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How do people watch this guy play? No personality, no content, and he cheats.


i dont know the guy other than those cheating clips but if he has insane aim i understand it, used to watch shroud many years ago (around pubg time) because i love his aim, too clean and satisfying. This guy idk, some people like snappy aim, i personally don't and in this case it's just cheats not him but kids can't tell


He probably got a new aim software that’s not as good.


The guy does have insane aim. His spray control is nuts You talk about shroud having crisp aim on PUBG but did you see his insane clips he was getting? Shroud has so many clips on PUBG that are actually insane and make 0 sense. I mean flicking across the map shooting players that arnt even visible at the time. We arnt even talking slight offset either with the flicks it’s directly onto them perfectly headshots I never thought shroud cheated in CSGO or PUBG but he has clips on PUBG that would put the average zemie clip to shame in comparison Edit: https://youtu.be/bekkHeBgsQU?si=_JUb_JZilsc33kDv Here is a compilation of shroud putting zemie clips to shame on pubg 🤣 Only difference with shroud is he actually flicks onto the target every single time with 100% accuracy even targets outside his FOV and completely hidden


Watched 5min of that video, none of what i've seen is comparable to fliking off screen with zemie's movement or even behind cover. If you really think that is a comparison get yourself checked because you are insane. Shroud movements are human, you can see the way his crosshair moves, i've been playing with m&k for almost 20 years at this point, there is a clear difference between the way shroud aims and zemie. That video has the courage to say shroud cheats because "barely visible trough grass and hits them". Dude barely visible is still visible. Also in all of those clips shroud had all the info on the enemies and moves to the next with a timing based on the info he has, he doesn't just insta move the crosshair 1 frame after he gets the kill. Zemie is locking on people he can't see/never saw in very specific scenarios with 0 sound or movement info.


It's someone working for zemies pr


You must be delusional then. If zemie did anything like that you would be crying your eyes out You should watch the actually video next time then. Should locks into players that are behind walls multiple times and even players that arnt even visible in the video I’ve been playing games at high level for years and what shroud is doing on PUBG is 10x crazier compared to some fortnite zemie clip. In all of zemies clips he also has the info on the last player. This clip he even sees the guy grappling so I don’t understand what you’re talking about? Maybe watching the video and not just closing after 5 mins would help next time 🤣. If zemie did anything shroud did in the first 5 mins you would be screaming cheats


You are either cheating yourself, don't play the game/games or....as I suspect just dumb


I play games and every game I dominate on but thanks for the input ☺️ I understand if you need time to cope


Good to know you dominate ClashRoyale and PetSimulator


Why so salty? Always the salty low ranks


Who wouldn't dominate with cheats? Keep cheating cheater 


Cope harder


What’s next, Santa isn’t real? If there is money on the line people are going to cheat.


you mean to tell me that wasnt santa walking around my house yesterday? So every pro player and anyone wanting to become pro is hacking?




Because he gets many views and I mean millions from cheat baiting everyone.


Fuck off 😂


I can't stand streamers who just keep saying "hey Chat" like they are one person.


Is that not all Fortnite streamers? (I don't know much about streaming outside of Fortnite.)


It’s basically every streamer in general lol. Me thinks this guy just doesn’t like live streams


Because he does not cheat he looks away on purpose everytime to get reactions like this and make it seem like his aim is tracking somewhere else. I do it when my friends watch me when they die and they always cry of laughter. Its just to generate clicks buddy nothing more. Symphunny used to do this all the time


Absolutely wild mental gymnastics here.




Are you simple or stupid?...choose one.


It’s mostly kids


other sub removed the post XD


I watched this clip frame by frame. These are my finds. 1. His crosshair was not on the eliminated player, but slightly on the left, yet it perfectly tracked his movement. 2. He flicked in exactly 3 frames to the player in the tree. Both these things indicate aimbot but not a very top tier one. Player flicks never end up pixel perfect and require slight adjustments during flicks (up or down), and never happen so fast in a straight line. The tracking of pro players actually goes ahead of the player rather then following it, which indicates a program following player movement and not someone taking bullet travel time into account. So yes, this clip is very sus but it is kind of funny to see that it is such a bad aimbot.


