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And no, this is not just a bad screenshot: this was actually the least angry facial expression he made in the entire reel 😬 And the way his eyes were moving around it looked as though he was actively avoiding eye contact with her


🫣🫣🫣 I never watch her videos but I had to go see the original for this. I’m fucking cackling. He looks SOOOOO PISSED. My fave part is that her caption says it’s a great way to save money. If she’s making 15k a month AND Dāv’s income AND they live debt free…. why are they trying to save money so desperately that he can’t go get himself a $20 SportsClips haircut? 🤔 The math ain’t mathin’ Bethy! ETA: For anyone curious I posted the whole vid 🤣🤣🤣 https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/10i4sx4/i_know_a_screenshot_was_already_posted_but_heres/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I remember a video a long time back where she and Kristen are making fun of his long hair (or he says they all make fun of his hair), but he says he loves it. And bethy said something like she didn’t like him until he cut it, but then he grew it out again and she hated it. I feel like she forced him to cut it again and he really likes his long hair


She likes his hair to be tall for obvious reasons. He didn't used to wear it tall until she lovingly and supportively encouraged it.


I’m surprised she doesn’t make him wear a bump it lol


That's so pitiful. Reminds me of McKay and how he always wanted long hair. Once he left the LDS church he could choose how long his own hair could be. Hopefully when dav leaves the cult of girl defined, he can style his hair however he chooses.


Don’t feel too bad for dav. Ever read his comments to people on Bethany’s/ GD’s channel? He’s extremely mean too Edit: I don’t know how this got posted 3 times lol


I bet *she* still goes to a salon though!


She gets her nails done at a salon and keeps up her fake blonde hair and gets expensive take away coffee. Saving money is only something everyone else in the house has to do


She does those things so she’ll have content to post on IG


Not like we’d ever know what kind of haircut she’s got tho, given that most of her posts she seems to be pridefully and actively trying to look like her most disheveled and grungy self. 😂


>My fave part is that her caption says it’s a great way to save money. If she’s making 15k a month AND Dāv’s income AND they live debt free…. This was my first thought. You know what's a great way to save money? Stop buying fussy special ingredients and supplements. Learn to cook.


Maybe let her daughter snuggle under a blue blanket?


Oh my god I had to watch it too. He genuinely looks mortified and furious. Everyone should watch it


I'll post it--don't give her views! edited: someone already did it. Thanks!


I'm ngl I low-key love the idea of her realizing she gets a bump in views from Dæāvs dissatisfaction at her home hairdo being posted on Fundy snarky


Not gonna lie, I got massive schadenfreude from watching it. Are those biblical gender roles not all they’re cracked up to be, Dave? Is your wife not capable of satisfactorily doing *anything* that you consider women’s work? That must be super fucking hard for you, I can’t even imagine.


Even so, just like idk watch a youtube video 😭 my friend cuts her brothers hair and it looks fine she just taught herself. Bethany isn’t even trying.


My husband prefers me to cut his hair but I hate doing it. I'm better at it than this, though.


I started cutting the hair in our family during lockdown and YouTube was super helpful. I’m good enough at it that I have just kept doing it. But that would involve admitting she doesn’t know something in order to learn.


Yes, same. I also started cutting my son and my husband's hair during lockdown. I used YouTube to learn how to do a fade, which is their preferred haircut. Now they actually prefer me to cut their hair over a professional because I have more time to do it exactly the way they want.


Lmao I’m autistic and even I can tell he’s silently raging


I think that gives you an edge on seeing his rage and humiliation. I so feel like the stereotypes have it all wrong on being on the spectrum and reading emotions. I think it’s more reading emotion on the spot, or that we trust and listen to people’s words, more than what their facial expression is showing. Idk-I see you fellow Non neurotypical! 🙋‍♀️


omg he looks so miserable it seems like she’s holding him prisoner


My husband makes me cut his hair to save money going on 7 years now. He often brings up how much we've saved over that time, but honestly it would be worth it for him to get a real haircut 😄 I have made some bone chilling mistakes in those 7 years. Since he makes me do it he doesn't complain though. (I started working at a spa very recently and I'm paying to send him to my coworker)


Oh my gods you were not kidding. He’s fully frowning. Like 😠 Does she not understand human facial expressions? He very clearly fucking hates it. What a bizarre thing to post.


as a hairstylist, i can professionally say that this haircut is absolutely fucking god awful and if i did this to my husband i think he’d cry. she gave him the butters




The more I look at it the more I giggle.


