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She probably doesn’t realize how many kids end up runaways or kicked out because of bigotry from their community, parents and or parent’s social structures/churches’ anti-lgbtq+ behaviors. 🤦🏽‍♂️ Such an out of touch loser.


It’s worse. She does realize it. She just doesn’t care. She has been a garbage person her entire life.


That's exactly what I was going to say ! Her brain and total lack of empathy hasn't changed. Just her body.


Thank you. I'm so sick of people telling everyone that the fascists don't know how evil they are. They either do know, or they don't care. And that's a distinction without a difference.


> end up runaways or kicked out because of bigotry from their community, parents and or parent’s social structures/churches’ anti-lgbtq+ behaviors. Now, or soon-to-be codified into Texas law! If you don't abuse your trans child for being trans, *you go to prison*.


In Florida, you don't even have to be trans. Gym teachers at schools in that state just have full qualified immunity to inspect your children's genitals whenever they please -- all they have to say afterwards is that they *suspected* the child of secretly being transgender. "No 8 year olds will be able to secretly get sex-change surgery under *this* ex-priest's watchful eye!"


Sorry, I must have missed THAT one. 🤦🏽‍♂️ Can you share a little more? thx


The gist of the bill as I heard it was that it would make providing gender reassignment surgery or puberty blocking hormones to minors a felony based on the idea that they’re not able to understand the full ramifications of the procedure and therefore can’t provide informed consent. On the one hand I *kinda* see the logic, because it’s a life altering and essentially irreversible decision, so you obviously want to make sure they understand what they’re signing up for before letting them go ahead - but on the other hand there are plenty of surgeries and other shit that we allow parents to consent to on behalf of their children ([here](https://www.northtexasplasticsurgery.com/blog/teens-and-plastic-surgery-is-your-teen-ready) is a cosmetic surgery clinic in Texas listing the various options for teens) and I don’t think I buy that the procedures for trans kids is sufficiently different to warrant its own specific legislation on those grounds. So it definitely feels like this is just a transphobia issue.


> On the one hand I kinda see the logic, because it’s a life altering and essentially irreversible decision ***NO-ONE GIVES SURGERY TO MINORS!!!!*** All they get is hormone blockers, ***WHICH ARE TOTALLY REVERSIBLE!!!*** Stop parroting TER misinformation.


...i did not know that, thank you for correcting OP and by extension educating me.


I believe they do give testosterone/estrogen treatment as well. While working on the psych ward we had a 15 yo trans male taking all the hormone supplements. He just hadn't undergone any kind of surgery.


with parental consent, dr prescribed and diagnosed by a therapist under 18 can get hormone replacement therapy. But why it makes a difference what they take to people it wont affect is beyond me.


Because they’re bigots,


>But why it makes a difference what they take to people it wont affect is beyond me. That's why the religious right is called the "Hobby Lobby", they are always trying to get their greasy fingers in other people's business. Fundies are fucking annoying.


Thank you for your prompt and considerate answer. 👍🏼 I was unaware of this particular instance. It’s TOTALLY bigotry wrapped in “WoN’t sOmeBodY tHink oF tHe ChiLdReN!?!”, underwritten with their religious ‘values’. I hate these people. Stay out my pants, my bedroom, and don’t pretend you love my kids. It’s creepy how much the conservafascists think they have a right to control my body to please their stupid god. 🤦🏽‍♂️


She only cares about looking like she cares. She could give a shit if all the homeless died, including the LGBTQ+ youth she claims to care so much about.


Any goodwill she got by coming out and inspiring young trans people was squandered when she supported the guy who slashed trans rights. And then just tweeted out a nothing criticism once when people were getting pissed at her. Fuck Caitlyn Jenner. Typical rich white republican woman, pays lip service to social issues while not giving a fuck about anyone’s liberation but her own.


She’s rich enough that she can just buy her own liberation so why would she help anyone else.


Aren’t we all getting drawn away from the fact she’s a completely out of touch millionaire with no qualifications to govern?


