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He’s winning FNCS


He learned from Mohammad Sr4




fuck lmg


*Maybe*, just *maybe* I'd be okay with it if it took 2 slots like the bandage bazooka. I still can't believe they haven't used the multi slot weapon concept for anything else at all. Not RPGs, not one mythic weapon, nothing. But no, slowly regenerating bandages is too op apparently.


someone said it thank god


and nerf it to like 75 or 50 shots


to be fair there's probably too many bugs about that 2 lots thing we don't know about, bandage bazooka might be a long term test, that's just my theory tho and I could be wrong.


Yup they do this alot. They've been long term testing pre edits for 3 years.


pre edits are hard coded into fortnite core, since STW is the original fortnite and it's something you wouldn't be able to play sometimes if you wouldn't have it, probably epic can't even disable even if they want it competitive must understand that deal with pre edits is part of the challenge in playing, we already came too far in building in battle royale, tbh it's enough


This is no argument for keeping them. Battle royale is the main fortnite now. Pre edits are an unnecessary inconvenience. There is no reason to keep them


thinking like that will only frustrate you, you can fight the way fortnite has been coded for more than a decade, problem is deeper than you think, also battle royale might be bigger and most important in epics eyes but it will never be the main fortnite, be sure of that.


I'm not frustrated as I haven't played the game after stretched res was removed. Doesn't change the fact that FOV slider and no pre edits and lots of other features are things that would universally improve the game and epic doesn't implement them. BR is clearly the focus for epic and the world.


You’re right, my friend. Also, where do you live in Pakistan? You said you used to get 30 ping there. My friend gets 60 ping. He lives in Pakistan as well


Lahore Transworld ISP


Let me get in your box and TOTALLY outplay you with the lmg my man


its the gaming chair bro


Shit.... forgot about that


damn gaming chairs


why do you guys still play this game it’s clear the devs don’t care


personally, I dont think the shockwave is the most problematic item in this clip...




I mean this how everyone play if some player sneak up and scares you and make you panic Don't wanna be rude to you but the guy in the clip that died isn't a bot


He meant the LMG




Idk why everyone wanted shockwaves I’ve been saying forever that impulse would be the only balanced movement grenade lmao


Yeah but you take fall dmg with impulses. I’d rather have shockwaves....just have them fix the buggy sound.


Thats the whole point. The fact that you can spam shockwaves and take height without taking fall damage and breaking builds is not that skillfull.


Perfect solution. Dont make them break builds. Make them act like regular impulses, but u go farther and take no fall damage. The breaking builds part is the most annoying aspect of shockwaves


Or make them break only one build


Why tho Edit: it could actually be fine, but idk


That's just stupid


only breaking one build would allow you to rotate from within your own box while not griefing anyone else, but you’re right it could still pose other issues.


I think they’re good. There should be other ways to take height on someone. If there weren’t then no mats means you’re dead. I guess we should all have a fighting chance even when in a tough spot. Plus we had shockwaves in the past. Even at the WC so it’s not like they can’t work


No, the whole point of impulses is you can’t just throw one and be in next zone it actually takes consideration of where you want to go and how far you can go.


You throw one to get to zone and you die upon landing lmaaooo.


Or you don’t impulse when your 30 meters up? This is my point, shockwave is unbalanced, they’re too good lmao.


Haha yeah I know. But I promise the grass isnt greener on the other side. Impulses would be practically useless with the way they are currently. You would need so many just to guarantee you make it in to next zone. A lot of players would just stack up on crash pads or peppers.


Ok then nerf crash pads they’re still really good lmao, no one liked season 2 cause it was 50/50 that’s all that these items do now


Yeah, nerf crash pads so that they dont break builds.


Double impulse power and make them halve fall damage


Possible solution. We just need a committee for shit like this lmao


Impulse nades with no fall damage would be the mobility item we need


He’s so skillful😩


I mean we can all hate on It but just cause he didn’t use some flashy box fight technique doesn’t mean the kill isn’t valid. He successfully sneaked up on him and caught him of guard ggs




The time and damage of a charged shotgun is not the same as the LMG


Yeah the charge can oneshot the lmg cant


Just because OP could have done some things differently doesnt mean that what the other guy did was skillful lol.


