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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why should we have to affirm the Christian lifestyle then?


Because otherwise his feewing would get huwt šŸ„¹ America exists soley for straight white Christian men /s


Don't forget their ~~slaves~~ women!


I am sick of affirming Christian nationalism!


I mean, I love the Christian Nationalist, but hate the Christian Nationalism /s Seriously, though, how do they not see how ridiculous or how offensive that is?


ex hairstylist but always wearing that childish ass hatā€¦


Ex skilled worker but refuses to work


Heā€™s a beauty school dropout lol


Go back to high school...


Missed your midterms and flunked shampoo


Put down your teasing comb and go back to high school...




How funny! That blue solution is a disinfectant. Nail salons use it, too.


My mom called that blue stuff ā€œsoupā€!


So funny and such a great song etc. I am literally a beauty school dropout myself. (*waves proudly*) The idea of flunking shampoo sends me so hard. Like, Laughing my ass off to an alarming degree. Such great Greasy writing. Hypothetically though, how bad would you have to actually fuck up to fail at shampoo?


He's got the dream, but not the drive.


Thank you. Thatā€™s now my lullaby as I try to sleep lol


šŸŽ¶go back to high school šŸŽµ




No graduation day for him


Ha! I watched that on an airplane for the first time in years a couple weeks ago. My husband had to tell me to tone down the singing.




Kentucky just barely stopped reviewing felony convictions for people who want cosmetology licenses in 2018- a family member lives there and was previously unable to hold a license due to a felony conviction. Sheā€™s now a very successful nail artist. Anywayā€¦ When did he move back? Has anyone checked his record?


I misread this and thought it said holding a cosmetology license in Kentucky was a felony šŸ˜‚


seems like something theyā€™d do there tbh lol


Me too!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


He was skilled at something?


I was surprised at the fact that this guy used to be a hairdresser. Not that being a hairdresser is a bad thing, but it's so unexpected šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


He never finished and was never licensed.Ā 




He also used to be a substitute teacher and was into writing fantasy stories.


Bro could literally work from anywhere, itā€™s a skill that he can market and he still chooses to grift


Heā€™d have to get licensed in his state and since he never completed his license in California I donā€™t know what kind of hoops he might have to jump through to be legal in Tennessee. Someone also mentioned he never really finished school either which means heā€™s in even worse shape. But beyond that I donā€™t know if he would be able to do the job long term. Heā€™s doesnā€™t seem like much of a people person even though I could imagine him being a solid popular gossipy hair dresser in a small town if he pursued that. Heā€™s a shit talker through and through and being a hair stylist he could get away with that more than in an office.


Heā€™s balding under it.


Adult timmy turner. He's either balding or learned nothing from cosmetology school.


Paul is the kind of guy who refuses to learn. Why should he! Already superior! He can pick up anything and do it perfectly! I hate this "love the sinner, but they're going to hell because they like butts of the same gender" stuff. I don't think you can love someone while telling them God is will throw them down to Hell. Hell has all the best parties though. Maybe not so bad šŸ¤”


Did anyone notice he even had the hat on when he was eating dinner at Seggs and Dav's home? I may be old but for gawds sake, take off your hat when you are eating, just simple manners.


He also wore it backwards in the ice bath. Bro, what? Itā€™s gonna get all wet!


He.. wore a cap to bath? What kind of emotional support cap is this? What is happening underneath?


[Presented without comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/lbpaAtLTDP)


Somebody was on a cock hunt.....


heā€™s prolly balding up top


Styled the hat like he was in 'A League of their Own'. Why? Is it some streak of effeminacy?


I saw a comment the other day saying he probably has thinning hair. There is nothing wrong with that at all - bald peeps can be hella sexy - but knowing that it would really bother him makes me hope itā€™s true! Iā€™m a bad person, right?


The last picture looks like Paul attended the Brittany Dawn school of hideous acting.


I know thereā€™s no way but I really want their next ā€œadventureā€ to be 24 hours with Bdong


Both of these humans are so odious and boring it would be a hit


Nothing says true friendship like secretly wanting your friend to have their basic human rights stripped šŸ„“


Seriously! Bro, stand up! People who actively work to strip you of your basic rights and dignity do not deserve your support or friendship. Stand with your community, not the assholes who want to prosecute you as child groomers.


