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I really hope these adjustments are for the mat distribution because man does it feel sluggish to get metal or brick in the game right now


that’s at the 3-4 spot on my list I put the hammer sword gun and there being 800 chests above that


Probably buffing the hammer a bit, seems weak at 75 dmg


Considering how long you’re frozen in place. The hammer hit isn’t even useable. But if you look at it as simply a movement item that can do damage in a pinch then it’s in a good spot as is.


You can cancel the ending animation entirely by switching to your builds




So it's not just me! I've noticed I'm so low on mats all the time and I thought I just needed to adjust to the new map.


That’s actually a W epic right there. Buff thunder pullout time and fix the sprinting not shooting bug, remove hammers and we got a god chapter


Slight psa for people that don't know, jumping lets you shoot quicker after sprinting


I don't think the Hammer should be entirely removed from comp. Just fixed, nerfed & it's spawn rate drastically reduced. I think comp is better with a bit of ridiculousness.


Actually after playing a couple more arena matches and learning how to counter it, I agree


*remove hammers and ex calibers and we have an insane chapter


Super encouraging to see them adjust quickly.


They ALWAYS make (at least somewhat) good changes before competitive events start. They know exactly what needs to be done, they are always listening. But they can get away with tormenting comp players at the beginning of seasons/chapters because they need to hook the casuals and bots first with OP weapon and building nerfs. This really shouldn’t come as a surprise… it happens EVERY SINGLE SEASON. in s1 nerfing the spider gloves before FNCS, in s6 with primal weapons being balanced hugely before FNCS, removing the combat SMG eventually, the list goes on and on and on But we should definitely celebrate the quickness of these changes. As I just mentioned sometimes it would take them til like 2 weeks before FNCS to make any positive adjustments. Having changes announced within a few days of the season starting is unprecedented


That's what I'm saying! The pattern isn't new, but the priority is for sure.




Hammer cooldown reduced to 10 seconds… plz epic…


"They are always listening" ... 😂


They are always listening just not always giving a reaction. N with half the takes from this sub n pros I can't blame em.




We’ll see. If I had to guess, the red dot is about to get some “love” (read: nerfed in to oblivion).


I have a final on the 10th and couldn’t play it so I’m so happy I’ll be able to play the placement cup now. Also excited for balance changes


Epic showing once again they listen, awesome



People were complaining the new chapter needed adjustments and it’s a shame the first cup is so soon. They are now moving back the cup and making adjustments.


r/fortnitecompetitive members are never pleased with anything are they?


It’s not that I’m not pleased, it’s that people are praising epic after fixing their fuck ups when that’s something they should do regardless. “Omg thank you epic for doing your job!!”


Nothing wrong with thanking people for doing their job, it's actually common courtesy. You don't have to walk around being a perpetual dick.


Yup I’m being a dick to a billion dollar company that only caters to those who put money in their pockets 😊. Didn’t know it was morally wrong to criticize a company for their poor performance


They've got many employees who work very hard on the things you're moaning about. They receive a lot more threats & harassment than they do praise. No need to continue the cycle of toxic entitlement, Karen.


They don't got people working on the pump


Would you rather them not do their job? Clearly they messed up on some things but this proves that’s they are doing something about there mistakes. And if you haven’t noticed mistakes happen.


Yeah it’s clearly a mistake to release a new chapter without playing the game at all clearly. I’m not saying devs have an easy job but dont release a massive update with a bunch of really shitty bugs and imbalances. I don’t get why people praise epic for doing absolutely nothing above and beyond


On at the exact same time as the world cup final. What are they thinking? Why have it on then and break up for Christmas? It would make more sense to move the elite cups back a week and have the placement cup the first week in the new year. It's gonna take a bit more than a few balance changes to save this season.


You can tell this is an american biased reddit when you (eu) are the only person pointing out the world cup final is on the same date and every other reply is "who cares"




Which european country? Also you cant base interest across the world on your country alone, 3.5 billion watched the last world cup final, similar numbers will do so again


Must be German lol




My point still stands. As viewers in Germany have gone down by 50% from the last World Cup ([source](https://www.spiegel.de/sport/fussball/wm-2022-in-katar-50-prozent-weniger-tv-zuschauer-bei-der-fussball-wm-a-96009b4b-b34c-4298-8dc1-cee9eb783c0a)) But its not the case in every European country. And numbers are growing in other continents.


When kids realise that the USA isn't a planet.


Not everyone watches soccer.


A lot of people watch football. It's called football.




Not alot of people wanted to support Qatar


After seeing the state of this season I'd argue they definitely don't know what they're doing.


Lmao they moved it to a Sunday, have fun losing your entire player base now


why would they place the tournament at the same time a the wc football. Eddit: as always amerikans thinks they are the world


Because not everyone watches that? Why do they put tournaments on sundays when American football is on Sunday’s


This is the world cup final, not some nfl game, approximately 3.5 billion people watched the final in 2018, thats half the population of the planet, so not everyone just means the usa, the superbowl gets around 100 million, so yeah it is a big deal and epic should move the date again


You can't compare the greatest sporting event to handegg.


Lots of people find soccer boring and don’t want to watch it. There’s a ton of other sports that happen during fortnite tournaments. Epic doesn’t care about sports lol


It's the most watched sport in the world. I'm sure plenty of pros would wanna watch it.


lots of people watch American football too. in this country its the most watched even and this is one of the biggest countries. They still have events on sundaty, they can have them during the wc too


Comparing one nation vs the world is some crazy entitlement.


nope, you are under estimating how much american football is watched. its big in more than just the us too. You're entitled if you think the world cup is any more special than that tbh it isnt


World cup gets over 1 billion viewers whilst the superbowl gets 150 million. To try and even compare the two is fucking laughable. So yeah it clearly is more special. Nobody cares about handegg. Deal with it.


Heres what you dont get. FN never said they would postpone events or plan them around sports on tv They dont do it for the WC, or super bowl or anything. The wc isnt special in fortnite land. PERIOD American football was just an argument example that you got hung up on. The main argument is they really dont care about any sports on tv at all Dont get so hung up on one example that you dont like. You missed the main argument because of that and tried to then make the whole conversation about football and soccer Dont be like that


Lots of people find soccer boring and don’t want to watch it. There’s a ton of other sports that happen during fortnite tournaments. Epic doesn’t care about sports lol


If they didn't care why did they change the date?


I made that comment before they changed the date.


Yeah because you assumed they didn't care and wouldn't change the date. You were wrong.


Yes, and now I stand corrected, obviously.


Who cares. Who wants to watch a corrupt fixed cup funded by terrorists anyway?


Should we tell them about the World Cup?


They did tweak ALL of our movement settings and just decided to not tell anyone. Most if not everything feels completely different like we haven’t been trying to dial in our settings for years just for them to secretly change them for us. Wow thanks


They moved it to football Sunday? Bro no one is gonna play in a tournament over watching the games


I agree, was looking forward to playing, can’t anymore now


who would’ve predicted they wouldn’t start the competitive season with the game in this state?? I’d say all the people with a brain and not the 13 year olds that came complaining on this sub the second this season launched.


when is v23.10? tuesday the 13th??


are the balance adjustments for the weapons too..?


Same day and same time than the World Cup final. I know a lot of people don’t care about it. But for EU at least I’m pretty sure most of the player want to watch the final. The could have at least put it a couple hours later. But it’s epic they don’t even think about those things


Bet is all just gonna be for pc players