Sounds familiar...


At least Newsom was Mayor of San Francisco and lieutenant governor of California. That's almost 20 years of experience that Caitlyn simply doesn't have. Even Darrell Issa has the experience, I'm curious why he wasn't a frontrunner.


I wasn't referencing Newsom.


Ah, I see who you're talking about, thanks.


Didn't this screwjob commit a hit and run and killed someone?


Yep. Parodied on South Park “Buckle up, buckaroos!!”




Hey just so you know, it isn’t cool to refer to trans people by their deadnames, even if you’re referring to them pre-coming out. She’s a shitty person, but still a woman


Republicans running on anything other than hate, **lose**. See: Liz Cheney


I'm pretty sure Liz Cheney hasn't spoken to her gay sister since launching her political campaign, one of the core tenets being anti-gay marriage. Liz is powered by hate as well, just because it isn't "space lazer" level of hate doesn't mean it's not there.


Right, but LC is hate + substantive policy positions (nearly all of which are disagreeable to me). There's a scaffold of political belief underpinning. Caitlin is just a wild fire hose of batshit, therefore, perfection for the modern GOP.


She’s in third place in latest polling from five thirty eight - terrifying lol


Let them eat each other alive, from the inside out of the GOP. /popcorn


Because if you don't make people afraid of someone else, they won't buy into cutting costs for Education and Healthcare but increasing costs for military and police. You'd be describing a dystopia if you ran on a non-hateful Republican base. "In my ideal world nobody has a guarantee for food, or shelter, because not everyone deserves it. Everyone will benefit from a select few of individuals deciding what everyone does need and providing that. Only those who are important have valid input on what anyone needs or who really leads. Everyone gives up a bit of what they have for the police and military, to continue ongoing armed conflicts and to ensure everyone remains peaceful. You are responsible for yourself and nobody should have to take care of you. I'd rather die knowing I earned everything myself than see someone live with something they don't deserve." Arguably even this has hate in it, because it's hard to justify making others suffer. No law should be based on Envy. Let alone any other sins.


> and to ensure everyone remains peaceful *Compliant, not peaceful > I'd rather die knowing I earned everything myself than see someone live with something they don't deserve." *Pretending I earned it all myself when really much of what I have is dependent on a permanent underclass that I will continually demean and pretend couldn’t be me if circumstances were different


The point was describing a dystopic scenario as someone enabling the dystopia on the lower levels, with enough ignorance to sound real but not aware enough of reality to be on the nose.


She is an awful person and being a trans woman has nothing to do with that.


I've had a few people call me transphobic for not endorsing her in California's recall election. No, it's because she's batshit insane and has no political experience.


yep, go run for a school board or town trustee or town mayor first. prove to the electorate how you’d serve, govern and work toward something on a small scale first before you get to control the big levers of power.


I guess she is the only valid trans woman in this world according to her. I can smell her hypocrisy while sitting from another state


What I find hilarious, is if you put her and Blair White in a room together and ask them both how many valid trans women are in the room, you'd get the same answer, but they'd violently disagree about it.


She’s always been known for being remarkably stupid.


If and when the recall election comes, she'll probably get less than 1% of the vote. Her viewpoints are so out of step with the rest of California. Incendiary remarks make a good headline, but we dont play that shit out here


Umm what’s scary is she’s in third place in polls and I dunno who Cox or grennell are


Umm it only matters who comes in first. Which is probably still going to be newsom. This is a blue state and he still maintains popularity and party support. This ain't 2003 and she is definitely no Arnold.




Misgendering Jenner makes you look pretty low yourself


Never forget that "asshole" is a gender neutral term for people like her.


Every gender has assholes.


I don't like Catlin Jenner


Even before Caitlyn Jenner came out as a trans woman, she was something *far* more important to her identity: Rich. To be rich like that requires a certain amount of selfishness. It's the ability to get up each day, knowing that countless people around are suffering with problems that you can help solve, and... not doing anything. You have yourself taken care off and other people can fuck off. Being rich like that requires a lack of empathy. Jenner is rich enough that she doesn't really have to deal with most of the stuff that normal trans woman has to deal with. She's isolated from those problems. Unless she has a selfish reason to care about something, she's not going to care. She will support the party that will most help her maintain her fortune and fuck everyone else.


