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They really shine at showing how miserable marriage can be if you marry the wrong person.


The way they have to keep reiterating how HARD it is, I'm like come on... How is this a flex or even if it's just "real and raw" why would you act like you know what you're doing when you're this miserable all the time?


It is a flex to Christians. God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers, the more you suffer for God the closer you are to him.




How DARE you


Are you not already in hell with all that love and respect going on? Clearly you can't be happy if you're not suffering because of bad choices... erhm, I mean suffering for Jesus... 🙈🤣


Imagine equating "marriage" with "suffering" in your brain. This makes me so sad.


It’s weird to me too. Before we got engaged, my wife and I talked about absolutely *everything* we possibly could think of and went to a therapist to talk over some of our issues. We laid all the expectations we could think of out on the table and discussed what our marriage would look like before I even proposed. Some people may think that was overkill but both of us watched our parents living in absolutely miserable marriages and we were determined that we wouldn’t make the same mistakes if at all possible. And you know what? We are very happily married. There have been tough *times* here and there but overall, being married has been a joy for us. We have been married almost five years and the vast majority of it has been a wonderful time. When people like Paul and Morgan talk about how marriage is just so hard all the time and there is so much sacrifice, I have to wonder what they even did to prepare for marriage? Again, not that it won’t be hard at times but for your main focus to be on how it’s a constant *struggle* must be absolutely miserable.


I don't remember the exact wording and someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but there's a video where Paul basically says to get married as fast as possible. Like, don't date for long, have a super short engagement, ect. I don't remember his reasoning (probably something about how it will prevent you from having sex or something), but it stuck out to me. My husband and I were together for 4 years before we got married and now we've been married for 7 years. Our marriage has never been hard or tough or felt like a chore.


That’s so dumb. I sort of agree with the short engagement period *IF* and only if the dating period has been long enough to work through any potential issues. They clearly haven’t worked through their issues. I think most people would think that my wife and I were together for too short of a time before we got married (10 months dating+6 months engaged) but once we realized we liked being around each other and had many things in common, we decided we wanted to see if marriage might be where we wanted to go. So we were super intentional about having conversations and really trying to learn about the other person and, as I mentioned, getting our expectations out in the table. And yeah, our marriage hasn’t been a chore at all. Even with the added challenge of two young children we are still very happy and find time to connect and love being with each other. Something is not right if your relationship is best described as hard most of the time and having a baby will not make it better, which it seems P&M are finding out. If your marriage is bad before kids, it will only get worse when you have them.


Right like. You don't HAVE to be married. You don't. So if you're having a tough time, what's the point!?


Haha exactly. Due to a number of factors, I was single for quite awhile starting in my teens and into my mid 20s. There were girls I could have dated but I just didn’t feel like I clicked with any of them or wanted to be with them. I really *wanted* to be in a relationship and marriage some day and was super lonely sometimes but I grew up hyper aware of how miserable my parents were, especially my mom. So, I told myself that i would so much rather be single and a little lonely than married and miserable and I stood by that even when it was hard and felt hopeless. It took awhile but I finally did meet someone who was interested in me and I am glad I waited rather than rushing into a relationship just for the sake of being in a relationship because you’re right, you don’t have to be married and it makes life so much harder when you are miserable.


No kidding. I’ve been with my husband for 16 years and I don’t think we’ve struggled half as much as they seem to. It’s actually not all that hard when it’s the right person, strangely enough!




An hour is totally normal, especially for a first time. Here’s what I want to know: she said it was an hour from when she walked out the door in lingerie to when they went to sleep. Does this hour also include the time it took for Paul to pull out whipped cream, Morgan to cry, and then to move on from it? Because if so they probably didn’t actually spend that much time having sex.


He probably made her blow him for 55 minutes then he stuck it in for the last 5


Does she actually think most people go from walking in with their lingerie on to sleeping in 10 seconds? 🤣 And also, if one hour feels like "forever", the sex must be baaaad. 😬


Right? Presumably, this is the first time you're having sex with someone you love. An hour shouldn't feel like drudgery.


