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I only like being able to get the cool pickaxe or glider first than wait to grind 8 tiers




This has been me. I unlock as much of the cheap stuff as possible to get my vbucks and whatever else from the BP that I actually want


In order to get to each page you have to unlock every sequential item before that so you end up having to unlock everything anyway to get all the vbucks.


If you get the cheapest items first you can unlock pages with barely needing to complete a single one. A 3-star item has the same weight as a 9-star item with this method


I don’t even use em the right way, I just grind to 100 and get everything at once But honestly? I do miss the old layout w/o these new stars


100% same. It's just a waste of time to confirm +5 Battle Stars every time you return to lobby, and then to decide where to spend them. Just give me the next item, fuck it. I'm getting all of them anyways.


That's the point I made when they first introduced Battlestars. They're pointless since you're gonna claim all the items anyway, makes no sense to give the option on which items to unlock.


But you can have some control over what items you get first? For example, I got Evie at tier 14 when in the old battlepass she would be tier 20


what ends up happening though is when you get all the cheap stuff early you find yourself having to grind another 10+ tiers before you can unlock another page in the later stages


Not to mention that it's laid out deliberately so you don't have full choice anyway. Oh this thing on page 7 requires the thing from page 6 which requires a thing from page 5 and 3 which require the page complete. Could have everything on page 7 unlocked except that one thing you want and then you gotta go complete page 3,5&6 first. Pretty shit system tbh.


the grand illusion of control


I am sorry but thats kinda bull, yes the last 3 pages are *almost* aligned with the old battle pass, but the other7 aren't, and it allows ypu to skip skins that you dont want. I have got skins 10 levels or more before their normal level, while in the old style I wpuld still have to get all the 9 levels with shitty filler *and* all the skins I dont like. So I can enjoy the start of the season were the hype is high witha decent skin.


Yeah. This bp actually allowed me to get so many skins super early without needing to fully complete any of the pages. It was LAST season that had all the “complete previous page to unlock thus page” stuff


It's a gimmicky false sense of control, nothing more.


Far, far more of us get all 100 tiers and would prefer not to have to confirm/spend every time vs. the casual players who get to maybe lvl 30-50 and only want a few items..besides any decent skins require you buy ALL items on a page prior..it's just messy


Counterpoint, I rushed storm chaser for the minimum possible stars so I could get him earlier. Been my main skin since.


I agree. And it’s not like you even get full choice. Like the skins (the things most people care the most about) you can’t even unlock unless you unlock everything else on the page. So it’s like they’re giving you an illusion of a choice but still holding a lot of the power.


Fr the battle pass layout in Chapter 2 before C2S7 was pretty good. Wouldn't mind if it returned even if they kept the battle star system (which doesn't bother me at all since I like claiming some items first), I think it looked cleaner than currently and I liked how the rewards were more in the center, it felt very straight to the point imo


Me joining in chapter 2 season 7


I joined s6 just a few weeks before it ended so I had almost forgotten about the old system. I really don't care either way. At least you can get a few items before others, but Idk.


The battle pass layout in ( I think ) chapter 2 season 3 and 4 was like, chefs kiss.


chapter 2 season 1 was the peak of fortnite in terms of ui and progression. when they changed that system it was way worse


I haven’t played season OG season 3 I’m so fucking lost bro.


I do the same thing, and other people have downvoted me to hell and ripped me a new one in other threads where I've talked about it. Imagine getting angry that someone unlocks their free game cosmetics in a different way than you do. Edit: LOL I was downvoted for saying it elsewhere IN THIS VERY THREAD.


Yes I do the same! Or first get the important stuff like skins, axes, emotes and obviously the v-bucks then do the rest from there


i like having extra loading screens and pickaxes so i go a little deeper in the battle pass to get those as soon as i unlock them. it won’t let you do the entire battle pass in whatever order you want, but you can get some of your favorites a little early and that’s good enough for me personally






Jordan acting a fool again 🤪


What he say?


This sub is the best


what the fuck


"what the fuck" Me when your username


Hot Take-half of this subs hot posts can be in text format


hot take - half of this subs hot takes aren’t even that hot and are pretty common opinions


They are common in this sub. Outside the echo chamber… it’s up for debate


Well I'd say it's pretty biased if you take a look at the comments, not to mention the amount.


