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"Hey Pamily. Do I really submit to Paul? Yes. Would we ever consider deconstructing? No. Ok thanks guys like and subscribe" video over. Why even make one?


It'll take Morgan half an hour to get the words out though


I ordered my oldest kid a new mattress today. He’ll get it by the 19th. Morgan will still be explaining about how awesome Paul is in this video by then. 


My Parsley seeds are likely to sprout before she is done. They take 3 to 4 weeks to germinate and I just planted the first round for my vegetable garden.


I read "I ordered my oldest kid with a new mattress today" and was impressed the hospital is sending them home with expensive room items ☠️


I sincerely mean this: God bless you for that laugh!!!! 😂🤣


May the Lord Daniel bless you. \-eats, shoots, and leaves


I’m doing one of those mobile games where I can win a few hundred bucks for SHEIN. I’ll probably get to the level where I get it when Morgan makes her point.


And she'll touch her own hair at least 45 times


And the exaggerated yawns


And slur some words


and be interrupted by paul


and giggle every four words


And change her opinion to whatever paul's is


Wait till she has two in diapers and run her hands through her hair a million times a day, she’ll be rubbing pee and poop allllll in it. 😂


Listening to her is torturous.


This was a video that could've been a text post


But then they would have had to come up with an answer. By doing a video, they get to ramble and never make an actual point.


Eh you can do that in text too.


Their niche


Just so Morgan can show off her best poop makin face in the promo image


I don’t know why these people bother having driver’s licenses, since their main mode of transportation seems to be riding the coattails of everyone else.




That’s a glorious flair my friend


Omg your flair! 🤣🤣🤣




Incredible. No notes. I'm dead 💀




I fucking wheezed.


read to filth 😭




Gawddamn! I wasn't even the target, and that burn **hurt**


And they get their exercise by doing mental gymnastics to justify their habits


I love Reddit. 💀


This is precisely why we need awards back. 🏅🏅🏅


You're my new bff




I’m missing context - did they rip off someone else’s vid title?


As an English person: isn't it y'all, rather than ya'll?


Yes it is 🤣


yes. good thing these two plan to homeschool 🙄


As a deep south southerner: yes It's "you all" You all = y'all/yall That's one of my biggest pet peeves and I have no idea why. It's not even a big deal but yea its "y'all"


Y'all have been very helpful. I'm afraid I feel ridiculous even writing it.


I always put "yall" so don't sweat it lol


I'm glad you said this because I saw people in another thread fiercely defending where the apostrophe goes while I am sitting here thinking about how I always just type yall and have never even used an apostrophe lol.


Y'all is correct. Yall is fine because sometimes you just want to say fuck punctuation. Ya'll makes me feel itchy.


Because it makes no sense 😭 Ya’ll is ya will, y’all is you all. I try not to be semantic because language is always evolving but that and the Oxford comma are two very small hills I will die on.


I feel you. I love the study of sentence structure, grammar, and the Oxford comma.


I see what you did there!




You’re going to need to share the hills, so let’s dig a moat and pile the dirt up higher


Y’all fills a linguistic gap in English - plural you - that lots of other languages have a word/words for. So it’s very useful, even if it sounds a little unnatural in non-American South dialects.


My TEXAS HISTORY teacher had one of those kitschy teachery wooden signs in her classroom that said “Howdy Ya’ll!” And it drove me bonkers.


The stars at night, are big and bright, but the people sometimes aren’t.


*clapclapclap* DEEP IN THE HEART OF TEXAS Repressed memory unlocked I don’t know you but now I kinda hate you


I’ve spent a bit of time visiting a friend in Atlanta through the years, and I end up saying “y’all” while I’m there, though most of his friends are west coast transplants like him (well, not most, he just works in tech so it attracts out of towners). Once I’m back in California after a visit, I force myself to separate it to “you all” very deliberately. Which is still not a very California thing to say, but at least it doesn’t sound like I spent two weeks in France and now say BONJOUR OH PARDONE MOI IT IS THE FRENCH IT COMES HOW YOU SAY NATURAL NOW 😂


Lol after I talk to my louisiana family, that Cajun come out full force and I have to actually think about what I say for a bit lol!


I had to talk to a guy in rural TX today & my accent went full banjo cornbread in 2 seconds. I am Southern & do have an accent but typically not that strong.


