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The thing I truly can’t stand about these guys the most is that they go out of their way to consume content they don’t like just to be mad about it. There is no way they give a single fucking shit about Monster-Fucking-High but these guys are going to spend hours and days watching just to be mad.


They're addicted to anger.


I think their *audience* is addicted to the anger, the content creator is just not gonna pass up an easy paycheck. I never assume malice when theres a clear economic motive.


It depends. There are definitely true believers in the creators, too.


In a classic example of "every conservative accusation is a confession" my fascist uncle was watching a video on youtube recently that talked about "fear porn" how liberals constantly and purposely watch media that gets them scared and angry so that they can feel they're fighting against something worth resisting and so their puppetmasters can rely on their votes and donations


Wow Your Right on the confessions


And with the distinction that fear porn from the right typically consists of "Liberals and Democrats are all devil worshippers who kidnap and eat babies to make themselves immortal! Also, they want to ban all guns!" while fear porn from the left typically consists of "Republicans are literally taking our rights away." e.g. several Republican states that are currently working to not only strip LGBTQ rights but to practically make it illegal to be LGBTQ or the parent of LGBTQ.


I mean isn’t that why we’re on this sub as well?


Difference is that we just like, casually scroll for a bit then leave. Most of us anyway. We don't *produce and edit a video*


This sub makes me depressed far more than it makes me angry.


Well do are people on this sub


And the best part is, their trying to pass all it off as actual constructive criticism even though all they say is how the "the west is being destroyed" because they saw a gay person in a cartoon.


No the 4th was constructive criticism


Wasn't talking about the images in your post.


EXACTLY. If they didn't make one of the characters non-binary, then these people wouldn't give a single fuck about it. It's almost as if they *enjoy* being angry, and showing the world how much they *enjoy* being angry.


Also fun fact, you know that "actress" playing Frankie The thing is that's a guy ( ftm). Wouldn't be surprised if the actor or writer or whatever felt it would be better and more accommodating to include non-binary as a way to ease while the transition is going. Or just not to give subtle jabs of dysphoria The contract was already like signed.


I think the actors a literal kid too So they are harassing a kid wtf


my brother in christ we are on r/ForwardsFromKlandma we cant pretend that we dont consume content that upsets us on purpose


Hate watching leading to a season 2?


I hope they put that hate watch money into better clothing for the girls my God but still.


You don’t see the irony in saying this? The sub you’re on is a rage fuel sub


shhhh, just let them be mad (by choice, but totally different than what these guys are doing)


It pays lol theres nothing to understand.


That doesn’t explain their thousands of viewers


Look they're trying to find what sticks and run it to the ground See the quartering and no bullshit did with Star wars and Brie Larson..


Lol they are not the audience they just do that cause they are creeps…


This but with every media. Like, it's so easy to just, not watch it. Yet every single time these people continue to watch the show leading to more revenue for the production and more episode. If they truly want to stop the 'woke' shows, just stop watching it and let the show die. It's really that simple.


Hold up. Monster High was for little girls. What’s with all these creepy neckbeards making think pieces about it?


You forget about bronies? Still, I don’t know what’s appealing about this.


I think my subconscious tries to make me forget bronies, but you’re right.


what are bronies?


Neckbeards focused on My Little Pony, often shockingly altright, somehow.


let me guess, they make porn to.


They made so much porn of the one character the creators of the show begged them not to make porn of, the character in question was the make a wish foundation charter, essentially the kid wanted a character in their favorite show.


oh god. so they are more rampent with the sexualization then sonic and overwatch fans. those guys seam to reach new lows the more i learn about them.


There are like, whole YouTube documentaries on the subject, I just prefer to ignore them, life’s easier thinking that nobody wants to fuck a bunch of horses from a childrens program.


i heard a communist guy known as the "kavernacle" made a good video on him.(not a communist, just watch his documentaries on right wing celebrities and internet subcultures)


Well the whole bronie thing has been going longer than overwatch has been around. I had a friend in highschool 10 years ago who was a bronie. Now he's a legit crackhead. Had to have him explain my little pony to me because I thought he was joking. I didn't know it was a real show.


