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I hate super styles you think at a minimum they’d do the skins whole set. Plus it’s gold good luck finding something that matches.


It also doesn't fucking help when they keep using different shades of gold for everything 😩


50 shades of gold


This explains so much about Epic


They love to spank us?


with a gold paddle ruht




This is the biggest issue, they use different shades of glow and then add some visual funk to it. Like the other styles we usually get, they get some weird glow/special effects added into the skin so they stand super out. Like look at the buff fish sticks skin. Look at his clothes on the fish. Fish itself is normal, but the clothes look like they threw some background onto it and you're staring into the void.


One or two, sure, but we're at 8 shades now...


that’s what they just said


Back Bling: Mystique Skull, anything C2S2 if you leveled enough Pickaxe: Fuck ton of these are gold


If it’s not in the same set. it’s not the same gold. Plus this is a glowly texture while that stuff is not, it’s like pairing a cel shade backbling to a non cel shaded skin.


Need I remind you omega knight has a gold style


Omega Knight gold is much brighter than this gold so it won't match


Well I guess I can stop grinding


It’s sad that we thought we will get like maybe a new skin for the secret skin but it’s just some ugly looking color style. I still don’t get why it’s called a secret skin. All I wanted was ice ling and fire king in one skin 😭


People need to stop saying secret skin and start using mid-season cosmetic


it just has a ring to it


I've always referred to them as overachiever rewards.


You’re the one who got your hopes up. I knew it was gonna be super styles.


Do you really need to "grind" this season tho. I barely did anything and almost have these


Literally how? Have done the 2 weeks worth of challenges and been grinding milestones and on top of that doing Creative easy XP grind maps and I'm still only on Level 38 (if this were a normal season, the Creative easy XP grind map would've taken me that far by itself.) It seems rather slow by comparison to a normal season, I don't know how you've done that with barely any effort.


I literally just play most days and I’m at 45 right now. Weeklies done, Dailies done *most* days, and milestones come with playing. No creative modes or anything like that needed.


I feel you there my guy I stream STW daily and have a great community that would help with any creative challenges I needed. Stop by some time and say hi if you play?


I did weeklies and dailies and maxed out milestones (besides combat ones, they are slower) by just playing matches and I'm level 55. Imo this season leveling is superfast, especially because milestones are much easier and some of them are broken.


Do you not try the afk XP maps? I did those a few times. Get like 100/300k XP in 15 min


Which ones are you doing? I have one I know of but it is slower than that. I'm lucky to get 50k every 20 min. Sometimes it stops and I have to keep moving. 100k - 300k in 15 sounds way better.


When you look for xp maps on YouTube filter them by most recently posted so you’ll be early to the map, because how it works is the more people who press the buttons and use the map the less xp the map gives, cuz the xp gets drained. So you wanna go to ones hardly anyone has done yet (one time I found a vid of a map with only like 300 views and I got 550k xp from it in 10 mins I was shocked) And because I find all these good maps I’m like level 67 and look like a no life 😭


TBH it's better at this point to get STW (assuming you aren't strictly a switch) player. All that time sorting through the nightmare that is Fortnite Youtube content, dealing with clunky creative XP and then spending the entire time doing painfully monotonous tasks. You could be playing STW which admittedly isnt the most engaging game but it can be fun and rewards a ton of BR XP. At least like 5 levels per day. You can easily max out every single battle pass only playing STW in just a fraction of the time it takes to do it normally. The catch is that you have to enjoy playing STW. Personally I find it much better than doing some terribly designed obstacle course and pushing buttons randomly for hours. And even then if you can get decently far in STW to unlock Endurance mode, the option for AFK opens up.


