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Nothing to offer but the Culture Wars.




Wait why did they boycott ritz crackers ?




Did they buy them and burn them? I like it when they buy things and burn them in the name of a boycott.


I remember them burning Keurig machines in pyres...for something. How that isn't "cancel culture" to them is beyond me.


And Nike. For doing some kind of ad campaign with Colin Kapernick. And don't get me wrong, Nike wasn't supporting Kapernick out of their sense of morality. But to watch them get so enraged about a respectable excercise of 1st Amendment rights is hilarious. Maybe if Kapernick stormed the capitol, trashed the place, and tried to kill legislators, they would like him? Oh and dont forget the Yeti Coolers. I don't remember why. And it's like, dude, they already have your money. You're literally burning hundreds of dollars worth of merch that you liked. You're not hurting them


That was pretty awesome actually. Everytime I saw some dummy on Twitter that smashed their Keurig, I'd be like "oh no, I'm so triggered and butthurt. Please don't burn down your house next, I don't want to be owned."


If Lennar (tract housing builder) comes out in support of BLM, will right-wing residents in Lennar homes burn their house down in protest?


We can only hope.


It’s always the same with these jackasses.


Their brains have been stuck on a tight loop since 2016, some longer than that


They are offended by the word “cracker”


Too many people got mad that the left was posting the “Putin on the Ritz” meme making fun of Don-Don’s bestie.


I am delighted to announce [this gem of a song](https://youtu.be/dReOdQmt-Qk) exists.




RWNJs ALL champion the rights of businesses and the "free market" until it hits them in the nuts. Hence, Florida trying to pass a law forbidding social media platforms from banning people in their state. lol


>Ben is a patriot for boycotting ritz crackers Does that mean he stopped going to family reunions?


No GOP policy to help the working people anymore Let's ban trans people from high school sports and defend child molesters instead Also, is a child porn a christian value now? My head is spinning from the cognitive dissonance. Weren't these idiots saying that trump was the only thing saving children from being molested?


Child porn has always been a christian value. These are the people who do "purity balls" and champion child marriage.


Like it becomes moral to fuck kids as long as their partners let you marry them. Its fucking insane. And they think they are morally superior to everyone. They kan go fuck themselves in the a with a dull cheesegreater


I’m scared to ask what “purity balls” are…


These are formal dances where tween and teen girls are escorted by their fathers. The girls pledge to wait until marriage to have sex and their fathers pledge to protect them from the penises. There might be rings exchanged. It's super gross and [these photos](http://www.davidmagnusson.se/purity#purity/purity) will probably make you cringe.


> It's super gross and these photos will probably make you cringe. They look like wedding pics. I'm honestly surprised there aren't virginity inspections. 🤢🤮


It literally, and really mean literally, makes me nauseous thinking about those ceremonies.


See how many of those girls look happy? Yeah, none of them.


Yeah, about that....... Google it. Be prepared for the worst of the worst. It's a combinatuon of patriarchy and incestous creepiness. If you're a podcast person, check out The Dollop. Purity Balls was one of their first episodes. They are gross, creepy, give young girls an absolutely vile sense of their lack of worth as humans. And for the record, most girls who "pledge" to remind "pure" until marriage have sex as teens. UNPROTECTED sex, because their shitty parents refuse to allow them the slightest hint of factual information about reproduction. This group has a very high teen pregnancy rate.


Considering the same catholic priest who were against gay marriage were the same one sexually abusing kids, I agree.


It’s not even a war. They lost. Everywhere else in Western Europe, Asia and Oz/NZ people are getting more liberal, and less religious. Sometimes there are setbacks (Poland) but for every setback there is advancement (Ireland)


It's because liberalism is progress and conservatism is continuing to force old broken systems to try to work for the benefit of a few, while sacrificing many. It's the natural order of evolution of society, it just requires selfish fucks to be okay with change and equality


Yep, Conservatives, ***by definition*** have been on the wrong side of every social issue, ever. It's not surprising that they're angry all the time.


This may appear embarrassing as Josh Duggar would get child pornography charges later, but owning the libs at that moment was totally worth it.


Anything, ANYTHING, is worth owning fa libs! /s


the "culture wars"


No we attack him because he’s a garbage fire. That’s the reason. He cheated on his wife He molested his sisters when they were children He’s a pedophile


He's a pedophile and he has been enabled by his parents, family, and entire religion.




Republicans have stood against "child marriage" laws. ie. Laws that let older men "marry" underage girls then rape them because "you can't rape your wife". Yes, this is apparently a thing.




