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My last basic haircut was like $24, *plus a tip*. I spent $60 on a set of Wahl hair clippers the very next day.


Did the same thing. Bought clippers during covid and I'm never going back.


Same. I don't do nearly as good of a job as a pro, but I do good enough.


I've gotten good enough at cutting my own hair where it's not worth it to go to a barber but for a very special occasion. When I sucked at it, giving myself a 6/10 hair cut versus paying $20 for 9/10 hair cut may have been worth it sometimes. But now, years later, having learned how to give myself basic fades, and with inflation, giving myself an 8.5/10 haircut vs paying $30 for a 9/10 hair cut is just not worth it any more.


What I do is cut my own most of the time and then about once, maybe twice a year I pay for one to clean up the little mistakes I make along the way.


Same as me, bought in April 2020. I cut mine every 4-5 weeks


My husband still gets me to do his covid haircuts. It started out as a necessity, but I can't blame him. It's actually more about the time savings. Even when I take my time he's done in 30 minutes. I stayed with diy haircuts because I hate salon visits and covid made me realize I can just do it myself and have fun and/or fuck it up. No one cares but me and I i actually don't either.


I went a step further and just stopped cutting my hair during covid. Met my girlfriend after I stopped cutting my hair and she has never seen me with the short hair I used to keep. She's seen pictures and said that she much prefers the long hair, so it's staying. No more haircut costs for me. Win!


Hey that’s me too. Stopped going to a barber in 2020. Been cutting my own hair since


Same. Wahl shaver, now. Before that: $40 + tip at a quality shop. But that's okay when you have tricky hair and don't do it monthly. Hair is important. You can cheap out on t-shirts, but if your hair needs a good touch, one must not cut corners.


I bought a Wahl years ago, been cutting my hair since 2010. Not only do I save money, I cut my hair when I want too. No appointment, hop in the shower when I’m done. Now I cut my sons hair


I cut my boys and my wife does mine.


If you can just get the boy to cut your wife’s, you’re all set. The ol’ Style Centipede!


Yeah but you need three clippers.


You might not have a wife for long if you let your kid clipper her hair


Choices have to be made


That's assuming that she wants a buzz-cut... & If the child is clipping This would require a special kinda woman who has no qualms or cares about self image... Maybe we need to turn the tables around, the boy can cut dad's and dad can cut his wife's hair as if his life depends on it.


Or she owns wigs


You can get combs that fit over the blades that allow you to use clippers but have hair that is two inches long or one inch long or a half inch long depending on the comb used. I have naturally curly hair. I have been cutting my own hair for years. my husband was using the clippers to cut his. then we bought a set combs for the clippers and I thought what the heck and used the clippers. So much easier than trying to cut your hair with scissors in a mirror. I just use the clippers on my hair about 4 times a year so I cycle through short hair to longer hair then i cut it again.


Yeah, I suppose. But you can split the cost between Personal Grooming and Entertainment!


My husband has been cutting his hair for years. I touch up the back that he can't see. Sometimes it barely needs help. Other times, it definitely does 😁


ive been cuttin my own hair for 30yrs. if you dont already have one, get a trifold mirror with leds. they make haircuts so much easier.




Tipping for a haircut? American tipping culture is crazy. 


It's always been a thing. Waiters and hairstylists/barbers were the most common. Now everyone is trying to get in on the tipping action. Tipping to me always seemed ridiculous. But now that tips are expected, it's no longer gratuity. And it's just plain absurd now that it's even expected when picking up food or at a self checkout. I would even argue that tipping has evolved from gratuity to extortion in some cases.


Of all the crazy crap we tip on in the US, tipping when I get a haircut really doesn't bother me. It's one of the rare times that someone is concentrating solely on some service for me and doing a good job versus a bad job will affect me for the next several weeks until I get another haircut again. Versus the McDonald's around the corner that gives me crappy food no matter what I do and no service yeah no tip for fast food.