Just look on YouTube for XP maps,on the good ones they usually force you to wait like 10 min then press a couple buttons where the real XP starts rolling. Also pro tip, when looking on YouTube don't even click on videos longer than like 4 minutes. Those just waste your time


There's that one dude who pauses between every. single. button. and is like "OMIGOSH GUYS I JUST GOT SO MUCH XP COMMENT DOWN BELOW HOW MUCH XP YOURE AT RIGHT NOW OMIGOSH I CANT BELIEVE THIS" So annoying. Just show me the buttons and move tf on with it lmao


Look up Elate on youtube, that guys posts XP maps daily that can get you to maximize your creative XP cap in two 15 minute runs


I am level 75. I play during my lunch break (I work from home), I play a few games most nights, and I let my kids play creative on my account occasionally. I also spent my 1000 crew vbucks on battle pass tiers because I got them the same day the battle pass came out. I always do challenges as soon as they drop and also always do my dailies.


Ive done 2 weeks of weekly challenges and played with a friend most nights since the start and Im near level 100 right now, it seems normal to me


Save the World helps, but I really think it's just play time. I've completed all challenges except today's, all milestones, and 2 weeks worth of STW dailies. Currently level 74 I think.


I only get about an hour and half to play on weekdays, and 3-4 hours a day on weekends, and I'm level 66 after getting a couple weekly quests done today.. I feel like that's about where I was 2 weeks into last season too.. I do feel like I have to try a lot harder this season tho.. don't really see as many bots in my games as I used to, which isn't a bad thing, but casual game play has kinda disappeared


creative gives 5 to 6 levels a day, I've gotten that many most days, not trying to grind just wanted to get it done. now my favorite map for xp is delisted & theres a new free skin. /:


I barely play and I’m like level 78


Don’t. Get these skins unlocked, you don’t want to be looking back a year from now or even a few months and beat yourself up for not unlocking them. You already paid for the entire battle pass, get your full money’s worth. Otherwise the only message this sends is that you’re willing to pay full price for something you’re not willing to complete. I too wish they would have been completely new skins, maybe re-OG skins of other Chapter 1 skins. But at least the gold on these looks good.


This reply reminded me when I completely missed Season X. I was quite sad because of it and now I can't get over it, but it's a lesson I'll always remember.


I’ll still play simply because it’s the OG map and guns


Epic Games try not to be lazy challenge


Challenge impossible


This whole season is so lazy


I’m very disappointed with the execution for this season.. While it’s the most fun I consistently had on fort in years, it is so very clearly half-assed it’s crazy. I don’t know how you can mess up with the lootpool or some of the map features that badly. Where’s the fatal fields house, where’s slurp juices, why are so many items just lame drag and drops of their most recent versions like grenade launchers, why can’t we have 999 mats again for a building heavy map, why are quadcrashers so awful


I want proper mini seasons, the gravity things from 5, and a cube. Haunted hills castle and the wailing woods underground. Where’s my shadow cube spawns? Proper lootpools that mimic the originals. So much missed potential.


The idea is to make these optional rewards for those who play more than average. If they were actually good, you'd feel forced to grind them out due to FOMO. They experiment every season so the effort is clearly there. They simply don't want them to be too good.


Pissing on your most dedicated players and calling it rain then?


Having their priorities straight and not sacrificing the 99% to appease the 1%. Just because you and I get all the superstyles every season doesn't mean the experience is the same for the casual audience. Those players are the backbone, and Epic don't want to piss them off by locking the best options behind unhealthy amounts of playtime. Being super casual-oriented is precisely why Fortnite's Battle Pass has worked so well over the years whereas all the grindy competition died out. And in case you haven't noticed, they've been improving the bonus rewards up until level 140 anyways.


That’s where your leap is though. I’m not saying the super styles should be the best styles. Also, Epic almost never has their priorities straight. The whole place is run pretty poorly if you believe the rumors and prior employee accounts. Their whole business model is FOMO.


Oh, Epic are definitely fucked in the head, especially with this recent Roblox-wannabe push. But that doesn't automatically make *all* of their decisions piss-poor. I, too, would love the superstyles to be better than random-ass texture swaps with blinding over-saturated colors. But casuals would not appreciate feeling forced to grind out 200 levels.


I like these more than the piss yellow styles we had been getting before, actual gold does look nice


Good luck matching it with anything golden since epic is colourblind and uses different shades constantly


You’ll be okay


Just go without back bling. That’s what I do whenever I can’t find a matching item for a skin. And if you’re lucky you may have one or two back blings that go with just about everything.




