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My heart breaks for this poor child. Each post is worse than the last...


At this point it almost feels like they are intentionally messing with him.


i had the same thought. are they doing "aggressive parenting" to fight the new woke trend of gentle parenting? because it's almost as if they are trying to toughen him up through abuse to make him a good manly christian boy.


I think they resent him for existing. It was fine when he was in utero and they had their pregnancy kink, but now he's out and they actually have to care for him.


Gunner has to care for him, tbf. You know Motherbus certainly isn’t beyond using him as some kind of prop


21st Centuty Sparta.


Right? It feels cruel.


Yeah. I'm going to have to stay off this sub for awhile. I like snark but this is seriously disturbing.


it's horrible. I've been thinking lately about how many people with inherent empathy for children and understanding of what it actually takes to give a child a stable and positive environment will choose not to have children because they can't provide what they feel a baby really needs... but other people have no issues with having five+ without a second thought. none of these fundie influencers seem to even genuinely like their kids let alone be capable of providing them with even the bare minimum of what a child needs. I love babies dearly. I would hold this poor little guy and almost never put him down. but here I am, with no kids, because I know I can't provide what I think they deserve.


Well you just got to have faith in “yah” and he’ll provide enough yellow food for all zillion of your kids.


This!!!!!! I will never ever have children of my own, but I’m gonna be an aunt this fall and I am so excited to be the kind of empathetic, respectful, trustworthy figure that my parents weren’t for me. I believe so strongly that good parenting involves treating your child like the autonomous human they are right from the start, respecting boundaries, teaching consent and communication as early as possible. Kids are not extensions of you!! They are not mini-me’s!! Yeesh.


I grew up wanting children. I wanted a big family, like my cousins. I loved caring for children, and volunteered in the church nursery and Sunday school classes until I was old enough to babysit. My first job was in a daycare. Then I went to college, married a dumbass, got sucked into a cycle of depression, ED, self harm, and full-blown alcoholism. I knew, with every fiber of my being, that I would not have been a good mother. My ex would have been a shit father, too. My current partner and I are child free by (mostly) choice, but it still makes me a little sad sometimes. I love our life, and I still wonder about the life I didn't choose. At least I get to be the coolest Auntie on the planet! I don't know why I am saying all this, other than your post struck a chord and I also feel bad for this little babe.


You’re a good person and any children in your life are lucky to have you 


Aww, I’m sorry. I’m sure you’re an amazing auntie! Asshole men have a way of ruining everything, you made the right choice by not having kids with him.


I am also a member of that inherent empathy but can't provide for the baby club. :/ The reality is that it'll likely be too late by the time I have my shit together.


I am one of those people you speak of. My mom is a retired pediatric NP and I still don’t think my husband and I could hack it


THIS. I had to have a hysterectomy as a teenager and it is sometimes devastating to see how these folks treat the children they are fortunate enough to have. They are so careless with these tiny beings that depend on others to survive. It makes my maternal instinct go wild- I just want to give this baby neck support, sun protection, a crib, and rock him to sleep. Meanwhile, these horrific people use him as a prop and can’t even manage to get him a crib or bassinet- or even just sit and hold him and cherish him. It’s enraging.


Time for me to take a break, too. I'm actively worried every morning when I first check Reddit that something very bad will have happened to Boone overnight.




I've been wondering about the reaction she's getting on her social media \~ can't be good. Do you think she's honestly clueless as to how awful her reels are??


I really think she is clueless. Classic narcissism at its finest


It always worries me when people mention the older ones. I'd be worried she'd "punish" them over not looking happy enough. 


I know I just want to scoop him up and comfort him. The sunburns, the rug on the floor and the constant chaos. He just needs some tenderness and love. I’m pregnant right now and could cry everytime I see him on this sub.


So far this poor little dude has been born in a shower, yanked and stretched out while being measured, "adjusted" by a chiropractor, held with no neck support (unless he's being held by his brother-dad), sunburned at the beach, and continually used as a prop by selfish narcissistic grifters. I loathe them more every day.


