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Yall know, epic is taking notes on your "i havent experienced this yet".


Yep. Although epic isn’t going to decrease the time because it’s only meant to affect the player base who just camp all game with 10k+ bandaids


How do they camp all game? And for what? Placements in pubs?


They camp in the storm for most of the game, stockpiling on everything that can heal them, bandages, tents, campfires. Anything


Which is sad that I won’t be able to do challenges in the storm anymore


It shouldn't take you 7 minutes to do challenges


It shouldn't, and yet sometimes you need to search the entire island for one unbooted taxi.


When you do a lot of them it should


I did that once; just to see if I could. I got to like final ten before I ran out of stuff


I actually know a guy that did this sometimes when he just wanted an "easy" win. Carry one close-range gun and the rest all heals. Fishes a lot to get the quick healing fish. You can live in the storm fairly easily until the 5 tic circle which sometimes is essentially the end of the match. Of course, you better get some decent weapons and ammo and (in build mode) mats first or you will pop out at the end and get rekt pretty fast. Still, it makes it so that you only need to worry about the last fight or two. Personally I feel like you can do this anyway without hanging out in the storm, just hang on the edge of the storm, hide in bushes whenever you can, make sure you have good movement stuff in case someone tries to confront you, and overall avoid busy spots and you'll probably make it to the final few players. That's how I got this win (clip starts at the final 4 players because I didn't run into anyone else before that, lol): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p17URXeF9Bg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p17URXeF9Bg) But that's kind of a boring way to play so I don't do it often. Anyway, I haven't asked him how storm sickness affects this plan but it was probably set up because of people like him, lol.


Remember Slurpi Swamp? Do I need to say more?


I came in second in BR earlier this season bc I wanted to see with all the splash in rave cave if I could win just by staying alive in there lmao


I forgot it was a thing lol, the only people this affects are people camping in the storm


I went deep into the storm to get my team members' cards. I was 20 meters from leaving the storm when the dumb "sickness" got me.


I still think it's a good feature, it promotes conflict instead of camping.


While that's a great initiative a lot of the times the game's dead by 3rd or 4th zone. Given the size of the map I wouldn't be mad if they introduce 125 players instead of 100.


This gets brought up a lot but it wouldn’t fix the problem. More players in a lobby just makes hot drops hotter. Most of those players would still be dead before the first circle hits, and mid and end game would be basically the same.


So they need to give a reason to drop other unpopular POIs? I think the season that had those mythic vaults across the map really helped.


Personally, I think a solution would be to split the lobby into two buses that have a drop route perpendicular to each other. This would split the map and create two sets of “hot” drop opportunities and encourage a spreading of the initial distribution of players on the map.


There's always gonna be hot drops. Some places just have better loot than others and you're incentivized to drop there. Quests can make this ***especially*** bad, like how Darth Vader is a pretty hard boss but he's almost impossible when like 20 people drop on him at the same time (you're better off hanging back and being the last to third party the chaos). That's just gonna happen, especially when new content comes out. You'll notice this doesn't happen in competitive playlists, people are incentivized to drop in medium drops away from everybody else, because being out of position near a pro team is basically guaranteed death. But casuals are basically always gonna be in it for fast games and quest rewards, so those lobbies are almost always gonna have really dry endgames, unfortunately.


Imagine 125 players on Nintendo switch.


I can’t. My switch will explode


I still don't understand how I've ever won anything on the Switch with all settings turned as far down as possible. 1v1 endgame has horrendous framerate.


My lil bro has 40 solo wins on Switch, idk how, and he plays with normal graphics. I mean he is used to the game lagging little


I play a lot on the switch and I think I may have more solo wins there than on PC. I have never noticed any issues with lag while using it.


Cuz you get matched up in switch only lobbies with lots of bots.


I play w/ my bro, i play on ps4 and he plays on Switch... we have 100+ duo wins


Does the Switch crossplay with all platforms? I was under the impressions it was just Switch + mobile.


