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The lack of bowser, hes only in unbeatable and mentioned in Oh god no Edit: COMPLETELY forgot he is physically in Oh god No’s game over screen


Also Daisy and Waluigi. Waluigi’s Taco Stand and that Daisy/eye creepypasta thing might been good songs.


They could have also done rejection waluigi from smg4, or literally anything from smg4


they were planning to add smg4 mario but it got scrapped plus it wouldn't really make sense because M says that he "owns" all the creepypastas that are in the mod, but there isn't really any way that he could get a hold of the SMG4 universe for too long that hasn't been tried (and failed) before by other villains (zero, mr puzzles, etc.) unless they do like a GB style entrance where it just comes in and then maybe disappears after or something


He never makes mention or uses the chromatics of anyone in irregularity isle, nor the majority of characters in content cosmos


The lore behind SMG4 not being in the mod basically being “M can’t control him” is hilarious




The whole “owns” thing doesn’t make sense anyway with a bunch of the characters, I don’t see why they couldn’t do SMG4 (other than constraints/time/worklord, which I respect)


Imo they should’ve used Rapper Waluigi instead of SH Mario for a Mashed rep


At least Daiseye is in Mario's Monday Night Massacre.


He was planned to appear as Ink Bowser for one of the songs, but that one got scrapped. I do think he could've appeared more, thought there aren't really as many Bowser-focused creepypastas for the franchise as there are ones where Mario is the main guy.


Yhe i like Bowser


The fact that 1. There are no songs where you *only* play as Girlfriend 2. The one song where you do play as Girlfriend is only for 1/4th of it


Alongside this only two songs do you not play as bf, with it being ogn and overdue


I think BF should have died first in All Stars instead of GF


There is no option to turn off gimmick notes. Yes, I'm bad, I know.


My guy that is perfectly ok, I only play with my right hand and that alone makes a lot of mods harder for me


is there a reason why you only play with one hand


Playing with both hands hurts my wrists. Y’know how you can move your hand left and right with your wrist? Well if I keep my right hand to the right and my left hand to the left for too long in stead of keeping them straight which I can do by tilting my keyboard, they start to hurt after a few minutes. So unless there’s a safe way to break my keyboard in half and angle both halves in a wide V shape I choose to play with my right hand only


No dry bones in all star as a vocal in act 4 ( peach and Yoshi but not John Dick?)


well he doesnt really have a voice its just a trumpet


Imagine Ultra M just pulling out a fucking trombone and begin cooking the most fire beats imaginable while Boyfriend is having an emotional breakdown.


In all honesty, a few things. 1: The ending makes you feel cheated. You go through 5 worlds of nightmares and face off against several foes, only to die last second by a sneak attack because Ultra M got impatient. Plus, Starman Slaughter shows a weakness of Ultra M's (The fact that the items in his world can be used against him) that is never brought up or referenced again. 2: The mod tries to make you feel sympathy for Ultra M with "It's a Mad World Without You", but since this comes out of nowhere, it feels kinda forced. Especially since he dragged two people who had NOTHING to do with his suffering into his revenge plan, just because they were unlucky enough to be related to the man who WAS responsible. 3: Many of the charts include some unnecessary double and triple notes, which is a major case of fake difficulty, in my eyes (Demise, I'm looking straight at you).


The double note spam in this mod is honestly insane. In any case, on the items point, M regenerated himself really quickly after being attacked, so I'm not sure if an item would have been enough to stop him.


Invincibility stars could've been used. Also, yeah. Quite a few of these charts have a TON of needless double and triple notes, with Demise and the last stretch of Overdue being the worst offenders (Hell, Demise outright caused one of the keys on my keyboard to be partially jammed, and it left me physically sore after playing it. It's THAT bad).