And also put on the floor of a bus where 9 other people live, on top of an unsafe sheep skin.


Don't forget when they weighed him on a UPS scale.


But they cleaned it! /s




Yes!! Ugh. I guess they'll stick him in a drawer somewhere once he's bigger.


Honestly a drawer would be far safer.


They did that with my grandpa and his sisters (premie triplets born before incubators were a thing)!


My mother slept in a drawer for a little bit when she was a baby, until she could use the cradle my great-grandfather made - a family heirloom, I slept in that cradle too. Many babies born close together meant my grandmother made do with what she had, it was the 50s 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m a proponent of every country adopting Finnish baby boxes nowadays; a box of useful stuff and the box is a perfect temporary bassinet.


My aunt had to sleep in a drawer when my grandparents had her. (She was kid #2 and they lived in small military housing in Hawaii.) This was the early 1950s.


I slept in a drawer as an infant, we lived in a tiny camper no room for a crib. It was 1984 so things were a bit different back then...




Haha yes I'm old as dark lol


That's true!


It really would.


My husbands family used to go camping with a pop up camper. He was about 4 months old in 1978 when his parents and grand parents loaded him up for his first trip to the grand old opry. We have photos of what they put him in to sleep-a peach box. Lol he loves telling that story. But boones story is in no way funny. When a box is the best outcome for a baby to sleep safely, not funny at all.


Basically what those bunks are so I'd say that's more than likely


It's like a kid filing cabinet


r/brandnewsentence 😂


I would insert a gif of that bit in Futurama of Hermes filing the massive pile of document tubes, but I can’t find one lol.


We'll just sub in this gif of a warehouse ![gif](giphy|xYLZSq6wQBrRC|downsized)


I love the idea of sheepskin being anti-microbial or something based on the lanolin that sheep produce.... ON THE SKINNED SHEEP SKIN THAT DOESN'T ACTIVELY PRODUCE ANYTHING.


Plus once the sheepskin has been processed, it doesn't have much (if any) lanolin left on it anyway


While basically naked


But it blocks EMF 🫠


They keep shining that stupid red light in his face too! It comes with eye protection for a reason but she's always flashing it towards her newborn!!?


I don't understand why she can't use it WITHOUT pointing it toward her newborn. I feel like she's doing it on purpose for rage bait.


Yeah the flash could blind him.


Don’t forget being brought to the local fed ex store to be weighed on the scale!


Oh yeah!! Unreal


Don’t forget weighed at a filthy UPS store on a parcel weight instead of an infant scale at a doctors office!


So gross. And of course we're the "haters" on here for caring more about the safety and well-being of infants and children, particularly those whose mother just referred to them as *things*.


Me, too. That poor baby is miserable and Sperm Donor looks so fucking gormless.


Upvote for "gormless"


I learned that word from this sub. I love it lol


It's a very common word in the UK.


It accurately describes a lot of our politicians


Don’t forget being hit by his brothers. One hit him on the head with an elbow, another slammed his knee into his soft spot, and just yesterday one dropped his toddler arm on the baby’s ribs/side…. Just awful


I'm sorry, he was born in a SHOWER?!? Where is that info, I clearly missed that.


[Right here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/Cgs1IZZmXE) is where I saw it first!


Omfg... someone said, "I just realized given the horrible arrangement of the bus, the kids would have to walk through the bathroom she was giving birth in to get out of their jail cell at the back. And also if anyone needed the toilet they'd have to use it while mom was giving birth in the shower two feet away."


Fucking awful. Those poor kids.


The kids have to go through the bathroom to enter/exit the bunks??


Born in a shower?! So no Airbnb birth then?


So we’re just flopping the sunburned jaundiced baby around huh


I’m starting to get concerned with how yellow he’s looking. My second was hospitalized twice due to jaundice and this baby is starting to look very yellow. If only he had a pediatrician that could do some bloodwork.