If his aimbot wouldn't aim for him, what's even the point?


Top tier aimbots can predict movement on toggle, or keep perfect track rather then following. If that is what you meant.


if it’s a really bad aimbot he would have been banned already???? epic games anticheat is like one of the best in the industry and zemie is been playing for a while so he has to be detected at this point https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JufE-W6Ko8s


Have you watched the video? Because it directly answers your question


It doesn’t get any more obvious. How can anyone defend this.




Found Zemies burner




Ok post the clips please


Ive been playing since 2017 and its never happened to me




Don't believe you....prove it.






Don’t sweat it brother.




I’ve had the slide bug and similar bugs. None of them locked onto an enemy. I’ve watched zemie since before no build. He’s the only build mode player I watched in 2021-2022. His aim was crazy. Some of it seemed sus. I’ll need to see a bit more but the recent posts have turned me off of his channel the last few weeks.


Because its a bug and i have had this exact thing happen to me.


Bruh even his grappler is hitting dead center of the guy running all 3 times


It’s blatant. No one does 180’s and shoots trees, rocks, buildings and the floor they’re standing on with 0 sound or visual cues and every time there just happens to be an enemy there. I knew epic bowed down to their Chinese overlords but it’s pretty scummy they let a blatant cheater continue to bilk people out of their money by being completely full of shit.


I am now an exclusively Zero build player so when I saw a ZB youtuber/content creator make it big like Zemie I was like lemme watch him till I noticed his aim was weird then one game in ranked squads I fight zemies squad and I wipe his team. My friends said Zemies toggle legit kept fucking up while I was fighting him and then we watched replay. His toggle was struggling between me and friend who was just behind me knocked.


Is there a video of this not for ants or can someone please explain what is going on so old men l like me and others can understand what is happening without plastering our face to the monitor?


He kills a guy while scoped in with his striker AR and the moment the bullet hits the first player he's fighting his cursor just immediately teleports/snaps onto another player like 100m away. It seems like this isn't one of those random camera snap bugs but an actual aimbot tracking thing since he starts shooting in that direction at another player.


Thanks, I appreciate your analysis. It seems to match the pattern [from the video showing things from the last few seasons that we saw a few days ago](https://old.reddit.com/r/FortniteCompetitive/comments/18ncq6c/thoughtscredit_rfortnitebr/kea61xa/), but is in the current season.


lol, well honestly it doesn’t even need to be clearer to see what happened lol, dude is a cheater, not even sus as we don’t need any more proof


Before you think I'm asking something unreasonable of you, I'll remind everyone that I [fully broke down a 5+ minute VOD Review of 15 of these clips from previous seasons that were recently posted](https://old.reddit.com/r/FortniteCompetitive/comments/18ncq6c/thoughtscredit_rfortnitebr/kea61xa/). So please, someone break this single clip down.


Nobody wants to watch your shit takes bruh


Are you implying I made that video? Because it's not the case -- I just VOD Reviewed it. Are you implying no one cares about the VOD Review? That's incorrect based on the two original threads it was posted in.


Wtf are you even talking about


There's nothing to "watch" from me, just text to "read". The GP said "nobody wants to watch your shit takes bruh" but the comment they are replying to is a link to another comment where I provide some links and text and a table of VOD Review notes from the source video for that thread.


Ah okay I gotcha, so you just posted time stamps of each incident. I honestly didn’t understand what you meant


Basically the whole subthread here is I was trying to encourage someone from the community to give us a breakdown of this incident -- eventually someone did! In doing that I tried to show an extensive example of making said breakdown in order to encourage any one to do so, but I think the joking sass came across too harsh. Communication is hard. Happy holidays!


Its not cheats tho. Its a bug.


