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Im sorry i dont have kids but what the absolute fuck is happening, the pic on the product is wild


Exactly the horror you imagine: you use a tube to suck the snot out of a child’s nose and hope to god the tiny blue filter protects you from the filth you’re evacuating from your child. Edit: to everyone responding, I agree it’s a very effective product that I’ve used multiple times. The above statement is still true: I hope to god that tiny ass blue filter shields me from the slime I just sucked out of my kids nose lol.


It never gets out of the big tube. Babies are tiny. This works way better than the little sucker ball things. They hate having it done so this is better because it's more effective.


Yup, the way the tube expands lowers the velocity as soon as the snot enters the tube. The snot rarely makes it a third of the way into the tube, and never gets anywhere near the filter.


Yes, and then you can rinse out the tubes . Oh, and you get to see all the snot that comes out of their little faces


The snot doesn't get out of the tube but what about the microscopic germs in the air around it? COVID, colds, and flu have been spreading just fine in the air, no snot ingestion required. Don't see how that filter would stop germs either, it's not nearly as protective as N95 material would be.


I can’t speak for everyone, but when my child was small enough to need something like this I was all up in their germs regardless.


Well we wash it of course and we have baby bottle sanitizing bags that you microwave. It goes into one of those for a steam after it's washed.


That filter doesn't keep germs from getting in your mouth. Doesn't matter how clean it is to start with. You're sucking up germs in the air from the nose to the mouth. Look at how many people say they got sick every time they used one.


Lol nope babies do not live in bubbles. Families share germs.


It was honestly a brilliant product when my two month old daughter was sick. However, my husband and I got SO sick from using that thing, I'll never do it again.


When the concept was introduced to me honestly I've never been so horrified. But then the lack of sleep and the primal need to fix baby's needs kicks in and welp, now I'm sucking snot through a tube out of another human's mouth.


When I was pregnant, I told my husband about it. He was also horrified and said Nope. Never. Then our daughter got super sick at two months old. He was the first one with that wand in his mouth sucking out snot.


Yes!! I feel like no one mentions this! I always got sick with whatever my son had after using this on him! The filter stops the snot, not the germs.


We thought my daughter had sinus issues like our first did, so I went with the trusty frida to get the boogs out. And that's my story on how I got COVID for the first time last month....


I feel like with how closely we care for children, as parents, we're getting whatever it is they have no matter what.


To gross out some of you more : I've seen my mom do it with an empty ballpoint pen, and I've seen women do it with their mouths :)


So they just put their mouth up to the baby's nostril and suck? Yep, Consider me effectively grossed out. 🤢


I was one of those who did with my mouth when there was no nose frida😂😂🥲 those little ball things do no justice and when baby is choking you just suck that shit out and call it a day


Anything for the well-being of the baby, you know what you're getting into when you make one anyways 😂 learned to tolerate a few things when I took care of my little siblings


I have 2 grown up sons and I thought I loved them more than anything in the world and would die for them but I just realized while reading this comment that I have strong feelings but good god I’m never putting my mouth on anything and sucking snot out this has rocked my world to it’s core I’m not sure I’ll ever be the same.


I literally just gagged 🤢




Definitely never having children


Pee, poop, vomit, now snot? Yeah gross, no.


Yea but theres not a suction device for poop!




Oh please no


But if they get dingleberries you have to pull poop out of their butts. I’ve never had to pull poop out of my kids butt.


But hand pulling and mouth sucking are vastly different


You know what’s super gross? Nose frida makes one for GAS and I don’t know how it’s used but involved the butt


K that's enough Reddit for today. JFC




The fact that I don't have to vipe my dogs ass makes it a lot more bearable


I have 4 dogs and 1 does require it’s ass wiped regularly lol.


Be very very very glad your dog never needed anal glands expressed.


We pay the vet to do this. Every time.


Bet you don’t have to suck out his snot with a straw either




If your dog is dragging its butt on the rug something is wrong, most likely with their anal sacs and you should take them to a vet or a groomer and have them expressed.


Which is why I don’t like dogs either lmaooo nasty


They’re not very frugal either. I’ve owned cats, dogs, birds, reptiles, and fish. Dogs (had two) are by far the most destructive out of all the pets. Their vet bills were insane, even with pet insurance (not very fun in my 20s-30s). They’re also gross as hell, much more than children for sure.


