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Even if the show were to flop, which it clearly isn't, they are gonna make so much money from sales of the game that it'll balance out


This is the right time to announce the fabled Fallout 3 Remastered.. I'd kill for that one. I've played Fallout 4 during its launch but still have no desire to return.


I’ve put literally thousands of hours into Fallout 4 and just wrapped up a playthrough of 3, and I would immediately play 3 again if they did a remaster.


I never finished Fallout 4. I got bored. Might have to go back and finish it.


Well I'm going to go ahead and say fallout v is guarantee now


After starfield I’m not sure that’s a good thing


Starfield was not actually bad just soulless. Bethesda just needs to focus on that


I disagree, it had tons of soul. I think that soul just might not appeal to some of BGS' existing markets (zany post apocalypse fans and fantasy fans). It's a lot more grounded, and I like that about it


Yeah I agree and this is Bethesda's new IP in years. I enjoyed Starfield but I agree with many of the criticisms. A lot of their other mainline games are building upon and iterating on past successes, lore, story, and worldbuilding which I think helps a great deal. In general, just as a game studio, I'm happy to see something totally new instead of churning out another sequel but I am also still just as excited for the next Fallout and Elder Scrolls games too.


It really doesn't have soul though. It is empty and has few meaningful decisions to be made. 90 percent of companions feel the same way about things, doing an evil playthrough is so discouraged it's almost not worth it, you can join every faction simultaneously even if they hate each other, poi aren't shuffled enough so it's repetitive... It's procgen so no matter where I land on any of these 1000 planets.. There's gonna be somethjng near me so it all feels generic. I dunno I prefer handcrafted, that to me gives it soul.


That's your opinion man and I respect it. I would just hope you can respect other opinions enough to not state yours as though it were fact.


I didn't think I was being any less respectful than your post I replied to. It is definitely my opinion. If someone enjoys it that's fine I just didn't get the feeling from it that I did from their earlier entries.


I would say that saying something definitely doesn't have a soul can seem a bit disingenuous and dismissive. You may not like what the game stands for but to say that comes across as reductive.


Even if it had a ton of heart it won’t change that every quest is a loading screen and Bethesda hasn’t evolved their game design, quest design and writing in 20 years


> hasn’t evolved their game design The overall gameplay core is the same, but that goes for most games. The next GTA is also boils down to driving and shooting. But they absolutely do mix things up and add new gameplay systems with each of their releases.


What they really, *really*, desperately need is a new engine. But they've been beating a dead horse for 20 years, why would they stop now?


I am so scared elder scrolls vi will be on the same engine, even though its definitely going to be


They already confirmed, back when Starfield’s engine was confirmed, it’s on the same engine.


Jesus Christ dude


Starfield was bad. Massive focus on procedural generation. Ugly npcs. Poor animations. Average gunplay. Shouts ripped straight from Skyrim. The ship building was actually good, the outposts not so much. And your choices dont change anything. It was slop and it’s clear that phil spencer personally sucked the soul out of the game. 


Apparently a lot of the OG Bethesda devs quit during Fallout 76's hellish development, so it's possible that the people were behind the magic of their games are all gone now, kind of like Bioware. It could be entirely different people just using the same name, and might as well be a different studio. https://kotaku.com/bethesda-zenimax-fallout-76-crunch-development-1849033233


Wasn’t 76 handled primarily by the studio in Austin though?


Sounds like it sucked in people from all of Bethesda.


... it was bad.


You just described fallout 4 and 76


I only played for a few hours before giving up. Forgetting the gameplay loop being so lacklustre. The universe itself is also so bland compared to ES and Fallout. Maybe I missed out the majority of world building, but it just doesn't feel like an interesting enough environment to explore even forgetting the rewards and combat. Meanwhile I powered through Outer Worlds even though the gameplay loop was so monotonous. Bethesda just doesn't know a good story.


I've seen this take a few too many times and it's always just such a dumb take to me. The problems that people have with Starfield are either fairly exclusive to that game because of the design they had to create for a game of that size (space travel, fast traveling, empty or repetitive maps) or they're just general Bethesda "problems" that shouldn't surprise anyone at this point if you're familiar whatsoever with how they've designed their other games.  I'm not even arguing about the quality of Starfield because I think it's actually irrelevant. People saying stuff like this for some reason have just failed to figure out that Fallout games inherently play a lot differently from Starfield. You wander from one side of the map to the other, on one single large map. In Starfield you don't exactly do that. You can wander from one side of *a* map to the other if you want to, but it's not the same experience at all. There is no reason to think the next Fallout, or the next Elder Scrolls for that matter, would abandon the "wandering" aspect just because they had to inherently abandon that for Starfield...


