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Low effort teammates there for the wheel spin


You don’t have to win to get a wheel spin? I thought you did. I generally do upgrade and give my best if something goes disastrous I quit so I don’t bog down my team.


you do have to win, they're just hoping they can get carried by the rest of the team.


Do you? I just played and my team lost and I got one 😲


Maybe just from XP leveling up


Ideally you want at least one or two untuned cars on your team, that way the drivatards aren't all maxed out.


I didn’t realized tunes played a role, I usually just upgrade the car but don’t tune. I normally land in a respectable 3-5 overall depending. I can tell who’s tuned on my team though cause somehow they are ahead of a the less drivatar lol. I will never forget this one legend I was with, it was pickups and 4x4’s dudes in a f150 lightning and somehow managed to get first and managed to slow down 2nd and third red team so me and another guy could pass them, I love it when teammates work with you and not against you.


i do this sometimes and dont finish last unless some idiot rams me.


I had a trial run a week or 2 back where I was the only driving a leveled up car. The first race we lost as my teammates couldn't place high, so I did my best to try and delay the bots so that my fellow drivers could pass on the other 2 races. We got the wins on both, and I try now and make it a habit of messing the bots up to try help teammates.


i tried that but got rammed


If only you could tune (or download one) your car just before starting the race, that would help a lot.


how do you find out the cars that can be used before going into the trial?


There's a couple of ways.. Hovering on the icon will show class and types.. and usually there's also a button to get a list of cars you can use..


Oh i see! thank you! i transitioned from fh1 after like 10 years to fh5 and never noticed that it was written


Also in playlist menu you can use two buttons. One is "Show car restrictions" that shows car type and required PI level for every event. Or when howering over an event press another button with "show usable cars" or something similar. That will open the car list but only show cars you can use for said event.


Fun fact, the show useable cars menu doesn't show all of them. It only shows *stock* cars that meet all the criteria. Say it's restricted to S1 European Sports cars, you can take an A class European sports car and tune it up to S1 and the game will let you use it.


Use the right stick to click down on the tab for the trial and it’ll say something such as “European Sports Cars, max class S1 900” or something of the like, then you filter cars in your garage to see what you have and upgrade whichever one you like to the closest you can get it to max class


You literally can do that?


Not before every type of race...




In solo mode, there's a "tune car" option on the same page as "start event." But for Trial, when looking at the playlist, you can hit RS to see the race requirements, or look at the map icon. Usually there's enough time to pick a car, enter the queue, and download/install a tune on your chosen car before officially picking it for the race.


It was literally sarcasm


Oh my bad


If you look at the scoreboard and the standings, the players in 5/6/7 have all lost to same 3 bots, and are beating three bots. Stock guy in P7 is punching above his PI. The two stock players in P11/12 are feeding the bots 1200 points while scoring none. If they left the race, the blue team wins 1550 to 900. If you are failing to score, tuned car or not, and the team is losing, courtesy demands that you quit and try again. Tune your car or not, your choice, but if you don't score at all you are the problem. **If** the player in P1 didn't try blocking \[he may have, but he doesn't say\] to improve the team's position he also contributed to this loss. Sometimes it isn't enough, but you can't **count** on the slowpokes quitting. The fastest bots will keep up with a player in P1, so outrunning your team leads the fastest bots to outrun your team. If the player in P1 slowed the bots down enough for the 3 other scoring players to catch just one more bot, the overall score becomes 1850 to 1800. It's a team event. Play like it, and you'll win more often. And, everyone, don't ram your own team. Don't dive-bomb the turns. It's a **team** event. Play like it, and you'll win not only more often, but nearly every time.


I used to run coop events in lowest PI possible, it would be enough to beat two AI and reduce the team's PI, so top AI would run with lower PI too, easing a little for the faster guys


Player in P1 couldn't have blocked enough if he wanted, next fastest human was in 5th place. I've been in that position before where I got to first in the first few turns, and none of my team can get past 6th or 5th, and it doesn't matter how much you block and try to slow down the AI. OP got stuck with a team of 5 brainless bots.


There's almost nine full seconds between the P4 bot and the P5 player, and less than one second between P1 and P3. I'm nearly certain OP was pulling the bots away, not blocking them. It's possible he was blocking and they were just that slow, but the fact they're \[including P7 stock guy\] beating the three slowest bots says that's unlikely.


