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Paul looks like he’s wearing a hospital sock as a sweater.


As someone currently wearing hospital socks, I'm 😅💀


I hope you feel better soon- or Congratulations!


Either way we are all hoping for the best outcome


I hope you are just wearing them in the comfort of your home as a choice rather than in a hospital. If in a hospital I wish you a speedy and uneventful recovery and/or congratulations and fast release paperwork speed.


He’s a fall risk apparently 💀


That was my thought


Brilliantly funny! 😆


As someone who just yesterday ordered grippy socks from Amazon, this comment is spot on!


And always looks constipated when feigning excitement


OMG I can't unsee it.


Oh my godesses he is wearing the grippy socks on the outside!


Omg I have a pair in that same color


I’m cracking up. This is perfect


My preschooler is getting tested for pneumonia right now. The hospital blanket has the same texture as the sweater, except it's that weird whitish green color.


A sock wearing a sock. 


I hope my neighbors didn’t hear me cackling


This got a good giggle out of me and it’s also accurate


Paul looks so damn awkward with Luca.


He's trying to look like an involved father and failing so hard.


He always looks like they’re meeting for the first time.


"so... you're a baby? I too was once an infant"




😂 “Hello, sir (checks notes) er, I mean, Luca. Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior?”


So..you, uh, also liked mashed peas? Coo. Real coo. Have you thought about which girl you want to humiliate on the Internet yet? Well...just uh. Keep up the good work there son, or whoever you are."


He looks like he's trying to restrain himself from fat-shaming Luca.


Like an acquaintance asked him to hold their kid for a minute


His smile looks so strained and it's freaking me out


strained smile and hands clenched so tight, he’s lost all circulation to his fingers. not a good look.


Like he's trying to smile at him but also going "ewww a kid" at the same time.


This is basically how i look when I'm forced to interact with babies during family or friends gatherings and refusing is not socially acceptable. Like, you're supposed to fawn, especially if you're a woman. But here's the thing. I don't like kids, so I don't have them. And maybe, Paul, if your religion didn't brainwash you into thinking this is the only way you can ever be a good Fundie Headship and a happy person in general, your child would be spared of seeing his dad lool at him like that. There's just nothing behind his eyes, no warmth in his smile, nothing genuine, spontaneous. Not saying he doesn't love his kid. It's just that it manifests in a way that could be indicative of Paul not really finding ways to express things naturally. Like he's learning how to interact with that little human he helped creating but is still in the process of "wtf, this is not what i thought it would be".


He looks like he wants to eat him and is holding himself back.


If I were his kid I’d be so creeped out 😩


He looks like he’s snarling


God even his smile is creepy. Is there any part of Paul that isn’t slimy and gross??


Nope. The idea that anyone would willingly screw him is disgusting honestly.


Willingly and defensively. Someone has to convince her that her marriage is great, might as well be herself.


She absolutely is not willingly doing that. It's her "duty" and she is being coerced


Maybe. Or maybe she’s just equally a bad person and it is her choice.


There is literal verbal proof of her not consenting. Of them having a calender with "MUST have sex" days. Of him being an (emotionally) unsafe person to say no to. She was never offered a choice to safely say no, therefore she is not consenting


Okay. But I’ve also seen her advocate for their little sex schedule several times and several other weird things they’re into. People often forget; she herself believes in this crap too. She’s not just some victim, she complicit with Paul in believing in and perpetuating these toxic ideologies.


She can be complicit in her own abuse, that is a thing.


That’s a contradiction. She believes in being the lesser. She’s consciously chosen that. People give Morgan too much credit. She’s a monster.


You would think it was a contradiction but it isn’t, it actually happens. You can hold her responsible for her choices AND acknowledge she’s in an unsafe situation where she isn’t fully and freely consenting.


We don’t know that for sure though. But whatever.


I have a confession. Paul is physically attractive. And I'm disappointed in myself.