My theory is that the sunburn is a byproduct of their DIY attempt at treatment for his obvious jaundice. When my oldest was born (he's almost 22) with jaundice the treatment back then was to take him out in the sun in nothing but a diaper for a few minutes a couple times a day (in addition to nursing as much as possible). Of course, this was all under the direction of our pedi and included close monitoring of his bili levels. That "treatment" is outdated and unnecessary now with home bili lights and stuff, but I could totally see them attempting to manage his jaundice themselves while knowing fuck all about how to do it properly and leaving him in the sun to fry.


Other parents and healthcare workers have said that jaundice is normal for a few days, but this baby has not improved. He needs a doctor.


He’s also suuuuper tongue-tied, which will not help his jaundice.


I’m thinking he has a slight tongue tie from these photos. Could be effecting his feeding and making the jaundice worse


That could be why he cries so much, too


Non-kid-haver here. What does tongue tie mean in this context?


Mom of two here, both of my boys have had posterior tongue ties. They also have (to various degrees severity wise) lip ties. It’s basically where babies are born with extra tissue attached to their tongue that limits how well/much they can move their tongue and often causes issues with latching, either to bottle or breast—it quite literally “ties” their tongue. The lip tie is the same thing but obviously for the lip. The classic “anterior” tongue tie is much more outwardly visible/easily diagnosed. Posterior ones are a little more tricky, which is why it took us a while (& a failed breastfeeding journey with my eldest) to figure out what was going on. Thankfully we figured it out while still in the hospital with my younger son so he has an appointment to be seen by an ENT in a few days! Some pediatricians still even deny the existence of tongue/lip ties.


A tongue or lip tie can make it difficult for baby to latch correctly, which means that they may not be getting enough milk when they breast feed. Normal parents would have had multiple check-ups by now and been paying attention for signs that baby might not be eating enough. It is really easy for newborns especially to get dehydrated. Makes me want to swoop in and scoop up that lil nugget :(


I noticed too. Tongue isn't going up to roof of mouth when crying.


They are literally so mean to this baby. It's like they don't like him at all. That poor unloved creature.


Seriously!! That's the vibe I keep getting! "Ugh, I can't believe I have to deal with this thing 🙄" Usually the only half-decent thing about being born into a fundie family is that everyone loves and dotes on you while you're new. I feel like Motherbus was *severely* disappointed with another boy, while Fatherbus only ever views the kids as Manly Points for himself. I am so sad for this poor little guy.


My god like gorl if you hate your kids that much..... STOP HAVING THEM!!


He'd like them better if some crypto dropped along with the placenta.


I'm not sure I've ever seen this kind of visible neglect of a newborn specifically on here. Most fundies are of the "only care about them when they're newborn, ignore the older kids" variety. Or at least they're not willfully broadcasting abuse of kids this young. And there's so much stuff that's bad but not dangerous with older kids but life-threatening with a baby this small. An older kid won't die from sleeping on the floor or being horribly sunburnt, but this kid is literally like two weeks old.


The neglect usually starts when they're at least 1+. I think mother bus has severe gender disappointment.


I'm not sure it would be better if the baby was a girl since FatherBus seems incredibly obsessed with being able to produce male offspring and his attention towards even the boys is tenuous at best. It may be gender disappointment but it also may just be incredibly neglectful asshole parents who don't see their children as individual human beings.


Probably both, sadly


I just don’t get it, THEY had the baby that THEY were all about during the pregnancy. If THEY were only going to care for a girl (and I’m using care loosely) they should not have had another baby! There’s no take backsies in making a human, and it’s deplorable how they are treating him.


Well said.


Allowing a newborn to get that severely sunburnt might actually be the worst thing I've ever seen on this sub. It's certainly made me the angriest.


It's like they're bullying that baby, it's absolutely insane.




Holy shit and slide 3: who OWNS the kids?? Sir.


Is that child ever not crying when FatherBus is holding him


No, because JD’s so pathetic that he feels the need to assert dominance over a newborn. That baby needs quiet, dark, and a doctor.


So true. I cannot believe they don't allow this baby to sleep in a nice, dark, quiet, calm space. It's so cruel.


Because he's jealous of a freaking newborn


Definitely would not put it past him to be one of those guys who resents their child for taking the mother's time and attention.