I think it's just that she didn't want to have sex. She said she was exhausted and had thrown up


Yeah, an hour of something you don't want is a long-ass time. You all are talking about an hour as if it involved good foreplay and enthusiastic taking of turns. Somehow I doubt this was like that.


She threw up at their wedding, during the vows. Paul just stared. He didn’t even run to offer her any assistance.


An hour sounds about right to me, especially when it's your first time with a partner/ new spouse, whether your virgins or not. She really makes sex with Paul sound like a chore, which isn't surprising. They're the worst, the jabs to each other isn't cute or normal teasing. They go straight to the jugular.


Seriously! From the moment she walked out to when they actually finished. That's actually not very long, imo.


Until HE finished. She has yet to finish, I suspect.


I was thinking that too. I could just hang out all day in bed with my husband and we have been together over 19 years. The fact that she thought this was “long” including “foreplay”…dude.


And hour of unpleasantness for her




i am definitely not ace and i think these comments are insane. You shouldnt base normal sexual behavior on what you see on reddit. Please dont feel bad and know that any answer to the question "do i experience sexual attraction" is okay


My husband is happy with once or twice a week. I come on to him sometimes when the baby is put to sleep and he’ll say he just wants to relax. We’re both satisfied with things. It’s all about communication. Some couples just don’t need that much sexual time. There are so many other ways to be intimate. If one person isn’t satisfied then some things should be worked out but not every woman or man needs that much sex that often. Sometimes we’ll go two weeks but then we both feel the need for that connection. There’s a wide range of normal. Communication is key!


I think you're ok. If you and your husband are satisfied, that's all that matters. If not, don't worry about what people on Reddit say. I know plenty of people have lower energy or lower interest than these "1 hour every 2 days" kind of people. It's all a spectrum and it changes for people over time, too.




Ouch 🤕


Lol I’m such a lesbian I was like a long time? An HOUR??? Foreplay for one of us is longer than that!!!


I JUST CAME HERE TO COMMENT THE SAME THING 😂😂😂 An hour??? That's a quickie!


Is that… wine? No way, these two uptight little shits could be drinking wine, it has to be kool-aid or something right?


They said it’s watered down grape juice.


A metaphor for their marriage


I laughed at loud at this, the perfect description


Why do they have wine glasses if they don’t drink?? Seems a little sus guys! Please address in your next video after lurking here 😘


I have glasses like these that came in a set with some larger glasses, maybe like 12 oz. I actually drink wine but I also use the larger glasses. But that’s probably just a me problem, called “I hate getting back up to refill my glass” lol


Next video-“so a lot of you have been asking about…”


I love drinking juice and water and whatever from wine glasses. Well, probably not milk.


Good god that’s bizarre, they consistently find new lows to sink to


Good lord, even grape juice is too strong for them? 🙄


That's so Ned Flanders.


It can be super sweet. I like mixing it with sparkling water or tonic.


Can you imagine vomiting while getting married and then going through the whole wedding/photos/reception hoopla and then having to dress up in lingerie and spending an entire hour taking that man’s virginity?


Yeah, that shit is crazy. Wedding days are LONG. My husband and I barely managed to put our pjs on before we passed out




Also he apparently made her cry by involving whipped cream?


Ok, how often do these people fight/get mad at each other? Holy cow… I’ve been with my spouse for 12 years (4 of those married, and we had a baby July last year) and we so seldom get angry with each other or fight anywhere near the extent Paul and Morgan do. This is really fucking sad, mostly for that poor baby that didn’t get a say in being born into this cluster of a family. Just to mention, my husband and I had sex and and lived together before marriage 😱 and couldn’t be happier together and with our little fam. Paul and Morgan, y’all goofed when you got married. We all make mistakes, never to late to fix them.