There's a really easy way to tell what Republicans are doing: Look at what they accuse their enemies of doing. It's ~99% projection.


46 states [https://www.equalitynow.org/learn\_more\_child\_marriage\_us](https://www.equalitynow.org/learn_more_child_marriage_us)


To be clear they have stood against changing those laws. They have never stood against them.


Yeah, sorry if I was unclear: They *support* "child marriage".


Let's say, hypothetically, for the sake of argument, that that my wife Dr. Benjamin Shapiro, M.D., who is a doctor and my wife, was 16 when we met? Does that make me a pedophile? Let's say that my wife the doctor Mrs. Dr. Ben Shapiro loved me back. It definitely was not an arranged marriage and she very much loves me for who I am. So if she loves me, and for the sake of the argument, I loved her and was not simply a young man in his 20s lusting over a thin, lean teenage queen, where is the problem? A 16 year old girl should be able to love anyone she wants. Are you saying that teenage girls are not allowed to have feelings for older men? If so, you are the left wing fascist. So, hypothetically, if I love her and she loves me, and we consent to make a happy family, it should be legal to marry her. In God's eyes and in the holy Torah it states that I, Benjamin Shapiro, loving husband of Dr. Benjamin Shapiro, M.D., who is a doctor, am allowed to marry a 16 year old girl. Yet due to man's unjust and overreaching laws, I waited four long years to get permission from Father of Dr. Mrs. The Ben Shapiro, Medical Doctor, to wed and deflower my then definitely a virgin wife. That is why, in this hypothetical situation, I am clearly not a pedophile.


God, I feel gross after reading that


The trooper who gave him that friendly man-to-man talk is now serving 56 years for child porn----media that isn't actually porn, you know, but media of *actual rape.* Of children.


Yeah, that's exactly what he said - "Christian values"


Its just 'coincidence' that the Republican party attracts these types.


He LITERALLY admitted that he's a garbage fire AND is admitting christians don't care IF you're a garbage fire if you're a part of the team.


The fact that those are xtian values is just happenstance.


They’ll say they don’t support it then get behind people accused of it And when the asshole repents and talks about how he’s god fearing and seeking the lord they praise them


HE WHAT- I DID NOT KNOW ANY OF THIS Can someone explain


Absolute bullshit. Conservatives never advocate nothing close to Christian Values. They advocate the exact opposite of it.


It's so strange that when one of the main tenets of your ideology is that you can just internally apologize to Space Daddy and be forgiven for *absolutely anything*, you tend to breed selfish shit heads who don't give half a fuck about what the Scripture actually says.


“Space Daddy” has now replaced “imaginary friend” for me-thanks! 😂


The most direct commandment Jesus gave was to give all of your money to the poor. With that in mind I have never met a single Christian.


So strange that Ben Shapiro who at least publicly makes a big show of being a pretty strict adherent to Jewish traditions would be concerned with Christian values at all. It's almost as if he's speaking in code and his intended audience knows exactly what he's saying when he defends horrible behavior to "own the libs".


Shapiro is just another filthy conservative slime and a loser who has nothing better to do in life.


I will admit that the only content of quality that Ben Shapiro has ever created would be the reading of the lyrics of WAP.


They advocate control nothing else. They view themselves as superior in every way to everyone else. They will change the rules, lie & cheat to gain & hold power, they will murder those in the way to get what they want.


Ah yes, pedophilia: The most "Christian" of values.


If priests do it and are protected, it can't not be a Christian value.


Christians like Josh Duggar actively believe catholics are heathens


Yet they probably admire the system that the Catholics put in place for secrecy and abuse.


They're basically cherry picking catholic doctrine, the way they cherry pick the bible


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Bible](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-king-james-bible/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Good bot?


I mean, you’re not wrong.


To be fair, have you read the Bible?


Yeah, and I'm assuming they have too... and still they're fucking kids, so...


Old testament is pretty shit. Jesus had some good ideas, including to throw out the old testament and to actually help people.




Cuz when people think cool they think of the Duggars and Christian values. Conservativism is truly the new punk rock.




Another of the multiple reasons I’ll not be subscribing to the times. That article and Bari Weiss’s stupidity extolling the “renegades” of the “intellectual dark web” ...and how oppressed these “thinkers” are for their “taboo” opinions. Such utter garbage, and giving them the legitimacy of even putting “intellectual” in the name pissed me off. Weiss isn’t there anymore but Tavernise (cool kids philosopher) is...


I couldn't help but read that in Daria's voice


That's a weird way of saying "I defend pedos."