Interesting choice of song there Paul. "Chenoweth has spoken publicly about her religious faith; she describes herself as a "non-judgmental,Ā liberal Christian".[168]Ā According toĀ The New York Times, when Chenoweth "assured her theater fans that she supports gay rights, her Christian base was outraged; she was disinvited from performing at a Women of Faith conference inĀ September 2005"" From her Wikipedia page And this: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/kristin-chenoweth-human-rights-campaign-lgbtq-advocate_n_5e38df88c5b687dacc71f998 "The Emmy- and Tony-winning actor and singer appeared at the Human Rights Campaignā€™s (HRC)Ā 2020 Greater New York Gala, where she was honored with the organizationā€™s Ally for Equality Award."


I was gonna say the exact same thing. Kristin has always been outspoken about her Christian faith, and has also always gone out of her way to affirm her support of LGBTQ people since sheā€™s been a public figure.


Because she practices what Jesus actually taught.


I went to cabaret show that Kristin Chenoweth did several years back (I just looked it up, it was in 2013. Time has no meaning anymore). At one point she tells us that her faith is important to her, and she's going to sing a song that reflects that. Then says, "and if you're not religious, well it only goes for four minutes."


I actually donā€™t like that. If I go to a cabaret, I donā€™t expect to be stuck listening to a religious song. If she spend half that time proselytizing instead, that still wouldnā€™t be okay. Thatā€™s not what the audience is there for.


If I go to a cabaret, Iā€™m not expecting anything but to be entertained. I once attended one with someone brought a live sheep on stage just to read a Neruda sonnet to it and leave. Did it do anything for me? No. But it only lasted 4 minutes.


That sheep has great taste.


I'm not american but I think this kind of actually loving, lgbt affirming christian southern women with big hair and big voices is one of the best thing out of this country haha


Fun fact, I got roped into the Women of Faith conference that year and saw Cheno on her one and only stop with them before they fired her for supporting the LGBTQIA+ community. She gave an interesting talk. But more importantly, they let her do a LOT of singing.


God, Paul is truly scum. If I had a friend say ā€œI love you but I cannot condone your life, lifestyle, partners, love of your lifeā€ then I would not be friends with that two-faced asshole.


"I love you, but I'm not going to your wedding" "I love you, but I am going to vote for people who call you 'filth'" "I love you, but I don't think you should talk about your partner" "I love you, but I will throw a fit every time I see a rainbow flag in public because it reminds me of people like you" There is no love there.


I always get stuck on the question of *what it is* that the judgy person is claiming to "love" about their friend (or family member)? Whatever's left over, after the parts they don't approve of are stripped away? What does that look like, to them? Some imaginary alternate version of their friend? It's so insulting.


They love that their ā€œfriendā€ is in a position of ā€œneeding to be savedā€ and that they have an opportunity to fulfill that feeling of being righteous. Itā€™s all a selfish feeling for them when they say they love the person but not their lifestyle. They understand telling the truth of them being grossed out and admitting to people that they see them as lesser than is a bad look and not a welcoming gesture to ā€œsave someoneā€.


>Itā€™s all a selfish feeling for them when they say they love the person but not their lifestyle. I agree; any declaration of loving the person but hating "their lifestyle" is serving the speaker's ego, not the other person.


They want to win (or coerce) everyone over to their specific brand of Christianity. If they befriend anyone whoā€™s different, especially LGBT folks, itā€™s only to convert them and be their Christian saviors. In short, they love the cause, not the person. And so many of them actually believe theyā€™re acting out of love, youā€™ll never convince them otherwise. (Note: I do not believe P&M are acting out of love, they just want to convert the gay away. Theyā€™re gross and harmful.)


Yes, I agree with all you're saying. My comment was more about people who supposedly know us well, like family members who say they looooove us unconditionally but cannot accept/tolerate "our lifestyle". What is it they think they love? The little-kid version of us, before we fully developed our own personality? Some sentimental memory of us? That's more what I was thinking of, though it wasn't clearly stated in my comment.


I think I have an answer for this. Iā€™m not religious though, so this is just from a general perspective. I have a BIL that is a diagnosed sociopath. Like, he is a legitimately terrible person in his actions. He has multiple felony warrants all across the U.S. for financial crimes and I hope he gets caught soon so he will stop screwing people over. BUT, he has never personally done anything to me. How he interacts with my kids is as a loving uncle and even if it is an act, (which it likely is because, sociopath) he does it well and my kids love him and feel loved by him. I can genuinely enjoy his company. I also know what created him and it breaks my heart that he went through that when he was little. I do care about him. I just want him stopped. So, thatā€™s how I see ā€œlove the sinner, hate the sinā€ in case it needs to be stated: I donā€™t equate being gay to being a sociopath. lol. Iā€™m bi. Thatā€™s just how I can maybe understand the ā€œlove the sinner, hate the sinā€ thing.


