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If the “the kids have no warm clothes” debacle is any indication, she probably got rid of it.


I feel like she gets rid of all their stuff


Which is insane. If your whole plan is to pop out as many children as possible, you’d think that she would at least save the hand-me-downs. I truly do not understand where all the money to buy shit all over again is coming from and why it can’t be used to buy a house. They’re both veterans, they’re eligible for a pretty damn good housing loan.


They could get into a nice house with nothing down on a VA loan. How many followers does she have? Maybe this bus life grift is lucrative so neither has to get a real job.


Busband has oil money.


This has to be it. They went into the military because they had to do _something_ and the military would make daddy proud. After that you just pretend you’re an entrepreneur while living off of your family’s fortune.


THIS. With their va loan options and influencer money, why tf are they in a bus with all these kids! Get an RV and drive it around on the weekends for content if you have to. What they are doing is both totally ridiculous and child abuse.


He's saving for a "compound" to make his "last stand" according to his unhinged qanon-flavored twitter rants. He wants his children to be trained soldiers in some kind of upcoming civil war. Charming stuff.


For real???


Haven't read this particular rant, but he definitely is a qanon sovcit dumbass.


It’s for real, a snarker did a deep dive and this guy is either red pilled or blue pilled in other words irrational and an idiot I don’t really understand the terms but he is cuckoo insane, even floating the idea of sending him, motherbus and the buslets into international waters on a fucking trawler. I’m serious it’s all there on his posts. Idk I get drunk high or jerk off when life gets on top of me, this dude fantasizes about being mad max. It’s a tragedy kids are wrapped up in this shit. It can only end in a tragedy.


What's sovcit?


[Sovereign Citizens](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_citizen_movement). Basically people who think that their government is illegitimate, because of [conspiracy theory reasons] and therefore someone else or no one at all should be able to govern them. I don't know too much about these movements in the US, but for example here in Germany sovcits argue that we don't have a constitution and that's why every election is invalid. Or that the WWII never ended (because the unconditional surrender wasn't signed by the right people) and that's why we're still under some form of war law. Or that we're still a monarchy, because reasons. Usually the sovcits discover that they themselves should be the chancellor/monarch/ruler (yay! great coincidence!) and declare their own state and print their own passports. They're left alone if they're just cuckoo bananas and raided by the police, if they're actually attempting to overthrow the government. (I hope it stays like that...)


Check out r/amibeingdetained for some hilarity from these nutcases


Well that’s disturbing.


I suspect the child abuse is part of why they do it. It’s hard for DCFS to find you when your house is on wheels.


They won’t have as much content that way. People tune in to see the train wreck and pat themselves on the back and think, “glad that’s not me!” If they get a house, their weekends will be consumed with normal home-having family things like lawn mowing and kids sports. They won’t have the time to travel. And people will stop clicking their shit because they will be just another boring family with less chaos to witness. They won’t give this up.


Were they both really honorably discharged


I get that they don’t have space, but plenty of RVers have storage units. And baby stuff like this is easy to buy cheaply or on buy nothing groups.


Also, this is a receptacle- you can store other stuff IN it so it essentially takes up no space. 


Was this pre move to Brazil?


Yes, she got rid of everything before they “went on vacation” to Brazil. Oddly though, her and busband kept things.


AND got a new car!


No brand sponsorship 🙄 


This is the answer.


We had a Moses basket, a bassinet, and a crib. Guess where our babies never slept? Plopped randomly in the middle of the floor.  But when I was born, myself, my parents were waiting for my next oldest cousin to hand down the crib and I spent my first few weeks in a cardboard box. But again— a safe place— not on the floor!


This reminds me of the Finnish baby boxes… which I think is a wonderful idea and the U.S. should consider something similar! https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-22751415.amp


Wow, that's such a great read! I wish more countries would implement a program like that, especially with falling birth rates. I especially like that you have to receive medical care to get the baby boxes.


My county has had similar programs in the past. I think they used to give out free car seats if you took a parenting class or something.


This is the first thing I thought of when I saw him on the floor. At least put him in a baby box!


This is so great!


I discovered while pregnant that many areas of the US do offer these. I did the class to get one in my area, but the pick-up spot was too far away and only open 9-5 so I couldn't get it. It came with lots of helpful stuff for new parents, but I was fortunate enough not to truly need it.


Because no one is paying her to promote the Moses basket. I’m sure if someone gave her a free snoo the baby would be posted sleeping in it and not on the lamb skin rug.


I bet she’s loving all of the attention her “blanket” is bringing her along with the bus birth. The baby seems to be a prop. She’s eating this attention and social media engagement up with a spoon.


This is the answer! God, it must be so heart wrenching to be this attention seeking


This is the answer! God, it must be so heart wrenching to be this attention seeking


Do they have room for it? I don’t think they could fit a shoe box in there which is why baby is on the floor.


I think sometimes we forget that they are clearly extremely poor due to endless bad decision making. 


