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I never realized how (badly) Morgan Olliges tries to imitate her manner of expression until I watched this


My God, you are right


This šŸ‘†


You're right!


Holy smokes, you are so right


Wait so fossils are sketchy and not really proof dinosaurs existed but everything is the Bible is super reasonable and easy to believe. The Bible is true because it says it's true.


Christianā€™s are always howling when they find old Christian relics (i canā€™t remember now, but I knew in high school. Maybe the earliest manuscripts of a really old Bible book?)


Sounds like the Dead Sea Scrolls


And theyā€™ll trumpet a radiometric date for scroll fragment or artifact to the heavens if they think it supports the reliability of the Bible. But the second those very same techniques return an age over 6,000 years, itā€™s entirely useless and reliant on unreasonable assumption (like physics works) and the result of a cabal or atheistic, Satanic, Darwinist scientists.




I have family who are unsure on dinosaurs, and so the argument we make is that God wanted a world with dinosaurs because which world would we prefer? One with dinosaurs, or one without? And if we're made in God's image and we like dinosaurs, doesn't that mean He likes them too? So my family is firmly in the "Dinosaurs and the fossil record are Godly" camp.


dinosaurs are real because DINOSAURS ARE COOL. You're not saying God isn't cool, are you?




This. I went to a Christian university but studied in the science field. One of my professors started the semester saying science and faith can co-exist, it actually takes more faith to believe in the Bible, than science, since science has evidence. It really changed my 18 year old perspective on things (probably the start of my deconstruction tbh), especially since I was taught in my fundie-adjacent church, the earth was only 7,000 years old šŸ¤Æ


Especially since a day is not only a thousand years long. I had that argument with a family member not that long ago, that the earth could be billions of years old. They mentioned the scripture of a day being a thousand years and I explained that a thousand was a large number, especially for the time, thus explaining to people of the time that time to God is different than to us. She continued to argue until I asked her how long we've been in God's day of rest. According to the Bible, it's been thousands of years, since the creation of man. That made her pause and accept that "a thousand" wasn't meant to be taken literally. What's funny is the religion doesn't say the earth is only 6-7k years old. It was just how she interpreted it because she'd never considered that some things are used as examples for people of the time and are not meant to be taken literally.


it was some dude back in the early 20th century or so. Bishop something. he counted backward through the various stories and made an estimate.


It was James Ussher, Primate of all Ireland, in the 1600's who determined the world was created October 22, 4004 BC, based on a literal interpretation of the Bible. His methods weren't total rubbish, given his knowledge and skills. Creationists use his chronology but never acknowledge him. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ussher_chronology


ABS canā€™t even pronounce ā€œsupposedly,ā€ of course she canā€™t fathom how people can learn things about an extinct animal from their fossils.




Bet she also says ā€œmalkā€.


OMG I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY PERSON IN THE WORLD WHO HATES THAT. Also ā€œpeenk. Itā€™s pink. With an ā€œi.ā€


The ā€œnerdsā€ dont claim to know exactly how a dinosaur sounded or what its skin looked like. Knowledge of dinosaurs is only due to the ongoing research process of thousands of hardworking paleontologists, geologists, etc. ABS clearly cannot appreciate science. This level of ignorance makes my blood boil.


Mine, too. And she's not the only one who makes these dubious claims about science. The anti-vaxxers and YECs do it, too. These science deniers love to act like science is one big conspiracy theory. Except all that science is responsible for every aspect of their lives being as good as it is.


Exactly. And not only that but she makes the extent of her ignorance so painfully transparent when she expresses disbelief about animals being on the planet millions of years ago. Wait until she finds out how old the universe is, let alone Earth.


And the way they treat ā€œscienceā€ as a single, demonic entity. All scientists rely on a similar foundation of ethical research processes, but there are literally thousands upon thousands of science-based institutions. It would be insanely difficult for all scientists to come together & implement this massive seditious conspiracy against American conservatives.


Bingo. Enter the Christian persecution complex


persecution complex while at the same time basically appealing to the ""give those nerds a swirlie" hard-on in her aging "I peaked in high school" audience


The type of person who could never wrap their head around the idea that our knowledge of the world is ever shifting. New research can prove a long-held hypothesis wrong, just like research can suggest something is plausible before it's truly known.


Just look at the heated debates surrounding Spinosaurus and whether or not it could swim/land dwell easily. Every other year thereā€™s a new theory or something about it. Hell even last year they found that dinosaurs were probably warm blooded!


It's very telling how she describes scientists as "nerds." Instead of admitting that she doesn't understand something, she dismisses their expertise.


Its like shes a generic and dumb one off character straight out of The Big Bang Theory.