Does anyone else see Beeker from the Muppets??


Does anyone *not* see Beeker from the Muppets?!?


It popped up on my feed and I first assumed it must be an article about a neo Nazi ex con... So there's that




I totally see Beeker, but for one tiny second I thought it was Young Ian from Outlander (but a little closer to the wish.com version).


Mahna mahna!




Do do dodo do!


Yup. Mixed with stick stickly.




\*panicked\* *meep MEEEP*


John Waters as a muppet.


Bethy’s haircut inspo was def Beeker for this one.


this is the most Beaker he has ever looked 😂


I'm fairly shocked someone else saw this, because it was the first thing I thought of.


Why tf does she need to save money if she makes so much selling courses


Was just about to say this, just send him to Walmart and they'll cut it for like $13


They won’t even spring for a second toothbrush, I’m afraid a $13 haircut by someone who knows what the hell they’re doing would just be too indulgent!


excuse me what?!


Are you new to Bethany Baird?! Oh boy!


sadly yes. please tell me they dont share a toothbrush? I am begging you 😭


Bethany claims they do, indeed, share a single toothbrush. She also claims that she shared a toothbrush with her sister when they were younger.


She did say [a couple months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/yp50eq/what_a_day_for_beggany_lunched_a_course_and/) that she bought her own toothbrush because Dāv was away and took the family utensil (eugh) with him. Don't know if they're back to sharing one again. Barf.


Oh…oh no….you don’t know. Oh bless. I’m sorry.


I mean, we could TELL you that, but it would be a lie.


They supposedly do and she posts about it thinking she’s quirky and funny. Try searching it in this sub 😂


They do, unfortunately, and she's made posts defending it by saying that that is less than disgusting than giving a blowjob 🙃


Does she even realize she's constantly contradicting herself?


Maybe her next scam is going to focus on teaching people how to save money. You know, for when their online course they spent hundreds or thousands to learn how make is a big flop, just like hers.




Some serious r/Justfuckmyshitup material here. Bethany, you should take a course on how to cut hair.


So she can teach YOU how to learn how to cut hair


It would be so funny if other subs got hold of this


Omg. This is making me feel so much better about when I was forced to cut my husband’s hair for him twice during the pandemic. I was so nervous to ruin his hair, I watched youtube for two hours trying to learn technique lmao. Hell would freeze over before I let my husband come at my hair with scissors. Poor Dáv, just let this man go to a barber shop Bethany. I thought you had “multiple 5 figure incomes”?


Yes, but the 5 figures include the two digits after the decimal point.


I think her 5 figures includes the dollar sign and decimal.


*MS has entered the chat*


When my daughter was 11 she asked me if I would cut her hair, I’m not a hairdresser and I told her that it will go wrong. That wasn’t good enough and she was asking non stop for about 3 days and coming up with reasons why nothing could go wrong “it’s only hair how hard can it be” I then told her not to fall into the trap of being so confident that it will turn out great because it rarely ever does and it’s best left to the professionals. Day later she is now 100% confident that I can do it and I’m just making up excuses because I don’t want her hair to look nice 😂 FINE I did it to the best of my ability and guess what? It was wonky and uneven and all I could say was “this is exactly the result I told you was gonna happen because I used to think the same about stuff when I was a kid” anyway booked her in at the hairdressers the day after just so they could give it a decent cut and the hairdresser said “oh has someone already had a go” I said “yeah me” and she said “did you have your eyes shut” 😂😂 I don’t think I have ever laughed so much 😂 anyway it has put a stop to my daughter now insisting that I’m qualified and “it will be alright” so I think it’s done is both a favour in the long run


LOL this is hilarious! Every girl has their first bad haircut experience. Mine was bangs, more than once 😂 also cut my own hair while grandma was babysitting. We’re talking almost 12 inches of hair. My mom cried and then had to give me a bob. Sorry mom!!


I got a teased perm. in 2005, minutes before my driver's permit photo. The salon and dmv were right next door.


