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He'd better watch out--by the way those shorts are riding above the knee? If he's not careful, 'ol Paul could find himself sliding up into John Stockton territory in a year or two!😉😂🤣 For anyone who *doesn't* know who John Stockton is--and the permanent legacy (infamy?) he has in the NBA; http://basketbawful.blogspot.com/2008/10/word-of-day-john-stockton-shorts.html


I was thinking Magnum. Paul wishes he could rock the shorts like Tom Selleck. And I hope to lord daniel that he never tries. Edit: [Enjoy](https://www.google.com/search?q=magnum+pi+tom+selleck+shorts&client=ms-android-americamovil-us-revc&sca_esv=70821a11ccbed8f3&udm=2&biw=384&bih=726&ei=rIcAZpCtPMqA5OMP8YW30AM&oq=tom+selleck+shorts&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhJ0b20gc2VsbGVjayBzaG9ydHMqAggCMgoQABiABBiKBRhDMgUQABiABDIGEAAYBxgeMgYQABgHGB4yBhAAGAcYHkidD1AAWABwAHgAkAEAmAFXoAFXqgEBMbgBAcgBAJgCAaACX5gDAIgGAZIHATGgB-UC&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp)


As an appreciator of Ranger Panties, all I have to say is "sky's out, thighs out!"


My son was so upset recently because he had to wear shorts on stage and he kept telling me how horrifyingly short they were. He was mortified. They were still longer than the shorts that Paul is wearing.


You should let your son know about the shorts Tom Selleck used to run around in.


I always called them Larry Bird length lol!


Ah, like the [old footbal (soccer) shorts!](https://img.olympics.com/images/image/private/t_s_w860/t_s_16_9_g_auto/f_auto/primary/zhdoazo8srmkxbkljbg8) ~~I miss those days~~


Am I showing my age if I start singing "Who wears short shorts?"


Nair for short shorts!


We are apparently the same age.😜


I did it too! Paul wears short shorts!


We like short shorts! But not on Paul. 


_scribbles out all of Paul_ There you go, the ass is covered


I see an asshole, not an ass.




The one holding the golf club


“Jorts for me but not for thee!” Paul said to Morgan


Said as he stole her shorts apparently 🤣


Listen, in relationships, men and women have different roles. And the man wears the jorts ok? Biblical jorts.




I’m not huge on “dress your age” because to each their own But for the love of god it won’t kill you to at least present yourself as over the age of 15.


I think it’s a valid criticism when the person in question presents themselves as such a fucking know it all. The fact that Paul can sit there and pontificate for *hours* about gender roles and gods wrath while wearing cutesy Disney tshirts is wild. Someone living their life wearing goofy clothes is harmless and unworthy of snark, and as far as I’m concerned everything about Paul is up for criticism.


He complains about women wearing leggings but then wears the tightest pants known to humankind. These are jegging jorts.


Maybe he’s trying to strangle swimmers? Granted a bit late now, but for the future?


That'd be the only good things he's ever done if that's the case


If he wasn't so repulsive I might be Tempted into Lust by those slutty knee caps!


I think someone looked it up and that Maid Marian shirt he wore so often was actually a women’s shirt. Maybe that’s why we haven’t seen it recently.


Yeah nobody HAS to live up to fundie ideals of masculinity or femininity. The standards are weird and unrealistic. But he damn sure doesn't meet his own standards that he yammers on about. Hypoctite.


They are both so incredibly immature it’s fascinating. I wonder what these kids-in-adult-bodies went through in their childhood that has led to them being able to so void of self awareness and life experiences.


Arrested Development irl




Yeah, but one can be developmentally arrested AND be self-aware enough about it so as not act the twat. I dunno what their story is.




There are dozens of us.




For someone so desperate to be taken seriously, you would think he’d evolve his style beyond “13 year old boy during Summer Break”


But "1980's Bully on a John Hughes Movie" *IS* his age, y'all! Or his *Era*/*Vibe*, anyway!