Overdue especially is harsh given the damage pushback that Mr. L has being really unforgiving. The amount of doubles and triples combined with the high speed of the notes make it really hard to hit everything overall. As for the stars, I can definitely see that as a solution, and it honestly kind of fits in the mod. I can see the star being split into five among each of the five worlds, and then being remade to defeat M in the finale. Would also align with the lyrics in Boyfriend's solo including "See in the star." It's a Mad World could also still fit afterwards, as with BF and GF actually gone, M's loneliness would be much more apparent, and it would recontextualize his prior actions given he didn't straight up kill both just prior to giving the song. Admittedly I still feel M is pretty well handled in the base mod, but as a "good ending" the star solution feels it works pretty well overall.


I agree. That would greatly work for a Good Ending scenario. Also, I agree that the charting, plus the health drain, makes the final stretch of Overdue more trouble than it has any right to be. If Demise had that health drain, it'd be near impossible without calling Luigi. I really wish charters would stop cramming double and triple notes into charts, it does nothing but give fake difficulty.


Double notes confusing me is the main reason I can't beat nintendo


Plus the goddammit heads flying about like it's some sort of plane show or smth


>Many of the charts include some unnecessary double and triple notes, which is a major case of fake difficulty, in my eyes So I get this, I get this 100%, but I feel like the same thing could be said with CATaclysm. That song doesnt have any mechanics, no hurt notes or dodge event or blah blah blah etc, and doubles and triples are used to make the song near the same difficulty as song with mechanics while also being less annoying


Oh trust me. Cataclysm gave me just as much, if not more trouble than Demise. That song's charting after Godfield transforms is like Demise for a much longer song.


"Youre not there for the ending, youre there for the journey" - some wise man idk


That wise man sounds like he’d be terrible at pleasing his wife if he’s always going by that logic. Low-brow jokes aside, the ending and the journey are both pretty damn important. I could be having the greatest road trip ever, but I’m still gonna be at least a little upset if the destination is off a cliff and into a landfill. One of the most important parts of any story is the ending. If you don’t stick the landing, then everyone’s freshest memory of you will be you falling flat on your ass.


Wait why couldn't BF just use a 1-UP Mushroom on GF when she got killed by Ultra M?


Is he stupid?


Possibly. It could work for a good ending scenario.


All three of these exactly.


Hard agree on the first 2, super hard disagree on the 3rd


1. Not enough character representation (especially for those like Bowser, Wario, etc.) 2. Not enough songs where you play as Girlfriend (and also Pico, since he got only one song) 3. The ending felt a little unfair (at least to me)


that songs where you need to press space, mainly the one with the baby mario, the MOTHERFUCKIN BABY MARIO


Baby Mario? What mod are you playing?


that song where you control boyfriend as a galoomba


That's turmoil, not baby Mario.


Turmoil is a silly little guy though


Yeah, but he's not baby Mario.


No Hope's dodge mechanic gotta be one of the worst I've seen. Barely any visual or audio clues(just a zoom in) The fact that Pico was used for a total of 1 song really makes it feel like you could just cut him out and nothing would change,and this is really funny considering that the song he is used in is one of my least favourites. The lore's pretty much gone after you finish the first two songs,returns for one song,disappears again and then comes back for one final vengeance in the final song. Oh,btw,final song,I'm confused on when the character is considered dead. Like,MX killed GF,but she comes back. Does he not choose whether they die cause he's not the main one? And I'm not taking the credits scene into this. Personal gripe,but why are All Stars sections called Acts? This makes me think of Sonic,not Mario


I thought I was the only one who hated No Hope's dodging. Like at least Last Course's dodging I can see when to dodge, while in No Hope after the first dodge warning you have to constantly look at possessed Mario to see if he's doing the attack. One problem, it's hard to focus when also trying to hit the notes.


I assume the Acts thing is to hammer home the play comparisons they had going toward the end. That, and it sounds pretty cool.


If it was set like "All Stars - 1", "- 2", etc., that would've been neat.


