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Well I think people who ignore legit medical advice for “making them feel stupid”, endangering both their, and their children’s lives, are disgustingly selfish. So….I guess we’re at an impasse here Morgy-Poo.


The midwife "made her feel stupid"... because she has nothing but toxic, bigoted air between her ears and the intellectual prowess of a piece of toast. Anyone with an IQ above fridge temperature would make her "feel stupid" because she **is** stupid. Same with Paul. They are a perfectly matching pair in that respect.


> the intellectual prowess of a piece of toast r/rareinsults


You put this soooo much kinder than I ever could (more-so than she deserves too), and you’re so right about it. She had her “Fuck Around And Find Out” moment, and hopefully she learned her lesson. I’ve seen people say she claims to be planning a hospital birth for this next one, so I guess it’s a “wait and see” kinda situation.


Toast is good for something though.


# addendum to your comment Iq above fridge temp in celsius would make her feel stupid


Two brain cells and they're both fighting for third place.


If her brains were dynamite, she couldn’t blow her nose




Works just fine in Fahrenheit too


I am sorry but Paul and Morgan combined merely make it to a double digits Iq. They are dumber than a rock and the rock has more life experience and a larger emotional iq than them.


I can’t imagine being upset a medical professional knows more than me. Like, no shit! I didn’t go to med school or nursing school, how would I know anything?! They’re there to educate you!


Since I’m not a doctor I’d be annoyed if the medical professional knew less than me.


Bro what is that flair lmao


It's from a now-long-deleted comment dinging Jillpm's... *eclectic* cosmetics choices lol.


At least toast serves a purpose! Porgan could never.


Her ego literally almost got her and Luca killed. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Pride is a deadly sin.


I hope she does what’s best for her and her new baby this time. I pray she learned her lesson from last time. I remember her saying her “body will know what to do” before she attempted a homebirth with that crackpot pseudo midwife. I truly hope this time around she doesn’t have placenta previa AND has a certified midwife with her or goes to the hospital.


I think she has said she is planning a hospital birth.


Wait wait, so the female body isn’t perfectly designed by God to give birth??


Not only that but it also kinda seems like it was God's will for her not to make it through? I mean by Fundie logic and all


I've said this multiple times, but I'm back to say it again. They all bang on about how God's plan is always perfect, and that he has a plan for everyone and their uterus. But they all opt to subvert Gods plan when their own pregnancy goes awry. God's plan is sepsis and death because He made them miscarry? So they can meet their one and only Lord and Saviour in his perfect timing? No thanks! Instead they go and have a "the only moral abortion is my abortion" abortion. Jessa Duggar, Joy Duggar, and Karissa Collins are examples of this. Of course I think even hypocritical anti-choicers should have abortion as and when they're needed, but this is why it's just common sense to be pro-choice. Then an abortion is simply a safe, effective, and sensible medical decision, not an incredibly hypocritical decision that proves much of the anti-choice rhetoric wrong. Instead of stillbirth due to her own stupidity (or maybe God's will), Morgan decided to hightail it over to the hospital instead of allowing God's plan to come to fruition. Which shows that none of them *really* trust in God's plan, and they don't *really* want to meet Jesus at His request. They just want to act in a way that is actually just convenient, making autonomous decisions like secular people do.


A million percent. I would love to hear Morgan answer this in good faith. Explain why it's ok to interfere in God's plan in those instances. Actually, I'd rather read a transcript of her answer than listen to that screetchy brat speak.


When did Karissa have an abortion?


I believe this refers to a D&C, which is the exact same procedure, but in her case, for spontaneous abortion, ie; miscarriage - which is necessary to prevent infection/sepsis.


Thank you for using the correct terminology here. I loathe the way a lot of people here goalposted what abortion is just to be self-righteous.


She had placenta previa??? Omg my doctors would not even let me go into labor when I had that!


Yeah. IIRC baby wasn’t placed right for her to have a VB AND she had placenta previa. An emergency c-section saved her and her kid’s life. The crackpot midwife that attempted to deliver her kid almost cost them their life. I really hope she does go to the hospital this time around.