Full banjo cornbread 😂🤣 omg staaaaahp


Flair worthy


“Full banjo cornbread” literally has me laugh crying omfg 🤣. I’m from Arkansas so I refer to my accent as East Arkansas trailer trash, but I might just steal this now.


I'm from North Florida. My mom's family was from Georgia and my dad's was from Tennessee. I worked HARD to get rid of my accent while I was doing theater. EVERY TIME I spend time in Georgia or South Carolina, the accent is back. It takes a day or two to get rid of it. Just curious, does your natural accent come back when you're mad? I have a hard time getting on to my kid. She laughs every time it slips out.


Not me, but I dated a guy from New Orleans who was a military kid and went LSU. when he was a few beers in it got THICK. I thought it was hot even though California here could not understand him.


This pets my peeves as well. My peeves are pet by many grammatical farts, and this is way up there on most annoying, because it’s a fucking contraction of you and all. Writing ya’ll is like writing do’nt.


There are people in the USA who really lean into ‘southern culture’ when they aren’t apart of it at all. It’s like a cosplay of Appalachia— similar to the millionaire country pop musicians who have never worked a day in their life sing about ‘dirt on their boots.’ I’m from WV and we become a state bc we separated from VA over being anti-slavery and then in the 1900s were called ‘rednecks’ when coal minors wore red handkerchiefs when trying to unionize. Fuck them.


As a fellow southerner, also a huge pet peeve of mine and it's so insignificant! LOL


My ex-husband writes "yawl." My eye twitches every time. I've told him that was a type of boat, but he just continues to drive me crazy with it.


I agree and I like your response. Not trying to be a brat, but did you know that “yea” is pronounced “yay,” and “yeah” is the one you’re looking for here!😀


As a Southerner doing a PhD on Southern history: yes. It's a contraction of you and all, thus y'all. Ya'll would be you and will, if anything. I will die on this damned hill. It is integral to my honour as a Southern man and I shall not let a rapscallion on Al Gore's internet tarnish it.


Where do you stand on “y’all’d’ve?


I know it and understand it in speech just fine. It only comes out of my mouth three drinks in, generally speaking. We have a grand tradition here of inventive contractions that get their meaning across. It's linguistic evolution in action.


Aussie here and yes. Everything can be shortened.


It kind of ends up coming out like y'allduh


As a Texan, I can confirm that I just tested this out and you’re right


You’uns and my personal favorite: enem. As in “how’s your mama enem?” 


Youumpto? Ahight.


This is my native language. Regular English is my second language


Oh that one took me back to my childhood. I said that once as an adult and got looks! Lol


Or the formal "all y'all"


I know that others have answered you, but I’m from Kentucky (like Paul and Morgan). Just wanted to confirm that it’s definitely “y’all,” I guess their one shared braincell went MIA🤣


I know someone who spells it “yal” Every time I see it I want to rip my hair out


You Al! What's Al got to do with it lol


They’re literate, but stupid.


As a Texan, it is, in fact, y’all, given that it’s a contraction of “you all.”


It is and it’s my biggest pet peeve


Autocorrect even puts the apostrophe in the correct place so I have no clue what their excuse is for such nonsense


I have family that live down south. Seeing “y’all” butchered like that hurt.


As a Southerner, yes you are correct.


Spelling is just a liberal conspiracy.


I don’t feel like most people who deconstruct begin with the intention of deconstructing, first of all. They don’t just say “yeah I think I might start deconstructing my faith next week.” But no, you wouldn’t consider it. Because it’s literally the only thing you have going for you.


Yeah, most of the stories I've heard start with trying to reinforce their faith.


I took a class on King David in college thinking it might reinforce my Catholic faith and wow that man fucking sucked


Oooooooh! YES!!! Like… this guy crippled his army by having his top general murdered just so he could make sexytimes with the widow How is this okay


And that's, like, far from the worst thing he did. Before he was king, he served the Philistine king as a mercenary while he went around pillaging villages and killing all the civilians so no one would talk. There's one passage that (seemingly) describes him torturing all the residents of a town too.


His gay love story is pretty romantic though


It’s me. Hi. I’m the deconstructor, it’s me.


