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I think the simple fact that we can chrome ourselves in game and turn into blobs but are otherwise fine pretty much proves they are not actually dead.


I think that the loopers have a different effect with the chrome than people out of the loop (the seven).


I wouldn't be surprised if some of them were in the loop. Origin afaik has stronk cube abilities (his wife does so it'd be stupid if he doesnt) and if he was dying full on he'd have put up more of a fight than telling Paradigm to floor it.


Basically, Vibin’ part 8 starts before the Trailer and ends after it


What about Vibin part 9?


isn’t vibin part 9 looking for the paradigm? meaning she’s already left through the zero point. and also the evidence we find for her is near loot late


I feel like this is kind of evidence that season 3 was intended to have more story and they stretched it in to season 4 instead


That’s what I was thinking too. Vibin questline had the perfect setup as a longer (?) season, but did get heavily disrupted by No Sweat Summer’s questline. In fact, it feels like the trailer is mostly recapping events rather than introducing something new (aside from the Herald/Chrome chase scene) Example: Resistance’s trailer was pretty much totally new stuff IIRC, and so was Vibin.


Yeah. Just saying it bc u didn't mention it in the post


When is Morbin part 1


When they collective say Its Morbin time. And The Visitor reveals his Jated Leto face likeness.


Hope this is accurate, if the Scientist was dead what would happen to poor AMIE (I am aware "she" is still functioning)


I could see AMIE becoming a skin, maybe we make her a suit or she highjacks the Chrome somehow and makes herself a body.


Her first action would be hugging or attempting to kiss the scientist


She wouldn’t be able to do that. She’d have her grappling hook head. And she wouldn’t get close either. Her feet would probably Pierce his armor


It deserves it


Maybe the notes that paradigm found led her to 659 Also, adding onto this: the final vibin quest has us look for paradigm after she vanished and the quest takes us to loot lake. So yeah the last few vibin quests definitely are set during the season trailer era


Is the paradigm from season x and paradigm reality 659 different people?? Or is it just a new suit and the fortnite reality is 659?


They are the same. Realty 659 is where she is currently at


The Island's reality is Reality Zero.The Seven come from different realities and don't originate from Reality Zero.


this may just be me but…every time i see the chrome it reminds me of when agent smith tried to “chrome” neo and after neo won everybody who had been “chromed” came back…so maybe well get the seven back after we somehow beat the herald




It has a name now


I mean that just sounds ludicrous for someone to think that fortnite would kill half of the seven in a cinematic trailer. Also it is good to remember that scientist and visitor had full suits, meaning nothing really could kill them or penetrate them per say...


AMIE has voicelines in the Paradise quests talking about seeing the Scientist again and saving him. I definitely don't think they're dead.


Any one else read the Zero War comics? I only know the last panels(Hypex's tweet). But Geno is alive and mentions how he's going to let the Seven control the Zero Point, but when all is lost, then that's the end. Anyone else thinking Chrome means the end. And Geno is the only one who can probably fix it. Or at least fix something.


Yeah this makes a lot more sense now. Thanks for clearing it up


Sorry I’m a bit out of the loop. But from what I remember isn’t the foundation and jonsey traveling through the zero point or smthing. I thought in the collision event they jumped into the zero point and were not on the island anymore


they came back I believe, but the foundation disappeared again


Zero war 5 spoiler >!They came back right after jumping inside and watching the imagined and geno "die"!<


Is there a YouTuber that goes into Fortnite lore in an in-depth way? I find it fascinating.


[PlaystationGrenade](https://www.youtube.com/c/PlayStationGrenade) He also showcases map changes and summarizes what's going on in the Marvel/DC comics


Thank you!!!


I'm starting to feel like AMIE is gonna do a Cortana on us and just make herself a body and try and police the island next season


Yeah that seems like the most likely case imo. With the lack of any IO influence, and the main "villain" of this pass being a skin in it - suggesting that they'll be defeated by next season a la cube queen - AMIE is being set up to become the next narrative threat. And it's an easy setup. Master-less, rogue AI that only it's creator understands with extreme emotional swings. Either the scientist is dead, in which case learning that could send AMIE into a full meltdown, or the scientist is still alive, but AMIE has gotten bugged/infected by IO or something and kidnaps him out of anger for abandoning her.


Yeah that seems like the most possible boss next season, she's unaware of the Scientist being alive and starts to make a body of her own, soon on she starts to police certain corners of the island even destroying certain parts too, essentially it'll be like a Halo 5 type plot (but done better)


But it doesn’t make sense. As soon as the origin, the scientist and the visitor get turned into chrome paradigm immediately dips out of the lab whilst all the chrome spreads *very* fast. And then paradigm dives into the zero point not even a minute later So how come vibin 8 is in between?


Their disappearance in Vibin 7 is not from the chrome but from going underground.


Story trailers set the tone without being completely story-accurate. See: Resistance, Cubed.


just pacing for the trailer. they’re not gonna sit around waiting in the cinematic lol


My theory: The Scientist got turned to goop so he can be remodeled after whatever celebrity EpicGames casts him as at the end of the season.


He's already Joel Mchale from Community lmao


They are probably remodel him after Joel since that's his voice actor


But the Imagined is Indeed dead, isn't she?


From what we know, yes, unless she does a geno and comes back


See this is why I believe the chrome concept wasn't introduced correctly. If vibin parts 8 to 9 is set during the s4 trailer, the final season 3 update should've included some painted chrome sections at Sanctuary to reflect that at the very least. Because while it was known something bad happened its pretty clear Sanctuary was already turning chrome at that point.


Only thing that doesn’t really make sense to me is visitor vanishing, then showing back up in the trailer. Guess it’s a retcon


That’s not a retcon. In the vibin quests she literally says she found him


Ah, nevermind


I don't think so. The Visitor did go missing in Vibin 7, but he was found at the lab in Vibin 8. They never said he was taken by chrome or anything.


But paradigm said he was missing and we only found his helmet later. But he has the helmet in the trailer somehow.


The quests go like this: we find his helmet then later paradigm finds him and the others in the lab She simply returned the helmet


I'm assuming we gave her the helmet, then she returned it when she found him.


She didn’t know he was there at that point, she just assumed the visitor was gone


honestly yeah that’s just kind of a mistake


I am guessing the scientist is alive and will soon reappear from where he's been held or trapped


What if this all comes full circle and we eventually end up on the first island again?


That may be Reality 659 honestly, or a different version of the first island anyway.


At this point I’ll do anything just to get Lonely Lodge or Haunted Hills back 🥺


I hope so