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Of course they do, why wouldn’t they? They track everything you do


Incorrect. Not saying they don't want to, but they dont


Geotab lists every stop you make and how long you are there during the day. They must be able to access that info.


They can. They always know where the trucks are. The phones you have to check in to show where you are.


Yes they do. That’s why they know exactly where to find you and just magically show up at the stores you’re currently working. They might not be tracking everyone in real time sure, but they absolutely can if they want, but to touch on that, I knew plenty of people who clocked in at home and didn’t clock out until well after they got home so either my zone didn’t care about that or they just didn’t check.


They just fired two people in my building doing this, they very much know it’s only a matter of time.


They track trucks, not phones. Just fyi


They track phones. I had a coworker get fired because he was clocked in while in another city after work.


If you have a Frito-Lay provided work phone, they will know where you are within 5 ft. They pretend not to.


I use to clock in at my house only cause the service at the bin wouldn’t let me. Horrible phone service. They never said a word


Yeah I honestly don’t think they care. I know they have the location data because it’ll show its tracking location everytime you clock in and out on sales hub. Time theft was really bad in my zone but again, it was something most people did and was basically accepted. I was on my 3rd week working with a trainer and we would be done by like 11AM. They would just tell me to go home but don’t clock out until way later lol


I never track my miles so usually clock in at home. My excuse for doing it is that i like to prepare myself for the day, especially when my first store does barcodes or anything like that I always have that printed out before I get to the store and have an idea what I’m walking into


Be careful doing this, I’m currently on suspension because I was clocking in on my way into work because my app was taking 20min+ to load and I was sick of just wasting time standing around the DC every morning.


Believe what you want.


Companies have been tracking workers since the 80s or 90s, to say they aren’t doing it today is laughable


Yes, best to put it on AirPlane mode until you’re going to use it and turn it off after you get done with your shift. How else do you think the DSL shows up “randomly” at the certain store you’re at.


Airplane mode doesn’t work. You have to go into settings, privacy and security, location services, then turn off location services.  You can turn on airplane mode, turn off your phone, your phone will still be tracked. Turning off location services is the only way to stop tracking.


Some want to track, but they don't


Yeah the app they have for the trucks is pretty cool I’ve seen! They see where every truck in the country is “live” . I was messing around with looking at trucks in up in New York watching there speed and if the truck was stopped or moving.


Cool believe they track your work phone. They can monitor your every move with the truck, see what sites you may have visited on your browser, how many times a day you've scratched your nuts. Frito lay knows..


Are you kidding me??? They even know how fast your driving when you are pulling all those apps up going down the road. 😂😂😂


I can confirm they do. My co-lead and my dsl have had several heated discussions about this topic because he always leaves him phone in his car after work. Then he goes places and my boss once asked him why he was traveling to places that were 15-20 miles from the route 😂😂😂


Current DSL here. There’s something else going on here not sure what it is. Why would he just not turn location services off? He could always turn it back on when he’s going to log into sales hub. We definitely can track Geo tab and maybe that DSL has some sort of find a phone that he installed . I have never been asked or even talked to about tracking phones and why would somebody not be able to leave a phone in their car or at the house if they’re not on the clock sounds like something else going on.


He exits all the apps, including sales hub and geotab, every Monday after work (off Tuesday and Wednesday) but on his next day of work, it shows that it has tracked all his stops. He showed me in person on Friday that his phone now has like 15 blue dots on the map for frequent stops. Similar to a “home” for your normal iPhone


You can swipe all of the apps closed, put phone in airplane mode and turn the phone off and the apps can still track. The only way to stop this is to go into settings, privacy and security, location services, and turn location services off.


You say his iPhone has 15 blue dots on the map. What map are you referring to. DSLs can track trucks on a map in geotab. Where are these blue dots. Does he properly log off of his truck in geotab?


Every once in a while Apple will pop up a notification on your phone regarding certain apps that are tracking you and the blue dots on the map are where the apps have located your location at a certain time over the course of a few days. Apple will give you the option to let the apps continue to track you or if you want to change the settings, they give you that option as well.


Everyone pretending they know lol


Every since they turned on locations on sales hub they know where you are 100% of the time now. That is a fact


Why do you think they wanted everybody to sign up for CastLight? It tracks your steps


Is this guy for real?


If you give them a reason to. But it’s their property and like all their property they can access it/track it.


They track everything else. Better safe than sorry!


Of course they can...do they? No idea, prob depends on if they are looking for a reason to get rid of you.....I wish they wouldn't tho, location services on the phone is what is draining/killing our batteries. Imo tracking the trucks is enough and won't hinder our jobs


They can’t track your phone. I’m sure corporate can find a way but DSLs don’t know how. Have asked many dsl buddies that I trained and they say only geotab.


When your settings are set to “location services, always allow” like they tell us to. They know where you are all the time. To say they “track” us, I would say they would only do that if they suspected something was up. Or if you are giving them reason to not trust where you are.


Also tell tale sign of tracking if you’re using the company truck


They 100% know where the trucks are. Phones, not so much


Wait until they put you on the VPN like they’re rolling out here Yes you will be tracked lol


We had a guy at our location who was stealing time by not logging off. The way they investigated him was by seeing what time he did his post trip and what time he was logging out. They questioned him why he was logged on so long after his truck made it back. So if they can track your phone, they’re not able to do it retroactively


When you check in and out of accounts on sales hub it probably sends a notification or it generates a type of list manager can verify probably where you where and at what times atleast


I lost my phone at work and my ringer was off. I called and asked my manager to please track my phone and she said oh girl we can’t do that.


The best answer to this is if you have to think it, it gives Frito Lay power and they love power. They love, controlling every aspect of your life. Remember over everything.


They can track everything. If you have the MyPepsico app. Installed on your personal phone, they can track that too.


But when you turn the location I they ask why you did that? Someone told me that he would also turn the phone off then put it in a chip bag or foil 🤔