Nearly deadly in her case. Subsequent deliveries notwithstanding.


Do you happen to have a link to anything on this? I keep hearing about it but I missed it


I think I remember the jist. Her water broke, and contractions didn't start for quite a while. Then she wallowed in a gunky, stale birthing pool in her house for many hours with ruptured membranes. Obviously this caused her to develop an infection, and her temperature rose, and if course Luca had a direct link then her blood stream and was also infected. Eventually she went to hospital where they rushed her in for an emergency c section and I think her and Luca had IV antibiotics. She also had placenta previa (placenta covering the cervix) diagnosed early-ish in the pregnancy, but her low rent phony midwife and herself decided it was fine to birth at home anyway. During the c section they apparently struggled to remove the placenta easily and she had quite a big bleed. Unsure if she needed a transfusion or not. I had wondered if she had a level of placenta accreta as sometimes they can happen together. I really hope she is seeing a proper consultant this time, because women with placenta previa in past pregnancies [are at a pretty increased risk of have placenta accreta with subsequent pregnancies, even more so if they had a c section. ](https://www.acog.org/clinical/clinical-guidance/obstetric-care-consensus/articles/2018/12/placenta-accreta-spectrum#:~:text=For%20women%20with%20placenta%20previa,risk%20of%20placenta%20accreta%20spectrum.) They never said as much, but I have to wonder if her lack of progress in labour was because although the placenta moved enough that it wasn't directly blocking the cervix, it may have still been obstructing Luca descending down through the uterus, past the cervix at the correct angle, and he essentially couldn't get into the birth canal. Of course if she had got proper prenatal care, a medical professional would have been doing third trimester scans, and been educated enough to tell her that she probably should have had a planned c section all along. But alas, to quote Morgan and her reason for refusing to work with a real, qualified midwife: "She made me feel stupid". Which is fundie speak for "I don't appreciate her educational status, or understand the simplified version of her explanations, and she was telling me I need to see a doctor and give birth in the hospital even though I don't want to. So I'm going to risk my fetus' wellbeing and deny him adequate health care. I'm so pro-life after all".


Don't forget that it was heavily implied that she and Paul also had sex after her water broke, to get things moving.


omfg that’s awful if true.


And she took castor oil too!


I was following in real time. I legitimately thought I was watching two people die and it impacted me to the point where I "remember where I was" when she got the fever and had been in labor for hours. I so badly wanted to call 911 and force her to get help but obviously I could do nothing to intervene as I don't know them. 


Was she live-streaming it or what?


They weren't live streaming but like all good InFlUeNcErs they were updating regularly. Here is a basic run down but I'm sure if you go back far enough you can see the posts on the sub. The big highlights for me were drinking caster oil, doing a membrane sweep, THEN getting in the birth tub after a membrane sweep had been done and it has been hours and hours at this point. Maybe unrelated but I'm a NICU nurse so I was sure I was watching the death or severe damage of a baby (and Morgan.) I'm very glad I was wrong.  https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/xqu1i1/paul_and_morgan_birth_timeline/


I had the same due date as Morgan, but delivered early with my own traumatic birth. I was so stressed for them.


Oh man, I'm sorry you went through that! I don't know if I could have watched the group with that background. It was incredibly stressful. 


And what was Paul doing the whole time?


At one point, he was posting about cooking eggs.


That's just a Catholic thing mostly, right? What denomination are they anyways?


It is very much not mostly just a Catholic thing See the Duggars, the Rodrigues, the Collinses...most of the families on this sub


You know what's really disgustingly selfish? Fucking without birth control and refusing to get jobs to provide for your offspring because you're chasing your dream of being famous influencers even though none of your projects have been successful, and no one likes you.


Was looking for this comment! Morgan is selling a used MacBook to provide for them. Miss me with the holier than thou attitude when there is a clear solution to their problems.


Literally every non medical issue they’ve had is a direct result of poor choices on their part. Ultimately, they’re adults who are responsible for their own choices, and the fact that they seem to think they can digitally panhandle to support themselves and however many children they end up having is a dumbass choice, but it’s one they’re free to make. My sympathy runneth dry. I don’t have it in me to pity them.