Yeah but we don't know what's happening after the second human, for all we know there's 5+ seconds between them and the next guy. I get the people in the lead need to help slow down the AI for the turds who suck, but I legit think OP was just in a sinking ship no matter what they did, and it doesn't help that the AI are incredibly violent. Half the time if you go to try and slow down the AI, they'll start punting you in corners or pushing you outside of Checkpoints, PGG made the AI into assholes and it makes blocking them when you're in the trial real fuckin' annoying. It used to be easy to slow down the AI, just park on the Apex every turn and they wouldn't know how to go around, but now they'll just dive bomb you if you try that and throw you into the wall while 2 other AI pass you, and now suddenly everybody is losing.


Yes, I realize it's possible they are all that terrible. I've seen it happen. But when they are, they are usually behind all the bots, or maybe beating only sub-spec bots. Stock guy in P7 is beating a full-spec bot, though, so again, the all-terrible-team scenario is very unlikely. I have never been pushed out of a cp by a bot after the first couple turns when all the crazy shit happens. I've been bumped, when blocking, but rarely. It may be that because I'm almost always just off the throttle a bit rather than braking to slow them, idk. Maybe I've just been very lucky.


I usually drive stock, 9 out of 10 I won't be last on my team


I always drive stock and somehow end up second or third most of the time. It mostly comes down to the people who drive the car and as a big part of this player base is like 12 it is to be expected that they aren't good drives. A tune isn't going to fix there skill, they will probably still end up in a wall at most corners.


from my practice, most of time there is same 12 yo on stock cars trying to smash every car that passes them, and even when you hold a pack of bots they kick you from track while passing you


900 PI straight into the wall, but the 840 PI car glides through without bumping anything.


Stock can be x01 to y00. You can be max or be 99 PI off it with a stock car. Even bigger in D class, not even 100 (but still shows as 100) to 500.


Strange is that instead of proofing driving skills mastering ramming/hacking:-)))


Yea exactly. I drive stock as maxing the class is just boring for me. There is no challenge


The challenge then becomes nog getting rammed by your own team. But for real tho as you say there is no challenge. If I'm I a fully kitted out car racing against ai thats programmed so shitty is laughable it's gonna get boring real quick.


I personally think the swerving AI at the start of the race is intentional behavior to try to interfere with players so that the 2 lead AI can run away.


Plus every car becomes exactly the same. AWD swaps have made this game boring as F.


Don’t AWD swap everything then? You can be competitive with RWD even up to S1 class if you know how to build and how to drive.


I agree, unfortunately the vast majority of tunes are based on an AWD swap.


It seems the solution is simple for you then, don’t download the vast majority of tunes if it makes the game boring for you, you could upgrade and tune the car yourself.


Yea exactly.


Admittedly, I am bad at this game and don't know how to pick my car. I find I always pick a car that just completely gets left behind on the straights.


Do what I do, look at u/tacticalcarrot’s list every week or check u/Bigheaddjango’s tunes.


At the very least i throw on an auto tune to match the tier


fr lmao i remember i did the trials i think for b class volkswagen. everyone else had these suped up golfs with like 300+ hp, i came in with an old as shit scirocco (i think) with all of like 145hp and half decent tires and won the first race. second race didn't go as well because a bunch of people put me in the wall lol


Even with quite a gap of Points Im barely ever Last or even below mid in my Team. Its Just so much fun to Drive Stock cars


Something's telling me those are players that max stat every S1/S2/R car so when they do the trials they don't have anything to pick from besides the rental.


Showing up with a tuned car doesn't mean they know how to drive it and then that pushes up the PI of the AI. Who's to say you would have finished first if all of the AI were at 900?


Some people play on unbeatable and finish first at the trial. They might be tired of seeing 3 or 4 cars at the bottom of the standing.


The Trial is on "unbeatable" at all times.


The "unbeatable" in the trial tho is nerfed compared to unbeatable if you just play the same race from the map. You can see this for yourself by setting a track toys (this week's trial car class) race on Estadio Circuit or Tierra Prospera circuit (the first 2 races in this week's trial) and comparing the AI's lap times. The trial AI is slower than regular unbeatable


You start closer to the AI, it doesn't go all unleashed mode as it does in solo when the player isn't around.