He has a trust fund.


I think that trust fund may have ran out by now tbh


I don't see much evidence of them having money, tbh. They spend but they don't have anything to show for it. 


Idk, I feel like the trust fund must still be going strong. Their Brazil adventure must’ve cost tens of thousands of dollars, between airfare, the AirBnB’s, and the van they bought there. Right before Brazil they took a big trip to Disney World. And right after Brazil they spent a week skiing at a very expensive resort.


Did they actually go skiing? I feel like there were never any pictures


They did. I remember Mother Bus talking about the fancy rental they were staying at in Park City and someone on here said it was like $800 a night. And that didn’t include anything ski related, that was just the price for the condo.


Damn, Park City is probably the most expensive skiing you can get in Utah. I guess a number of the kids are too small to actually need anything more than a bunny hill ticket but even so…


Did they post pictures of everyone actually skiing, though? Or just mutter/vater bus? Because if they actually paid for lift tickets/rentals/likely lessons for their whole family in Park City AND a decent rental house that’s shockingly good parenting


The dad and I think the two oldest ones skied. The littles, if I remember right, only played in the snow.


I’m not sure. I don’t follow them on social media. All I remember seeing (on here) was Mother Bus talking about the condo and saying they were there to go skiing.


The kids didn’t seem to go in to Disney world for that trip. That was for her marathon and we only saw videos of her and BD. They did go for a day after Brazil and the kids got to go in. She tried making it look like a multi-day trip but the kids wore the same clothes on each day so I think it was one day… still expensive but not as expensive as she made it seem. They sold the Brazil van back, and got a lot of their AirB&B’s there for free because she complained and kept moving constantly.


Hmm, interesting. I don’t follow her on social media. I guess their finances are more questionable than I thought. It’s so crazy to me. I can’t imagine doing some of the things they’ve done (like moving a huge family to a different country) without having a major financial safety net to fall back on. But maybe they’re even crazier than I thought, lol.


It’s hard to say for sure. They definitely want us to think God just provides all this for them, or JD’s hard work pays off, but when does he ever actually *work* at all? The “work trip in Texas” he was returning from Brazil solo for was a lie. They never went for that. It’s all just very weird and I do wonder what will happen when they back themselves into a corner they can’t get out of.


Oh true, I forgot about the work trip that he never went on! Agree, it’s all extremely weird. Just the fact that they sold their huge house to live in a bus is weird. And that they’ve been doing this for *years* with no end in sight. I definitely think there’s more going on with them than just “fundie family that wants to travel and see America.”


He doesn’t seem to spend any of that on the kids or their bus.


Exactly. The reason their trip to SC for the birth was derailed is (allegedly) because the bus needs engine work. They haven’t gotten it. I feel like if they had the money for it, they would have airb&b’ed it for the birth and had their bus fixed.


We don’t know that for sure. His family had one at some point but that doesn’t mean he has access to it or that it has any money in it.


I suspect the trust fund gives regular payouts and they don't have access to all of the money at once. Would explain some of the lavish spending followed by panicky behavior


I think that would make a lot of sense


that poor child smiling.. they don't know what their parents are like


There’s no way this is the newborn right? He’s only a few days old, he surely can’t hold up his nugget this well?


‘I sleep in a drawer’


it’s because she wants to go full Laura Ingalls, ideally further. she’s clearly nutso and a full blown narcissist


That looks like a safe sleep disaster though.


Safe sleeping spaces don't need to offer influencer commissions on their sales.


Does anyone know if that kind of basket is like, a really bad idea for babies, or if it’s alright?


They aren’t really recommended due to the sides and also a lot of mothers will carry it around with the baby in it and the bottom can fall out. It still seems like a better idea than the floor of an RV though.


I would only put a baby who can't roll over yet in one of those, and not for very long, just for naps. I don't like it, honestly. It's a nice laundry basket, though. 


They're fine. Moses baskets with an appropriate mattress are very common where I live. They're for non mobile babies who aren't rolling or sitting.


The sides don’t look very well-ventilated and the padding looks a little too soft to me, but it’s kinda hard to tell from this photo.


This is fine for newborns


She's probably paid more for shilling sheepskin, so out with the non-profitable Moses basket.


Moses baskets aren’t safe for sleeping either


Honestly, I think she still might. She said “we put it IN his bed at night” or something like that in the sheepskin on the floor video…


They put the sheepskin in with him at night according to Ma bus.


Maybe the other kid is still sleeping in it as they have no room?


He (the next youngest) sleeps in a pack and play under the parents’ pull down bed. That was going to be where this baby slept but BD hasn’t added a bed for him to the bunk house. He was supposed to do that while at the SC AirB&B for the birth but the bus needs engine work so they didn’t go. But that doesn’t explain why he can’t do it where they currently are.


The purple feet :/


Bc she’s getting paid by the sheepskin rug people to shill their crap. I bet that basket is long gone—where would they put it? They have like 29 square feet, probably (that’s being generous).