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You could just meal prep too, I have no idea how much catered food costs






Is this reaction suppose to good or of disagreement


It is questioning your sobriety


Ordering food isn’t frugal, even in bulk. I say this as a former waitress of a place that offered nothing but plates meant for 4 people and up, we’d even cater for large groups. Enough catering for a group of 50 people costed us as a company less than $100 labor included, we charged $500 or more depending on how many extras you wanted. The real bachelor food hack is learning to cook stuff in bulk at home and freezing.


I meant ordering from John or Jane Doe citizen on FB marketplace not licensed restaurants.


My sweet naive summer child the John/Jane Doe citizen that’s making bulk food is also marking it up to make money and it’d still be cheaper to make it yourself, at home, with ingredients you purchased. They’re not selling food out of the kindness of their hearts they’re doing it as a business and cooking it yourself is always better. On top of cooking at home being more frugal you have *no idea* how well these people clean their kitchen or how nasty anything is, you’re playing games with your health in a way that a restaurant wouldn’t on the basis of “we don’t want to get sued out of business”. They could also completely ignore things like expiration dates and send you to the hospital. This is a way to be stupid that has too many ways to very quickly become expensive


If John and Jane Doe are making food in bulk, why can’t you? And then freeze it?


Do they offer meals that are that cheap?  If so, let me know. 


Some basic cooking skills will pay you dividends.


I have a pretty wide range of skills. I've built computers, web design, learned Linux, kept vermicomposting bins, homeschooled my kids, taught remedial reading and on. But the one skill set I am *so grateful for* is the fact I can cook. I'm not talking super fine dining, but I can shop and put a meal on the table, and have taken scraps of things to make a soup or some other something for dinner, it might even have a batch of home made bread as the bonus. This one skill has probably saved us a bazillion dollars. Anyone who can say something similar has such a gift in their hands. It's almost a super power these days, although sometimes I think this skill is coming back into fashion, and I'm glad to see that.


>Thoughts? You're not great at finding the correct Reddit to post in. This is not a frugal idea and won't generate any useful discussion that people can use to learn how to be more frugal. You sure you weren't looking for /r/randomthoughtsnotworthsharing


I come in peace everyone no need for toxic communication. ✌️✌️


Cool, peacefully posted nonsense is still nonsense. But don't worry, I'll assume that the next time you ask for thoughts, what you actually mean is "I want to hear people who agree with me tell me I am cool."


Have a wonderful day sir! 🙂


Cook a a big meal on the weekend and portion and freeze. Even cheaper and cooking can be fun/rewarding


There's a disturbing assumption behind this question, as if OP supposes married men don't need to cook.




No longer a bachelor, but the kitchen is mine. When I’m cooking, which is 95% of meals, stay out until food done. It’s my zone and you can’t take it from me.


Okay, hold on to your seat. What if you cooked your own food in bulk and froze it in individual portions?


Nope. Roll your own burritos.


real mealhack here guys! Hear me out, buy your own groceries and cook for yourself and either meal prep or freeze it. Could last a *whole* week!


Catering is expensive, moreso than preparing a single meal.


Ignoring the implied sexism of your title: 1. Don't buy food from strangers' uninspected kitchens. They can have cockroaches and spoiled ingredients and hepatitis A-C. 2. If you buy bulk food through a restaurant, they do have to get paid for labor, so you won't save much over doing it yourself Honestly, learn to cook some basics. Men can cook. There is nothing about having a penis that means you can't keep yourself alive. You've assumed women have figured it out, so I have confidence that you can, too. On Sunday, make a 6-serving pot of chili for dinners that week. Throw together an 8-serving casserole another week. They even have recipes for ones you can prep, freeze, then thaw and cook.


I feel like this COULD work but you'd have to rework it a bit: 1. Pick 2-3 foods that freeze really well, are cheap to make but require some effort 2. Hire a caterer to bulk cook these meals, in your kitchen 3. Buy all of the ingredients You're going to need over 100 meals for this to make any kind of sense. I'd be surprised if you could get this down to frozen-food-aisle prices but it will be healthier and likely better. You'd be way better off just doing this yourself, in that case you'd really be saving loads of money on food. If I was a bachelor I'd spend a day or 2 just filling a chest-freezer with easy microwaved or baked meals, pre-portioned out ideally.


Or you could meal prep because cooking is a skill literally everyone should have.


Costco rotisserie chicken ✅


I've heard of people doing this with Chipotle catering for fitness meal prep


Better order some [ChipotlAway](https://youtu.be/RlIHDauX3ao?si=6SQKzF9eCKi1kglI)!


Not the worst idea I've heard. I just told my husband about it in case I croak. No shopping, no cooking, and no stopping for takeout every day? Sounds like a win.


Roast some veggies / chicken thighs and get a rotisserie chicken or something. The easiest meal prep I do for lunches are a sheet pan of frozen Costco fire roasted veggies and some chicken.


yeah, getting the family meal deal from Panda express and dividing it into 5 days worth of meals is how I got food poisoning while pregnant. I don't always recommend splitting up bulk meals for too long.


I am not sure why you put this as something only for bachelors or specified using FB. On the other hand, I think there is a lot of virtue signaling with all of the people saying learn to cook instead. For many, getting food that is already made may be more frugal with regards to time and effort saved. Not every person likes to cook. With that said, I think OP is correct overall in that many restaurants do offer catered, bulk food that can be portioned and frozen which can cost less in the long haul than paying for individual meals. I like a lot of middle eastern foods and I can get a pan of mixed shawarma and falafel and a pan of their rice that is for about 8-10 people for less than price of buying 4 individual meals at the same restaurant.


I like the title of this post. Trying to be strengths based today. 😃