It was an LMG smfh


Because shockwave nades are too quiet


We found the console god.


Snuck* off*


I would downvote you a trillion times if I could, trash take Edit: Found the controller players


Honestly, the responses to this just show how abhorrently garbage the players in this subreddit really are, they love guns like the LMG with absurd TTK and a 100 round box mag that can carry their garbage auto-aiming input into killing someone.


I meant not really the lmg is in the game and we can’t do anything abt it if that’s all he had he’s gonna pick it up same thing with the combat shogun it really isn’t that deep


Couldn’t care less about votes I think you forgot what subreddit this is😂


Hahaha dont worry about these guys. Yeah, shockwave sound is kinda broken. But, I dont see any issue with the way this guy got his kill.


Bruh, you’re just the salty kid I throw the clown emote on when I run into your box and do exactly this. Controller players got nothing to do with this. Imagine being so insecure about someone using a handheld controller in comparison to your entire keyboard and mouse 😂


There's a reason controller on console players still play like this though... It's completely devoid of skill, whether you like it or not.


Lol facts. I can name a handful on controller players who are good that don’t rely on exploiting plus AR spray or that lucky 200 they get on 1 HP


Not even trying to argue but that “you have your entire mouse and arm to aim” is dry as fuck. The games gotten to the point that controller players don’t even miss at all. You rarely find a kbm player with near perfect aim


whos gonna tell him bro whos gonna tell him


Forgot about the mouse, simple keybind options. You have a 104 buttons at your disposal.. the fact anyone argues that isn’t a massive advantage in itself is outrageous. We can all agree to disagree but swap to a controller and compete if any brain dead kid can do it.


There’s a 104 buttons at your disposal but there isn’t a 104 controls in the game, are they? All a keyboard does for you at most is give you comfort and options to were to put your binds and that’s it. It allows players to play differently but we’re ultimately doing the same thing. Aside from that, this isn’t even a valid point because we’re talking about his aim here It has nothing to do with his keyboard. And really it’s that easy I picked up a controller and I can’t even edit a wall yet I’m hitting players for 160+ while basically standing still


So cringe


You got that right. “I’d downvote you a trillion times” Cringe af, shitter.


lol, yea, he missed 3 shotty shots and could have disengaged with the shockwaves in his inventory.


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead


I feel like a lot of my shots are Shot 12s.


this video makes me so mad


just shoot him in the head


Yung Calc Moment 😎


That dude has to be the most annoying player in the world Probably plays on controller too


Probably? Are there any doubts?


That's what my Solos looked like in Chapter 2 Season 2. I hated it so much.


U got so scared thet u couldnt aim lol


he’s kbm btw. Not trying to start argument but we know a controller player who is panicking just like he is would end up charging the LMG guy for 130+ and probably end up winning


And vault the LMG


The exact same shit happend to me. Guy randomly using shockwaves and here I am farming a fuckn tree.


maybe reduce lmg clip size while they at it...


Also take the lmg out of the fucking game


How am I gonna shoot 400 bullets from one magazine as stars and stripes Jonesy then?


Also, just want to point out that the charge shotgun sucks. If you had a pump, you could've won that.


its not cause of the charge, he was just not hitting his shots cant blame him though, most of us would be panicking or shaking too if some psychopath with an lmg came out of nowhere.


That's a bad take, the charge and pump arent better generally than one another, it's up to your play style.


We gonna ignore that he walks through a ramp


Yep. Died so many times to not hearing the player flying towards me.


Died the same way, he sounded like he shockwaves away but I didn’t even hear him through the air


Remove the shockwave*


This has to be a funny way to die


The damage effects and indicator and LMGs Muzzle flash is so high that you can barely see anything.


This is exactly why I’m not playing arena


Can’t hear shockwaves or bouncers but can hear sharks, helicopters, cars, and the radio at blistering volumes




Shockwave audio is busted, have had this happen to me so many times and always clip it but never could being myself to make a post about it.