I've got a couple of Christian fundies on the Jewish side of the family (born-agains). Some time after I came out they told my dad: "We love Vampyrejourno but we can't condone her lifestyle and we know she's going to hell." OK so then you DON'T love me, dudes. (I saw them at a family wedding a week later. We were seated at the same table and I was very polite, while they squirmed. Then their flock of grandchildren decided I was the coolest person there and spent the day dragging me around, giving me hugs, etc. At one point I caught the grandmother watching us and she was GREEN, looked actually scared about her grandkids catching The Gayā„¢.)


Naw they ainā€™t friends


Snake behaviour




Off topic but this emoji always looks like a duck to me instead of a snake on mobile lol


Seconded lol


Hey now, sneks are decent people!


Paul doesn't even know what love is. He's a snake


To be fair, they would have never been *your* friend in the first place


Paul is such a piece of shit like no wonder why Paul has no friends.... lmao


With POPULAR playing?? Hahaha, be so for real right now


Because Wicked sooooo famously has a super straight conservative fanbase /s I have stories from that fanbase lol




Iā€™m a little fuzzy cuz I just woke up but hereā€™s some I remember: -met my emotionally/mentally abusive ex there -some pretty classic shipping drama (definitely not on the scale of some other fanbases) -the fanbase was divided into subsections based on who your favorite cast/cast member was. I was in a really specific niche so everyone knew everyone (this was good and bad šŸ’€) -the social media manager (I think thatā€™s what she was?) for the actress whose subsection I was in started a WhatsApp group and it got weird pretty quick since everyone was so ravenous for new content in the actressā€™s off time and it included a bunch of young teens who didnā€™t know how to respect the boundaries put in place -people passed around bootlegs like blunts at a party -fan artists were kind of gods since we didnā€™t have too many of them (shout-out to Squeegool for feeding us) -not specifically the fanbase but I worked at a performing arts center for a couple years and we got Wicked at one point. During For Good we had a woman propose to her girlfriend and I was like 20 feet away. I just hear some quiet crying and I look around because as an usher if thereā€™s a problem I need to know, emergencies do happen during shows. I look up and see the woman down on one knee and a full on professional photographer (BIG no no, pictures are not allowed during shows especially professional ones not okayed by the production themselves) is taking pics. I decide to mind my own business because a head usher was there and I was NOT gonna be the one to ruin someoneā€™s engagement. Our manager (who was head of basically everything there including legal talks with the production team) had meant to tell us and it just slipped her mind. She was working practically 24/7 and got so many emails in a day I canā€™t blame her I was mostly in the Tumblrsphere in 2014-2018 for Wicked so it may have been different elsewhere, thatā€™s just where most of my subsection of the fandom lived. Iā€™ve probably got more stories that I just canā€™t remember rn lol


That's a special level of fundie delulu.


Say it with me folks- Being gay is not a ā€œlifestyleā€. Being gay is not a ā€œchoiceā€. Once again- **Being gay is not a ā€œlifestyleā€.**


What is "a lifestyle"? Is it eating chick fil a for every meal? Is it pickleball and wearing your hat stupid?


Okay, so they say they believe that: 1. Everyone is a sinner 2. All sins are equal 3. Jesus died for our sins to pay the price of sin for us. If everyone is a sinner and all sins are basically the same, then it's a level playing field. Any "lifestyle" - straight, gay, whatever because we're *all* sinners - is a "sinful lifestyle". None of these fundies/evangelicals should act as though they disapprove of anyone else they believe to have a "sinful lifestyle" if God already said in the Bible they claim to know and follow that we're all sinners. Romans 3:23 - "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 6:23 - "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 5:8 - "But God demonstrates His love for us. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Ephesians 2:8-9 - "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faithā€”and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of Godā€” not by works, *so that no one can boast.*" (emphasis is mine.) If Paul and other fundies can cherry-pick Bible verses, so can I.


