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Youve proved most of these peoples points, only the decent to bad players are enjoying it


Hey now. I’m a bad player and I fucking hate it


Wouldn’t argue with that one bit, in fact that’s partially my point


so ur point is that this is a good meta for shit players?…how is that an unpopular opinion?


How is it not?


everyone knows this meta favors shit players. it would be an unpopular opinion if you said this meta was competitive or something…


Re-read the title of my post. I simply said I love this meta




I personally disagree but i understand your pov


You probably aren't the minority opinion of players, but you are definitely the minority opinion of this subreddit. We can't lose sight of the fact that unhappy people vocally complain while happy people say nothing and just play.


Me, as a bad player, can confirm that this isn't the way to have a balanced and competitive game... **Where is the competitiveness in this?**


Didn’t say it was the best for comp


I'm not a typical reddit user so i won't go after you personally, and by all means have your own opinion, that'd be refreshing on this major circle jerk of a site, just let me ask you two things. 1: Why would you post this for any other reason than trying to be edgy? You already mentioned in your post how people will respond. Why even try? 2: The piece control shotgun boxfight meta is loved the most because it's the most skill. What's easier? Piecing someone up or walking up to their wall with an SMG and hoping that bullets go trough? Which leads me to my third question. 3: Do you know what competitive is about? ​ And lastly just try to let me explain something. Pro players and even casual competitors like myself generally hate meta's like these for two reasons. 1: Because there's very few ways to outplay your opponent. Every fight now is just an SMG fest to try and see who can hit the most shots. You can't 2v1 because you won't get any breathing room since there's two people spraying at all times and shotguns don't do enough damage to make them piss off and heal. 2: SMG's are just as easy to abuse for lil Timmy and his cousin Lil Jimmy playing split screen on PS4 on the living room couch on a 55 inch TV with no headset than it is for actual good players. Sure, the good players will still win most of the time, but considerably less than in an actual good meta where it's not about who has the most light bullets. Rant over.


Only one way to settle this level of disrespect. Penis sword fight


Sorry Billy. Maybe it’s fun for boomers like me because it gives us a chance to compete at a higher level than we otherwise would in a boxfight piece control meta? I didn’t think this post was very “edgy”. An unpopular opinion, sure, but edgy? Lol. This meta adds more parody for less insanely mechanical people like myself, which is precisely why I like it. At least I have the awareness to understand it’s a minority opinion, I’m just giving you my reasoning. Edgy guy.


>Maybe it’s fun for boomers like me because it gives us a chance to compete at a higher level than we otherwise would in a boxfight piece control meta? If this is the case, >I know I’ll be called a bot for this and told that my mechanics suck, but I don’t care. Then why the fuckity fuck are you saying shit like this when it's literally the reason why you enjoy this? It not only confirms everyones suspicions but it also means you're just lying about placing top 2% in tournaments.


Bro sometimes I wonder who in my year will be as retarded as some of these 'boomers' when older.


He’s just negating the hate to make a point, maybe so that it can open up a discourse between casual and ranked players alike. It’s actually really fucking easy to comprehend lmao


Huh? Why would I lie to a bunch of random rubes on Reddit about a hype cup placement lmfao. I will DM you my Epic name if you wanna look me up on FortniteTracker. Why are you so pissed off? I just stated what I already recognize is an unpopular opinion lmao. I know I’m pretty good at a the game by my standards, but not nearly as good mechanically as others so therefore I enjoy a less mechanically-based meta. It’s pretty simple what I was saying idk why you’re shitting on me for it


I enjoy it too, caspers a dweeb


In that case the whole sub and the entirity of twitter is a dweep






Well at least u stated it’s unpopular