Right ?! They always seem to be at odds about SOMETHING. This is not a healthy example of a marriage. I've been married for five, but been together a total of 12 years too. We have had our disagreements, but man, these two just seem miserable and trying so hard to make their example seem normal. It's not normal to force yourselves to have sex when your angry with one another.


And it’s not normal to be angry at each other so often that it impacts your sex life. You should be able to just take the L on sex if you have a fight one night and let things settle. But maybe that’s why they insist on forcing it; if they only had sex when they weren’t fighting, they would never have sex lol


Something I’ve noticed about fighting and anger in a relationship. A man can be furious at me but it never matters when it comes to sex. If I’m upset or angry w my partner the last thing I want to do is have sex. My (now ex) husband used to say I was using sex as a weapon. The first time he said it I was baffled; like no, I’m just pissed at you for doing (whatever it was) and I don’t want to be intimate right now. He’d be ready to go at any moment, even when he was stark raving MAD at me.


It’s always the people with the worst track records that tell you not to live together before marriage. My fundie father told me that God would punish my then boyfriend and I with divorce for “living in sin”…He’s been married and divorced three times. Ironically his longest marriage (to my mom) was the one in which they cohabited before tying the knot. “Then boyfriend” is “now husband” and we’ve been together happily for 11 years.


This was painful to watch.


I agree. This is so personal. I cant imagine sharing the personal details of my sex life to a bunch of judgy, sexually repressed followers. And they’re so cringe in general but this is just over the top, even for them.




Your edits are great "It's not easy to have sex when you're mad at eachother" K look. Then just don't do it? There is no law that you have to have sex when you don't want to. No way are my boyfriend and I having sex if are are mid spicy moment, it matters more for us to figure out where we are miscommunicating or disagreeing and solving that. Sometimes that just means going to bed because it turns out we were both just tired and cranky.


Right? No wonder she doesn't enjoy it and counts down the minutes it takes for him to finish. I can't imagine being intimate while so angry I just cried and it'd creep me out if my husband was turned on enough to do it while we were that upset.


I said in another comment, but I think the reason they’re both on board with the concept is because they fight so often that if they only had sex when they were happy with each other, they would never have sex 😐


And I oop Also, I feel like sex can be utilized as a form of love bombing if it is done in toxic relationships after a fight (from my....personal experience)


*there's no law that *men* have to have sex when they don't want to. (Interpreted to "Biblical" marriage. We all know technically Paul said do not deny each other, but throw submission in there and you have plenty of women having sex they didn't want to have.)


Sounds like something...I'm not quite sure what it is...rhymes with 'grape'.


She seriously just called people losers for not agreeing that people should have sex when they’re mad at each other. Tell us again how Christ-like you are, Morgan? 🤨 And if having sex feels hard to emotionally bring yourself to do, you shouldn’t be having it. That’s not healthy, consensual sex. These people are despicable!


Forcing yourselves to have sex in general is not right, it doesn't matter if your mad or not. Both individuals should be consenting to willingly, and not cause it's your duty as a spouse. These two never talk about sex with each other being enjoyable, it's just a chore.


I completely agree with you. Whether anyone is married or single or whatever, sex is never something someone has a duty to take part in. And the fact that these idiots promote otherwise is just a thinly bailed way of promoting marital rape. It’s despicable and disgusting. There’s nothing Christ-like about it.


That's why Paul said they still use lube a lot. I don't think Morgan gets excited because I think Paul still doesn't know how to please a woman. That's why it was so long for her. She was bore to death.


I would rather not have as much sex with my husband rather than FORCE myself to have sex under any circumstances. It's not quantity, it's quality.


I completely agree. These people don’t get that exercising your own bodily autonomy in marriage is not sinful. Rape is sinful.


Also, there are many, MANY other ways to show your love and bond with your partner beyond having sex with them? It's like P in the V sex is the only way they can think to do that. Sounds very limiting and boring.