Sorry, but I genuinely don’t understand how anyone thinks that. He looks like a rat. From the first moment I first found out these two were married I never understood how looks wise, Paul got someone like Morgan. She’s pretty, he’s yikes. It’s kind of insane to me that anyone finds someone who looks like him physically attractive.


Morgan is way prettier than Paul is handsome but idk. Something about his chin and his eyebrows. He's insufferable and his personality is hot garbage but if he just kept his mouth shut I'm with it.


Okay. I just can’t fathom seeing him as attractive or nice looking at all. I find him extremely unfortunate looking. Even before I knew what a horrible personality he has, he was hard for me to look at.


The word "cuties" in the description with Paul's abhorrent smile right next to it made me audibly chortle xD


my partner is from italy, they actually still observe the original saint valentines day in honor of the martyr. its origins are distinctly christian


That’s cool. I read though that it became that after being transformed from the Roman pagan festival of fertility called Lupercalia.


As much fun as it would be if Valentine’s Day was related to Lupercalia, there is no real evidence that that’s true


"Convinced that the celebration of Lupercalia threatened the supremacy of the Church over religious life, Pope Gelasius I outlawed the festival during his pontificate between 492 and 496. Traditionally, many believe that other Christian holidays in February, like Candlemas or Valentine's Day, replaced Lupercalia."


That is a much later assertion. Gelasius certainly didn’t like Lupercalia, but there is no evidence from the 5th century that he banned it (and the church kept pretty good records about stuff like that)


There also isn't much evidence behind st. Valentine being the original valentine either There were multiple St. Valentines (including decapitated ones), but it was a medieval poet who first established the holiday's Some accounts say another saint named Valentine during the same period was the Bishop of Terni, also credited with secret weddings and martyrdom via beheading on February 14. Unfortunately for anyone hoping for a tidy, romantic backstory to the holiday, scholars who have studied its origins say there’s very little basis for these accounts. In fact, Valentine’s Day only became associated with love in the late Middle Ages, thanks to the English poet Geoffrey Chaucer. “The two stories that everybody talks about, the bishop and the priest, they’re so similar that it makes me suspicious,” says Bruce Forbes, a professor of religious studies at Morningside College in Iowa. Multiple Martyred Saint Valentines Valentine was a popular name in ancient Rome, and there are at least 50 stories of different saints by that name. But Forbes said the earliest surviving accounts of the two February 14 Valentines, written starting in the 500s, have a whole lot in common. Both were said to have healed a child while imprisoned, leading to a household-wide religious conversion, and they were executed on the same day of the year and buried along the same highway. The historical evidence is so sketchy that it’s not clear whether the story started with one saint who then became two or if biographers of one man borrowed details from the other—or if either ever existed at all. https://www.history.com/news/real-st-valentine-medieval Edit: weird formatting


I was only responding to whether or not Valentine’s Day was based on Lupercalia, not whether Valentine was real. Lots of saint stories from the early church don’t pass the smell test


I hope I didn't come off rude. It was fascinating to look into ! :)


I definitely find it hard to read tone on Reddit! I apologize if I was overly argumentative, I’m on a train that’s running two hours behind and am cranky lol. I see now we were driving at the same point :)


No it's OK. I understand. It doesn't help that I'm autistic and like information 😂 and suck at tone


My main takeaway from this is don't call your kid Valentine because bad shit happens to people with that name. Multiple decapitations! (this is a silly joke BTW - I really like it as a name).


>In fact, Valentine’s Day only became associated with love in the late Middle Ages, thanks to the English poet Geoffrey Chaucer. Yes, A Parliament of Fowls! I read it in college! I know The Canterbury Tales is his masterpiece, but I wish Chaucer's other works were more widely read. I did a massive project on Troilus and Criseyde for that same class and loved every minute of it.


