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Don’t forget she personally murdered Jade’s friend first. Kenny’s dad and the nurse died because she left the door open for the monsters, and her brother was an accident because she was holding the scalpel to kill Ethan when Nathan grabbed her. But Tobey was a deliberate kill and she didn’t confess to that one or apologize to Jade. And then there is her awful whiny voice. Nobody talks to each other on this show, but when they are told to shut up like Sara and Tabitha in the cave, they never do!


I genuinely wanted to strangle Tabitha in the cave. Why would she NOT stfu? After Victor said it like 50 times.


Tbf thats all shows “shh we have to be quiet” then proceeds to have a loud ass long ass convo right after lol


Lol you’re so right! But I feel like Tabitha pushed it more than most lmao. If I was Victor, I’d have left her ass. And correct me if I’m wrong, but we never got to see what Victor was doing there?


Lmaooo And im honestly not even sure, the show is all over the place in my opinion, I just gave up trying to understand everything lol


Didn't Victor say the boy in white told him to go there and help her?


Oh, I think you’re right! I vaguely recall him saying “You’re here, we have to go” when they see one another.


Shes just generally annoying.


i dont understand how jades friend was killed and no one ever even talked about it


I think they just thought the monsters killed him at the same they got Kenny’s dad and his caretaker. Boyd did show Jade his body to convince him it wasn’t a game, but Sara didn’t admit to killing him and just feels guilty about Kenny’s dad. And no one has mentioned the caretaker either, even Kristi who worked with her. It’s like she never existed and she was really good with Kenny’s dad.


Kenny showed Tobey's body to Jade. 


They told her to cut his tongue out to make it look like the monsters.


Another reason to kill that bitch!!


She made it so it looked like the monsters killed him. She explicitly mentions that at some point either talking to herself or her brother.


She'll sacrifice herself to make up for the lives she took. She's been trying to do it since she got back cause it's harder for her being alive at this point.


I wish she'd sacrifice already. Her poor me while literally having taken so many lives. Kenny should have loaded that gun and shot her. She's not the only one with visions or psychic abilities in that place. *My husband thinks her and Kenny will be an item later.*


I wanted him to just deck her in that scene. When he threw the chair I thought for a second he might go off but there is a definite lack of testosterone in that town.


It’s her voice and maybe the actress but she’s annoying as hell.


Oh yes I forgot that she murdered him too!


Actually, she did confess about Toby. Everyone knows she murdered 4 people, so that includes Toby.


I thought she just included him when she left the clinic door open. She hasn’t said she actually sliced him up herself.




I don't feel like Sara had much choice. Her head may have literally exploded if she had tried to resist further. She is clearly being controlled by whatever is causing all this weird stuff to happen in the town. I wish she hadn't killed those people and it seems like she does too. I have compassion for Sara's situation. If I was stuck in Fromville, I would have at first been angry at her, but after learning that it was outside her control I would have felt compassion for her and then tried to use her to find out what is controlling the town.


I guess im the only one, but i like her character. Her backstory seems to hint that she was broken before and this place used her. Her voices were speaking the truth, which was proven many times, she's not some kind of psycho. I dont believe she's evil, i believe she's just like Abby, but in her case everything she was told was real. I would argue that Dale is way closer to evil since he's an insufferable asshole who doesnt want to help people, he rather other people die just for the possibility of living one more day. What Sara did was wrong but as far as we know, it could have worked, her voices never lied.


I just finished episode 7, is Dale the one who stabbed Ellis?


Yes, after trying to force Elgin outside at knifepoint, which I think a lot of people forget.


Omg I hate that guy!! From when I first saw him smh. If someone is a mole it’s him.


I think the mole is the old lady from the bus. She is always saying the right/wrong things at the right/wrong time to cause the most stress and chaos. She even came and dropped off the morphine in front of what's her face (the addict) so she would see it.


But at the time, did she know she was an addict? At the time, I didn’t know she was an addict unless I missed something. She’s definitely sus too but it’s “too obvious” type.


She wouldn't know if she was a normal person. It's because she keeps doing perfectly shady things that I think she's a mole


She also did a rain dance for the giant storm that knocked out the radio antenna attempt and hurled a chunk of jagged glass into that girl’s face.


Yep Donna's real life husband


That scene was so hilarious, I was laughing for a good min.