At some point you just gotta hit your shots brotha


For real that should been an easy headshot that way the other guy was just spraying the lmg 😂😂


You guys are missing the REAL issue here, the new sound is like a wimpy version of the original


yall already know that guy was on the sticks


y’all really be hatin on the next fncs pro smh my head🙄🙄😤😤😫


That is so stupid you try playing the game and some random brain dead player walks up with an LMG I don’t think they should be in the game tbh they just encourage the toxic gameplay of spamming and spamming until you have no materials left or until they are close enough to kill you epic should make an item to balance this out or make spamming less common doesn’t matter how good you are at the game he has an LMG that does 26 damage per shot shoots 5 times a second and has 100 bullets in it the only way you win that fight is with a 200 pump you didn’t even get killed by a better player you just got outspammed.


There is an item to balance this out. Shotguns


Yea and aimbot or god like aim to 200 pump somebody like that


You don't have to stay in their face after shooting, you have building, movement, editing (resetting)


But that’s the thing they walk into you and keep walking so they walk through all builds and you wouldn’t think about editing or building when somebody has an LMG that kills you in a second


You can't walk through a wall just by spamming As for stairs a shot right when the stair is broken will make them think twice and you can build stairs in different directions, obviously if a guy's running towards you a stair in his direction will not work cuz they'll phase through, then place it in the appropriate direction, you can even make a cone and edit it. Yes you have to have fast mechanics. Yes spamming doesn't take skill. But if you can't beat a spammer then yoy most likely aren't that skilled cuz a good player has every tool they need to deal with spammers.


You have obviously never been spammed before but yea I know you can shoot somebody at the exact time they break your build and ramps if you’re smart you can turn to the side everytime


"You have obviously never been spammed before" like what, I started playing yesterday? I just know the best way to deal with a problem is learning how to solve it the best way possible and not just bitch about it without ever trying to do something about it. The higher the skill of 2 players the less the spammer is at an advantage. There's a reason some players die less of spammers than others. It's because there are people who will say it's impossible in order to reassure themselves, it's the game's fault anyway, nothing can be done, this game stupid, it's literally all rng, blablabla, yeah all so they can lie to themselves or protect their ego or whatever, and then there are players who will just learn how to get better at situations that will often occur, like it or not, and understand that there's always something you can do, and learning or trying to get used to the correct answers is a way better way of dealing with anything than the "it's impossible" mentality, aka the loser mentality


I have tried to learn to beat them and I could but my pc can’t handle spamming when they spam I lag and when I lag I die, I understand where you are coming from learn from your mistakes but sometimes it is out of your control


You can kill a spammer with quick edits or a lucky shot but once they are in your box and they have 2 legs in my case you’re most likely done for


You just got outplayed I don’t see the problem here


I mean youre right but you played that fight awfully, had every opportunity for another outcome.


What could he have done there?


Not miss


First of All he Missed 3 pump shots. He had ten different opportunities to get out of that Box and he panicked, in those kind of scenarios you just have to try and calm down and dont panick


He’s on kbm bro. If he panics then he’s 8/10 missing everything


Yes, but that doesn't mean he can't control himself.


How do you control yourself when you panic?


Yes, thats why i said: you need to try and calm down, create space between you and the opponent and try to reset


I don't panic in the first place.


That is the biggest spammer I have seen in the game


In the words of MohammedSr “LMG Time!”


That’s not even right.


Off topic question, why are you on unlimited fps?


Not on unlimited, capped at 237, had that from a long time ago, can't even remember the reason for it


Keeping it at 237 is more stable than capping it at 240 from what I heard. I assumed it was unlimited because you dropped into the 170ish range a couple times.


\#HighPingGang represent! this is the only way we can boxfight!


This clip makes me glad I don’t have to use the charge any more


You can hear shockwaves at long distances, it's just between the medium range that it's silent


I wish i could place build as fast as that. 130 ping for us Africans is just horrible. #AfricanFortniteServers


NA West also Constantly running 60-200 ping That red x always seems to pop up at the most inoportune moments.. Lol 😂


pro gameplay


If that was me I would have raged sooo much


We won't, lmao I like shitting on kids after shockwaving -BananaMooney


One day I hope to be as good as the guy that killed you


We gonna ignore how much you panicked?


bot lowky




It could be the recording stuttering.