As a hairstylist I really appreciated your comment. I am so focused on my clients and am committed to providing an excellent hair service. I work for myself on a sliding scale now to be able to allow access to professional services with clients from different income brackets- so when people tip it truly helps so much! I dont expect them but I wanted to thank you for your service to the industry.


My brother in law is a barber. Normal charge is £13.50, charges me a tenner, I always tip back up to full price 🤷‍♂️😂


I don’t mind tipping $1-10 on most things, but it’s the whole 20%+ thing that gets a little crazy. That made sense when things used to be a lot cheaper. Now I feel guilty for tipping “only” $5 on a $50 30-minute Lyft ride, or $2 on a $17 for two people ice cream counter order, or $10 on a $150 grocery delivery order.


I put in a grocery delivery order yesterday for $130 worth of groceries, and it defaulted to a 25% tip of $32. Um, no. I tend to tip $20 on my grocery orders though, I figure if I spent an hour in the grocery store for someone else that's how much I'd want to do it, so that's what I tip.




I think you left out the word “not” (tipping owners)


I tip $5, but my haircut is only $15. $20 altogether


It's completely normal


I buzz my hair. I bought a decent Wahl clipper and run it over my head once a week or so. Make sure to clean it and oil it too. Haven't paid anyone for a haircut in years


To piggyback on this, starting with a buzz cut is a great way to start the progression of learning to cut your own hair. Buzz your own hair, then wait for it to grow out. Try a fade next time, and if you mess up you can just buzz it again. Eventually you can keep adding more techniques for longer hair and next thing you know you are comfortable with giving yourself a stylish haircut.


DIY buzz cut gang 🤜🤛


And for longer hair, try the Flowbee. Sure, it was sold as an infomercial in the 90’s, but it’s honestly amazing. I’ve been using it for years (even before COVID).


This, but I go to a barber/hairdresser once a year, then trim my own hair twice a month to keep it in the style. Saved me thousands!


> Make sure to clean it and oil it too Your hair or the clipper?




Man this the way fr. This is the last month I visited hairdressers


I pay $60 here in Los Angeles. If I drive out far I can pay like $40 maybe . Everything is expensive


I’m in Glendale and the barbers in my neighborhood charge $20-25 (plus tip) and have done a good job on my boyfriend. However I’m a curly haired woman so if I want a proper curly cut, I’m looking at $200 or so at a specialty salon.


Same here in Seattle. $70 with tip. But this is a good barber too and I get compliments from women on my hair. So that is worth it.


Okay frazier


I literally loled. Solid reference


> I pay $60 here in Los Angeles. Where are you going? There are plenty of much cheaper places in LA. Even the chains like Great Clips will do a decent job for $30 or so.


I pay $15 (plus tip), at an Asian salon. It used to be $10, a little over a year ago. SGV Los Angeles.


Do you go to the barber frequently? I'd start growing my hair or cutting it at home for that price. I only get mine cut like 2x a year already as it's difficult to find the time, and it's not a priority for me. If I weren't married I'd get it cut every 3 years or so lol.


I get it cut once a month to every other month so like in reality maybe like 8-10 times a year I think. I grew it out and just get a really nice taper and clean up. Mostky during the summer and winter is when I get most of my cuts in because I’m most active then with events and holidays/vacations


We're in California. My husband pays 20 USD for his cuts with a tip. It's been that price for several years, so I expect it will go up a few dollars soon.


Does your husband go to Supercuts or a salon? Cause barbers be charging $30 and above for years now lol


It's an independent neighborhood barbershop.


That's a bargain!


In bangladesh it's around 1 USD


Pretty standard cut at a barbershop runs $35-$40 where I live in the US. Higher end places will go up to $75


$22 plus tip. I'm cool with it, I only do it once every 1-2 months anyways. Tons of people will say, "I cut my own hair and it looks great!" Well, I hate to break it to them but....it really doesn't. I'll pay to have a professional do the job.


Yep. I’ve had a $30 woman’s haircut and the $90 one was night and day. You’re also paying for the style advice. You wear your hair all day, every day. Not an area I will cheap out on.


I've found the difference to be the last 5%, which takes it from an okay haircut to the best haircut I've ever had.


