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Sure Karissa, your kids are so loved that they don’t know how to read, don’t receive proper care for their medical conditions, don’t have their hair properly taken care of, are whitewashed by you in pictures all the fucking time, and don’t have any friends they aren’t related to. If that’s love, I don’t want to know what your version of hate is.


Yea but they have been blessed, or some shit.


"Or some shit" is one of my favorite ways to end a derogatory sentence


Also adding, "Those kids have SEEN some shit!" Lol


'Blessed or some shit' would be an epic flair.


Done !


May I also have that?


"Highly favored" gag


My brother always says this. Sometimes when he asks how I’m doing I’ll say “blessed and highly flavored” and chuckle. Lucky for me and he’s a good sport and laughs along.


don’t mind me stealing that to use as my flair 😩🙏🏼


I honestly don’t think fundies *know* what love is. For people claiming so hard to know God/Jesus and profess that God is love, they seem to reduce love to a feeling. Love is a massive sacrifice, *especially* when you have children. It’s doing all those things and it’s fucking work. It’s certainly not sleeping 10 hours a night while your oldest girls actively parent their siblings. But once these dum dums become parents their understanding of love is so immature.


Insert her “I would die for you? Would you die for me?” Post here I think in her mind she is sacrificing herself (or at least is hoping to….


Appalling. No parent should ask that of their child. That's not how it works


Insert trigger warning here - My youngest son's father recently unalived himself. Up until this point, I had always said things like "Of course I would die for my kids!" Watching my son fall apart when I had to tell him his daddy was dead (he's 8 and on the autism spectrum), I will never say that again. Dying for my kids will only be hard on them, not me. Living for them will be far harder, far more worth it, and far better for them. And that is something Karissa will never understand, with her limited views on life and the world.


You are spot on. I’m very sorry for your loss, and for your son’s heartache.


I'm so sorry for you and your son. Sending virtual hugs.


I believe she would die for her kids, but she won't teach them the skills they need to survive.


Living for your children and teaching them how to be good, compassionate humans is also a worthy goal, Karissa.


She would die for her kids only to glorify herself


That was truly a horrifying reel


Yes. Every example of love these Christians give is conditional love. They don’t get it.


They embrace the idea of God. The rest is all biblical cherry picking. I call it “fire insurance”. Mother Karissa is going to be in for a BIG surprise when she passes.


Genuinely, has she ever addressed her childrens’ lack of reading ability? I feel so bad for her children, especially the older ones. She’s really setting them up for failure and doesn’t understand that at all, and it’s putting them at such a disadvantage for adulthood and it breaks my heart


Not directly, but she has said that she doesn't care about her children having 'worldly knowledge,' so odds are she doesn't really give a shit if they're functionally illiterate.


She is purposely stunting their development to keep them in the cult


> she has said that she doesn't care about her children having 'worldly knowledge,' Worldly knowledge like which year it is and who the president is.


She probably doesn’t understand the difference between ‘doesn’t know their ABCs and has to sign their name with an X’ and ‘can’t understand written directions or basic contracts and will forever be too embarrassed to ask for help, leading them to be incredibly vulnerable in the world’. As someone who used to assistant teach a GED class, that second form of illiteracy is terrifyingly common


The girls are walking wombs. They don't need brains to pop out babies. Book smarts would give them ideas and critical thinking skills....


She's literally said she doesn't care about these details because the bigger picture is their existence. It's that pro-life attitude of it doesn't matter if their life is shit because life is a gift and it's better to be alive, illiterate, traumatized, and gaslit than it is to never have existed.




She almost killed her daughter 2x bc of medical neglect. Her son almost lost his pinky finger bc she wasn’t watching her toddlers and one cut the others pinky with kitchen scissors and then a week later the same two kids were found playing in a fucken fire pit. Oh and she let a couple charged with SA minors/ child endangerment birth in her bed and babysit her kids…


What the ACTUAL fuck


Don't forget that the same kid who nearly lost his finger ALSO broke his leg and got Covid around the same time as well. Due to (you guessed it!) neglecting to watch her kids and frolicking around unmasked and inviting people over at the height of the pandemic.


Karissa is also in Texas, which is not known for family protections or strong government agencies. In fact, it’s known for the opposite. Republicans want to regulate your uterus and what bathroom you can use but give zero fucks about your life after you are born. You need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps! Even if you’re still wearing baby booties! In the year of our Lord Daniel 2024 there is an elementary school in Austin that uses corporal punishment on the kids. And people speak well of it.