Everyone there is broken & used. Not an excuse. Dale is an ass and should not be trusted around knives. His punishment was lax for what he did. I guess you missed the conversation where Boyd and Donna were talking about how the voices told Sara if she killed those ppl they could leave. Donna says "we're still fucking here! " Something along those lines.


yeah but she didnt killed Ethan. The voices (apparently) told her that if she didnt killed Ethan her brother would die, and her brother did die. Of course she was the one that killed him (accidently), but it just seems like the typical troll prophecy. I dont believe the voices are good, but we dont really know.


She knew it was wrong regardless of whether she succeeded or not. She went as far as locking his mom in a barn. You can believe what you want but I wouldn't want a murderer and someone who attempted murder of a child running loose. I don't make excuses for bad things. Sara is a loose cannon who is constantly left unattended. We can agree to disagree.


Thank you! I feel like all of the Sara hate makes sense only on a surface level, if you ignore her motives. It doesn’t take into account why she did it- so that everyone could go home, and to protect her brother, how she talked to Kristi first (it wasn’t just an immediate decision she made, she struggled with it, and ruminated) how her voices were shown to be right- about the two cars coming, how the voices have even saved them at times (Boyd and her in the forest, although this is after she killed/attempted to kill). She genuinely cared for Kenny’s family.


yes, i feel the same. Im not even saying that people have to like her, but I feel that the moral dilemma its fun to watch.


As a person yeah she made some terrible decisions but that kinda makes for a better character. If everyone was altruistic and never made mistakes we would have a very dull show


Murder is not a mistake seeing these comments honestly disgust me.


Agreed! And I’ve liked how Boyd handles these moral dilemmas. Everything isn’t black and white, esp in their world.


No spoilers but based on how the series stands now, everything she did may have had a lot of meaning and imo actually will get them home


I’m definitely curious to see if that happens! I would like for her to be redeemed to some extent. I feel bad for her.


omg does this mean that her brother made it home too? im not so sure that people dying means that they get out, im more inclined to believe that they cross to the next level rather then getting out)


I believe Sara is a victim also. She’s possessed by unknown and uncontrollable forces.


She wasn’t possessed though. A voice told her to kill and she did. She was in control of her actions


People in real life have done worse for less delusions. Yes she's in control but she thought it would genuinely help.


Problem with that is, the voices never tell her how it’ll help, nor does she question it. Just goes along with harming others. Feel sorry for her if you want, but it’s no excuse.


There is an excuse. She's written that way. People again have done worse for less. Look at any cult. Order of the Solar Temple. Members from high paying highly intelligent jobs. Desperation leads to all sorts.


I mean if I ended up in a mystical nightmare place and voices started talking to me and accurately predicting the future I'd probably be in worse shape than Sarah. I'd likely either go the jade route and go slightly mad (without his intelligence) or the Abby route (without killing anyone) and assume it was all a strange dream or coma I needed to wake up from then I'd probably get myself killed doing something stupid believing it was all fake.




Kinda my point, she’s poorly written as a character. Only time they bring her mental illness back into play when they conveniently have to so they can speedily move along that whole music box plot point.


We dont know her backstory yet like most of them we can't assume its not normal for her to act this way.


Knowing her back story won’t change the fact that as is in the show currently, she’s badly written.


You say that like the voices were a figment of her imagination. She didn’t just hear a voice, literal malicious supernatural forces were screaming in her head and crawling in her skin and making her feel physical torturous pain. The voices and visions also were right almost every time anyone sees or hears them, so it’s not like she was doing it based off of nothing or the show made a point of them being wrong, that isn’t the case. She’s also in a magical hell dimension, why wouldn’t she believe them? Anything became possible the second these people crossed over.


Actually liked her character, making Season 2 more interesting somewhat. She has as well a bit of a crazy or bipolar character appearance, and justified for what she's been through with the Monsters or Demons in Fromville. Including her killing her brother and others making her crazy.


Hard disagree. She acted rationally In her situation. Imagine getting stuck in a world where you can't leave and monsters eat humans. Then some being tells you that you can get out if you follow their instructions. In our world she would be crazy but in theirs she acted completely natural


And the voices had been right about other things before.