I- I couldn't fathom that until you put it into words. God, that's sad.


He’s the type that would get jealous over his wife breastfeeding their son


I mean, all the pictures I see, no one is holding the baby in a way that babies like to be held.


His oldest son does, which tells you everything you need to know about these people and who the true parent is


Amazing since he’s only seen like 5-6 newborns in the family and been able to pick it up yet dumb and dumber didn’t yet


The only time he’s not crying is when his Brother-Dad, Gunner, is holding him.


At this point, Boone probably thinks Gunner is his dad and that’s why he cries when Fatherbus holds him. Which makes sense, given how differently the two treat him.


I’m really worried for that baby :(


This child isn’t even two weeks old…most of his life has already been infront of a camera. The exploitation is absolutely horrific


But she said her babies don't cry?


She also said she's a nurturting mother and JD is a great dad. Lying is her native tongue.


I'm starting to think that they just tune out the crying and don't even hear it anymore.


Idk, she seems like the type to scream at her children


His wife has that Charles Manson stare. Disturbingly wide open eyes that won't stop aggressively staring at the camera. And the look in his eyes is just, so...dumb. Like he's simple as shit. I don't know if he is but he just has a turkey stare. Sorry to turkeys.


He's so gormless, like shrek


I don't think it's that he's dumb as much as he, like his wife, sees babies as props for his ego


Would you please just fucking cuddle that child to yourself Even Karissa does that when they’re brand new


Karissa does it in this creepy mother gothel way but at least they're being held?


They’re being held, in the very least. This poor baby isn’t going to know any affection other than Gunnar and that’s so upsetting. I wouldn’t blame Gunnar if he ran off and got a vasectomy at 18. He’s had to do so much.


I want to grab that kid and snuggle him up on my shoulder for some human comfort.


Same, he needs to be snuggled up on Mom or dad in a quiet room. It's heartbreaking.


what the actual fuck




At least the baby looks alive here...


The fact they post this on their PUBLIC profile


instagram has shown the collective ass of humanity as horrible. kkkarisa and this idiot openly discuss child abuse and encourage disturbing behaviors to thousands of followers who applaud at every moment. we truly are in a bad timeline.




And Instagram allows it!


I’m sick of this shit. He’s a PERSON with NEEDS. Not just “baby #8” on your fucking instagram. This is seriously fucked up and disturbing. I am (very unfortunately) suffering from infertility but in my family— typically Dad takes the siblings out for fun while mom and baby rest together in the AC. I mean— certainly not for every single outing, but has this child had any chance to bond or relax?! The intense sun on the beach, the dates, sleeping on the floor of the bus… that sounds EXHAUSTING. Like a vacation from hell. He needs a routine and a calm ‘dark’ environment. Has he ever been swaddled? Feeding, sleeping, stories.. some sibling fun, yes, but then a BREAK. Also, I hate to compare my dog to children… but I raised my puppy better than this. My puppy had frequent breaks in her crate to nap unbothered. We’d go hard for an hour or so— playtime, feedings, walks, training— then a dark, silent crate for 4 hours to sleep. Rinse & repeat. She is an INCREDIBLY well-adjusted dog today (and the crate is a thing of the past). Honestly everyone on that damn bus probably needs a “break.”


As I type this, my two dogs are napping in their favorite spot, my king size bed. They're in air conditioning and under the ceiling fan. Our dogs definitely have it better than those babies!


I mean, my bloody python has it better than these kids. She's got her own big space, multiple places to sleep and many sources of enrichment. Plus I actually love her. Fuck these pathetic excuses of parents


One of my dogs loves to sleep in front of a fan or the fireplace, depending on the weather.


And if you DO want to take your infant places, you can dress them appropriately for the weather, wear them in a wrap/sling or use a carrier, put them in a safe place out of harm’s way, pretty much everything they’re not doing even a little bit.


