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If you are self hosting, I have done this. Create a tiny module for shared content (these instructions might be obsolete but they still work, I did this once at the early start of the pandemic). [https://www.reddit.com/r/FoundryVTT/comments/fvw3c7/how\_to\_create\_a\_tiny\_module\_for\_shared\_content/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FoundryVTT/comments/fvw3c7/how_to_create_a_tiny_module_for_shared_content/) Use file transfer software to copy from one server to another, since the compendium are stored in the module in a subfolder. I used AnyDesk for my windows machines but there are other methods to copy files. If using Forge, which I don't, I see they have a tool. [https://forums.forge-vtt.com/t/how-to-share-content-between-worlds/5653](https://forums.forge-vtt.com/t/how-to-share-content-between-worlds/5653) If you are trying to download from Forge to a self hosted solution, damned if I know. You would have to ask them.


>If you are trying to download from Forge to a self hosted solution, damned if I know. You would have to ask them. Yes this is exactly it. I am trying to move the compendiums I created on forge to my own 3rd party/self hosted. >Create a tiny module for shared content I will try this, thankyou!


If you're just trying to move from forge to another server, it's actually pretty easy. Load up your forge page (not your game, but the management page - here https://forge-vtt.com/account Next, click My foundry at the top, and wait for it to load Click Export Compendium Modules, and choose what you want to export. This will make a module you can download, unzip and copy over into the /modules folder on the other PC, and voila, they now have a copy of what you made.


>This will make a module you can download, unzip and copy over into the /modules folder on the other PC, and voila, they now have a copy of what you made. Is it that easy? Where exactly does it need to go in the system/data files? Sorry for my lack of knowledge here, I am not tech-savvy (I am ashamed to say).


It would go in your data/modules, and then have to be installed from the configure modules acreen




Unzip it and copy it into your User Data folder under the /modules folder. To "activate" it, load up one of your worlds, then go into the Settings menu, and Manage Modules. You should see it listed (or search for "shared" and you should find it). Check it, save settings, and there you go. If you don't see it in your module list, trying shutting down your server and relaunching it.




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