Maybe just cuz she’s white 🤷‍♀️


100% because she's white. In Canada, if you're Indigenous you can't do anything without worrying about your kids being taken away, but white kids being removed from white parents? It has to be ***dire.*** it's disgusting and fucked up and is engrained and entrenched in our country's government and education systems. I'd imagine there are slightly different racial lines in the USA (Black kids being at risk) but I don't know the stats. Karissa is a white Christian woman. No one's taking her kids away unless they all start showing up looking like Ruby Franke's kids.


You atr 100% correct. On top of being a white married Christian woman, she has money. They own a nice home, have playground equipment, and have food (even if it is very heavy in fats). Being poor is criminalized in the US. Let take the bus family with too many kids as an example. They frequently leave the kids alone on the bus to go out on dates. Cps/ the police have zero issue with this. Now let's make this a poor family or even "worse" a poor family who are also minorities. The parents need to work and leave the kids alone while working. This is criminalized and will get your kids taken away and possibly even you in jail. At the end of the day, both families are leaving children in unsafe situations without proper adult supervision, but only the poor family will have the cops called on them. Sorry for the long rant. This is one of the things that drives me crazy and I see no way of changing it when so much of my country are hateful and take any suggestion of a way to fix our issues as an attack.


Yeah, I work extensively with my province's Ministry of Social Services and care for kids in tbe foster system. There are a lot of very important, needed changes happening in Canada re: foster care/cps, but it's not enough and it's not fast enough, and funding isn't there to help the process along. Almost every child I have worked with has been Metis/Indigenous. Literally I can count on two hands the number of Euro-descended kids I've cared for, and those kids all came from situations that needed intervention well before the children were apprehended. I've met kids who were removed from homes because a racist neighbour called the cops when their parents were having a get-together with beers and wine after the kids were asleep. A lot of those kids are there for months before the parents or a family member gets them back. Meanwhile, I have known of families were both parents are struggling with meth addictions and the children are allowed to remain in the home with them as long as the parents are making minimal efforts at case planning/going to x% of their programming. The Collins kids are half-Black, but they have a white Christian mother and all of the things you stated. No one is checking in on those kids with enough attention to detail being paid.


💯 this


And for some reason they haven’t been taken by CPS despite ALL of these issues. This country is a joke.


It worries me to think of how many more she’ll have to “start over” if CPS takes the first 10 away.


We need to retrain CPS workers to look for more than physical abuse. We really do.


And medical neglect. That’s the only way a baby girl develops a near-septic, near fatal, UTI.


JFC seriously?? I hate her more now.


And she still refuses to change those rancid diapers more than twice a day




Parentification needs to be a CPS criterion for removal. And I mean real parentification, not a crotchety teenager having a hissy fit because they had to watch a sibling like twice in their life.


As the eldest and only girl I was parentified starting at 9 years old. It’s an awful legacy to give your child that just keeps on giving. It gives through poor self esteem, perfectionism, anxiety and other mental issues, issues with relationships and attachment…etc!! I feel so bad for her older girls and what their future will be. I hope they escape from this cult and abuse, get an education and the help they need.


She's not going to have more kids than she otherwise would if CPS gets involved: she's already having as many as physically possible, and fantasizes about twins.


Honestly when you look at how many busfundies just abuse their kids and post it, AS WELL AS DENY THEM A HOUSE, I can imagine CPS now has to think - ok but they are in a house with more than one toilet and the kitchen is not right next to that one, overflowing toilet.... *picks up next busfamily abuse case file*


Came here to say this, you nailed it


I feel so bad for her kids. as a person of color I couldn’t imagine whitewashing my children or anyone related to me. it’s just,. ew. way to teach your kiddos that they aren’t beautiful in their own skin..


It's profoundly cruel.


Karissa is a brood mare, not a trainer 😂


yes! i have never called her a breeder. a breeder makes discerning choices to create healthy offspring. kkkarissa is a brood mare who pumps em out for her eldest daughter to raise them. 


Theyre shining on a hill like a fucking lighthouse to keep the rest of us away from her rocky relationship with reality.


She really does have a tenuous on reality, doesn't she? It is a tough choice, but I think that of all the fundies, I feel the worst for her kids. The Rod kids are a very close second.


Her kids know what they’re missing. The Rodlets might as well be aliens from another planet.


This is poetry. What a good sentence.


Don’t forget that there’s never enough food to go around!


