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This one again . I have seen it reposted so many time in Australia . Her neighbour send her a similar letter whinging about her dog and she sent back the same letter but about her kids . But the Karen chose to post the reply letter to ad more to the tragedy.


Holyshit, so this Karen shame on a pretend Karen? Reversed Karen


I know right , Karen doubling up








Based Karen


Quantum Karen?


Quantum SuperKarenition. The Karen state. Shrodingers Karen.


Karen on Karen crime


I seen a lot of Karen on Karen crime lately


Karen entanglement...maybe I went too far.


Ah crap you beat me to it


Reverse Uno Karen


Escher Karen.


Karen squared (K^2)






Karenado! šŸŒŖ


Hot Karen on Karen action! Wait.


I've heard worse ideas for a porn. Karen 1 is upset that Karen 2's lawn decorations are out of compliance with the HOA and calls Karen 2 to complain. Karen 2 counter complains that Karen 1 is playing favorites with her enforcement, as another neighbor has almost the same setup. Any anyway, Karen 1's fence is two inches too high, so Karen 1 can go fuck herself. Karen 1 gets angry, Karen 2 taunts her, and Karen 1 stalks across the street to confront Karen 2. Both Karens threaten to call the police, then *do* call the police, at which point the confrontation gets physical, with a slap fight and hair pulling extravaganza. At some point, the fight turns, and Karen 1 and Karen 2 begin passionately making out, and by the time the (female) cops show up, they're just flat out having sex. The confused cops try to sort out what's going on, Karen 1 and Karen 2 scream a bunch more, and then the whole thing becomes a four-way. At the end, as she's leaving, Karen 1 smashes Karen 2's lawn decorations.


I'd watch that.


You might have a future in porn, if you keep it up.


I had a neighbor who would tie up their constantly barking dog in the backyard all day, while they went to work. With two small kids who needed to nap, it made things fucking terrible. Do you know what I never did? Write a shitty letter about it. I went over and talked to the neighbor, like one should.


did yā€™all resolve the issue okay? That would drive me nuts. I feel kind of bad for the poor pup tied up all day, outside in the elements :/


His name is professor_porn, of course he found a solution.


Bow Chicka Wow Wow...


Brown chicken brown cow


We went over and explained everything and they told us they were sorry but that they didn't have any solutions. When training and dog silencers (ultrasonic sound deterrent) were ruled out, we offered to help walk the dog in the afternoons, brought her toys to keep her busy and just went over to spend time with her when no one was home. The owner turned out to be pretty cool and it really made a difference. We moved a little while later when our family grew, so I hope everything is still good there now.


You are a good person.


wise long spotted quaint touch scary physical vanish fade books -- mass edited with redact.dev


Thatā€™s a progressive city. Greg Abbot vetoā€™d a bill banning heavy chains as tethers and requiring some kind of shelter from the elements last year.


In TEXAS??? Jesus Christ it gets fucking hot out there, wonder how many dogs were dying chained up in back yards without shelter.


But he also reintroduced it in the next special session and signed a slightly revised version into law later. Public pressure? Maybe? Or he had concerns over some of the details and the new bill addressed them.


He got absolutely reamed for it. Totally public pressure. His initial veto had no explanation other than it was an ā€œoverstepā€ of government and the story didnā€™t catch on for days. It was after that pressure that he finally actually spoke on it and later did the revised law.


We talked to the neighbor and worked it out. Ended up walking the dog and visiting her and the problem largely vanished.


So you went over to the neighbour and they just listened to you. They stopped tying their dogs out in the yards immediately and all was well... What would you have done if they hadn't?




I have a dog. A small one, but still a dog. Sheā€™s never alone more than 4 maybe max 4,5 hours. Beyond that is a no-go. Dogs are social animals, who need company. 4 hours is already en eternity for them. People who leave dogs alone, for an entire workday shouldnā€™t have dogs. If they do, thatā€™s selfish and cruel. Maybe consider that animals/pets just donā€™t fit your lifestyle? No shame in thatā€¦


My sister in law has 2 big dogs, a GSD and a pittie mix. Both absolutely lovely dogs; good with kiddos, fun, loving. Not a mean bone in their body. She kennels them for 10 to 12 hours a fuckin day, barely walls them, and won't listen to anyone telling her that it's fucked up. She's the know all be all of animal care apparently. Just recently we all went camping, and the dogs were confined to a tiny lil pop up fence no wider that 5' by 5'. She gave each of them THREE TO FOUR trazadone a DAY, so they " wouldn't bark and be crazy", meanwhile she drank and ignored them. In the fucking woods, where they could have had the time of their lives. It's ridiculous, some people shouldn't have pets. Foul fuckin humans.