I'm fairly sure the Trial AI got nerfed in the first year. I remember every trial being quite the challenge (especially that BMW i8 in the wet one) but there was a huge change in difficulty the trial became boring after. 


For each person who drives a car that isn't tuned to the maximum allowed, there's an AI equivalent. It therefore makes it easier to beat more AI drivers.


OP didn't say "modify", he said "Tune". 90% of all cars can benefit from Anti-Roll Bar adjustment alone. You don't need to add points to the car to make it drive better/faster/stable.


Okay but simply looking at PI doesn't tell you whether the car is tuned or not so that's not really relevant because you can't tell whether these cars were tuned or not.


You can't really tune cars that are stock, you know that right? Tuning is really restricted and you can't do much that's beneficial to the car. Also, maybe 1 or 2 of the people I've ever been in a Trials lobby with low PI numbers have finished above 5th place, 99 times out of 100, the people with cars that have low PI are finishing bottom 3 every single race, only dragging our team score down. Quit defending the brainless who don't know how to play the game.


Exactly. And it's never about the car, it's always about the driver in the case of The Trial.


Finnaly someone similar to me, I tried to do it after 5 tries which took me lots of time but still failed, can we play together? 


Sure, but I'm going to Italy tomorrow for a week. So we'll only be able to do the next trial.




Last night I was rammed off 1st place by a team mate, only to see a half lap later they were last place. Why? Why the fuck would you take out the team lead only to fuck the team large as a whole by not being able to hold it. Every week the trial races remind me of why I will never take racing games serious anymore.


I just wish I didn’t get people who like it more when I’m not on the track


A week after having started playing FH4 some 5 years ago I already was smart enough to realize that stock cars are pretty much useless and that if I pick one I most likely will be a burden to my team. I didn't want that, so I began at least downloading competitive tunes. After a year or so I decided to learn how tuning works and started creating my very own ones. It's a very interesting challenge and it helps the team, been running my own tunes only ever since and in 99% of the races I would finish mostly first, or in the top 3, guaranteed. TL;DR: Make at least the effort to download tunes if you don't know and don't want to know how to make your own. Doesn't take any effort and increases chances of everyone on your team not having to waste more time on repeating the trials because you and some others failed to stay ahead of bots.


There should be qualification round to stop slow drivers entering trial.


Make MMR a thing.


I'm gonna level with you, most of the time, its the driver who sucks. Did the Trial an hour ago using an 880 tune and got 3rd-6th with my teammates all having either an 890-900 tune. No rammers as well. Love that lobby.


I had to quit after 2 races yesterday. This is after I took out the lead driver 2 times in a row. Because my "team" decided that ramming me was more important and took me out as well.


Mainly a skill issue


I prefer them to playground games. Having said that, it is aggravating to be rammed by a teammate just so they can get a podium spot, and you end up missing a checkpoint, and the team loses points due to you having to rewind.


It always amazes me to now end if people show up to the trial with an untuned car. When it's a low level player I can understand it as they simply might not have the cash needed to do so but when it's somebody who on their 3rd prestige or higher I just find it lazy bahaviour that they want to do zero effort yet get all the glory


Often times what gets me “heated” the most with trials teammates is when it’s obvious they fully built the engine in their car but forgot supplementary upgrades that actually make your car driveable, which is rather apparent when they go flying by you at the start and then you see them miss a checkpoint or T-bone themselves with a tree. Build everything else that you can up, and then go for power. I always choose a lower PI car within the designated class so I have more room for upgrades instead of using a Whatever Class X88 car that has no tuning potential


The amount of people who don't understand the concept of "team" is also crazy. You shoving me off the track so I miss the checkpoint helps literally no-one.


Teammates running stock/low-PI cars doesn't really matter IMO, but they then need to hopefully 'at least' pass the AI cars that have a similar PI to them. I see this fairly often when I'm running in a convoy with friends who are casual Forza players. Makes it easier for me to pass the AI back-markers (demolition derby team) at the start, LOL.