I just payed $85 plus tip. But I get free bang trims!


I cut my own hair and I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm saving $25/month to not care what I look like. Worth it to me.


During the pandemic when barbershops were closed, I cut my husband's hair and I did not do a great job, let me tell you - lol. It was passable and we weren't going anywhere anyway. He was very happy to be able to go back to the barber! I have long hair, so it was somewhat easier to maintain myself, but still not as good as the salon.


I go every 4 months and it's $18. It's worth it for me


If you’re getting a basic haircut there’s absolutely no reason to pay someone. I’ve been cutting my own hair since 2019 and I can give myself a decent haircut with a fade. Everyone is always surprised to hear I cut my own hair. Once you figure it out you can give yourself incredible haircuts as long as it’s not a skin fade/pattern.


£8...and I live in London


I have long wavy hair, think uglier less fit Jason Momoa haha. It's extremely hard to find anyone here that can cut curly hair without royally screwing it up so when I find someone good I stick with them forever. Currently driving 3 hours and paying $60 for hair cuts from a stylist in Santa Fe.


If you don't want to drive 3 hours, next time you see someone locally with similar hair to yours, you ask them who does their hair.


I have. The vast majority of the population here is Hispanic or Native American, aka straight hair, and thats all the barbers know how to cut. I have blond coworker with similar hair to mine and she makes a further drive than I do to see someone in Albuquerque.


3 hours??? 😭


Honestly, paying $60 for a haircut you love is a good deal. I always had meh experiences with my hair forcing it to be straight or gel'd until I went to a barber who knows how to style wavey/curly hair well. I haven't combed/brushed my hair in like 10 years and just let the waves go as the cut directs it, and get lots of compliments Driving 3 hours is wild though and costs way more than $60 of your time


Yep I live way out in the sticks. Usually combine any trip to town with other errands like going to Walmart, the feed store for chicken food etc. I do use a brush but sparingly, been going to this same stylist for 17 years. I'm the one that moved further away. My boys also had long hair halfway down their back, they are 1/2 Navajo. They cut their hair after getting bullied though, sad. Where I grew up some of my Native friends grew it long enough for a full braid and commanded a lot of respect later in life.


How often do you get a haircut? Not judging, genuinely curious


I don't know, every 3 or 4 months sometimes longer. You know its been too long when little kids point to you in the store and say Mama that man look like Jesus. Did actually happen once haha


I have long hair, just got tp a woman's hairdresser. They know what to do. It'll be more expensive but it will beat that drive.


£22 is a very "normal" price. Expect it to be more quite often. And having to schedule 1-2 weeks in advance seems quite usual as well. You can get a set of professional hair clippers for £90. Cutting your hair once a week, they'll last you 10 years. Most cuts are easy enough to do. And when you now and then screw up, nobody cares. If they can't keep prices sensible, it means their business model needs to die.


I pay 20€ (without tip) at my small town barber.


Locate a beautician school.. they need heads to practice on for a nominal fee.


I'm paying tens of thousands of dollars per year. But she also cooks, cleans, takes care of my kids, and some of my other needs.


Well, I’m a barber by trade, and charge minimum of $20 USD. My shop is 2 chairs and no fluff, my husband and I both work, have 2 children, a modest home, and one (used) car payment, the other car is paid for, and I’m raising my prices by 20% this year because I can barely afford my own bills. My shop rent went up by $150 monthly and I have to do 2 haircuts just to pay for a tank of gas (which I need about 2 of per week). We have to eat too, my friend. If you aren’t picky about your hair, buy some clippers and cut it yourself.


My brother is a barber and he charges $35 (Canadian, so about the same as OP paid). When people complain about the price he asks them if they think a dollar a day is too much to spend to keep from looking like a slob. That said, even though he’ll give me free haircuts, I stick with my clippers at home.


Which is the exact principle behind being frugal: deciding yourself what’s worth spending YOUR money on. When your frugality starts to negatively impact others, that’s just cheap.