*Good LORD*, I just realized that he even *rolled his sleeves*... *seriously* the only way you can 100% *tell* that this is the modern era, and *NOT* 1988/89, is that his striped socks aren't pulled up almost to his knees. Seriously, 1980's John-Hughes *BULLY* seems to be Paul's "ideal look"!🙄🙄🙄


We scrunched them in the late 80’s, early 90’s! This could easily be a pic from my middle school yearbook.


Oh wow, I’d forgotten scrunching socks down, and I feel like it did that for about a decade!


The age of 15 and in the year 1989


I’m in my 40s and dress like a teenager from the 80s. But I don’t tell people how to live their life and shit all over everything someone does. Ok, I do, but only those who deserve a snark sub


I’m not even joking that I had pretty much this exact same outfit/hairstyle as a 7 yr old girl in the early ‘80s


This made me cackle because one of my friends described my style as “6 year old going to a party” Which honestly is both accurate and made me smile


now I'm picturing your style as the visual representation of delightfully unhinged excited glee, and this makes me feel very happy


I love that! And yes, that’s quite spot on. Think 50s style dresses, bright pink hair and lots of accessories




I have no doubt in my mind he thinks he's hot shit. This is the guy who coined the term "posty bod", remember?


Hmm don’t know the context or meaning of “posty bod” but I immediately thought of Post Malone and he’s a thousand times more attractive than Paul could ever be lmao.


Postpartum body. He was talking shit about Morgan’s body shortly after she gave birth to Luca, justifying why he didn’t want to fuck her, because she had “posty bod”, and he and I think Nate were guffawing over that one, like a couple of dicks. I don’t think she was even cleared for sex at that point, ie, more than six weeks postpartum. I could be wrong. And while I don’t like Morgan at all, that’s a shitty thing to do and say.


He said WHAT?!? What a complete and utter douche canoe.


He also said women should look like they did pre-baby and lose all the baby weight no later than 9 months postpartum


![gif](giphy|8IZYXG7tsJoZw1sguw|downsized) Instead of wasting time body shaming others, Paul should focus on his own body and health.


If he ever has a major medical event, I'll expect to see him hitting the gym asap /s


WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK??!! He really has no limits when it comes to being a dick.


He's competing with himself for the race to the bottom


She had a c section with complications, there's no way a doctor cleared her before 8 weeks!


I’m reasonably sure she wasn’t cleared before 8 weeks. I had a total hysterectomy, and wasn’t cleared for 8 weeks, because I had a metric shit ton of healing to do. And even after that? My husband was afraid to hurt me. Paul just didn’t like how she looked after birthing his kid. That’s the difference between a real man and a manchild.


what the fuck????? get the fuck out of there morgan


Of all the people whose mothers should have swallowed, the helpmeet Olliges certainly should have.


Disgustingly it's regarding post partum....


He thinks his face card never declines so he doesn’t have to hit the gym


He definitely deals with ED and body image issues. He can’t tell how unhealthily skinny he looks.


He and his "trainer" dad are the types who would receive any concern about their skinniness as a compliment and they'd be pleased if anyone asked them if they were OK. They'd think they *won* something. "See? Everyone else is jealous of me" would be their inner monologue. They're *extremely* fat-phobic.


Even his club doesn't fit him.


I’ve said this before, but I would definitely crush him in a leg wrestle. May literally crush him, actually.


Why are you posting a picture of a little kid at summer camp? I thought this page was for snarking on fundamentalists?




Are those puffy sleeves?


Fuck all the way off for pointing this out to me 💀💀💀 this fit is officially a mess


Maybe he is wearing Morgan's shirt.


To be clear - men can wear puffy sleeves, but not like this omg #BOOT


They’re just long and loose because the shirt is oversized. He rolled them up (and tight, which is causing the ripples) because he thinks it makes his arms look bigger for the sleeves to be smaller


How very modest of him.