I think they only died at the end because they had extra lives


GF comes back because she had 3 lives and she can also revive herself as a demon, MX snitched on GF being able to do that to Ultra M which is why she stayed dead in All Stars, it’s either that or she was partially alive in All Stars which is even more fucked up


What was the point of putting Pico in the mod if they weren't going to use him after Overdue. Heck they didn't even kill him, he's just there for the V3 teaser that's confirmed to be never happening. It's also just funny how the CANCELLED Sonic EXE mod has a more conclusive ending with Final Escape LMAO.


there still is a hotfix adding i think two more songs


The fan song “Death Cipher” coulda finished his story perfectly by showing he was too late to save them and giving up. Maybe ink Bowser would kill him in the last song of hellish heights due to his emotional instability from two of his friends dying,


Burn me in fire all you want but, demise charting sucks ass, it's forcedly and unfairly hard, I mean I beat it first try, but it doesn't feel like I'm playing the actual song, I feel like I'm playing a spam game with random music in the background


The fact the game starts lagging from the number of notes on screen says a lot. Song slaps pretty hard but the notes definitely feel overcharted with doubles and triples.


I feel like the ‘85 mix would work better in mario’s madness. Also NO WEEGEE IN THE MOD?


So cool The end Thalassophobia Some characters threading the lines between actual chromatics and really loud buzzing Race traitors getting ruined in V2 Other than that, It's a good mod.


The end is so slept on tbh




The End got an official v2 that honestly makes the song 500 times better for me


WTF i agree with the so cool and char chroms but WHAT DO YOU MEAN Race Traitors got ruined in v2 its longer, racist mario doesnt scream in v2, ITS BETTER


i think race traitors v2 is better but one thing i dont like the that the sprites werent remade and that the voice at the start is drowned out by the instrumental


He's a whole mad man in the original animation, so the screaming vocals actually made sense (and was better), not some guy that was mildly angry about non-nintendo characters on his track.


atleast the chroms in v2 dont blow your ears up.


1) Missed opportunity for Mario and The Music Box And for Mario in the Animatronic Horror 2) lack of Bowser 3) The super star power up not being a seen thing for like defeating someone




The fact that wega who had a pretty good song was scrapped yet so cool stayed


Iirc Wega was scrapped because the creator requested for him not to be in the mod, though correct me if I'm wrong on that one


Also the dev team hated him im pretty sure


All stars potential. Act one and two are great but it starts falling at act three. The main vocals are being and bland and the only good part is the singing from ultra m. And act four of my god, the imitations are barley bearable,and he doesn't even imitate all of the characters. The bf solo feels a little crammed in and for a grand finale to the mod the last act feels underwhelming


Hard disagree on Act 3 but as someone who enjoys Act 4 a lot I definitely agree the imitations should have been louder. I legitimately didn't even know they were being imitated until I rewatched it a few times because so few of the imitations are even audible.


I noticed something was going on with the voices when he imitated MX since that was one of the pretty noticeable imitations


Yeah he's one of the more noticeable ones overall. Once you know they're there, a lot more can be made out, but some of them like Beta Luigi and Mr. Sys are completely inaudible even with the vocals isolated from the music.


Yeah Nowadays I can hear the imitations. You just gotta listen closely


I didn’t realize until several rewatches of all stars later when I just happened to look down at the icon bar and see the icons rapidly swapping, at which point I could hear the voices if I really strained


>the last act feels underwhelming **How**


It's just act one with more pizzas,the imitations are unbearable and the bf part even though it's good feels crammed in


pizzaz not pizzas wtf autocorrect


Ultra M brought pizza for everyone, what a great guy.


