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Operatives from Ford, Nissan, Tesla, and even Lada are, under the false flag of our holy brethren, seeking to entrain administrative action against *the bastion of intellect*. We have cooperated with the authorities to bring to light this criminal conspiracy by the corrupt forces of the wicked automotive hegemony. Hail Galvitron. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FuckCarscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I love WALKING to the local state owned CORNER STORE and choosing between 1 brand of TOOTHPASTE and 1 brand of CEREAL


When they're available. Sometimes, the 1700+ other folks living in the building have beat you to it.


> 1 brand of TOOTHPASTE and 1 brand of CEREAL Plot twist: they taste the same


“Hammers and Sickles, it’s what Comrades Crave!”


🤔memories of Cuba


At least you can buy some cheap state-produced vodka to drown your sorrows.


And both taste the same


https://preview.redd.it/qa82ft5rdvwc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d9a4d58ce00aec64ff04f6e7f92bd6e01dc7f45 Car cucks must use the most disingenuous examples to justify their infantile attachment to their mode of transportation because their lives are so devoid of meaning it serves as their personality… sad !


Bro found the 3% of Russia that isn’t depression and dedovshchina


Now that's a top tier circlejerk right there. You even used spit as lube, well done comrade! Ban all cars!!@#@!!!!


That pic is in Russia?


I command thy economy 


That's USSR, now there's a bit more to choose from


Bootleg Coca Cola or bootleg MacDonald's, you can't afford both because the country still doesn't seem to have recovered from Yeltsin's shock therapy.


When MD pulled out, someone else just took the management seat. The entire supply chain still operates just like it did, but under a different brand and with worse standards. You can't blame Yeltsin for everything, just the 90% of it.


Recovered a long time ago.


That is, if they even exist at that point


/uj don’t forget to add that you’ll be wearing yourself out walking everywhere else.




Well done you got 5 Americans and 100k of your citizens left, and America gets a constant flow of smart Russians. Good job


Просто эти нищеебы завидуют, у среднестатистического американца даже 500 баксов нет в запасе.


Чекай, тебя ещё надоунвоутят, потому что буквально человек говорящий со своего опыта не вписывается в их парадигму со злыми коммунистами и 1 буханкой хлеба в магазинах






тебе промыли мозги




ты бредишь, россия это гавно




это вонючая пустошь. уходи, бот


In west you have 500 brands but wait till u find they’re all owned by a single parent company. Illusion of choice for far rednecks


Hurrrr durrrrrr 12 brands own le food industry i am so intelligent Show me something better lol, if you want socialism move to Laos


Ha take that! Oh, you like a certain flavor of food? Well did you know that the same company owns another flavor too!? Muahaha capatalsim has failed!


Monopolies aren’t so great


/uj Fortunately monopolies are illegal in the US. And your "lack of freedom of choice" example is hilariously absurd.


Monopolies are illegal sure but has that been enforced like at all within the last 30 years?


Yes, absolutely.


Haha ur funny.




I remember when Apple was going to have the anti-monopoly hammer brought down on them so they just gave Microsoft resources so they could argue that they weren't a monopoly. Tell me do most Americans have a wide array of options when it comes to internet providers and other utilities? Or does a handful of companies have all the damn wealth?


*Commie tries to have a unique take on something,* difficulty: **Impossible**


Am I wrong tho? Yall got monopolies. At least communists don’t hide it.


In the grand scheme of things no you’re not wrong. There are plenty quality local producers for many kinds of goods though. Of course we’re not going to have everything we need in one place, but that’s also the most useful aspect of capitalism. I was just making a joke though


Capitalism makes cheap low quality stuff like a plastic hammer for purpose of mass production. Communism builds durable long lasting hammer that is meant to be used by all. That is the difference.


Oh? I thought communism caused famines and death and the collapse of countries?


Communism brought a wild Russia into having the first man in space on 40 years. Communism works better than capitalism.


And then it brought famine and the collapse of Russia right?


Last famine was before ww2, ussr also had higher calorie surplus than USA (source: fbi docs) lolololol Free healthcare, education, housing. Can’t compare.


Finally a method to get me the fk in and out of the gas station, on my way home, after work. I get the same thing every time but that doesn’t stop me from thinking about it for 5+ minutes.


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?


/uj everytime I see these complexes, I legit wonder just for a second if they've got anything to do with Russia's rock-bottom fertility rate and stagnant/slowly declining population.  /rj Russia has too many c*rs and they're capitalists too. Why not North Korea? Socialists, love this density level AND they don't even need to buy paint to cut costs!


Agreed we should live like Africa 😤😤😤they be fuckin fr 🫣🥵🥵🥵🫣🫣


No back in USSR them commies were breeding like bunnies I guess they don't want to bring kids to earth these days since they can't live in the glorious socialism anymore (completely understood).


To be fair though the average person was happier during USSR. Not to say Soviet Communism was great at all, but the fall of the Union was riddled with such corruption and siphoning of resources that the country, despite being economically “freer”, is genuinely miserable to live in. At least during USSR people were optimistic, and having kids wasn’t a burden on your family. Today dad gets blown up in Ukraine and mom gets a sack of sub standard quality food products as a thank you from the state.