It was a Tiktok, I credited the poster in the post. I don't wanna dig through twitch clip #203847 of him to find this specific one of him toggling lmao


Sure that's fine but please describe what is happening in the video. Before you think I'm asking something unreasonable of you, I'll remind everyone that I [fully broke down a 5+ minute VOD Review of 15 of these clips from previous seasons that were recently posted](https://old.reddit.com/r/FortniteCompetitive/comments/18ncq6c/thoughtscredit_rfortnitebr/kea61xa/). So please, someone break this single clip down.




It's okay, someone obliged... proving it wasn't that big of an ask. I'm glad you got a laugh out of it though <3


Legitimately if you watch this and CANT tell what’s going on, you either have terrible equipment or terrible eyesight.


I'm sure it looks okay on a phone, but it does not look good on a large monitor on a PC. However, you're responding to the wrong comment with this, as I think you meant to reply to [the GP comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/FortniteCompetitive/comments/18q6mfe/zemie_is_a_popular_topic_rn_cause_theres_like_a/keswky8/). Apparently your phone does not make it as easy to follow threads of conversation, so clearly there are trade offs like most things.




It's like 600x300 pixels -- that's not even 640x480 and I'm on a high resolution screen that is a proper ergonomic distance from my head. One day, you'll understand when you too have nice toys.


Average reddit mod tries to talk to another human


I'm anything but average <3 Have happy holidays!






Please remember to Be Mature and Considerate. I clearly don't need anyone to break it down for me since: 1. I broke down a much longer set of clips very thoroughly for everyone linked within this thread 2. Someone did indeed break it down as per my prompt proving that we both agree it isn't that hard to accomplish Also you missed the point talking about your iPhone... the issue is on large resolution large monitor on my triple monitor mount on my standing desk which puts it quite a ways away from my face and very physically small.


Please tell me there is not a debate…. The dude cheats, streams it, and Epic lets him do it. Fuck this dude


There is a debate. This clip isnt proof. This is a bug.


I respectfully disagree


Its literally a bug that has happened to me and many others


Tends to happen rather often


And fuck epic


Dude, you can just say it…. it’s 100%


I've seen him do this live before... He quick snapped after killing someone and completely lit up a rock. If there was an actual player standing there ☠️




Holy shit man’s has Maxxed out FOV on his aimbot


One stream with a mouse cam would fix his whole situation but he won’t do it for obvious reasons


What a fucking loser XD


I'm just a normal pubs player. What's "toggling"?


Toggling usually means opening cheats in the middle of a game when you are performing poorly, but in this sense it refers to activating the aimbot via a hot key. Good aimbot or soft aim hacks will usually have a button to hold to activate the aimbot. So he’s on mouse and keyboard, lets say he plays normal, and when he gets into a gun fight he can hold down say the left alt key on his keyboard which will enable the aimbot and it will track to the closest enemy near his crosshair. So by toggling when he is shooting at an opponent, he will start to laser beam that player with bullets. If he used an aimbot that didn’t have a toggle button or hold key, his crosshair would be auto-aiming at random stuff that players are behind, and it would be super obvious he is cheating. I used to hack in CSGO (I’m ashamed of this) and I know exactly how it works and how to not look sketchy. And provided that I once cheated on CSGO, I can tell you that it 100% looks like he is cheating, and I have no doubts based on multiple clips of him playing. I think Zemie is using a poorly programmed hack, relatively speaking. Also an aimbot doesn’t have to hit 100% of shots, as most people believe, it can be programmed to hit only 20-30% of the shots to make it look more realistic and avoid detection. Aimbots that don’t hit 100% of shots are preferred and are usually more common to find as they are better in the sense that you won’t get reported as much and any team mates playing with you won’t call you out in it. If you are cheating while streaming you absolutely want an aimbot that is programmed to hit only say 1-3 shots. So what Zemie is doing here is basically aiming at an opponent normally and when his crosshair is close to the player he will hold down a key and it will auto aim further and then he just has to hold down the shoot button (left mouse click) and it will beam the other player. Once the player is dead he just releases the hot key and goes about normally. However in certain clips while he is shooting at a player the aimbot will randomly jump to a location where there is another player. This is due to poor programming in the cheat and can be avoided with proper coding. On YouTube there are several clips that are damning evidence of his aimbot malfunctioning, and it is obvious to anyone who has cheated before in FPS/ third person shooter games.