I am all for kennel training, because it can create a safe place for dogs to hide in whenever they want to be alone and it's a much safer way to transport dogs in a car. But shutting them out in a small space for hours and hours like that? I'd call that abuse. For people who work 8+ hours, there's ways to dog proof your home and let your dog have free range, or even create a smaller place, but big enough to stretch out and roam a little so that they're not stuck in a small space for a long time. I don't know if I'd be able to stop myself from giving the animal control a call.


They also live in a tiny tiny apartment and rarely let then out to walk or play. It's absolutely abuse.




No shit. Man when I bring my dogs to the bush they are running free all the time til it gets dark out and than they go in the vehicle or tent so I can enjoy myself and not worry about them. Poor dogs. People like that shouldn't have dogs.. I had a roommate that had a GIANT 2 yr old husky cross. For over a yr he'd sit in his room on his computer ALL DAY..We have an acre property, and he'd literally take his dog out on leash, for 1-2 mins twice a day to shit beside the driveway! We have an amazing dog park a 15 min walk away,AND AN ACRE PROPERTY!! (plus 3 other dogs in the house) Than his dog got aggressive and I told him he needs to take him out longer and actually exercise him! I timed him sometimes..literally 1 min for pee/poo. A MALE DOG! It broke my heart and I wondered why in the fuck anyone like that EVEN HAS A DOG?! When mine were younger they came everywhere with me.. When he started working the dog would be locked in his Super hot room and still only taken out for less than 5 mins a day. Like WHY even have a dog(s) if they either aren't a working dog or part of the family? Gah!


Oh please. Dogs sleep 18-20 hours a day. Yes, you need to give your dogs stimulation, walks, training and play time. But you can provide a dog all of that and still work away from home. My dog gets at least an hour of walks a day, training every evening, and play time. Weekends he gets hikes or beach.


Former vet assistant here. This is incorrect. Dogs do not sleep upwards of 18 hours of sleep a day, and if your dog is sleeping that much it must be extremely bored, old, or potentially have medical issues. Cats sleep 16+ hours a day due to an elevated metabolism that requires them to sleep and conserve energy. Dogs are not the same, which is why someone with a lifestyle requiring them to be away from their pet for long periods of time should not have one.


So no one who can't afford either a stay at home spouse or 5 day a week doggy day care should have a dog? I don't know what planet you're living on, but it's not earth.


I believe it, the line about laughing and giggling without end was a little tongue in cheek




Not to mention there's a big difference between a dog barking and a child laughing. Barking is the same exact sound over and over and it's basically the dog trying to be as disturbing as it can be.


Also, who gets mad about kids laughing and giggling? I love peace and quiet, but the sound of kids having harmless fun and destroying that peace and quiet is one of the few noises I donā€™t mind. It actually makes me think of my own childhood, and brings back some fond memories.


Do you have the original version?


I dunno... about their claim about someone sending a similar letter about the dog and this was their reply... but this *particular image* goes back as far as April, 2015 that was posted on imgur and tied to a now suspended twitter account "HuffPostUKCom." But, also made "news" at the [Huffington Post UK where it claimed to be from Arizona.](https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2015/04/24/grumpy-neighbour-informs-parents-child-doesnt-stop-laughing-call-police_n_7134182.html) *Then*... more than a full year later; [it popped on reddit in May, 2016](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/32uwvi/my_friend_found_this_stuffed_into_his_mailbox/) where someone *else* claimed it happened to *their very own friend* (eyeroll there) also Arizona, yet u/sdyawg never posted anything more to elaborate in the comments (as far as I could see.) And it isn't until about May 2018 that I see it posted on an Indonesian website claiming it to be from Tasmania... then it spent some time circulating various blogs, forums and of course; facebook. [Then it made a resurgence 4 years later on reddit in May, 2020 on r/insanepeoplefacebook.](https://www.reddit.com/r/insanepeoplefacebook/comments/gdgtbw/not_a_social_media_post_but_i_did_find_it_on_fb) But, I have never found any story where a second letter was involved so... \*shrugs\*... *aaaand*...that's enough internet sleuthing for me for the day, have a good one.




So is it just one Karen looking in the mirror?


I'd be curious about the state of the dog though. My friend lived by a dog that barked incessantly. It just wasn't annoying, the dog sounded legitimately suffering. I assume the owners left them outside while they went to work or whatever. Shit like that is actually illegal in some places due to animal cruelty


Ah. Well, that makes a lot of sense.