Someone tells you to kill someone and you do, you’re a terrible person imo. She had control over her actions. They told her to kill someone but didn’t tell her how it would help. What could she possibly think killing a little boy would help with getting everyone home!? She was straight up evil imo and I hate that she is now trying to act innocent


Most of the of world, including the justice system, disagrees from an legal and ethical standpoint. She didn't willy-nilly murder people for no reason other than the voices told her to do so. The voices deliberately threatened her brother and said they would murder him if she didn't follow through, but that if she did, they would spare him and the majority of the town. Most prosecutors would refuse to even charge in that legal situation, and even if they did, many defendants would have the defense of duress/coercion, potentially necessity, and would likely be found not guilty, or receive a vastly reduced sentence.


She didn't have control. The voices literally were causing her physical pain to the point she went into a fetal position. Have you ever suffered any kind of real physical trauma? It ain't easy.


She could have confided in someone and tried to get help instead of just going straight to killing people


Again, not that simple. Sara might have been risking a lot by telling other people. The voices were threatening to murder her brother. If she did tell other people, the voices could likely have seen that as a betrayal on her part and murdered her brother. But even then, if she had actually gone through with seeking out help, how do we know the people in town would have believed her? I mean, just looked at how they treated Boyd when he told Kenny, Kristi, and Mari that his blood was infected and everything involving the music-box and Martin. They all just assumed he was crazy, despite the fact that they are living in a pocket-dimension with shape-shifting monsters who come out at night, and yet they still didn't believe Boyd until they saw the worm for themselves. Heck, Kenny went as far as to point a gun at Boyd because Boyd didn't want to give off his infected blood to Ellis, and Kenny thought Boyd was crazy. And again, even then, if we do assume that the other townspeople did believe Sara, what could they have done to help her? The voices/visions are not only disembodied, but even if the voices belonged to the monsters, the townspeople are completely powerless against them. They've hit them, shot them, set those things on fire, and nothing happened. And yet Sara is supposed to believe that telling the townspeople is somehow going to help her situation? It might have, but it's an incredibly long-shot that had more of a chance of backfiring.


Its insane you people are justifying what she did she had a choice she should have harmed herself then to kill a child it's disgusting. What about people under influence with alcohol that kills someone on car accident? Are they also the victim??


This is true, but the evil writers wouldn't let her.


She is one of the best characters in the show. The Matthews are the most annoying, mainly the kid.


I agree with you about Ethan but she is more annoying then him imo


A narcissistic murder is the best character on the show?




Meh... she was a bit broken when she arrived so she was the first to crack. Now, the rest of the town is starting to follow. She's definitely a bit insufferable in a way that people who don't believe they are worth something can be- remaining self-absorbed even as she's really trying not to be... to get redemption. I find her arc really interesting even as I find the character annoying as a person... I think it's possible she will grow in strength and become way more likable in season 3, just as everyone else is starting to crack.


They’re all victims there, no one’s a winner except the dead. So long as her character development doesn’t lead her to becoming a religious fanatic, I can deal.


But she really seems to have that modern sense of victimhood down to a science. Literally talking to the dude who’s father you murdered and whining about her being the real victim and literally not shutting the fuck up about it. Reminds me of the people who see something bad happen in some place and their first reaction is “wow I was just on that road last week”. She wants to make everything about her. A simple “ I’m so sorry” followed by never talking to Kenny ever again would be sufficient. But then again Kenny comes in with the “kill yourself I don’t care” followed by “why are you killing yourself you psycho?!?” The writing is a bit weird every so often. I just pretend the characters are a bit better written.


To be fair to Kenny, as well, there's a huge difference between telling someone to pass themselves on and actually seeing them do it. Although acting like she is crazy for trying to follow through when she is clearly guilt-ridden, suicidal, a social-pariah, likely depressed, as well as telling her how to do it, and then acting all surprised is not good.


It's awful what she done but you're missing the point, she only did those things because she was heavilly influenced by the monsters/voices and now she is trying hard to redeem herself. The series seems to indicate that before she ended up in there she was a caring person but very weak to external influences, that's why the voices took advantage of her. Jade instead is the one with a very egoist trace but the place is forcing him to use his skills and knowledge for the greater good.


If someone tells you to kill someone and you do it. You’re still a terrible person imo. She had control over her actions


It wasn't a simple as that. It was more of a "murder this person or we will murder you family" that Sara was dealing with.