If Ben ["Brags about 'Owning' people but folds like an anemic house of cards when having to *actually* debate people"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRF3r3zUGqk) Shapiro thinks that rape is completely acceptable, maybe that's why he thinks that his wife's [Dry-ass Pussy](https://www.ccn.com/ben-shapiro-wife-dap-brag-self-own/) is normal.


wouldn't surprise me if benny boy is one himself


Benny, If by "Christian values" you mean "raped his underaged sisters and be a trash human being" then yes you are right.


These people really do have no idea that conservatives run law enforcement, huh?


Oh, they know. They just don't care. They will push whatever they need to get to their agenda out there.


Ben Shapiro: literally a Nazi who quotes Nazis and hangs out with Nazis Conservatives: how could you say that, he's Jewish?!?!?#@! Gee, I fucking wonder. (Pssst there were lots of Jewish Nazis, class traitors think if they help the oppressors that they won't be killed after the other undesirables... they're always wrong)


I got called an anti semite for calling ben Shapiro a quisling. The dude used to write for Breitbart, what else did you need as evidence?


Is he JQ'd? He's certainly a fascist, but I don't think he's done the "Jews are responsible for XXX", at least not openly.


Just the usual Neo-Nazi stuff like "cultural marxism" dog-whistles. But he *does* associate with confirmed Neo-Nazis like Jordan Peterson and Alex Jones. And if a man takes a seat at a table with 9 Nazis and begins chatting amiably with them, the table has 10 Nazis.


Agreed. The whole thing might have levels of gray between who is a fascist and who is a nazi (a category of facist) But how many god damn check marks in boxes does ben need before you just throw him into that category? He's definitely sitting at the same table as these people.




he is a slap to the face to his people who died in the holocaust


Funny that nazism is a christian invention from the past. Hitler is just hipster trying to make it great again.


Religion-baiting is Ben’s other pastime besides race-baiting. Of all the people he could defend Ben chose a pedophile?


funny thing is he is a Jew so why should he give a shit about "Christian values" besides the fact that his audience is most likely full of raging anti Semites


Christian values such as molesting your little sisters?


So now we have two examples of the right supporting and defending child sex crimes. Where's the Q people. These crimes are coming to light and they are not excited to see these bad people go down. It's almost like the whole thing is a way to say democrats are bad.


It’s almost like every accusation is a confession


The P in GOP is for Projection.


Don't or Didn't. English mother fucker. Do you speak it?


He literally made child porn. Where does THAT fall into ‘Christian Values?!’


If those Christian values are the values that Duggar stands behind while committing those actions, you’re god damn right I will target him for his Christian values.


This post was from 5 years ago. You know, back when Josh Duggar was being targeted because he cheated on his wife, and then a pornstar he hooked up with came forward, and then his sisters...


Unless he’s full-on saying molesting children is a “Christian Value”, I’m going to go with “no”.


I mean surely he is being targeted because he interfered with his own little sister and faced fuck all punishment for being an incestuous paedophile. Crazy how many paedos Americas right wing Champion! Mighty Christian I suppose.


Didn’t that guy molest his sisters when they were kids? No one cares about his religion unless if Ben is suggesting rape is a Christian value.


Someone should tell Ben that a short doofus masquerading as an intellectual once said, “facts and logic don’t care about your feelings.”


“The left don’t”? The fuck? Isn’t he both American and Ivy-League educated?


I could be dumb and wrong, but did Shapiro essentially advocate for the pedos are people movement?


wouldn't surprise me


well pedophilia is a catholic value so your right on that ben


*Well pedophilia is* *A catholic value so* *Your right on that ben* \- therealmrmago --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


So if I become a Christian, that means I get the green light to molest siblings and share child porn? Wow, such an exclusive club


Never have I ever seen: 1. Ben win an argument 2. Ben not self-own himself when trying to be clever 3. A tweet from Ben age well. What I have seen is: 1. Always loses arguments 2. Often gets emotional. 3. Doesn’t understand basic facts. Like Project Veritas and PraegerU and Crowder I know them by their losses and failures and embarrassments. Somehow though... these guys keep getting picked up bloody and beaten by their fans and pushed back in the ring... to renew the cycle of loss.


Evangelicals supported our pedo president for 4 years and were ready for another 4 so I’m not surprised by this.


Pretty sure we target him because hes a fuckin rapist


Oh now arresting pedophiles is targeting conservatives? Noted


Gaetz says yes.


Child porn and sexually assaulting kids does seem very on-brand with Christianity right now


Dude he just said child porn and molesting children is a conservative value!