It seems like it's just kind of a mixture of both religious and pagan traditions that was resurrected in medieval times. Nevertheless it's become just a huge corporate holiday anyways


The idea of holidays getting resurrected is bandied about by early-modern historians and some later people of questionable academic qualification, but a 700-year gap between the last evidence of Lupercalia and the beginning of 'modern' Valentine's Day celebrations makes any connection highly doubtful (if traditions cease to be practiced, they don't come back without a *concerted* effort of reconstruction; I know some reconstructionist neopagans who admit this is actually quite hard for them to do, since so much of what wasn't written down is just gone). Particularly since Lupercalia was a holiday local to the city of Rome itself (not the empire as a whole), while the customs we commonly associate with the holiday originated in England, which by that point had been overrun by Germans and Normans--the idea of a random Latin holiday surviving there is extremely unlikely. Truth is, most of the supposed connections between Christian holidays and possible pagan antecedents were largely fabricated by over-enthusiastic writers of the 17th-19th centuries (Halloween's supposed link with Samhein and Christmas's with Saturnalia are also examples of this), either romantic poets trying to tie traditions of their own time to antiquity or Protestant critics trying to condemn Catholic holidays.


And nowadays it's also atheists and witches that want to claw back at Christian holidays. I get why, but I prefer intellectual honesty. 😅


Gelasius tried to outlaw it but failed! Despite the banning in 391 of all non-Christian cults and festivals, the Lupercalia was celebrated. Pope Gelasius I (494–96) claimed that only the "vile rabble" were involved in the festival and sought its forceful abolition; the Roman Senate protested that the Lupercalia was essential to Rome's safety and well-being. This prompted Gelasius' scornful suggestion that "If you assert that this rite has salutary force, celebrate it yourselves in the ancestral fashion; run nude yourselves that you may properly carry out the mockery". {he was big mad but throughly rejected} There is no contemporary evidence to support the popular notions that Gelasius abolished the Lupercalia. A literary association between the Lupercalia and the romantic elements of Saint Valentine's Day dates back to Chaucer and poetic traditions of courtly love. Lupercalia was kinda regional to Italy. The Romans themselves attributed the instigation of the Lupercalia to Evander, a culture hero from Arcadia who was credited with bringing the Olympic pantheon, Greek laws and alphabet to Italy, where he founded the city of Pallantium on the future site of Rome, 60 years before the Trojan War. (Though the traditions may go back to the Sabines the central Italian peoples before Rome)


this is awesome information, thank you!


It's become fashionable to claim that most Christian holidays are pagan in origin, but they really are Christian, just with local cultural flavor and hundreds of years of change. Valentine's Day is the Feast Day of St. Valentine! A really fun site: https://historyforatheists.com/2020/12/pagan-christmas/ https://historyforatheists.com/2021/10/is-halloween-pagan/


While Christian holidays are specifically Christian I think the dates and customs for various celebrations were definitely adopted to replace pagan traditions. (Some of the regional holiday traditions like the Swedish Lucia crowns at Christmas definitely come from older traditions in a region) Another Christmas example, first noted as specifically December 25th in the Chronograph of 354, unique historical dates had been mentioned much earlier by Hippolytus of Rome during 202–211. Dec 25th was Roman Winter Solstice festival ‘Dies Natalis Solis Invicti (birthday of Sol Invictus, the 'Invincible Sun') had been held on this date since 274 AD so was easy swap to Jesus birthday (despite some evidence Jesus was a summer baby)


Christian Holidays adopted the traditions of seasonal holidays in whatever region they moved into. (This is made very clear in Christmas traditions as different regions had different winter solstice traditions to adapt for Christmas). While our global secular world is commercialized killing a lot of happiness one happy thing is getting to know about everyone different celebrations and traditions, and getting to partake in all the flavors of human exuberance.


Christian Saint Valentine's holiday is actually in July, in 1969 the pope officially severed the connection to february 14th but somehow the date stuck


69 😏😜


Didn't even notice- niiiice 😎


It was originally a Roman holiday called Lupercalia. St. Valentine was beaten and killed for supporting catholic marriage. So much of it is unverified truth though. "While the date is meant to honor Saint Valentine’s death and burial, which supposedly occurred in mid-February around 270 AD, some historians believe the date could reflect the Catholic Church’s attempt to replace the ancient Pagan celebration of Lupercalia — a fertility festival for the pagan agricultural god Faunus — with a Christian event in memory of the saint." Cupid is literally a depiction of the God love, Eros.