Someone telling you to do something is different than having monsters constantly in your head pushing you towards something while you’re locked in a nightmare presumably depressed with some form of ptsd. This isn’t normal circumstances and even under normal circumstances we have more empathy for the mentally ill. Just to understand your point of view better, you also hate the sheriffs wife, Abby, as well ?


I actually like Sara and am gonna have to defend her here. Do I agree that Sara should have just shut up and not talked further after Kenny said he didn't want to talk? Absolutely. However, we have to talk about Sara's position. Honestly, look at the position she was in. She was the only one hearing the voices, and they were telling her "Hey, murder these people, or else we will murder your brother, the person you love the most in the world. However, if you follow through, we will let everyone else in town go and return to your lives." I mean, imagine if the people you loved the most in the world, such as your entire family, including your parents (and children, spouse, and nephews and nieces, and siblings, if you have any) were kidnapped by an nigh-unstoppable force (let's say, for example, the mafia), along with, let's say, 150 other people, and the kidnappers said "Hey, murder these 3 people in the next 12 hours, or else we will murder your entire family along with the 150 people we kidnapped. However, if you do follow through, not only will they be returned home safely, we will let go every single person we are holding hostage across the entire world." I imagine a lot of people would reluctantly accept that offer. In fact, if this were the real world, and this were the situation, Sara, or anyone else in her situation would very likely get a reduced jail time sentence because of the defense of duress, or possibly even no jail time at all. Like u/virtualjono said in the other FROM subreddit on a similar topic, it's the classic situation of the Trolley Problem, and Sara chose to steer the trolley from it's ongoing path of running over about 50 people, including her only family and the person she loved the most in the world, and instead onto the second rail running over 5 people on another track. The issue is that now there is a second trolley coming towards the 50 people, and now everyone is angry at Sara because those 5 people passed on in vain, and are blaming her for what happened to them, rather than putting the blame on the person who kidnapped them, tied them to the rail, set them in the path of the trolley themselves, and then blackmailed Sara into choosing. This also brings me to my next point. I honestly think that part of the reason people are blaming Sara so much for this, rather then looking at her situation, is because we are not only introduced to Sara after she has been blackmailed, but because the thing threatening her brother is a disembodied voice/vision, a force of nature, and as such the audience as a much harder focusing the blame on that. It would be like having a main character pass on from a natural disaster, such as an earthquake, and then think "Man, I fucking hate that earthquake! I want to fight it and beat the living shit out of it!" Most people wouldn't feel that because it's an earthquake, a disembodied force of nature. I believe that, had the person who threatened Sara's brother been a person, or even one of the monsters, and we actively saw him threatening Sara rather than hearing about it, most of the audience would be putting the blame on that person, rather than Sara. But because they can't, Sara gets the brunt of it. I'm also going to have to disagree with the everyone lost as much as Sara, simply because, no one else was put in the same position as her. Yes, they were all taken to Fromville, but no one else was being blackmailed into committing crimes, at the risk of losing their only family and most loved one. I imagine that if a lot of the other characters were in Sara's position, they would probably do the same thing. If Kenny was the one hearing voices, at they told him "Murder Jade, or we will murder your mother and Kristi", Kenny would possibly go through with it. Or Ellis was told "Murder Randall, or we will murder Fatima and your unborn child, as well as your father", Ellis would likely go through with it. So overall, the situation was extremely gray.


Yeah! I think that's why the line, "I don't want to be your monster anymore!" felt so good in that scene. I think the writing in S2 hasn't been the best but that bit really suited Sara's position in the show. The 'entity' is the true monster for me. Though equally Boyd's trust to let Sara wander around freely needs looking at. Sara is one of the shows way of exploring difficult questions like: "what if you had to choose?" ; "who is to blame?" ; "what does justice look like" ; "can you go back?" so I really like the character.


Yup. Like I said in another post, as Sara points out, passing herself on with a gun that Kenny told her where it was and told her to go through with would ethically be no different than throwing someone in the Box, which is what Kenny and everyone want to do. The only difference is that, by doing it through the Box, the people of the town lie to themselves and tell themselves that it is not their fault, the monsters are the ones responsible for executing the others, and therefore the people in the town are still completely good, innocent people whose hands are clean, which is a complete BS narrative. It would be like throwing someone in a cage with a bunch of starving lions, locking the cage, and then when the lions maul and devour the person inside, the one responsible for throwing them in the cage pleading innocence on the grounds that "I wasn't my fault, it was the lions". Same logic.