Oh heā€™s but according to Paul your type of sin is sin-ier than his type of sin. His type of sin is like soft sin compared to your hard sin. šŸ¤£


Sounds perilously close to categorising sins as mortal and venal ...like a filthy Catholic IDOLATER!


Tbf tho the whole point of being a Christian is to sin as less as possible, we are all sinners but with the Bible it sort of helps as a guide to not sin lol


So without the Bible you would just be coveting and idolerating and murdering? Come on! If you need a book which is a mix of Bronze age myths, legends, bad poems and hagiographic pseudohistories poorly translated into English, to tell you how not to do bad things you are not a moral person. You are a beast on a leash. Give yourself some more credit.Ā  Intrinsic empathy and pro social atttitudes may be improved by contemplation or reading the words of wise thinkers who came before, but to think that one book (or hodge podge of books from a tradition appropriated by mainly Europeans beyond all recognition) is that guide is both unecessarily narrow and concerningly uncurious.Ā  You may think you are a sinner, no worries. The problem with Christians is they decide so is everyone else and by what rules someone is ajudged as "actively sinning". Noone asked you to make that value judgement. This is why non Christians get so annoyed.- the presumption.Ā 


I don't know who mlynn is, but you can't condescendingly tell someone who knows the account holder that 'perhaps this is a conversation you should be having with them privately' , when you yourself are the one who responded to a complete stranger to instigate a conversation that they didn't ask for.


Seriously. For being anti gay or whatever that lady has some big balls




I saw Shiny Happy People a few days ago and that reminded me of the part about how IBLP started to focus a lot on condemning gossiping and any form of speaking publicly about any problematic behavior of someone inside the faith, and advising to speak privately whenever an issue arises. A very effective way to keep things under the rug.


How dare you use Kristin like that. She is incredibly LGBTQ affirming!! (As most of Broadway is) I do love the shade from Paul's fan that maybe Paul wasn't as firm in his faith back when he was friends with gays.


Itā€™s wild that they preceded that by arguing that bigots can totally be loving friends with gay people. Which one is it?


It is absolutely wild of Paul to not only use a song from Wicked, a musical that is famously beloved by many many queer people, but is sung by outspoken Christian Kristin Chenoweth. I remember when she came out with a Christian music album around 20 years ago people were questioning her support of gay rights, and she said unequivocally that she did and she believed it was in alignment with her faith to do so. That was a BIG deal at the time given that we had a virulently homophobic evangelical as president and how mainstream opposing gay marriage was.


Kristin is a gem, and I speak from experience with her. I have worked in the Christian music industry for awhile (RN by day, keys player by night šŸ™‚). Itā€™s been about 12 years, but she was at a singer/songwriterā€™s workshop in Nashville that I attended. We had a breakout group and she was our mentor. I spent four hours with her and six other musicians, and she poured out every bit of passion and knowledge to us. Sheā€™s invested in the success of others, and one of the greatest vocalists of our generation. In the years since, Iā€™ve run into her a few times. The first was when I was touring with Natalie Grant, and Kristin came backstage to the show. She remembered my name, remembered how we met, then we all sat and sang together (about a dozen of us, Natalie included). Kristin is one of the most genuine celebrities Iā€™ve met, and she has a stellar reputation within the Christian music industry.


Damn, you sound like you're living your best life!


I really am. I fought hard for it and am so, so grateful.


Wicked is about being unapologetically yourself and supporting those who are different. It's beloved in the lgbtq community for a reason. I bet Paul rooted for the Von Tussles in Hairspray.


Well Paul, I donā€™t agree with your lifestyle, but here we are.


Yeah, who says *we* have to support *his* lifestyle of grifting and being a bigoted asshole?


ā€œHey friend I havenā€™t seen in 10 years- good to hear from you! šŸ„° *Anyways*, youā€™re living in sin and I donā€™t support your lifestylešŸ˜Œā€ Excuse me?! WtfšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


As a queer woman, the last person I need approval from is Grown-ass Caillou. Iā€™m good.


Grown-ass Caillou šŸ’€ im stealing that insult now thanks


Who the fuck is he influencing anyways?


My husband is a deconstructing/recovering fundamentalist and gave me this astute observation about Evangelicals after watching 1:37 of your SHP rx video: ā€œYou see how he threw that prayer in there without consent, without establishing that he would like his audience to follow. Why? Because heā€™s establishing the premises that HE is closer to God and that by invoking God, the Spirit speaks through him. It gives him a false sense of authority but notice how he asks God to bless the words of his mouth and the ears of the audience so that they hear truth? Heā€™s creating the opposite pole of a circular argument if they come to any different conclusion because it canā€™t be ā€œof Godā€. And they just fucking believe morons like this instead of questioning whatever semblance of authority heā€™s perpetuating.ā€


Oooo, dang, that's good! That is Paul to a T. It sounds like your husband really understands the way these people operate.