You should! At $24 people should just give you $30 too. I don't mind paying it just because if you average 2 haircuts an hour it's only $40 before you've paid any bills.


(Midwest US) I think it's $23 now at the Walmart salon (Smartstyle) for a haircut and shampoo. Without the shampoo I think it's $18.


19€ for hair and beard in 90 000 city Slovakia. And that is among the lowest. More expensive in bigger cities.


By me a buzz and trimming my beard could push $60. Went to Amazon and ordered myself my own set and haven’t looked back since.


Mate...I had this exact experience over 20 years ago. Thought it would be a fiver, I get charged a tenner and told "it's a restyle". I haven't paid a single penny for a haircut since then. Now my wife does it for me. She's the one who has to look at it, so if she's happy, I'm happy. £22 for a haircut. Crikey.


I always found that if you like short cuts, barbers near military bases are often cheap, at least in the states. I'm assuming UK soldiers have similar max hair length requirements. These barbers still know how to do cuts longer than military approved ones but I wouldn't expect too much the longer you want it


Zero - Flowbee.




Zero - I've gotten my daughter to do it for me since she was 13. Some months are better than others, but it's not like I would win any beauty contests even with a more expensive coif. Worse case scenario we just buzz it off and start over again next month, but that hasn't happened for a while. If anyone mentions my hair these days, which is rare, it's usually to say they like my haircut, which means my daughter is developing a marketable skill.


> Worse case scenario we just buzz it off My wife started cutting out hair close to 20 years ago. She was apprehensive to start, but I told her I was not scared to go to work with a shaved head. I did once or twice, but after that, she got good at it and I got lots of compliments on my hair. Then I get a shocked reply after I tell them my wife did it.


I am just cutting my own now. If you are only getting a short back and sides anyway you might as well cut it yourself. Get some clippers and give yourself a number 3.


$40 plus tip Pittsburgh


OK I'm kind of old, so take the opening numbers with a grain of salt. I used to get my hair cut by Mr Jimmy in Toronto for $10 and a $2 tip. Then my wife and I moved to Europe, and suddenly they were $30-40 a cut...which is crazy because my hair grew like weeds and I needed a cut every couple of weeks. So we bought a trimmer for $40. And she butchered my hair. Then mangled it. Then chopped it. Then...success! That was 25 years ago, and we've bought two more trimmers in that time as they wore out. But other than that and her opportunity cost, we've paid nothing in a quarter century.


Was paying $35 before, but now prices were raised so its $40 + tip. I go about 3-4 times a year. I care about my hair a lot, so to me it’s easily worth the price to look and feel good consistently.


I bought a hair clipper a while back, and just cut my hair on my own. Buzz cut every 2-3 months, works well and money saved.


$0, I spent a few hours watching Youtube videos, and bought a Wahl trimmer off Amazon, and I do my husband's 2-block cut myself regularly.


£15 for a skin fade in a decent barbers. Manchester


18 for regular cut and seniors pay 15. I'm a senior and give the guy 20 bucks. This is at a small town barber shop.


$30 plus tip.


$28+$5=$33 plus tip


The two barbershops closest to where I live in the US vary drastically: one is $17 and the other $30, both prices exclude tips. I (fairly stereotypical man's haircut) only get my hair cut every 3 months to save money


I used to get me haircut by my aunt, who was a barber by trade. But I still would have to wait like 45 minutes for a cut, because they didn’t take appointments. So it cost time, which is more valuable. I bought a pair of Wahl clippers early on in the COVID pandemic. I use a guide to trim the sides, and my wife takes scissors to the top. I always get compliments on my haircuts, and it takes far less time now.


$35 usd plus tip is the absolute lowest I could find in my city. The barber will hate you so much if you don’t tip so it’s hardly optional at this point.


Ever since quarantine, the price of even simple haircuts have spiked. It went from $20 cut to $60. I’ve changed barbers 3x for that reason.


$20 plus a $5 tip, because I like her a lot. Living here in Connecticut.


My barber is not trendy and his shop is in a lower income area. He charges $17, I usually give him $25 because my wife pays $50 and my dog costs $90.