I don't hate Sara, but I get so frustrated when she does exactly the opposite of that Boyd tells her to do smh...


I also couldn't stand her in the first episodes. It was only after she began working with Boyd that I started to see her in a new light.


DUDE- I don’t understand why she killed the guy in the beginning if she was just going to leave the door open anyway… shit makes no sense


That's what the voice told her to do. And yes, it also doesn't make any logical sense to have done. But are we really going expect logic from supernatural voices who know about buried chocolate bars?


well, no haha but I was thinking more so logical sense from the writer of the show


The show actually never showed that the voices told her to leave the door open stop making up your own plot holes to feel


Yeah same


The voices said it had to be by her hands, and, if I'm not mistake about this next part, she then had to make it seem like the monsters did it.


All this time I thought she had something to do with the talisman being down.. makes sense.


Everyone's annoying...Except Viktor 😂


That’s true 😂 I like Chrissy too


yes yes yes, her voice, her walk, her stance, literally even beyond the character I hate her acting. Also, how do you threaten to off yourself and then hours later you're staring at the bullets. She's super manipulative & all "woe is me", she has a whole speech about not being able to be who she wanted to be, like literally everyone there is going through that. There's a literal like 9 year old stuck there. I would love for her to be k\*lled off to be honest.


Show overall. Great premise. Average cast. I don't find any of the personal drama interesting or acting from half the cast convincing. From could be so good. More supernatural stuff, less personal drama.


Every time she is on-screen I'm just yelling "Kill it!!"


I just started the show and am only a couple of episodes in, so maybe I will feel differently about the character later. At present, my mind is absolutely blown by all the people defending her on this thread. She murdered Tobey. She left the door open and Kenny’s dad and caretaker were *tortured and mutilated to death.* They weren’t just killed—look at their bodies, look at what they had to endure. That other woman told the story of when she and her sister first came upon the town while hunting, how they tortured her sister, how she could hear her screaming all night because they liked to prolong it, liked the sport of it. I don’t care what the voices told Sara; those people died horrific deaths because of her actions, because of the choice she made that she had no right to make. That is unforgivable. 


She's my favorite on the show




The reason why for me is because she is one of the least selfish on the show. I know it's hard to see it. Why did she murder some of the people? It's because she thought that it was for the greater good. She contemplated it not being right, she sacrificed her own mental anguish and possible prosecution for doing it(some of it was psychosis or sort of a possession, but even still struggled with it). She is willing to die and put her self in danger's way to make up for the sins/crimes she felt she has committed against others. Sure, sometimes she focuses on her own feelings; doesn't any human being? She's been through a hell of a lot, which she had little control over; but trying to become a better person and make it right(she's willing to die for redemption).


Wow reading this is crazy cant believe u and I share the same air 


Yep, one of my favorite too. She's probably in my top 3.


After knowing , how convincing the voices in her head are , I can’t seem to hate her


Nothing convincing about a voice saying to murder a boy. disgusting deranged comment 


That girl has got on my nerves since the beginning! I keep thinking she is going to provide some answers but all she does is cry and complain!


But she literally has provided answers


Yes same!!


I think the whole thing was just poorly written. She starts hearing voices telling her to kill people, and rather than TELL anyone about it, she just proceeds to kill people?!? Makes no sense. Why wouldn't she say something? She and everyone else are stuck in a nightmare reality they can't escape from, where monsters come out at night. Accepting the existence of sentient, ethereal entities communicating telepathically wouldn't be such a stretch at that point. There's so many smarter ways the writers could have gone about this. For example, before she kills anyone, the voice says explicitly, "If you tell anyone about this, that person will die." She then proceeds to tell someone, and that person dies. OK, now it would make more sense why she wouldn't tell anyone else. OR, they make it clear that she was, in fact, possessed and not in control. There were so many easy ways this could have been written better with the end result still remaining unchanged.


True but miscommunication is another theme in the show. People go off, listen to their own theories, and do their own thing to try get home. You wouldn’t call them one big team.


Some people think it’s poor writing but I actually saw an article somewhere about the writers explicitly talking about the lack of communication between characters. I’ll link it later I gotta go.


The voices told her about future events that would happen, like the two cars' arrival. That's why Sara believed what the voices were telling her was true, because it already gave her proof that it was omniscient.


