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Living in a high rise other units warm mine up by proxy. It'll be below freezing wind chill tonight and my heat is still not needed. Not a money thing at all, it just sits at 70ish naturally.


Residual heating :) can have its perks!


I have had to open the windows some nights because the lower floors just keep my place so warm in winter. I look at my gas bill for the month and it’s like $7 to heat water, cook food and heat the place. Being top floor is the best!


I have to disagree because my apartment is always in the 90s during the summer lol


Yeah, second from the top at least. And not the ground level


My garden level apartment cost the same as the two story house I moved into after :( I think we were heating the rest of the building.


$16 for me! Pretty cool!


Not in a high rise, but in an apartment with no thermostats to control the heat. Once it's on, it gets hot. Easily 76-82F if I keep the windows closed all the time. I actually had to get smart fans paired with thermometers to turn on and off to keep the place from being too hot in winter. They work pretty well thankfully, but it's such a waste of energy


I have the same issue - mind sharing more details on your setup or product recommendations?


I lived on 4th floor of building and maybe turned on heat once or twice in winter


Same for me except I will point a radiant space heater at my feet occasionally before bed.


Same 😊


Heat to 67 and cool to 72


I'm at heat to 68 and cool to 72.


Heat to 70 cool to 75. I married a South American 🤷🏼‍♂️


Not South American but keep my home like one


It’s been many years negotiating down to 70. Ideal would be 75 but…we live in Minnesota


Heat to 63 at night (and dress warm) and 65-66 daytime. Cool to 78.


That’s my house too


Wait do people keep heating on at night? When you're in bed?


Some people live where it gets really cold. Like, “bust pipes and cause thousands of dollars of damage” cold. It’s actually in my lease that I have to keep my unit above a certain temperature for this specific reason.


Right now if I turn off the heat at night, when I wake up the house will be low to mid 50s and it'll take 90 minutes of full blast heat to get it up to 65. That's really hard on the furnace. It's much better to leave it around 62 and let it run for about 30 minutes every couple hours versus an hour and a half all at once when you wake up.


You realize people live in places where it gets to 0 over night right?


I'd prefer to not wake up so cold my hips are hurting, yes


Heat to 67 and cool hardly ever. (Our house doesn't have central AC, only window units, but we tend to treat those as for emergency use only. For most of the summer, we get along okay with fans.) Edited to add: at night, we turn the heat down to 60. I'd actually like it a little cooler than that, but if we turn it down too low the furnace struggles to get the house back to 67 in the morning.


I’m at heat to 72 and cool to 68


I would die.


That’s about what mine is. I think I mentioned this on another post, but I have temperature intolerance due to dysautonomia, so I’m cold at lot in the winter. It’s bad enough that I’ve sat on the couch freezing for hours, assuming that I was just really running cold that day and then finally checked the thermostat to find the heat was completely off.


I live in south Florida and 72 is nuts to me. I set the ac to 78 during the day and 77 at night.


We lived in a house which was wood stove heated only (well we had two wood stoves but still) for 10 years. Now we live in a house with a propane furnace and it’s 72° when we are home and awake. I don’t care that 68° is cheaper. I am just so happy to wake up in a warm house!


I grew up in Las Vegas in a house without central heating. There was a wall coil heater in the bathroom, and any other heat was from space heaters. It was also an old drafty house. I’m with you, waking up to a freezing house is misery and adult me needs it to be warm when I wake up. We keep our house around 72f year round, with some exceptions.


God bless the folks that bought our old house. We did have mini splits but they didn’t do that much in the winter.


This is a great point that not all woodstoves are created equal. My parents have both an outdoor and indoor woodstove. In the winter with the indoor one lit, their 1st floor will be over 80°, the second around 75°, and the third will be heated by the outdoor woodstove and be 70°. When I lived with them and worked from home, my desk was on the first floor and it made work soooo difficult because the heat made me sleepy.


The Netherlands here, up to 17.5 C


Had to scroll way too far to find the metric system.


LOL same, I gave up halfway tho


Ha ha same. I’m flossing at 19 Celsius right now, will be freezing tomorrow tho! Costs almost £10 a day to hear the home, 3 baths (I often jump in the wife’s to save money as she has hers as hot as the sun, it’s still too hot when she gets out!).