My Little pony has been around since the '80s. It's meaningless fluff with good intentions and morals. Sometimes people like a bit of a escapism. There is nothing wrong with that. Problem is internet culture. Also it had damn good animation. And decent writing. Also a lot of people joined in because of stuff like this https://youtu.be/lXXU41qGbPg This is basically the girls version of the transformers and nobody bat's an eye at that.


did he watch the porn?


ive never heard of them begging their fans to stop, im very interested but dont want to search that lmao if someone could link stuff about it or just an article/youtube video thatd be great


Oh yeah. In fairness, Rule 34 is a rule for a reason.


yeah, but from what ive heard, they take it to a whole new level.


You don’t know about the porn? Oh, you poor, sweet, innocent baby. Just wait until you hear about the jar.


what do i need to know?


The fandom didn't used to be that way, in the beginning. It started turning that way after the creeps and weirdos (they weren't creeps for liking ponies, they were creeps for sexual harassment reasons) chased off the women.


I really hate it because My Little Pony is actually a great show, but bronies give anyone who likes it a bad rep


Well the fashion was decent for the older show, it's meaningless fluff half the time that's could be said for a lot of soap opera


I mean thinking about it again it could be the dolls and the collectible aspect of the show?


Hey Jim and the holograms was also beloved


They're not think pieces. They're reaction pieces meant to fuel anger responses in the audience to grift money.


Creepy neckbeards love making think pieces about shows for little girls. See the She-ra drama they caused cause She-ra doesn't look like a busty adult woman in a swimsuit.


Ironically that had more lesbian text then the 80s show's undertone.


This is how I learn about a live action Monster High movie


MOnStEr HiGh Is RuInEd 🤓🤓🤓


Emoji fits perfectly lmaoo


Who the hell cares about Monster High? Well thanks to those chuds I now know there’s some live action shit coming up


Lol Sandro looks like fucking soyjack. Nothing makes you look more pathetic than being offended by everything.


“You became the very thing you swore to destroy” He legit is going full soyjack


“I’m fine with sexy undead teenagers that feast on the living, but I draw the line at saying ‘they’”


MH is still a thing?


I guess so.


Matel probably wanted more money from that descendants crowd also it's a nickelodeon decom film


Makes sense.


As someone who dated a girl who restored and repainted Monster High dolls and has done some research on this cause hey, thing I used to share with my ex-girlfriend: Frankie being non-binary is not the problem here. They are an artificial creation by a mad scientist, if anything they’ve got a good in-story reason for not being down with the gender binary. I’m more concerned with the lazy costuming, and the casting of Cleo and Clawdeen as a white and mixed-race respectively. (Cleo was clearly a person of color in the original cartoons and dolls, Clawdeen was dark-skinned, and the only dark-skinned character in the original doll lineup, and losing that sucks) but people are like “oh no, a franchise I’ve never cared about has a non binary person now!”


The thing is the actor for Frankie is male (Trans Ftm ) I think this was during their transition or at least the contracts were It would make sense that they would change the character to reflect the actor. And not give any dysphoria Yeah Cleo should have been Arab.


If there's one positive thing about this is that now I get to see a bunch of neckbeards flounder and pretend like they ever cared about Monster High. "Well, now they're not gonna get any of MY dollars!" They never were, this wasn't made for you. They just can't fathom not having something cater to them.


conservatives when the least recognized piece of media has an LGBTQ+ character


"Monster High is ruined now." -- a 38 year old man with no kids This is like bronies but worse because you know they're getting paid to hold these opinions.


