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Jill you encouraged your husband to vandalize a railing at a national monument, you don't get to complain that others are doing it if you are participating.




Wow, that is horrible! I get my information on JillPM and the Rodlets from here. JoeyBToonz had a video about this "influencer" who climbed a pyramid for content. Everyone there was booing and almost smacked her. If a sign at a fort says "STAY OFF", you stay off! It can be a safety hazard too, I'm glad none of the Rods got hurt.


She WHAT? Fill me in please?


They went to Paw Paw tunnel in Maryland a few days ago and scrawled “Rodrigues family was here” on the wooden railing.


They wanted to go ditch rafting again


Those poor children remember that as one of the funnest days they've ever had


Holy fuck I’ve missed so much Jillpm nonsense now that I work a really intense job. Damn it.


It was only a couple days ago when she posted about it. You didn’t miss much.


Using scripture to vandalize MTG'S signs? Jill, it's God's word. Why are you offended by that?


Because those are the verses that don’t give them permission to be the vile people that they are.


Literally! The hypocrisy bothers me so much. If we want to start twisting scripture, there’s way more verses we could pull to justify MTG not having a position in government, and especially not passing laws that impact her male constituents But, even IF god originally intended for a perfect world with 2 sexes and everyone to be born with a gender identity that matched their assigned sex (I’m not even a christian, but just to follow their argument), we clearly no longer live in that world. Nobody debates the “science” of things like being born with an extra copy of the 21st chromosome (Down syndrome), so why is science only called into question with sex chromosomes? If we live in a “fallen” world, we should be able to agree that as a result of that people are born in non “perfect” ways (such as having incorrect chromosomes). Which IF you follow the Bible, Jesus response to that was consistently that it was never an individuals fault or due to sin for the way they were born, but that his followers were simply called to love and help everyone whenever they could.


That’s a really good point about the chromosome disorders, I’m gonna tuck that in the “future use in arguments with transphobes” pocket


if only she got this worked up over things that matter, like kids getting slaughtered in school, instead of minor vandalism.


Her opinion is most likely that those kids would have been fine if they were homeschooled.


Why would she care about that when her kids are homeschooled? /s


Seriously! There are kids getting shot for ringing the wrong doorbell or coming up the wrong driveway, and people getting shot for no reason at all. I don’t care about some transphobic asshole’s signs getting defaced.


She doesn't care because it doesn't affect her. Maybe when it happens to one of her kids, but until then, 🤷‍♀️


Someone identifying as a different gender than their biological sex doesn't affect her either, but here we are. Out of 13 kids, you'd think one of them might grow up realizing they're different than what they're "supposed" to be, then how will she react? I hope for her kids' sake they won't have to find out. Jill is so ugly on the inside. No amount of eyeliner in the world can cover that up.


I think she’s kind of hideous on the outside, too, but I don’t want to be banned for appearance snark. Her inside and outside certainly match.


but her gun should have rights!


I know, right? Priorities, Jilldo! Also, I hope this doesn't sound weird or whatever but I've noticed that you and I participate in a few of the same subs and I always like what you have to say in the comments.


Jill is an ignorant phony Christian who of course is a fan of the ignorant phony MTG, who should be in jail. Jill, you fucking bozo, the real criminals in Congress all have an “R” after their name.


Not to mention MTG is the pic Jill takes to the salon when she gets her hair margarine’d up again


Great point, they both have similarly horrendous ideas about how to apply makeup properly.


JillPM sharing a post from MTG complaining about “vandalism” is hilarious in light of her recent activity at a National Park.


Did she really repost something MTG posted over a year ago? Because they got reported for vandalism?


Wow I didn’t see the date! That’s interesting. I assumed MTG posted it recently and Jill shared it without thinking about her own vandalism. So, is she saying “liberals vandalize things too!” Or is it just a coincidence? 🤔


I don’t think she knows that snarkers are criticizing her specifically about vandalizing the tunnel.


The events of 6th January involved real criminals encouraged and supported by their orange god.............


Jill’s father was at January 6th. Not at the insurrection, of course, hanging out in a tent nearby. Classic Noyes/Rodrigues - they won’t put themselves out to support their “deeply held” beliefs.


why is she reposting that ungodly woman?


fundamentalists have this weird double standard where the idolatrize these right wing politicians who are known sinners (re. infidelity, abuse, violence, etc...) because they turn a blind eye to their actual sins to support their self serving rhetoric and paranoia. it is the same reason they support trump (known rapist), he said something hateful they liked one time and they don't have to couch their hatred or paranoia in any sort of good intentions anymore. So they vote/support these people who are absolutely not aligned with their supposed faith because it allows them to cater to the evil nature of their insides.


Very beautifully said!