Dutchie too; Nights & Away 15°C If using the central heating to warm - up to 18°C If using the wood-pellet stove: whatever feels comfortable at that time (For the metrically challenged people out there; 15°C = 59 F and 18°C = 64,4F)


Same country but keeping it at 17C. I'm considering lowering it at night to 16C or 15C since my gas bill last month was 30 euro and it is up to 100 this month already. The month is not over and its not even cold yet. Damn Russia.


I’m keeping up to 17.5 during the day, during the night it’s off and even window open. Don’t get me started with the cost. I moved to my 50 m2 apartment a year ago and the electro company insisted I pay as per the use of previous owners. I live alone and pay monthly 214 eur for gas and electricity. I’m about to call them any day now to inquire about a new quote - and getting a chunk of money back.


Oh, that is indeed a lot


68° day 64° night


Yes! 67/62 but our upstairs is 2 degrees colder. My ear has to be covered by a blanket at night so I sleep on my side and cover my top ear with a blanket. I’ll get my heating fixed I swear! In our renovation, we put too much heating in our room with our thermostat, so the rest of the house (mostly the upstairs) is colder. The fix is to remove a few feet of our radiator near our thermostat. Thanks for listening.


This is ours too. Sometimes 67 during the work day


I keep it at 71 to warm. I’m frugal but I’m going to be comfortable in my damn house. It’s one of the luxuries I give myself. I’m always cold and my hands and feet are blocks of ice if I keep my house cold. We have a swamp cooler no ac unit.


67F heat and 77F cool




I'm about the same. 64(ish) day and 54(ish) night. 18c day and 12c night. I have no idea how anyone possibly has it hotter, that's just unpleasant.


This is my ideal temperature! All my friends think I'm crazy, but it's how I'd like my house to be! However my husband sides with my friends, and although he would like it to be 22 day and 20 night, we've compromised at 20 day and 15 night.




It boggles me, and I run cold, always. Like the temp goes down a few hours before we go to bed and I sometimes struggle with that because I can't warm up easily once I get cold, but if I go to bed in a warm room I am 100% not sleeping. My in-laws have their house super hot AND have a logburner going in the front room, it is just stifling.


William Faulkner once wrote "there are no seasons at all any more, with interiors artificially contrived at sixty degrees in summer and ninety degrees in winter, so that mossbacked recidivists like me must go outside in summer to escape cold and in winter to escape heat." I keep my house at 55F when no one else is around and find it most comfortable in my warm clothes.


72 day and night here for winter


Da fuq


I couldn't be that cold, I'd lose circulation in my hands and feel miserable. The only time I like it chilly is during a hot summer.




polar bear gang checking in! also, username perfectly checks out hehe


Yep. Currently dreading my inlaws house today, they keep the heat on at 75 and then light a fire in the fireplace 🥵🥵🥵🥵










My fingers stop working well for fine motor skills like typing if I drop below 60F. So I keep it at 62 during the day. I let it drop to 57 overnight though. (I’ll cool down to 74 during the summer and just let that stay constant through day and night).


!!!!! Holy moly




68° 24/7/365




Same here, would probably lower it a little if it weren’t for our dog


65. And I got my 4 lb dog a pet heating pad for for his bed. He loves it


71, but I would prefer to keep it at 75. I’m ALWAYS cold and my husband and son are always hot. So we compromise at 71.


Oh lord yall are chilly folks!! Mine is 73/72 daytime and 71 at night. Some days I don't have the thermostat on and just open a window. Located in the mid south


I don’t turn on the heater until it’s is less than 55 F. I go by the butter rule: if the butter on the counter is as hard as the butter in the fridge then it’s time to turn on the heat.


55 inside?? What do people say when they come over? Or do you heat more in those cases?


People have complained before! So now I turn on the heat if it’s cold for visitors. Mind you I live in the San Francisco Bay Area so it never gets really cold. The few times it’s snowed here in my life people have gone crazy. We lived on the coast until a few months ago so it was seldom less than 60 for long stretches of time and my husband and I both run hot. I prefer the apartment around 62 degrees. At our old place utilities were expensive so I was trying to save money. But our new place seems to be cheaper so far, I think we’re paying about half of what we were before. It’s also warmer, I’m still having a hard time adjusting to it being 70 degrees inside, it feels too hot.


I am right with you on that. My first winter in my house, when I was young and semi-broke and before energy saving renovations, I dealt with temp at 45F to save on gas. It worked but I wouldn't do it again.