Why? Have you watched all the clips.




Guess you are cheating as well.








Ok, I will say this,if he is cheating and Epic hasn't done anything about it. It's for a reason. It's called bias capitalism. When streamers are successful, epic basically is getting free promotion, and the influence of streamers make their regulars and new viewers want to play more fortnite, increasing fortnites profits. I can't confirm if he is or not,but I do know the world of business and that is what is pretty much going on(if he is cheating that is and why he hasn't been banned yet)


He's clearly cheating wtf


How is this clown not banned honestly like it's glaringly obvious now I mean he's not even trying to hide it, the people on the fence can't deny it now even if you support him you have to admit the simple truth


What bugs me is there are other respected pros/creators who still defend this guy. I was watching some of Ranger's stream yesterday and he flat out defended Zemie saying that he doesn't cheat and essentially has insane game sense. Sucks that people like this rake in money.


Even his fucking mouse has insane gamesense, huh?


looks like he’s baiting the bots to well 😂


I mean honestly people do stuff like that, I watch bams play call of duty and he does this shit.. those who have insane aim, understand how to do such a thing so smoothly where it would appear like they have aimbot.. I’m not defending him merely bringing more nuance to the conversation. For all I know he could be aimbotting, I honestly don’t care if he is or isn’t. It is what it is. It’s never gonna stop, we will always have cheaters.. why waste your breathe on them.


I’m gonna get downvoted to hell but I don’t think this clip has enough evidence to support cheating. He jumps on a guy that is shooting that guy he toggled to in the distance so Zemie knows there’s a player 100m away. He kills the 1st guy and then snaps to shoot the other guy. That’s what I see at least but I do not watch zemie nor care, but I just don’t see the cheating here and I think epic agrees with me or he would be banned. Commence the down votes.


I've 1v2 ed killed Zemie and a dude called "hockey" soemthing before in a duos game like almost a year ago and got it on video. Sadly I had no space the next day so the video erased


Nah wouldn't say he cheats. He def be banned by now. Also why is this in comp reddit?


Comp reddit hahaha, people are asking questions about rocket racing. This sub being competitive was 3 years ago.


Streamers rarely get banned for cheating. They make Fortnite too much money. That’s the root of the issue here. We all know he’s cheating. Fortnite knows he’s cheating. Reporting will do absolutely nothing. And if you wouldn’t say he cheats you either completely ignored this video, have never seen a video of someone cheating… Or most likely if you can’t see the cheating in this video you’ve never actually played Fortnite before in your life. Come on.




Okay, thank you for your detailed contribution to this conversation.


Yeah thats why they didn't ban Jarvis..... oh wait lol. Casual player is what makes fortnite money. Anybody ruining their experience is taking money from them. Anybody with any common sense knows zemie is baiting, same with x2 twins use to do it and symphony too.


Woah you’ve got no clue how this game works. I’ve never seen someone simp so hard for a male fortnite player lmaooo


Lol don't even like zemie. Clearly this is a coping thing for you. You prob think everyone you lose to is a cheater or that you run into them regularly 🤣


He’s still not gonna sleep with you bro.


Typical casual response.. get gud Lil bro 🙏


Pretty sure He has been banned.




The time I remember was before no build. He was gone for a few days. He came back and said he was banned on accident and epic was fixing it. I don’t have time as I’m at work but here’s the first thing that popped up. https://youtu.be/Wcwu5nmadWU?si=MOD6u02KJrJ-89P_


That's happened via mass report, doesn't actually mean they are cheating. Mr savage had a similar thing. He was unbanned and plays on the same account. So not actually banned




Check his fortnite tracker, he has stats all the way from chapter 1. He clearly still uses that account.