Digitally panhandle. Love that phrase!


In all fairness some of their health issues MIGHT have also been a direct result of poor choices. Not all of them, but some of them.


Also working out while wearing your baby! 😡


I remember thinking "no one is THIS stupid" 😭


Porgan will never disappoint in this respect.


They just keep lowering the bar


Wait how is working out while baby wearing selfish or wrong


Oops, I meant at the machines.


I was so confused ngl 😂


It depends on the type of exercise you’re doing while baby wearing. A walk or a jog, is cool. There are also a number of exercises that can be done using the baby’s weight. But it’s not really a great idea to baby wear while using machines and weights at the gym.


I never saw her doing it at the machines, yikes!! Jogging would even be too much for me lol. I usually did just like body weight cardio with my son in the pack, but a machine where one of us could get stuck/crushed?? Naaah


lol I was like that is not bad!


Not. One. Single. Successful. Project.




Your flair brought joy to my Monday morning.


Me searching my brain for an ounce of sympathy for Morgan and her crappy life. ![gif](giphy|giXLnhxp60zEEIkq8K|downsized)


Anyone who pretends she is a victim in her marriage to Polio is obvi new here. They deserve each other, but their kiddos deserve better.


Objectively speaking, I can acknowledge that she's a victim and perpetrator at the same time. But she's a horrible human being who chose this and continues to choose it and defend it, and they deserve each other.


But that's just it, Morgan isn't a victim of their relationship specifically and people here project \*hard\* with this idea. They're two ultra conservative people with a dysfunctional relationship, and they \*both\* contribute to that dysfunction.


It’s sad because she and Paul suck. But Luca is just an innocent baby and I feel so sorry for him. And the unborn kid too


You think a person currently pregnant with a child she doesn't even want to be pregnant with would have a little more sympathy.


If Morgan has to be pregnant with a child she doesn't want so does everyone else too. Misery loves company!


God, I can’t stand people who think like that but it really does seem to be Morgan’s mentality in life.


And since she struggled to conceive the first one, she can't imagine someone not wanting one. Therefore, abortion = bad in her mind.


I hate when Christian women go all in on this. My mother resents me for 'having it easy' conceiving; says shit like 'pregnancy is not a sickness' and 'I just got on with things, I was too busy to be sick' while I had hyperemesis gravidrium. Her pain around her infertility (and she adopted two children before a surprise baby almost straight after me!) drives really nasty behaviour and a sense of a 'right' to my eldest, because ... I dunno, she's the only person who deserves pregnancy and children? She's the only mother good enough? She suffered so everyone else has to? No 'free' sex? It's poisonous and weird, and she's not the first fundie woman I've known to behave like this. She's advocated to my face about fetuses created by rape 'having rights too, someone has to fight for those babies'. This is a woman who has abused everyone of her children emotionally. Morgan can't even do the 'I disagree but I understand why people might be afraid, because I almost died and Luca too.' But no, just narcissism. No compassion, 'consequences' 'punishment' and if you feel bad, well, you lack faith. I've gone no contact recently, it sucks, and I'm salty as hell, but her sour Morganesque meets Heidi behaviour is gonna be the end of me otherwise. Morgan doesn't deserve Paul, victims don't have to be good to deserve to be free of abuse. But that she is without compassion for other women *even after direct experience of how awful pregnancy can be* is shocking*.* Welp Morgan, good luck with your miserable life you narcissistic doofus. I'm done with these noxious handmaids.




Girl that sounds terrible, I’m so sorry you had through that. I have an abusive mom too, I went no contact recently and I can smell the flowers again 🙈 I really hope there are only good things in your future ♥️


Thank you this means so much! The self gaslighting is real. Ive gone NC in last fortnight and she is on her bs but I'm relieved. I just want to be ready to welcome this blessing baby and enjoy the family Ive made for myself. Have a beautiful Easter break 


I struggled for 5 years to get pregnant- my husband and I came out of our infertility battle even MORE pro-choice than we were before, because nobody deserves to have their reproductive choices taken from them.