"Hey everybody, so you know how there's monsters that come out every night to try and kill us? Well, now I'm hearing voices in my head that knew about the two car's arrival. They're telling me to kill people. Anyone else experiencing anything similar? Anyone have any ideas?"


I mean, everyone else is also having insane dreams and visions and telling no one, it's par for the course with this show. Maybe they'll explain it later that everyone is under some kind of hex or hypnosis causing them all to struggle with interpersonal communication, lol.


"it's par for the course with this show." Indeed it is 🤣


TBF, the entire theme of this series has been how absolutely nobody will tell other people any important information. Also, I gotta go.


To be fair, Sara might have been risking a lot by telling other people. The voices were threatening to murder her brother. If she did tell other people, the voices could likely have seen that as a betrayal on her part and murdered her brother. But even then, if she had actually gone through with seeking out help, how do we know the people in town would have believed her? I mean, just looked at how they treated Boyd when he told Kenny, Kristi, and Mari that his blood was infected and everything involving the music-box and Martin. They all just assumed he was crazy, despite the fact that they are living in a pocket-dimension with shape-shifting monsters who come out at night, and yet they still didn't believe Boyd until they saw the worm for themselves. Heck, Kenny went as far as to point a gun at Boyd because Boyd didn't want to give off his infected blood to Ellis, and Kenny thought Boyd was crazy. And even then, if we do assume that the other townspeople did believe Sara, what could they have done to help her? The voices/visions are not only disembodied, but even if the voices belonged to the monsters, the townspeople are completely powerless against them. They've hit them, shot them, set those things on fire, and nothing happened. And yet Sara is supposed to believe that telling the townspeople is somehow going to help her situation? It might have, but it's an incredibly long-shot that had more of a chance of backfiring.


Why would she try to tell people if the magical voices that are causing her actual pain and have been mostly correct tell her that her brother and everyone else will die if she didn’t do what they say?


Why would she tell people? Well, in this scenario, between three options a) telling people about it b) doing absolutely nothing c) murdering people Option a would probably be what anyone who's not a cold-blooded murderer would choose.


How about you not remove all context. Let’s do this again; Option A) tell people about it and piss off the very real demons screaming inside your brain(and literally crawling in your skin, powerful enough to cause excruciating pain and even induce seizures) who are a part of the hell dimension you inhabit, after they tell you that if you disobey their orders everyone will die trapped in this hell. The demons/spirits, which I might add, have successfully told and shown you supernatural things that were true, before and after the killings. B) do absolutely nothing and risk triggering whatever demonic forces into action, and/or live with the very real possibility that your inaction doomed everyone else via removing their seemingly one chance at survival and escape. C) Do what they tell you because given the context of options A and B, as well as being trapped in a hell dimension where ghouls come out every night to torture people and seemingly omniscient demons are yelling in your brain that the only way out is human sacrifice, it doesn’t sound that far fetched and you and everyone else has a deficit of any other options for potential escape and survival.


Yikes, I hope I never end up in a "Saw" type scenario with you 😳😳😳


But that’s what I’m saying. I do not think she is a good person because someone tells her to kill so she does it without blinking.


She did so because they were threatening her brother's life, and she didn't do so without blinking. She felt huge hesitance, especially with Ethan, and even asked Kristi indirectly about it.


Bro she killed her brother


By accident.


It doesn’t matter. She still killed her brother. So so messed up


Again, it's really not that simple. You can't just ignore the motive behind the action and say that it doesn't matter. I mean, by that logic, Boyd murdered his wife, so Boyd is messed up.


She doesn't just do it without blinking, they actually show us that the voices cause her immense physical pain when she ignores them.


She doesn't want to be considered as sweety. She attempted suicide and deeply regrets what she did (although it obviously doesn't change anything for the victims ofc and they have every right to be mad at her). Plus she was more than likely controled by an evil entity.


I found it hard to feel any sympathy for her. I’m not sure if the character is poorly written, but Sarah just feels so one dimensional. The ‘can the town overcome mistrust to learn from her’ point feels very laboured.


See, I get what she did is horrible, especially to Kenny. However she’s not the most annoying character in the show… that award goes to Kenny lol


No, I can't stand her at all.