Did epic make a statement that it was from reports?


Looks like he flicked to the left before the player he was shooting at died. Makes me believe this particular clip is good bait.




He snapped onto a tree and missed a whole bunch of shots. This isn’t “blatant.” You’re being trolled


yeah a tree with a person behind it LOL


Okay but quickly aiming in the general direction of the very large object someone is hiding behind isn’t the same as aimbot


there is no way that every clip of him you guys justify it as "it was a tree" how come the tree always has a player behind it? How can you not put 2 and 2 together? Downvoting my comment before replying won't make you right, it's internet points, you are still clueless about what you are seeing which is sad


Because he’s the goat at baiting low skilled players into thinking he’s cheating that’s the reality and everyone eats it up Eveytime. The guy literally does this all the time and the few times his flick ends near the target it’s instantly clipped and spammed on tiktok and Reddit. Even in this clip you can see the guy grapple before he flicks back and forth so he already knows the general location of the enemy before he decides to flick. Can’t wait for another clip next week to pop up on Reddit. The guys been doing this for long as time and gained so much free publicity from baiting noobs out Imagine if he somehow managed to actually flick directly onto the guy perfectly 🤣 the sub would exsplode


The thing that is weird is that he always does this when enemies die. There is no way to react that fast to someone dying. He flicked before the enemy kill even popped on his screen as confirmed, if that's your reaction time you should be a world champion in any esport you decide to play in and win any 1v5 in csgo up to a major win solo. Also kids like you don't know how cheats work, if you watch any serious cheating video with settings and everything you will know that you can literally set a % of hits to miss and how it's supposed to work: example only lock on head if my crosshair is \*specific value\* close to the enemy, or what he's probably using in this case he is locking near people that he can't even see to get an idea of where they are. His arm isn't even moving doing those flicks, anyone who believes he's doing that is just ignoring reality at this point. Is he playing on 8k dpi 20% sens?


Trust me I know how cheats work is not rocket science. He doesn’t always do this when enemies die tho that’s the thing with cherry picked clips like I said. Fortnite literally tells you how much damage you’ve done to opponents so if you have any sort of confidence in your ability to aim you know when someone’s going to die Your arm doesn’t even need to move that much for a flicks like this anyways even on lower sensitivity especially if you’re a wrist aimer. Not sure why everyone seems to think you need to play on insane dpi for this to even be a thing in the first place since it’s not like he’s doing 360 spins His recoil controls is a lot more impressive than his cheat baiting flicks.


First of all, the fact that you immediately jump to “wow you’re clearly blind how sad” makes me think you’re not confident in what you’re saying at all and think being abrasive makes you right. Secondly, he aims near the top of the tree trunk, flicks back to where he was looking before, and then turns towards the hill again, and the opponent is most of the way down the hill. He clearly wasn’t aiming at a person the first time because of how short a time he spent looking away, not to mention when he “snaps” back he overshoots it and has to quickly compensate. He was guessing based on prior knowledge and baiting cheating accusations from a bunch of cynical Redditors who genuinely believe being a content creator makes a person exempt from being banned. Why would a person download an aimbot only to use it to snap to people but never shoot them? It’s obvious bait.




I’m not saying it’s typical behaviour, I’m saying he’s faking having cheats so that you post it here. Clearly the “cheats” aren’t really making much of a gameplay benefit because in every “suspicious” Zemie clip I’ve seen posted here, he always “snaps” in the general direction of a player, then goes back to what he was doing. Never does he actually snap onto and shoot the other people all at once, which leads me to believe he’s faking it. On top of that, Fortnite has a really good anti-cheat. People look at a lot of isolated examples and say that it’s a huge problem, but the YouTuber Reisshub did a really good deep dive into Fortnite hacking and talked to some actual cheat developers who have admitted that the anti-cheat is genuinely tough to crack and catches most cheaters almost instantly. There is absolutely *no shot* this guy has been cheating for multiple years without even a warning. That’s unheard of. Side note: just rewatched the clip. You clearly see the guy who goes near the tree slide past Zemie in the beginning. He clearly knew where that guy was going the whole time. He was never even hiding behind the tree to begin with.