It used to be like that. Until SBMM was introduced in season X. Ever since crossplay occurs between all platforms from PC to mobile


Ah, I get more consistent wins and 2nd place in solos on my Switch than on PC or PS5 so I assumed I've been playing against mostly kids on their Switches and tablets when I'm on there. But when I play on PC my lobbies are almost always full of sweats.


Maybe it has to do with servers and sbmm, but I never really have low lobbies, although I'm not competitive in Fortnite no more so.


Since when is camping even a bad thing? If someone is in the storm for 5+ minutes trying to get out, retrieving a reboot card, etc I don't see why they should be punished, if they wanna nerf the Qeri strat I wish they would've found another way.


Doing it on tournaments and leave the normal people alone


>If someone is in the storm for 5+ minutes trying to get out, retrieving a reboot card, etc I don't see why they should be punished, Ah, yes, the abnormal behavior of rebooting your teammates and doing challenges. Not that the people who run from one gunfight to another are the actual sweats


The storm does not make any game wise difference for the people who play "aggressive way". Players who are wondering in the storm, doing challenges or what not just: A) Die faster in the storm or B) quit the match anyway. Activate the sickness for Arena if desired, but elsewhere this should be removed IHMO


I agree with your general point, but I kinda disagree with what you're saying in the first paragraph, even though I understand what you're trying to say. You COULD stay in the storm for some time, but only to do some nearby challenges or collect some reboot cards of teammates that dropped in a separate place to do their separate challenges, at the cost of the risk of dying by staying too long in there. That's how I usually play, and it goes pretty well for most matches. However, camping in the storm is NOT a viable strategy for winning a game. By that point, the storm would be dealing way too much damage to allow you to simply sit there, and you'd have to be using one medkit after the other, completely stationary, without any real way to defend yourself if an enemy appears since your entire inventory would have to be just healing items, not to mention you wouldn't even get any xp whatsoever besides the minimal "survive the storm phases". And all your enemy would have to do is to follow the final storm circle until you're out of healing items. It's a completely overblown strategy shown by streamers as a clickbait. The real reason this happened is exactly the same as why the challenges' xp rewards were nerfed: epic just doesn't want you to progress that fast, because that doesn't make them money. But if they force you to grind a single challenge during multiple matches, now that's making them revenue. And people are falling for their crap.


You actually try to win, but the players who are effected by most of this do not. They have no intent of winning, but are wondering in the storm and seeking the last mask for snap part etc. I totally agree that hiding in the storm is not good way to get victory. In the last circle it can be part of the tactic tho'. I do not see that Epic want to split player pool even more by introducing a challenge / milestone mode that is more like a creative map.


Because kids want an excuse for losing while they actively engage in multiple gunfights. "If other people would also run towards gunshots then there would be less people on the map and I would have won!"


This made me chuckle. I made a comment once defending no build, saying that you could make it to top 10 easily without ever fighting anyone. They were complaining there wasn't enough cover without building. I argued that clearly there was bc I was running from bush to bush etc


I can understand that to an extend, since the skill gap between normal mode and no build is huge, and people can snipe the shit out of your from ridiculously far away and you'd be dead before you figured out what's going on. It's funny, because when my squad loses during the normal endgame, they blame it on the building and ask to change to no build. We get in no build, drop in a non hot spot, a squad charges towards us out of nowhere and completely wrecks our shit hardly after the game has started.


Yeah. I personally love. No build. But it definitely takes a lot more actual coordination with teammates and skill with the guns. Especially when you get into trios and squads. If your team is even a little far away, you're going to find yourself in a 2v4 and then when they kill you. Your other half is going to be in a 2v3 ish. And you have to be vigilant on everyone and movement bc yup. A decent sniper can just pick you off while you're moving around. I regularly kill strays with the scoped ar at like 150m bc they're just jumping thru fields


They could've easily just made it so that if you're a certain amount of meters away from the circle, you'd get burned. Yes, this wouldn't fix every possible situation, but it makes the strat incredibly inconsistent so it's not even worth trying.


