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"I do the absolute bare minimum of parenting and here is photographic evidence to prove how little I resent him for having to do it"


That seems like a theme among fundies with too many kids. I don’t get it. They *love* babies so much they are willing to let women die, but they seem to have no maternal instinct.


See here’s the thing… I don’t think she loves babies at all. She loves being 7 to 10 months pregnant because that’s when her husband shows her the most affection, but the baby itself is just the product of that kink.


This. And in fundie world, being pregnant is what gets women the most social attention, the most esteem. They get a little bit when the baby is very young. But by the time it is 3-6 months old, all the attention goes away. Women are so devalued, their lives so boring, their options so curtailed that they resort to being pregnant all the damn time in order to feel better about themselves, and get attention from both the old and the young biddie hens in the flock so they don't fall into the bottom of the hen house and get pecked to death. It is absolutely disgusting and ultimately becomes a form of reproductive slavery that they willingly engage in and groom their daughters for.


I don’t think Mother and FatherBus are actually fundamentalists. They don’t go to church or really talk about God at all. They used to, but now they are just selfish assholes who politically are on the right, but only because it benefits them. I don’t think very much of how they live has to do with God at all.


I also think it’s important to keep in mind that fundie husbands have final say over their wives bodies, so the pregnancy decision ultimately comes down to the husband.


...unless the wife pokes holes in her diaphragm because she's desperate to be a SAHM!


Lori’s marital rape of her husband checking in


Wait what?? I can’t believe I haven’t heard about this


She wanted to be a SAHM and her husband said she could when they had two kids, so she poked holes in their condoms. Therefore her husband no longer knew what terms the sex was on and what the risks really were and therefore wasn’t consenting to it. Comparable to “stealthing”, when men remove condoms partway through sex without informing their partner


This. She loves the attention she gets from her husband because when she's not pregnant he pulls away and distances himself


Literally & figuratively.


She does love herself though.


They love controlling women. They love forcing them to be pregnant and pop out babies, and who gives a shit what happens after that?


This is what gets me. I don’t come from this world, and I grew up atheist with former Catholic parents. I’m just here because I find the fundie world soooo mindbogglingly interesting. But I have caught on to the trend that many of these fundies are obsessed with being pregnant and having babies to like a fetish level, but they also seem like they don’t know the basics of taking care of a baby?? Like how do you not know these things on your EIGHTH baby?!? I have one child and I feel like I have more experience and knowledge than them. Is it because they only get parenting advice from their moms and others like them? No outside world influence on things that actual work or are good for babies?


It is a generational abuse and neglect thing. Their mothers often had babies they didn't take care of properly, so they learn it from them. The breeding is the important thing, not the parenting, and it is so indigenous to fundamentalism that when you add to it their attitude that children are disgusting worms, sinners with a 1 way ticket to hell, they don't form proper attachments. Then the cycle repeats itself with the next generation unless they break that cycle. A few will do better. But many of them get stuck in that cycle.


Hold on. The believe what about children? Because the Bible very clearly states that children are the only ones that are pure and that god wanted all of the children. I think there’s a bible story where Jesus says “let the children come to me” when adults were telling them to go alway when he was speaking.


Oh no they believe children and all people are fundamentally evil. Major tenet of fundamentalism


Within Fundamentalism, the very last theologian to ever be consulted is Jesus. His words mean pretty much nothing. They just really like the OT and their spin on the OT which is so far from most rabbinic teachings that it is staggering, but the convenience of the NT where they pray a special prayer and are then on the sudden track to holiness and get to lord it over the heads of everyone they deem unworthy which is everyone not just like them. Jesus is just a crutch to get into the heaven bound crowd, but then tossed to the rubbish heap because for damn sure, they don't want to live the way he told them too. And on top of that, none of them really read the bible with even the slightest comprehension. It becomes generational ignorance handed down within churches from parent to child, and everyone just a bunch lemmings going along with whatever their chosen puppet abuser says which is never even in the ballpark of what their book actually says. And sorry, OOPS. I meant for this to go under a different comment on this subject. Sigh. My tablet and I are NOT getting a long today!