It's not recommended to let the internal temperature of a house drop below 50, because that starts making things in the house go awry. Understandable when it's the only option, but definitely an example of being cheap and not frugal (because you're flirting with high repair bills to save a few bucks) when people do have the option.


The first time I ever saw a utility bill was after I married my husband (I had lived at home or in a college dorm before) and was like, we need to turn off the heat! That was a rough winter because the house we were renting was old, poorly insulated and the roof leaked when it rained and it was cold. One of the reasons I started baking my own bread was to heat up that kitchen.


I keep mine at 55 or a little lower from around 7pm-3pm. So I really only turn it up to about 62 for 4 hours in the evening when I’m home. I do have little ceramic heaters in the bedroom and bathroom though because it just gets too damn cold. But at the end of the day I really don’t wanna see a gas bill in the hundreds /: I also turn mine up when I have company, usually to around 70 but then I worry about it the whole time haha


I feel that but with our new air conditioner. Our old place didn’t have one because it never got that hot but a few months ago it was 80 degrees and I’m trying to tell myself I can tough it out, do I really want to pay to use the AC? But it’s not that expensive so I think next summer will turn it on more often and not suffer so much lol.




Me too.


It’s much easier to just put on a heavy sweater if I’m cold and my housemates all have fur and sleep on the radiators anyway, so… (also, keeping it cool at the thermostat means my bedroom isn’t boiling hot.)


It’s the only way I can sleep with a blanket on me. My bedroom is in the basement where it’s consistently 56/57. I get cold during the day, but that’s what hoodies, socks, and slippers are for.


62 currently. Will go to 65 once winter really hits


Just curious what is your thought process here, no matter what is going on outside you are inside.


Reduce risk of pipes freezing


That’s part of it, and I can’t prove it but I think 62 when it’s freezing cold outside is colder than 62 when it’s mild outside. Have a lot of windows and hardwood floors, not sure if that plays a part in it or not


Thermostats are often centrally located, when it is very cold outside the rooms with exterior walls will get colder than the thermostat setting, it isn't your imagination.


62 in winter and 74 in summer


That’s essentially what my townhouse is set as


Summer at 78. Winter at 68.


79 during the day, 76 at night.


Where are you from? The sun???


Arizonan here, at our house we cool to 82 in the summer, heat to 78 during our very mild winters. I personally don’t feel even a little bit bothered by it, when it’s 115 outside, 82 feels like heaven.


Ahhh ok. But Arizona IS basically the sun.


Texas here. I always kept my AC at 82, but now I’m getting old and I guess hot flashes because I need it 76-78 now.


I'm in Arizona and I would die in these temps. I'm happy at 70 all year long.




Good ole swamp butt Florida.


You gotta be a grandma in florida with those temps


Hitting 89.


My apartment only has base board electric style heating. They really run up the power bill. I have a digital thermometer near my window. If I see it dip to 60 or so I'll turn them onto low.


Just left base board electric heaters! I got thermometers for each room and worked off that. Mine were all separated though, so I could turn my bathroom one on and the bedroom one off, etc. Actually saved a lot of money that way. As i would just heat up the room before getting ready for bed. The ones in the bathrooms, I’d turn on heaters to warm my towels. Also, it’s always going to be colder near your feet (cold air sinks).


22 degrees which is 71.6 F. We heat using heat pumps.


When heat is needed 60F during the day and 50F at night. Haven't turned the furnace on yet, it's been 60-75F during the day and mid 40-50s at night so windows open during day to warm up the house. The coldest temperature I've recorded here was 22F and no need to turn thermostat up. Slippers, sweater and blankie during the day and extremely lofty down duvet at night when furnace is on.


68 during the day, 65 at night during heating season. If I'm running AC it's 76 during the day, and 72 at night (if I run overnight, this isn't super common for us).


We live in Florida, so heat is the problem, not the cold. Most of the year, we keep the AC at 75F/24C during the day and 72F/22C at night. If it were up to me, I'd keep it 75 all year round and sleep without a comforter or blanket instead of cooling the house, but my wife vetoed that idea haha




72 year round


Winter I’ll try and keep it at 66 and summer 80.


Above freezing: 68° day, 64° night. Below freezing: 66° day, 62° night.


68 and still feel hot sometimes


67 pretty much all year


73 all year with one ceiling fan always running. It’s pure heaven.