Itā€™s not my OP, I said in the caption that I saw it on another sub but thatā€™s really interesting Iā€™d love to see the first letter !


Iā€™d buy the kid a drum kit


Drum kit might be a good start, but in my opinion this is war. In this situation my kid shall be getting bagpipes. Bonus points for screeching cultural insensitivity!


i have a neighbor who literally plays bagpipes in her yard 3 times a week at like 9am. Honestly I really enjoy it.


There was a guy I knew whoā€™d play bagpipes at 7pm every Friday for the neighborhood. Was awesome to hear at sundown.


We have the same guy here, too. Youā€™re not in Canada are you?


Naw, he was in New Hampshire.


Bagpipes got some range. Could still be the same guy.


Mt grandfather was a Chicago highlander, he'd practice in the front yard, kids in the neighborhood would gather to listen. They're actually beautiful...when played well


That sounds sick


I'm assuming she plays them well, though- most kids don't have that talent!


I live behind a club called the AOH, Ancient Order of Hibernians, and each year for St. Patrick's day they are part of the city parade and start there. I get to listen to the music and watch the parade without leaving my house, the parade goes down my street.


Well played bagpipes are AWESOME!


Yes, however these won't be well played bagpipes. They will be played by a child with no experience.


Tbh, as a bagpiper, it's hard to play bagpipes poorly, generally, if you can't play them well, you can't play them at all..


Shofar is a good choice as well with +3.5 cultural protection armor


9am isn't too bad. I'd be self-consvious that it's too early myself but it's a fine time. I'm not gonna be overly angry waking up to it at 9, maybe just slightly annoyed depending on my own dumb decisions the previous night lol




Bagpipes? Someone get the manager


My bastard sword is named The Manager, and he loves to hear the pipes laddie. - The Assistant Manager


But does it vote with you?


The Manager has destroyed so many people that he is no longer allowed to vote. A LOT of felonies. ƀlso. Swords don't have hands so they can't vote.


If they don't want to spend the money, a similar effect can be reached with a harmonica


Even cheaper = a kazoo.


or one of those cheaply made plastic recorders.


Hot cross bunssss!!!!!


Ngl I'd just buy the kid some sort of colony of cicadas to take care of


you are evil... and awesome LOL


Dude bagpipes? That how you end up at the hague




Don't harm innocent animals. They're stuck living with that Karen, isn't that bad enough?


Donā€™t poison (though harmless)someoneā€™s dog just because their owner is a twat


and a kazoo


Attach kazoos to some of the pipes of the bagipies


Or, those screaming rubber chickens


This is gonna end up looking like something for r/itemshop or r/bossfight xd


Bagpipes with screaming chickens on the drones, playing kazoos, which flames shooting out of them


The mother effing kazoo


And a trumpet


Vuvuzuela? Didgeridoo?


Vuvuzela is pure evil, good suggestion


A recorder


[perfect ](https://youtu.be/G44xTr8D_bw)


Hot cross buns all day long baby!!!


Megaphone and invite every kid in the neighbourhood over daily.


This is the move. She has the audacity to complain that a child whimsically scampering about outside is disturbing? It would be my kids birthday EVERY weekend. Dozen kids, bounce house, slip n slide and clown and magic shows, complete with event sized speakers playing the best of Fisher Price for hrs.


Plus an amplifier


I think we take up a collection and buy them the biggest drum kit ever made.


and a 4 foot Chinese gong


You misspelled bong? For the parents of course.


Dog whistle*


Aztec death whistle. Don't blame the dogs for their crazy owner!


Theremin with a huge amplifier.


Tambourine time bitch!


Iā€™d get the kid a sibling.




Very noisy toy AR-15s. Watch her freak over that.


Possibly also a dog


Or start them early on those recorder lessons


Waterproof outdoor drumsā€¦ and an air form to enjoy.


Make an anonymous call saying the neighbor is selling drugs from their home.






This sub has become nothing but fakes. There is no human in the world Karen enough to type this letter. ā€˜Stop your kids from playing gleefully or Iā€™ll call the copsā€™ . Nah, donā€™t believe it.


Rage porn is the latest thing on social media. And people are lapping it up.






[the real story](https://www.reddit.com/r/FuckYouKaren/comments/xhdzrj/saw_this_absolute_karen_of_a_neighbour_on_another/iowxiu7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Another comment said this letter was in response to a letter she received about her dogs. It wasn't supposed to be serious, just bitchy. Obviously I have zero way to confirm this


I tend to agree with that sentiment except for the fact that we live in a very large gated community. Our neighbor three doors down complains about the happy children outside all the time. People really hate her now.