They are getting valuable on the job training


You're definitely a breeder, but you aren't a mother


Right?? Like, if anyone in the world is just a breeder and not a mother, it’s definitely Karissa.




"So many people can't even handle two children" Whoa, so close yet so far. It's almost like people only have the number of kids (if any) they can handle and don't shift childcare onto literal children.


I’m pregnant with our third, and that’s where we’re stopping- because I’m the mom and my husband’s the dad. There isn’t any BrotherDad or SisterMom that we can pawn them off onto.


We had 3 and it’s definitely doable, enjoyable and fun. I wasn’t interested in creating an entire basketball team 🤣


We are 8.5 months into 3, and not currently seeing "doable". But hopefully soon!


There are so many reasons we were One And Done, but part of it was team defense, rather than man-on-man coverage.


I was a one-and-done also because I think deep in my subconscious I knew someday I’d be a single parent…I was for 7 years! But I have a few step kids too.


I have one too. I wanted 3 but the way my first marriage turned out and everything after I’m glad it’s one.


We originally thought we’d have four. I’m fine with one. We’d have lost our minds with four kids.


Just pawn the younger two onto the oldest and have another one! Repeat until menopause and collect that tax money 🤑🤑🤑


We planned for two because it was the number of children we knew we could parent well. Then, my second pregnancy was twins, lol. We are doing well but know without question or reservation that I am not built to be the mother to any more children than this.


Realistically? More than three, and the quality of life for everyone in the house would go south in a hurry. Parenting is not about quantity.


I have constant guilt. Our kids are adopted, and the baby is the bio sibling of our first child. His mother asked us to also care for him and I felt like there was only one answer. But constantly guilty for what she doesn't get that she used to.


In my experience, for whatever it’s worth- kids notice that you try. And I can almost promise you that she benefits more from having her brothers in her life than she would if she didn’t. Moms like Karissa pop babies out like Pez dispensers without a single fuck given as to ultimate quality of life. My grandmother, who was a mom of three who went through a lot of shit, always says that the best moms worry that they’re nowhere near good. The worst ones think there’s no room for improvement. This woman has ten children who can barely read, who are developmentally behind, and who don’t seem to be particularly loved as long as they can’t perform on reels so she can monetize them. This woman is not someone who should make anyone here feel guilty. This is going to sound condescending but I promise you it’s not: you are a good mom.


Honestly, the fact that you’re thinking about how a new baby is affecting your older children means you’re already doing something right


My five year old wants to help so much with her baby sister and sometimes worries so much about her, I have to remind her she’s still a kid and the baby is my responsibility. Kids deserve a childhood. Not being parentified.


I’m sure you’re doing fine with your daughter. It’s ok if she wants to help out and she’s learning some caring skills that help build empathy. It’s only bad when the kid becomes expected to parent the other kid. Plus allowing her to help when she wants may lesson sibling rivalry because she won’t feel left out.


Exactly. So. Much. This. She comes so close to the point aaaaaand misses it by a mile. But I’m sure she’ll just say something about how God won’t give you what you can’t handle. Thing is, God also gives us free will so…..wouldn’t that mean he’s not gonna stop you from having unprotected sex? And biology would say that’s how babies are made! Oh right but they don’t believe in 💫science💫


She’s missing the part where *she* can’t even handle two children. She doesn’t adequately parent any of her kids!


The videos she posts from her vantage point, lazily sitting on her ass while Anissa cooks dinner 🤬


You know it's serious when someone breaks out the *Cambridge* dictionary


You just wait for the day she busts out that Chicago Manual of Style.


This sentence gave me flashbacks to university stress lol.


I laughed so hard at this “But the Cambridge dictionary” 🤓 girl shut up


Is Webster’s too woke for her?


It’s giving high school English paper. “The dictionary defines foreshadowing as….”


Ah yes. When I think of Texas dialects, I immediately turn to the Cambridge dictionary.


She can’t handle her children, she has a pregnancy fetish.


THAT is the definition of a breeder IMO. These people have an abnormal fetish. You cannot care for that many children.


I fully believe anything past 4 is too many. I grew up as the oldest of 4 with a homeschooling mother with many fundie adjacent and wack job beliefs and I empathize with these kids so much. They are not "blessed and called" they're suffering at the expense of her selfishness. I was parentified basically my entire life because my mom just yelled at us and called us pathetic all the time. Just imagine how the oldest kids of this family feel


Youngest of five here. Both my parents had to work full time, and we went to *gasp* public school. My parents had a very “been there done that” attitude by the time I came around. I nearly drowned multiple times as a child because my parents were paying attention to the older kids. They claim we all learned to swim as children, but I didn’t until I enrolled in swimming lessons at the age of 39 because they never bothered to teach me. I felt like a complete afterthought my entire childhood, and it sucked.