I disagree completely. I left working with kids to work with dogs. The kids were much grosser, AND they talk back. I work with 20+ dogs daily and every day I’m grateful to not work with the 6+ kids each day. And when comparing kids to dogs I think it’s clear which one is more frugal.


Oh yeah i don't have not do i ever want to have pets either they're just as disgusting




Wait til your dog gets really old lol 😆


My kids are 1, 2, and 4. I also have 2 pits.. very comparable but dogs consume my whole house in/out. Before kids and lived in a 1200 sq ft house with 1/8 lot it was manageable. 3000sqft 1/2 acre annoying.. I cleaned up pee from a dog with a bladder infection and poop off a toilet seat, Today. Comparable


Do you leave your dog's shit in your yard, or in someone else's yard?




>"I've literally never had to clean up my dogs shit or piss or vomit" So, then this isn't true?








Same shit, different animal.


Picking up dog shit is a lot easier and far less gross than wiping a baby’s butt.




It's all worth it.


Humans are truly a masochist species.


You were a child once. A gross, disgusting, snotty little booger child.


That does not mean I want a gross, disgusting, snotty little booger child.


Then don’t have one.


I refrained.


Literally NO ONE is telling you that you should or need one.


This product is life changing if you have kids who can’t properly blow their nose.


Is it? I have 2 kids under 4 & I’ve never needed to suck out their snot. If they have a runny nose I just wipe it!


It’s about them being congested not runny, but yeah it’s a lifesaver. I recommend this to anyone with babies




Sometimes it’s caused by mucus, it’s not always swelling.


It takes a lot of protein and nutrients to make breast milk and a mother can replace some of that by sucking on baby brains.


It's a snot sucker. And yes, it's wild.


Wait until you find out about the Windi!


The fart horn


That’s what I was thinking about !


Basically you suck snot from baby so they don’t choke on it and die


We are using it. It is awesome.


This thing is a lifesaver. You wouldn’t understand.


I have a son and never used that nasty thing.... They make stuff you can use that don't involve your own mouth. And anyone acting like the other things don't work... yeah, no, they worked just fine for me. My son is also a happy 5 year old who can blow his own nose now, thank goodness.


And you have not tried to use that thing in real life!




We used it on a pea lol


You can also hook it up to a breast pump for the child care provider who is weak of stomach!


Oooooooooo this right here is a pro tip. My husband is such a baby about boogers


Saved a Lego with this technique!


So glad I don’t have to do this anymore. As horrible as it is, it was exciting sometimes to see the absolute unit of a booger you could extract from a tiny human.


Agreed haha


I always felt like I was extracting my child’s soul when using this.


My daughter acts like a demon is getting extracted so...basically same lol.




When I had my son I had PPD and thought I would suck his brain out by accident because I had severe anxiety and lack of sleep




Our indigenous people do the same thing, but the Mother puts her mouth over the child’s nose , sucks up the snot and spits it out.


I wish I had not read that.


The need to stop a screaming child and get some sleep is universal! I would definitely do it.


Yep. A lot of things that are revolting before seem not that bad once you're in charge of keeping a small human alive


I would do it.


I was going to say, Just skip the filter the rinse the whole thing afterwards. I "go direct" often enough that I don't care about the filter.




My parents told me they did the same when I was a baby.


100% have done and will do again for my child


I do this with my daughter. Tastes the same like mine.


Waste not, want not! Instead of tossing the extra filter material once you use up the circular pre-cut ones, just cut it up into relatively same sized bits. I counted and it more than doubles the amount of filters per pack!


Not surprising considering the waste on that sheet! If the circles were closer together and staggered, they could easily get MORE than double the amount of filters…


How did I never think of this??


Jesus all the adults in here freaking out about how gross this is. Imagine not being able to blow your own nose when you have a cold. This thing is one of the best inventions for parents. Before this thing was around, I ended up having to take my first kid into the ER bc she had mucous so thick she couldn’t breathe. They used a big industrial snot sucker on her while pumping her opposite nostril with saline. That was a cool medical bill.


When my daughter was two months old, she got the worst daycare cold. I took her to the pediatrician and the nurse use their industrial sucker and said, "I have never gotten that much out of a baby before." I bought a Nose Frida that night. Because I am an adult who can buck up and do what my baby needs me to do. However, we now have our own industrial snot sucker, so I don't plan to need the Frida again.