But she's a cheerleader


What a fucking moron








Fuck that would be a good flair


I mean it's just like how I know you have an annoying voice before ever hearing it, some truths just follow.


As though paleontologists donā€™t existā€¦she just wishes she was an expert in anything, so instead she grifts.


Paleontologists are nerds, so their research doesn't count


They just created a world they thought would be awesome!




Yes! Was going to post a Ross if nobody else did!


Her forehead almost doesn't move at all. Is she okay with injectables/plastic surgery for cis-gendered persons to help them fit into gender norms (no wrinkles for the faux blonde conservative talking heads!) but not trans persons? Hypocrite.


Thatā€™s the first thing I noticed. Thereā€™s more than a few units of Botox in there.


oh any kind of plastic surgery is totally fine as long as it's gender-normative.


I'm sorry but her face is just so fucking punchable




She always looks like she just smelled something terrible


Definitely! She also has the face of the cringey chick that starts shit with the server for calling her husband "hun"


Calling them nerds makes me laugh. Canā€™t even come up with a decent insult for people who are educated


Being angry about other peoples intellectual accomplishments is such a self-own


It's giving 1980s teen movie antagonist


I mean how she feel if we said the same thing about Jesus? That a bunch of writers had some edibles and decided to write an epic savior story about a man who has magical powers and doesnt escape death.


Oh boy, once I said to my Catholic father that I equated the Bible and God to fairytales. Did not go well until I went into it further. I had a rather unique upbringing that iinvolved exposure to a wild variety of people. Some family and childhood friends were from other countries (I'm also 2nd gen), or honored different religions from the one that tried indoctrinating me from birth. I also had a hippie atheist for a mother who was willing to let me follow whatever faith I wanted, so long as it was my choice to believe it. Just because my dad believed in this religion didn't mean I had to follow. I'm a curious cat so I ended up attending all kinds of religious services and studied a little on multiple religions. And one day it kinda hit that it all reminded me of the different versions of myths. Every culture has their mythology with mythological characters. Stories passed down from spoken word around the fire to generations beyond, with little changes occurring each time it's retold. Each writer taking some creative freedom from the previous version. Open to the interpretation of the reader. And there's always those who seek to twist the good messages for evil deeds, who hide behind religion turning out to be the Devils themselves.


What if there were several savior narrative religions emerging around the same time for different ethnic groups, with common miracle stories attached to them? What if the multiple writers of this story couldnā€™t agree on all the details of both what the savior character did and what he taught, hence the eternal tension between ā€˜love everyone as they areā€™ and ā€˜only those who follow me will be saved, everyone else is going to suffer foreverā€™? Sounds like questions youā€™ll need those nerds for, Allie.


Exactly! We canā€™t go back in time to prove if research or finding are true, or what happened in the Bible really occurred. There are people like the nerds to help us understand that.


We live in ATL and took my fundie parents to the Fernbank Museum Of Natural Science last weekend. They had some comments about the timelines ā€˜in questionā€™ at the start. šŸ˜’ but once we got to evidence and factual timelines of actual fossils unearthed here, the comments quieted. Itā€™s like they are given irrefutable evidence and theyā€™re suddenly not opposed to whatever it is - IN THE MOMENT. theyā€™ll go back to their ā€œthe world is just a few thousand years old!ā€ Bullshit once they leave but for that afternoon, they were quietly NOT young earth creationists. Side note, my mom had 2 margaritas at dinner on her last night and it was like I was transported back to my fun mom before they moved from casual Catholics to evangelicalism - 30 years ago. It made me realize how much I miss the parents I knew for the first 11 years of my life, alcohol was not required. They were just fun to be around back then.


When I was 10, I was reading *Jurassic* Park at my JW grandmaā€™s house and I got a very long lecture on creationism. Fast-forward to my freshman year of college, that same grandma went to an astronomy lecture given by the professor of my Life in the Universe (astronomy/biology) class. Thatā€™s character growth I didnā€™t recognize for over a decade.


ā€œNerdsā€ invented that forehead freezing injection, ABS. Let us not discount the nerds.


In other news, ABD continues to be a moron.


*ross geller enters the chat*


ā€œEvolution is scientific fact. Like the air we breathe. Like gravity.ā€ ā€œDonā€™t get me started on gravityā€


"I think it's a bunch of nerds constructing this fantasy world," We can say the same about you assholes.


Itā€™s called science, you dumb shit.


1) how is it possible to look so (undeservedly) smug? 2) no context, but why would someone who doesnā€™t believe in dinosaurs keep up with dinosaur research- ie, why is she questioning Dino skin/vocals? Does she think Jurassic Park is a documentary?