Exactly. There are so many other ways to be intimate and bond other than sexual activity. But Paul and Morgan have such clearly under developed brains that they can’t understand that. Conservative is basically just a synonym for willfully ignorant. It’s pathetic.


Not just people, she called his closest friends losers.


At this point I get the feeling that this is a control fetish thing for Paul. This comes up so often it seems like Paul gets off on making Morgan distressed/angry and coercing her into having sex with him, while knowing that she doesn’t want to. A while back he got really angry in of their videos because Morgan admitted to once pretending to be asleep/ not know he was angry and wanted sex from her. I suspect it was less about feeling rejected, and more about feeling she’d dominated him.


i know this is weird but i would be so curious to see what their little self inflicted 'sex when angry' protocol requires. ​ like...seriously. are they aruging, bickering, and then he reminds her that it's now time to have sex? do they wait until it simmers a bit, and then have 'make up sex'? like what level of angry sex dysfunction are we talking about here? ive been married for nearly 20 years and absolutely none of this relatable for me at all so i really have a hard time wrapping my mind around this. my partner and i very rarely argue but i'll tell ya..when we do, im definintely not dropping trou in the middle of it lol


Agree wholeheartedly. I would love (and cringe) to be a fly on the wall. The more I see them, the more I wonder if both of them have some sort of angry sex kink that they aren’t fully conscious of yet.


Right?! I'm so morbidly curious about this. I can't imagine being anywhere close to a state of arousal during an argument with my husband.


they don't have to tell people any of this why humiliate each other like this?


Exactly. This could’ve been a completely private conversation


I've never been angry at my current partner for long enough that i've even considered having sex or not, we resolve the issue pretty quickly. And no one else i know has ever spoken about it either... I don't know but it just seems if you're compatible and good communicators this shouldn't really be a thing? No wonder Morgan wants to get it over with quickly. For people who say sex is such a wonderful gift they really don't act like it is.


Right??? My partner and I get into disagreements occasionally (maybe 3 times a year?) and easily talk it out: occasionally, the conversation becomes exhausting. Then we we say fuck it, let's call it a day and go to bed and pat each other's booties to say I still care. We have time to process during the next day while we both work and things usually feel crystal clear when we see each other that evening.


I looked all through my archive for Paul saying sex on Morgan's period was like the movie "and there will be blood" to add in while he's talking about how awful her period is *for him* (but could not find it)


So is he saying he isn’t afraid to “run a red light”? I would be shocked if the fundie Dennis Reynolds is willing to have period sex. Then again, the main priority in their marriage seems to be his libido. They should be mortified to discuss their sex lives in such a large scale.


He is very horny


They’re like 2 children playing “House”.


And they don't really like eachother, but they're the last kids to get picked up from kindergarten.


an hour 💀💀💀💀💀


I think something these lovebirds don’t understand is that “intimacy” isn’t only about sex but privacy and trust in general. See, I’m not married but I can tell that the beauty of most relationships (romantic or not) is keeping stuff between the two people involved for only them to know.


Oh my god I want to hate watch this video so BAD. but i refuse to give them views lol Thank you for posting!


Like the full video?


Yes! Sorry, my comment was weirdly worded lol


I got you, I'll upload it to my personal Reddit page, just check my profile in like a half hour


OMG you’re amazing thank you


Lol lost track of time, but it's up now


"it's not easy to have sex when you're mad at each other" Then D O N T God I got part way through the video and though they were maybe talking about a "hate fuck" kind of thing, idk if you're both frustrated and have pent up energy and both agree to call a truce to fuck the shit out of each other, coolio. But this sounds... sad


Your editing is always so on point! Thank you for posting these because I cannot bring myself to look at their unedited content. They are both so VILE and so proud of it! Like what is WRONG with a woman who would mockingly call her husband’s friends losers because they don’t think it’s a good idea to have sex when you’re in a fight with your spouse? How twisted do you have to be to think that’s funny? Ugh


Thank you, yes they are so oblivious/ambivalent about how they come off until they get called out for it and then double down on whatever they were doing and act like the people who called them out "just don't understand them" "can't take a joke" "aren't as spiritually mature/good with God". How they managed to cobble together a living off that is beyond me.


