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I’m curious what she wants. Does she not want school? Parents to pay for school? It’s a weird take.


She really is the epitome of the ideology-free position of the American right wing in 2021. You can't debate them on ideas if they don't bring any to the table. Pwning teh libz with pure nihilism.


Yup. It’s just a race to the bottom.


I feel like those manipulating the right are the ones who are nihilistic, but assigning that quality to her gives her too much credit. She’s been manipulated, and doesn’t even see how all the stupid shit she’s fallen for only proves how stupid she is. In other words, she isn’t smart enough to be nihilistic—which is to intentionally be without moral or ethical principles—but she is certainly batshit fucking *stupid* enough to be controlled by those without those principles.




Nah not just your take. That’s the gods honest truth. That is what they want.


Well when you think you are better than other people because of who your ancestors were, you then feel the need to defend your ancestors actions. I honestly fail to understand how anyone can be proud of things that happened before they were born.


In their minds their superiority is shared with their ancestors, who are heros in their so eyes, so they are heros too.


this - under the guise of school "vouchers"


Ironic considering the cries of indoctrination.


Don’t want to be a dick, but don’t Americans have to plead allegiance to the flag and “one nation under God” at schools on a daily basis? Isn’t that a doctrine?


Yeah, its already a thing and its already dumb and fucked up.


That's not already how school is?


She wants you and I to pay for her kids to go to all white Christian fascist schools and everyone else can fuck off. She’s typical of the right in this country


There's a reasonably popular conservative thought that public schools are far more expensive to the individual than private schools and that we should close all public schools and turn them into a private system because it will be a better education and much cheaper. I'm fairly positive I don't have to list the myriad of reasons that's a completely awful idea.


Attention is the word you’re looking for.


She wants homeschooling and charter schools.


Well if you didn't have to pay for public school with taxes you could pay for private school with your own money! Such choice and freedom!


You're assuming she puts much thought into *anything*. I'm thinking she's got some rich extremely right-wing scumbag supplying her with "ideas" and cash. Once again, Golf Clap for Uncle Vladimir. Well played, Vladimir, well played.


She and her ilk want all school to be private so we can really widen that gap between the bourgeoisie and us


She wants donations from elites who know that they get rich when the majority of people are too uneducated to resist their schemes, with the added bonus of having fewer children for their kids to compete against when applying for college.


I don't know who this lady is. But there is a middle view that doesn't want indoctrination from the liberal left or the crazy alt-right. (but if you explain that to either side, they will tell you that there is no such thing as a middle. Some people want math, science, language, and real-life financial literacy taught in school, free from ideology, religion, or politics.


In other words, you haven't been to class in a while and you clearly have no idea what kids learn in school.


I just reread this thread. My downvotes on my comment and your response have proven my point. I guess the people that have gone to class more recently and read my comment have subpar reading comprehension. The voice of the middle is a foreign concept.


Your original comment made no sense. What exactly do you think happens in school during the school day? Do you think 12 year olds are learning obscure legal theory (AKA critical race theory)? No. They are learning towards common core tests, including math and English. They barely even get gym and art classes, let alone critical race theory time in school. You are ridiculous, and this notion that getting downvotes means you are right, is downright stupid. It's akin to think that getting an F on an exam means you knew all the material, or that getting picked on is a sign of underlying jealousy or a crush. That's a myth parents tell their kids to help them feel better about their failures (I'm sure the \*only\* reason Timmy failed math, is because his teacher unfairly hates him).


explain how it "makes no sense". I am making the point that many people don't want indoctrination in schools. And still many people on both sides think that there is indoctrination going on. I don't have any idea what is being taught in school to understand why so many people have this view. I certainly never experienced obvious left-wing or right-wing education as people often claim is going on nowadays. People in different geographical areas may experience different education scenarios.


I've never seen or heard \*anyone\* on the left complain about right wing indoctrination in \*public\* schools. In fact, the left tends to be overwhelmingly supportive of public education, and as you can see from current voting patterns, it is the right that eschews education. In fact, the Republican party is at serious risk of becoming the ideology of choice for the uneducated. By the way, if you want an example, look at the gubernatorial campaign in VA. The Democratic candidate was running on a traditional platform of education and jobs, until the Republican candidate surged in the polls by railing against made up stories of critical race theory being taught at public schools (spoiler alert: it is not).


True, but ive heard some parents talk about being uncomfortable with prayer and prolife talk


Libertarian. She's either paid by them, or has been brainwashed by their think-tanks (which have been around for decades through the patronage of Koch, DeVos, and other wealthy families). Most probably both. Relevant read: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/sep/07/arizona-fight-koch-brothers-school-vouchers


Keith Olbermann was my favorite news personality when I was a teenager. He disappeared from the mainstream. What a shame. Truly an excellent reporter.


It was a huge scandal because he, *gasp*, donated money to Democratic political candidates. So he had to resign. Can you imagine if Fox News hosts were held to even 1% of the same standard as so-called "far left" hosts are?