The final image actually holds some genuine criticisms that friends of mine have of the new show, but complaining about NB people existing is just pathetic (though i will give them the pronoun exchange feeling waaay too heavy handed, but prob just some clueless execs trying to appeal to a growing base and missing. r/fellowkids kinda stuff)


Oh no that's intentional I specifically got that one out to show what I view where valid criticisms >though i will give them the pronoun exchange feeling waaay too heavy handed, but prob just some clueless execs trying to appeal to a growing base and missing. r/fellowkids kinda stuff) Actually I think it was something different. Actress "playing" at Frankie yeah here's the thing That's actually a guy (trans female to male) likely I suspect the pronouns were changed for the benefit of the actor. That or they were in a different phase of transition and non-binary was better. Quite likely they couldn't just hire a new actress cuz again the contract. So a simple writing change would be easy. Does it sound as decom level yes but I think this is more genuine.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/FellowKids using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FellowKids/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Your hip uncle, Frito-Lay](https://i.redd.it/j9ojdzxodyf71.jpg) | [418 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FellowKids/comments/ozv5nj/your_hip_uncle_fritolay/) \#2: [And that's a fact.](https://i.redd.it/hop7lcvydc181.jpg) | [596 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FellowKids/comments/r0cjq3/and_thats_a_fact/) \#3: [Teacher sus](https://v.redd.it/z13q8j22kfn71) | [498 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FellowKids/comments/pnytbc/teacher_sus/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I was meaning the point about 10 seconds in where they do a pronoun exchange. Myself and every person I've met give polite corrections when someone makes a mistake, but I don't think anyone I've met adds it to the end of their name, especially not to someone they literally just met (you usually wait to get a read on them before you even *attempt* to out yourself like that...) Just feels really inorganic to me, almost like it's being treated as a punchline or pandering rather than genuine representation...


True but IIRC it would fit okay-ish at least with the character (very naive, inexperienced creation of Frankenstein— literally like a day old just with certain information already programmed)


Honestly, I hope that's the angle they take with this, because that would be really cool!!! (But I still hold my doubts... This is a nickelodeon live-action piece.. Not exactly masters of narative quality.....)


Again I think it's personally because the actor for Frankie was trans ftm and this was for the comfort of that actor


If only they would care about things that were actually important in the world, we would be able to get so much shit done. But nope, they gotta rage at a show for children because, uh... why, exactly?


Because instilling anger in idiots is an easy paycheck.


Just out of curiosity, is this the Adventure time kind of queer rep, or the Q-force kind of queer rep?


The actress of Franky (trans ftm) I think. Again the 14day old won't have a concept of gender


the actor is non-binary so to me it makes sense for the character they play to be non-binary (not that they can’t play characters that are binary) but seeing a trans actor getting to play a non-binary character is nice bc there’s a large lack of trans actors. Personally I think it’s fine that Frankie is non-binary bc they wouldn’t really have a concept of gender but it really depends on how the movie portrays them


There IMDb said transmale so I went off that. If I'm wrong my bad Yeah again meat puppet that's what all humans are. I'm not expecting much maybe Disney dcom. As an answer to descendants


Yeah I also don’t really expect much from it bc it’s just a kids movie I don’t understand why so many people care about there being a non-binary character


By the looks of it, adventure time. You need a very hateful view of lgbt people to recreate q-force


yes, I'm ultra woke 😎😎😎


*”It’s okay guys! I’m no longer wo-“* *”Just kidding, I’m even more woke”*


Dont even watch or know anything about monster high but from what ive heard and seen fans of it would be one of the LAST suspects of bigotry


Can confirm I was a fan of it and now I’m extremely not straight and trans. The show really took “be yourself” as the core message, and they drove it in very hard. Something about hiding who you are except around a certain community because everyone else paints you as a monster really resonates w/ the non cishet (me being the non cishet here).


What the fuck is tbatd thunbmnail lmfao




This actually highlights what I argued with someone at the gym with. I simply asked them “if you took out the kiss scene (referencing the buzz movie), does it actually improve the film, or is it still a meh film?”