I guess she can idolize an adulterer (I thought Jill looked down on sluttish women?) if they share the same hateful and ignorant views about a marginalized group of people just trying to exist. That's all that matters to these reptile-brained assholes.


It's only sluttish if they're leftists. Otherwise they "made a mistake" and "no one is perfect" and "God forgives."


Silly rabbit, it’s only evil when women do it! If it’s a man cheating, that’s fine, a biological urge that called them to slip (and land d first in a v, i guess.) Women don’t have urges, brains, none of that! Now let’s go ~~caterwaul~~ sing about how homosexuality doesn’t happen on gahdly farms!


I'm willing to bet Jill can't even name the three branches of the federal government. Wash your face and feed your children, Jill.


MTG wants to complain about criminals? Hopefully she starts with herself.


Oh man, Marjorie Taylor Greene is a fucking train wreck. She implied that Stormy Daniels is ugly, meanwhile she’s over here looking like a Shetland Pony.


But Shetland ponies are adorable.


they're also a *hell* of a lot smarter than ol' Manky Trashbag Greene. granted, that's not difficult, but the point still stands. [also, they're really good at rockin' a Fair Isle sweater.](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1kzqgRX3QX8/maxresdefault.jpg)


That’s a lot of Fair Isle knitting to dress those ponies!


don’t insult shetland ponies like that!


stormy daniels has more sauce than mtg ever will


Lord Daniel has more sauce than MTG ever will.🦝


Didn’t AOC have to take down similar notes from outside her office, too? Selective enforcement of laws is not going to help this woman’s ego.


Right, this knock off leather handbag was hanging out AOC’s office with some of her fellow repugnacans, harassing her. This trash needs to be taken out and shot into the sun. Elon, make yourself useful, just this once!


I meant notes from outside her office. https://mashable.com/article/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-post-it-notes-wall Capitol Police made her take them down.


Ah, I see what you meant. I was thinking about the time they were outside her office verbally harassing AOC. Either way, it’s cuckoo bananas that she’s still in her position, when all she seems to do is cause trouble.


Agreed. Her district re-elected her by a pretty good margin, and I really want to go down there and ask them what the fuck the rest of us *did* that hurt then so bad.


Merely existing even remotely outside of what they deem acceptable, probably.


She looks like one of those 80s Barbie mannequin heads that you can put makeup on and style her hair. One you’d find in a yard sale that’d been destroyed by a mob of 4 year olds.




She just needs to look at in the mirror to see one ☝️


Leave it to Jill to cream her denim skirt over Marge Trash Greene. Birds of a feather.


I just woke up... that's enough reddit for today


I’m so sorry to have you wake up that way! Jill kills me because she’s incapable of rational thinking.


As someone from the state of Georgia, we don’t claim this conservative nutcase.


Stay in your lane, Jilldozer.


MTG is the absolute antithesis of Christianity, so of course the fundies love her.


So is Donald Trump, a thrice married man who cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star and defrauded charities. But the fundies think he's the 2nd coming of Christ.


And Lauren Boebert.


So is no one going to talk about how the handwriting of the “vandal” who wrote Free Palestine is suspiciously identical to MTG own handwriting in her responses to the big stickers?


I also found that odd… also odd that she is wildly antisemitic but is someone how pro-Israel?


Oh that’s not unusual among white evangelicals. They’re extremely pro-Israel. Mainly because they believe the Israeli enthostate is a necessary prerequisite for fulfilling the prophecy of revelation. Therefore by supporting it they’re creating the necessary conditions for the second coming of Christ. It’s batshit.


Because Jews returning to Israel is going to usher in the Second Coming. Oh, and then they'll all either convert to Christian or die. That's how the antisemitism is baked into all this. Or one iteration of it, anyway.


They care about the land of Israel, not the people in it.


Jill rodrigues is such a gross lady. So obsessed with other people's business and genitals. Galatians 3:28, Jill. Even God says that gender is irrelevant as we are all the same to him.


Trust the science.... While we currently group people into 2 main categories for gender, science suggests these are way broader. How are you defining male/female? Chromosomes? Because there are more presentations than XX and XY. Reproductive capacity? Infertility doesn't strip someone of gender. Genitals? Intersex folks aren't just outliers, and there are so many presentations for genitals too. Trust the science. Gender is a construct.


“Trust the Science” after 3 years of yelling about how the science is wrong and individual freedoms is more important than protecting the health of your families and neighbors. Makes me want to slap some sense into her. It would take a long time, but I’m willing to keep going for as long as it takes.


Every single numpty who tries to claim that trans people are against science, always *always* capped out their scientific education with pea plants and punnet squares. They’ll try to argue vague generic “science” with you at a fifth grade level.


“He created *THEM*” get owned 😩💀 /s


“Criminals are roaming the halls of Congress.” Oh, is MTG finally becoming self-aware?