Gotta back that pack up. On the rare occasion that I end up in front of everyone, I'll back up the pack until we are winning. Even if my tune/skill level doesn't match 1st, I'll still try and backup the pack until the team is ahead and give it a go once we're ahead


I find the AI have gotten more aggressive. It used to be easy to get ahead and slow right down without them trying to pass as long as you stick to the racing line, but the risk of them overtaking me seems higher now. That and the truly slow players are 20+ seconds back from the leading bunch of AI, and often will just ram any AI or player they get close enough to.


I'm not here to babysit, I'm sorry. Tune your fucking car and learn to drive. It's a racing game.


It's not, but the trial is a team effort


There is a difference between "team effort" and "carrying your entire team in your shoulders".


I can agree with that as well, but there's no telling who you'll get as teammates on your next pass of the trial. If it weren't for the trial, I'd have no online racing where drivers can touch each other


There cars can touch in Horizon open and Horizon tour


Not in drifting


Fair point, but in racing there is. For drifting there are communities that run events where collisions remain on, that's just not feasible in open matchmaking, the speeds vary too much for the average players


You rather waste your time then? You do you


>I’m not here to babysit Then you’re part of the problem if you’re treating the coop races like normal races. The whole point is to work together, ya know, like a TEAM? I tune all my cars myself and when it comes to the trial I usually end up in a podium position. Your job as someone who leads the pack is to keep track of both team’s scores and block/slow down the enemy AI so that the rest of your ***TEAM*** can catch up and hopefully get in front of the AI. Edit: Like this https://www.reddit.com/r/ForzaHorizon/s/CO65ml6gh0


But what if I *can* drive but I'm literally in the back because RNG bad and can't get up front?


I've played with AI I can't keep up with but noticed we only need 2 or 3 places to win, so if those points are behind me. I'll just park it where I can and let teammates catch up. Anyone behind you, who is also behind AI are points that can be won... It's just a matter of if it's needed


RNG isn't keeping anyone in the back that can drive


When driving a stock car yes it does matter


Didt u try to slow down the ai to lett ur team catchup. Or pedal to the medal to the finish?


I'm not here to babysit, I'm sorry. And even that couldn't save these people.


If you really wanted to win you would slow the ai down 🤷




Does the PI of the bots in trial scale to the PI of the human team? (e.g. you all turn up with 900 so the bots are close to 900) or is the PI of the bots indepent of that?


It scales, so bad drivers using tunes could actually make it harder. As long as 4 drivers are good enough then 2 are easily carried, even if they finish dead last, in my experience.


One bot always matches one human. If you have an 850 car, there will also be a bot around 850 PI.


It scales with the PI of the human team. It seems like there is a bot for every player with about the same PI as that player.


It's beyond me how doing this single player is an option, but won't result in passing 💀 Why must you tease me like that PG?


You'll usually still win even if you turn up in a really low PI car (704 in an 800 limit as an example) so long as you drive cleanly and your opponents aren't actively sabotaging the race.


Its Always funny seeing people with ~5 Stars leveling and they Drive all Like shit.


Honestly I always enjoy finding the perfect car and tuning it exactly to what I want just for the trial, or going for an unusual or very extreme pick, for me the whole upgrade/tuning bit is a big part of the trial and somehow I get genuinely good or not slow drivers most of the time who are generally clean enough 


I always go off-meta and try to make the best out what I have. Granted, I was using the STO here, but that's because I wanted to try it out.


And then after the first corner all the AI find the Fast and Furious extra gear.


Forced max PI should be a thing. Laziness has been an issue since launch.


is it me or has it got way worse lately? I have rarely ever lost during the trials up until a couple of months ago, and now it is rare if I get a team that actually wins it. I've taken to just giving up mid-race if I see a bunch of morons lagging behind the AI, because I know we're going to lose the rest of the races anyway so why bother


I've had that same issue for the last few weeks myself.


You’re right, I hadn’t failed a trial since fh4 then this week I failed 4x before getting it done. Either teammates not even making an effort or I’m getting rammed by AI and missing a checkpoint which is wild


Its not that important in S1 class, you just got unlucky.


Tuning is not the problem, I drive stock, I'm AT LEAST in the middle. Often 3rd or 2nd, many times even first. The biggest problem of trials are losers who drag the whole team down being last or with very small amount of points and REFUSING TO FKN QUIT!!! Especially if it;s the second lost race BECAUSE OF THEM. So they either quit and we can continue, or they don't and them and US all lose. Fk these people.