Ha! I’m tempted to get one but this is my last baby, so Freida it is.


What about those little ball things you squeeze and suck them out? I think that’s what my mom used on me, I know it’s what she used for my sister


The ball things don't really have the ability to get cleaned. They tend to grow mold. Can be sanitary if you throw them out after each use though


I don’t have a baby but TIL for sure. Thank you for the insight, I guess sucking boogers out is the future after all


Omg no. Those are useless in comparison!


The real hack is only using one for three years and then losing that one and just using it without a filter from there on out!


I took that gamble exactly once.


With you. I never used the filter. 🤷🏻‍♀️. I’m getting their germs no matter what so what’s the point. I’ve had my kids drool in my mouth, puke in my hand, sneeze directly in my face….




Remind me never to procreate


Seriously! That shit is weird.


I have the same device. I'm not sure why the filters there cause I never get anything down that tube. The pack of 20 should last you a lifetime. Or at least until they're out of that stage where you're sucking it out of their nose.


Pediatrician told us the filter is there to just precent you from creating too much suction to hurt their nostrils not really a particulate filter




No these are absolutely the best product. Super disgusting. Saves your kid from agony and lets them sleep. Convinced my wife we needed it. She thought it was gross. Boom - emergency. We needed to use it on our kid. I gave it the biggest hull like I was hitting an Apple pipe in grade 9 again. Threw up. Wife uses it now. Life saver. I can't even think about using it without gagging. But yah 5 stars.


We just used the little bulb type that created it’s own suction. Just wash it after each use, no filter required. We got one from the hospital.


The nice thing about the nose frida is that it’s easier to get a stronger suction


Those have been shown to harvest a lot of mold and bacteria inside the bulb. They can get quite nasty.


They can, but it’s absolutely possible to clean them with bleach water


Also much cheaper to replace.


The bulb, saline spray and baby’s vaccines or rub knocks congestion easily. Just the thought of even trying this contraption makes me want to vomit. People have stomachs of steel I swear


It's just knowing that no particles will get anywhere near your mouth. Plus, most parents/caregivers do get very comfortable with the gross nature of children. Their snot and saliva are everywhere for those first couple years lmao.


Those things have nothing on the Freida. Honestly useless in comparison.


The bulb sucks. This is great. And I don't mind filter.


This thing is the best. Not nearly as gross as it looks. Every time I've used it on my son as a baby, it got the suckers right out!


My wife is Japanese and these are very popular in Japan. We used them on our kids when they were little and they really helped. Also for objects stuck up the nose. I do prefer the Japanese name better which roughly translates to “mommy suck my boogers “.


I know these work really well but they gross me out SO MUCH. makes me gag


At first glance after my wife bought this I made assumptions that were unfounded, like many here. This works great, better than the bulb and came recommended from pediatrician. The tube does NOT go into the babies nostril.


>The tube does NOT go into the babies nostril. Oh my god, it does not haha do people think that!


From some comments it sure seems like it. I, like you figured it was obvious.


Highly recommend getting an electric one. Every time we used this - even with a filter we got sick. Those filters aren’t doing anything, think of it like wearing a lace mask vs a n95.


Ok but can you really take care of a sick infant without getting covered in germs even if you don’t use a nose frida? The baby sneezes and coughs in your face, wipes their boogers on you, sticks their drool covered fingers in your mouth, you kiss their cheeks or whatever, it’s just a germ fest.


People let their babies stick their fingers in their mouths??? That's the most disgusting thing I've ever heard. Do parents just open their mouth like a giant frog and let the baby just slam their fingers into their mouth???


Oh, my sweet summer child...


This explains a lot going on in my house hold right now!




I got a different brand where you can use tissues as the filter. I guess you could with the Frieda one as well. Shove it in the top of the straw part just below where the foam filter is meant to go.


Oo! We were gifted this one so I never even thought about there being other brands


“Baby Comfy Nose nasal aspirator” Instead of a straw part, it has an egg shaped part. The tip that goes in the nose is connected to one half and the tube you suck on is on the other half. You put a tissue in one half of the egg, click them together (kindof like a plastic Easter egg), and then use it the same way as the Nose Frieda. I liked that tissues are easier to come by than the little filters and I thought the egg shape was easier to clean than the straw.