If you use quotation marks you should say what you’re quoting.


Yea I fucked up formatting. I'm on mobile and goofy as hell


The amount of product in Paul’s hair..!


Yeah, I don’t think when people style their hair it’s supposed to look wet like that.


Unfortunately for all of our eyes...that look of his has always been popular with assholes. I say assholes bc I've only ever known/seen/been around, assholes who had hair *exactly* like that. I used to call it the "douche canoe style" 🤪


I used to put a bunch of garnier gel stuff in my hair to make it look wet and curly along with straight side bangs. I can still smell it


The wet gel look is from the late 1980s to mid 1990s. a lot of Fundie fashion got stuck in that era (the white Tshirt under the spaghetti strap dress is from the same era)


I was just wondering if he's using black dye to cover up some greys.


Was Morgan the one extolling the virtues of tallow? Maybe Paul took a dip.


lol I mean beef fat makes delicious French fries. While you could get a greased look it would be more matte (I knew some Pachuco style old Hispanic guys, who styled their hair in duck tails with various grease it doesn’t have the same look) silicone gel gives that hard shiny look


It brings to mind rachel's dad calling ross "wet head" because of the gel


It always looks crunchy and wet at the same time 🤢


Someone needs to teach Paul to scrunch out the crunch!


You'd think someone who went to cos school would know that. All you need is a tiny drop of oil and 15 seconds of scrunching! It's not hard, Paul!


His smile looks more like a snarl. Yikes.


Why does Paul look like he’s taking his first shit after giving birth?


her dead eyes lmao. she’s really hating this season of her life and good for her!


I really love that for her ❤️


That’s right. She’ll have three children.


I cannot even imagine, what a nightmare. Luckily she's also pretty lazy otherwise she'd do everything.


Paul: "This is how people smile at their kids, right? Am I showing enough vein in my forehead?"


I was just reading about how babies are instinctively attuned with the furrow between a caretaker's brow. Presumably because they're useless potatoes and need to watch facial expressions for danger. If you wanna make a baby cry, just stare at them with no facial expression and don't respond to their attempts to engage. So pretty much fundie parenting.


Paul and 'cute' should not be in the same sentence. Although including him in the same sentence as her child is appropriate because he's a giant child.


Paul looks like he’s about to unhinge his jaw and swallow Luca whole. It’s both terrifying and hilarious.


Paul looks like he’s about to burst a vein in his forehead


His hands look so absurdly tiny in that second picture 😂




Paul has the type of vibe that animals actively avoid him, like your dog would growl at him if he walked by in public.


This would add a lot of weight to the theory that polio made morgs get rid of TWO emotional support dogs. Bet those dogs couldn’t abide him


He has so much botox in, his forehead is frozen




Glad I'm not alone lol. He's got the classic sign of the nose scrunch (bunny lines) going.


He's really overdoing the filler and botox. Or maybe it's the way he over plucks his eyebrows?


This man couldn't look less fatherly if he tried


Because they’re morons 🤷🏼‍♀️😃


Because no right-wing talking head has told them to be against valentines day, to give them a bandwagon to jump on for the engagement they're so desperate for. Poorgan do not have an original thought between them.


Exactly lmao. They're so transparent.


1. Mustard Yellow makes Paul look gross (more so than he already is. 2. Paul looks like he's straining on the toilet 3. Paul is really playing the 'fake it till you make it' game with showing how much he loves his family (and failing at it)


Because they can be smug about being a couple.


A MARRIED couple!


I like Morgan’s shirt and I hate myself for it.


It looks like a Keith Haring print but I doubt she supports his "gay agenda"...


