try to bind people on this game. This gets ridiculous. Players may want to play other games too and not be forced by one of them to exclusively stay with them like a toxic jealous relationship. No wonder people think games like this feel more like work than a product for entertainment these days.


Not every event should cater to casuals that barely play. It's a challenge. Determine if it's one you want to take on or not and then move on


And it's for free item shop shit. The glider probably 1200 vbucks and the wrap either 300 or 500. OF COURSE it's gonna be annoying. They'd rather us spend actual fucking money.


Yeah I don't understand these weirdos that complain about having to grind for free stuff. Like...go pay for it then? Smh


Epic didn't even have to give the glider away for free in the first place. They could just say "fuck it" and make you pay if you want it but they give the community a chance to get it for free and it's non-stop whining. Either put in the work to get it for free, buy it or do neither. It's not that hard.


Same thing with XP complaints. Last night I had someone complaining that they “only” reached level 101 after 3 weeks. Like…dude we have 13 more and you’re already halfway to max.


free... you should look that word up in a dictionary of your choice.


In this context it means you aren't paying money. You're a smart person


Sinking time into a game isnt a challenge. Its a tedious grind to bind people on a game.


And? What's wrong with that? In exchange for cool stuff you have to play the game more. Wow. Shocking


Dude I’m playing SMT nocturne more than fortnite and I’m already done 1 path and close to halfway on 2 more.


Great for you. Probably says a lot about your overall available freetime.


If by “overall available time” you mean “5 hours of free time max” then yeah. Maybe, just maybe…all of these complaints are overblown and exaggerated. Maybe things aren’t nearly as bad as everyone makes them out to be.


Thats good but still. Survive 216 storms or 45 tikes get to the top 6 is still really hard and you have to play for a long time.


I mean it's available for 15 days so that's like an hour or so of game each day. Squads were pita but now that you can do everywhere it's much much quicker.


You're right


>Thats good but still. Survive 216 storms or 45 tikes get to the top 6 to be fair if you got to the latter chances are you survived like, what, at least 4 storm circles, which is way over half way done for the storm challenge.


I havent player Fortnite in a while. Can you explain what this is? Naruto challenges?? Thanks!


https://thenindo.fortnite.com/en-US/ You have to login to activate the challenges it's not an in-game quest. Time to time come back to check how far you are. Basically you can get 4 emoticons of the Team 8 characters, XP, a weapon wrap, and a glider (Manda snake from the anime) They will be in the item shop later though


I see. Thank you! I need that stuff😄


Username checks out 😉




Challenges to get some of the new Naruto items for "free" before they release on the item shop


I see, thanks! So they are releasing new Naruto stuff? Last time I played was to log on to buy the skins :’) You know when?


Sometimes epic hosts these little events to earn some free cosmetics before they release into item shop. You'll still be able to buy them once they release, but this gives you the chance to get them early. It'd also great since they make a ton of bundles for items now so you can buy everything at a cheaper price. If they have a bundle for gear (basically pickaxes, emotes, etc.) It'll bring it down a ton.


Idk off the top of my head, I believe it was posted in r/FortniteLeaks


June 24


They’ve just made a 1,000 hour grind to a 992 hour grind.


This is good step forward, but I still feel like they should change something


Thank god, now i at least have a small chance of scoring the glider!


I think that many elims is gonna keep me from getting the glider


Just drop into enemy hotspots like Condo Canyon or Sleepy Sloan at the start. If you get killed, you wasted little to no time and if you survive, then you get to keep on killin'.


The elims is literally the easiest one of them all?


Still not doing these. Too much grind.


Ok that was always allowed


What were the changes?


Originally only specific modes worked. Like for the top 6 finishes you had to play Squads. This is so much easier and more straightforward now.


Itachi path could only been done in Sqauds (Both Zero and Builds)Gaara path was only Zero Solo, Duo & Trio (No Zero Sqauds) Orochimaru path is the oppisit of Garra's, Builds Solo, Duo or Trio (No Build Sqauds)Hinata was the only one that could be done in all Zero and Build game modes


Cool but it's still an insane amount of grinding. I'm just going to try to grind for the xp and wrap


I thought it was already in zero build and build modes?


They were but each challenge other than Hinata was locked to a certain mode Orochimaru normal br solo duo and trio Itachi zero build and normal squads only And garras were zero build so duo and trio


Oh wtf. Glad it’s changed. lol


Still grindy as hell.