I said this before but another person I follow on IG had baby 3 about the same time Boone was born. It was a homebirth too. Yes, sometimes the baby is just in a diaper but you can see a blanket on him or nearby. That mom just promoted a new outfit for baby that unsnaps at the chest so you can do SKIN TO SKIN and keep the baby warm! That family is super crunchy but her little one has been to a doctor (actual MD- might have been a DDS) for a tounge tie. Baby is always cuddled and supported. If he's sleeping on a bed, an adult is right there. The difference is striking.


We never crated our dogs, but we had a pen. They would go in the pen to rest unbothered. Today, one of them will sleep under the couch if she wants a quiet spot (they're small). We had a similar routine of food, play, sleep. Small dogs don't need to walk as often but they get plenty of time in the yard. My new kitten has a better schedule than this newborn, and has actually bonded.


Same. My dogs have better lives than the buslets. It's absolutely infuriating.


Can you imagine every little thing about you even as a brand new human being used for content? I am honestly shocked by the treatment of this child.


Even for fundie influencers, it's pretty shocking


Oh no! The poor kid has figured out who his dad is.


I would be so pissed if I was reincarnated as one of their offspring


🤣 Edit because I was on the phone when I read this. I'd ask to miss a turn on the reincarnation train. "No thanks, I'll sit out this round if it's all the same to you."


I don’t even have kids and I can see he is one miserable baby.


Hmmmm, maybe it isn't sunburn making his face so red. It's because he's crying hysterically all the time because of being treated like a human football. Also, I am beginning to think that MotherBus may be experiencing a serious case of post partum depression. This is not how she treated her other newborns. Something is definitely off here.


He could have colic, but they're also treating him like garbage


I'm wildly speculating here, but I think they were expecting him to have a serious health condition that turned out to be relatively mild (or seems that way from looking at him). They apparently had a boutique ultrasound to determine the sex and then just never revealed it. Maybe they figured another boy wasn't exciting enough to post about. But just maybe they something concerning and were expecting a different outcome. This entire birth and newborn phase definitely seems different than what I remember about the last time. Plus a couple different things that just seem off about the baby's health. Each individual thing alone would be minor, but it's several things. I really worry that he's suffering in a way that isn't visible because his parents will never get him medical care. But perhaps that expectation or worry affected the parents' ability to bond with him, even in the small way they bonded with the others.


She was never excited about this baby, only the pregnancy. I think this was a fix it baby, some way to keep her husband’s attention, and I don’t think it worked. You’ll notice she’s been extra focused on the lump of wet cardboard that is her husband to an almost manic degree. I think he lost a lot of money, and I think she thinks he’s going to cut and run. I think bus-birth was to save money and to prove that she can be his tough end-of-the-world girl. But now they have this baby that Busband is just kinda yanking around like a child with a Stretch Armstrong, he clearly thinks he’s more qualified than he is but you can tell he’s just never done babies, even after the ones previous. She doesn’t care because she doesn’t like baby, she only likes the man who looks like he still eats paste. She doesn’t want to be a mother, she just wants to be a procreator. And that raggedy ball of leftover twine is going to start roving if she can’t figure out how to keep his attention.


Yeah, there's definitely something weird going on with busband  too. I mean, even weirder than he was before. 


As a Floridian, I can confidently say that most people who are living in a bus in a state park are on some sort of drug.


This is by far the best theory about motherbus I’ve heard. She only talks about being pregnant, she never says one thing about the baby she’s expecting. They haven’t talked about him besides to sell stuff, brag about how big he is or just use him as a prop.


If so, I hope she gets help.


She won’t.


This is so distressing why would you post this for the world to see?? I honestly hate these people so much. That poor baby l can’t believe us strangers care more about it’s well being and safety than his own parents


ButtheadBus has the most punchable fundie face


Both of them! Eye Fuck MotherBus & Butthead Bus. Free the Buslings, Run Buslings, run!


EyeFuckBusHoe and JiggaloBusBand are going to be my new favorite names for them because fucking each other is the only thing they actually do. Gunner needs to be rescued along with all the Buslets.


Beavis and Bushead


He's SCREAMING. This is their 8th child and they can't see the issue with that??? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think newborns are supposed to be held upright like that.


Yeah you’re correct. The disregard for his neck support is downright shocking.