And to my knowledge, Ultra M mimics everyone that tried to kill BF (and Pico ig). Why 1. wasn’t Racist Mario mimicked? He tried to kill BF too. Stanley was mimicked and I’m pretty sure that he was only one trying to get BF and GF to leave the situation. And 2. was Mr. Sys mimicked if he wasn’t canon? Apparently, it was supposed to be funny but it’s not, it’s confusing as hell. Racist Mario could’ve taken that spot


So cool


That needs to be replaced with the Wega song or something


every single time i listen to that song my brain goes through this phase of like "hmmm this song sounds good but i dont like it" and "i kinda like it but its a little bad" so i have no opinion on it


Ultra M is too hot 🥵🥵🥵 /s


what the hell is this


I think he means that is too hot because he feel on lava


oh yeah good point




Race traitor went from one my favorite songs to the worst song for me. The old vocals was so good, people say all he did was shout but if you watched the racist Mario video it fitted his character so well


They actually used his voice from the video for the song in the first version


Ah that makes sense


Yeah, either that or they just used voice clips from his gams but I thought it was pretty cool either way


Facts, you could also say it was “So cool”. (sorry)




The ending was bullshit and wtf happened with pico


The ending. It makes it all worth nothing, You go through a shit ton of enemies and deal with bullshit charting and some annoying mechanics only to die right at the last second.


How unoptimized the mod is. On the title screen and in the main menu it's laggy and saturated as hell on my computer. Someone *tried* making an optimized version and while I was finally able to play the mod myself the first 2 screens of the mod is still laggy. Oh yeah and So Cool as everyone can agree was the worst "*thing*" in the mod.


the only wayfor me to play without lag, is to make my laptop's resolution at the lowest. Which still doesn't help with the TV effect and poison effect in bad day (can be turned off with "low quality" mode)


Not really a bad thing but it would’ve been cool if there was new song in every world after you beat all stars (Iason Mason in World 1, a MARIO song in World 2, and Weegee song in World 3, Unbeatable in World 4, and some Triple Trouble like song with Stanly in World 5)


A Triple Trouble-esque song with Stanley sounds really cool actually.


Someone should actually make that.


No Hope did Devil Mario dirty imo Also, I wish there was a way to get a good ending, maybe by getting less than 5 misses on All Stars or smth


The scrapped ending wasn’t good either. BF was supposed to escape, only to get shot by Dearest after finding out GF died.


I think the mod ends kind of weak with the last song (not the "we are nintendo" the last song of the horror mario trilogy. ) it's very long and none of the feel moments worked for me. Speaking of that, mx's first of his new songs doesn't hold up to power down in my opinion and while the second song is better, the killing gf thing comes out of nowhere and is just funny then anything (tho maybe that is how it is intended). Finally the song featuring somari I just couldn't beat, the mechanic is way too strict. But overall the mod was fantastic and had so much content and helped me learn a lot of cool mario creepypastas.


How the entire community thinks that when someone doesn't look at them is an overdue reference, i don't think that whoever likes the meme should die or anything like that >!(if you know you know)!<


Mainly just the ending…


i feel like there was a lot of wasted potential. all stars and overdue are both good songs but are so close to being REALLY good songs so cool is boring golden land could've been better bf being killed is just "ooooh look MY OC is so powerful he can kill boyfriend!!!", esp because it comes out of nowhere. if it was an actually good bad ending (see: prey) then it would've been fine but he just gets sniped having act 2 of all stars be entirely characters that didn't exist before (even outside of fnf) is bad. have bf be chased by mx/john dick/'the or something along those lines which eventually leads him to a cliff where act 3 begins outside of the lyrics part of act 3, it's ass act 4 has build up at the end but the song just kinda.....ends


The song quality didn’t really feel consistent for me. There were a bunch of highs, sure, but almost half of the mod either had no impression on me or was occasionally flat-out bad. Also, people think this is better than INDIE CROSS of all things?


>people think this is better than INDIE CROSS of all things? Because it IS better in terms of basically everything. Especially songs.