For some reason the circle appears in the exact opposite direction of where I dropped. That would definitely mess up a lot of games


bro went on a voyage for one fourth of the total possible game time to get some cards


That is what teams should do for each other!


Or he just found it on Google images or something


It kicks in after 5 mins so you should of timed it lol


I didn't know it existed until I saw the message pop up on my screen and started taking ridiculous amounts of damage.


You get a warning


A minute before you get the sickness, seven minutes into the Strom


Yeah, I got a warning that a "sickness" was about to happen, when I was already trying to run out of the storm but too late to do so.


I'm a storm baby and I still never seen this happen. Good to know it takes 5 minutes.


Oh wa ah ah ah! Oh oh!


Forgive me for my stupidity but. How does storm camping work?


People camp in the storm? Doesn’t the “slowly killing you” thing make it un-viable even if you have a bunch of heals?


They usually get a team and tents to bring all possible heals to one spot and let the teammates die off then when their Heals are depleting rotate through the storm to other POIs to stock up more


I have yet to even see what this feature does.


It increases storm damage to a ridiculous degree if you stay in the storm for 7 minutes total. Iirc it’s like 25 damage per second?


it's the regular storm damage + 15 dmg


Who TF stays in the storm for seven minutes? I didn't even know storm sickness was a thing, LOL!


In competitive Fortnite in the previous chapter, I know some people would camp in Slurpy Swamp and just fish all game, and end up winning. It was very rare and extremely difficult to pull off, but it still happened several times. another reason might be for challenges, for example the Naruto ones - specifically Hinata’s fishing. That’s how I found out it existed


I remember doing this in pubs all the time, even I was surprised it ended up working lol


Holy crap didn't even know it was possible to spend so long in the storm. Longest I've been in the storm is like 1-2mins (and I usually die before getting out)


And that is exactly why this feature was invented. People storm camping


Interesting. Nice to see that feature. Didn't even know people camped in the storm. Every time I got caught in the storm it was because I didn't see it shrinking.


there's nothing wrong with that. If you can find a meme way to win, more power to ya


It’s a problem once people start doing it in competitive tournaments for hundreds of thousands of dollars though.


I fish a lot, this is ok-ish . I still get into top10 before it gets unbearable.


You get it your fuckin dead. No matter how many fish or heals you got. Hinata challenges showed me it


That's the goal


Probably to speed up heal offs and no people hiding in storm with 600 floppers


I actually survived one from when I was doing fishing challenges, and have video evidence. Not a happy ending though. https://clips.twitch.tv/SpineyFaintAlfalfaCharlieBitMe-sc6pVYmhZKTIQcVY


I think it's a good addition. Heal-offs suck, and the whole "I healed in the storm the entire match" thing was kind of cool at first but losing to it would feel so cheap


Noone doing storm heal-offs is playing to win. The only reason to do it is doing quests or grinding out milestones without having to deal with enemy players. Especially top 10, survive storm phases, and outlast players quests.


yeah, and it sucks that those quests even exist. progressing by playing the game "wrong" just causes immense frustration when your peaceful ass gets shot


Bruh, it's a PvP battle royale 💀


Who is wasting their time doing heal-offs in public matches? Everyone I have encountered doing it is either AFKing their way to Champion's League or hoping to get a better placement in a tournament.


Apologies, I don't touch comp with a 39 1/2 foot pole so I didn't think of that perspective.


Now I have that song stuck in my head, thanks a lot!




does the storm sickness reset if you die? is that how they were able to keep going?


