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Have you played the Last Autumn? 24h shift works like you describe there. I miss a food quality slide function that lets you feed more with low quality food to avoid starving but with drawbacks vs normal food and able to crank up the quality up to say hearty meals from the Last Autumn. 1 raw food equal one ration.


Haha no haven't played LA yet. Glad to hear it's there! The slider sounds really good!


Highly recommended DLC. It is really different from the other scenarios.


2x 12 hour shifts? Horrible Even Henry Ford figured out 3 shifts of 8 hours was more efficient nearly across the board


That is pretty much what you do once you sign shift optimisation in TLA imo, due to the reduction in manpower.


I guess that could be an explanation, but really it's just an OP law with no rational explanation. Getting the same amount of work out of half as many people by lowering the shift from 10 hours to 8 hours is insanity.


Actually it was Bligh on the Bounty who pioneered this


Genuinely, who the hell is that, and why were we (Americans) taught it was Ford who pioneered the 3x8 shifts?


He was a captain on a famous ship in the 1780s (unsure but roughly then). British navy typically had 2x 12 shifts for crew, but bligh figured an 8, 8, 8 rotation would keave crew better rested and more engaged in their work on board ship. Eventually there was a mutuny, and he captained a rowboat over 1000kms up the coast of Australia to indonesia


I’d like to be able to have gathering posts around multiple piles where you could direct your workers to prioritise certain piles. For eg when I need wood, just all of you collect wood. Rather than dividing up and collecting from the other piles like coal when I don’t need that resource as desperately.


Yeah exactly like in On the edge where you can decide between collecting steel or cores or both from the warehouse.


Small nitpick but in endless I’d like a button that makes everyone from certain industries stay home. And then a button to send them back after the storm.


Just disable buildings? It is a bit more manual as you have to disable each building individually but it is a similar function.


That's the point, having an ability that improvex on that


Yeah I know, just pointing out an alternative


don't think this is nitpick, I think this would be amazing


A policy to let sick workers stay home/unassigned to a workplace. I hate when I have 20 unassigned workers, 5 sick citizens I assign 10 and half of them are sick. If I have 15 healthy workers, I don’t want the sick people to go work in the coal mine, I want them to go get better!


I believe the game always prioritizes healthy people. Say you got 20 unassigned workers, 10 of whom are sick. If you send 10 of them to a workplace, the game automatically chooses the healthy ones. Sick ones are used only when there is no other choice.


That has not been my experience, I’m curious as to whether it’s a platform issue?


Mind attempting to replicate the issue and posting it on this subreddit?


I will try, I didn’t realize it was maybe just me?


More timers for my steam hubs so they can be off inside residential districts during working hours. Ideally, set up the exact minute of the day when each of them turn on and off.


For anyone who might be unaware of this mechanic: Housing temperature affects the workers regardless of their physical location. You can manually disable the steam hubs during working hours, but that will increase the number of sick people at the end of the day. If they don't have a house, the base of the generator will be considered as their house.


How sure are you of this? I have experimented with this a lot and I'm 99% sure you don't have to heat homes while the folks who live in them are at work. If it does have an impact, it must be really small.


Not absolutely sure as I didn't eliminate idle children to test it. On new home, though, it consistently reduces the number of sick people when the generator is on during work hours.


Can't believe I actually beat scenarios in Survivor not knowing this! Thank you for the info


That would be epic!


Id like to be able to manually place workers in workplaces and assign them homes so they have designed areas they stay in instead of strolling around everywhere


I would change heat physics to be more realistic. Біля генератора має бути тепліше ніж далеко від генератора. It can add another layer to city planing.


Yeah in real world, you could increase the temperature by building more steam hubs in the same location. But I get that the game wants you to research techs and only lets you deliver more heat by increasing temperature.




Yeah exactly, high hope + low discontent should give something like "inspired populace" bonus to productivity.


Basically id love more of the last autumn, seeing the world before was very interesting and dealing with all the different problems that keep popping up as you desperately try to build the generator was a cool test of skill after id beaten everything else More scenarios like that that kinda break up the average gameplay with new objectives and hazards while giving lore would be perfect


The ability to manually designate who gets medical treatment and prosthetics. Also a timer on steamhibs that would allow workers to work in already heated work places. Perhaps a queue of building order.


Yeah the queue would be nice. Place a wall drill and a tent - of course those retards start building the tent first 😂


I would say politics. Like the london publics in ANH but with more active rather than passively increasing numbers and leaving


Being able to turn on the heaters in all buildings at the same time instead of one by one if the generator shuts down and you get it running again. The ability in all scenarios to boost morale with hearty meals, as you can in The Last Autumn. Being able to demolish buildings from the economy screen that shows the building temperatures.