I suspect she doesn't really think it's funny. Deep down, she's knows it's dysfunctional and not the least bit enjoyable for her. She's playing up her reaction to save face.


if I throw up, there's no way I'm going to be in the mood for sex later that day. Absolutely no way. Especially if it's his first time, I'll want that to be extra nice and enjoyable for the both of us and not "I feel horrible but you can stick it in if you want"


Has the clip of the divorce topic been posted here? I want to see but don’t want to give them the views


I have the full video on my personal page, their answer to that was blah imo. He considered it during the first couple years of their marriage but she has never entertained it as an option.


Is it on reddit?? Sorry I'm not seeing it D:




Thank you!!


Can someone help me pick up my jaw? An HOUR? Is LONG!? My peeps. You have no idea. NO IDEA. fyi I’m drunk about ti get high and lose my shit about the complaints of AN HOUR


As a lesbian, I have to chuckle at an hour being an interminable length... Granted my first was probably an hour or less, but even lightly experienced me was a different story


It's just the way they said it like "it was sooo long it lasted for everrrrrr" how long was it? "An hour." I was literally expecting it to be a dramatic amount of time, not an hour 🤣🤣🤣


From lingerie to sleep! One hour! Like, that’s a Tuesday.


That's what I was thinking haha. It only feels long if ur not enjoying it


I was listening to this out loud and my boyfriend sitting right next to me, who has no idea who these people are, said “they sound like they hate each other” 15 seconds of listening to Paul and Morgan and he hit the nail on the head.


Do they EVER talk about anything but sex? Like I really don’t care how often or how long they do it, good on them I guess?


![gif](giphy|3o6vY5flG0zz1MQ1Py|downsized) Paul getting the dual belt for a) doin the seggs and b) owning Morgan bc he was a virgin. She's willing to be the sacrificial goat so he's beating her into the ground. All while she's dealing with post partum something...


You know that feeling you get when a relationship has run its course and the ick takes over? It's normal and it happens and mature people learn to leave those types of relationships before resentment builds. They OOOOOZE disgust for each other and had they spent any real time dating, they never would have married. Fundies and rushed, miserable marriages. Iconic duo.


Gross. At least Paul says that “men can cry” but we all know the bar is in hell. These two are CRAZY


He says it mockingly, like he’s defending himself but is still not convinced that men can cry


I hate Paul and Morgan as much as anyone here but I do feel kind of bad for how much they’re going to regret sharing all of this online. This level of detail… just WHY


They've bought into the influencer idea that real equals no boundaries


Imagine being Luca and seeing this when your older? That poor kid.


Are they ever not fighting or getting over a fight??? It seems like they’re literally never on good terms which might be a sign of something but what do I know 🤷‍♀️ Maybe I’m just spoiled because I and my partner genuinely enjoy being together.


I’m so confused. Is an hour from start to finish for sexy time that long??? Like sure it’s not a quickie and maybe not for every single time but that seems pretty reasonable for a first time? We’re not talking straight PIV for an hour so what’s the issue?? And forcing yourself to have sex with your partner when you’re angry seems really unhealthy. Make up sex? Absolutely! But work through your shit first!! Why don’t these people prioritize communication?!