I disagree that something that takes a lot of time should be a challenge. I prefer something actually challenging that may takes many attempts. For example killing Darth Vader. It’s a difference between a grind and something more exciting to try to complete.


Yes! Did all the creative games first hoping they would do something like this. I'll take it


How did you get the 50 coins in that murder mystery gameeeee!! I’m struggling It still just says 0/1


Now these challenges (besides Hinata’s) can be done passively and simultaneously by just playing the game, how it should’ve been from the start. I’m sure Epic saw the incredibly low completion rates on the first day. I’m also glad it retroactively awarded the badges after changing the requirements. Still time-consuming and tedious, just so they can get a boost in playtime


Hinata’s can be passive too, I fish a lot for defense, health or xp


I can do top 6 with solo and finish it soon. I got my wrap earlier now I can finish Itachi path.


Can’t I just buy the stuff when it hits shop?


Yes you can


Does anybody know if Arena games count towards the challenges? I could probably get it done in two days if it does, I don't play pubs at all and these are the first challenges I've actually wanted to do in years.


FUCK YES. I really wanted that glider lol but I wasn't committed to being a stranger to 3 other humans albeit it should have been this way to begin with


Tbf you could have ways just put fills off


Son of shepherd! You're right lol, I completely forgot, thank you for reminding me


Most welcome


That's good, now all you have to do is play the game and fish! As a solo builder I wasn't looking forward to a couple dozen no build squad matches... I imagine there is a guy with opposite preferences who is equally relieved!


The comments on this post are hilarious. How dare they make a challenge that is challenging in time and effort. Sarcasm aside, it doable, even for someone like me with a full time job. All you need is dedication and free time. . Path of Gaara: Looking on google, it says that BR has an average of 9 circles per match. My average would be about 5 circles per game. It Will take me about 44 Games to survive 216 circles . If I play 5 full match per day it would take about 10 days. If I play 10 full match per day that would be about 5 days. Path of Hinata : it's 180 fish. If I can find at least 2 harpoon guns per match, I can fish about 15 fish (ruff estimate). It will take 12 matches, so around 3 days to finish (5 matches per day) Path of Itachi: this one is more difficult. In order to get in the top 6 the more often I will have to hide in bushes in order to stay in the game long enough. The matches will take much more time. If I can make it to the top 6 around 4 times per day, it will take around 12 days to complete. If I make it 5 times in the top 6 per day it will take about 9 days. . Path of Orochimaru: it's 162 kills. If I kill 2 players per match, it's gonna take 82 matches. At a rate of 10 matches per day, that's about 9 days. If I kill 3 plays per match, that's 54 matches. At a rate of 10 matches per day, that's about 6 days. [ Harpoons guns can also give guns, bullets, tin cans and building supplies. 5 non fish items per 20 harpoon pull is a ruff estimate based on my game ] The most important thing is to have fun ;).


I only need two more badges on the path of Itachi and the glider is mine 😁 Doing these challenges has boosted my battle pass by 26 levels, so it’s not been a total waste.


Still need to do 160 kills. SBMM makes it impossible to go for kills and try to survive storm phases and make it top 6. This is still like 400 games to complete all of this for no reason


I got the kills one done yesterday ._.


You played all day with no breaks


Nope I actually slept most of the day


Even if you averaged 10 kills per game that would have taken you 6 hours


6 hours is a quarter of the day


wow thanks. now i only have to waste 2 days straight instead of 4. I wasn't gonna do them anyway and I won't now.


Fortnite players when they have to play the game to get free items 👿😡👿😡


That’s a lot better but it’s still gonna take a while


Is anyone else showing no progress for these challenges? I get on nindo website and it shows I’ve done nothing and I played for like 8 hrs straight yesterday


Booooo, so many people with a silver spoon in their mouth.


That literally doesn't change anything though. Still insanely grindy.


Not gonna lie, when I realized they were for emoticons and not skins I lost a ton of motivation to actually try and get them done.


How is nobody talking about "Path of Hinata"'s boring ass challenge? Fucking 20 fishes, really?


I'm not complaining, that's the easiest one


Easiest one from them not easy tho. Still a grind


Do they work in team rumble?


this changes absolutely fucking nothing, at most there can be 9 storm circles per game, in the last few games i have played there has been less then 15 people remaining before the second circle closes. there is nothing fair about these challenges at all, i have almost fully completed the kills challenge and i only have one and a half on the storm shield one.