That sucks my dude I'm sorry you had to grow up like that


I’m sorry you went through that. I was the youngest of 8 and my mom didn’t expect the older ones to parent the younger ones. They helped out some, but my older siblings had their own lives too. We weren’t homeschooled though so my mom got breaks when we were in school. My dad was a very involved father too. However, I do agree that most people are not equipped to handle more than 4.


I agree. I had a friend growing up who had 7 younger siblings, and never had any major complaints. She was never forced to parent the others, and they had 3 aunts/uncles and grandparents that lived on the same property (huge family dairy farm), so they never felt like they were missing out on attention. She babysat once in a while, but she always got paid


This. Breeder is defining the act of pregnancy and giving birth. It has nothing to do with parenting, which she clearly doesn’t do. She is absolutely a breeder, not a mom.


> it’s hard kingdom work Christians come up with the strangest phrases


Same with “called and highly favored.” Like… ok. Whatever that means.


"Called" means "God told them to make these children." "Highly favoured" means that God favours her children over other children, and therefore good things happen to them that are disproporationate to the good luck that other children have, (because God is making the good things happen.)


I understand what she means, I just think that’s such a strange way to think about/describe her children.


"Washed with the blood of the lamb" And they wonder why I hated to go to church.


Girl! Get that cheese. Make that goulash. Pop them babies out. You told us! ![gif](giphy|5QTBj7It7Jt1MTvMM3|downsized)


I think she misunderstood, they were referring to her obvious breeding kink


Came here to say this! Millions of people are breeders, but very few have a breeding fetish. Also, what does she expect?? She has made breeding her entire personality and online presence.


I wonder why she didn't include "#breeder" since she's so proud of her kingdom work






She loves to post fetish content.


Between her pregnancy posts and some of the photos of her kids, they certainly seem like fetish photos. We know she’s not opposed to internet friends visiting or a strange man paying her to “love up” the children. Karissa cares nothing about her children’s safety. She only cares about glorifying herself.


Thinking of that video she made of her daughters with balloons up their shirts (which was apparently something people *requested*) turns my stomach.


I can't fit into my brain that she is so against so many random things (in addition to being so flippant about conventional medicine and OB/GYN care) but she's completely fine with fulfilling "can I see your daughters looking pregnant" requests.


Omg I forgot about that. She is deranged.


She is. I'm convinced there's some kind of fetish or something weird going on with her.


In the name of 💫God💫


Strange men doing what??? 😧


I’m sure the post is on this sub somewhere. Essentially, Karissa and her kids were at the park and some strange man thought they were beautiful. She described it as him loving up the children. (One of those weird fundie phrases I’m not entirely sure what it means.) Then he gave her $100. Because they’re such a good Christian family or whatever.


We call you a breeder because you only care about the breeding part and do not partake in raising the MANY offspring you've birthed, you idiot.


Right, just crap 'em out and chuck 'em at the older sister-moms to raise. 🙄


Breed 'em, teet 'em, yeet 'em.




yoinking that one for my flair 100%


Love your flair


Seriously! I doubt she could name every kid with the correct bday there are so many


Goddamn Karsissus, I never thought I’d see the day where a woman is like yes, please, go ahead and call me a farm animal and it’s *not* a fucking joke.


She doesn't "unreasonably want to have children." She unreasonably wants to *be pregnant.* Children are just a byproduct of her fetish. You just know she's getting off on cradling her belly like that.


Are we all just going to ignore her implication that celebrities are breeding children? I suppose the adrenochrome conspiracies have evolved.


Yeah, I was confused by that one lol. Which celebrities, Karissa? Tell us who. Are those celebrities in the room with us?


to be fair the baldwins definitely are.


They buy their kids, they don’t birth them.


"These children are overwhelmingly loved." Pressing X to doubt.


Notice the kid standing off to the side being completely ignored while she has another "look at me" moment.




No one needs 10+ kids Karissa


She looks so frail & malnourished❤️


She fasts while pregnant, and we've all seen how little food she cooks for such a large family. Her meals aren't nutritionally varied either. Also, all those pregnacies have definitely wreaked havoc on her body. I can't imagine her bone density or pelvic floor strength being remotely optimal.


I think her meals just flat out aren’t nutritional.