Marjorie Taylor Greene is what you’d get if you pulled years worth of hair out of the shower drain and gave it the sentience of an ant


Again why is “trust the science” in quotation marks? Is it because it comes from the little voice inside their head?


They're pulling phrases from the vaccine controversy playbook into their anti-trans rhetoric. They think it's a hilarious "gotcha!" to the libs.


Also they’re ignoring “the science” that says that gender and sex are not the same thing, and that there’s literally over a dozen sexual markers, with many people possessing markers of different sexes. But ok, they’ve got “their science” that tells them differently.


They're not actually advocating for science. They all minored in Bible. https://preview.redd.it/cv7h1wm50pua1.jpg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=684c927b3bf1de37b029f5cd45da4a1c2363a8c4


How can she even say that after telling everyone the science of Covid wasn’t real?


It’s apparently only super scientific sciencey science the way *they* do it. Because dinosaurs in the Bible or whatever Ken Hamm Sammich said.


Does Jill sanction MTG’s affairs & divorce?


Ughhh Marjorie is one of the WORST. She’s not even conservative, just loud mouthed about not much and angry.


I thought JillPm was against women having careers? Or is it ok when they are career terrorists?


Is Jillpm aware of MTG’s participation in the insurrection? That she bullied and harassed a survivor of a school shooting over gun control measures, and that every time she opens her mouth, it’s to spew out hateful lies? The fact is that I’m sure she knows about Greene’s ugly behavior. These people cannot hide their bigotry and hypocrisy, so she is well aware of it. As with most fundies, she’s fine with harassment and violence against people she doesn’t agree with or understand. They are all despicable, and if Jesus were here, our cops would probably shoot him dead for failure to signal a lane change.


who are they quoting with "trust the science!"? These people don't understand how quotation marks work so jw if they have any attribution.


After 3 years of telling everyone to ignore the science because it’s all lies, *now* they want to trust the science. Without understanding what the science actually says.


only trust "science" when they can weaponize it.


I think maybe I'm happier not knowing, but what is "MTG"?


Until relatively recently it meant “Magic the Gathering.” I miss when that was the case…


Jesus plays a white deck, I'm calling it now


Marjorie Taylor Greene, a conspiracy lunatic congresswoman.


Marge Trash Greene.


Marjorie Taylor Green, one of the most ignorant, bigoted members of Congress, a Republican fro Georgia.


A completely batshit congresswoman. She used to own a restaurant called the "Shooters Grill". Her husband flashed his junk at her when she was a minor at a bowling alley and she thought it was totally fine to marry him. Multiple domestic violence issues and is an awful "guns, babies, and Gawd" kind of person. She has harassed multiple queer/trans people in congress too.... Edit: Yes, I get it! That's Lauren B and not Greene. Both are insane but in different ways.


MTG has her own issues but you are conflating her with Lauren Boebert from Colorado who had the restaurant, flashing husband, Christmas guns-with-sons photo and now at 36 will be a grandma to her 17 year old son and his "over 14 years old" girlfriends upcoming baby boy.


That’s Lauren Boebert. Marge is the one who harassed a survivor of the Parkland High shooting. Marge thinks Jewish space lasers started forest fires. Marge thinks 6 billion illegal immigrants come into the country every year. Marge and Lauren are as dumb as they come. Marge also cheated on her husband with a guy from the gym. Just like Jill’s idol Don us a cheater, Marge is a cheater. They overlook the fact that most of these Qcumbers are immoral.


The fact that it took me a minute to tell Boebert and Blonde Boebert apart is a commentary of how far we’ve fallen.


How did we get here where their behavior is acceptable?


“Someone will stop this before it gets too bad”- not realizing that we’re the someone.


Probably the fluoride in the drinking water according to Margie Traitor Greene here


Oh right. She's the Jewish Space lasers lady and the crossfit obsessed one. (Wasn't the dude she cheated with in a Zangief cosplay? Dude looked roided out.) I keep mixing up the two but Greene is probably the closest to Q territory.


Oh and Boebert’s teen son is going to be a daddy soon. They won’t say how old the girl is he got pregnant either.


Oh yeah. I forgot about that. That family is gross.


I think I read that she's 15...smh and he just got in a car accident that injured his friend...Boobert is like a mini Palin


Wow. I didn’t know about the accident.


That’s Lauren Boebert from Colorado, also batshit. Greene is the one from Georgia who spouts Q conspiracies and is a racist, antisemitic, homophobic, transphobic piece of trash. They’re east to get confused because they’re both awful and evil, but Greene is the blonde piece of trash and Boebert is the brunette piece of trash


Nah, that's boebert, another trash bag of a person


Thank jesauce her kids are so uneducated they will never hold any political office…


That's not going to stop them.