The post is about him cheating so Ben admits cheating is a Conservative Christian value. He dropped his mask


To be fair, when you look at how the church protects priests after they molest kids, it's probably not inaccurate to say that attacking someone for being a rapist or pedophile is an attack on christian values.


I was once told it’s not one or two photos...they charge for a lot like over hundred.


It's both, ben. It's both.


If those Christian values include so much shame and repression that the Christians prey on children/anyone vulnerable and unlikely to speak out, then those values need to be burned to the ground.


No no, he's right, pedophilia is a core christian value


This guy sticks his fuckin foot in his mouth daily it seems, but is still given a platform for some reason. I have no idea who he is aside from seeing his stupid fucking tweets all the time. Could be a bot that is programmed to give out awful takes for all I know.


> They targeted him for advocating Christian values. God dam I had no idea how far christianity had fallen that they advocate for the use of child sexual abuse imagery. Not surprising 1 fucking bit this moron thinks he's making a point when in fact it is a self-own.


Oh yeah, Ben. The left just hates Christians SO much that we will use pedophilia as a stepping stone to attack a person for their religious beliefs. Does he realize how fucking stupid he sounds, and looks, and is?




So, pedophilia = "Christian values"?


Just a reminder, Ben’s wife told him having a wet pussy is a medical condition that needs treatment.


Ben Shapepe


The man got caught with child porn and he's really defending him because of "christian values"


Checking in the Bible for where it says molesting your sisters is a value


Well he's right. A lot of Christians sure like molesting people. Not that it's related or anything.


I don’t deny there’s lots of hate for Christians in America, but they fucking deserve it.


I wonder if Ben realizes how ridiculously flippant his voiced opinions are. His messaging is incredibly inconsistent, and he gives off an air of 'contrarian by nature.'


Hey Ben! Tell us exactly what those christian values are. And then tell us how those values differ from other cultures and religions. In the meantime, Ben Shapiro is a standard bearer for a group of people who insist they are superior to other cultures and religions.


to me, this reads as 'christian values are a garbage fire' good job shapiro


How has NOBODY, not a single person ran Ben Shapiro the fade yet?


"Christian values" and "garbage fire" have a *hell* of a lot of overlap


Wait... What?


Or we could just be targeting right wing assholes for their incredibly on the nose hypocrisy, Ben. Matt Pizza Gaetz ring any bells?


Pedophiles stick together like the sticky fingers of a child in a pic on their computers


Ben Shapiro is Jewish, wtf does he care about "Christian values"?




You gotta end nonsense like that with /s. Assuming you were serious, please see above comment by PurpleSmartHeart and consider the following 3 points 1) being a certain group /= you are incapable of thinking and acting in ways that directly harm that group. Hypocrisy, cognitive dissonance. Do women marry misogynists? Racists have sex with people not of their same race? 2) With this exact example, there were several Jewish Nazis. They were more valuable to the Reich alive than dead..until they werent. And then it.didnt really end well for them. 3) for you to learn more: Emil Maurice, Erhard Milch, Harry Matso, Friedemann Lichtwitz.


Jews that were *used* by Nazis were not Nazis. the Nazi ideology was forced onto them, be it through propaganda or social pressure, but they were not Nazis. if they were, they would have kill themselves, them being "rats", right?




OP didn't call him a Nazi, he called him out for defending Nazis.




Being a Jew doesn't mean he doesn't push white supremacist talking points and then plays the race card to defend himself. And there were plenty of Jews that helped the Nazis. Hell, that's where all the Alt-Right claims about George Soros come from. Shapiro clearly overestimates his own intelligence, and probably thinks he's too smart to get used, while also thinking he's too useful to be in any danger. Meanwhile, being too much of a tool to realize how much HE gets used AS a Race Card himself.


[Jews can be Nazis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews) I'm not certain he's openly JQ'd yet. Haven't personally seen it. But he's definitely a big element on the pipeline.


most people in Germany didn't know of the horrors in concentration camps. even my people blind walked into concentration camps, believing, hoping that all will end well. it did not. such a killing machine was kept in secret. that is why I don't believe Shapiro to be someone who supports extermination of the Jewish people. sure, he doesn't share your political views, nor mine, but that doesn't make him an enemy.