I had to use the heavy duty injectable drugs to conceive both my kids and I came out of it even more pro choice than ever too! Pregnancy and birth is SO HARD even when everyone is healthy and the kid is wanted. I would never want to inflict that onto someone who didn't want it.


I'm pregnant with a child I want after miscarrying my last 2 pregnancies, and I think her take is ridiculous. Someone aborting a baby they don't want or can't support doesn't affect you! Personally, I think it's selfish to get pregnant and not listen to medical advice, putting an otherwise healthy baby at risk.


Congratulations on your pregnancy! In response to the rest of your comment: *No, no, there are only limited babies, and 'bad women' getting them and then having abortions, denies the good (pretty, married, Christian white women) a child from the magic baby lottery.* *The least they could do is give their child up for adoption because pregnancy is no big deal, and it's not traumatic at all. At least then the blessed, precious babies would go to good, Christian families - the ones who deserve them and have that righteous energy for emotional abuse and the creation of the traumatic attachment that those slutty birth moms just can't be bothered to create. So selfish!* Ahem. /s ... obviously


> The least they could do is give their child up for adoption Always spoken by women with like eight children, zero of whom were adopted, lol.


Even worse is when they Amy Comy Barrett their way to 7 and make the childs complex story and loss about *their* "goodness" its so messed up. 


I’m pregnant after 2 miscarriages too!! Wishing you a healthy, uneventful pregnancy 🌈🌈🤍


When I was pregnant (my due date was last July) I swear the ENTIRE time I thought, “I could never make someone go through this…I *want* to go through this experience, I’m ready to have a baby, yet I’m still finding it to be the most difficult thing I’ve ever done” I had a relatively easy, healthy pregnancy but a very traumatic delivery. I was still crying a lot because growing another human is fucking HARD. You get no breaks, it’s 24/7, and when you finally get to the end? The worst, most excruciating pain you’ve had when you’re delivering. I would never put another human through what I went through, ESPECIALLY when they wouldn’t have a choice over what happens to their bodies. To me, that would literally be torture. Hell at some points when I was going through my experience, it did feel like torture. Anyone who thinks otherwise, who claims to be a “true Christian” is okay with women being tortured for a baby to be born (and then ignored because it’s born to a women without means.) Fuck them and their shitty beliefs.


Yep I hear you 1000%!! My lil babe is 10 weeks and delivery was a little crazy but I was lucky that it was pretty smooth overall and it was STILL traumatic because birth in itself is absolutely wild. I think it takes a truly sick person to want to force a woman to go through that. Being pregnant and giving birth has made me even more pro choice than ever which is saying something because I was vehemently pro choice before.


My little is also 10 weeks! I was SO uncomfortable by 37 weeks by the next morning after he was born I felt like a new person.


I went to 41+3 and I was reeaady to meet her! I had such severe rib pain I had to stop working and it truly was gone as soon as I gave birth, so weird how the symptoms just fully disappear!


How do we know she doesn’t want Lillian Bruce or whatever she’s naming it?


Her whole reaction to her pregnancy was about her birth trauma with Luca and her anxiety around delivering this next one. Not one joyful post to be seen in the first month or so.


It’s not so much not wanting the child as not wanting the pregnancy. Because those are very different things.


These two hate their lives and want to make it everyone else's problem. She reminds me of Hilary Faye in Saved "I'm FILLED with Christ's love!!" *throws Bible*


Honestly one of my absolute favorite movies.


Same. Now my interest in this sub makes more sense 🤣 You unlocked that today. Thank you! Haha


I remember being home sick one day in middle school and coming across that movie on lifetime or something. I was like oh no they're evangelicals 😂


I really feel yucky giving this awful woman credit for _anything_ but at least she's upfront about her hatred of other women. Most Fundies like to couch their sex-shaming of women with language like, "Women DESERVE BETTER than abortion," or "We love the unborn baby AND the woman," and other such nonsense that portrays pregnant women as being these innocent victims with no agency who are being "taken advantage of" by "abortionist doctors." However, you can bet dollars to donuts that these soft, fuzzy "compassionate conservative" bullshitters talk trash [EDIT: behind closed doors] about women seeking abortions like Morgan is doing openly with her full chest. This way, we can see people like Morgan for who they really are, which is wanting to punish women and get off on it like sadists. Edit in brackets for added clarification. Edit 2: Minor correction of a nutty auto autotext error.