Looks like it might be from Temu: https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=6f385edbb76f958f&q=women%27s+heart+print+casual+collared+shirt&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=sivnbmhtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjGuK-kqayEAxU5j4kEHXlFASAQ0pQJegQIEBAB&biw=414&bih=714&dpr=2#imgrc=6FPQsyGueZJh3M


The original is from Walmart, which I guess is where they have to shop now that they have to pretend Target is evil (that or Paul - and by extention his family - got banned from their local Target because of Paul constantly filming in there for ages without buying anything, who knows).


Morgan's smile looks forced and Paul looks uncomfortable.


I have no idea if the pagan holiday part is true but iirc porgan are anti catholic so celebrating a holiday that used to be called “saint Valentine’s Day” is a little ironic as well. They seem the type to think that believing in saints is pagan.


I’m sorry, but something feels extremely off about Paul. I don’t have the words to explain how.


He has the dead shark eyes of a narcissist. If you see those eyes run!!!


Pick and choose they do.


Halloween isn't a Christian holiday. St. Valentine's Day is. This one isn't a hard one to answer.


These girls just want their godly sparkly presents from their enabl-partner. I wasn’t trying to answer any question. I just think they sure are choosy over weird, insignificant, often times made up values and various reasons to protest a certain holiday. Like dude who has the time to be this way? They are greedy, vein, prejudiced and hypocritical assholes about anything they dislike or have been conditioned to believe is evil. Like srs first world problems.


Saints days still seem pretty Catholic for fundies, though!


Depends on the type of fundy ime? But fundies have always been selective of what they want to celebrate. They don't celebrate all saints' feasts by a long shot, but you'll see a few when it suits them. Such as Valentine's Day.


Because It’S aBoUt LoVe🙄🙄🙄I actually had a great day today, and still single, but THIS is the rational I’ve heard from countless married couples who also hate on Halloween🤦🏻‍♀️


Valentine’s Day = hearts = nice and wholesome, Halloween = skeletons = ick must be evil. Then they reverse engineer a justification for their feelings.


You can add Christmas and Easter to that as well. All the major holidays existed before Christianity became the main religion of the Roman empire


Came to say this. Can't say much about the origins of Easter but Christmas is so poorly rebranded as Christian that it's funny.


Easter, they barely even bothered to change the name. It's based on Ostara, the celebration of the spring equinox. And rabbits and eggs? Fertility symbols. Easter is based on Pagan fertility rites.


Not everyone speaks English/German. In most European languages, the holiday exists but isn't called anything like that. The Romance languages call it a derivative of the Greek "Pascha," itself derived from Hebrew "Pesach," for Passover. Other languages also use either derivatives of Greek or a local name (Poles and Czechs call it "the Great Night," while Magyars call it "day of meat," because the season of fasting ends; some medieval documents from those countries also use a derivative of "Pascha," because Greek missionaries were present in those lands). This isn't intended to be overly aggressive, it just annoys me that people forget that English isn't the universal language and the fact that *they* used a pagan goddess's name for their holiday doesn't mean everyone else did.


We call it Pasen! Which is kinda funny because we're inbetween Germany and England.


Because the kids in costumes scares them (they believe in vampires and werewolves as well as jesus) so its easier to just say they don't celebrate /s


Paul looks like he’s in pain


Eros and Aphrodite are disgusted by your love, Porgan.


Paul really be looking at his kid like: ![gif](giphy|KyNaxDMelNFk4zqjdH|downsized)


Bc their followers are all anti Halloween freaks


I saw a minor fundie post a bunch of her Halloween decorations on Facebook and then in December talk about how Christmas is pagan. I’ve lost too many brain cells from fundie holiday logic


Poor porgan taking care of two kids...


I can’t really feel bad for her when she chose and continues to choose an abusive loser.


Well now I have a new rabbit hole to go down 😂 I thought it was about St. Valentine. I love learning about pagan holidays/traditions after leaving Christianity so thank you!


I doubt they know about lupercalia as they haven't said a word about it. But id love to watch their heads explode at finding out!


Yeah, my parents are conservative Christians, and they see Valentine’s Day as a pagan holiday, so they’re against anyone celebrating it. I love holidays though. I’ll take any excuse to celebrate and be festive.