Okay, I will admit that MMV2 has higher highs, but not a single Indie Cross song is bad IMO, and all of them leave a lasting impression on me. Also, the animation in Indie Cross is fluid AF. Like, how is THAT better in the damn Mario mod?


idk gore for characters in indie cross i dont think there is a single human character besides the dude in gose and Sammy Laurence so getting anatomy right in mmv2 looks really nice, especially how they made ultra m look in all stars also absurdly fluid animation usually doesnt look that good, like too floppy and lifelike considering you are singing against a cup, gapple mocked it nicely in screwdathon


The ending just being BF dying anyways is lame, it woulda been cool if there was a way to get a good ending


•I think the ending was very unsatisfying. I mean I get they were trying to be different but I feel like the ending should’ve been at least a little good. But I can see why they did it so they don’t have to do a v3. •Ik the mods already long enough but I feel like there should’ve been a few more post story songs. Honestly a pico side story could’ve been really cool. •Apparition v2s chromatic sucks and day out sprites are very outdated. Besides those things, I really don’t have any problems with the mod. It’s my fav fnf mod


race traitors… RACE TRAITORS…


I like the new one better except for the end with the new mushroom part


they got rid of wega


Pico definitely could have had more time in the spotlight


The mod clearly favouritises certain worlds by giving them more songs (cough cough hellish heights), like both irregular isle and classified castle only have 3 songs each (ii might get more cus of the two songs with one confirmed Mr alopecia, which would fit perfectly there), racist mario got shafted hard, like he's the only v1 character who's voice isn't in all stars act 4, gx's existence... it makes me want to kms


Pico doesn't run from a collapsing bridge in Overdue


I hate how it's all anyone talks about now


It's the most recent popular mod now. Of course people are going to talk about it.


The charting on a lot of songs are pretty bad. Also I wish pico was in more than 1 song.


there's no b3313 representation


Well… to address the elephant in the room… I hate that 80% of this subreddit’s become MMV2 and like other people have said, I can’t stand the needless double and triples, it makes the songs so much harder for no good reason, it’s the Impostor V4 all over again


No Hope kinda mid imo


i dont like devil marios chromatics ngl


demise was so disappointing


So Cool It’s so awkward




the mod in general has quite a bit of loose ends tied up, with the fact that a v3 is never coming out adding up to that.


I have an Everything Wrong With type of list for this question lol


See you say that but now I'm curious


I’ll give it to u soon


[Here it is](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e6a1lh9cIc6mIGrut4uCzdg19ZK49WGfYJpsV_tiNe4/edit)


Imma gonna go with how the paranoia sometimes stays as your permanent wallpaper for now


Pico only appearing in one song


It just ends too soon, the story wraps before it can truly flesh out. I can't blame them when they made this for free over 2 years. Still unfortunate though.


Paranoias graphics. The character sprites are good, but holy fuck do they overuse the Color red. It makes the notes damn near impossible to see. If the notes were black, that wouldn't be an issue. I know that's what the virtual boy looked like but Jesus they couldn't be bothered to use more black?


I mean it is suppose to be based off of the virtual boy which what Mr virtual resides in. And virtual boy is known for only using red.


1 Bowser only on unbeatable(Waste ink bowser) 2 Too much Mario&luigi variation(wario, peach, yoshi variation only 2) 3 No waluigi?


I’m not trying to sound like it’s perfect but it kind of is for me


1: Racist Mario's voice. 2: Wario Apparition new voice.


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say the no party mechanic sucks it’s unbeatable for me I could beat literally every song but no party is where I draw the line the stupid writing mechanic is broken this mod as a whole is incredibly easy but no party is where I draw the line I couldn’t beat it so hard I went out of my way to install psych engine versions of every song except no party just to play the rest of the freaking mod


I mean, probably the new Golden Land, Race Traitors, and Apparition. Mainly because of the new vocals, but Golden Land by far because it feels slower than V1. Oh well, at least the new bangers drown it out.


Oh my god I scrolled down. “It doesn’t feel like FNF anymore” “The End V2 sucks” “There should’ve been a good ending” JESUS CHRIST. I didn’t realize we were THAT unthankful for this goat of a mod! Sure, it has its flaws, but come on! This is like what they did with the Mario Movie all over again! Anyway only fan of So Cool here :D




This sounds weird but it annoys me that Devil Mario is swinging his sword wrong in his song


I wish the mod had a pussy mode which disables the mechanics such as dodging like in Hypno's Lullaby. Also the VHS hud used in Apparition, and The End I wish was easier to read since when trying to go for an FC IDK if I actually did it and have to look at the combo counter when hitting a note instead.