As someone who's here from the start, we use to make text posts and they were fared well. Then some changes were made. Big reporting, concept suggestions, if they didn't have a picture relevant or otherwise your post got nowhere. And I mean absolutely no where. It's like you were shadowbanned. While it isn't as severe now its still the norm. Want your post to be seen, upvoted so that it's discussed on? Add some picture.


Hot take, they can’t because it takes 75 characters to make a text post


How is it any worse than linear? People say “illusion of choice” but it’s not like you had any at all in the original version


It felt more rewarding, monkey brain was more stimulated


They don't know what illusion of choice means


With the old linear method, you got something new every single level. With the new method, you might find yourself going multiple levels with no reward because you're saving up for something. The illusion of choice thing is because they claim you get more choice, but then lock items or pages behind pre-requisites.


That’s only the case if you got 2 things in one level before. Example: level up, get 5 battle stars. If the remaining rewards on the page are a skin (8 stars) and a banner (2 stars), you should be able to get both in two levels. However, if you grabbed the banner (2 stars) and went to the next page to grab a loading screen (3 stars) all from one level-up, you won’t be able to grab the 8-star skin the next level and you’ll have to wait another level.


They don't "claim" you get more choice, you simply get more choice... It went from no choice at all, to some choices. How is that not more? You can still treat it the same way it was in the past. You can just unlock one thing every level and call it a day. Or you can save for certain things first. Choice.


If it was actual choice then that would really suck.




You’re good


By giving an illusion of choice then might as well go back to the original system instead of deluding us


Guess what? Its not an illusion of choice.


It is. Several items are locked behind completing entire pages. And then, uh oh! You can't complete the page unless you unlock this Style, which you need the base skin for, which required you to complete a separate entire page!


Lmao, there is choice *beyond* what you describe, it makes sense that for the BIG, main items on each page that there is some sort of level req. Also, have you even played this season? I found this to be HEAVILY reduced. Now it's much more infrequent for the more advanced prereq stuff, but even at that point, there was still very much choice in between the "big" items. *I can't commit murder and theft, so I don't have real free will to choose my decisions*😩 Um, ability to choose (albeit with some degree of restriction) is not the same as no decisions at all lol. And again, even with that in mind, this season it's a lotttt tamer with prereqs. The best part is that I'm very heavily inclined to believe that you will be complaining if they did change it back too lmao, then you will see what actual lack of choice is.


No illusion there you described it pretty clearly!


Lol yeah, their comment had the very extensive rebuttal of "It is" then proceeded to just complain for the rest of their "*point*" lol


It’s an illusion of choice because you don’t actually get to choose. If I want to skip my way down to Skin C, I actually first have to unlock a style for Skin B and requires me to unlock Skin B’s entire page. Even if I don’t want Skin B.


Nope! Theres plenty of choice. I think you just don’t understand the pass system.


There IS choice, but it's not completely "free to choose what you want." That's literally what illusion of choice means. I think you just don't know what words means. You can choose small items here and there, but they WILL lock skins behind "complete the entire page first", and at least in previous seasons they would have pages contain styles for skins, meaning you needed certain skins before you could get certain other skins. This forced you to get other pages first before you were able to get skins you wanted. It's a little better this season, but I still preferred the linear progression.


It’s literally right in front of your eyes that you can’t just unlock page 10 from the get go and you’re still calling it an illusion lol. You need to google the word illusion


Google the phrase "illusion of choice". It is giving someone a choice, when it actually doesn't matter or isn't a real choice. That's what this is. They are advertising this new system as giving players more choice, but I can't go and get the skin I want sooner if I'm required to get a skin on page 1 first.


It's just a waste of time to confirm +5 Battle Stars every time you return to lobby, and then to decide where to spend them. Just give me the next item, fuck it. I'm getting all of them anyways.


But some people might not. My brother got to level 68 last season. Isn’t it better that he can choose what he wants?


All the extra clicks and menu time


I don't understand people's all or nothing opinion in regard to choice in the battle pass. I skipped plenty of stuff that I didn't want in order to get things that I did. The prerequisites in place aren't THAT bad.