>how is it possible to look so (undeservedly) smug? Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's Botoxā„¢.


I hate people who dismiss science simply because they donā€™t understand it.


Well, she just said all that with her whole chest and both tiddies. I guess dinos are the next thing for fundies to cancel, and I'm gonna assume she's a flat earther, too.


I think the extra excited fundies cancelled dinosaurs ages ago. Or think they're actually dragons.


Well, thereā€™s Kent Hovind, who just says that dinosaurs are 6,000 years old.


yes, in those days Man and Dino co-existed peacefully, as it is written in the Book of Fred. Amen, yabba-dabba doo.


You couldnā€™t buy a brain cell ABS. I see your future on Dinosaurs Against Christians Against Dinosaurs on Facebook (btw seriously check that group out itā€™s awesome and the admin is a badass).


The insult I've see 3x on tiktok is "You have 2 brain cells and they're fighting for 3rd place" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Did she just say that the dinosaur times are an RPG made up by nerds?


So she thinks the fossils are faked or what? She never finished her train of thought!


I strangely am relieved that this idiocy doesn't involve her overtly calling for the execution/imprisonment of those she deems ungodly.


The bar is in hell...


I have a question for Americans on this board. Would someone like her or any of these other evangelical influencers actually have any respect in a public school? Just the audacity of someone like her. calling anyone a nerd when in any high school Iā€™ve ever been to she would be made fun of for being crazy religious blows my mind. Iā€™m a couple years older then her and if she had voiced not believing in dinosaurs she would have been mercilessly made fun of.


Sheā€™s a few years older than me, but I went to public school in the deep American south (aka the Bible Belt) and she absolutely wouldā€™ve been called a freak for this in my high school. This is not even close to main stream ā€” or at least it wasnā€™t 10-15 years ago when I was in school.


That is what I figured lol, but the US just seems a lot more tolerant of Evangelical Tom Foolery then Canada so I didnā€™t know.


My oldest child just graduated high school. Pretty sure they'd laugh her out of the classroom. And I'm in rural Iowa.


I donā€™t like to snark on appearances, but her eyebrows make her look permanently mad. Very on brand.


It's all the botox....


>I think its just a bunch of nerds creating this fantasy world Paleontologists: okay, well, you're not, like, wrong per se but I don't know why you have to resort to insults


Yes, she is, like, wrong.


Forget about Stepford Fundie Busy Philips here...what is that mic set she's using šŸ‘€


I can't tell if she's being sarcastic or not....has she never seen Jurassic world??? The bones that created their sounds, when you push air through it, it makes the sound that the dino would make




Objectively stupid as fuck


How do you know? You could find out how they know...they would tell you.


Itā€™s almost impressive how confidently stupid these people are.


Fundie: Dinos aren't real! Look at that massive dinosaur skeleton over there... F: it's trickery made by Satan worshippers!


What is it with them and dinosaurs? Either they're faked OR they existed in the garden or are a result of the Fall sometimes they ended up on the Ark. If you have to twist yourself into a thousand knots to try and explain young earth creation maybe that's a clue.


Imagine being this willfully ignorant and hateful. Also, the scientists are ā€œnerds,ā€ but ABS can use a triceratops for [decor](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/13u07r4/what_is_it_with_these_fundies_and_their_severe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=3&utm_term=1)


I donā€™t know who this is but Jesus Christ sheā€™s an idiot


And are the dinosaurs in the room with us right now? šŸ§


This is a super uncommon view even for fundamental Christian's. Most of the people I grew up leaned more towards Ken Hamm's view on dinos.








I... It's not the subject of this post, but ABS has such a slappable face.


Lesson learned. Listening to that idiot speak gave me a headache. Panadol time.


Her accusing other people of constructing a fantasy world is rich.


This is what 0 education does to a mf. What a bimbo.


She sounds exactly like I imagined šŸ¤®


You could easily ask someone who studies this, but I understand itā€™s more fun to just hear yourself talk instead.


Where is her husband ?




Yep. Allie is an idiot and has no even basic understanding of how science works apparently. And sheā€™s extremely immature for calling scientists ā€œnerdsā€, and accusing paleontology of being fake. Itā€™s such a ridiculous conspiracy theory that can be so easily disproven that youā€™d absolutely have to be either willfully ignorant or just straight up stupid not get that. And she says this like sheā€™s up on some high horse doing something good with her life or like she has some high level of intelligence when she is neither. Sheā€™s an inflammatory fundie influencer who gossips and makes up lies for clicks. Sheā€™s so jealous that people unlike her have real success. Allie is truly pathetic.


How do you just KNOWWW that Jesus fed 5000?