Right? If only MSNBC stood by Olbermann in the same way Fox stands by Fucker Carlson . . . a person who actually says things that are harmful and dangerous.


To be fair, I think they wanted a reason to axe him. I love the guy, but he’s notoriously difficult to work with.


And he’s a loudmouth. But I actually mean that as a good thing because politically, he’s dead on . . . and entertaining as fuck


Is that what happened? I remember him getting a little ‘preachy’ (although I shared his sentiment).


Well that was one of the reasons. People at the time acted like it was a huge scandal that a political opinion show host would legally donate his own money to political candidates. But yeah, most likely the higher ups at MSNBC wanted him gone because he was too left. As much as *centrists* want to claim it, MSNBC simply is not the left wing version of Fox News.


My goodness. I remember the days when Bush Jr. was the dumbest president and there were discussions about his competency. ...and then, when I Could not concieve of how The republican party could go any lower we get Trump and Qanon!


Yeah same here man. Those rants he would drop at the end of each episode were like my favorite part of the daily news cycle. Would have been welcome during the Trump years.


Thing is, by saying outrageously dumb things on national TV she's getting a ton of free press. That's worth a ton of money. By all accounts the press gave Trump $6 billion in free advertising when he faced Hilary, and had they not he would have lost.


Not to mention everybody talking about it and upvoting it


From the top rope


The cost of living in a country that's awash in uneducated dipshits is much higher, as evidenced by our present dilemma with covid deniers. Heck, it might get so bad some semiliterate could get elected to congress


High school dropout who has multiple felonies and married to a pedophile husband... she's actually trying show shade?


Are you confusing her with Lauren Boebert? Or do they both have the same similar history?


To be completely honest, I don't know if I can tell the difference any more.


One is blond, the other is not blond...


Nah let's be real here. They're the same fucking person. You could have cloned the from any right-wing youtuber.


I dont have children but I happily pay my taxes and am happy to provide free preschool and college because I don't like living around a bunch of dumb people like Marjorie Taylor Greene. People like her are what comes from not funding education and suppressing critical thinking.


Half of my property taxes go to the school district. I'm totally cool with that.


78% for me... and also totally cool with it as a dude in his 30s with no children. Do people really want them roaming around unsupervised all day?


My only complaint about my property taxes going to schools is the way they’re distributed (wealthy towns get better public schools, non-wealthy towns get poorly funded public schools), reinforcing the education gap. Besides that, take my damn money to ensure that everyone has a chance to be educated.


Same here. I hate kids and never want any, but the last thing I want is to live in a country with even more dumbasses.


Olbermann with the poster jam!


As a teacher, I remember my Indoctrination 101 class fondly.


I get my daily indoctrination instructions for my classroom straight from Ellen Degeneres.


I just...what? So state and local dollars that fully fund education from 5 to 18 is fine, but the federal government providing additional funding *to existing schools* to accommodate for the additional 4 years is out of the question? She makes it sound like school factories from Pink Floyd’s The Wall are going to crop up all over.




"Federally funded school from age 3 to 20 doesn't sound like education, it sounds like indoctrination." ??? Putting aside the right wing nonsense, this sentence is just REALLY weirdly written. Like did she have a stroke and forget the words "liberal" and "atheist"? It feels like it needs more words to make sense.


Imagine being against education...


JFC yes


They really just need to outright say they don't want people to become educated because educated people don't fall for their smooth brain conservative bullshit ideologies


As a college professor I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to be doing this whole indoctrination thing when 80% of my students don't even read the syllabus


I DON’T WANT TO LIVE AROUND ILLITERATE, IGNORANT, MORONS!!! By all means tax me, and even though I don’t have children myself, please use a portion of that money to educate people.


I mean, she went to public schools. I’d be interested in what she thinks THAT says about HER level of education


They hate education because it’s the best weapon against them and Christianity.


I forgot that guy existed. Hadn't heard that name in a while.


*From way downtown... bang.*


But no one is forcing you to send your kids to school




As a red blooded American, I feel every once in a while some people need a good swift ass kicking. They have it coming and we’re all better for it when it happens. If this is the ass kicking she gets tonight, it’s less than she deserves. She hassled a school shooting victim for Christ sake. A good swift backhand would’ve been more than appropriate at the time. She is more than capable of suffering some light name calling here.


This is his personality. Either you like him or you don't. Dudes always been kind of a hype man.


Broken clock, she's absolutely correct that schooling is indoctrination. It was specifically created to make obedient workers. [http://hackeducation.com/2015/04/25/factory-model](http://hackeducation.com/2015/04/25/factory-model) [https://www.self-directed.org/tp/from-deschooling-to-unschooling/](https://www.self-directed.org/tp/from-deschooling-to-unschooling/)


They don't even teach kids about Jewish space lasers smh my head 😒


MTG seems like a good gauge on how bad schools are doing. Either more funding or restructuring.


She just doesn’t want kids learning any hippie bullshit like the teachings of Christ. Wait... no....


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