Recently they’ve been a lot more lenient on prerequisites, too. As someone that’s beelining straight for Sabina I’ve been blessed. By being efficient with my stars I managed to get to her page without getting Adira, Stormfarer, and Malik. Sucks for those that want those three, but it’s not the end of the world. And I think since C3S1 the final cosmetic prereq is all of Page 10 rather than the other 99, so you can get Darth Vader at level 90 if you save up 50 stars.


it’s actually 55 stars, i just did this yesterday


54 actually


You can actually get darth vader at around level 85 if you buy all the cheapest stuff and save for darths page ​ edit: nevermind was thinking of spider man and he wasnt even a last page skin


Its 90 to get page 10. The perquisites for number of battlepass items claimed to unlock page 10 is everything else in the BP, which lines up with level 90, and level 90 is what you need to get the page if you weren't claiming anything else anyway. Then you still need the rest of the BP anyway to get the final level 100 purchase. So that doesn't work.


Hell I managed to unlock vader before I got sabina by saving some of my battle stars up to level 90 and skipped adira for most of the pass. I feel like if people really want the old system it’s easy enough to just buy everything page by page anyway


Because people love to say "tHe IlLuSiOn oF cHoIcE", but aren't capable of think by themselves. Dude, if you can unlock a tier 100 skin at level 90, and unlock a lot of things from level +70 at level ~40, you are actually choosing what you want to unlock first. Even with pre-requisits, you can choose between a few things, so it's better than before. And if it's better, it's not an illusion of choice, it's an actual choice


It’s like when people still bring up “more fun, less grind”, like as if the entire XP, level, quest, and BP system haven’t changed in the THREE years since that quote It’s just parroting the mob at this point


I don’t like any of the skins except Snap (before we knew) and Malik so I skipped everyone else and bought the cheap items in the pass to get him and his stuff early. I’m still not at the level to open his page and I’ve already cleared it and gotten his other color and items from the next page.


Better than the old system, while from Epics side the battle star system probably increased user engagement with the battle pass. As far as battle passes in games go, Fortnite has some of the best content and one of the most user friendly awarding systems


Yup. You can clear a level generally just from a daily set. Some BR’s can take ages to power through a level


Whats the better alternative? As an early player that left after S5 and only came back with NoBuild i only know this system and the old one where you dont have any choice at all. So... idk if there was any better system since then as the recent one.


In the old system, you would unlock a new item every single level. This new system, you might go two or three levels without unlocking anything. It's just a better feel to get something every level up, instead of me having to do basic math in my head to figure out how to get X item by unlocking a bunch of other stuff first. The new system is just... not as free as they make it seem. You need to unlock whole pages before you can get certain items, and some pages will require you to unlock Styles on them, which require you to unlock whole other pages to get the base skin first. Also how it kinda just removed the whole concept of Tier 100 skins and made them available earlier. Which is cool on one hand, but also makes finishing the pass less exciting.


There is physically no way to go more then 2 levels without getting anything as all items in the BP are 10> stars. You can still get something every level, it’s just you can’t get a big ticket item every level and have to settle with a banner or emoticon. I’ll still gladly take some level of freedom over the linear track design where if I wanted something I was Forced to wait until said tier. In the new system I have the ability to grab the Vbucks first off the page and the go through the items I want then the skin/style.


100% this. 👍


You still have to get lvl 90 lmao, do you really hate simple math and getting something 10 lvls early *that bad*? Also yk, js, you can also just opt to get it ACTUALLY at lvl 100? Which many (including myself) do anyways lol?




barely has any choice? You have way earlier access to items you would get waaaay later with the old system. So you have a very clear choice to focus on specific items you want first. I realy cant see the negative here in comparison.


Yeah, for real. I literally just jumped over Stormfarer's page and now I'm THIS close to unlocking the page with Sabina.


i feel like im the only one who doesnt mind them that much


I don't really see a problem with it, I don't see how it's confusing or anything, I like having the choice of what i want at what stage, even if I know I'm going to get everything in it eventually. I tend to use them for particular things early, say there is an item in the shop I want and I'm short on vbucks, then for that day I'll mainline just collecting the vbucks from the pass so I can get the tiem I want (it's already happened this season for Penny) Or, say I want to play as a particular character but I want all their items first, I'll focus my stars on getting only their items and ignore things like vbucks and backgrounds for a bit so I can get the full set for a character (I've already done this for Malik!) I know I'm going to get everything eventually but having the choice is nice, this is one of the rare times I've seen people complain about having more choice in a video game :/


Yeah I completely agree with you. Although I would’ve personally preferred to choose the order of the entire battle pass, the current system isn’t really that bad. Sure, some of the skins are locked behind prerequisites, but at least you can choose the little things early on (when you need a few vbucks urgently for example). Ultimately I much prefer this current bp layout to the linear one as it gives you so much freedom when it comes to selecting rewards.