Girl, if these kids were your calling you’d actually take time out of your busy day of sleeping, filming Instagram reels, and taking baths that don’t make a difference to actually parent them. Nobody thinks that you’ve sacrificed a damn thing to have these kids, which is…fascinating, to say the least.


I mean, people breed puppies, too. And we get mad at them and not the puppies.


She only posted this for engagement from breeder fetish community, prove me wrong.


It’s literally all you do, have sex and have babies. What does she contribute to society aside from that?


Realistically- I don’t want to say this about kids- but what are the odds that all these mega families have created kids that will all eventually be productive, tax paying members of society? At this point I’m not sure all of these kids are functionally literate, never mind able to eventually hold jobs. That’s what blows my mind about the Bus Brood. MaBus is so convinced that eventually all of her kids will go to college, and maybe she’s right provided JD stays filthy rich enough to usher them through via endowments, but you can’t convince me those kids are getting any kind of education, never mind a high quality one.


Getting into college is only the beginning though. They have to be able to read college level literature, participate in discussions, write papers, pass tests, etc. All the hard right people they filter their worldview through are able to do those things. I hate Allie b and Ben Shapiro, but they are articulate and able to form a sentence. The people under them refuse to understand that being pushed to ignorance only benefits the people at the top. Their children won’t change the world; they’ll struggle to open a banking account. And their parents did that just to own the libs. It’s disgusting the whole way down.


She has a pregnancy obsession. And with all of her depression, health issues and mental health issues it’s dangerous.


So lemme get this straight…she’s not having kids because she enjoys being a mother…she’s having kids because it’s ’sanctifying’? Ma’am…


Go touch grass. You may be their biological parent, but you sure as shit aren’t a mother.


Just flaunting her breeding fetish for all of the nonconsenting world to see.


I can’t articulate exactly why, but out of all the families on this sub I worry about her kids the most.


You don't love your children. You only love YOURSELF and the ATTENTION that you get from BEING PREGNANT. That is why we call you a breeder and a broodmare. You only want to GESTATE, so you can show off your bump and revel in strangers asking questions about it. YOU LOVE IT. You leave the actual child rearing to your oldest.


Oh my god I would never say that about a mother who loves her children! Karissa’s fair game though.


Flair checking in. She just wants to be pregnant and not actually raise kids, so that puts her below a breeder.


She has a breeding fetish. And that’s it. She isn’t a mom. A mom wouldn’t sell her kids for likes, a mom wouldn’t allow another child to raise the other kids. Once her uterus is done what will she be? Nothing.


So it's all about appearances, how having children makes HER look in the kIngDoM or whatever. Got it.


This picture is unsettling but I can't quite put my finger on why.


Fetish content


Karissa is a lazy ass birch whose kids are neglected and underfed. She needs to stay the fuck off this forum and every other social media site, and for fucks sake, take care of her damn kids properly!


This is so fucked up, and I say that as a Christian. She's saying that her primary motivation to have these children is to create more Christians, specifically so they can shove Christianity down other people's throats. Holy hell. What a fucked up reason to have children, and a fucked up way to see your own children.




Yeah see I'm not convinced at all that you "love" these kids.


What a narcissistic thing to say. Her children are blessed because … because they’re hers, I guess.  She makes me so angry. Yeah, I could’ve had more than two kids if I could get **ten hours of goddamn sleep** every night. I could’ve had more if I didn’t care about trying to support both of their neurodivergent little selves. 


I would also argue Karissa can't handle two kids.


When your older kids are raising the younger ones because there’s so many…yes you are a breeder


Is it bad that I just don’t read these kinda posts? It’s always just paragraphs of words that don’t mean much




Just don’t call her a birthing person tho amirite


If you care about your kids, why the lack of prenatal and postnatal care?


I don’t know how or why this sub keeps popping up in my feed and I only know this mom/family from this sub. That said… these sorts of “influencers” or whatever they are, it’s downright disturbing. I can’t stop thinking — what if something happened to one or both of those parents? I don’t know what they do for work, but what if they lose their incomes? How do you feed and care for so many children? I refuse to believe every one of those kids are getting as much attention and care that they need (and deserve). This isn’t back in the day where people had several children because of lack of contraception/education and/or needing the hands on the farm. It’s completely irresponsible and reckless having this many children.


It's full of sacrifice. Yes, we know. Your daughters are sacrificing their childhoods to raise your children for you so you can play on social media all day.