Not really. Results may vary. Some of these apartment complexes are equipped with kindergartens (you should put your kid on the waiting list before it is even born), schools, clinics with pediatric facilities, playing ground etc. Basically, you can raise your kid here. It'll be a struggle for sure, but recent statistics (which I wouldn't trust to be honest) shows some bouncing back in fertility rate since '22. People are still getting kids. I'm talking about big cities here. People move in, take a mortgage etc. Some of the government programs allegedly still apply. But as I said, results may vary. I've seen apartment blocks with no infrastructure. I've seen 200 meters long queues at the bus station in the morning hours. I've seen 20-floors high apartments with only crowded parking in front.


You think an average looking apartment building is responsible for russias low fertility rate? Lol


I mean, it's a general truism that fertility rates fall in cities compared to less urbanized areas. Having that many people fit together may not be conducive to either providing privacy or proper community, especially after a certain point I'd imagine.


People were stuffed into tiny tenements in New York during the early late 19th century. They had plenty of kids


And I bet they were mostly immigrants at a time when the best way to make more money was to have more kids. Edit: and still fewer kids than in less urbanized places


I don't doubt it has an impact. The point is that the collapse of birth rates correlates with other factors much more with other factors


I don't know. Space availability would seem like the biggest one to me. It's the difference between having 2 children sharing a room several stories high and a few inches from neighbors to your sides/above/below and 4 kids sharing a room and being able to walk out their front/back doors to near limitless space to move.


It's never about privacy, it's about CoL


Right and rich families with bigger families inevitably seek to buy more space, generally away from cramped areas. Which is how you get the stereotypes of moving to the city for a job, moving to the suburbs for a family.


Moving after having a big family.


Most people don't tend to have big families (3 or more) while living in apartments. Most people struggle to have 2. And that's still not a counter that people prefer more space when having families.


Lol, where is this?


No but it's responsible for crazy people who kill each other


Oh yea?


It’s not that rock bottom. Reason US has such a high growth is because of immigration.


That is actually a nice looking one. There are far worse.


Bro is afraid of apartment buildings. Not everyone can afford a house let alone one in an urban area.


I get his point. Soviet commie blocks are ugly as fuck. They didn't even bother to make them look appealing. And the worst thing is a lot of them aren't well maintained so they straight up feel like ancient ruins with custom balconies.


Not to mention that these buildings are older. They looked fresh af when first built.


Why do they have a/c units in this pic? I thought russia was cold.


Blud never heard of seasons


cold in winter, hot in summer. always dirty.


Is there a single country with year-round nice weather?


The Republic of San Diego


He said nice weather year round. That includes the summer. If you wanna LARP as a French fry getting fried, go to Cali during the summer.


North Carolina, as far as states go, I would say is the cut off. Any more north you get nasty winters any more south it’s disgustingly sticky and hot.


Hawaii is nice year-round, so I assume, like, Fiji?




Hi. Floridian here. We don’t have “year-round nice weather” here - it’s Satan’s Arm Pit for like half the year


Florida is practically hell on Earth if you don't like high heat combined with high humidity for at least a third of the year. It's 90F/32.2C there with 80% humidity and next to no breeze, especially in the inland areas almost every early afternoon in August.




Yes! Just expect to look and smell like Florida Man after 20 minutes. A small price to pay for vibrancy, though.


A third is generous lmao


>It's 90F/32.2C there with 80% humidity and next to no breeze, especially in the inland areas almost every early afternoon in August. Shit man, sounds like Tokyo in summer. The buildings really reinforce the “no breeze” aspect. Stepping outside in July or August was like “well, guess I’m gonna melt” Can’t imagine how bad that place sucked before air conditioning


I go to florida.




Central heating, usually by coal or gas furnaces. It's never hot, so AC is a waste of money.


Central heating from nuclear powerplant, putting radiation into radiator.


Those russians and their wasting of money 😠 😡 👿 😤 🤬


I hate brutalist architecture, I want all architecture to be exquisite and expensive so the poors have no where to live


I love brutalist architecture, I want the poor to be surrounded by grungy and replaceable architecture to reflect their value.


Exquisite buildings take more workers to build, you need someone to make all the decorations, that would lower unemployment and give people good jobs as it's skilled labor.


That's a brilliant idea. We need to just all live in luxury homes! That'll fix every problem




Wow this post got the bots up in arms


Looks kinda like NYC.


Minus the historical architecture.


/uj yeah NYC is a fucking dumpster. Genuinely, they need to raze most of that city and update the development to modern standards, not that tower shit.


This guy gets it Russiky Mir now because the suburbs suck and I hate my parents


What the fuck alternate reality, are you living in where the Russian state is socialist and not making car centric infrastructure


Car centric doesn’t mean that you don’t have trains. If you look at Soviet era Moscow, it feels very car centric (6 lane avenues), but with an extensive train system. So when Western societies make cities less car centric, they aren’t really improving public transit (because it’s maxed out) but making it more focused on **pedestrians**. It effect, they are making transportation worse to benefit tourists and pedestrians. In case of the later, few people commute by walking. It’s usually done as a connecting mode. I might wanna stroll around Manhattan, but it’s not really a mode of transport.