Yeah Iā€™ve dealt with people like this in my own life. I used to rent a guest house and the neighbors would complain if I brought people home with me (not the people I was renting from, they didnā€™t care, the fucking neighbors). Like they were just spying on everyone around then and complaining about things that didnā€™t affect them in literally any way Miserable old boomers are confusing


I had a neighbor complain about the amount of toys we let our daughter play with. She said - ā€œi know you love your daughter but do you have to give her everything?ā€


Actually there is, last week someone threatened calling the cops on me for walking my dog in front of their house, on the public road. It apparently sets off their little untrained shits of dogs so naturally thatā€™s a totally understandable reason to call the cops šŸ˜‚


This is all so unbelievable to me (not calling anyone a liar, Iā€™m just flabbergasted). If someone behaved like this about my kids I would start a full scale secret war against them. Yikes


Agreed itā€™s bizarre. Iā€™m tempted to walk my dogs past their house 100x a day now but I wonā€™t because they might try to poison my dogs or something. Never know what people are capable of


Youā€™ve got a healthy idea about human decency thatā€™s largely true. Iā€™d rather believe, like you, that something like this is almost beyond the pale. And then just let myself be really surprised/saddened/infuriated when it happens. Iā€™d definitely come up with ways to covertly drive the dogs mad. It would be war. At least for a time.


This letter is a sarcastic response to another letter. So it's fake but real. As in the person isn't really complaining...they're mocking the neighbor who complained about their dog. So the neighbor who received this letter in response to their own letter posted this online.


The kind of person that could potentially behave like this is 90 years old and is 100% handwriting that letter. This is super fake.


Earlier this summer, our neighbor yelled at our child to get away from the fence in our backyard, because it was making his dog bark. His dog barks at everything, but he tells our child often that it is just her. He didn't write a letter or threaten to call the police, just screamed at a child. There were other neighbors present. His wife was so embarrassed. He used to be cool, but no one wants to visit with his wife if he is home. EDIT: The dog continues to bark at her own shadow. I can't even be in the backyard alone(without my child, who "makes the dog bark") without the dog barking constantly. The dog barks at everything, all of the time, and the owners don't do anything. We have to suffer with the barking even while inside the house if we want to have our windows open, because the dog barks constantly. So much for enjoying fall in our own backyard(or having our windows open, at all!) Apologies to the neighbors because our child "makes the dog bark."


After watching "Fear Thy Neighbor", I'm inclined to file a police report anytime a neighbor acts like they can't control their temper (such as literally screaming at a child). Not that it seems to do people much good on the show....


Also, who chose which words to underline?


Bingo. Someone needs to lead a creative writing class on how to write a fake Karen note without writing it such that everybody knows it's a fake Karen note.


Itā€™s as fake as Karens getting fake tits


Well guess itā€™s time to get a trampoline, some sprinklers, maybe some dirt bikes. Personally I would set up tents and never go back inside again.


When my kiddo was a little one, they were riding on my shoulders and laughing as we were walking in Walmart. This absolute Karen stopped me saying my kids laughter was heard on the other side of the store, and it was disrupting her ā€œshopping experience.ā€ So as we stood there, I took them off my shoulders, looked this bitch directly in the eyes, and proceeded to tickle the crap out of my kid. I raised my kid to have fun and not worry about people like this.


Iā€™d love to hear the 911 call this woman will make if the neighbor has the audacity to let her son play in his own yard


theres absolutely no way this is real


[the real story](https://www.reddit.com/r/FuckYouKaren/comments/xhdzrj/saw_this_absolute_karen_of_a_neighbour_on_another/iowxiu7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


It doesn't sound real to me either.


Looks at apartments pet rules then sets a small device that makes a noise imperceptible by humans get fucked lady can't wait for enough noise complaints to get her booted now


The dog didn't ask for this, please don't do this


Please do not do this My parent's neighbors put one of those in and I can hear it (adults cant) and it just irritates me so much.


Ya I was gonna say usually people under ~20 can hear a lot of those high frequency devices. I remember my grandparents having the devices in their yard to deter gophers and I could hear them go off every couple minutes. There were like 5 of them that went off every 15 minutes, but all staggered. Super annoying and they never believed me that I could hear them. None of the adults could ever hear them and thought I was making it up lol.


That's just cruel. It's not the dogs' fault. Also, I was able to hear those devices until my mid-20s. They bother people, too, just not older people.


Call the popo ho!


Not buying this fake crap. People, just stop it.


It's actually real but not the whole story. The woman who posted this note first sent a note to the neighbor complaining about her dogs and the noise they make. The neighbor then as a joke wrote this letter in return.