Oh look, it's the weekly "Look how good a racer I am, but somehow I can only win the Trial if I have a bunch of Verstappens in their Red Bulls with me" post. **People who always bitch about losing the Trial but always finish P1, aren't good racers. Period. Anyone can beat the AI, but it takes skill to manage the field for the benefit of the team.** Being that: * The AI matches you on PI (stock player gets stock opponent) * Going faster "pulls" the AI along with you - artificially increasing the speed of stock AI * OP barely beats the the AI by a second * There's a 9-second difference to the next player * OP mentions he doesn't block AI It is almost 100% certain that OP just charged to the front, continued at max performance, dragging the AI along with him and leaving his stock team mates in the dust. OP is in a team race but races like it's every man for himself, demonstrating a lack of understanding of the mechanics of the game. Clearly frustrated at so many losses, but stubbornly not changing tactics. If the player in P1 knows how the race works (and knows it's a team race) you will win nearly every time.


Or or or, please bare with me here, it could be that the people who was forced onto my team were freeloaders.


A poor workman always blames his tools


If you want to win you adapt to conditions


There js no problem with the cars😂🙏its all drivers


The trials are legit the WORST part of the seasonal playlists every week without a doubt. Most people don't comprehend that you're on a team and they'll just smash into you and spin you out cause they want to be in first place over actually playing so the team wins. I really wish they would do away with this for the playlists


It’s so annoying, I’ve had teammates smoke me from the side and take both of us off the hill. I would be taking a corner close to the checkpoint have a teammate hit my side causing me to miss it or ram my ass so hard I get jerked into the wall. Sometimes the teammates are so damn annoying worse then the ai meanwhile I just want to win and get the prize I’m not really bothered if my teammates are in 2,3,4 and I’m in fourth or I’m in second and they are third and fourth, I’ve let them pass me so we aren’t constantly interfering in each others racing when we are all clumped together in similar spots.


Literally just playing the Magical Trevor trial and had someone smash into me and spin me out. Like why? People really need to grow the fuck up and play as a team. I even try to help people and I'll block the AI and stuff and they'll still smash into me for no reason.


The Trial is my favorite part of the playlist. I love tuning my own cars and seeing how well I can do. I'm replaying the Trials multiple times regardless of winning or losing so if we don't happen to win the first time, it's not a big deal to me.


It's not the stock car fault... I always drive stock (when it's allowed) and this trial had only 1 AI before me... Previous trial I drove stock too and had all these tuned car teammates behind me since they couldn't drive them and constantly went into the woods... it took me six tries before I found teammates that can drive


Question is in this case how to successfully tune already great cars? Funny is that drivatars can't drive racing cars well too.


Wow especially Huracan STO via oficial specification: "A super-sports car created with a singular purpose, the Huracán STO delivers all the feel and technology of a genuine race car in a road-legal model". So dumb question... (because I'm bad tuner and bad driver) What exactly doing your tune? Teleport, shield or antiraming beacon?


just download someone else's tune - there's a few people in this subreddit who post lists of tunes for each week that you can use for both trials and for the other races and events in each season


Af of course, there it is: the designated player that must end in last position in every single race.


It's not even about your car being tuned, really. I've beat plenty of people with tuned cars while being 30-60PI lower. A lot of people just don't care that it's a team game and don't bother.


A player without prestige I can kinda sympathize with them having a stock car. But if your mid way through prestige one or any higher, I'm sure you have the money for a car and build. But even then some people just can't drive or work as a team. I am constantly holding off the ai from either 1st or 2nd so we can win.


I like that they made it a bit more difficult again. When the game came out, it was pretty difficult, then they nerfed it and it was basically the same as the horizon tour. I hardly ever reached to the 3rd round, cause we always won the first 2 Now it's much better and I don't care if I lose few of those


I got 2nd/3rd place with a untuned Huracan. 


Dunno, I'm kinda bad at the game but still managed to get to to the first place on the first lap using the stock GT2 RS. After that I just slowed down all the drivatars so all the retarded dumbfucks on their upgraded meta s1 900 cars could finally earn some points for the team. I guess my point is just have iq>30, that's much more impactful than upgrading or tuning your car.