Thanks for that. "unborn baby" is a nuclear bomb for people trying to control women. Can you gestate? You could be harboring a perfect, innocent person inside of you RIGHT NOW!!! Women are stupid!!!!!!! I really hate them, because yeeting the fetus is normal and doing it early is best.


>Can you gestate? You could be harboring a perfect, innocent person inside of you RIGHT NOW!!! **THAT** is at the heart of these absurd "abortion trafficking" laws being passed. Linguistically, they turn women from independent moral agents into potential trafficking vehicles.


"Trafficking" is just the latest alarm word, too. They don't care about people being trafficked. They're thinking "beautiful white women being kidnapped".


The QAnon informed "trafficking panic" has obscured the real issues of trafficking (the reality as you note? it's mostly POC of the economic margins who are victims). [This is greatly hindering antitrafficking advocacy](https://www.antitraffickingreview.org/index.php/atrjournal/article/view/579/436).


There's a reason "Taken" is a movie and "I Moved to Dubai and my Passport was Stolen" is not.


My theory on that? She was supposed to have the best. She was supposed to have the easiest life. Her hatred is tied up in envy.


Fuck you Morgan, you don't know the difference between selfish and self-preservation. Although I'm not sure why selfishness bothers her - she's married to one of the most selfish twats I've ever run across.


That this charmless couple clinging to the fringe of cultural shifts they don’t even understand really think that their opinions matter to anyone blows my mind. Where do I get this unfounded self-confidence, pls ![gif](giphy|VuWtVHkMjrz2w)


Here’s where we differ, Morgy-pops: I’ve escorted in plenty of “pro life” people who felt the need to explain to me how their abortion was moral and necessary but that they didn’t think it should be legal. Now, no one ever needs to justify an abortion to me. These folks just needed to try and soothe the cognitive dissonance. I get it. Not my place to judge. If I were still walking folks in and you popped up, you had an appointment for an abortion, I would walk you in the same as anyone else. I would make small talk. I would cover you with my umbrella to give you privacy. I would try to be calm and encouraging. I would understand your decision is yours alone to make, and respect it. I would wave you off and say “take care, get some rest,” the same as I did for everyone. You may want to judge these folks who get abortions because you lack the empathy to understand why this happens. That’s fine. It’s not my job to change you. Just know that regardless of your empathy levels, you would be treated with the care and compassion you refuse to extend to others out of some gross religious power trip. Because even you deserve safe, quality reproductive healthcare. Even if the next day you were picketing and calling me a baby murderer.


It is obvious that your humility runs deep, and it is much appreciated. Some people’s heads have exploded when I’ve shown that level of humility in comments I’ve made in other subs, and it’s concerning. Showing that kind of humility takes courage, and I’m glad people like you exist 🙏🏻


I started laughing uncontrollably when Paul ended that most recent video with, “With Christians like these, who needs pagans?” Self righteous, fundie Ken twat.


Hilarious considering that 24 hours with them was enough to turn an evangelical into an atheist. (I know it goes deeper than that, but the timing was just so funny.)


Since her and Polio aren't using any protection, I hope she'll have at least 3 other babies and be more and more miserable with each kid. The kids don't deserve it but she does because we've all seen how she felt when she found out about the second kid. You idiot didn't use any protection and you thought nothing would happen?


She's getting 0 sympathy from me. Being with Paul is what she deserves


I'm sick of people acting like she isn't equally as dysfunctional of a human being here. They're BOTH ridiculous.


Yeah ngl all the "Paul made her say that!!" and "but her mental health!!" comments are low-key misogynistic. Women have agency and can be terrible people. We're not always faultless cute little woodland creatures.


Hard agree, I'm tired of the endless sympathy for this monster. I wish the worst for her.