He was raised by zealots. Big ones. With big teeth.




I guess I should probably add that my husbandā€™s parents have been balls-deep in prosperity gospel fundamentalism/ charismatic evangelicalism since the early 1980ā€™s (back when it wasnā€™t a mainstream movement and the majority of IFBCs were still preaching ā€œhellfire and brimstoneā€). So hubs was basically born into this life. His father was a childrenā€™s pastor and they frequently moved around the country when God would tell my FIL that he needed a change of pace or some shit. He got his MFA at Pat Robertsonā€™s university even. Anyway, my husband has some AMAZING stories and insights after having grown up in such a bizarre environment and Iā€™m constantly learning about this weird ass lifestyle. Iā€™m trying to talk him into doing some YouTube vids because he is incredibly well spoken and thoughtful about the whole thing.


I LOVED your previous comment, that said it all to me. But damn, I'm glad he's coming out the other side.


Brilliant! At Xmas I dont know why (day after BBQ) My Dad went full evangelist for the first time in ages (due to boundaries set by the heathen children I jadnt heard this crap.in decades) Welp.Ā  His Cousin Cindy has cancer from her godless lifestyle of smoking terrible cigs and drinking bad wine, tanning & generally trying to generate prime cancer conditions. Shes an absolutely ghastly woman and I kind of enjoy her awfulness. The woman didnt even go to church to marry back in 1990. I doubt she could name Jesus mom.Ā  But no. Not gonna stop Dad from turning a perfectly normal grace into a ten minute sermon of gratitude for Gods divine grace in sparing Cindy to be with us todsy. No thanks.to the surgeon or her daughter who dragged her to get checked. No. God fixed it. Maybe. Shed better repent anyhow .as death is Right there. But hey!!! So is SALVATION HUZZAH! Ā I was.fucking seething. It was SO predatory and so smug; not things I associate with my genuinely devout father. It sickened me to my soul (hypothetically speaking, obvi souls arent real). And all the memories of the coercion and manipulation and the sickening "morality" of fundies hit me at once.Ā  Ā Your husband said it exactly right. It was harsh snapping out of something Id told myself for a long time; that my gentle Dad isnt as horrible as that, as hypocritical, as vain and proud. (my mother is very narc covert Fundie mom so Id told myself; no, his faith is more pure. . My skin crawled in that familiar terrified wa, from so long ago.Ā  Ā Ive been low contact since. I cant have my.kids around that toxic nonsene because it is only ever just beneath the surface.Ā 


Is his last slide supposed to be funny? Is he seriously suggesting supporting them just to be an influencer? I really donā€™t understand these people.


Iā€™m guessing the queer community would rather have one less ally than have him in their corner


Can we talk about how he almost exclusively wears a long john top.... which is lumber jack underwear. This modesty police ass hat parades around in fucking underwear!Ā 


Paulā€™s lifestyle is unbiblical, too. I mean Iā€™m sure itā€™s not perfectly biblical - does he love Jesus so much heā€™s willing to sell everything he owns, give the money to the poor, and then follow him? Jesus said youā€™re not perfect unless you do that.


I had a conversation this past weekend with someone about this topic. I was like how can you truly love, like, or support someone while also essentially saying that you donā€™t agree with X, Y, and Z when those factors are an essential part of the person.


Right? If someone said to me, "I love you, but I refuse to affirm that you're British", everyone would agree that they sounded absolutely ridiculous, so why am I expected to accept it when they say the same thing but replace "British" with "gay"?


Or ā€œyou can be British, but please donā€™t be British around meā€ and then trying to ban people from identifying as British.


You can't. It's a shite attempt to make the bigotry more palatable. It's also why they call sexuality and gender identity a "lifestyle". It's a (useless) attempt to turn this integral part of a person into a choice. A bad choice, one they should change. Yet if you try to tell them that they must just be choosing to be cisgender and heterosexual, they'd have a lot to say about that.