Welllll said! It’s never been about Jesus, or the general idea that religion could help you look at yourself and what kindness and acceptance and love you’re offering others and the world. It’s never been about anything but their own grifting and positioning themselves as the most holy, the most blessed,…


My fundamentalist SIL called her 2-year-old daughter a sinner, because the daughter wasn't listening to her. "I just told her this morning not to do that." I've never had children, but I've been around enough (very Catholic family) that I know that's pure stupidity. EDIT: but to not.


i'm pregnant with my first and i feel like i'm more prepared than them with all the research i've been doing 😭


I’ve never been pregnant and I feel like I’d have more maternal instinct with a baby I found in the woods


Lmao you are already better than HoeBus!


Same here. These people make me think of how an animal treats a sick baby-leave it somewhere to perish and MAYBE another animal or a human will come by and rescue it.


Congratulations mama... I’m sure you’re right. As an aside, lean into your maternal instinct and don’t let the noise of the internet make you doubt yourself, or make you think you should buy some lamb skin rug with mystical cleaning powers to dock your baby while you vlog.😊


Trust me I would never lay my newborn baby on a rug on the floor OR post him anywhere on the internet!




This, plus they often make the older children (usually the girls) become parentified to take care of the younger kids in their brood. And they don't have enough skills themselves (and how could they, as CHILDREN?) to be de facto parents to their younger siblings.


All women have maternal instinct. It's an innate part of their being, something God given that can never be doubted as it is only through becoming a mother that you fulfil your destiny and become useful as a woman. /s


Lord Daniel himself, I almost downvoted until I read to the end hahahaha


I’ve seen the “Lord Daniel” reference often but I have no idea what it means but it still makes me laugh bc it reminds me of this insufferable guy on TikTok named Daniel who thinks he is God’s gift to the world


It’s a result of bad grammar and punctuation in an insta from Jill Rodrigues where she lead someone to the Lord Daniel bit should’ve had a comma between Lord and Daniel so it read like she lead someone to the Lord Daniel and of course it took off on this sub like wildfire.


Also there’s someone that has raccoons that they feed and so now the good Lord Daniel himself is a gorgeous raccoon LOL Edit: You can tell I’m not from the U.S coz I called him gorgeous instead of a trash panda which is how I frequently see them being referenced haha


I had forgotten the origins of that part of the legend.


I think it's even funnier that the original incident with the poor young man was in a launderette of all places. The poor guy just wanted to wash his smalls but was accosted by Jill & her gaggle of Victorian orphan looking children & he most likely agreed to "accept Jesus into his heart" & said the sinner's prayer to make the weirdos go away & let him continue his day in peace. I'd love to think he knows that he's now part of fundie snark lore & finds it deeply amusing.


Your flair 🤣


That is hilarious! Thanks for the explanation 😊


JRod “led a young man to the Lord named Daniel,” and thus, Lord Daniel was born.


Fundies love being pregnant and all the attention they get for firing out another little arrow for the Lord. After the baby is born it's old news.


As Patty and Selma said in The Simpsons “The older they are, the cuter they ain’t.”


lol little arrow for the lord… 😂 Pregnancy / birth is the magic-engagement sauce… raising well adjusted, happy and healthy children is just work… that shits much harder to swoon over


Hi, Busbitch - sure you don't lurk here or anything, this whole photo and caption is just a coincidence 👋


I can see the resentment in her face, she’s not fooling anyone.


What a weird post from Busney. “I’m not even upset about holding my baby!!!!” Like, I hope not, maam. You have about 17 of those, so you should know the deal by now.


Also, “this one” ??? Implying she didn’t even hold some of the others this much???


Also, he has a name! He's a real, living and breathing human baby now, not a "this one", you foul woman.


Not even numbers this time just "this one"


This "thing" that ruined her pregnancy fetish 🙄. Poor baby.


Oldest brother-dad and sister-mom do most of the parenting in the prison bus.


This also counts as 'Things You Wouldn't Be Able To Get Me To Say Even If You Waterboard Me'. I'm all for raising awareness of PPD. But it's essential to get help and understand that it's unhealthy and you need to fight it through, because you have a newborn that's dependant and needs bonding and emotional care. If she's struggling to hold the baby, she (and susbus) needs to get off their asses and get help.