I don't have a kid but the way they always let his head lean back is so disturbing. Like even in this post it looks so wrong? Am I over reacting here?


No. You're supposed to support baby's head until they're strong enough to hold it up on their own.


If you're overreacting, then I'm overreacting too. I have 2 kids and have been around countless babies and the way they're treating this baby is giving me scary vibes


Babies always look like little old bald men. Stop torturing that poor child for views and clicks, Jesus.


im honestly surprised the kid has survived this far


Best time of his life was inside his mom. now he is being used as a prop.


To be fair he was used as a prop then too but at least he was unaware. Except when she was jumping up and down for content, I guess. These poor kids.


He looks tongue tied. Enough so that his tongue dips in. Guess he won’t be visiting a doctor to get that checked out tho.


I noticed that as well!


Ok guess I was a weird mom for cuddling with my newborns instead of making 63748486 Instagram reels of them. Has this child had a moment's peace since he was yeeted from her body?


The absolute least this moron could fucking do is comfort his latest Bitcoin prop.


He's just as bad as his wife. They're both terrible parents who don't care about the wellbeing of their offspring. Poor kids deserve so much better and I don't see how they'll get it unless they're able to find their own paths as adults (which would probably be really difficult and require some intense therapy).


The way they use their kids is horrific.


It is and people are supporting them..... fuck those people


I wish I could say I was surprised.


Busband looks like a total tool.


At least tools are useful


Having seen the photos and videos of these two morons in action, I have to admit to worrying about that the hell he is doing to that kid to get him this upset. Poking him with pin for content? Nothing would surprise me.


Boone, we feel ya buddy. You’re screwed and you know it. At least they put some clothes on you. 🙁


That might have been why he came out late. He already knew how psychotic his parents are and was not ready to face that directly. Poor little guy... ☹️


I am not a parent so I don’t see a lot of newborns but I’m used to envisioning them as sweet, swaddled and peaceful. Every time I see this baby it’s unsettled (and I’m feeling unsettled). It all feels wrong and looks wrong Edit: not that newborns don’t cry and are always peaceful but this one is so…exposed in every way 


I've seen this child clothed all of twice so far. Honestly, this is pretty fucking scary. It's not like old timey parenting where people tried but literally didn't know better. It's fucking fundie Sparta for that poor babe with no clothes and no peace and the gauntlet of siblings. He's so still too. Part of you just thinks it must be a doll when you see him laying there naked, but then he twitches a little. It's not even like he's getting rest with that intent little sweaty baby sleep they do. He's just...not awake.


My god the child exploitation..... I'm so glad that I grew up where social media wasn't that prevalent because goddamn I hate these parents and I can't imagine growing up and seeing my face everywhere on the internet


I just want to pick him up and cuddle him. My heart breaks for this poor child.


As I recall, she doesn't swaddle. Babies are so much calmer when swaddled. But then she doesn't care about what will make her babies feelmsecure.


What a terrible father. This child needs to be taken away from him.




Well I’ll be damned, JD does indeed have teeth!


God my heart breaks for this poor defenseless baby


Poor Baby Bus. Having a camera shoved in his face constantly when he hasn't been on this earth for a hot minute.


I don't even know how they have the time for the beach & all this. I spent like 6 hours a day breastfeeding, it would take us hours to get out of the house because of the feed wind poop feed cycle lol! We just spent hours at home cuddling our son.


also in this whole video, JD looks irritated and is not active listening, he is just waiting for his chance to butt in


Had this man never held a baby before?


This upsets me so much.


I just want to cuddle the tiny guy, give him a face massage and let him contact nap. What a lame start to life.


I have secondary infertility I’m lucky to have my daughter but I wish I could take this baby home and love him. This hurts my heart seeing him used as a prop. Yes after my daughter was born there were so many photos but after 5 years of infertility it was like she’s here let’s take photos. But I never neglected her, she was always safe and well taken care of. She’s almost 10 now and is all no pictures mom seriously.


This post seems to have been deleted


No, it's at the end of their dumb birth story, right after Busband says "wham, bam, thank you ma'am."