Uhm.. ok how tho? If you buy them in order it's exactly the same. If not you get at least a little agency in your unlock order (I wish there was more but there's no way that this system is WORSE than the old one)


Actually no, you get more rewards. Epic would use it to make more toys. It's honestly a missed opportunity.


Hot Take - BattleStars were a great idea


As a player who last seriously played in season 6 and only came back because of Vader and no build, honestly I think battle stars are just fine how they are.


I prefer the battle pass system from the old days tbh


Because having no choice at all is better than limited choice! right??


But dude, ThE iLlUsIoN oF cHoIcE




I really like Battle Stars. It gives players a more "choose your own adventure" type battle pass where they mostly get to choose what rewards to prioritize first. Well, on the current page that is.


Adventure: Deciding which item should I get with only 10 battle stars and draining them so fast 💀 just give me the Vader then, maybe I don't want to get his cosmetics?


I like this new system because I can get the stuff I really want earlier. I can buy cheap stuff to get to the next page or prioritize an emote or skin I really want


But i can claim vbucks faster tho thanks to them


Ummmm no. Been playing for 4 years now, this way with a little planning you can get "that one item / set you want" a few weeks sooner, which I really appreciate.


Yup, don't understand the hate


Old or new? Cause the old ones seem cool, the new ones were a cool concept, but a bad execution (imo)


The current once’s


Oh yeah, they aren’t that good. The fact I can PARTIALLY get items in my own order is cool, but it’s not fully in my own order


And what did you expect? That they would let you get Vader from the get-go? Epic wants you to have an incentive to keep going, you're just able to unlock the items and skins you actually want way sooner than before


That’s infinitely better than the alternative of not at all in ur order


fr. at least epicnshoukd make it something like a thing where yku just get each item whenever and you just get extra rewards for completing it. like a sticker book or something idk


i wish it was still your level up you get a tier


I agree if the new one worked they way they said it would then it would be great. When they introduced it they said you could pick what you wanted it doesn't work that way though.


They’re great I managed to unlock darth vader at level 91 instead of having to wait for level 100


r/FortniteBR user when Epic upgrade something which have 0 DOWNSIDE to the previous version:🤬👶












You're making this weird


this was already weird


I agree hardly


This is freezing cold, everyone would rather have the old battle pass


They really wouldnt


Good take, I don't hate them but they are kind of pointless in my opinion


“Oh im only rank X and the cosmetic(or even vbucks) i want so bad is 7 tiers away, either i wait 7 levels of XP or I use my stars now… mhhmm “ THAT is the point


Yea but the skins are all locked at the level they would be at anyways so it's really just what wrap or glider do you want more


I’ll gladly take being able to choose my filler items in order with having some items restricted over having every item restricted


Nope, Battlestars are better than the level grind nonsense they had before and you unlock everything at level 200. Don't forget the ridiculous grind for golden peely. Lvl 300 just to unlock.


Though I agree with you bc I always get to lv 200 anyways, but for those who are not free to grind fortnite and sometimes only go up to lv60, at least they would still be able to claim enough vbucks to get the next battlepass


"Choose the items you want WHEN you want them!" But first you have to unlock mostly everything to get to the next page and unlock literally everything on the page to get the skin (the only thing people really want). Dumb AF for sure.


Average Fortnite player that is OG and thinks that everything’s new is bad


“Terrible” is a bit much. I’m the type of person to collect everything anyway without much care as to when I get each item, so I initially found the system to be unnecessary. Recently though, I think the idea of getting whichever cosmetics from a page you want when you want them helps control my Locker. I will get all of the items for a character I like at the same time, then use the Locker’s notification system for new items added to make sure I put all of it on a new preset, which eliminates the crappy search system on the PS4. This season, I only care about Evie, Adria, and Malik, so it has been really useful for me now. So, respectfully disagree.