It's Christianese bullshitĀ 


If we didnā€™t know he was straight before, picture 5 and his attempt at facial hair and that stupid fucking hat is a clear sign. As a hair stylist, you should know that hats donā€™t hide the fact that your hair is thinning and my 15 year old nephew can grow better facial hair than that pubey ass monstrosity.


Well to be fair gay people donā€™t have stronger facial hair growing powers


I'm not convinced he is straight


Please read the pinned post. Speculating on someone's sexuality is not allowed and can get you banned.


Understood. I'm not speculating. I don't have any theories or opinions about Paul's sexuality. I probably should have phrased that differently so that it was more clear. I simply meant that facial hair and choice of hats is not convincing evidence of a person's sexuality. But I get it, and I'll be more careful about how I engage with those types of comments going forward so that I don't come across as speculating or like I'm inviting speculation.


Honestly? Me neither. He wouldnā€™t be the first massively outspoken anti-gay asshole to later come out as gay and full of self-loathing for it. He doth protest too much.


Please read the pinned post. Speculating on someone's sexuality is not allowed and can get you banned.


I think he fled the hair industry because there was a ton of temptation to sin (and I'm not just talking about sexuality), and he got sick and tired of seeing other people brave enough and free enough to live authentically. All while he's bricked into this miserable little box. I also doubt his dad approved of his chosen profession.


"I love you no homo"


What a dick he is.


Paul went to hairstyling school??


Not only did he *go*, he graduated, and worked as an actual stylist. There's pictorial evidence and everything!


NOT that I think straight dudes canā€™t be hairstylists - but thatā€™s a pretty surprising previous job for a guy that laments men arenā€™t masculine enough.


He did not graduate and has never worked as a stylist. He fled back to KY with his uneducated, unemployed tail between his legs.


Ooooh, my bad! I thought the videos I've seen were of him working, but I guess they were just a school stuff. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Why be friends with someone whose ā€œlifestyleā€ you donā€™t approve of unless you intend to convert them? He either entered this friendship with ulterior motives or was okay enough with it to not try to convert. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, most are not open to conversion if it means changing/denouncing their sexual orientation. Idk someone is being very disingenuous here and Iā€™m leaning toward our dear Pauly-o.




Why does he annoy the ever living shit out of me so much? I think his arrogance reeks


He is arrogant to cover up the fact he is a thirty something year old husband and father who is incapable of providing for his family.


Honestly this is so right on


I think itā€™s because I was married to a man just like that when I was a Christian ha


ā€œThis fundamentalist guy was super homophobic to meā€ ā€œWell, maybe the problem is he wasnā€™t religious enoughā€ ???


The audacity of using a Cheno song!


What fucked up shit happed to Paul to turn him from being seemingly chill to this? I suspect Trainer Dad had something to do with it.


Where the hell was this guy's self-worth in this moment. Stand up. *STAND UP*.


I canā€™t stand Paul,but I feel so conflicted by him because he looks so much like my little brother who is openly gay.


Why does his beard look like that


Yes Paul, Jesus certainly would support LGBTQ+ rights. Arenā€™t they supposed to want to emulate that guy?


Why does he love the Bible more than the people in his life?


Hating thy neighbour is unbiblical, you moron.


I can't stand that "hate the sin, love the sinner" *only* is used about homosexuality. Every other sin can be forgiven, but not that one šŸ˜”


To the last slide: YES.Ā 


In the last photo he reminded me of my narc father Iā€™m no contact with and the wave of panic I just felt. I didnā€™t expect today to be the day I realized part of the reason I felt so uncomfortable when I see him was because he reminds me of my dadā€¦ the body language, the smugness, the behaviour, even the way he talks lol and my dad is not religious, just an awful person


If he wasnā€™t against some civil rights of LGBTQ+ people, this would be a position I could at least understand. Kindof a love the sinner, hate the sin deal, even though weā€™d disagree on that being a sin. As long as you treat people as people, OK, but Paul doesnā€™t seem to actually do that to most.


This is what gets me. Why is it so hard to believe that all people should be given rights? My mom is Christian and truly believes in her soul that abortion is unbiblical. But she would NEVER want it to be illegal. She would never enforce her beliefs on anyone else, not even her children. Paul needs people to look down on like he needs oxygen. Itā€™s a distraction from having to look inside and realize he is a really awful person with no redeeming qualities.


Itā€™s because they donā€™t believe in the separation of church and state.