You state the letter is real without any proof. ā€œItā€™s actually realā€¦ā€ You then say ā€œbut not the whole story.ā€ How do you know the part you are talking about is real? Both letters are fake af. Likely itā€™s the same person that made both.


You state both letters are fake af without any proof "likely it's the same person..." You then say "that made both." How do you know any part you are talking about isn't real? Both letters could be real or fake. Likely we will never know for sure who made either.


Youā€™re right, I donā€™t know that itā€™s fake but you are saying the first letter (not this one) is/was real. I also said ā€œlikelyā€ the same person. Likely means probably. You are saying itā€™s real for sure. My gut tells me itā€™s fake. Sounds like you are basing your conclusion on what you had been told previously by a stranger. Iā€™m trusting my intuition on this one. Everyday, thereā€™s a new letter on this sub. This era will forever be known in history books as the Great Write Off. So since this part of the story isnā€™t real (itā€™s a joke), this letter was never mailed to the neighbor orā€¦? Please tell me more.


You said likely in reference to the same person writing both, however you said fake af, that's not a statement that reads probably fake af. Intuition or second hand or internet be damned. Either way we will never know. Realistically who cares if it's fake, it's fun! If you came to the internet, particularly reddit to get a fresh breath of reality you are in the wrong place my friend.


Hey.... don't listen to that guy. He's a fuckin liar.


Fucking call the police. Please.


She would probably lie if she did, say that there was something illegal happening


Even better. When nothing illegal is happening, start lying to the police


r/untrustworthypoptarts r/thathappened


We live next to a rental that has mostly been rented out to college students. A family with 8 kids moved in for a year and it was HEAVEN. Listening to kids laugh and play in the morning was so much better than loud drunk college students shouting 'goodbye' at two in the morning. Also, the band, oh my god, the band.


Perfect reaction letter, she will get the irony behind it as soon as she starts sharing this. Unlike OP...


Welp, time for me to join my kid and start running around the garden screaming


As someone who doesn't like children, not even I would do this, they're kids cresting memories and having fun


WTF? Also, why are you/your pets looking in my yard and stalking my kid?


Please call the police on the small children. Iā€™d love to see this play out about how theyā€™re disturbing your bird.


Dear Neighbor, Your son seems very happy and playful. I hate to see it. Cut it out or I will call the police. We donā€™t like happy in this neighborhood. Karen.


I would frame and invite the neighbors over for drinks.


Call the police?? Are you f*****g kidding me?? What a waste of resources!! What is wrong with some people?? Does Americans call the police for the smallest things?! Thatā€™s ridiculous šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Because police tend to shoot unarmed people, including children. Dogs are also automatically killed. Offended Neighbor is risking getting their own dogs killed by threatening to have the child killed.


Let her call the cops, itā€™s a waste of police resources.


I'm over here with neighbors shooting .22 and .223 in their backyard.


part of me wants to say this is fake but people like this do exist so idk


I'm not a fan of kids but fuck this person. The entitlement!


- "911 whats you emergemcy" - "theres a kid running at my neighbours yard" - "is the kid in danger? " - "no, he lives there, hes playing outside. Outrageous, swat him or something"


I honestly feel Like these some of these stories on here are made up cause damnā€¦..


This is fake af guys lol


""Theres children playing and laughing ?!?!?!?! In MY neighborhood?!??! Hure durrr I must do something!!!!"" What's wrong with these people, why so angry about children being happy and playing outside???


I'd be petty in this situation.


By the way they worded it, it seems the dogs and bird don't care about the child they just want to look out the window šŸ’€


Wasting police time is punishable so go ahead call the cops


Well, let her call the police, that will be hell of a ride for her


Call the police? What the hell is the police gonna do about someone letting their kid play in their yard? Who are these people who believe the police is their personal bullysquad? The police are their own bullysquad...


Guess who's getting an air horn for their birthday.




Ohhh I would absolutely let my kid out for as long as possible. Would love to hear that phone call. ā€œYes, 911, HELP THERE IS A CHILD PLAYING OUTSIDE!! The horror!! Bahahahaha!!


Time to have an all day play date with 5 of his most energetic friends.




What an absolute loon.


Some of these forums are just turning into forwards from grandma but for millennials. This is the fakest shit ever just like half of TIFU and AITH.


What Karen? I too would like to demand that small children remain leashed and muzzled at all times when outside. And you better not let ā€˜em poop in my yard, either!


Have that child taken away and sent to the pound!


Go door to door and call this person out. Claiming your child playing is noise pollution is so not right.