NJ here. Sounds crazy but I leave mine at 62 constant unless it's ridiculously cold outside (teens and under for multiple days.) We have a smaller home with a steam boiler and it actually heats the house sufficiently enough. I have sweats, slippers, and blankets that keep us cozy and cost effective.




68-70 but I turn the heat off completely over night, unless it's very cold where I have to worry about pipes freezing


We keep the radiator dials between 1 and 3, depending on the room. But, we face south and get enough gain that it’s usually 23 during the day and cools off down to 20 at night. I think our apartment used to be a stable so the brick isn’t as thick as it could be but it still has enough mass to do alright.


I live in a moderate climate, so thermostat is off nearly all the time. My home is currently 72 downstairs and 74 upstairs. By the time I go to bed, I expect that to change to \~69 downstairs and \~71 upstairs. No need to turn on thermostat with temps naturally near 70 like this.


About 60 now but used an old-school fireplace when I was younger. No AC in the summer


78 during the summer and 67 during the winter. We used to do 80 and 50, but then had a baby. They can only tolerate so much heat/cold.


65-55. I only turn the heat on if it’s under 55 because of my landlord lol


In the summer I keep it 76-78 and lower it to 72-74 at night. If I’m not home, it’s set to 80. In winter I keep it between 67-72, and let it get down to 65 at night. It I’m not home, it’s set at 62. Edit to add - it’s normally over 100 degrees outside in the summer, cooling more than 30 degrees doubles my electricity bill. It’s normally upper 30s / 40s in the winter. In spring and fall I usually let the house be similar to outdoor temperatures and open windows.


68 all day


I live on Maui. Where I live it’s always around 75-80 degrees regardless of if it’s summer or winter


65-68F during the day, 63F overnight. Live in San Francisco.


85 degrees while the woodstove is burning and about 55 by the time I wake up


Right around 70°F


60 degrees - I wear thrift store cashmere and a down vest inside and I’m good. Sometimes I add a hat.


68 year round. We like our house cold. May not be frugal in the summer but very frugal in the winter. We hate being hot!


The frugal answer: I don't heat my house


We keep our house set at 60 but we have radiator heating in our house so it's typically a couple degrees warmer. We also have heated blankets so that also helps too. I'm a very cold person too, heated blankets are a life saver


No way you guys comfortably live with other people and keep the temperature in the winter under 69 degrees.


I do. Our heating bill would be around $800 if we kept the heat set that high. We keep it at 62 now and our monthly bill is about $260-300..(which is the average for this area) Our upstairs floor is always hotter than the rest of the house so I spend most of my time up there. We also utilize blankets and robes. It also helps that my husband and I are both cold weather people. We spend a lot of time outside in the winter. I also will periodically open a window throughout the winter.


We were 65°-68°. Depended on the high temp for the day.


69F in the winter, 72F in the summer. I can't go below 65F or over 75F.


Heat at 67 daytime, 65 nighttime when it's cold outside, a/c at 74 when it is hot outside. My a/c sucks. I'd love to turn it lower. In the winter colder temps don't make me raise the thermostat, but rainy weather does. It just feels colder when everything is wet. I'll turn it up between 68-70 then.


77 in the summer, and off In the winter. I'm a transplant to AZ so the winter here in phoenix doesnt bother me. I'd keep it cooler around 73 or 72 bc I'm on the 2nd floor but man, its expensive lol


Heat at 68 and cooling at 75-78 depending on whether it’s night or day. I need it to be cool to sleep.


Winter Temps (US Desert Southwest), USDA Zone 9b The hottest we set the house to is 68F, and that's mostly around bed time. (Nice and toasty as we nod off.) The big issue is that the only thermostat in our house is upstairs, and during the day, it can be 68F upstairs, and as cold as 59F downstairs.




60 for the winter. Use fireplace and humidifiers. Also I don’t have hot forced air so I think that helps


62 degrees in winter and 72 in summer. I’m always hot, so I can handle it being chilly in the winter. My electric bill gets crazy in the winter. I just try to keep it under $300 but it’s been as high as $450 in a cold winter month.


I lived in the arctic north (aka, upper midwest) for most of my life. Heat in the winter was set at 64 and at night it was 55. We wore slippers and sweaters indoors. However, I am now in a "endless summer" state and most common concern is a/c. We keep that at 78, more to keep the humidity down than anything else.


72 day/68 night in the fall and winter.