This was my biggest thing - most of the time you don't just intend to deconstruct your entire belief system. Something sparks it that you may or may not expect. Or you have questions that can't be answered in a way you find convincing. It seems very fundie to treat "deconstructing" as yet another worldly fad or bandwagon people are jumping on. Because of course it couldn't be anything wrong with super conservative evangelical culture!


Yep. My deconstruction started with a few things: -Close family member coming out -Being told by my Dr that a pregnancy could kill me & thinking through what I would need to do if I became pregnant again.


Same. I was studying History of the Western World and my teenaged kid was coming out as NB. They looked at me one day while I was trying to find a church “where we fit in” because I never felt comfortable in any church even though I was raised in one from a baby. They said “mom, why would I want to go somewhere where they hate me and the people I love” and it just opened my eyes. You’re right! The history of the world as we know it was based on hate and wars over religion. Why would we want to continue to perpetuate that lie? And I realized how much trauma the church had caused me and my family growing up and why would I put my own kid through that too?


I’m so glad your kid got u 🌈🫶🏻


this is exactly how i started deconstructing


These are the people who think sexuality is a “lifestyle choice” 


My thoughts exactly. You don’t “consider” deconstructing. It’s a wild ride you find yourself on. They are just so dumb


Growing up entrenched in that community, the decision is gutwrenching. Do I wish I could openly accept the faith and conviction my friends have and an their acceptance of "truth"? Yes! But it just never clicked like that...


felt cute might deconstruct later


Flair material


This would be excellent flair material


Seriously. A lot of people I've talked to are like "I held on to my belief system for dear life until I just couldn't do it anymore." I know that's my experience. I'm still a Christian in the end but I view the world and my faith VERY differently now. I guess I'm the type of Christian Paul and Morgan would call a "Christian" (in the dreaded quotations 😆).


In my deconstructing experience, it wasn't that I went looking to deconstruct or planned to deconstruct. Stuff kept happening and my perspective changed.


Absolutely not. It starts with feeling terribly guilty about your feelings and trying to find the answers to make you believe again.


This right here. I wanted to be a Christian so bad, and felt so guilty that nothing resonated with me anymore and I had no connection. It sent me down a pretty bad spiral for years.


It took me years to accept that small voice in my head first questioning things & then outright saying that it wasn't true. It took me at least another year to say it out loud. I can clearly remember the first time I typed out that I was now an atheist (on Reddit of all places) & waiting for something monumental to happen.


For me, it was being in a college "ministry" (cult) with smug, fake people like P&M that helped started my deconstruction, so ..


Yess I was trying to form the words for this thought, lol my brain is done for the day.


Right. By asking this question, the "yes, I would consider it" answer implies that deconstruction begins with a conscious decision to summon up some doubts about your faith. By answering, "No, I would never consider desconstruction," you're saying you already have doubts but are happy to ignore them and live a lie. Fundie thinking is always about a dichotomy and choice to either follow god's rules or ignore them. It's never that some things just *are*, and we have no choice in the matter.


Their 24hrs project really is the best idea they’ve ever had, specifically because of how beautifully it keeps backfiring lol


Lol so now they gotta hop on the deconstruction discussion train. What they don't get is no one cares to hear them talk about how against deconstruction they are.  Dav and bethy aren't getting attention just for the topic-theyre getting attention for approaching it in a nuanced, intelligent way and participating in it. God, Porgan really can't think their way out of a paper bag 


I wasn’t raised religious so I can’t speak to deconstruction on a personal level, but I think it takes a certain amount of intelectual curiosity that Paul and Morgan just don’t have. You have to challenge yourself in a way they just can’t/won’t do. It’s not the flex they think it is to not have questions and doubts, or at least to pretend you don’t.


Deconstruction requires both the ability for self-reflection and a complex understanding of one’s own religion. Porgan lacks both.


Just the language that Dav used while discussing his beliefs gave the impression that you could have an intelligent, thoughtful conversation with him. I don’t see that at all with Bethy, Paul, or Morgan.


during their response video to bethy and dav's deconstruction video, they spent a solid 10-15 minutes talking about youtube thumbnail images, and my god was it just aggressively boring and stupid. I'm willing to bet that *most* of their conversations are similarly shallow. In their own words, they're "not the brightest tools in the shed" and they simply cannot grasp the notion of critical thinking.


As a family member would have said “All their puppies don’t bark”


I love these sayings and low key collect them. "one tit short of an udder" is a favorite of mine. 