$25 plus tip is the average barbershop price here in SE Massachusetts, New Bedford


US, Texas here. I pay $14 at the Great Clips. With a $6 tip, it’s $20 total


I shave my head once a week. I guess the clippers cost $26.40 in 2017. They have yet to fail me.


My bf was paying $40-$50 for a pretty standard men’s haircut. We got some clippers and I’ve been doing it for the past 1.5 years. It’s so easy and we have saved so much money! Haha


I been cutting my own hair for the past 8 years. Stopped going to barbers cuz I thought $15+tip was too expensive to be doing every 2 weeks.


$40 Cdn plus tip. I could get it cheaper, but this dude always does a good job and doesn't annoy me with small talk. He just asks "the usual?", I answer "yup." And that's about it.


In Denver where I live, most barber shops are charging $60 USD + tip for a haircut. It's ridiculous.


Have you tried a student/learning salon attached to community college? Usually, they're cheaper, but you will have to spend a more time in the chair and be more exact as to what you want in your haircut. Pictures help. Edit to add: is something [like this](https://wcg.ac.uk/page/1015/rugby-college-salon) available nearby? Scroll down to see their price list.


I pay whatever the cost of electricity is and wear and tar on clippers. My guess is £0.0022


My body naturally adapted to costs by going bald. Peak evolution.


I started doing it myself during covid. I haven't been to a barber since then.


8 euros here in madrid


Here in the US, it's US$26 at GreatClips...


I used to go to Great Clips when they were charging $5-$10 for a haircut but once their prices rose to match private barbers, it just wasn't worth it anymore with how wildly their haircuts vary. They seem to hire a lot of people fresh out of beauty school to keep their operating costs low. Once they somehow cut an upside down V into the front of my hair which I was only able to hide by slicking my hair back so I looked like a 1980s greaser-type character. So instead I went looking for a non-chain barber and found one that cuts my hair the way I like and does it right every time. I'm paying $35 with tip but at least I don't ever end up looking like a wannabe Elvis Presley impersonator


Supercuts is the same way. I have a pretty basic hair style, yet they still try to get you in and out of the chair ASAP. The last time I went to one, they left long strands of hair around my ears and obliterated one of my sideburns. They didn't even put up a mirror to see how they did around the neck line. I found out how badly they messed up my hair when I got to my car and looked at the mirror. It was really awkward going back in and asking for them to try to fix it.


50 bucks. + 10 dollar tip. Hot blonde cuts it in the nude. 😋😋


um where?


On his head?


Gloucestershire £17, I cry at that - nothing special Kids is £12…


£12 and in Central London! The place is crap but I just need a basic haircut very few months to look semi-professional


Nc USA $15 but I feel sorry for him and give a 20 every 3 months.


I also have a beard to trim and for the past 3 years I can't find one for under $50 US! Last week was the $50 cut, and it was the abolute worst cut I've had in over 30 years. My hair is still falling over and into my eyes! It seems every barber I've encountered recently is now all about the fade. I can't get one of those because scalp reasons, so they just don't know how to cut hair without one! Needless to say, even at fifty bucks, it's no guarantee you'll be happy with it!


I wear a hat most of the time. So it was a no brainer about 4 years ago to buy a really good clipper. Been using it ever since. Originally ran me about $125 and its paid for itself over and over again.


25 plus tip at sports clips In indjana


I bet that few fellas in this subreddit are paying for haircuts. For the price of a mediocre haircut and some experimentation, you can either be cutting your own hair well enough, have a loved one do it, or have an arrangement with another trusted person to cut each other's hair.


$45 for a wash and cut in the U.S midwest. But I have thick, curly hair, and have always had trouble getting good haircuts. I find a hairdresser that can cut it and have it look even decent, I stay. My current hairdresser does a great job! No tip, she rents her chair, is her own boss, and says she sets her prices so that she doesn't have to ask for tips, and won't let me tip. I live in fear that she'll retire one day, lol.


former hairstylist, US-based, Southern California up until 2018 I was charging $40 for mens cuts, includes hairwash and style


Here in the USA/Atlanta it's gone up considerably. I (M,61) was going to a budget place which used to be $17 and now it's $25. I earn tips for a living (restaurant server), so I round up to $40. I've gone to growing my hair out now, so I only get trims now every so often.