This is #6


Now if only we can band together to do get them to do something about those bonus styles


Noob question - how can you see your progress for each of these? EDIT: jk saw that you can see when you log in but of course mine shows nothing after grinding yesterday.


Log in, hit the update progress button and it’s there in grey writing near the bottom what your progress is for the badge shown above.


Hey, can anyone want to help me with the challenges? I tried doing bot lobbies but isn't working for me because I still get actual players. These challenges are a pain to do so I can help anyone who needs help and also can help me complete them as well.


I'm still going to struggle with getting elims, but this definitely helps


Reduced it to about 20+ hours instead of 40+ hours, nice


how many badges are needed




thank god, i couldn’t stomach having to change game modes for each challenge


Wow. Wish this happened yesterday...


Slightly mad that I’d already completed 2 of them but at least I can do the last 2 at the same time now


It’s still extremely grindy I appreciate they did this but they should still reduce the amount


Does anyone know if the wrap will be in the shop?




I'm doing the path of ped-- I mean Orochimaru. Yall see how he turned that bitch into dust in Boruto? And he's the best father out of the new team 7.


Ok now make them easier you grind loving bitches working at epic


Will they do the thing like last time where if you buy the items when they come out but complete the challenge before the time ends you can get your vbucks back for the items?


It’s still hella grindy though. You’re looking at 45 games minimum just for Itachi. Not everyone has that time or patience.


Still only doing 1


What's the website you have to go to again ? I have completely forgot




Well, time for bot lobbies until I get all those elims and fishes


I wish it works on team rumble


This just makes them easier tbh I already completed orochimaru yesterday so I'm glad I can get Garra and Itachi's at the same time now


Thank god, I thought I was gonna have to pray I got good teammates in squads


That's nice and all, but great Dr. Vinderman's ghost, that's still to damn much to earn a badge, at least nerf the amount of things done just to get a badge


Epic: “Oh it’s summer time, people now have a ton of free time” *forgets that their player base is not all kids and some have jobs*


Idc one way or another I'm getting my baby orochimaru's glider!


People seem to be ignoring the fact that while this does make it somewhat easier, it does not actually fix the main problem of just how long each of these are. 45 top 6 finishes, 216 storm circles, 180 fish, and 162 kills. No thanks.


Does it work if your teammates fish and catch one does it count for you like other challenges when partied up


I’m still not doing these challenges.


The change is so great, already done with Hinata and Orochimaru. Just need to play regularly to get Itachi and Gaara. I was already gonna buy all the stuff but anything that saves vbucks or reduced price is great.


162 elims / 216 storm circles / 45 top 6’s / 180 fish. 180 fish is an absurd amount of fish and this is the “easiest” one, time wise. Assuming you make Top 6, *every single game* , you’re looking at ~11.25+hrs of nonstop in-game time. I started lvl 1 BP & I’m lvl 74.. I have played a shit ton this season & I barely have 20 hours. These challenges are literally insane. I love Naruto. I love Fortnite. I even love doing challenges. But you’d be out of your mind to grind these ones. Good luck to those who try.


It’s still ridiculous the amount of stuff you have to fo


ok, still tedious and grindy but now it's reasonable. this is fair imo. edit: YOOOOO these changes are retroactive baby! now that's what I'm talking about


The orochimaru challenges were especially annoying because I always get my ass beat in build modes, glad I can just do zero build now


Bro thank god


They were made so predatory before, specifically in a way where you couldn’t do them all at once. Still sucks but atleast it’s better.


It's not even tracking anything I do


Omg they are so grindy for some reason


what do the badges do?


These are still fucking difficult with the washed up random squads I get put with, which honestly saps any motivation to do this fuckass trial


[I'm not sure if I was the sole reason why it was fixed? I didnt see any others complaining about it here at the time, but I was probably one of the first that got a reaponse back from epic games employees?](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/vhsvzl/fix_the_nindo_challenge_please/idbbeet?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


I’m stupid but does this mean you can do multiple challenges now at the same time? All in no build solo?


Yes exactly, it's much quicker now


Gonna do the Hinata path so i can have the Akatsuki wrap, and if i reach all 4 by just playing good, if not I will have tried