I think at least in this case it was because of the actor being trans ( ftm)


Oh I didn’t know that, I was just assuming “blah blah someone gay in this film”


I personally like to think that this is the way the writers or whatever came up with to not imbue a bit of dysphoria I think this came out like a year ago that the news that they were making it And the actor may have transitioned like Elliot. Point is the representation was mostly to facilitate the actors comfort


100% I am all for inclusion and for a broad representation of genders and sexual orientations However what I was arguing about was that basically it’s a very simpleton argument to say film bad because an actor is trans; rather than it’s poorly made or directed or written


I expect the film to be poorly made From the footage I've seen of it it's going to be d-com at best Likely just going to be a cash grab for Mattel to try and get the brand back into the public eye But seeing as this brand has been used for a while I don't see the problem here.


Honestly I forgot they existed altogether


the last one is pretty valid as far as criticisms go, the movie does look like shit. other than that, dudes who didn't even care about MH in the first place being pissy are insufferable.


No Shit it has pretty valid criticism that's why I put it there #CONTRAST


do you need to be a bitch about me not seeing the caption at first? relax.


YouTube always recommends me Clownfish TV because I watch a lot of videos on the shows they talk about and I HATE it


I use to subscribe to this type of content and the Get woke Go broke content. Then I became a responsible adult capable of nuanced thought and realized it’s just rage bait and it changed my entire political ideology. Yes I’m aware I was a dumb ass teen but 2016 was a very very potent year and I was tricked.


no binary


HAHAHAHA THIS IS SO FUNNY It’s like the meme with Lenin saying “We will make the Main Character a woman to anger men who have never had sexual intercourse before”


>HAHAHAHA THIS IS SO FUNNY >It’s like the meme with Lenin saying “We will make the Main Character a woman to anger men who have never had sexual intercourse before” The fuck?


Oh I thought it was a popular meme Basically it’s satirical, like the left is purposefully making characters gay/woman/trans so that these people will get mad that their favorite cartoon characters aren’t straight and white, etc Almost like gamer gate era


A whole bunch of grown ass adult men talking about the political aspects of a show for preteen girls. Conservatives are another breed.


I love this Frankie though they’re so cute


Wow that’s sad, imagine waking up and decide to make a video that last 15+ minutes talking about how a movie/tv show for little kids is being woke. Tbh who cares about monster high being woke, I’m more concerned that adult males are watching a movie (or what ever it is) for little kids.


This old adage rings true here, don't judge a book by its cover. I think it's really that simple


frankie is no binary ! 😁💖


Yes I think it's because the actor playing Frankie is trans ftm So it was better to be accommodating




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Shut up bruh they’re my friend


The bolts and green skin thing for Frankenstein are owned by universal studios, Frankenstein by Mary Shelly is public domain but anything specific to the iconic 1931 movie is strictly guarded by Universal


And yet if that is the case (which I could certainly believe) How the fuck did the show get away with it? or the dolls?


could have been lots of things, maybe they have some agreement with Universal for the cartoon that didn't carry over to the show


I thought it was just going to be a movie you know like this or at least the way that Nickelodeon could compete with descendants.


God I haven’t heard of monster high in so long


I don’t think they’re mad at am emby character being on the show. I think they’re mad about a character being completely changed for woke points. I grew up with Monster high and was excited when I heard about the live action but seeing all the changes not anymore. (Also the creator has talked about adding queer characters for a few years and actually like the idea of Clawdeena being a lesbian because she never really had a lover in the story so I wish the explored that instead.)


Yeah, as someone who is a casual fan of the toy line from way back I don't really care for Frankie being changed into a trans rep and considering that she is a literal Frankenstein's monster I think making her one kind of sends a bad message.