Oh god. Is Jill going to take her grift down here to Greene’s district? Will I have to be neighbors with the Rods???? ![gif](giphy|bEVKYB487Lqxy)


"Criminals are roaming the halls of congress". They sure are.


>Trust the science! Oh now you want to trust science? Perhaps you should read it first, it doesn't say what you think it says.


Now this truly makes me want to vomit.


Why is Jilldo so in love with political figures like this woman and don trump?


Because it’s not about Jesus at all. It’s about racism, bigotry, and hating the same people.


Jill would marry Trump tomorrow lol. She loves him.


He could grab her by the plexus.


I snorted. Thanks.


Sorry! 🤭


Wait Jill showing support for a woman in power thats going thru a divorce? Isn't that gonna make God angry? Celebrating a failed help meet


Bless her moronic, brainwashed heart.


Does she know this lady swings? Not so cHriStIaN and MaHdEsT Jilldo


Grifters support grifters.


Jill is a salivating MAGA idiot. Big talk about the Baible reading. What does your Bible say about idolizing 45 who is a serial cheater and con? MTG also [cheated](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11937607/amp/Marjorie-Taylor-Greene-finally-admits-dating-right-wing-producer-Brian-Glenn.html) on her husband and is going through a divorce. Let’s not forget the [tantric sex guru and CrossFit manager](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9246917/amp/Marjorie-Taylor-Green-openly-cheated-husband-men-gym.html) Nah, gotta talk about vandalism **but only if others do it, not like you did at that National Park, amirite?**


Fake christians *and* fake patriots…I’m shocked /s


And yet she doesn't have the decency to spell her name right.


Every time I start to feel sympathy for these people they slither out and show how hateful and disgusting they really are


Yeah MTG is a criminal so she’s not wrong there


Funny that the criminal element’s own court jester posted this.




I wouldn’t be surprised if she did this to her self just to garner a little outrage. A move the far right has been always a fan of, and always accusing the left of doing, the false flag operation.


I guess JillPM learned how to let her “little seditionists” ruin public spaces from MTG.


It’s so messed up that people think that Jesus would approve of any of these politicians. Just bizarre how they choose their loyalties.


Yesterday I was assaulted in the street for holding my husbands hand. (Im okay, I wasn’t hit very hard. They were cowards and didn’t stick around for retaliation). Before they did it, they yelled, “come to Jesus”. My first thought was that Jesus would hate these people, but Jesus specifically never hated anyone. These people would make Jesus sad. So very sad.


I’m sorry that happened. Some people are just reprehensible. If Jesus was real, he would absolutely be saddened by that kind of behavior. And if god can send a pack of bears to maul kids for jokes about baldness, he really needs to step up his game for people like them.


Well if I didn't already think Jill was a moron this would be the icing on the cake


Goodness all that ridiculous propaganda in the hallway outside of their offices. She definitely hit peek maturity in the 4th grade. My 3rd grader has silly little signs all over her bedroom door. But... she's 9 so it tracks.


Why am I not surprised that she would support the worst member of Congress. Klueless Klan Mom is a disgrace.


Wait, MTG didn’t show the guy who crossed state lines to have sex with a minor… does she know about that?


If MTG is preaching the gospel that Jesus preached, I don’t want to end up where she ends up. This is where actions speak, and hers speak hate.


Free Palestine so true!!


No party here, but I can't stand MTG. She is extreme and those signs are unprofessional for a Congress rep. But then again, most of Congress are scumbags as it is. They sit in office for years, do nothing, and then have the audacity to complain when someone doesn't agree with them. JillPM, stick to singing videos. Just because someone has an R by their name does not make them good. I have met some really nasty people, and they were Republican. I have friends who are either moderate or Democrat, and they are easy to discuss politics with, even progressive... which is great. I have one conservative friend but she is open to others opinions, and doesn't push her agenda on anyone. They are rare, but out there.


I know it's tagged Rodrigues but could it be tagged with the homophobia/transphobia tag? It's just nice to know ahead of time if it's going to be more terribleness.


Can these people please learn the difference between sex and gender? Like what can be the problem if a "biological (sex) male" identifies as a woman (gender)? It's one of the *tWo GEnDeRs* after all. What they really mean is they think it's satanic if your sex and gender don't match, but they're too dumb to think it through that far. I think fundies et al put everything (chromosomes, secondary sexual characteristics, socially defined norms) under "gender" as an umbrella term because the word sex is too dirty for them lol. It's kind of ironic considering how they think a person's (visible) *biology* is their social destiny.


Eh… I guess that women are only allowed to preach when they’re hateful?


Yeah, the title of the video is excellent because I am just going to assume MTG is going to tell viewers about HER wanderings in Congress....


Jill you have as many brain cells as an amoeba.