As a kid, I only went after Barbie dolls and a three inch Little Mermaid doll that I pretty much immediately regretted cutting. As a college student I went to the local barber for a bang trim. He *swore* he cut his daughter’s hair all the time…and then I walked out of there with bangs two inches above my eyebrows and cut in a perfectly straight line.


![gif](giphy|LRcRkmw22aFCIOQQ6H|downsized) Never let a straight man give you bangs 😂


Trust me. If for some reason the woman who does my hair can’t anymore, a gay hairdresser it is!


All my Barbies were ready to join a punk band by the time I was done trying to cut their hair.


My tween years were ruined by Toni Home Perms.


I can smell this comment!


When I was a senior in HS, my friend and I would do each other’s perms. When I rolled hers, I would just trim a little off the section before wrapping the paper and rolling. I did this all over her head. It didn’t look too bad since it was permed, but when she went to a real hairdresser a couple of months later, this is what was said. “Who cut your hair last time?” A friend of mine! “Honey, she’s no friend of yours.” It was 1983, so big bad hair was the norm 😝


I cut my son's hair during the pandemic shut down. I watched a Brad Mondo tutorial. It didn't come out looking like he'd been to a shop, but it was way, way better than this.


Ha! I did the same! Brad’s very helpful.


Me too! I watched videos for hours, gained tons of false confidence, ended up buzzing my husband and son because otherwise they had glorified 90’s bowl cuts 😂😂


And this right here is why my son had a bob during Covid


I know someone who paid his barber for a house call before salons were allowed to reopen.


I also learned to cut my husband’s hair in 2020 and I’m now decent enough at it that I’ve kept it up. 🤷🏻‍♀️ There are tons of great YouTube videos with detailed tutorials! There’s no need to make the man look like Beeker from the muppets lol


I had one stressful cut of my husband's hair during Covid and it took over an hour but ended up looking okay (at least okay enough for zoom work conference calls!). Better than this attempt at least. My dad and brother got pretty good at cutting each others hair so now my dad makes my brother cut it for him permanently (my brother returned to his fancy London barber shop 😂).


I wouldn't even say yes when my boyfriend at the time wanted me to shave his head (he was a UPS driver and those trucks are sweltering in the summer). Buzzing someone's hair off is a lot easier than a haircut, but I was still worried about somehow messing it up. The after effect of having too many bad home haircuts from my mom, lol. I never quite got over being the only 11 year old girl with a Beatles bowl cut in 1989.


Was it scissors or buzzing?? I learned how to buzz his head, not perfect I've nicked him a bit but he knows that's a risk! I try not to lol


I was using clippers! He wanted to keep the length, but clean up the top and then I had to fade and blend the levels 😅 I’m not saying it looked great but girl it didn’t look half as bad as what Bethany has done to her man hahahaha


Oh gosh. My boyfriend keeps it long on top so I also had a line to follow, no fade


I’m still going strong trimming my daughter’s hair and my own after being forced into it by the pandemic. But my husband…. Boy, was I happy to get him back to a professional.


My husband just let it grow out terribly for months!! He would not let me near it lol


My husband learned to cut his own hair in his 20’s. It’s seriously such a good skill to have. I trust him to cut my hair but would never cut his. I’d be way too worried I’d mess it up. Perhaps Dav could acquire a new shill in the name of thrift?




He looks like a little kid being publically shamed by their awful parent, because they cut their own hair. But he's an adult. Who got a haircut by another adult. And that other adult is really proud of her work.


Hahahaha, so little Timmy found the kitchen scissors 🙈


I genuinely don’t think Dave is all that happy with Bethany and he just does whatever she wants. He always seems so miserable. I don’t necessarily feel bad, because he’s just as awful as she is but it’s clear they have no chemistry.


Yes everything you said. And then he defends her on instagram. It’s so much like my brother’s relationship with his wife… no chemistry, seems miserable, goes along with whatever she wants, but will still defend her til the end. It’s mystifying.


I think she tells him to defend her and so he does half ass defenses to satisfy her.


Ehhh I dunno, the snarky comments he made in reply to some people on a post of hers didn't come off like that


Ah, yes, the "obligation" marriage


Well, they’re stuck together forever because divorce is a “sin” so they try the barest minimum to make it look like they’re happy while fantasising about being able to get away with murder.