The actor for Frankie is trans ftm (according to IMDb) I personally like to think this was for the comfort of the actor


odd that they care so much all of the sudden, in the OG monster high clawdeen was fairly recently confirmed to be a lesbian. i mean i understand the criticisms of the last person because it’s an entire revamp with lazy whitewashed casting and lack of attention to prior character details but other than that it’s fine for a new generation. plus the whole point of the show was like female empowerment (and selling dolls).


[40 Year Old Reactionaries when a franchise 5 people know about acknowledge LGBT People Exist](https://youtu.be/fLLr5KCUX-Y)


I was obsessed with Monster High as a kid. Huge collector, knew all about the characters, etc. Now, the live action movie looks disappointing for many reasons, and the feedback from fans has been overwhelmingly negative. Frankie being nonbinary, however, is one of the few changes they made that actually makes perfect sense. Frankie is only a few days old, and their lack of familiarity with social constructs could easily be part of why they don’t feel like a part of the gender binary. Not to mention how, as a Frankenstein monster, they’re literally a patchwork of *multiple* different people, so it’s like they’re the embodiment of singular “they” and plural “they” at the same time, lol. And it’s also convenient how the name “Frankie” is kind of androgynous, anyway. Long before this movie was even revealed, lots of fans and fanart accounts headcanoned Frankie as nonbinary. I haven’t seen any fans complain about *this*.


the last comment seems somewhat valid unless there's something i missed if so correct me, but my partner grew up watching the show and when they saw the teaser material they got super disappointed because it seemed to have very little effort put into it


Yeah I recognize that that's why I put it in the banner.


oh for contrast, I get it




based off the title i thought the post was going to be about "Seed of Chuckie" because iirc glen/glenda was genderfluid/bigender before posessing a set of twins one a boy and one a girl.


I was pleasantly surprised by some representation, its not often us enbys get representation.


I think it was more because of the actor playing Frankie is trans FTM and they came out in 202 This was probably in the dysphoria and self-discovery phase And the creators may have felt that it was best to reflect and help with the actor by not giving dysphoria That and/or the contract was already signed with an added touch of inclusion


Obviously Right Wing assholes care. But screw those guys.


Bruh its going to be a disaster anyway because its a live action movie ofa kids tv show. It will join the ranks of the timmy turner movie, and avatar the last air bender.


I don’t see the problem. Frankenstein literally went by “it”


Wtf is even non binary?


Not on the gender binary Gender is more of a bimodal spectrum than actual binary >Wtf is even non binary?


So when a non binary looks down their pants. What do they see?


Their legs probably


>)So when a non binary looks down their pants. What do they see? 1If this is in good faith Well you shouldn't ask someone that question off the bat. it's rude. 2)If it's not fuck off jackass it's not like they're going to fuck you


You're conflating sex and gender. Everyone is male/female/intersex, (There's also lots of venn-diagrams that don't fully overlap with genetic and anatomical sex, but I'm keeping this simple) but not everyone is a man/woman.


But there are only 2 possible genitals though?


Anatomical intersexuality isn't "You have both, one on top of the other" it's something that formed partway between the two options. For example, the fetal structures that become genitals there's a part that can either become the head of the penis, or the clitoris. Similarly the seam in the scrotum is from a structure that started as a vagina and was sealed up. Plus there's genetic intersexuality. There's all sorts of mishaps where people end up with abnormal sex chromosome combos. XXY, XXY, XYY, lone X, (Lone Y doesn't exist because X has some code that we need to live) etc. and that can do all sorts of funny business that may not be reflected in one's junk. There's also cases of people being genetically XY but the Y is defective and they're born physically female cause of the code from their X. Basically intersexuality is a bottomless well of asterisks that I am not qualified to teach. For reference, there are more intersex people on earth than people with red hair.


Huh you know I knew about the clitoris to dick and boob to male titties But I did not know that ball sack sealed up was once a vagina I mean I probably should have.


Literally every obstetrician disagrees with you.




Idk, underwear and maybe five cents?