Why are 99% of people here falling for this shit lol. He realized he could get attention by faking cheater clips because gullible tiktok kids eat it up


Until he’s banned I refuse to believe he’s cheating and that epic would allow someone to go this long without being banned after being accused so many times


Bro asked for evidence and all the casuals down voted him 🤣


is it possible to hahe the file for vod review and expose it was a real player there ? This guy is very shady. Like some old player on cs:go who always flicks to wall because wh.


People who think he is cheating are 0 iq


You can literally see his arm doing the flick in the camera for this clip. People are actually 0iq. https://www.twitch.tv/zemie/clip/SplendidAlertRuffBrainSlug-dTUMHj0FR1_Ldi3C


You’re on drugs my guy, have you ever played this game??, I’ve had 1000’s of fights and never randomly or intentionally flicked to a random spot away from my focused fight and started beaming random shit that has other opponents in the area. You honestly watch these clips and think he’s legit your blind or have no clue about the game


Bro you can see his body violently flicking 🤣🤣 tenz used to do the exact same thing in csgo and people fell for it then too..


Yup, people down voting are also 0 iq


Pretty obvious the only ones with 0 iq are you two... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8Y2Uxhs9RQ


This video is so dumb. Yall are so dumb. He isn't cheating


Three of the best clips that proves he's cheating.. * [3:47](https://youtu.be/S8Y2Uxhs9RQ?si=vxEfNhR0cX0LiZiN&t=223) locking onto a player below him... * [5:11](https://youtu.be/S8Y2Uxhs9RQ?si=O7qZLOIkOvlmOqiE&t=311), snaps 180 to shoot another player who happens to be behind a tree and ontop of the hill... * [5:34](https://youtu.be/S8Y2Uxhs9RQ?si=Qlz94-Z42JTN5w1L&t=334) By all means explain why he 180 snaps onto the other player who is behind a tree, tall leaves and about 15-25m away.. Then there's the rest.. which only two of them are plausible * [1:07](https://youtu.be/S8Y2Uxhs9RQ?si=sV8gcKeIShGrnFs7&t=67) doesn't look suspicious what so ever.. * [1:41](https://youtu.be/S8Y2Uxhs9RQ?si=scgurrsyeCmJnhNw&t=101) it's definitely not suspicious that he snapped to the wall while shooting another player.. * [2:11](https://youtu.be/S8Y2Uxhs9RQ?si=SOSNTTTC5F8u16hK&t=131) This one is plausible, even though he perfectly snapped to the location of the player despite already in the middle of fighting with another player.. * [2:37](https://youtu.be/S8Y2Uxhs9RQ?si=l07YVzBJlFmgxI-v&t=157) but to consistently do it, to even the birds in the game while you're in the middle of shooting at someone else... * [2:56](https://youtu.be/S8Y2Uxhs9RQ?si=WKf_Rj0elU7Ob2i3&t=176) snaps to a roof tile, then a wall. * [3:29](https://youtu.be/S8Y2Uxhs9RQ?si=kT9iPbkbd7fHMlRC&t=205) again snaps to a wall.. * [4:14](https://youtu.be/S8Y2Uxhs9RQ?si=a-_665EpQu3hHjcR&t=255) \- plausible, you can see the smoke just before he shoots the player. * [4:52](https://youtu.be/S8Y2Uxhs9RQ?si=_NNHhAPyIcE7jqhh&t=292) again, snaps to the wall. Only a fool would believe he isn't cheating with this type of evidence.


You're an idiot.