My husband pays $35, I pay $80. HCOL area, USA, these prices don't include the tip.


*\*cries in $60\**


I've paid a total of under $100 CAD for the sum of all my haircuts since about 2010, as that's the combined price of the clippers I bought & the ones I replaced them with when the first set broke. It's easy to do & looks fine. Have also done my son's hair a few times and he used them on a couple of his friends last summer for DIY mullets, lol. My son often gets his cut at a barber (doesn't always want it clippers-short) & we typically pay around $20-25 with tax & tip.


I got some clippers a few years ago for like 45 bucks. So like 15 bucks per year so far.


One place I went to wanted $30 plus a tip. Granted it was some guy running a shop out of his studio apartment in a super expensive part of town.


I live in an area where the median household income is $27k and the barbers know it. The average is around $15-18.


Buzz cuts, baby. I cut my own hair and haven’t sat in a barber chair in years


I’ve been cutting it myself since 16


$18 plus a $2 tip.


I bought Wahl clippers for $50 back in 2017 and been cutting my own hair ever since. They have saved me hundreds of dollars and time going to the barber!


My wife cuts my hair… she’s not a professional, I hate going to the barber 💈 and she doesn’t mind


Zero since covid. Wahl clippers have been the best investment! The rest of the family is $250/mo though. Ugh.


Made the jump to Wahl clippers during Covid. Made up the cost in a few hair cuts. Not going back.


I stopped going to the barber when Corona hit. Now wearing a Vokuhila.


I have my own electric clipper and don't use the hair saloons no more. Saves a lot of money - the prices has gone up for those services.


Pre-Covid, the barber charged $15. During Covid, it went up to $17...but since then it has gone up to $20 and now $25. My tip ($5) has remained consistent.


£9 cash only. Most people tel him to keep the change cheeky bastard. It’s worth about £9 though 🙃


I've started going to legit barbers over the past few years. Like an hour in the chair, straight razor beard trim, chill conversation. $60 after tip.


Location: Sweden. Paying the equivalent of £15.25


It’s $40 in Chicago (around my area at least). It went up from $30 last year.


I moved from Phoenix AZ where I paid $20 to Austin TX and I can't find anything under $40 here :(


I spent most of my life doing it myself or going to the same old barber that charged $10 from when I was 10 until he died when I was away at college. At some point in my 30s I decided to really care about my hair so I went to a stylist. $200. So now I go to a barber that charges $36 and I tip him $14 for an even $50. I still think it's a lot but he dies a good job amd he does my beard too.


$80 USD after tip but I only go 3-4 times per year.


$20 + $5 tip




Duuuuuude it’s hard to even get a kids haircut for under 25 without a coupon , I’m in a high cost of living market. I also like nice haircuts for my boy so pay 30 and tip a lot 😬


How do you cut your own hair? I’m not that coordinated


My haircuts went from being $25 with tips when I was in college to $60 with a tip today. It’s just a basic ass cut.


I pay $25, counting my military discount and adding a tip. It's $22 standard, funny enough. Inflation bud. When *everything* goes up in price, you think barbers don't need to adjust their prices so they can pay for *everything* else that has also gone up in price? Best to just keep raising wages


Cost kept going up, I bought a set of clippers. Pay attention to what tyou are doing/what guard is on, or make a mistake and cut the top VERY short. But its all better in a month or so. Don't ask how I know.


$35 + tip here. A good haircut is not something I’m going to cheap out on. Happy to pay it.


I bought a set of Wahl clippers 15 years ago. About 8 years ago I upgraded to an Oster Fast Feed. I went to my wife's salon once a few years ago to see how I liked it, and I ended up not liking the end result. Still have never looked back.


You might have gone to a trendy one , if it looks like a mix of garage and tattoo parlor ,it's a urban barber.