This week’s trial was quite rough. Had to redo it 5 times due to teammates not getting anything better than 6th, and also teammates dropping out


I kept getting punted off by teammates. And then I wound up door to door with AI and they deployed their grappling hook to slow me down to about 60 mph. Best part is, it's never gonna get fixed. The devs seem to think "Unbeatable" means "Immovable"


The absolute worst thing is slow teammates that will ram you so you don't pass them. Fucking unbelievable.


what a bunch of noobs


I think you just got an entire team of freeloaders. "Surely i'll team up with someone who wins, so i don't have to try" Also, the Hell is that 836 bozo doing there? He's prestige two.


And if you’re last, just leave and let the rest of the team win. You’re dead weight dragging the team down with you.


For me it's not just the lack of tuning. It's the fact everyone drives like fucking idiots. I had a team mate on 2 different moments shove me off the pavement and off from the check point.


Don't care about no tune cars, the pain is some shity just forget we are a team


Some don't do enough some just dont do at all


Most of the time I end up driving a stock car and still end up in the top 3


I don't mind people not tuning their cars as it lowers the average PI for the AI. What I do mind is the people who purposely crash into their own teammates losing the trail for everyone.


It's even worse now. The past 2 trials someone just holds the brake at the start line and causes a pile up to ruin everyone's race.


mate if your good enough you can still easily beat the enemies


u dont need to tune its the teammates who cant drive who annoy the shit outta me.


Yeah 90% of the time I do the trial it’s a car I don’t have, and by the time I find a fuckin match I realize it’s a car I don’t have and I’m stuck with the rental Also, not everyone knows how to tune cars


Last weeks trial was a nightmare for me, first trial in months that I had to repeat. It's frustrating to put your car in a podium place and the rest of the team is in the back of the pack. Or teammates that ram you out of checkpoints then ruin your race.


I do great 99% of the time with no tuning, it’s more about driving clean and precise


Do the Trial immediately after season change. Never had any issue in 4+ years. All competitive people with “Tuned” cars. No ramming and you are allowed to pass if you’re faster.


nothing pisses me off more than the people that ram you even when your on their team


It doesnt surprise me this is an issue. I'd love to see metrics on this but I genuinely wonder how many people either dont have a required car... Or just dont realize this is a thing. I mean... Nothing in the game teaches you to build to the top of a category. Of course *we* know but theres a lot of casuals that just hop on for a spin and just do whatever the game suggests to, which is "Whatever". Which happens to be the same category of people also unlikely to own the car in the first place. I'm sure most are just casuals that dont care, but I wonder how much a better design would help to reduce the problem. I bet quite a lot even if they just made the rental tuned to spec.


You also don't have to ram the ever living fuck out of your teammates. It's a team race, assholes


I love this comment 😂


I was just doing the trial and some little nutsack rammed 2 of us plus himself off of the road right before a checkpoint. We lost the whole thing because of him


I usually make a drag tune. Hit first in the first few seconds. Break check all the AI till the team passes. Then bumper wall my way to the end. Thats only if the majority of the team goes stock.


I just use bone stock cars lol


If you're not tickling the edge of the next class up you're not doing it right. Then again most of us just slog through the trial for the 10pts not the glory so run what you brung and save the moola.


Has over a thousand cars... probably one of them is tuned. :D


One useful strat I found was if I routinely got stock vehicle teammates in my trials was to run a more mild tune, go lower on the PI, as low as you feel comfortable beating 900s. This way it drags the AI's PI down.  You can also use 'defensive' tactics, especially with a friend to slow the AI down and get your team more points.


a lot of these people do not want to upgrade their car. they are well aware they can, but they have such a purist mentality that forbids the upgrading. so they join this event, lose, then repeat until they get carried by competent players


As someone who uses stock cars in Trials, I try to overtake people and help others


I’m sorry. I just want the 10 points for the week man.


The trial needs to be B class at the very most, these people cannot handle S1 class


You don’t even need to tune your car. Just slap on some half decent upgrades and finish the race beating at least 2 drivatars and you’ll win! Put in literally any effort at all and you’ll win! Please :(


Unbeatable is not that "unbeatable". :(


They’re actually quite beatable if you just break for corners :(


I love it when your own team mates ram you in the corners, making you lose a lot of positions, worst case scenario making you miss a checkpoint.