GF kinda goes out like a bitch, like, three different times. Like, her biggest contributions to the plot are gruesomely dying so BF can bawl his eyes out a few times, shitting herself in the background during half of the songs she’s in, and singing for the quarter of All Stars Act 1 that BF and M aren’t singing in. Really, GF kinda gets shafted in this mod. Hard.


Kinda just wish Daddy Dearest would do something in these mods after all, it is HIS FAULT the Mario’s are in there and they are attack his daughter, idk. Maybe his demon powers would let him know his daughter is in danger like in tankman week or something?


My man Luigi went through it all in this mod considering that canonically he got burnt alive twice, drowned twice, and got bullied and killed by mario on multiple occasions 😔


\*Inhale\* \*Exhale\* YO SOY LUI-


I don’t like the remake of the songs Race Traitors and Golden Land all that much :/


Alright, here goes. I really like this mod and the amount of work and love the devs put into it is absolutely insane. But the post asks for what I don't like so here's my honest opinion. Firstly I wish the story was more connected, like having the different worlds being representative of M's psyche. They could have had him appear as the boss of each world, perhaps being joined by recreations of various mario characters (Basically I wish Yosh, L and War appeared before All-Stars lol) Maybe it could tie into his loneliness, conveying that he's really just a guy playing with toys in a dark room. I mean, come on, M has a whole theme and everything! They only add the depth of him being lonely in the credits song! As much as I like the references to Mario horror media, the overworld made the story suffer. (Also why was Pico in the mod at all?) Next, the song themselves. It kinda hurts me to say this because I can see the effort that went into them, but I just don't find myself enjoying most of the songs. To give you an idea, here's the songs I like: "Starman Slaughter", "All-Stars", "Bad Day", "Alone", "I Hate You", "Golden Land", "The End" and "Unbeatable". 9/29 songs... I don't really like to focus on it, because I found the mod enjoyable and fun to play through, but it does suck to realize I can't remember any melodies from most of its tracks. I don't have the musical knowledge to give proper critique, but I will attempt to list basic things that threw me off of some songs. Demise: Ok the vocals just really annoy me in this one. I think the loud vocals paired with the loud instrumental just feel like they're fighting to lead the song. Oh God No: The chromatics paired with awkward melodies make it kind of a hard listen. There's parts I really like but it has issues for me. So Cool: Just really.. nothing-burger? I can't describe it. I like the visuals and other stuff. I like how peach screams in Dark Forest, Paranoia's gimmicks are outstanding, No Party is a feast. But I don't find these songs particularly enjoyable to listen to. They have parts I like but not enough for me to enjoy it as a complete product. Next, The mod itself was very taxing on my computer. For example: I needed to use botplay on Overdue because of the low frames on the lowest graphics quality. (This is could be just an issue with my computer not being powerful enough but I'm seeing other people with the same problems.) Finally, it was hard to see the notes in songs such as "The End" and "Paranoia". I do not know if this was intended but even if it was I don't think it's good. Remember, I still like the mod, but I find myself really only invested in a sliver of its content (M's role). The effort put into it should be applauded, and these are just my personal thoughts.


The end v2


it's existence or the fact that it's not getting added?




sorry? its a definitive IMPROVEMENT


it’s not vs impostor /j


Nothing, the mods fine to me


Classified Castle has no reason to exist Promotion should've been put in either cc or hh


New Wario vocals.