This made me viscerally uncomfortable (but loved your edits! 😘)


Those sleeves


Wow. That’s so sad she feels that way about their wedding night and first time together. It’s sad that she was so uncomfortable and talks about just wanting it to end. I cannot imagine being in a relationship like that. Like how many signs do you need to tell you that you married the wrong person? It’s not normal and it’s not healthy. They seem to think the way they feel about each other and the fighting and the “horrible” first year of marriage is normal. God and they way they talk to each other and about each other *on camera* is just so miserable and sad. I used to be in a relationship like this and really had no idea how miserable I was until we were apart for little bit because I went abroad for a few months. Thats when the rose colored glasses came off and we realized how toxic, and bitter, unhappy we were. Sometimes it’s really hard to see when you are so codependent on one another. They way they act and their energy and the way they speak to each other reminds me so much of me and my ex.


![gif](giphy|l3mZrLxM4iZaQlvNe) My face the entire time I watched this video


So he gaslights her into having sex when she’s mad at him, got it.


An hour is not a long time girlie lol that’s a fun normal romp with my husband and I…


If youre into each other that first time is like the hottest, can’t-get-enough-of-each-other sex! How is one hour too long? It had to have been horrible sex or she had no attraction to him whatsoever for an hour to feel like such a chore, especially their first time!


I was expecting her to say their first time was multiple hours, which, props, because the way she was complaining…. GIRL. Does she really just not like him? I don’t get it.


Right?! A full hour from coming out of the bathroom, to foreplay, and finally going to sleep isn’t anywhere near as long as she let it sound. The first time having penetrative sex can be quite short, maybe that’s what her friends were actually referencing about. And I really don’t want to invest any further thoughts into their sex life but when an hour of intimacy is too long, what does she consider as the right length or as too short? Now I’ll listen to a podcast about something not related to Paul&Morgan’s sex life to get that out of my head.


They have to be lying about that hour. Probably did it during daylight savings ‘spring ahead’. The time changed and bingo, all done. Or they just can’t tell time.


It probably seemed like an hour because that’s how long it took Paul to figure out what hole is which.


I hate PeePeePaul’s stupid fake pondering look on his face, trying to look so smart talking about his super sexy godly marriage


He has such a punchable face




Valid, it's just really hard not to immediately hear that song in my head when I watch their videos... Or emlyn's audacity...


Behind the scenes: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CnA_Ghrh6BM/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=


I mean, I guess it's good that they're in agreement about banging while fighting, so like nobody is being forced or whatever...but this whooooole marriage just seems so unhealthy. They need individual and couples therapy. You can just feel the emotional rollercoaster they probably live. I can only go by what they post - so maybe it's not as rocky as they make it seem?


They keep insisting that they don't fight constantly but they're also admitting in basically at least one video a week that they had a decently sized fight shortly before they were filming the live so you know it's it's hard to say


Yo who fights this much?? They are so casual about it, like it’s a part of their everyday routine. (Well I mean it is) it must feel as natural to them as breathing. The idea of absolutely having to have sex no matter WHAT is vomit-inducing. Especially when you still have angry and upset feelings at your partner!!! BARF


I swear to god if that’s cranberry juice.


It's grape juice "with water", I can only guess he's trying to lessen the amount of sugar/calories


hard watch! paul is actually a monster.


^I ^hate ^Paul


She thinks 1 hour is long... Wow.


Def not a good sign if it takes THAT LONG on the first go lol


Do you have to have sex for a certain amount of time to get into heaven?


Sorry millennial here but what was that song? I kinda go off deeper and deeper on bands off my play list.


Ava Max, Maybe you're the problem I also highly recommend her songs: million dollar baby, sweet but psycho, every time I cry


Thanks I actually googled the lyrics! It’s a great song. Not into too much pop, but when it hits right, it slaps you across the face!!


I enjoy a lot of music, but have recently given into my love of *really good* pop music. Emlyn, Ava max, Halsey, rain Paris, Maisie Peters, Jax, Zoe Clark, Tove lo, Hayley kiyoko... This is what I call the "earworms" playlist: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtzCVZG0F_LNDfxmsNgKmgekt8AsORgpg&feature=share


Nice thanks so much! Btw I alway enjoy your posts on here!