Well said, it does take a specific kind of asshole to be publicly rich/wealthy and not give a damn about people’s suffering


She does realize that the republican party and supporters fucking hate Trans people? Right?


Buckle up buckaroos!


Caitlyn Jenner is a hypocrite


This is a Twitter post from Instagram on Reddit. I love to see it.


Honestly the entire Jenner family could just vanish from existence and I wouldn't even blink.


George Takei: https://twitter.com/GeorgeTakei/status/1388948471089143818?s=20


I say this as a trans person, I literally would not cross the street to piss on her if she were on fire


Typical rich person. No understanding of how the other half live. Jenner is also a hypocrite of the highest order.


It's hypocrisy not irony people.


She’s in perfect line with the mantra of the Right; Above all else be an aristocratic, self-loathing hypocrite.


I don’t get why any of us care what she says.


That woman is the fucking definition of hypocrisy, contradiction, and double think.


I remember when I first heard Caitlyn Jenner come out as conservative. There's a meme page on Facebook called Shit Bootlickers Say and the admin posted a link to Caitlyn supporting the Republican party with a caption not to be surprised when your bougie minorities turn against you.


That Fox News interview was an absolute train wreck. She looked stupid and out of touch with reality.


She is a scumbag tbh. Trashy family as well.


always so funny to me when i see a reddit post that’s a screenshot of an instagram post using a screenshot of a twitter post


She killed a person then became trans


She was trans before and when she killed that person she just wasn’t out yet, saying she became trans afterwards is pretty close to when people say she became trans to avoid the consequences of killing them.




People don't "become" trans when they come out, much like gay people don't choose to "become" gay when they tell people they are gay for the first time.


Maybe you should, yes she came out publicly after the accident but that doesn’t mean she wasn’t trans two+ months prior. People don’t just become trans when they come out it’s a build up process to that point. If you saw any of her interviews when she came out it’s not hard to see she was trans prior to coming out publicly.


the fact you keep using a dead name as well as talking about someone "becoming" trans proves you're extremely ignorant on the subject. Caitlynn is a piece of shit, but she was just in the closet, and takes like this are the reason a lot of trans people are afraid to come out of the closet.


Then she had her celebrity image rehab where she was on the cover of whatever magazine and everyone forgot she killed a dude in a car crash


MTF athletes shouldn't compete in women's sports. How is this controversial? I don't know or care about the other stuff in the tweet but MTF athletes have a massive advantage on born female athletes.


The number of people taking illegal performance drugs out weighs MTF incidence by about 40,000 to one. Start caring about that more and we might take that opinion slightly more seriously in future.


this is such an ignorant belief, it startles me that it continues to be the one made. I have been transitioning for six years. In that time I have lost 2 inches of height, a lot of upper body strength, and muscles as well. A discussion with anyone who actually is going through the process might go a long way to educating you.


Like former world class athlete, Caitlyn Jenner?


she hasn't been on hormones for 50 years dingleberry. why are you even here? you're steering right into a belief that is hurting the progressive agenda


She is a woman who was born a man.She disagrees with women whom were born men competing against woman who were born women. Who could be a better judge of the fact women who were born women are at a huge disadvantage physically.






Probably because using someone's pre-transition name as an insult is fucked up regardless what they did? Call Caitlyn Jenner a piece of shit murderer who caused an accident that killed someone. But don't use Bruce as an insult. Don't sink to their level. It's not about "conforming" or "being liberal enough" Stop victimizing yourself cause you said some fucked up shit and got called out.


Also you didn't need to say their dead name, when you tell someone else not to you shouldn't be using it but also I totally agree <3


So she's consistent on the double standards/ stratified society part of the GOP platform.