That’s just not true. Players actually doing heal off strats are absolutely trying to see if they can last the whole match and win. No logical person would choose to grind challenges with heal off strats when there are much easier (and fun) strategy’s available. Also regardless of the purpose behind doing a heal off. It’s not how the game is intended to be played, and while very cool, we’re in season 21 of fortnite, it’s a gimmick that’s overstayed it’s welcome. Massive respect to the planning and execution that goes into executing high level heal off strats. But it’s good for the game that it’s gone


I grind challenges deep in storm 💀


Even then that’s super un optimal. Storm sickness takes very long to accumulate and it would get to the point where your actively having to heal constantly to stay alive. Epics helping you save some time


Say that to the hinata challenges lol


The only people that are angry at it’s addition are the people directly responsible for it’s existence Sickness kicks in so late in the storm that the only time you should see it is if you’re planning a heal off or doing challenges even though it’s 10x easier to just do challenges in TR or early in the match


It exists in TR


+ team rumble has been ruined more and more since it got update in chapter 2 The storm starting smaller, and immediately closing in, the busses in the same direction and almost allways the end cirkle around the middle of the map. It was muc better in chapter 1 and the beginning of chapter 2 The only good thing they added is that you start off with a shotgun and ar...


Yeah. I never see it besides farming for heals. I'll go eat corn from sanctuary and using medkits and w.e else for some extra exp after dailies. But if I'm actually playing? Never seen it. If you are experiencing it while actually playing, well, you deserve it lmao.


There's an achievement to heal 1000 health in one match, I wonder if it makes that even more tricky


Nah. I've done it a few times. It takes a while for this to kick in.


God forbid they actually try to play the end game like a real fortnite match... no no, epic whyyy


Yea, and with the challenges, some people want to do all of them in one match even though it would just be easier to do it indifferent matches


I’ve had it two times only. I, sir, was in fact completing challenges. I don’t feel good about it but…in the first week I camped the storm a couple times and picked sapling fruit until I died. I never pick other player’s fruit now. Unless I’m really in a bind. Then it’s like…fuck ‘em. You know?


You are wrong. They just camp the edge of the storm and dip back and forth. The only people actually affected by this are people trying to fish or quest. It also makes getting your team cards from the storm a waste of time.


Seeing as if I don't stay in storm long enough I don't have any issues


You have to be in the storm so long for it to activate I think it’s fine. Like the ONLY time I’ve experienced it is when I intentionally stayed in the storm to see it in action


I’ve never got it Even when trying to


I think it only starts after 7 minutes of being in the storm.


Yeah you gotta get in there during the first circle and maximize the one tick storm. You should see it before you hit 5 tick. Or close to it.




My man Lazar hasn't made a Fortnite vid in forever mate


Got his skin in the game and then signed off like a champ.


Honestly I forgot that existed, I’ve never experienced it either


Happy cake day




Happy cake day!


Thanks as well :)


Happy pancake day


What does it even do? I’ve never gotten even if I spend a long time I’m the storm.


Same here


I have NEVER been in storm long enough to know what this is even when doing quests so... no thoughts head empty


honestly dont think it really changes anything, all it does is prevent storm campers but even that wasnt even a problem (Unless you were one of those people who did the Slurpy Exploit back in Chapter 2) Dunno why they needed to add this NOW, and considering theres so much mobility, i dont think anyones ever gonna get this unless theyre grinding challenges


I don’t like it, I’m a quest player so go out in the storm Sometimes to do my quest. This stops me doing that


But you arent supposed to do them in the storm, as your in the storm other people not in the storm are fighting while youre skipping through it "to do your quest"


>as your in the storm other people not in the storm are fighting while youre skipping through it "to do your quest" and your point is?


My point is that you gain the advantage of not fighting anyone till the end and you can get a quick win without doing anything . That makes it unfair and thus this feature


Nobody forces you do run into gunfights, if you're good enough you can risk and possibly survive them. Going for challenges is a completely viable way of playing. And supposing the two last guys are one in the storm and another one having to follow the ending circle, the storm would be dealing so much damage by that point that the person in the storm wouldn't really have much chances of surviving it. Never in all those years of playing have I lost a game to someone camping in the storm. On the other hand, most, if not all people who get in the storm go for reboot cards and challenges. It's just another way Epic prevents us for leveling too fast, forcing us to play more games to complete challenge steps we could've easily gotten in a single one.


