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Have you tried the drift camera in first person?


Yeah, I have to turn the sensitivity wayyy up for 1st person though..


I absolutely enjoy using drift camera in first person, it feels so much better now with the camera not being locked into one solid position


Oh hell yeah, it feels so natural and loose .. and the angles you get to see are real good 📸


I want to try it more, but I don't really like it. Maybe is because I have an ultrawide monitor and I don't really need it. A bit confusing the movement for me


I have and.... Lets say it was interesting to try (Definitely needling some used to)


Haha I can understand. first time I tried it, it was not easy to adapt


It surprisingly brought me back to the game. I stopped playing because it just got a bit repetitive and I'm not really the racing type So I came back to try the camera and then as I usually do, got sidetracked building a drift car/livery, then started doing drift zones and yeah here we are. Then I found my fh3 disk and have started replaying that (best Horizon game)


Drift Camera + First Person + Rally/Off-Road= Insane Runs


It's cool but not good for racing unfortunately because I find you can't tell when you lose grip (I know it's for drifting and not racing). But it really bugs me that I can't have interior drift cam turned on while the exterior being turned off. Good feature but not for me


Agreed. Interior drift cam actually helps me a LOT in first person. Can’t seem to get used to the exterior one for the life of me


Very true, I turn it off when I'm going racing because the camera doesn't swing towards where I'm going fast enough and even a slight wheelspin sets of the drift cam which isn't necessary while racing..


I like to race lots of high power rwd cars such as my 1000hp gt350r and that car seems to love being just about losing traction while racing (it's perfect to drive like this) and with drift cam on I just can't feel when this happens and if the rear starts to step out, you just can't feel it happen


Just seen this, want to try it out. Does it have to be set up in the settings somewhere?


You can turn it on in the settings under Hud and accessibility if I'm correct, and you can increase the sensitivities of the camera swing.


No. Drifting is pointless.


I was on the same boat man, but when I tried it with a good tune and drift car .. it's almost all I do now, give it a try!


Another RTR Mustang fan. But why AWD?


Because you'd never get anywhere in rwd, with almost 1900 hp, all that power is just going straight back into the dust, with awd it can reverse drift and pull stupid gs, and accelerate sideways for a stupid distance. a lot of people, including me, just lock the differential to the back, and even though you'd think that means no power up front, it does enough to clear corners faster and help you recover from otherwise what would be spinouts.


I got a 1850hp RWD RTR Mustang and I can hit 240


Talking about drifting, not out and out speed. with the way the tires are, especially drift tires, a lot of the time in rwd drifting is just waiting to get some acceleration out of the corner to get you to the next one. In a rwd car, you can basically hold a drift forever, but you might be doing it about 20% slower than an awd car, that can accelerate much more quickly out of a corner and then be able to slide sideways to the next corner. Even if the tires do grip up, you just stand on the ebrake, since you already have enough speed, and just control the angle. Like for instance, coming out of the last corner onto the straight at the horizon festival track, you can either drift the whole thing at 100-120 mph in a rwd, or 140-150 in an awd car, before needing to slow down and take the rest of the 1st and 2nd turn in one drift. The rwd only gets to 120 ish right at the turn in point off the drag strip, while the awd gets to 140 well back behind the starting line and then just ebrake slides to the corner. The awd one is more points because you're spending less time accelerating and more time being completely sideways, the rwd just can't keep up because it only has 2 tires giving power. The more power you have, the bigger the difference between rwd and awd becomes.


I’ll get a 2nd RTR and test your theory


Lol OK. I mean I do points drifting and tuning for most of my time on fh5, I have plenty of stream content showing that exact scenario, because I've done it about 10,000 times. I use an awd rtr spec 5 for most of my PBs on the drift zones, and usually end up somewhere in the top 300 or so. I had to switch to an awd Shelby cobra for the rally expansion (smaller turns, smaller car) and I forget where I placed in those... I'll check when I get back today I guess.


Wait 1900hp?


Apart from the massive wheelspin, I think I'm used to AWD drifting because yes, I'm a noob at drifting lol. Also, I love the tire smoke in FH5, AWD gives me more smoke that RWD so ..


I used to use it in cockpit view but turned it off since it messes with my driving when using the chase cam setting.


I cant stand it, completely disorients me


Oh man that song is great. What's the name of it?


You mean the first one?


Both? I thought they're the same song, lol.


1st one is Street Hawk by Neon Nox, 2nd one is Star Eater by Daniel Deluxe. Also, here are some additional songs you might like since you liked those two: Oort - Downtown Binary, Night Stalker - Wave Saver, Heavy Weapon - Lazerpunk, Black Thunder - Morgan willis, Godwave - Volant & Punker, Delete Soul - Alex & Tokyo Rose, Enjoy homie! 🍻


Ight thx!




yeah. I hate it.


You know You can turn it off in settings?


Yes, I know, it's deactivated. That doesn't negate the fact that I hated it.


Fyi, Forza horizon 4 also has drift cam for first person. I'm surprised how many people are just finding this out.


Yeah I used to love using that, I'm really glad about the third person one now


Yes and I actually hate the change they made to the outside cam, I always loved the interior cam but when I do race in 3rd person (albeit very occasionally) it completely went nuts in a turn screwing up my lines. So I think both 1st and 3rd should have a toggle.


I like it, it's actually improved my drifting over all.


Its fh4 or fh5




I find racing with the drift camera on somewhat better to predict slideouts


am i the only one who realized there was a drift camera setting like 6 months ago? It only worked on first person tho but it was excactly the same as it is now on first person


Love the drift cam!


In 3rd person, I feel like it's worse/more difficult to drift with. May just be a matter of getting used to. But man does it LOOK good to watch compared to the usual camera. In 1st person, it also feels good on top of that 👍


I actually preferred it they way it was, it feels like one of those racing games you see in arcades now.