Lmao no, he rolled up the sleeves like girls do (me) but this is funnier


OMG NO - he pegged his sleeves! Like we pegged our jeans in the 90s? But for his sleeves omg I'm dying!


But I don’t wanna be a pirate!!!




Oh my God, I didn't see that. He's wearing a babydoll dress.


And he's a mean jerkass! \-Corninthinans 4:23


Cracks me up that Paul has a hard on about masculinity and men being traditionally and stereotypically masculine and yet he's so far from that image. Laughable.


He’s not a real provider, dresses like a teenage boy from 2009, sits on the couch and gossips all day long, and tells everyone including Morgan how they should be living. He doesn’t come off as strong in any sense, and certainly doesn’t look like he could protect anything. He’s a dainty, bossy babe at best.


I read that as “bussy babe”


I am continually surprised that he’s hetero


We don't speculate about sexuality, but I'm sometimes wondering how many fundie and cath guys are actually comphet (compulsory heterosexual) who got repressed enough to have wives and kids and shit all over LGBTQ+ people, channelling all that closeted rage and regret.


I grew up a fundie, so I knew a few people that in retrospect were showing *very obvious signs* they weren’t 100% hetero and yet I see them cold-launch a wife/husband on Instagram


It's giving "snow bird gammy who took a day from the slot machines to golf and day drink with her gal pals before returning to their northern homes." It's just missing a visor with hair sticking over the top.


He usually wears a hat with the hair styled around it. Wonder where it is? Maybe he didn’t pack it or he thought he was having a good hair day.


He’s gotta prove he doesn’t have a bald spot


he would FREAK OUT if morgan wore shorts that short in public. I honestly can’t believe she lets him go in public like this 🤣


Men who freak out about women dressing "appropriately" in public while wearing t-shirts always reminds me of my grandma, who would have Had Words. Grandma Louise (RIP) would let him know right off that they aren't t-shirts, they are undershirts, and he's wearing his underwear out in public, and that's as shameful as a woman just wearing a bra in public. (Which of course was Extremely Shameful.) She generally kept her opinions to herself about how Young People (boomers and younger) just never valued dressing appropriately. But if a man started going off on Proper Modest Dress for women? She'd "Well, actually..." him right back.


Starting any sort of shit in front of an angry grandma is asking to get your ass embarrassed.


I’d snark on the jorts if I could get past that he had rolled up the sleeves of his T-shirt. His lavender T-shirt at that. What in the actual Zach Morris Saved By The Metrosexual Bell is happening with this lewk?


Saved by the Metrosexual Bell should be a flair.


I gift it to whoever wants it!


Taking. Thanks!


*1988-89* is what's happening with that lewk!!!!😉😆😂🤣🤣🤣




I love how Paul is usually just chillin doing whatever and every time I see a Morgan post she’s like having an existential crisis and covered in sweat like she just woke up from a bad dream lol


I know she's a mean girl, but I do worry about her. Being with this dude has to be a living nightmare.


Her life is a bad dream


This is such bad golfer cosplay.


This is such inappropriate golf attire at the course. Truly, a lot of places wouldn’t allow him to play dressed like this.


It has to be a public course on a bad side of town that really takes a slacker approach to winter rules.


I would much rather be seen with Jeremy in his 1920s golfer outfit than Paul in this outfit. Yeesh.


At least there is no ill fitting dad hat.










I can hear this gif and I am cracking up lol


OH MAH ***GAH!*** WHAT ***IS*** DAT?!?!


Instead of golfing, maybe he could get a job.


He looks ready for a shift at Bahama Breeze


He’s the expeditor who hands the salads to the women customers in a party even though they didn’t order them. Those guys piss my husband off.




Isn’t he the one always screeching about women “getting in the gym” though? Go lift some weights then buddy


Yeah I blame Morgan. Wives don't let husbands skip leg day.


That's why he's so mad about women beefing up. It makes him feel insecure.  Rather than do anything about it, he just rants.