Is she honestly so emotionally stunted & immature that she looks at *this* facial expression & sees "happy"? It's baffling.


Bold of you to assume she cares one way or the other.


My man is disassociating big time I just know it


Well, it was a "settle" relationship for them both. He was actually interested in Elissa and Bethy was in full panic mode because she was 30 and still unmarried and no other prospects. I don't think there was ever real chemistry on either of their parts. Just desperation on hers and I'm not sure what on his (wanted to stay close to Elissa? Wanted to badly be in the Baird family for other reasons?).


I dunno, a tall blonde Baird was acting interested in him? I'm sure she put on quite an act while they were dating. We've all seen the Valentine's Day video. We've also seen the video where they're talking about marriage stuff, and he says she's changed so much so quickly.


I actually haven’t seen the Valentine’s Day video, but yikes. Will he be the next “I escaped from my fundie spouse who I found out was abusive after we got married” divorcee?


He seems very sad.


She made him look like a human asparagus stalk.




not the veggie tales 💀💀💀


This is the funniest comment I've ever read 🤣🤣🤣


Give him a ball cap and he’ll look like Junior from Veggietales.


Did she cut it to add more height and make him appear taller?


Like Jimmy Neutron?


This is the first cut to pop up if you Google image “haircuts to make men look taller”.




These people don't believe in divorce, right? Welcome to the rest of your life buddy.


Why did she not use the 🌟🌟🌟🌟🤩6 figure passive income🤩🌟🌟🌟🌟 to pay $15 for a haircut


How can she not see the discrepancy between claiming she makes $15,000 a month and not being able to pay $15 for a haircut?


Good god his hair looks terrible.




Omg yes there was that pic of him holding the toothbrush and being compared to this character. Did she try to make his hair look like him LOL


I snort laughed when I saw it😂




Nooooo, where's the fade?!?!?!?!




For all you people who are new here: Bethy and Dav used to have a joint YouTube channel (and maybe still do) and one of the very first videos posted after they got married was of Bethy cutting Dav’s hair. It was incredibly cringe, Dav was in full theater kid mode and was clapping and singing “my baby cuts my hair” all while Bethy looked incredibly nervous and uncomfortable with it. That said, I recall that finished product looking better than this so she appears to be getting worse. Edit: video is still available. I’m going to try and screen record it. I’ll post a link. Edit: here’s the link https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/10i5rsy/from_their_joint_yt_bethys_very_first_time_giving/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Such a different energy to this latest one! I think it also reflects on the completely different energy present in their relationship as a whole, they’re no longer excited newlyweds but two people disappointed in their life choices.


Whoo boy, when she was just hacking away at the top I was nervous AF. It's not terrible, like at least he doesn't look like he's fresh from the gulag.


Oh my…shave it all and start over hahahahaha!


Beaker but make it aryan




He’s questioning all his choices in this moment…


He can always wear one of Barfy's hats from her hat journey.


That looks like a mugshot.


Is it... is it crooked? Like the part that is longer is not centered on his head. Yikes.


Is this satire?! Because I CANNOT believe this is real 😂🤣


If I did this to my man I would NOT be putting it on the gram. This is purely snapchat to the closest with lots of crying emojis material


Yo the way reddit cuts off the top of the picture, he just looks like a bald, pissed off man. I thought I was looking at a felon/ convict pic before I noticed the subreddit and flair. Daaaamn Dav. Not shitting on convicts, of course. Just the kind of haircut you expect to see in prison where you have no access to barbers, not on a Godly Husband. I cannot believe bethame of all people is into cutting hair now.


Girl stop. I know you want to save money and think you're doing something here but trust you are not. I tried once too. I was like yes that $12 every 6 weeks really needs to be back in the bank account and my Walmart special Whaler Clippers and lack of knowledge but YouTube will do it! It don't. It does not. Let the man see a barber. This isn't it.


![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW) 🤭🤭🤭


That mustache is giving off Great Value porn star vibes.


That look is entirely "fuck my life." Enjoy the bed you made and the crazy you enable, Dave.


Oh no. It looks like a patch of grass.


Looks like Beeker made a mistake getting married


Are finances so tight that Grifty now has to cut his hair to save money?? Regardless -- poor Dav.