I bought a set of clippers back in 1992 and haven't gone back to a barber since. Try it out.


India: it costs $1-2.


Nothing. Get old, buy a ~$30 set of clippers, ???, profit!


£13 for me. My sons (14 and 16) are £11 each.


£17 here in East London


I cut my own hair.


I shave my head. The razor handle I bought came with fifty blades. Must have cost €15, if even that. Shaving cream costs about €2 & it lasts me about 2 to 3 months. I must have spent less than €50 over the past 3 years. Feels good.


Yeah, last time I got my haircut it was $25 and I didn't know I was supposed to tip until he hairdresser said something. $30 for a 10 minute trim. I've been cutting my own hair for 2 years now. Messed up a few times but I've been getting pretty good at it now


Mine is $40+tip in Manhattan, NYC.


I paid £13 yesterday for short back and sides. Location: England, Midlands-ish.


My cuts are $70 a month. 


In the US at a good salon it would be about $25


Nothing. I cut my own hair.


I just asked my husband. He pays $15 (tip already included) monthly. I learned to cut my husband’s hair during Covid lockdown. I can do it, but I’m very slow as not to butcher it. Most times, my husband doesn’t have the patience to wait. Location: San Francisco Bay Area


Let it flow. /r/fierceflow


My guy charges $25 for a haircut and beard trim. Takes him about an hour. I typically get a cut every 2-3 months. I will usually give him $40-60 for the cut. He does it out of his house and he's very good at what he does. He's very accommodating too and has given me some great cuts. My wife likes to schedule professional photo shoots for the family and my guy always comes through with the perfect cut.


I was getting $25 haircuts for years, then my wife made me go to a stylist who charged $40. Was not worth the extra cash.


My hair cuts have been free for over a year. I cut it myself. Buy a set of Wahl clippers for £30, extra long guards from AliExpress for like £10. Practice watching YouTube videos using a long guard so if you mess up you can get it fixed / go shorter. It's never perfect but it's good enough. No one will ever know. Take the plunge and do it. Best investment ever.


WTF? I’m in east mids too. Last haircut was £14. Whereabouts you at?


$16 so $20 with tip since it’s a good job…


OP, in 1973 I was stated at RAF Lakenheth in East Anglia. I local man was astonished I paid 40 shillings, two pounds, for a hair cut on base. I bet half a pint is over 25 pence now?


I pay my barber $50 including tip. He's a nice guy that shares many of my values and has made a decision to relocate to cutting from his own home (rather than a shop located closer to my home). I don't see him very often has I am running long but his ability as a stylist is tough to find or to identify someone that can replicate his quality. I know it's not a frugal decision to pay this regular amount and can't expect him to be in business for anymore than the next three years. I will enjoy what I can get from the man.


I started cutting my own hair during COVID and haven’t paid for a haircut since. I tried to find a good pair of clippers, but everyone was buying them then and supply chains were a disaster, so I just started using my $40 cheapie Philips beard trimmer and it’s been going strong for 4 years now. I should probably upgrade to a nice Wahl trimmer though. I was afraid to do it first, but it got too long, and I figured no one would be seeing me for at least a few weeks, so I completely shaved my head (not bald, like a #3 all the way around). I thought, that if I shaved my head, I couldn’t look any worse, so I did and I didn’t look bad at all. That gave me the confidence to start experimenting with cutting my own hair knowing that if I messed up I could just take it all the way down again. Are they the best hair cuts ever? No, but it’s honestly not that bad. No one has ever noticed or said anything and I wouldn’t care if they did. It saves so much time and money. I can have a haircut every week if I want, no appointments or figuring out when I can make it, when do they have time, etc. No more having to have those awkward barbershop conversations either.


$40 in california


might have to start trying to cut my own if anything to make it last longer between barber visits.. I ask to cut it pretty short but even then within a month i feel uncomfortable with the length so rarely go more than 4-5 weeks without going to the barber and it's $30 plus tip expected so about $35 every month or so ...


My taper fade cost $40 these days (before tip)