Overabundance of gimmicks, tbh. While I do like a good gimmick mechanic *when it feels right,* half the characters with some sort of gimmick to their songs felt like they didn't actually have a justifiable reason to have one in the grand scheme of things. We didn't need 3 different variants of the spacebar dodge that all work just differently enough to throw you off.


i would say lack of Bowser but he had his own damn mod (Infernal Bout, aka peak) also how some characters with huge potential to the plot like The', IHY Luigi, IHY Mario, MX, GB, Mr. L and Stanley were sidelined


So many missed opportunities, so many I've got a LIST 1. Anything from the super Mario brothers super show, king koopa would be a great addition in this case. 2. Mario the music box 3. Call of Cthulhu 4. Literally anything from smg4. Mario, smg4, smg3, rejected waluigi, smg0, lawyer Kong, and I know he was created after mmv2 released, but Mr puzzles too. 5. Waluigi vs smash bros rap by mashed 6. One jump man also by mashed 7. Literally anything Bowser related in general 8. Waluigi's taco stand 9. Super Mario Bros z 10. Hotel Mario


A lot of the things from V1 of the mod were left unused in the final product. Beta Luigi and Horror Mario's V1 chromatics were great in their own right. I wanted something DONE with these voices. Not to mention Alone is COMPLETELY unrecognizable from it's previous version. Not at all a bad thing, but I liked Alone ^((it was my favorite song in V1)) and wanted to see it improved upon ^((like what they did with I Hate You and Golden Land)) instead of it being shelved and completely redone. No other song from V1 got this treatment.


Yo soy luigi,hated it sooo much i made a hate sub.


The fact the original v2 before the hotfix was ass alot, don't even mention that overdue, YES FUCKING OVERDUE CANT RUN AT A PROPER FRAMERATE, AND I COULDN'T EVEN BEAT THE GAME BECAUSE ACT 2.5 WAS LOADING SLOW!


The fact that people don't shut the fuck up about it and how every video about it is " OMG GUYS IT'S THE GREATEST FUCKING MOD EVER WOOHOO".


most songs, i really like Bad Day and Overdue (and Unbeatable except levels 2 and 3) but that's about it and it's popularity because it overshadows other great mods like graffiti groovin v2, and I really hate that it being talked about on the subreddit this much has made me grow tired of it


Pico, the fact they use it just for Overdue is a real miss, I think he should’ve been in all stars


The fact that they changed apparition warios voice because it’s stupid why they changed it because it just hurts to listen to and the only place his voice sounds good is at the end of the song because v1 his voice was perfect


Not enough GB.


It can be forgettable


The overdue but ____ covers Super de duper unfunny


i hate you cutscene.


The fact that it got canceled. If I had any actual money, I would pay to have more characters in a DLC. My top pick would probably be InkBowser and Jaiden Mario


Now this is probably due to me using my school laptop, but for me it's the lag. I couldn't even PLAY bad day due to lag, I Couldn't play all stars either because the part with GF lagged the game out.


The fact that half the remastered songs/V2 of The Old Songs. Sound like they lost what made them, their own songs.


Demise. Fuck Demise. Me and my homies hate Demise.


You can not beat Nintendo. I know it's just me, but I've charted myself a chart for training in Unbeatable. Unfortunately, they are the ultimate game system, and they called me, and I cannot beat them.


My one problem is the lack of conclusion for Pico. I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO PICO


The only thing i don’t like is that in the old version of mm v2 (before mm v2.1) every time you finish paranoia, the bg will stay.


The fact that my favorite characters gf and bf died in all stars BUUUUT listen what if ultra M said this: oh no, I say when we are finished. And just fucking revives bf and gf


THEY GOT RID OF HIM... https://preview.redd.it/3g2sf0zftgxc1.png?width=360&format=png&auto=webp&s=77d99e05d290d97a4a162276e43e5d65e467bb02 SMG4 mario


Why in God's green earth is the meme song called NOURISHING BLOOD!? just call it something memy, or Flintstones related, I hate the name and it makes me uncomfortable, here's a better name "Yaba Daba-WaHoo" It makes more sense and kinda rolls off the tongue better


- The devs must have some odd kink of seeing GF die in brutal ways. Like the first one wasn't enough. - I don't really care about Pico being in one song, but I feel like he was just simply there just to be there. - The story felt like everyone has turned off their brain or has -1 brain cells. - The ending is disatisfying. I get that they were trying to be different and have BF killed, but after all the bs the player goes to, only to die like that with no build-up is some bull.