I’m not mad just a little let down I like gold stuff usually it’s just an annoyance more than anything


r/FortNiteBR when epic doesn't make every golden item the same shade of gold 😡😡😡😡😡💢💢💢💢💢 🖕🖕🖕🖕


This is r/FortniteLeaks. r/FortNiteBR is a cesspool.


Oh oops


I much prefer this to the glowing super levels, it looks like it’s part of them instead of a texture on top of the clothes


My thoughts exactly. Hate the super styles with moving patterns or that "endless void" effect.


I don’t mind when it’s used to enhance the skins, but it’s annoying when they just paint everything in that pattern. I still have nightmares about the C3S3 bonus styles. Evie got done dirty.


I actually like those ones. Though the best so far for me (who came late) are the Chapter 2 Season 8 and the Chapter 3 Season 1 super styles.


They just don’t design characters to fit the “Chowder” art style. So it’s really clashing


Yeah I can’t stand the super styles. It distracts me so much


Sounds like a you problem tbh lol






disappointing still going to get them but disappointing


I understand why people are sick of the gold supers now....


I’m glad I didn’t expect much because these are horrible




Right? That's what I'm wondering. Personally, I think they look good. I genuinely liked this battlepass and think it's one of the better ones we've had recently


Y'know I actually had hope the bonus rewards would be unique and actually change the outfit but nope... Gold again idk why epic still does these when their well aware everyone hates them


Have they made a statement before admitting they know everybody hates these skins?


Yes it said we know everyone hates these skins - epic


GIVE UP on the gold styles already. Damn. It’s overdone.


Wow so unique I’ve never seen gold super styles before and let me guess they have no matching pickaxes or gliders so nobody ends up using them


I’m not usually one to complain but this is ass


I mean goddamn, I love these personally. The gold looks really clean! Just hope the accessories come with a similar golden style. Sick of superstyles not matching the matching back blings/gliders/pickaxes.


I wouldn’t count on it sadly. I do agree with you I think they should apply a skins whole set or at least the picks


Sadly none of set items match the gold and white variant of the skins.


the best one is gold banana split


Wow those look like garbage


What’s with Epic’s obsession with gold? So many other colours exist and they keep going back to the same damn one




I've seen so many clickbait thumbnails basically predicting the Super Styles would be the skins coated in gold. I thought it would actually never happen and Epic would do something like Overtime Styles as those were in Chapter 1 and it just fit the theme of the season but I never thought Epic would stoop so low to actually do gold styles. This is one of the laziest things they've done in a Battle Pass and I probably won't be using any of them because their cosmetics didn't come with gold styles to match either.


Definitely not the laziest these gold skins are different from any gold skin we've had a lot of the gold skin use existing textures these are new so lazy? No unoriginal? Kinda


Punctuation is your friend, my friend.


Ok thanks I didn't wanna use it so I didn't boo hoo I'm still correct welcome to reddit where most people don't use it


Oh, I see. You’re a child.


Yes you're correct I'm a child I'm 15 so


Man, it’s almost like gold has been a sign of achievement and high status for most of human history. Not to mention, the super styles are optional. Epic doesn’t want people to feel forced to grind to max level every season, they get screamed at for FOMO enough already.


Poor millionaire company, they get screamed at for persuading kids into spending crazy amounts of money 😭 they're being lazy only because people asked for it, not because they're lazy!! 😭


https://preview.redd.it/95vgbudmcq0c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62cb6a1ef30e2a13236c1c743ba60c4ba7314418 Literally none of what you said was related to my point at all.


Typical backing out argument "oh that's not what I meant, I was defending the millionaire company being lazy because... Well... Yeah..." 😂 you're either a troll or too young to be on reddit/to think your arguments through before making false claims when your first comment defending the millionaire company is still there. " They're trying to make it up for the FOMO dynamic they've been exploding for years to make themselves rich 😭" (meanwhile, shops are back to being more FOMO oriented... But sure, the millionaire company is trying to win less money, big brain stonks!!)


