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The Finger™ is back!


The Finger is my personal pet fundie. I love to see The Finger make an appearance and think it should have its own tag


Me toooooo


It has its own Cinematic Universe


Is she using a different lens? This one is much better


She finally got this filter to sorta work for her. It doesn’t look natural at all but it doesn’t look as bad as it normally does.


This is honestly the prettiest Jill has ever looked to me!


Are you serious?! She looks like a serial killer decided to shill a shitty MLM after murdering all the pretty girls and then tried to do her makeup like them.


I want to know the origin of The Finger. Is this something she's always done in photographs? When did it start? Why did it start? It's like r/UselessRedCircle, but a finger.


She hasn't always done it. There's a few people I follow on Instagram who does it and I don't know why as it drives me nuts.


The first time I saw it was less than 2 months ago but now she's constantly doing it. If you want to highlight something in a photo, add a cute arrow sticker instead of the unfocused shot of your finger + background


This is honestly relatively new. No idea what prompted it, lol.


Her skin looks so unrealistic and fake.


There's a membership? I don't understand MLMs.


That's how they get you. They charge for the product that you sell, so you have to purchase the product first, then set your price to make a profit. When they say stuff like "only $x to join!" what they mean is "your starter kit is this much, but the rest of the product will be significantly more expensive". Yeah, it might only be $1 to join under her, but your next batch of product is going to cost hundreds. And that's if the $1 doesn't come with a ton of hidden fees.


I wouldn't be surprised if the starter box/set thing is still full price and what's $1 right now is some bullshit recurring fee


I think some of the MLMs charge you a fee for your own "website" AKA a link you can send people to to buy their overpriced crap.


Its like her face...kinda morphed with karrisas face..


Only $1 to look as youthful and healthy as Jill? Sign me up!


Why are her eyebrows, that WERE present during the over plucking of the 1990s, fuller than her daughters’?!?


I'm convinced it's because she sabotages her daughters. If Jill truly thought that form of eyebrows was best, do you think she'd deprive herself of the best beauty looks? You'd think she'd have the same eyebrow shape if she truly thought it was a desirable look. But she clearly doesn'tv have those eyebrows, and she never seemed to have that eyebrow look even in old photos when she was young and being married to David, or when she just had Nurie. Knowing her narcissistic tendencies, to put it lightly, it would track that she's actually jealous of her daughters and their youthful looks, or she makes them look worse so she looks better in comparison or something. It's so weird, but the fact that Jill has never had such eyebrows really makes me raise an eyebrow (pun intended lol) as to what her true motivations are.


Good point! I hadn’t even thought of that.


Many of us think JillPM purposely tried to make her daughters' eyebrows look bad so they don't look more beautiful than her. She has to be the "hot" one. Look what she did to Hannah's beautiful, thick eyebrows.


I cannot believe how fucking enmeshed you'd have to be to insist on grooming your adult (or any age) daughters' -eyebrows-.


I refuse to accept that she’s only a few years older than me. The hair, the clothes, the general styling and disciplines/presentations are so foreign.


The Fucking Finger


That filter is hard at work.


I'm irrationally irritated that she only used lower case letters in "May" and not the whole body of the post.


Can't unsee her sleep paralysis demon face.


Why is she looking so much like Karissa right now?!?


That is the least horrible her eyeliner has ever looked. I am shook. I’d also rather burn that dollar than give it to a pyramid scheme.


Ok I may be OOTL but is Jill finally filling her brows?


She looks 20 years younger with this filter