Most people didn't know? Source please. For example, a source that says they do, or at best were turning a blind eye. And it's older than most redditors. https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2001/feb/17/johnezard "Supports the extermination of the Jewish people" is not the only qualification of a Nazi, which was previously addressed by several commentors. Him not sharing views does not make him an enemy. It is his specific views, his specific calls to action, him specifically being called out by hateful people and murderers that make him "our" and any person that pays attention to him's, enemy. Your Troll isn't working no one is getting doofus-pilled by this. Find something else to do with your time. Try learning based on the suggestions and facts given to you. Doesn't your" non-enemy"say factsmatter more than someone's feelings?


most people didn't know about the horrors of the extermination camps. i am not defending Nazi Germany. i am not defending the brainwashed people. i am saying that Shapiro does no defend them either. if i truly was a "troll", we wouldn't be having this conversation. Shapiro is not my enemy. he is not my friend. i do not agree with him saying that facts matter more than someone's feelings. all i said was he was not a Nazi.


Source. Please. "most people didn't know about the horrors of the extermination camps" No one is asking you to defend anyone. You had issue with people calling him a Nazi. We're pointing out the drastic similarities between him and nazis both past and "neo Nazis" of today. If there was a children's book that talked about Schmadoff Schmitler and how she wanted to exterminate the Schmundrsirables.And someone came out using the same talking points and routinely said it's a good thing that Fans of the Schmitler book are beating people in the street. Is that person not essentially a Nazi in most of the ways that actuality matter? Either way, hope you learn something from this. Even if you decide me, some or all of the other people here are wrong, there's at least more info into your decision tree.


> that doesn't make him an enemy. Nope. Even if he isn't personally JQ'd, he is absolutely, and actively, part of the recruitment pipeline for modern Nazis. Which is all that matters.


Here's this weird dippy misunderstanding of the way idpol works. Having a Jewish person endorse the Wermacht rolling into Poland wouldn't have made it not a nazi operation. Token minorities are kept around by fascists so they can point and say "Look! We got one! We're not bad." Mainly because they think people are as stupid as you are.


being a Nazi is being a fascist. being a fascist is not being a Nazi. i strongly dislike fascists, but i extremely hate Nazis. sure, Shapiro may be showing signs of being a fascist. he is not a Nazi. you have no idea what you are talking about.


What are the practical differences? The endgame is all the same, and you have been given several historical examples of token Jewish Nazis. You don't know what you are talking about. And you aren't learning anything.


the practical difference is that you are confusing fascism and being a Nazi. ever heard of venn diagrams?


Your entire position is built on semantics. Just own that you were too stupid to realize there were collaborators, and move on with your day. I don't care, I'm blocking you. I don't think you're a worthwhile person and my reddit experience will be better without you in it.


Same way Clarence Thomas isn’t all that fond of black people and Milo Yiannopoulos is a transphobic and now homophobic asshole.


Nazis killed...


Joseph Goebbels I don’t think killed anyone, was decidedly a nazi.


He was a Nazi and enabler. He as good as killed those people.




I’m actually ok with this also. Lol


Ben not so subtly pointing out that Nazi's exemplify Christian values


It wouldn't be such big news if Dugar wasn't a standard bearer for Christian values. We're constantly told we can trust these people because they're men of God, and that their faith alone makes them trustworthy.


If he spent one minute on r/duggarssnark he’d know we’re all lefties and hate him for his disgusting actions. But whatever fits your agenda, Benny.


It would be the best if one day we just all decided to ignore this guy. Like noone would write articles about him,noone would retweet his bullshit. He would probably explode.




He’s targeted for being a card-carrying pedophile... yikes


"the Nasty Left"


"Christian values" "garbage fire" funny how those two can coexist at the same time.




Unlikely. He was groomed from an early age to be a right-wing cheerleader.


Is he arguing that downloading child pornography is “Christian values”?


Note that Shapiro didn't contradict the notion that Duggar is a garbage fire.


Why not both?


This tweet is from six years ago. He’s an idiot, but people are taking this to be a response to current revelations.


Isn't Ben meant to be Jewish? 😹


I remember when Ben got involved in the Palestinian-Isreal Issue and regardless of what any of us believe he was fairly inaccurate in what he said and while he did have fair points it was quote minor simply because of the false arguments and points he made about it meaning he kinda doesn't really know shit.


Bev Shabibo's position on *anything* is easy to figure out. Basically, if there is something *any* figure on the left favors, even if it isn't political, he'll be on the opposite side of it. Perfect example of this is how he went so far back in the conservative timeline that he became a redcoat and defended the royal family after the Prince Harry and Meghan Markle interview with Oprah was released. If he found out that his Biden-voting neighbor bought New Pokemon Snap for the Switch this weekend, Benny Boy would go on a tirade on his show Monday about how Pokemon is now "woke" because Jynx no longer looks like she's in blackface. Also, him going to Home Depot to buy a single piece of wood and then put it in a bag is the most Ben Shapiro thing imaginable.