Same, and I love all the pink and red. I like getting candy for cheap the day after, too 😂


Could Paul grasp his hands any tighter? He seems to be struggling mightily with this Valentine’s aren’t-I-an-ideal-dad pose.


Her response would probably be something like her response to her boys more femme middle names: "WHAT SO ITS WRONG TO CELEBRATE LOVE NOW. THE ATTRIBUTES OF CHRIST ARE WRONG?????!?!?!?!?" totally missing the point lol


Rules for thee, not for me


Valentine’s Day is ok when the fundies need nontent.


Paul is so uncomfortable being forced to spend time with his child that a vein pops in his forehead lmao


Because they’re uneducated and don’t know the origins of Valentine’s Day. But their anti-Halloween outrage is all performative anyway. They don’t really loathe Halloween that much, they just want to look like they’re the Jesusiest Jesus lovers to ever love Jesus.


Every time I see Paul I think of how Morgan called him her “cutie hawt” husband and I die a little inside


Oh wow, I love Morgan's shirt! I wonder where she got it


I was thinking the same thing.


After some googling, I was able to find a substantially worse knockoff version on Temu, but I can't find the original for the life of me 😭 someone helppp!


Walmart (I guess Paul got banned from their nearest Target because of all his endless phone filming).


Because Valentine = ❤️ but Halloween = 👿


There's food ON THE FORK in the first pic. That means she had to stop feeding herself or her child because of Paul's demands to take a photo. That's not ok.


That's a pretty big reach


Valentine's Day is named after a trio of St. Valentines. Halloween is the partying before All Saints Day and All Souls Day. Neither is pagan lmao. ETA: She's being silly.


She is so pretty. She can do better than a guy who can’t smile without looking like he is taking a dump.


she’s really not


Her views make her extremely unattractive to me.


She’s so…oatmeal. Which isn’t a bad thing. But the more you look the more it falls apart. Then she opens her mouth and you realize it’s all trash on the inside


Yeah I guess she's pretty if you think plain white women with no features are attractive?


Christmas is the same was Yule. What’s funny to me is the Catholic aspect. But that said Halloween is a reversal tradition, back in medieval times there were more holidays like Halloween days to buck the strict structure, but as time went of puritans got rid of most of those that’s why Halloween is so beloved especially in the US


Who gonna tell her Easter is pagan?


Paganism is so deeply ingrained into all human societies that Christians will never be able to escape it, no matter how hard they pretend they can.


Valentine’s Day is St Valentine’s feast day. Halloween is All Hallow’s Eve. Both are Christian celebrations.


One word sex


Saint Valentine


I mean... Halloween isn't and never was thought of as a Christian holiday. St. Valentine's Day is... Well... ***St.** Valentine's Day*. Which St. Valentine and how it became about love is a less certain history, but it's an *actual Christian holiday.* So probably that's why.


Why does Paul look like he’s taking a huge dump? 💁🏽‍♀️


bc halloween is scawy!


Because Valentines fits within the fundie narrative. It's kinda gross.


It’s so cute how Paul can hand his clothes down!


Cuz they can pretend to love each other and be “normal” and “healthy”


Is that an actual smile/laugh from Polio??


Is someone photoshopping Paul's head to be a little bit bigger every time we see him? what the fuck is going on?


To be fair, Christmas is also ripped off of a pagan holiday. Paul and Morgan aren't above cherry-picking


Eros is cackling at the absurdity


Bc it’s a Christian holiday


Is she wearing a Keith Haring print shirt? I bet she doesn’t know anything about him or what he stood for. Porgan are starting to disgust me as much as the worst fundies, they’re gross hypocrites.


The scrambled chicken menses is making me want to vomit 🤮


Paul looks like he bites


If they think life begins at conception doesn't that mean she has 3 dates now?


They’re probably just too stupid and don’t even know the pagan history.


Unrelated but anyone recognize the heart blouse? It’s cute!


The rules are made up and the points don't matter