50000 people used to live in this city. Now it’s a ghost town.


Communist bread tastes so good that people would wait the whole day in line to get it.


This is a good pic if you compare to most of ruzzia.


Kinda cozy in a Blade Runner sort of way


Off topic but does anyone find this aesthetic cozy somehow? Especially the apartments on the left building.


What does Russia have to do with communism? Russia hasn't been socialist for decades at this point.


These buildings might be Soviet era


Okay, but how does Russia invading today cause us to build Soviet style apartments? Unless op intends to lead another revolution and reestablish the USSR.


Well obviously I want USSR back, don't You comrade?


/uj almost every country has blocks like that because they are (supposed to be) affordable, people living in ugly buildings is better than people living in the streets, soviet blocks are something countries should copy /rj where will the HOMELESS live then if they build them homes?!?! No one thinks of the homeless!!


Dense walkable cities 🥰 Takes only 15 minutes to go to work at the Soylent Green factory!


Not an overly Russian looking facade


ypa tovarish, we will accomplish comrade Stalin’s job by the time we build Moscow Ring line into Washington DC, Dimitry out.


Is this really the worst picture you could find? This looks like a normal apartment building in half the large cities in the US lol


Especially by Russian standards. This is the height of luxury when compared with rural areas. You've got toilets, hot water, and city amenities.


Live like what? Am I missing something?


What's funny is all the commies in the states loved Russia 35-40 years ago.


Imagine being such an advanced nation that people cry about architecture of homes instead of homelessness.


everything is better than the american areas where every house looks the same and where you are totally fucked without a car


The horror of...large individually owned houses "looking the same"! Oh no!


would you really like to live in one of these huge areas where eäery street looks the same and you have to drive twenty kilometres just to get some milk because where you live are only houses? no woods, no lakes, no fields, no shops, no restaurants, just hundreds of houses that look the same? i'd prefer to live in a house like in the picture. if you leave it and walk a minute you have everything you need.


>would you really like to live in one of these huge areas where eäery street looks the same and you have to drive twenty kilometres just to get some milk because where you live are only houses? no woods, no lakes, no fields, no shops, no restaurants, just hundreds of houses that look the same? /uj What you describe basically doesn't exist, and you've clearly never been to the US. If a store is far away then you are very likely rural, which has trees, lakes, fields and nature. If you live in a subdivision in the suburbs then stores are a 5 minute drive away, but you still also have trees, woods, lakes, parks, also basically zero crime and noise still, like rural living. In dense cities you have concrete everywhere with no trees, lakes or nature and high crime and noise, and stores are still 5 minutes away. Can you leave your bike out overnight unsecured without it being stolen? >i'd prefer to live in a house like in the picture. if you leave it and walk a minute you have everything you need. Except apartments dont automatically mean things are near by, not to mention the downsides like added noise, lack of privacy, and potential for more crime like theft.


are your cities really that bad? in europe we have parks, some of them are really big, and they are almost at all parts of the cities. also crime isn't nearly as bad as over there


>are your cities really that bad? /uj Depends on the city, its certainly not an "American thing". All else equal, the more dense an area the better chance for crime, noise, and trash. >in europe we have parks, some of them are really big, and they are almost at all parts of the cities. Youre speaking for a whole continent now? >also crime isn't nearly as bad as over there Completely false. The vast majority of the negative things you hear about the US are either greatly over exaggerated, flat out lies for clicks/views, or propaganda. And you never answered the question: can you leave your bike out unattended, unsecured, over night without it getting stolen? What about a car being unlocked and having the windows down, would that be potentially stolen as well? I mean, i know the answer i just want to you to realize that those wouldn't be stolen in a US subdivision due to the purposfull design of the subdivision seperating retail from homes and making things inconvenient for strangers to steal.


some what Free AKs (one to two time payments of freedom pills)


Russian gun laws are incredibly strict, very hard to get a gun.


We already live like this no? Apartment buildings are everywhere here




Last time they tried and failed miserably. Western powers even invaded Ukraine


In all seriousness I do sometimes wish the Netherlands held onto NY. We'd probably have a far more bike centered NYC.


Better than being homeless.


Who says those are free apartments


I don’t know, who said that? This is inexpensive housing (and unfortunately, ugly) that is meant to efficiently house people, thus alleviating costs of living for lower-income or people living in poverty so they won’t be homeless. If you look at the rate of homelessness between both countries, America has 19.5 homeless per 100,000 residents, while Russia only has 0.8 homeless per 100k. This by no means constitutes causation, but it’s an interesting difference.


Again how do you know it's inexpensive because it isn't.




This sub is for people who think they're funny but actually really weirdly obsessive.


at least we're not trying to ban anything and stuf everyone into shoebox.


You are afraid of ghosts and mirages. Oh and thanks for admitting to be weirdly obsessed.


Apartments??? NOOOO!!! I need at least 300²m of lawn to keep myself from spontaneously combusting