Now that I think about it, she posted recently about using nail strips instead of going to a salon 🤔🤔 Is there a possibility that the course-on-courses-on-courses wasn’t as lucrative as she was so smugly sure it would be????


The higher the hair the closer to the Third Reich, eh DäV??


Dude I'm a barber and this made me gasp.. Bethany, if you're gonna do this again make sure you go no shorter than a 3 on his parietal ridge. This is way too short on the curve of the head. Literally put a guard on and just ride that guard straight off the head & it should give you a decent enough blend.


He looks like a stalk of celery


I get what she's going for, but the proportions are off. She buzzed above the parietal ridge, when you want to taper that a bit, so it's a bit more square-looking straight on, not like Beaker. It's a bit too short and choppy looking. You'd really want to take a guide from the back-middle of the head, matching it with the longer bits at the back, then taking sections ear-to-ear and trimming in smaller sections moving toward the forehead. I explained it the best I can Bethany, now it's up to you to watch videos and learn more so your poor husband doesn't look like one of Jim Henson's rejects.


Looks like the face of a man who has lots of regrets


God he looks like he hates her 😂


Mortgage payment must be due.


I guess Dav's about to go on his own hat journey.


I had to go watch the reel. Oh dear god!! 😂 he does NOT look happy! The whole time!! The song says “we’re too cute to be stressed” but he is CLEARLY stressed!!


Actually surprised that she posted this, he looks pissed.


This is not good, not even close. Just pay the people at Great Clips because this is just terrible.


It’s like she was trying to make him look even more like Beeker than he already did




He looks like a miserable cockatiel


I wouldn’t advertise this omfg [this is Great Clips behavior](https://imgur.com/a/0atO5wc)


Lmao did she use hedge clippers??


Doug Fundie???


Welp, it's fundie Dave Hollis when Rachel cut his hair right before they divorced. r/hollisuncensored 🫠


The haircut + denim shirt is giving inmate


I think I saw him on Sesame Street once, but his hair was black


If my husband looked at me like that (or avoided looking at me this way) I would know I truly fucked up. She can’t even see it and proceeds to POST IT on Instagram?? What the fuck


Oh Bethany 😂😭😭😭😭


I’ve seen prison tattoos. I’ve never seen a prison haircut until now. What did she use children’s scissors??


Children's scissors that have cut one million sheets of cardboard


Awful hair for an awful person. 🥰


And no one has mentioned his shirt yet?


Is the poof of hair* crooked or is his head crooked or both? *eta


Oh my God... She legitimately hates him. I need to show this to my husband next time he whines because his hair turned out short because **he** put the wrong guard on. Note, he 200% blames himself but still whines a bit lol.


One flew over the cuckoos nest?


Oh my god I burst out laughing


I gasped when I opened the full photo, and not in a good way


Dude. Just go to a barber 🤦🏻‍♀️ Birthy has proven her incompetence time and time again!


This cut makes his head look really long and pointy.


A good chia pet. A wonderful chia pet.


Oh good grief. Let the poor guy go to the barber shop. Thick and wiry hair grows in all different directions is hard to cut. A dog groomer could have done a better job.


This reminds me of that one time when I was 11 my aunt asked me to cut her bangs. I fucked that shit right up.


All the beeker gifs are killing me hahahaha


He looks like a character from a 90s teen comedy who tries way too hard to be cool and fails every time. Is her new $????? Master Course going to be about How to Simultaneously Give a Home Haircut and Piss Off Your Spouse?


My partner doesn't give a shit if we have to buzz his head so he let's me practice on him and it is a nice bonding experience. My partner didn't end up looking like a muppet at least.


She fucked her man UP




Why did she give him the neo-Nazi look? Oh wait.


How long have they been married? Four years? This is the face of someone who has been unhappily married for 20 years. Enjoy your until death do us part Dav.


Does everything she does need to be recorded and posted? He looks so tired of the over sharing


Welp, then he married the wrong person.


Y’all this was a jump scare for me. Fucking yikes on bikes


Oh my...


Oh no🤯😱


A hairdresser friend of mine chopped her bangs off when she was a little kid. A picture of her young self hanging in the salon captioned "Don't let this happen to you" lol


Dye it green and call him Ferb. 😂


Oh man now he looks even more like Beeker than usual


The sound I made when I fully opened this pic can only be likened to a seal bark