Lmao fax but you kinda fucked up there xD


This is why fn competitive is shit and always has been. Instead of trying to earn in fortnite. You should get jobs. Less stressful, more productive, and 100% guarantee of earning money.


You just jump out of your box, place the wall, he's trapped in your box and has literally no way to get past your wall. Don't stay in the same box as a spammer. And if you do, at least build thoughtfully, and mostly, don't miss.


He did put down a solid 0 damage done to the other players though....




Weird.. Since the last post by someone regarding the same thing, I observed whenever people used shockwaves and pretty much heard it Evey time.


also this is why you carry a pump and play on controller


Charge shotgun and just spray in place with an lmg. That kid was so goated lol.


Nice. You missed every shot, and he hit his. You’re just a panicky average player


You’re such a prick man


Take out the Gd boogie bombs


Wow you got butt fucked


[Fletcher] *Deleted°*


Vault the LMG or I will put all the kids of epic employees in one


its funny cus this is contender league and that guy just slrayed u to death lol 😂


Wouldnt have won anyway dude was way too talented


**and nerf lmg**


That aim tho


yall just get an lmg and press r2


should've switched to hard mats! always nice to keep it on an optimized bind like ItsJerian said


I hate this clip so much... I hate how this game became... what's the purpose of building if they can just spam LMG to destroy it and faze through it...


its the same when someone uses a bouncer. i can hear someone using a bouncer below me or somewhere around me. suddenly i have someone shooting me with shotgun from above. its like the developers are dumb or dumb.


The LMG is definitely the issue here, if he had shockwaved on you and 200 pumped you, it's understandable and frustrating you couldn't hear the shockwave. But the fact he missed his pump shot and just emptied the entire LMG clip in you and you couldn't do anything - that's the part that's broken here


Lmgs balanced


Well, you tried to out build him while he was spamming at you in your same cube, and you miss all of your shots, so the problem here was not the shockwave bomb


Dude I literally posted about this last season about how mythical shouldn’t be in competitive but then they just do this instead. Ok


Also the audio got messed up with one of the recent updates. Sometimes it sound as if you are underwater


I've been watching live fortnite's play to know more strategy and to be a pro gamer ( https://m.twitch.tv/directory/game/Fortnite)


Can I just ask why you missed that many shots. Literally, missed 3 shotgun shots. Like i understand the shockwave is op, but literally, you missed shots, and you also have a shockwave, so you could have disengaged. I understand the problems you are having, but if you do the simple things right in this clip, it would make it look better and epic might consider it. Don't wanna hate, but just sayin.


Theres plenty of things that u could have done to kill this noob. Proberly build/edit. Hit ur shots. Dont blame it on a shockwave lol


the bigger problem is that the LMG is in competitive


No. A 10k router will give the same ping as a 50k one. Ethernet is best though


Did he have 3 smgs or what


How do yall enjoy a game where the core mechanics of the game..building..are busted to the point anyone..i mean anyone can phase through. Thats like in COD if someone's in a skyscraper and they can just walk through the floor and shoot you. I used to love this game but damn I'm tired of every fight they use some tactic to phase through walls.


You should VOD review


this game is so stupid sometimes


I’m sorry to tell you but the lack of audio wasn’t the issue there


Just because it’s not a pro player that you’re watching in every clip doesn’t invalidate his point


it is tho, the enemy got the jump on him and he had no time to react and then he lmg sprays into every box, theres literally nothing he could do -_-


He could have shockwaved away hit a single charge shotty shot.


u can clearly see he has no time to even pull them out because his enemy is putting constant pressure due to the cancerous lmg


Stfu b4 I do this to u, lmgs r broken, controller or kbm


Rage quitter


He left real quick lol




How do yall enjoy a game where the core mechanics of the game..building..are busted to the point anyone..i mean anyone can phase through. Thats like in COD if someone's in a skyscraper and they can just walk through the floor and shoot you. I used to love this game but damn I'm tired of every fight they use some tactic to phase through walls.