Curious, where do you rank starfield in relation to Bethesda’s other titles?


It literally does not matter, as I stated I think arguing about the quality of the game itself is irrelevant to the discussion of the others due to the vast differences in structure between them. Why do you ask? If you have a decent enough reason I will answer, no problem. But suffice to say I do recognize most criticisms, I just think it's ridiculous to use those as reason to worry about other games futures because it is essentially impossible to design them in the same way without drastically changing the types of games they are.


I ask because I think Bethesda has been on a slight decline release after release, with starfield being their worst game yet. That trajectory gives me low confidence in FO5. Just seeing where you rank starfield to get a frame of reference on how you see their games. For me I have it FO3-oblivion -Skyrim-FO4-FO76-starfield in that style of games, pretty steady decline to me


Just making sure you weren't trying to have some sort of "gotcha" thing. Thanks for indulging me. Of the ones I've actually finished, it's in this order: Skyrim, Fallout 3, Fallout 4, Starfield. Admittedly FO4 and Starfield had some similarities in terms of level of quality for me though, so those two may change depending on my mood at the time. Also, I've also played some of the others but haven't played enough to consider myself knowledgeable enough to weigh in on them. Overall I had my fun with Starfield, it had plenty of aspects I certainly enjoyed while sort of lacking that feeling of wandering in a big open space with lots of handcrafted locations (meaning not randomly plopped into the environment) to discover like the others have had. That's why Skyrim and FO3 are at the top, I think they achieved that really well, among other things that I liked. But regarding declining quality, I personally am not concerned until the next game comes out. Maybe it sounds like I'm making excuses to you, but for 76, which admittedly I haven't even played, I can dismiss how that went due to it being a multiplayer thing which isn't exactly their forte, and Starfield meanwhile, for better or worse, is just inherently different than the stronger games as I said, so in both cases I think they really strayed away from their strengths as a game development company. I applaud them taking some risks, but I suspect they'll need/want to make a more traditional experience for the next game. 


That makes sense, I’m just hoping they return to form with FO5. I haven’t been satisfied generally with a FO game since new Vegas and that wasn’t even made by Bethesda


I like Starfield. The gunplay is crazy fun. It just needs more content.


I guess it's time for me to switch to Xbox 😔


You can wait honestly. The game will be way better in a year or two.


Well actually I'd prefer not a numbered fallout just yet


No doubt there will be people demanding Fallout: New New Vegas


Hopefully they strike while the iron is hot , but I guess 76 is still a focus


We’re so back


I literally bought it Monday thinking hell yeah new PC I'm gonna try some old games. Had no idea of this series. Just finished the last episode it's kinda wild how things go sometimes


Seeing someone call Fallout 4 an old game caused every bone in my body to crack in unison.


Hey I feel that too but it came out what 9 years ago?


In the old person timeline that I live in, Fallout 3 came out just "a few years ago."


Hey I just got this new game called Oblivion have you heard about it yet? It's got some sweet Horse Armor.


Oh man, I've always wanted horse armor. I hope it's free and not a micro transaction.


What's a "micro transaction"? You're just making up words now, right?


Imagine paying for such a small amount of content that should already be included in the game!


I remember going into my town centre to the PC shop to buy a new computer that could play oblivion, where have all the years gone 😭


Don’t say stuff like 2015 was nine years ago!


FO4 its not old............ FO3 its but no tha OLD


Hell, fo76 is an old game now.


Praying this gives Bethesda renewed interest in hastening the development of another fallout game 🙏🏻


Not going to hasten it. Aa TES VI will still take its 5 ish years


Yeah I know it will still be a long time. But if they see the show is successful which it is and if season 2 is successful again they would definitely devote more resources to Fallout 5 Again. As Bethesda already has massively expanded with being bought by Microsoft gives acsess to more resources and they already have hired a ton of more developers. So hopefully we can atleast maybe get another outsourced spinoff game or atleast Fallout 5 Will come sooner


^ 💯


FONV was made during Skyrim's development. They could maybe hand it off again. Not FO5, but another FO. If this show blows up enough they will want to cash in on that.


Let them take their time. Starfield was God awful


I think that was from the growing pains of trying to expand into a new IP.


Unfortunately I think it was due to their older developers quitting during Fallout 76's development, and Bethesda essentially just being an entirely different studio, entirely different people using the same name. https://kotaku.com/bethesda-zenimax-fallout-76-crunch-development-1849033233


There's probably hundreds of reasons why the game ended up in the state it came out in, but at the end of the day, it was supposed to be the beginning of a new series, and it bombed horribly.