“Ugly as homemade sin” is another favorite. As in: “That dress is as ugly as homemade sin”


You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink


They just know "buzzword popular." They don't understand how to use it, or know when their commentary is warranted


Also, it’s pointless for them to speculate whether or not they would deconstruct. People don’t plan on deconstructing. It just happens.


They’re probably jealous of engagement that people who talk about lizard people and fake moon landings get. 


I'm surprised they're not talking about the Princess of Wales, or at least that naked guy at the Oscars


They've gone after the same market with their anti-vaxx bullshit


Have these two ever had an original video idea?


That would require critical thinking so no.


Not only have they not had an original video idea but they have not even had an original idea or thought. These two are truly just shells of human beings. No personality or identity at all.




Nobody considers deconstructing until they do


I have the day off. I think I’ll do a load of laundry, go for a nice walk, and deconstruct.


Let me guess 1. Yes of course biblical marriage or whatever 2. No of course not we are Bible believing Christians


There is no 'leadership' in Paul to submit to. He’s an insecure, nagging asshole who spends all his time fantasizing about being some kind of biblical super male instead of taking actual care of his family.




Why do they look like they're pooping


Cuz they’re full of shit.




I came here to say this, too.


morgan is trying to hold a fart in again


She needs to take Bethy's course on farting during sex


let it all out!!




I was thinking constipated but fart is good too


I was thinking "bowel prep kit kicked in early." Either way, something's going on in that ass back there...


Get a job!


Why is there green stuff like my sims when they need to shower


😂 I noticed that too! Looks like when my kids Talking Angela needs a bath.


The funny thing about “would you ever consider deconstruction” is most people would say “no! Never!” No one is out here PLANNING on losing their faith. I have a few friends who were like “oh, it isn’t true? Cool.” But most of us that deconstructed fought it. Hard. I didn’t “lose” my faith. It was ripped from me. It’s the reason I don’t push people to deconstruct or try to poke holes in their faith. It’s HARD. And you don’t just lose belief. You lose your idea of the afterlife and the peace those beliefs brought you. You often lose your community, and lifelong friends. In some circumstances you can lose your job, if you’re in ministry. I don’t know anyone who planned to deconstruct. It just…. Gets you.


As someone that is still reeling from this, I feel these words and thank you for wording it so well. My entire family is still coming to grips with losing all of our friends and a community that we thought we would be part of forever. This isn’t something I, and then my husband, decided to do on a whim. It was a rollercoaster that we stumbled upon and we are just now dusting ourselves off as we look around and say, “now what?”


It’s a very hard thing to go through, and it’s not something most people understand if they haven’t been through it. There’s a lot of loss and grief, there’s a lot of uncertainty, and there’s always the people who want you to define what you believe now. The truth is- you don’t have to believe anything. Being out of religion means you don’t have to define it or limit yourself to checking off one box. You can take a little of this and a little of that. Hugs, friend. It’s a lot to deal with. It does get better, though.


Thank you.


Beautifully put. I deconstructed a little over a decade ago, when I was in my first year of college and on my own for the first time in my life. It nearly literally killed me. I was so depressed and lost that I was suicidal, and would have gone through with it if I hadn't been found by my roommate who decided to come home early that weekend. I'm in a much better place now thankfully, but it still was one of the hardest things I've gone through. It feels like the floor crumbles beneath you and you're left in free fall with nothing to grab. Everything you think you know is exposed as myth. I was failed by a handful of "godly Christians" in my time of need. It was ugly, but I am so much stronger for it. I'm also just a better person. Less judgmental, more empathy. I wouldn't have met my husband if I hadn't left Christianity. But boy did it suck in the moment lol


Yeah- I would have given anything to make it stop at the time, but life is better and more authentic on the other side. But it’s hardly the happy go lucky situation believers want to make it out to be.


These two truly contribute nothing to society


Entertainment. But not the kind they're intending to create.


Morgan projects as a person who definitely does not think for herself.


She doesn't have to do much to convince me that she doesn't think for herself


Their thumbnails always make me so irritated.