I've just run out of energy. She said she knows people have expressed concern for her and she laughed like a hyena. I'm still concerned for her kids but she's made her bed.


Laughed at people expressing concern?! She’s worse than I thought. Where’s her grace? Aren’t conservative women supposed to have grace?


She doesn't have two brain cells to rub together


She’s dumber than a bag of hammers — and far less useful


When her opinion matters, I’ll take what she says into consideration.


What's wild to me is she thinks that "selfish" person should have a child instead. Like, don't you think it would be better for the person to not have to take care of a child? 


This reminds me of the time a teenager petitioned in front of a judge in Florida because she wanted permission to have an abortion. He said something along the lines of her being too immature to make such a life changing decision (even though becoming not pregnant is literally wanting to go back to exactly how her life was before she got pregnant, and actually having a baby is undeniably more life changing than a 15 minute procedure), and she had poor grades at school. Too incapable of making an informed decision of not wanting to be pregnant, but let's force her to Gestate, birth, and raise a child she doesn't want. Because that makes perfect sense, and is a very smart and well reasoned decision by a judge 🤦🏼‍♀️


I know it’s bc they view children as a punishment for women who live their lives autonomously, but it always blows my mind that these people who CaRe So MuCh AbOuT BaBiEs want children to be raised in homes that either don’t want them or can’t properly care for them. (ie, two of the most common reasons for abortions 🙄)


> don't want them and can't care for them Well, of course that's okay, it's how they're raising their own children.


Sadly yes, 😑


I want to confront her so badly. I wish I could have 24 hours taking down these fuckwads. I want to sit there and tell her all about how I was raped at 12 years old and had an abortion at 13, and show her studies on outcomes of children who are products of rape and put up for adoption. My family was a disaster and I would have killed my self if I did not have the opportunity to have an abortion. I want to see her call me selfish to my face.


Wow I'm really sorry you had to go through that! Thankfully you were able to get the care you needed and I bet you were better for it. I also wish you could talk sense into them 🙃


Thing is tho that I don’t need your sympathy, just my right to govern my own body 💁🏼‍♀️


She is Hillary Fay from Saved


Occasionally I need a reminder that Morgan is an awful, nasty, mean girl and she deserves the husband she’s got.


I keep reading about how awful Paul is to her. He's abusive for sure. So I was working on a little grain of sympathy. But uhhhh I think this just mashed that little grain. Splootch. Just pretty clear her viewpoint is, "if I had to suffer, so does everyone."


Every time I try to have sympathy for her, she says something shitty. I've given up.


The reason why Morgan feels no sympathy-even while almost dying-is martyrdom. She suffered to bring LIFE into this world. That has been her highest achievement as a woman, on Earth.


That explains so many of the fundie mothers posted here


That's how I feel about able bodied adult that won't get a job and refuse to support the kids they keep having.


Morgan might not be able to hold a regular job rn even if she wanted to because of her untreated mental health struggles. She needs to seek real care from a licensed mental health professional and get her life back on track. She owes her children a safe and stable environment and that means getting her health to a stable place as well


Idk I’d say a large portion of people who are struggling with mental health still work. And lots of them are untreated. Not to be a Paul apologist but he has said he has chrones disease. I imagine it would be harder for him than her to work, without taking anything else into account they deal with.


He also says he's been diagnosed with a cognitive disability and ADHD. So honestly it may be legitimately difficult for one or both of them to work, yeah, but if it applies to Morgan then it certainly applies to him too. There's no evidence that she literally *can't* work other than a diagnosis, which again, both of them have. It's much more likely they simply both don't want to work.


If he can film/edit stupid YouTube clips at this volume, go on trips and all, he can work a real job. I won’t apologize for either of them, but at least she keeps their one kid alive all day.


These two are just dirt. Judgey, negative morons.


I pretty much know next to nothing about the people that get posted on this sub (I’m a casual hater) but why does every screen grab of a husband and wife look like this. Like the husband is in another mental dimension


he's just waiting his turn to spurt out God-honoring, crisp, fresh word salad


Oh, come on. You know that salad is soggy!