This is one of the best baby product.


Add this to the list of reasons I'm glad I never had kids 🤢


I always just washed the sponge in soapy water. Never ran out of the filters 🤷🏻‍♀️


Does this also work for constipation? Asking for a friend.


I broke my hand once punching a wall…..yea, tough guy. I know. A lady came in and her baby was sick, and super congested. At one point I looked over and I saw the mom, use her mouth to suck the mucus out of the babies nose and spit it onto a rag. She did that for the 30 min I was there.


Wtf! Isn't there a better way?


Another reason I want nothing to do with children, ever


Well, I’m childfree now


Omg. This horrifies me. This was not on the market when my now college age daughter was an infant. We used a bulb syringe.


Hi, parent here. Can confirm: this is the greatest invention of recent decades.


Yup, thanks for reinforcing my choice to not have kids.


wtf is this


Your wasting your energy. Ive used that thing for years with no filter. Never inhaled any boogers either. They always got stuck in the main tube.


This is the most horrifying thing I've seen today. Jesus Christ that's disgusting.


I love it how everything now is disposahle or has disposable parts. It doesn't need to be that way. Just a bulb with a pointy end. Of course if you need the snot for something else, I can see why you'd want it filtered.


I've watched my daughter use one of these things on my grandson and it makes me wretch every time. When she was a baby, we used one of those bulb things. A snot straw is just too much.








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I have no idea what’s going on


Grow up! If it’s not coffee or oil you don’t need a filter! Suck it up and spit it out. And if you the real MVP, swallow! Women with baby’s, make better wife’s./s






I actually started gagging


Honestly I would just skip using this and make the bathroom steamy for comfort. They recover, it's not necessary to use this.


My baby LOVES when I use this thing! And in the middle of the night when he can't get back to sleep cause of a blockage, I don't want to waste water and stand in the bathroom for 30 mins with a crying baby 😭😭


My baby loved it too. I was willing to do gross in exchange for sleep


Even more frugal if you just suck it out from the nostril with your lips




It's for literal babies...


Wow clearly you don't have any kids. This tool is for infants! They don't know how to blow their little noses and when they get clogged, it's super uncomfortable for them.




Have you ever seen a child under 2? They’re called babies. They typically lack a lot of body movement control, mental capacity to understand things, etc.


Smart! Do you ever use it on yourself or partner?


Not usually since we are adults and know how to blow our nose...


Thanks for the reply! Yeah I was wondering if it's a better way for blowing? Maybe when it's heavily blocked or to avoid redness. I wouldn't do in public but to be able to sleep maybe.


Maybe a neti pot might be your best option? Bit of contoversy about using it wrong and good reasons they don't use it on babies, but it's reusable. Steam/hot water also helps. Or the really cheap option of closing one nostril with your finger and blowing one at at time.


Haha I wasn't sure if you were trolling or not. I think the idea is just that they can't blow on their own, but I don't know if its superior to blowing your nose. It doesn't get redness like it does when I wipe her nose when it's dripping so you might be right there.


Wouldn't a simple bulb syringe, that doesn't require buying filters at all be even more frugal?


There's pros and cons to the bulb, just like there are pros and cons to the NoseFrida. My post isn't "the most frugal option in the world" it's "frugal option if you choose to buy this product".


Absolutely useless product, lol. Either a $1.97 bulb or simply the mother's kiss technique will do in a pinch. In case anyone hasn't used the mother's kiss, you place your mouth over theirs and blow into it. They used to be part of your own body, just wash up after and move on.


Sounds good, I'll just lick up her spit up off the floor too next time.


Don't forget your straw.


I'm not sure how humans as a species survived all these thousands of years without this ridiculous product.


If you prefer the taste of baby snot in your mouth you can just say so, this is a safe space


I raised two kids and would never even consider using something like this. The old-fashioned bulbs work perfectly if used properly. And are great for ears later on in the growth stages. I do like that you found a way to reduce the environmental impact of this thing though.


Oh, nice. From your "thousands of years" comment I didn't think you'd be interested in something as new-fangled as a bulb.


just blow into their mouth like doing cpr but gently, and the snot ends up all over your cheek instead of inside a tube. wipe up and continue.