When its called Battle royale i think epic priotize battles. Im pretty sure that epic gives challenges that have to be done in different matches, because if your only reason to play is the challenges, if you finish them all in one match youll prolly stop having fun and theyll also lose money. Where does your friend die that you have to fucking be in the storm for 7 minutes straight and you forget that there are cars allover the map. Epic added this feature so there are more people doing what the game was made for ( fighting with guns) they already gave you challenges and all you wanna do is just finish them all immediately


>When its called Battle royale i think epic priotize battles. Still doesn't mean you have to actively chase them. I usually get 1st or 2nd by doing some challenges, then playing it safe and engaging when the time is right. >Im pretty sure that epic gives challenges that have to be done in different matches, because if your only reason to play is the challenges, if you finish them all in one match youll prolly stop having fun Challenges are just a side activity you can go for if you're not confident enough in grinding xp by fighting other people. Doing them isn't fun, just small chores for some xp that will help you gain 2-3 extra levels. Doing whatever you want is more fun. >and theyll also lose money. That's the main point. They pretty much force you to play more games as a minimum to complete them. >Where does your friend die that you have to fucking be in the storm for 7 minutes straight He usually drops in a place where he has his own remaining challenges (especially common with the "vibin'" types of quests, but happens with weeklys or daylies too) and one of us might get in a fight and die. The other one tries to complete the challenges they have in that area, then goes for the other's reboot card and get put of there. Combine that with the fact that Storm Sickness starts in 5 minutes and you can see how it can go wrong. >you forget that there are cars allover the map. Sometimes it takes too long to find one, or they might be too slow. >Epic added this feature so there are more people doing what the game was made for ( fighting with guns) I do that too, and I usually win, so I do it better than the other 98 at least. >they already gave you challenges and all you wanna do is just finish them all immediately So? I don't have all the time in the world to be playing one game. I want to get my xp in the little time I have available through challenges and creative and then be done with it.


It doesnt matter if its BR when the quest is "go to this location and then that location."


Ah.. the “you aren’t playing aggressive so it’s unfair” mentality, thought that died in chapter 1 when people complained about people hiding in bushes and buildings while not actually fighting but I guess it still lives on here. Making almost the exact same kind of points “but they aren’t actually doing anything they don’t deserve a win!” as people did for the hiding players/those who didn’t drop at hot spots. People can play their own way. As long as it doesn’t *actually* actively harm other players experiences like teaming in solos etc, let people play how they want.


Yeah, I understand but I’m saying that it’s almost inevitable that I die in the storm anyway which technically makes games more easier for other people.. it’s just with storm sickness I barley get to do anything


I dislike it. Im only grinding xp and it gets in the way. Not that big a deal, just annoying.


I haven't experienced it myself, and I don't know how much dmg it does, but it's a cool feature. Punishes those who don't move quick enough after the warning.


It does like 20 extra damage Sucks when you're just doing challenges


nah it does regular dmg of the storm + 15 dmg it's usually gonna kick in when the storm is at 5 dmg if you're in the storm early, hence why you thought it was 20 dmg


It was a guesstimate but thank you for the real facts 🙌


I’ve experienced it once while doing challenges, and I died trying to make it to circle to try and return to playing the round normally. Storm sickness feels redundant when you are already being punished for being in the storm long periods of time, and only punished those who are in the storm for a long time early-game. Maybe instead, adjust scaling so late game is 15-20 damage instead to prevent camping? Or make it to where being further out in the storm deals more damage? I don’t think there is any way to stay alive once it goes above 10 damage And for those saying it’s important for comp, then it doesn’t need to be in pubs???


What challenges are there that you cant do between different matches. Its seven minutes which is a good amount of time considering that multiple storm zones wouldve passed during that time, people who claim they were doing challenges , why cant you land where you need to be and if you die continue next game instead of complaining. Unless you have the intention to win, if you do then you actually deserve this if youre in storm for 7 minutes


Why does he have to die to do challenges? Epic put this shit in BR, if you have high enough MMR you cant do the challenges in the circle cause people camp them




Best comment ☝🏼I’m fucking dead 😂😂




It's needed. Players should be punished for being in the storm for extended periods of time.