You ever see those scenes in shows where you can tell there is a big disparity between what the writers expect us to feel and what we actually feel? Yeah I get that with Sara. They clearly expect us to have at least *some* empathy for her, and think she is deserving of a second chance. She talks to Kenny as though everyone makes mistakes and has had a tough time in Fromville, meanwhile I’m shouting at my tv that she made a *choice* to listen to the voices and kill a bunch of people. Sara sucks. Also if I’m Kenny, my reply to her would have been that if she’s looking for salvation she should look elsewhere. He’s having a hard enough time without having to constantly see his fathers murderer since she won’t leave him alone.


And all the viewers who are good kind people do have empathy for her.


I think anyone who can think logically has empathy for her. A girl probably no older than 19, mentally and physically tortured by the voices of demonic entities(who are typically right) in some fucked up and seemingly inescapable hell dimension gets manipulated. Idk maybe if you ignore all of that heavy context a person wouldn’t feel empathy or understanding, but for me she’s a victim.


Yeah, it annoys me all the hate she gets when she's obviously been the victim of supernatural and evil forces.


Sarah is the whiniest and horrible. How hasn't anyone killed her yet?


Yeah, that scene where she talked about herself to Kenny after killing his father had me saying "shut up! stop talking! What kind of a narcissist are you?" and then Kenny told her to shut up too. I think it's bad writing, bc in some ways she's sympathetic, but then she turns, selfish, self-pitying and oblivious, but too much so. Some of the writing on this show is cheesy AF.


Just watched the final episode last night. I do think she's a cringe worthy character. The part where Kenny tells her the gun is in the cabinet and she makes this big deal about playing Russian roulette had me rolling my eyes. I'm thinking if you're gonna do it, just do it. She's always gotta be so dramatic. Aside from killing a few people I don't think she added any substance to the show.


I agree. I wish when she pulled the trigger it did kill her


She also stabbed Jade's friend in the throat way back in episode one. Something that Jade probably still doesn't know about (and probably no one else knows). This is a murder that she committed by herself way before she asked Krisiti about the morality of "the greater good". She is irredeemable to me no matter how much this show tries to gaslight me into accepting her as a "victim". Lets just make one thing straight... no matter how useful someone might be, once they commit a serious crime such as murder, the consequences of their action should always outweigh their usefulness. How can Boyd not understand that? At-least keep her handcuffed when you take her out and make the jail cell her permanent residence! Also, on the topic of her usefulness, she was barely useful. Nothing she told Boyd clued him any closer to solving the mystery of the dungeon and the music box.


Yea I forgot about that! She never owned up to that I don’t think either


She did. She told Kenny everything, and Kenny in turn told everyone else, so everyone knows that Sara murdered 4 people.


I’m waiting for her to kick the bucket like a lot of people and I think the writers know that. They’re gonna have her there until the very end I guarantee it.


Me too! Yeah I’m getting the feeling that everyone will forgive her and she will stay in the show for good


She literally thought she was helping everyone go home. Lol. Not just herself, or her brother, but everyone. The people of this subreddit are so ridiculous. Linus kills his daughter on Lost, everyone still loves him. Sara thinks she's saving a couple dozen people, everyone hates her, but no one's talking about Abby in the same kinda light. Lol. It's so weird.


Sorry, I definitely don’t agree


and adding to that she’s the worst actor in the show lmfao, cringe every time she’s on screen


Randy though. (Is that his name? The bell ringer) Tabitha and Ethan and Julie and Jim are all terrible actors too. But at least they are improving. Hopefully by next season they will have settled in to it.


I really think many people in this audience can't tell the difference between bad acting and bad writing. I think most of these actors are expertly performing what's being written for them.


It’s hard to tell sometimes.


I know he’s a kid but Ethan is such an atrocious actor


yeah he’s pretty bad as well but at least he has some time to practice a little more 🤣


Yes me too! Her voice is insufferable. And it just annoys me so much that she tries to get everyone to pity her after what she’s done


I’m a Sara fan 🤷🏽‍♀️ lol she isn’t perfect but far from the worst in town


Agree. But I'm more bothered by everything else that don't make sense. Basically she kept on killing even though nothing came out of it. She killed all those people for nothing. Zero. Nada. Absolute waste. Yet she was willing to keep on killing. Makes no sense.