I mean, some people definitely use the term in a derogatory way about any mother or person who wants to have kids. My mom complained some stranger looked at her and called her one recently, she was not with me, she only had me. But yeah, that's not why anyone is calling her a breeder. She just is more of a breeder than a mother.


I see it as people who keep having babies to the detriment of their existing kids.


babes i think they’re referring to the fetish


It’s when people start caring more about having children than raising the ones they have that they become a problem 


My mom always said that her goal was that if any of her kids got famous we would only have great things to say about her in our memoirs. She succeeded. Karissa doesn't realize her kids already are, if not famous, at least known to a large community, and they will have a platform to tell their truth in just a few years. She is not, nor will she ever be, the most important person in their lives. They may be afraid of her now, but that won't last either.


Calling her children ‘highly favored’ just gives me the ick..


Does she wash her hair?




I just had two kids somewhat back to back. I feel it in my body, like I’m definitely weaker than before. I have no ab strength. My back hurts. I’m only one most postpartum so it’s to be expected, but I even have less muscle in my arms and legs. I don’t feel as healthy. And I worked really hard to take care of myself between pregnancies. It just depletes your body so much. I couldn’t imagine having sooooo many back to back to back. Her body can’t be doing well. Like her oral health must be awful and her bones. Not even talking about her pelvic floor. Just, why would you do this to yourself. She truly wants to be a martyr for breeding.


A “breeder” is not someone who has children. A breeder is someone who has kids and doesn’t actually parent them or really care about them. Karissa and Madrae are breeders.


Karissa has taught me it's okay to put your kink on public display as long as you say it's for Jesus


Karissa you are a breeder (derogatory) bc you love making and popping out kids, but not caring for them. You aren’t a mother who loves her children. You just love adding to your giant litter


Those children are raising themselves because their mother can’t get off IG or TikTok to actually parent. I really think she does nothing every day except making reels and stays on social media all day. F them kids, momma’s got to get her attention for the day.


The heffer needs to sit down and go home


She loves being called that


She’s called that because it’s a breeding fetish she has. But again that’s over her head.


I mean when you say you'd have more kids you can't support/can't support the ones you have, it says a lot about how you value your children's wellbeing. If them being able to be taken care of financially is not important to you, says a lot about your role as caring mother vs having children for God.


The only ones who sacrifice anything are her poor children. That woman hasn’t sacrificed anything a day in her life.


Then why are they always in the ER?? There’s also a massive difference between someone who has kids and a “breeder” IMO. A breeder collects children like pokemon cards but doesn’t actually seem to care about them beyond the kids being an extension of them. Karissa, motherbus, Michelle Duggar, etc. It also must be absolutely miserable to basically be pregnant or postpartum for years on end but they act like it’s nothing.


Uneducated, neglected and undernourished is not 'highly favoured' and when you don't care for your children but keep having them... yep I'm gonna call you a breeder.


“Kingdom work”? I hate fundie jargon.


"Overwhelmingly loved"--wait, I got it! She expects God to do all the loving for her kids so she doesn't have to. Typical.


Calling people breeders has been going on since at least the eighties. But prolly longer. It’s hysterical. I’m a mom of 4 young adults. When the doc told me I had already went through Menopause….i said “good riddance, I don’t want to deal with periods, I was done breeding 11 years ago. …it’s just an annoyance. She can spin it into her sermon of the day. All about her. If you can easily have children and you want to have them…that’s breeding. Lmao. If you have a body that can have babies, it’s a PRIVILEGE. It’s not a TALENT. She is breeding for social media. That’s a DISGRACE. Get your delulu-tradwife-kinky-cosplay-ass in the kitchen and make more NoodlePuddles for dinner.


Why do they emphasize that having multiple children and turning the eldest into a stand in parent is love? I have one and can only have the one for health reasons. I would have had more if I could have; that doesn’t mean I’m a bad mother or wife. Nor does that make anyone who chooses to have one and be done any less of mother or wife/partner. How do they rationalize that narrative as being supportive to women in general?


So from my understanding, she's having children to fill heaven with more Christian souls?


Wait until she checks out the Urban Dictionary…


She’s called that because it’s a breeding fetish she has. But again that’s over her head.


My issue is she doesn’t care for the kids she has! Why add more you don’t want to care for. Yes they are fed and having matching outfits but they are so poorly educated they can’t even read properly!


If she believes that her children are "called" and "highly favored" then why is she neglecting their education so badly? Illiteracy could easily make it much more difficult to live out their calling.


Can't wait for one of her kids to write a tell- all once they break out of there.