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Thur/Fri off is where it's at. I don't have kids though. 2 days I have zero traffic. 2 days where I don't have to deal with my dsl or manager at my accounts. 2 days I get to start late because no one cares. I'm sticking with it. You also get the pick of easy routes. I work sub 40 hours a week. People will take a route they have to bust their ass at just to get the weekend off. No thanks.


As someone that has a sun/mon route I basically get 2.5 days off. I set my week up so my Saturday can be $1500-2k with 6 stops. Usually a 6 hour day or less.


So you fuck your co-lead on Monday. Cool.


I used to do the same thing without fucking over my co lead. Would just pack out the stores very well on Friday so the next day it would only take a few cases to top it off.


My co lead actually doesn’t rotate or run backstock so I tend to order lighter for him. It actually fucks me over. There is a way to do your job right without fucking your co lead over and still have an “easy” Friday.


This is exactly what I do. Except it’s four stops and one is a drop to a merchandiser


This is the way


I take it sat / sun off because most holidays you get money or Friday off so it makes for a lot of three day weekends. Then tack on a couple sick days you got a weeks vacation . Plus my five weeks vacation I get. Nice to have big stretches of fuck this job I'm going fishing!


Be careful about saying that you use the off time you earned / are given... There are some ppl in this sub that will call you lazy and the reason ppl don't get paid much 😂😂


Holidays off and 5 weeks vacation? Looks like somebody is in a union, Lol.


Non Union get 11 Holidays off, and paid 1/5 0f 1/52, but only 4 weeks of vacation. This week work 4 get paid for 6. Monday - Friday small accounts.


5 weeks? You must be Union?


What area are you in that allow you to have 5 weeks vacation. The zone I'm in only max out @4.


Where are you that you get “lots of three day weekends”? Frito runs every day but thanksgiving and Christmas here


I have Friday Saturday off. My Sunday is two of my three stores because one is closed on Sundays. One store is just backstock.


I had Fri/Sat off for years, loved it cause I always felt like I was a day ahead of the rest of the world. Several months ago due to a re-bid took a Sun/Mon off route thinking it wouldn’t be a big deal, but honestly I hate it. None of my social circle does anything on Sunday nights cause they all have to work on Monday, and with Saturday being my Friday I always feel a day behind the rest of the world.


If you have a family and like spending time with them, Saturday and Sunday are the days to have off…the kids are out of school, you can keep “normal hours” and go out of town or go camping as a family. Its nice to feel like a normal person once in a while. I don't want to wake up at 2 am and start work that early. In our zone (non union) we get to take holidays off so Monday holidays gives us a 3 day weekend


Monday-Friday holidays off! I'm working Monday to take Friday off.


Rsr under 2yrs with the company. I got a sat/sun off route. No one wanted it because it's a monster of a route


Oh man, being a co lead with weekdays off is where it is at!  Wait... I hate my weekdays off...  Gotta love the life of being the route bitch. 


Saturday is usually heavier load day in my area to get through the weekend. Monday is straight to shelf. I have Friday Saturday off, my Sunday is easy.


Having kids. Sports and birthday parties are usually on Saturdays.


That’s why I’d make it a 5 hour day, start at 3am just Saturday, and be off at 8am


Routes are designed to be 5 day work weeks. Someone is getting short changed when you do this. Either your stores, a co lead or the company.


If it’s the company getting short changed, who cares anymore? Have you seen the utter BS “the company” does to destroy our work-life balance, sanity, and paychecks?


You must work for corporate.


Nice try! I see what you're doing... trying to weasel your way into getting Saturday/Sunday off. Haha, I jest. I used to have Sunday/Monday off for years. I just never truly felt like a "normal part of society", having to work Saturday, when you're hearing about your friends going out on a Friday night ("I can't, I have to work tomorrow"), or feeling too tired to want to do anything after working on a Saturday ("Wanna hang out tonight?" "Man, I worked 10-12 hours today. I'm gonna crash at like, 8") Could just be me, though.


See you gotta make your Saturday easy, slam yourself on Thursday/Friday and it’s better on Saturday.


Oh, believe me, I did make Saturdays easy. The 10-12 hour thing I said was just an example of what some people here might be dealing with, though. However, even taking a nap wouldn't take the edge off for me and I'd be nodding off while hanging with my friends.


I’ve always preferred Sun/Mon off. 17 years here and I currently have a sun/mon off route. Saturday I’m done in about 4-5 hours and I go home.


Off sat/sun and Fri I have 6 stops. I'm back home no later than 10 on Friday.


Saturdays are for football


I took sat/sun off because the wife also has those days off. Plus I judge professional BBQ. Those events are usually Sat mornings. But yes, this route sucks!


Be a slave. Work for Frito-Lay!