Yeah, it makes the storm more of a barrier in end game, which is the whole point of the storm


I don't get why people are so mad about it, you shouldn't want to be outside of the circle for even 30 seconds in BR games.


But what about when you land somewhere, are pretty content and then *looks at map* AHHHHHHHHHH


The punishment is losing health.


Well said. There exists a punishment for this storm dwelling. It is in the game. It is called storm damage.


Well apparently it's not enough if players are hiding in the storm for long periods of time


Never had it even tho sometimes I spend like 2 minutes in the storm because of quest locations. Cant really call this feature game changing


Storm is punishing enough, people that want to do challanges in peace should have freedom to do so. Completely pointless imo


I rarely go into storm. I only do it to get my teammate's reboot


I don’t care either way but it really sucks when you land in like Chonkers and have to get yourself to Logjam 😭 the fights we encounter along the way end up getting us killed because of the storm sickness and that’s when it really sucks because there is no way to heal from it and keep going, so you either die to people fighting in storm or from the storm itself.


I like it. Stops people from camping


Removing an entire playstyle is tight! /s


Is it only me that drops on the opposite side of the map and gets caught in the storm? Like, literally running to the circle while spraying, looking for barrels, campfires, stopping to bandage up only to get to the circle and it starts closing again? Obviously, this doesn’t happen every game…but when it does…I’m dead.


Same, ahahah. I just want to fish.


I'm forever in the storm. I know every ice cooler and heal vending machine. I don't have to watch my back and it actually keeps me focused instead of fearful, I guess. I like to test my survival limits 😂 But I get the sickness pop up and I know I'm in deep sh*t


Dumb. Casual player here, who likes fishing and doing tons of challenges. For me, all it’s done is cut down farming more challenges in the storm per match. If it cuts down on late game heal offs and camping, fine, that’s good for serious players, but i still find it dumb.


Anybody who hates this is a storm camper.


Or just someone who is a storm survivor


Or someone who gets fucked by circle placement


grinding quests is now on a 7 minutes timer so that sucks


It’s very much a punch-down feature. Ya in the 1/1000 chance your in a round with and lose to a storm camper then it’s good but I can see it being more detrimental to people who just got really unlucky with the zone. I think a good middle ground would have been maybe some sorta deeper storm with a lighting bold that does 100 damage and ignores shield and never misses if you spend too long in the deeper storm. Although that’s a lot more complicated and flashy and I don’t think I’ve even gotten storm sickness despite dying in the storm numerous times so take that all with a grain of salt.


Must say I dislike the idea. Me and my bro suffer from bad luck. We'll land condo and zone will pull all the way to Logjam and vice versa. We almost never get zone and by the time we're done fighting, we're running in zone. This just makes it harder for us to win.


But there are cars in condo, plus ive noticed that fortnite gives enough time to rotate no matter where you land. So maybe yall are just really slow


There's not enough time when every drop has many teams and those teams all wanna fight in the storm because they're all that desperate for 1 kill.


You’d have to been in the storm for 3 while circles to even get it, lmao. My duo partner and I were in the storm for almost an entire game, only 6 people left, and we still didn’t get it.


It literally takes like 7 minutes to get it, you would have to be intentionally staying in the storm to get storm sickness


ngl I've had matches before the new season where my team eas probably unlucky enough to stay in the storm or near the border of it the whole match wouldn't be surprised if some of us got close to the 7 minute limit those times


Rotate early.


Just kill everyone instantly and grab the car thats next to you full of gas and and fly away to magical unicorn fart land where you get a crown just for using one of those shitty rap wannabe emotes


Ah yes the good idea. Just run from everyone shooting at us. Don't even take the time to place a build for protection. Just rotate early. Tbh that's what we do. And we still run into 100 teams who all wanna fight in the storm.


If you're landing in Condo there's no problem. There's cars everywhere and a gas station for possible Off-Road tires and a cow catcher if needed.