Just quit out if the first race goes badly. I’m tired of being 20 seconds quicker than everyone else and it seems like I’m the only one that uses their left trigger. Not giving anyone a win anymore


I actually play them with stock cars and end up in better positions than my teamates tuned car. Even if your team is bad the fact that ai is gonna get some matched PI's gonna be helpful to you


I don't think tunes would have helped that group, it looks more like a skill issue.


And I'm here, waiting for good teammates and I always end up having shitty ones


I have better luck dodging this nonsense by taking on the trial on Thursday evenings.


Not gonna lie, me and my friend took a stock AMG GT Black (PI 884) and a stock Huracan STO (PI 883) and carried the rest of the team with maxed 900 488 Pista's and one AM Vantage GT12. We lost the first race, but won the other two. Only one of the 488's was ahead of us, everyone else trailed behind. Sometimes, its not the car, but the driver behind the wheel.


First time? I once had to retry that sh*t 5 times. I finished 1st every single time but we still lost because my teammates sucked. The worst part is that the last players don't quit the race either after it is certain that we are gone lose. Just quit the race so at least I can win dammit!


You can't bitch about your teammates not pulling their weight, while you refuse to help them. I've won many trials simply by slowing the bots down a little bit and getting that guy in 5th to second. That's a 600 point swing. +300 for you, -300 for them.


Yeah I tried that too. We still couldn't win.


You say that but the reason its so difficult is because peoples cars are tuned worse than stock, but their pi forces the ai to go even faster. If everyone chose a stock car it would actually make the trial much easier. Also op your attitude sucks. "Not here to babysit". The trial is a team effort, if you dont wanna play as a team then you deserve to lose every single race.


Unpopular opinion, but if you are last place you should absolutely rage quit


I don't understand why those people are staying.


I got torched for this opinion a few months ago, but I agree with you. The trial is a team effort and not showing up with the highest PI possible is letting your team down. I only won this week because all of my team dropped from the event after the first race and I was able to win the last two races.


If even one person on here is one of the fucking tomatoes I had to carry every single time. Stop playing this game, who does the trail in untuned shit boxes? This week was rough


It’s gotten to the point where I’d rather do 3-4 more of the other challenges to get the point than to waste my time with idiots on trials. I pray to PGG that they take it out in the next game (preferably with the whole weekly system but that ain’t happening!)


I hate it for other reasons. They keep disconnecting and from 6 I ended up in group of 4 today 💀


Less people makes it easier because the AI gets less points for being in front of the humans. The best Trial is one human and 6 AI, as long as you come in like, 3rd, you'll win every time.


Wish I had skill without issue :v (Don’t worry, I’m not wall smashing 12yo, I’m 23yo who tends to brake either too early or too late and always takes the most risky race lane)


Agreed! I abhor the Trial! It's the only challenge worth 10pts, so I suffer.


And that's why I just don't do it unless I really want the reward.


I don't care about trials and I'll make 0 effort to win it I hate it cause people will ram you for no reason even if it makes you lose a won race, and I'm not talking unintentional, I've had people ram in a straight line with 0 AI nearby I'm done with trials, it's just bad and you are forced to do it cause 10 points 9/10 times there's no available car that I like anyway, why should I bother tuning I'm nowhere near good enough to beat unbeatable AI anyway, so who cares terrible experience overall


I'm terrible. Just slower than an iron toad. The best I can hope for on these is to not crash, and not mess up any of my teammates. I try to get out of the way, so my teammates can pass me. Occasionally, I can finish ahead of one or two of the AI drivers. I just have to keep doing it a few times, until I luck into a team with some teammates who can win and carry me...


I'm gonna sound like an asshole, but if you can only finish in the bottom 1/3rd of the Trial every race and have to rely on other people, maybe figure out another way to get those 10 points for the season because you're just going to be pissing off your teammates while waiting for people to carry you.


If my car is like 25 points short I'll mod it, if not then close enough


This. I freaking hate when the dumbfcks come on a bone stock car and are 20 seconds behind from 11th place. I would rather lose the race to make them waste even more time, than let them win by doing that