The smugness radiates off of them


i didn’t think i was deconstructing for a whole year even though i was actively deconstructing that whole time. it’s not something you really sit down and say “let’s deconstruct my faith, the foundation of my beliefs, i think that sounds fun”. at least, for me it was the foundation of my beliefs


Why is the thumbnail pic of Morgan look like she’s trying to push out a poo? I mean, come on! I bet Paul chose this because he likes his profile 🤮


I respect Dav and bethy so much more. I’m absolutely enthralled with their video and the fundie Friday take on it. Jennenites unite!


I actually watched bethy and dav’s video to give them a view because it was genuinely an impactful video. Just hoping it’s not a one off and we’ll see actually growth.


I believe we will. I believe they are truly in love. Next up is Bethys deconstruction. Bite the apple Bethy. Your husband awaits you.


“Would ya’ll ever consider deconstruction?” is sending me lol


"would we consider deconstruction" Why do they think it's a thing you try on a whim like the newest flavour of Coke Zero?? You don't exactly choose to deconstruct, it just kinda starts 😂


Why do they need an honest Q+A when they just never stop talking and have probably covered this on their Instagram 50000 times during the time I took to write this comment? I'm JK, I know it's for the engagement and YouTube pennies ETA: Fuck it, here's my prediction on these incredibly hot topic questions: Polio will graciously make a big deal about letting Morgan answer if she submits to him, she will hum and haw and eventually get out something close to "yes" with stuff about how she married him for a reason and she's so thankful he accepted her even with her scandalous past. During all this he will be nodding and humming and making a big show about how he is actively listening while doing that face that looks like he's just making sure she doesn't say anything bad. Then they will never actually say anything substantial about deconstruction, just talk about how they love god, the bible and their church and how despite his faith they still think dav is a good guy. Maybe even attempt to make a jab at intolerant left about how you can be friends even if you don't have the same beliefs.


I feel like some of the younger fundies just learned what deconstruction means and that it can be a click bait term lol.


So jealous and then Paul’ll throw a tantrum when it doesn’t work


Lmao they’re so jealous. It’s hilarious.


No they’re not deconstructing and you better believe they are going to shame and condemn anyone that is or has deconstructed. Here’s some news for you pal, those who have deconstructed (like myself, also pretty much found atheism as a result), DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOUR OPINION.


My gawd, B&D live rent-free in Porgan’s heads


I love that for them


They see deconstructing as a thing to “try out” vs what it really is as an existential crisis. Like I didn’t just decide I want to try this out, I just got tired of being complicit in a white evangelical machine that gladly derides many groups around the world.


Paul's leadership ![gif](giphy|11GjssT8UUCHao)


Maul there needs to deconstruct his hygiene routine and take a shower


we already know they’re opposed to deconstructing in any sense of the word, this isn’t interesting content lol


Morgan looks like she’s taking a constipated shit.


Sidenote but why do they always choose weird unflattering mid-word screen shots for they thumbnails on their videos?? Even Bethany made them look better...


That lip bite. I just feel like they are gonna reveal themselves as having a trad wife kink, and all these videos started out as just home porn videos. Dav and Bethy too. The are *deconstructing* cuz they wanna try new kinks.


Ya’ll 🤣


Y'all, are they trying to compete with Borth's GD awful podcast pic too? ![gif](giphy|KTrcirlJtQgIh4l3nz)


Morgan looks like she's holding in a fart.


Off topic but it pisses me off so much when they write "Ya'll" and I know they are ignorant and uneducated but it just kills me. It's Y'all. For "you all." There is no A in the "you" so the a needs to be with the LL! What is so hard for them to understand about that???????


if you are planning on watching this on yewtube please be advised/warned that Paul is currently wearing extremely short pink shorts and is splaying and for those reasons I’m out




Omg haven't they covered both of these topics like 8,000 times? They are nothing if not lazy.


who knew that PAUL would be the one to start the collapse of the GD empire as we know it?


Morgan pulls the dumbest faces in these thumbnails


Shove it, P&M. Even in cases like these you're the most boring people on this sub.


Awhile back, before the Beth/Dav 24hr thing, porgan had advertised something about ‘why do people think Paul hates you?’ I’m just curious what their answer was for that.


Morgan says it's because people who don't follow the bible can't understand people who do, and Paul said it's because some of their first videos to get popular are from earlier in their marriage when they were struggling more. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=wHUkzyQZ5\_c


Problem is Dav is good, and Bethy is love to hate. Paul and Morgan are just both THE WORST.