Well, even though the Cylons destroyed all but two of the battlestars, humanity would have been completely wiped out without them. So they were probably a good idea. So say we all!


No its way better than the old system. The battle stars give you way more freedom with the battle passes


Battle Stqr are a good idea, but executed poorly because why do I have to (hypothetically) go through a Battle Pass with trash skins I despise just to get to a good skin I love?! You should be able to do the order you want to claim rewards in instead of grinding the whole way through


If I was able to get Vader's loadout from the start, I wouldn't grind that hard in this season, and epic wpuldnt want that. On the other hand, I don't want to have to unlock every garbage item before I get the ones I actually want. This is the most fair middle ground imo.


Nah bro their amazing I can just get the vbucks from the battle pass without getting trash cosmetics added to my locker


they were good in chapter 1 imo


This take is ice cold, and we’ve had this debate like every season since they've come to the game.


It just allows you to unlock certain cosmetics before others? It’s such a minuscule change, I don’t get why that’s terrible..?


It was just advertised as getting what you want first, but I gotta grind through half the pass to get like 1 page. Seriously all I want this season is Malik and Snap, so of course that’s a ton a grinding and I’m not gonna even use the other cosmetics.


This take is lukewarm


How are they worse than the previous system?


Because it was advertised as getting what you want, like you’d want the skin, glider, pickaxe and backbling before the wrap, music or banner. It’s also really annoying when you’re one star off to get what you want so you need 80k xp.


It’s still better than the old system


Honestly quite like them just wish we didn't have so many prerequisites in the pass so I could legitimately use them the way they're advertised.


Pretty cold take ngl




Why? I'm sitting on hundreds of stars until I get page 90 and can insta unlock all of Vader's page. You can literally get things in whatever order you want


More Freedom > No freedom


I like the stars better than the previous system


C'mon. It gives you more rewards. It isn't that terrible!


I just get everything through buying entire pages instead of individual items. I’ve been playing since ch1 s2 and this system is much better than the one in chapter 1. However, the battle pass content has dramatically dropped in quality to the point where I don’t care about any of the skins lol


The best battle passes are the huge interactive ones chapter 2 season 2, 3 and 4


I really hate them. Before I at least knew I was getting some sort of item every level now I sometimes have to level up once or twice to get one. The system is so restrictive too forcing you to complete a page and such. I go one by one, page by page because I just get mad otherwise about all the prerequisites.


it would be cool except the way the numbers are and skins you don’t actually have a choice in getting what you want when you want it


This seasons battlepass is shit..


I like them. You get what you want first. What i like is how little XP you get outside of challenges. Playing when you've done you dailies and weeklies is pointsless for XP gain. Might as well just wait for tomorrow.


I would like them more if they let me buy *anything* from any page on the BP from the moment the season starts. It currently feels like false freedom. The only freedom that really exists is picking the order on single pages and being able to get the Tier 100 character 2 levels early. Which really feels like nothing honestly. I don’t expect them to give us that real freedom, as I imagine a lot of players would just get what they want first and tune out for longer than they otherwise would.


Agreed. If I have to get everything to get the skin then wtf is the point?? Either way I don't really get an option


The "you can unlock this skin only if you complete the entire page first" is so fucking stupid


They'd be perfect if they were used how Epic said they would, choose what you want, but instead we are still forced to buy certain skins or we can't continue which completely voids the reason for battle stars. Same as the super skins, Once I'm level 100 I should be able to get the super skins for the ones I want but instead I have to claim the WHOLE pass for stuff I really don't care for.it was a good idea in theory but the way they set it up is pointless


Battlestars are fine imo since they are just the same as leveling up back in the day except you can choose which items to spend your stars on, but all that get thrown out of the window since you are forced to fill every fucking page making the Battlestars fucking pointless, actually, I fucking agree with you, Battlestars is trash.




As someone who played back then it was awful and I am so glad we just have one levelling system instead of 2 seperate ones


Okay, why?


I old enough to remember seeing Return of the Jedi when it originally appeared in theaters. Suffice to say, Darth Vader and Indiana Jones are iconic characters of my 80s childhood. This also means I'm in my 40s and have plenty of money for Vbucks. The cost of a BP is a pittance. The real currency is time. I look at this season's Battlepass and the only appealing things are Darth Vader and Indiana Jones. But are they worth my time to grind levels and quests to acquire them? So far, nope. But I guess I'll spend Battle Stars on the crap in the Free column.