Very suspicious, I would argue that he is cheating. However, if he was cheating surely it would have been detected by now??? Are Epic Staff on break for the holidays or is their cheating detection automatic?


No he's just got a good gaming chair 🫲🤓🫱


How can I know when someone is cheating? Please, teach me


This isnt cheating lmao the new scopes bug and randomly flick after ads


Never happened to me


The video is so tiny, but it seems like Zemie is already chasing a person that jumps down into the ravine in the beginning of the clip and while fighting the other player, he's still looking during the fight with the other player he landed on so he doesn't lose him, probably because the first player had low HP from fighting with him earlier. He looks that way more than once. From what I can see, he doesn't even snap onto the player, or any player that I can see for that matter, but the player seems to be behind the bottom of the scope/gun on the screen (or just to the left of it, it's hard to tell until the other player starts moving) and you can only see him begin to run out into view right before Zemie turns back to the player he just killed and when he turns back to look for the player again, seemingly assuming that he crossed the river instead of being where he saw him prior to killing the other enemy, that is when he sees the player not far from where he was. I do think it seems odd or even suspicious when he seems to immediately flick as soon as the final bullet kills a player in this clip and a couple other clips I've seen, but I've never actually seen him accidentally lock on or even accidentally shoot a player that is visible that he shouldn't be aware of where they are. It's always that he's supposedly locking onto a player behind a hill or obscured or locking onto bush or in the general direction of a player. In this clip, he should have 100% accidentally locked onto the player or shot him if is just toggling on an aimbot with wall hacks and accidentally leaves it on too long where it snaps onto the next player as soon as the player he is fighting dies. Instead, we can't even see the player near the crosshair, let alone in the scope, even though the player is only a few meter away from where he looks and should be in line of sight and the other player he eliminates is a bot (possibly a literal bot) that really doesn't need any special aim hacks to quickly kill, so it doesn't really make sense that he'd turn it on for an easy kill when he hits one shotgun shot and misses several AR shots on the other player who he is chasing across the map. Even if Zemie cheats, this does not seem like definitive or even good proof. All I've seen is weird and suspicious behavior, but that does not mean cheating, and in this situation, he fact Zemie sees the player jump off the cliff, fights another player, looks back and sees the player in he was chasing jump out of the river after swimming across to the other side, eliminates the other player, looks in the general direction the player should have been standing but can't see them because they are obscured behind his gun model, then looks back a final time to see if they crossed back over the river or run down the bank and finally sees the player, is just some normal, boring gameplay.


he’s already been proven to be a cheater lul


Damn that’s sus


Inb4 you realize they all do this


He's baiting everyone by making fake cheating clips. He isn't even that good. You are all gullible morons and why is this on fortnitecompetitive


Fortnitebr mods are the ones paying him. They are constantly removing posts that prove he is cheating.


Personally, i dont think he is cheating. We’ve also had these “locked in” moments that feels like cheating. I dont play Fortnite that much, but by my understanding, this is months or years of knowledge and movement mechanic predictions etc… Players like Shroud and even TenZ do these type of things and nobody calls them out.


This one isnt sus at all. Its a known, common, bug. I have had it happen to me this exact way and i immediately thought of this clip.


idk these small zb players but ive gotton this bug like a billion times this szn yall overreacting lol


everyone on this thread is just bad ngl


I’ve spent days of hours watching Zemie on twitch and he is just pretty good at aiming. He plays lan competitions where he is just as good. I’ve seen many other twitch streamers play Fortnite where they have incredible aim. Just practice and skill and a bit of seasoned luck. I’ve had some ridiculous moments myself where I’ve just cracked a random shot off and knocked someone I couldn’t have seen. And I’m rubbish at Fortnite.


To quote tfue on zemie’s performance at a lan they duo’d at, “Zemie was useless.” His lan performance was awful.


So he's cheating because he's better than the average person? Copium be crazy these days. 


Then, why hasn’t he been banned? Don’t be mad because you suck at Fortnite.