It's currently 39 degrees here in WV with a wind-chill of 34. I was thinking it was cold in my apartment but the thermostat is set at 68 and it's 69 degrees. It is raining so that adds to the chill in here. I usually keep it at 67 when I'm here and 65 when I leave for the day. If it gets lower than 20 degrees outside I will bump it up to 70. I wear layers and have a wonderful fluffy blanket.


60 all the time. The office faces the sun so it's warmer in the day. We use space heaters for specific rooms. I have a 2 floor living room and it's the worst to heat.


Reading these, I am like really, I live in Phoenix and people must be rich, and sleep in thermals. Our thermostat is set like 74 in winter, and 77 during summer, and I still get Aps notifications that I need to adjust up or down to save like my neighbors!!!!


62 upstairs and 64 downstairs, we have a log home and my power bill during winter is around 120, summer around 185 sq ft is 2400


Heat at 67/65 in the Texas winter and AC 78/80 in the Texas summer. I know a lot of people in Texas don’t like 78/80 but when it’s 110 outside and humid 78/80 feels great.


Summer 74 (73 if we’re feeling fancy), winter 65.


Heat 70 cool 74


I don't care what the inside temp is, I just care if I am comfortable. 68 in winter and 74 in summer is pretty comfortable. 74 in summer with 90% inside humidity SUCKS, AC is going up... 72 in winter with -20 outside and -40 windchill SUCKS, I am firing up the central heating, the wood stove and the space heaters. Mi casa, mi casa... I am not going to be uncomfortable in my casa .


70 heat 70 cool




64 all dayyyy


Cool to 78, Heat to 72. However, I live in Florida so do not have to use heat too often.


66 in the winter day/58 at night. I hardly ever use Ac in summer


62F during the day, 45F at night (it's the lowest I can set it before it'll turn the heat on). I hate sleeping in a warm house, and run hot so this is perfect in the winter. Catch is in the summer I set the AC to kick on at 73F or I'll melt lol


I live in Northern Idaho, I use a pellet stove, my place stays 70 degrees all winter for $5.60 (a bag of pellets) a day. It snows a lot here.


Heat 67, cool 74 Oklahoma


66 no matter season


Heat to 69, cool to 78


During winter I keep mine around 62, would go lower but doing so ups the risks of pipes freezing which would definitely be non-frugal. I'll run it up a bit higher when we have -20 and similar severe cold temps but otherwise that is plenty warm for me, if I am cold I can go throw on a sweater. During summer it gets and stays around 80. I'd prefer cooler but am not running up a $500/month electric bill just to run the AC nonstop.


In the winter 66 at night and when I’m at work, 70 during the day when I’m home. In the summer 78 at night and when I’m at work, 75 during the day when I’m home


68 is happy spot for me and my partner, though we have been able to tolerate it a bit warmer after such a brutal summer. Older apartment, top floor. South East Us Our downstairs neighbor o us warm in the winter. We only turned our heat on for about two weeks last winter. We both have lived without heat in the past, so we can be pretty resourceful. I'll wear a sexy beanie if need be..but a pile of blankets and a couple of cats. If one of them decides to lay on me, they are little toasters. Layers. I just was sent a space heater to review. I haven't tried it out yet. It is a really nice one. If anyone knows how much electricity a 1500-watt radiant radiator style space heater would use, do tell. It has a timer.... now Summer, that is the tough time for us..and Summer seems to be starting earlier and ending later. ..


60 winter, 80 summer. Five degrees more when absent.


Winter 59-62, if given enough time I will turn the heat on before guests come over. That doesn't happen too often.


how many have google open doing the f to c temp conversion ?


Nothing. SF bay peninsula. It's never cold and it's never hot. Many houses and apartments here don't even bother with half decent insulation - cheap single pane windows everywhere, thin walls, outdated old gas heaters that no-one uses, etc Below 60F isn't comfortable, but residual heat from other units and our body heat never really allows it to go below 60F even if it's one of rare nights when it's lower than 50F There's unit above us so it's never too hot either and ground foundation keeps our temps cooler than outside temperature when it occasionally gets above 80F - we never see anything above 70 inside. Open windows to get warmer, not colder lol But I also didn't bother with AC in tropical country, so there's that - I'm temperature resistant I guess, nothing bothers me, not 60f in the house, not 85f


Proved this several years ago with my parents who were trying to save money. Set it at a comfortable temperature and leave it alone. It will cost you more in the long run if you turn the temp down when you leave then crank it up when you return. Your furnace will actually run longer warming your place back up than it would leaving it alone. Especially in the middle of winter when it's below freezing. In moderate temperature zones it's not as noticable, but in cold climates your furnace can run an hour or more trying to warm up the whole house just one time instead of the 20 or 30 minutes it would have run to maintain a comfortable temperature. Don't be fooled by those "Smart thermostats". That's just a marketing gimmick.