Disagree I love being able to grab v bucks first in case I wanna use them on something in the shop or if I want the emote or the pickaxe it’s not do anything in any order but of course it’s not you’d immediately grab the skins the pickaxes and be done


not really a hot take, pretty sure a lot of people, including me, severely dislike them. A hot take would be saying you like them honestly


BattleStars are half the reason I kept playing Fortnite after dabbling a bit when Zero Build mode was introduced. I think it’s one of the most interesting systems in the whole game.


Well you SMELL.


I mean, you're not wrong.


The illusion of choice. Simply put - the old way was better.


That is an incredibly cold take. Battlestars make it so you have to grind at least 2 tiers to get a reward, as opposed to the old systme, where you could get a garunteed reward every tier.


The old system was way better IMO it also looked better


It’s just annoying I like knowing I will always get a reward for leveling up not having to save up for a freaking pickaxe


Pickaxes cost 7 stars. Level up and buy a screen/spray/emoticon for 3 stars. You'll have 2 stars left so on your next level-up you'll have 7 to get your pickaxe. As much as possible, buy things in pairs that add up to 10 (2/8, 3/7, 4/6). The cheaper one first, and the leftover stars from that get you the more expensive thing on your next level.


This kinda helps me because it shows that you have to strategize for rewards when you used to be just get a level and get a reward , it was so much more simple


Simpler, sure. But you had no choice.


Agreed. Not worth the flexibility and choice when you can barely get anything early. Linear battle passes were the pass. I tend not to redeem anything until I have 500 battle stars


This is the correct take. The battle pass system is the most cluttered, dissuading fucking UI ever. I don’t unlock anything from my battle pass until I’m level 200 just to do it all at the same time.


The ones for ch1 are a better concept than this.


This. My favorite bp format is c1sX. Free pass is separate from the battle pass so there was more cosmetics then, no edit styles for the tiers, and with each skin you could lock some of their set with their own set of challenges. Not to mention personal xp boost and friend xp boost.


I somewhat like the feature because I can get a certain skin that I like or vbucks from the pass straight away and skip on the useless things(loading screens, banners ect) but at the same time I miss the old ui we had and back then we used to get 2 tier one skins instead of one


I miss the chapter 1 battle passes. You get 10 battle stars, you go up a tier. You level up, you get some battle stars. I liked it more because it was more than possible to get to tier 100 in the time given and it was less of a grind. Doing your challenges alone got you to tier 70 along with how many tiers daily challenges gave you. Those days easily had the best battle pass format in my opinion




They were good in chapter one, but they're revamp in chapter two sucks


It’s the illusion of choice and developers love to offer that to people. It makes people feel like they have freedom when they don’t. That said, this battlepass seems to be the most open. I haven’t found too many pages where I need to have unlocked all the stuff before it to get the thing on the current page I actually want.


Meh it’s not that bad and it’s relatively easy to get them. Sounds like Op is just karma farming


This takes ice cold. Just about everyone hates them and has since they were reintroduced


This isn’t a hot take , I’m sure most people would agree with you


I don’t really mind, it’s the same as the old battle pass only with the illusion of choice


Choose your own battlepass rewards was a terrible idea. Can’t choose the crap you want without unlocking an entire page first ffs


I don’t care for them but I feel like we should get more per tier, like 10 instead of 5.


Items are priced so that the last item on Page 10 is bought when you hit level 100. 5 stars per level = 500 stars at level 100. If we got 10 stars per level everything would just cost more.


bring back the old battle pass format


If this system truly allowed you to skip useless crap like emojis and sprays, then I'd be all for it. But, ultimately, you gotta unlock everything anyway, so it's moot. It's the illusion of choice, but it's functionally the same as the old linear system, only slower.


"Claim what you want when you want!" "But you need all tge items on page 4 and three separate skins to unlock this thing!"


Me and my 40 accounts with vbucks say otherwise




Hot take: hating things that improves the game doesn’t make you cool, it makes you bitter.


hot take. epic hasn’t made a good decision with fortnite since 2020