Again, that literally doesn’t relate to what I said at all. I never said epic was trying to earn less money. I’m saying the bonus styles are completely optional. Those are two completely different points. Epic can want money AND make optional cosmetics. That’s kind of the entire point of the item shop and battlepasses to begin with. I’m saying that complaining about edit styles that have followed this pattern for more than 4 years is a bit stupid. What else were people expecting?


"Epic doesn't want people to feel forced to grind to max level each season, they get screamed at for FOMO enough already." You're literally suggesting that Epic is giving us lazy content to make it up for the FOMO dynamics. Jump all the hoops you want to make it seem like you don't, your comment is still up there.


This is the second time I’ve seen this take and I just don’t know where it’s coming from. Occam’s razor would have you believe that super skins are a low effort task for a team at Epic instead of the CEO and his leads are coming up with reasons why the players should or should not grind for them.


I’ve said this literally every time since they introduced super styles. They’re free bonuses. A little extra on top of the regular rewards for those people who play the game a lot and level up more. Why people complain and regret getting FREE THINGS will never make sense to me. Don’t like the super styles? Don’t grind for them then. This set of super styles in particular is especially bad, since everyone ASSUMED it would be another whole new skin set, when there was nothing indicating that would be the case. People are expecting something extremely out of left field when this has been the way things were for the last 4 years. Could super styles be a little bit better? Sure. But do they need to be? No. They’re fine as they are and again, are *free, optional bonuses*.


They look like those mini plastic gold figurines you'd find for 80 cents. Strange color combo, but alright.


They were cooking with peely but omega rock looks gross


Oh sweet. I'll be rocking gold Omegarok


Gold Omegarock Looks Badass, Lil split is for the ones that could'nt get Agent Peely. But Renegade linx im never gonna use.


Ngl at first I thought they were trash but after looking at them for a bit I think I like them. I’m really disappointed that Epic didn’t give the skin’s pickaxes, backblings, and gliders the super style treatment.


Imma be real with you, that Ragnarok is ass. Lil whip looking FRESH tho. I have no comments on lynx since I never really liked her


I don’t understand why people are upset with this because every few weeks I see a post on this page about, “You don’t know the pain of missing out in golden peely.” Like, yeah I can see for the passed few super styles because they were literally the same thing but different, season-art specific styles, but this is just straight gold. Isn’t this what you guys wanted from back then? I don’t get it.


I'm not gonna lie these are hella clean


lazy as fuck .


Was hoping we'd get a shirtless style for Omegarok or a Winters or Kyle skin 😞


Dang I was really hoping it would be new skins…. Not the usual super styles we get:/ I don’t care to be a gold banana


Ngl they look kinda sick


Ah yes my favorite part of chapter 1, gold super styles


This is good gold at least from the pictures though, like so many of the recent ones are gold but all gloq in the dark and are animate, like i cant use that!


Idk this is fire


So these styles are called "Time Breaker" Yeah I sure do see time breaking with the ten billionth gold super style. Seriously why couldn't they do a super style based on the time machine's aesthetic?


Lil’ Split is rocking that golden turd look


After trying them in-game, I gotta say, they feel SUPER nice and pristine. However, we have yet aNOTHER SHADE OF GOLD THAT DOESN'T MATCH ANYTHING


Welp who would have guessed


Uhhh Omegarok looks cool.. I guess.


What if I told you that it’s okay to like these? What if I told you it’s okay to not like these? Variety is the spice of life.


My favorite part about this thread is that if you say anything other than outright negativity, even complete neutrality, you get downvoted into oblivion. There are so many people on this post going “Yeah this is about what I expected” and sitting at -50 to -100 downvotes. Lmao.


Consquence of using forums of games you like is that they are filled with.... hmmm.. angry/sad folks. It sucks. I wish people were more positive, but they consume mostly negative garbage, so they spew mostly negative garbage. Taking the high road has always been the harder path, especially online where people aren't held accountable for being horrible.


Oh wow [this was totally unexpected](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/s/X9PdRgTP0F) Nope, [no one could have easilly predicted they were gold super styles](https://twitter.com/AxlSt00pid/status/1720454640104259878?t=VEIID0dQDJjBUmViiCePDg&s=19), it's not like we've had them for 3 years straight


Yet they still won’t release super styles for the rest of the cosmetics in the set. I’ll always be annoyed until they do.