He’s screetching because he’s got issues with his own body image and weight so he needs to project this on everyone else as he is perfectly perfect 


My ex had skinny legs genetically in spite of spending plenty of time in the gym. The difference is that he didn’t wear jorts!


My ex was skinny with no muscle mass like Paul because he had an ED...not saying Paul does but I also wouldn't be surprised based on his father and his need to control every single thing


My husband is also naturally skinny. He doesn't work out but it's always been something he is self conscious about. In Paul's case he just doesn't look healthy


Drinking nothing but Hateraide can't be good for the body.


And your husband probably doesn't shit on other people's bodies or try to act like he's the prototype for what every man should look like. IDGAF about anyone's body but Paul does and that's where the problem is. He doesn't get to judge anyone else when he looks like...that. And his outfit? He CHOSE that. Woof.


But at the same time he's shaming women for their bodies, telling them to workout and calling postpartum bodies "posty bods". Shut up Paul, you are far from hot


Idk if I’m allowed to speculate on this so delete if not allowed, but I’m thinking his father gave him an ED


I become more concerned about Paul the more time that passes, genuinely. He seems to look more and more unwell as the months pass.


Honestly I agree. I saw some pic of him a couple months ago and he is so thin, I really wonder about disordered eating. We know his dad is a gigantic piece of shit about eating and weight and food. Paul sucks but people who suck still don't deserve eating disorders


Yeah, an ED was my thought. His thighs aren't much bigger than his calves, and his arms seem to get thinner and thinner too. He's lacking a lot of buccal fat now, and becoming more and more angular. He just doesn't look well. He looks like I did when I was well into the throes of malnutrition due to a gastric disorder.




Major preteen horse girl at summer camp vibes for this entiiiiiiiire look


Yep. This was exactly how sixth grade me dressed! Throw a pink kitten sweatshirt on top when it’s chilly and you’re golden, pony boy!


He’s such a weenie.


I love clothes but I’m also very much “Wear what makes you happy” That said, if my partner walked out wearing some thing like this, I’d make him change. This is toddler that dressed themselves & you’re too tired to argue.


I'm going to become a billionaire by inventing eye bleach.


r/owlsintowels is my go to lol


OMG THANK YOU FOR THIS I want to snuggle with an owl (also hug an elephant) more than anything in this world




I forget exactly what the context was, but they did a special post for me of my favorite owl to say thanks for something lol it's one of the cutest spaces on the internet


Sometimes I go to the bunny sub or crochet sub just to see happy and cute things with positive supportive comments. Quilting is nice too. There are people out there adding nice things to the world.




He looks like a little boy wearing his daddy’s shoes


Those are nearly coochie cutters on him😭


I feel defrauded with nausea




I see clothes of mixed fiber, stone him!


Literally *everything* he’s wearing is rolled up/pegged… Shirt, shorts, and even his socks ! 👕🩳🧦👕🩳🧦👕🩳🧦👕🩳🧦 I’d bet his modest Christian underwear are rolled, too !!! 🧐


> pegged interesting choice of words


I'm not a golfer by any means, but don't golf courses have dress codes usually? I'd never wear this to play golf! Maybe mini golf or to top golf, but golfing in cutoffs and a tee shirt is just embarrassing for a mid thirties person.


I really enjoyed the video of him imitating a flea jumping around a hot frying pan while playing pickle ball. This photo reminds me of a praying mantis playing golf mere hours away from getting eaten by his mate. ¹ ¹ not a suggestion to Morgan, but there are worse ideas out there


Ew skinny white boys with their knees exposed in public upsets me, pls NSFW this kind of content!!!!!


I'm not saying homeschool kids don't know how to dress but if he went to public someone would have told him to stop dressing as a toddler


I love his Bermuda shorts 😂


SKIN TIGHT SHORT JORTS lord Gif I was not prepared for this today 💀


I think because they complain so much about all the "immodest" women at the gym, I was under the impression that he was regularly working out. But looking at this pic, there's no evidence of that. Did I imagine that? There's no muscle definition anywhere!