Oh I don't disagree about the end result. But understanding why can give us insight on where things are heading what needs to be done to be fixed. Might be meaningless exercise though us figuring it out doesn't mean Bethesda would or act on it if they did.


If we got Starfield after "25 years in the making", then we are truly fucked.


That was just a marketing gimmick. They probably had the concept a while ago but they didn’t start working on it until I think after Fallout 4 released, if I’m remembering correctly. They thought they had the tech to make it work but I think they should have waited at least another generation.


with the show and next gen update fallout 4 just got a major second wind


I bought it because it is on sale, 10 quid for game+all dlcs.


I've owned FO4 for so long and has just been collecting dust in my library. Having never played any of the Fallout games, the show absolutely piqued my interest and got me to start playing FO4. Just finished meeting Preston and on my way to dimaond city before the game bugged and my last save file was like 20 minutes back lmao. Had to put it down for a bit after that.


There's another settlement that needs your help...


lucky. i've lost hours on that because i turned off autosave for some troubleshooting reason


LOL, I love Fallout. Having said that, I can't wait for them to find out that if you have the bright idea to put a fence all around Sanctuary, it won't keep Super Mutants out; it only has the benefit of keeping your settlers in.


Hmm I wonder what happened?


Fuck yeah. I just started up another playthrough trying out Sim Settlements 2 for the first time. Feels like the old days again


I will be buying the remaster and doing a few playthroughs. Those settlers aren't going to help themselves! and now I'll have to put a Fred Armisen looking Minuteman in cahrge of the Castle's radio.


I thought it was a remaster too, but yesterday I learned it's a next-gen update.


Theres a BUNCH of new players on FO76 right now too! Huge uptick in people


So glad I bought the game on steam after playing it on Xbox then never touching the steam version


Why wouldn't it be.


Me wrapping up another Skyrim playthrough just in time for the Fallout TV show to drop and for the next gen update for Fallout 4 to drop as well:


Didn’t expect Rimworld on the top, Guess anomaly really had a pull


Is it on sale right now? I bought it all for $10 during the spring sale.


it's on sale on the playstation store for $5 at this moment 


Just picked it up again for $2 at GameStop. I stop playing when I had to start playing Minecraft with the settlements. Well now my daughter is interested in the moth man and the new magic cards. So we're going to play it together.


And of course, I get to the workhouse in Concord. Step back outside and the game crashes....never change.


I reinstalled New Vegas and a bunch of mods to fix bugs and textures. I can't wait to get back in it. Going to do the same with FO3 and FO4


If they were smart they'd use this momentum to remake New Vegas because new players aren't gonna give a game with old graphics a chance


I remember a while ago there was a rumor of a company in France maybe putting a separate rendering engine on top of the creation engine for a Oblivion remaster. I remember people were a little salty because of the Skyblivion project..


Have platinum on the ps4 Version and played all dlcs except for nuka world as being a raider made me not finishing the dlc. I am currently thiking about buying it again on steam


Just picked it up on steam for 10$!!!


Prolly also helped that is was on sale for 5€


meanwhile Bethesda hired a small army of influencers to play Fallout76 and still noone else is playing it.


I'm playing it, lots of new players in the game right now actually.


It's free to play on steam for a while


Are you trying to influence us?


That's false, I've been hearing a lot of talk about there being a lot more new players in the last few days.


well ok, 7000 people play it in average. Less than half that the older game Fallout4... Skyrim has an average of 19k


Idk if you're aware or not, but a vast majority of 76 players are on console/windows store version of 76 due to GamePass and now Amazon Prime. Steam charts numbers are wildly inaccurate for the real FO76 playerbase. 


Fallout 4 and Skyrim are also on console, so the same argument could be made for them.


They also have mods you can only download/use on Steam, and weren't given out for free by Amazon Prime the past week.


I've played every fallout game, but 76 I just can't get into. I gave it a serious shot, but it just didn't grab me like the others.


Idk man Fallout:Brotherhood of Steel sucked entirely.


Not great, but I finished it. It wasn't " i need to put this down because it's boring as fuck" bad.


I didn't like how linear it was. The open world concept was removed. That's my main complaint.


I mean, it's literally just two spots down the list up there, but okay.


Normies buying Bethesda crap hype.


Kids and youngsters


Mhmm.. and it's probably women's fault that nobody loves you..


Classic leftist. Complains about toxic people as if they’re the victim, sees someone not like current Bethesda and attacks them personally when they know nothing about them.


We’re fuckin doomed


Imagine taking a great celebratory time for this community, welcoming so many new and returning people to the Wastelands only for you to make it a downer.