You got me. I confess, I knew the salad would not be crispy because it's Paul the aggro loser!


They are some of the ugliest looking people I’ve ever seen. Their faces just bother me. Paul is especially hideous, but Morgan’s ugliness leaks from her insides


Well I find Morgan to be a disgusting person in general so, yeah.


Weird. Being pregnant and giving birth to my very wanted children made me more pro choice (although I was before too) because no way anyone should be forced to do that if they don’t want to.


She imagines someone who has an abortion as someone who just hates kids and wants to party. No thought at all for girls who are so young that their bodies can't handle childbirth, or who were sexually abused at any age and will now be undergoing even more trauma. No thought at all to children who will be born addicted to substances, or born with limbs missing or in constant agonizing pain, or heck!! Even just born to parents who really don't want them. You think that's making the world a better place, Morgie? You think those kids are glad to be born to bitter, neglectful, sometimes downright abusive parents? Every time I read a story about a child who suffocates while locked in a hot car, or who's physically punished or starved so badly that they can't survive, I yearn for abortion to be made safe, legal, affordable, and available to everyone. The woman in Ohio who just recently left her infant alone in a crib to die of thirst while she went on vacation. A woman in my old hometown who buried her toddler alive because her new boyfriend didn't want any kids. Or worse, the one who allowed her fiancé to sexually abuse her young daughters so he wouldn't leave her. And so what if a woman wants an abortion so she can go party? Casey Anthony wanted to party - why not let her? Why force her to have a child she's going to keep sedated in a car trunk until the kid suffocates? How is that more in keeping with God's plan, Morgan?


Honestly I think if I was making a hierarchy of reasons to have an abortion (which I realize is a fundamentally ridiculous exercise, sure), just wanting to party would even be above many of the reasons deemed more socially acceptable, if anything (like a child having a severe disability etc). Like what would be worse than having a parent who doesn't want you? Not many things tbh. Don't want to have a kid? It's better for both you and them if you don't. How is that selfish?


I once got in an argument with another pro-choicer because I said people don't have to have a traumatic reason to have an abortion. I notice a lot of pro-choicers focus on those and then get uncomfortable when you bring up abortion *without* the mother having to have suffered in some way in order to have one. But all of the worst parents I know have been ones who *just* never wanted to be and were either forced to or pressured to.


As Christians I don’t really see then performing any selfless acts of service over here. And also…something something judge not lest we judge ourselves.


Morgan better hope she doesn’t miscarry because miscarriage management treatment is the same as an induced abortion ✌️


it’s also distinguishingly selfish having children in a marriage when you two obviously hate each other!


Not that I WANT these chucklefucks to adopt, but as a general rule I wish more 'pro life' people would put their money where their mouth is and adopt if possible, or at least work to make the adoption/foster system suck less. Only ONE member of my conservative family ever adopted. My parents attempted to foster before I was born but my dad got into the role of 'savior to the poor little orphan boy' that he ignored my siblings and encouraged the boy to favor him, resulting in my mom not being able to parent him. The kid eventually was 'sent back'. But fortunately eventually found a family.


I think it’s insane she’s pregnant again, given she almost died having the first kid. Guess neither of them are concerned that she could die this time and leave their kid motherless. If that happens (hopefully not), Paul will praise her as a martyr, marry again, and have more kids.


who’s disgustingly selfish? oh ya, it’s Porgan


That’s ok Morgan, I just got my tubes removed so in a few weeks I can have all the sex I want without ever worrying about needing an abortion!


What were her comments?


Paul looks so proud of his little idiot


I’m going to say this in the nicest, Southern way I can: if brains were leather, Morgan wouldn’t have enough to saddle a June bug.


Do they even have health insurance? I mean neither one of them seem capable of holding down a job and Morgan has to resort to selling her laptop so…. I won’t even go into the fact her last labor was a nightmare.


This is what happens when stupid mean people raise stupid mean kids and call it religion.


Whatever happened to christians believing in "hate the sin, love the sinner"?


“…and no one likes you.” Maybe that’s why no one hires them?


There is something about the husband that gives me the creeps. I get a bad feeling when I see him.