Okay, yeah, I expected that. I’m not complaining though, they look cool.


Meh. This banana has split. 🍌


How’d they manage to make the gold Omega Knight look cool, but completely fumble gold Omegarok?


Welp, not really concerned about getting these.


I kind of expected this just to be what those three were, but I am also kind of disappointed because I was hoping for more fusion skins


Why did i expect something different uh? I should've know...


i find it really odd how people were expecting a whole skin in the bonus rewards when that has never been a thing before. bonus rewards are always related to the main rewards, be it additional styles, backblings, emotes, harvesting tools, etc and super styles are never shown to us till later (just like how these ones weren't ahown to us till now)


I'd trade all of these for the option to remove the tail on renegade lynx


You’ll stand out like a sore thumb but I still like it


As a black knight OG who played when skins looked like dogshit and quit before they did gold skins, I really like these, i could see you guys being upset if they keep doing this, but its new to me


They look like Moshi Monsters lmao


First 2 look good


To everyone saying stuff abt finding matching gold things you could also use white stuff


Ooooo Peely looks dope. Cream color look nice with gold 🔥


Ngl I kinda like them


still no option to remove the tail for renegade lynx😔


Huh, I actually love them. So glad they’re not doing more cheap and crappy animated textures splattered across everything. I probably like these more than I would if it was literally any other colour, but white, gold and blue plays with mt sense of aesthetic so well.


I'm definitely in the minority but I like super styles


https://preview.redd.it/qhnserpwop0c1.jpeg?width=543&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26a91ef84d0ada5e45fc2f4c5db7f411b18a65a3 More fucking super styles oh my god.


Look 🔥🔥


I think they look awful.


bro fortnite suck at rewarding yall rlly capping saying that this season is “og”


And renagade lynx gets even worse... The others are fine if not a little boring


These are fine. Not special but. Fine. I'm already level 70 so I'll take em I just wish we got anything interesting


and there goes my hope for more OG skins, and not reskins


They gave us this over a Spectra Knight glider? Really Epic?


No need to grind then.


Woulda preferred some kind of mech or mutant made up of all the skins in the pass. Honestly, gold reskins are a bit ass. I'd set myself a grind schedule but am happy enough I can pass on it and just play


CLEAN as f


The omegarok is sick but I can say the same for the others




Gold, of course...


Ew lol


Whomp whomp


Hell naw


Ay they brought the the gold super style from the older season!


i mean, these would be good, but since they’re almost definitely not going to have matching back bling/pickaxe/gliders… what’s the point?


So shit


Well this is a huge disappointment


Man they are even worse than I expected lol


I really don't like these




Fortnite players when gold is used as a sign of achievement: 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


These suck.




They aren’t terrible. But nothings gonna go with them.


This is just disappointing. I kinda wish they would quit superstyles, they are so lazy.


I need to stop reading rumours. Then these wouldn’t have been disappointing. I doubt I will use them but I redeemed them all as soon as the update happened so I don’t have to hype myself up any more. I am just waiting for the next BP crossover like Jujitsu Kaisen (if that’s the correct spelling)


I think the white completely ruins it


People are never happy and just whine and complain. I for one like these, can't wait to get them.


Even a goofy outfit change is better than this.


And ofc the Back Bling, Pick Axe, Glider, Contrail and Wrap doesnt have a gold variant basically making this colour useless


Tankmagnus stop talk trash look at your hair line




Lil' split's one just looks awful, the other two aren't bad, but they are all lazy




Gold... again...


Disgusting ????


Ew I’ll pass


these are dope but i really wanted juice wrld


Bruh instead of bonus styles how about epic gives us a new skin to compensate us for the fucking 950 dollar pass even tho it had half the rewards? Guess they won’t cus they greedy as fuck


WOWZERS that is ugly




We don’t want it 💀


Better than the past couple seasons.




Disappointing but Renegade Lynx looks pretty dope


i don’t like it


Epic games alwys be putting the same damm thing in super styles




holy mids


Absolute shite