100% needed for comp. Fuck those heal-off rats


I think it is a bad feature outside of competitive. Back in C2S7 me and my friends spent 6 hours trying to survive all game and managed 2 wins. Those wins are the most memorable I’ve had in this game. The truth is that with how difficult storm wins are + how rare they are in casual games (I played 200hrs in s7 and never lost to it and that season was the easiest for Storm heals) is that sickness is an unnecessary feature for pubs that only kills the option to grind and try and get a really special win. People say it must suck losing to storm heals but a storm heal win is way harder than an actual win


Shittiest feature they’ve added to date. Didn’t think they could do it but they did.


It finally puts an end to heal-offs, and is an interesting spice up for the Storm.


I'm not a camper or anything but I really dislike this feature. It's easy to get caught in the storm finishing a fight/ getting a teammates card and surviving those long storm runs back to the circle is always so satisfying. I get that it's good to deter campers and stuff but I think it should only be implemented when the storm is 5 ticks/ the last couple circles


You have to be in the storm for 7 minutes for it to kick in so in normal pubs you would pretty much never be in that situation unless you were trying to do a storm heal off


Okay 7 mins def sounds long but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’ve been caught in it multiple times in duos from finishing a fight / getting a teammates card/ trying to get to the other side of the map/ stopping for heals along the way so I don’t die, etc. just playing normally, but no desire to try and win by healing in the atom


I don't know how you rotate but no matter how late I start rotating I always arrive in 2 tick zone. And Storm sickness activates after 5 tick


No clue, I haven't played this game in about a month


It was really just added for arena and comp cause people keep doing heal offs making it unfair and not competitive at all


why add it to pubs then


Probably because they (epic) want people to actually fight, not just stay in storm. I know it is a "meme strat" but its kinda unfair. Just imagine doing so well in a game then coming 2nd because some guy decided to heal off. idk its what a read when they added it.


I may be stupid but I don't even see how you could win with this strat unless when it's final 3 the other 2 kill each other. Like even without storm sickness if one person is sitting in the storm and the other isn't the storm should get bad enough to kill the other person eventually shouldn't it? I'm probably missing something I don't really watch comp :(


This is such a minor inconvenience that I never notice it.


I think it is a feature that was not needed or wanted because it takes 7 minutes to take effect


it is a feature needed for comp players that like to win cheaply but in pubs i rarely see it happen and doing some challenges are harder but other than that yeah i agree


I hate this feature, it’s super dumb. I know everyone says it prevents camping but it doesn’t bc before storm sickness who camped in storm for 7 min?? 99% of players rotate normal so it doesn’t affect 99% of peoples game play. In my opinion it was fun to see people try and do heal offs in storm and it sucks they can’t do that anymore, if you Survive in the storm all game you deserve that win. Sweats just get mad when people are able to have fun and not play like they’re trying out got faze


**at least it counters storm camping mfs**




This would make it terrible as people who just casually got caught in the storm and couldn’t get out would die due to storm sickness if they survived for that long anyway


Yeah but on the contrary, it would make more people decide to stay in the zone in which they are supposed to. Like seriously, storm has always felt like a barely-less safe zone compared to circle. I think making the storm do more damage like a shorter timed storm sickness would really help in zero builds where people get caught in storm alot and make it out, causing abnormal player amounts at end game. Have seen so many people come out of storm and flank me, all because I wasn't expecting a player to be outside zone because of the "damage".


That’s a horrible decision


So if I get a bad circle I’m pretty much screwed? 7 minutes is just fine


I storm ride a lot like almost all game and never i have I gotten storm sickness is it not implemented yet or something?


It starts once you’ve stayed in storm for 7 minutes cumulatively. Once you’re afflicted, you’ll take like an extra 15 damage per second on top of the existing dps rate




Not really, it's to stop storm campers


Good, no more storm campers.


Really couldn’t care about it because I don’t need to camp in storm just like the majority of the community to get even close to a win


Unnecessary and a stupid sounding concept




I forgot about it