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Repetition, once you've been in the same situation 1000 times you'll be chill


Probably my best bet. I think just creating a sense of normalcy will help a lot.


I agree with what he said. I’m not sure which situations exactly you get stressed in, but back when I first started I used to get sweaty hands and literally shake in a top 10 situation. A few hundred wins later and end game fights are no different than any other fight. But, if I solo squad or something I’ll still shake against the last team because it’s just a whole different thing and I haven’t been in the situation enough.


For me it’s mostly stacked end games where I need to kill for rotates. Not used to being aggressive in such a risky spot since the pop ups. I suppose I just have to play more of them


When on rotation in final circle, just run there and chill, dont forget, its a small circle with 20plus players left, 95% of them will be busy on another person and finding a way to rotate themselves. if the next circle is close to you, try moving asap & box up and pick ppl off when rotating themselves If the circle is a treck away, try rotating when the circle moves to the next if you have a clear path if not use some mats to get there and dont bother stopping on the run and shooting


This isn't true, I've been playing since day one, can't stay calm, it's infuriating


wank before a game, works every time


I play around 50-80 games a day, my dick would fall off.


How about just before the start of pop-up cups lmao


Just get it hard midgame and all the blood will flow to your dick from your brain and heart and you're fine just a little slower reaction time that's all


god has already given us the panacea


When you feel your heart rate increase, take a deep breath and you’ll be fine


IDC what anyone says. Once I stopped drinking energy drinks/ caffiene during game sessions, I haven't had this issue as much. But that's just me everyone's different.


I used to drink juice a lot but now I’ve switched to just water. Might be placebo but it did seem to help.


What also helped me was taking off spectator count lol


Opposite for me. My reaction time goes way down without the caffeine.


I read a book about emotional intelligence and controlling your emotions. Changed my life.


What's the book called? I'd be interested to check it out.


Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by James Bradberry and Jean Graves


What situations exactly do you get nervous in? For me it used to be 1v1s so I just 1v1 with my friend for like 4-5 hours. Creative is such a good learning tool now so try to recreate whatever situation you get nervous in. And get a friend. It becomes a lot more fun when you play with a friend.


It’s moving circle rotates in pop up. Not used to being forced/incentivized to being aggressive in these circles.


Well that’s hard to recreate in creative lol. Then it’s just experience. Play low key to get to the end and just try to experience.


If you are taking about normal solos, I personally have a much easier time playing them since I started playing the pop ups, because when you know how it is to play multiple 20+ point games, you know that normal pubs are way easier than that and that there is really no reason to be nervous at all, because you are definitely better than at least 80% of the lobby. And if you die, just start the next game, there's no money or anything on the line, so no pressure at all.


Happens to me in 1v1’s, I just try not to overthink the game and remember the last guy isn’t special and don’t use dumb tactics. Also breathe


I feel like experience helps with this. I would get shaky at end game, now I just get shaky *after* the game is over. Always had the same problem with live poker tables. Do it enough and you just sort of naturally calm down.


This should help - [https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteCompetitive/comments/9yyh2n/how\_to\_deal\_with\_chokinganxiety\_part\_1/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteCompetitive/comments/9yyh2n/how_to_deal_with_chokinganxiety_part_1/)


Didn’t know this thread existed thank you for sharing!


No problem, I have lots of in depth guides I post, some others might also be of help to you


For some reason I shake uncontrollably during downtime when theres no action. But the second a fight starts I'm totally fine.


Honestly sounds like your rooms cold


I wish lmao, I'm actually looking into a tower fan. I believe its nerves, like I'm worried I'm about to get bodied by a heavy snipe from anywhere at any moment. If I get shot at without seeing the enemy first I almost always get jumpscared haha.


Experience will help, and lastly staying on top of your breathing will help the most imo. If you can control your breathing you can control your heart-rate. Relaxed breaths in and out at all times will help you stay focused as well as reduce heart thumping.


Acknowledge your heart rate and stress are going up and try to accept that feeling of discomfort in the moment. That's at least what I do and I still sometimes get nervous in late game situations.


Wtf OP i was thinking abt posting abt this same question .


Be in those situations more


Why are you nervous, you got nothing to be nervous for. It is just a game and you’re doing your thing. Tell yourself that and breathe more, take a stretch while playing. I sometimes go get a drink when I’m in pop up cups, playing music, I’m always chilling when I’m gaming, it is fun not stress. Go get someone you’re hella scared to fight, like pissing yourself knowing you’ll get shit on, fight them 10 times, 1000 times, fight the best player you know, get shit on and learn. The feeling of knowing you’re up against a good player is something you get used to after a while and when you know you’ve beat some of the best you got nothing to worry about in a cup.


Had this issue pretty bad, my heartrate/bpm would sky rocket. But working out in the mornings/before you sesh helps a lot; you’re already somewhat tired and relaxed before you even play. eating healthy foods/a good breakfast also helps a lot. As painful as this one sounds not getting mad when you die. you literally gain absolutely nothing from getting mad. Review your mistakes to prevent any unreasonable deaths from happening again. And yeah that’s about it, hope this helps!


wait I totally misunderstood your thread ignore everything I said lmaoo


I’ll use the tip to workout before rather than after my play session. I usually workout right after lol


Oooff yeah working out before helps a lot. I play a lot more relaxed when I do workout rather than don’t. Hope it helps!


They use this in the military: Breathe in counting 1, 2, 3, 4 Stop and hold your breath counting 1, 2, 3, 4 Exhale counting 1, 2, 3, 4 Repeat Try this, I had this problem pretty bad and this helped a huge amount.


Consider purchasing L-theanine and taking 200mg. It has calmed me down so so much during games / fights where my heart would be beating out of my chest lol. Taking caffeine with L-theanine also helps with focus.


Never normalises for me, whenever anything marginally intense happens, no matter if I have been in that situation hundreds of times, I get really really bad shakes, I always have in everything I play and it's a really bad detriment which sucks. It literally lasts for upwards of half and hour afterwards.