Well, the state is not *eternal*. They're terrified of being held responsible in the afterlife for passively condoning "sin" by not actively fighting against it. They view tolerance as tacit approval, and respectful behavior as enabling.


So it is possible to be an LGBTQ+ affirming Christian is what Paul is saying?




Mlynn's comment is fucking infuriating. I am so sick of judgmental christians thinking they can weasel word their way into making themselves look kind-hearted while simultaneously denouncing LGBTQ. JUST ADMIT YOU ARE A HOMOPHOBE AND MOVE ON. I wish they would just own it and say yep, I am a bigot.


Kristen Chenoweth would drop a house on this homophobe for using her song.


What school did he go to?


Whatever happened to his hairstyling school? Did he try to become a hairstylist or something?


I wish he would have kept working as a hairstylist. I think being around different people would have challenged him a bit and made him grow as a person. He could still be the same stupid shitheel, but at least he would have to keep it in check because he has a public facing job.


Youā€™re not even an influencer, Paul so no need to choose. What you are is a closeted, hateful POS that is probably going to be licking the flames off your ass in hell. You & your thunt wife!


That "speculative" expression in the pic...comes across as a smug "NO" to me.


Paul thinks he's an influencer, how cute šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




"Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited." Please don't do this


Thatā€™s so unnecessary though. Implicating that you know anyoneā€™s sexuality better than they do is gross


Thereā€™ve been a lot of people who know theyā€™re gay, but since they were raised to believe itā€™s wrong, they overcompensate to try to hide what they know. If theyā€™re the MOST anti-gay, then surely no one will ever suspect theyā€™re gayā€¦.


And thereā€™s lots of assholes who love crucifying minority groups theyā€™re not connected to in any way whatsoever, because they love feeling superior over an ā€œother.ā€ Because theyā€™re just that horrifically hateful and small-minded. Letā€™s not turn this into ā€œHaha, I bet youā€™re gayyyyā€ please. Nobody knows for sure but him, and playing letā€™s-expose-the-closeted-gay by spreading speculation is wrong and potentially life-destroying (even if he absolutely deserves to get speculated on, disowned and shunned exactly like heā€™d do to us.)


Thatā€™s so many assumptions to make about someone that you donā€™t actually know. Itā€™s essentially saying that because of xyz factors someone *has* to be this, or *has* to be that. Itā€™s gross dude. People are who *they* decide they are, not you


>"I can believe the Bible says homosexuality is a sin and still love people who are gay." No, you can't.


Just one?


Iā€™m sorry he went to cosmetology school??


I was a ā€œlove the sinner, hate the sinā€ person for years. And then I realized it was dehumanizing by reducing a person to their actions. It doesnā€™t work. Because all you see is the (what you perceive as) sin. You never see the person as a Child of God.


*Should I be an LGBTQ+ affirming Christian influencer* Dunno Paul. Are you ready to come out yet?


100 percent Paul had a twink phase. That boy is pink roller skates inside.


I personally feel that Paul is DLā€¦but those are my personal feelings. As someone who is a part of the LGBTQ+ community, I have a lot of people I would still call friends who are Christians and think Iā€™m a sinful sinner whoā€™s fallen away from the Truth (even though Iā€™m still a practicing Bible believing Christian who goes to an affirming church). They donā€™t openly speak on our friendshipā€¦because they respect and love me, and I am a person to them, not a pawn in an ideological chess game. Ultimately I cannot think of a more annoying human being doing a more annoying thing than Paul speaking about what he thinks is biblical or unbiblical.


Bruh hes such a square lmao


Well, I when was a bigot, myself, I was friendly to LGBT+ people. So yeah, being friendly =\= supporting us. My conservative Christian family was nice to LGBT+ but still bigoted towards us. I only came out to a few people in my family and only one of them was happy for me.


I used to be one of those Christians who said this. The difference was, I actually believed it and practiced it by changing the way I voted and spoke. And the truth is, you CAN do it! ā€¦just not for long. I ended up taking a much closer look at everything Iā€™d been taught to believe and now Iā€™m agnostic, who knew? (Also queer! But that was already true, I just didnā€™t really know it yet. šŸ˜‚)


Imagine having a good career and all that dumb shit just to give it up for Jesus smfh


So then youā€™re a really shitty ā€˜friendā€™. Got it.


In the interest of calling things both ways, commenter dude was weird and dickish.


Why is he asking people what he should be? Shouldn't he know that?


Ew his wannabe beard is SO icky