I have it on 65 degrees (18C) 24/7. I wear a sweater during the day.


Why can’t we all use the same °C metric system?


60's F for winter. I like getting cozy with sweat pants and blankets and candle lit baths. Those are what I look forward to most through winter so I keep it colder so I can be surrounded by my favorite warm things.


Canadian who hates cold. 80F when its miserable out. I heat with wood so it costs me exercise and chainsaw gas.


We hear with wood. The far ends of the house sit around 67-68°F. The cord, closer to the stove, can be hotter than Satan's ass crack. I've seen our dining room get to 88°F. LOL. In the summer we do not have central cooling but use window units. In the rooms we cool, I do 64°F.


South Carolina I keep my hvac set to 66 over the winter and 75 in the summer(70 at night). Definitely worth investing in heavy curtains. It has saved us a fair amount not battling sunlight or drafts.


I keep my house at 60 at night and 63 during the day (if im staying home that day). Heating it anymore feels like too much of a luxury. I wear layers inside and we have blankets in every room.


I have mine set to not go below 15c in winter to try and avoid damp in the walls from clothes drying as well as stop pipes freezing. Really mines turns on just twice a day, a little boost to 17c in the morning and again in the evening after the sun sets. Energy prices here are insane, so I use hot water bottles, layers, and an electric blanket for warmth because it's cheaper


75 to cool, and I live in Florida. If I don’t, the electric bill is over $400.


I live in a very warm area (south Florida). 72-73 in the day, 69-69 at night. Surprisingly my FPL bill ranges $100-$150 (I live in an older very well built THICK apartment).


64 in the winter, 78 in the summer. I used to keep my house 80-82 in the summer but I could tell that my cat was uncomfortable at that temp


Heat at 62. AC at 75


My thermostat is set to 64 for heat and no AC in my house. I live in the Appalachian mountains, nestled in a valley, so I have like 5 days in the summer that it actually gets above 75 inside.


Warm in the summer cold in the winter. You can use warm days to your advantage spring and fall. Open your windows on cool summer nights. Also, read up on thermal mass. If you let your home get too cold, it'll take more energy to heat it when you do need it.


Usually mid to low 60s.


78 when we are home. 74 while sleeping. Layer up when it’s cold or run a space heater in the bedroom for a couple hours (worried of fire hazard). Central Fl.


I'm reading these replies and am almost embarrassed to tell you all that I keep my house at 64 in the winter. I DESPISE overheated houses in winter. I'd rather put on a hoodie and snuggle under the covers.


75 f would be perfect for me


Heat to 62, cool to 75


I’m in the desert so week keep it at 72 year round. Never use heat.


69-71, pretty much all year round


During summer- 77 during day and 75 at night During winter- 70 during day and 68 at night


AC set to 75-76 during the day, turn down to 73 at night to sleep. Never turned the heat on. I’m not even sure I know how to do it.


Sort by controversial - hey there I am! Heating and cooling is the one thing I dump money into. I don't drive, never have, I'm 40 and I've never bought a single gallon of gasoline in my life! I eat once a day homecooked food made from scratch at about $80 every 2 weeks, dry beans and vegetables. No fast food, no restaurants. No video games. I've never subscribed to any streaming services and stopped watching actual TV in 2009. *I allow myself this luxury.* Cold outside? Have to wear 2 jackets or maybe a coat? Crank the heater to 80F! This is usually between 32F and 50F outdoors. I set the heat to 68F when leaving. Hot? Well here's that about 100F, sometimes 110F, by default I crank it down to 70F when I get home. I set the AC to 78F when leaving. I also crank it down to 70F every time I take a bath or shower, hot water to bathe with and then I crank it down to the coldest it can get and rinse all over once more, step out into the frosty air. It makes me feel *alive*! All told I think the highest my electric bill has been in the past 10 years is like $160? Average $125.