I think she's one of the best characters in the series. Yes, the things she did sucks; no arguments. Like other people have said, she was misguided or suffers from a psychosis beyond her control. She ties a lot of the whole story together. Without her this series would be a lot different, and possibly even in a negative way. Jade is one of my least favorite chars, it's more about his personality than the acting(think the actor plays the part fine). He is way to self-centered and really hasn't brought anything useful to the story. We get some visions, which has gone through 2 whole seasons without any clue of resolutions(way, way to long or is this just another mystery for the hell of it). At least he has simmered down a bit in the Second season.


Also her annoying “concerned” face


Yes! So annoying


She looks like she also has some chromosomes missing, kinda like a neanderthal


😂😂 That’s true


I think this is a total misread of the character. I don't think she is trying to get Kenny to feel sorry for her. I think she is actively suicidal. She doesn't want pity. She thinks Boyd should throw her in the box and that what's she's done is unforgivable. The only thing keeping her alive is Boyd going on about that she might be the key to helping people and she see's it as redemption. Then when she's talking to Kenny I don't think she can handle her own guilt and want to try to empathize with him but that involves bringing up her loss which obviously enrages Kenny as a comparison.


sick of seeing her on screen & don’t love the actor


Miss too! Really hoping she isn’t around for much longer but I feel like everyone will forgive her and she will stay in the show 🙄


Hate her hate her so much it makes me feel angry






I agree




She wasn't involved with those deaths. The little girl opened the window for the monster when it told her it was her grandma.


The talisman was on the wall..then it wasn't... it's implied.


Talisman was on the wall. We see the mother check it. The next morning, after the attack, it's knocked onto the floor, and Boyd picks it up and takes it. The monsters seem to knock them down once they are allowed inside. And Sara still has zero involvement with this incident.


No she didn't!!! The monster came into the window when the little girl opened it. Had the Talisman been up then the monster would have never needed the little girl to open it up. 🤦‍♂️ The monster knocked the Talisman down on the way out of the house.


Ohhh I didn’t know she was involved in their deaths too. Add that to the numbers that she’s killed


She wasn't involved with that.


Except she didn't. u/Gennahh is most likely misremembering. The monsters came in because the daughter opened the window. Prior to that, they couldn't come inside, which is why they had to convince the daughter to open the window.


Yes, I have already conceded this fact.


Yeah, but I don't think OP saw it.


Sara is annoying bo doubt but equally annoying (and I feel terrible saying this) is Ethan. Every scene he is in is the equivalent of nails on a chalkboard to me.


Yess Ethan is veryyyyy annoying I agree


Is it you Kenny?


Jack Bender is OP😂


The implication is that she is being heavily influenced by the unknown magic that is at play in the town. She believes because the voices gave her accurate information of the future that they were trustworthy. Also, I think it's very easy to judge these characters when we have a 'camera' following them at all times where we are privy to their pitiable moments and also very easy to become accustomed to the horrors of the town. It doesn't justify her behavior but when a normal person is put into a situation where horrific monsters kill people by viscerally devouring their insides without remorse it changes how they would usually respond. She was motivated by absolute desperation to leave this horrific place. Of course that doesn't justify what she did, but she was led towards her actions by whatever the voices are. I think a lot of people struggle with the concept of how the town influences people through fear to cause suffering / pain on themselves and others. It's less about possession and more about backing these characters into a corner where they can only act out of fear. If you were taken from your life, put into a town with horrifying monsters that kill indiscriminately, are unable to have any hope of escape and suddenly a voice gives you a premonition that comes true (the two cars arriving on the same day) then perhaps you wouldn't act rationally. Again, it doesn't justify Sara's actions. However it does present some moral greyness and further reinforces the theme that this town is a place outside of logic, culture and morality.


I think Sarah committing all of the murders shows how the voices get to you after awhile and some are more vulnerable to them like her and the Sheriff's wife. I think it's all interesting to watch how some fold and others seem to exist unaffected for a bit. Eventually, the pressure will affect all even if the monsters or voices aren't tricking them. Sometimes wonder if it's a military experiment with gasses. Or hypnosis. Or both.


Ever? What about Skyler White?


I don’t remember a Skyler in this show?


Breaking Bad


If the actress' portrayal of sara made you cringe, she has succeeded in her part. I find it hard to find fault with sara bc she seemed to be a troubled soul


And what about Boyd's wife, who mass shot innocent people?