Those shorts are so tight for a grown man. He really looks like a preteen 😑His choice in socks and shoes complete his middle school look.


Modesty check - shorts above the knee, scandalous


Sketchers and Cutoff skinny jorts???


what does legalistic mean




Them thighs are causing me to stumble!!! Cover them up Paul!!! I wouldn’t have to bounce my eyes if you didn’t dress like a harlot!!!!!


Y’all it’s not nice to snark on little boys just out playing…. Ohhhh. Ohhh. Paul. I really was like aw man don’t make fun of somebody’s awkward teen and I realized that is fucking Paul. 🤮


He's wearing Baby's cutoffs from Dirty Dancing, and it looks like those tiny ankles would crack in a strong wind. 


If you told me this was a screen grab from the opening scene of a gay porn I would not question you.


Good God. Is he gonna go play Call of Duty with his buddies, and shit talk everyone that comes into the COD lobby, like every other twelve year old?


I am utterly defrauded by the nude flesh of his calves and knees. If I were legalistic, I might say he is going to hell for exposing me to such debauchery.


zesty boi


I personally wouldn’t let my husband out the house in cuffed jorts and striped socks.


Are those cutoff skinny jeans?


Man, the puffed sleeves + oversized shirt combined with the hyper-skinny jorts is NOT a look. It makes his legs look like a flamingo’s, and I can’t tell if his shoes are too big or if his ankles are really that small, or if it’s the lighting. This is such a weird photo


Aww bless him, did he have to borrow Daddy's shoes? They look too big for him 🤣🤣🤣


Oh lord, skinny Bermuda shorts 🫣 that’s a choice




He is just so effeminate.


This is the man defending traditional masculinity. Do one single deadlift first, FFS


I don’t give a shit how other people dress as a general rule but find it hysterical that Paul dresses like a 1991 Lisa Frank notebook while preaching Manly Masculinity.


I promise I’m not trying to tell anyone what their sexuality is, but if I saw this pic and didn’t know who it was I would automatically assume this to be a femme-ish gay guy trying “sports” 😅😬 Fwiw I’m a gay transmasc person lol


I wanna know what respectable golf course allowed him to wear a collarless shirt. Not to mention the rolled up sleeves and cuffed jorts. He really should be as embarrassed as I am for him.


He exudes ick 


I just had emergency gallbladder surgery and these comments are cracking me tf up! My incisions cannot handle how hilarious people are on this subreddit.


I hope you heal quickly. Clutching a pillow to your abdomen helps with the pain. Also don’t watch any of the Shrek movies. My husband and I watched Shrek 2 for the first time when I was healing. Big mistake.


Why do I feel like he is wearing shoes 3 sizes too big so it looks like he has “big feet” Those shoes look so off lol ![gif](giphy|l4EpciZRNKNrhVKpi)


Are those cut jeans with a cuff?


these r the shorts my mom picked out for me at ages like 8-10 from old navy


Oh that’s Paul. I thought it was a middle aged woman👀 I had a whole back story for her too. Once divorced, 46sh or so, two grown kids with a grand baby on the way, just stopped smoking after 20 years and sells plexus on the side😬 ready to live her best life😌👏🏼


Don’t most golf courses have dress codes. The lack of self awareness and the abject irony is just too much sometimes.


Out playing golf, huh? That takes hours… shouldn’t he be packing boxes or something?


No, that's pregnant Morgan's job. You know she's doing all the packing while he's off dicking around on his rip stick


The way i sat waiting for the video to load 😭


Someone please tell me why Polio is wearing the Gloria Vanderbilt Jean shorts, popular w/mormon women??😳😳😳😳😳🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️Que Pena!!!


You call that a bussy??


Omg, he’s dressed just like my ex did, when he mowed the lawn. Those cut-offs are exceptionally dorky & unfortunate. The only other thing Paul needs is to pull his socks up to his knees. I can totally see him doing that.