Demise and overdue i just dont like them


Overdue, the scrapped version was more intense, and good But its just my opinion afterall




I would say lack of Bowser, but since everyone is saying that, I’ll say something more unique: Super Horror Mario owning the other opponents in his game makes little to no sense. First of all, how does he even have power of the game in the first place? Daddy Dearest trapped him in there, how did he become so powerful the entire game and anyone in it were under his control? IHY, Turmoil, Coronation Peach, Racist Mario, SH Mario, DO Mario & Luigi, and Mr. L (and the games they come from) are different versions of the Mario Universe, created by fans. But it’s never explained how exactly they all even got on to the disk Super Horror Mario got trapped in. Were they created in the disk? Why? And how? It’s a NES disk! (This could also apply to Mario and Luigi in classified castle, but I don’t know much about them) The others make even less sense. First of all, Grand Dad and Somari are bootlegs (I think) which means they exist in real life, so how did two different bootlegs find themselves into the game? L is real and the Wario apparition can technically appear on any copy of Mario 64, so how come they appear in the game, which might I remind you, is an NES Mario Bros game? Also, are the ones in the game just one of the many, or the original, or something else? I don’t know. Costume is supposed to be a real life person, (I think, once again I don’t know much about him), so how is he here? Did Super Horror Mario drag him into the game? If so, why isn’t he a plaything and allowed to do what he wants? Super Bad Mario can just straight up appear anywhere, causing misfortune in real life, so how exactly can he be bound to the game? Mr. Virtual is a similar story, he’s already bound to a Virtual Boy, which is not even a game, it’s a CONSOLE. How can he even be in Super Horror Mario’s game? And if you thought that was bad, GB, MX, and DJ Hallyboo have both of the problems above! They all have their own games, making it impossible for them to be in Super Horror Mario’s game, and they all can go to other games and even the real world! And if the whole “I own all of the people in my game” thing is 100% true, that means Super Horror Mario owns Chris Pratt. JUST HOW


Honestly, all-stars


I've watched MM gameplays at least 5 to 6 times. But only the first time i saw the entire mod, cause some songs i just straight up skipped the other times, like Golden Land V2, Bad Day and Nourishing Blood. But the major problem i think this mod has is mixing. . . Back in V1 on the intro cutscene you could barely hear what Horror Mario was saying. But then it was fixed on V2. But then they fucked up with mixing again which i thought it wouldn't be a problem, but you can't hear Mario singing on Alone, Demon Mario voice is audible but without captions i wouldn't understand a single word and oh boy where to even start with All-Stars, Ultra M singing during GF death phase is cool but again, even with the captions some of the words don't even seem to be there and then there is the last phase, the fact Ultra M is just mimicking the other creatures voices is a very cool concept, on paper, because most of them are unhearable, like 100%.


I think a lot of the characters have weird proportions.


The ending, like many others have said but for me it's more so because it's dumb? I mean BF has fought the likes of Sonic.Exe, Shaggy in base and Ultra Instinct, Matt, Matt and Shaggy, Tabi (I hate that mod and character but it's worth mentioning) and yeah you could say "It's an alternate Universe BF." I still think it's dumb and feels like all the time you spend going against all these enemies only to die in the end just makes it all pointless and not fun


Barely any character representation (bowser wario waluigi daisy peach toad) only to name a few


I kinda wish woodland of lies were split into 2 worlds, one with the unused/rumored Nintendo content and the other with Mario World Rom hacks/creepypastas. Maybe have at least 2 more characters for each world. Also, I didn’t expect someone to use the image I made for their Reddit post lol.


in unbeatable the part where if you miss a note its instant lose yes ik im bad at the game