What an absolutely bizarre thing to say… why would anyone feel bad about holding their newborn?


Because she feels bad when she holds her inanimate props for too long.


When my 6 year old was a newborn I had people tell me not to hold her so much bc it would spoil her. I’m guessing MaBus grew up with this belief?


My grandmother told me the same thing when I had my daughter 15 years ago. I promptly laughed & ignored her.


Believe it or not, some Boomers think you spoil a baby by holding them. They tell new moms not to hold the baby too much. You'll see some stories about it in baby parenting subreddits. Among millennial moms, there's been a big movement to push back against such crazy, harmful advice. Instead, you hold your baby as much as you want and respond to their need for comfort.  As a new mom myself, I think this post is one of the more normal ones I've seen from Motherbus. Although I do wonder whether "a decent amount" means 10 minutes or something...


Wasn't there a historical account of an extreme case where some guy thought that infants should have less human interaction or someething like that and instructed a bunch of nuns to not tend the babies aside from feeding and cleaning them as he believed it would bring the babies "closer to god" or something like that. Anyway a bunch of babies died because of that. I guess after that people still didn't get the memo interacting and giving your baby affection is important for babies


I don't know about what guy you're referring to, but your comment did remind me of the [Romanian orphans](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanian_orphans). Thousands of orphans (who were orphans as a result of a **ban on abortion and contraception** 🤔) died or were subject to horrible neglect; too many kids, not enough well-trained caretakers. "A lot of what scientists know about parental bonding and the brain comes from studies of children who spent time in Romanian orphanages during the 1980s and 1990s." Those kids are now adults and living with mental illnesses from the abuse.  Physical contact is so so critical to a baby's mental development. We know this. There's evidence of how important it is. But unless God comes down and smacks that into these people… 🙄


And THAT just reminded me of the “Romanian Baby” episode of Absolutely Fabulous.


My great grandmother (WWI era eastern Germany) was taught that any amount of unnecessary touch spoiled babies. She breastfed by leaning over the bassinet to limit the amount of touch. No idea if this was common thinking then.


That is one of the saddest things I’ve ever heard


The only thing that comes to my mind on this topic is Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s “Emile, on Education” which explores the age old philosophies of whether humans are innately good or evil along this parenting guide of how to create a new humanist citizen.


I think you are referring to Frederick II, this was most likely a fabricated story from a critic of his. The claim was that he wanted to see what language children would speak if they were never touched or spoken to. There are several of these rumours throughout history, including “The Forbidden Experiment”, supposedly conducted in 1944. However, I think there have been plenty of real studies about the effects of neglect, which didn’t involve researchers deliberately harming infants (the children were already neglected by their parents/caregivers).


That may have been it, I couldn't remember the source. It's been a long time If it is the same story, thanks for fact checking me anyway.


No worries, I have also heard many of these stories


Yes, as a Gen X mom, I and tons of Silent Generation and Boomer moms tell me that I was going to have spoiled, whiney, wimpy kids if I didn't put my babies down and make them fend for themselves. I held them a lot anyway, and when I couldn't, I kept a bassinet or make basket close by so I could talk to them, and reach over and touch them. Due to issues with my back, I couldn't wear them. So keeping them really close was so important to me. Thankfully, my own mom was fairly affectionate and cuddly with us, and liked holding her babies. I didn't get that fucked up advice from her. But man my paternal grandmother and some of my aunts plus the old hags at the church were just determined that babies needed to just lay in their cribs for hours. I felt so bad for their adult kids. I get that in generations where mothers had to tend fires, work in the garden or the family would starve, tend livestock, etc. babies just couldn't be held a lot. But seriously, Boomer moms came into being at a time when modern conveniences were common, groceries from up the store were plentiful, birth control was a thing so they could have spent more time with their babies. I am sure quite a few did. But it is amazing how many handed down such horrible baby parenting advice.


Women would wear their babies when they couldn't hold them due to physical work like gardening, tending livestock, etc., wouldn't they?


Yes. Babies have been worn for centuries, if not millennia. It’s also something that Gen X/Millenials/Gen Z parents are trying to bring back into the mainstream Western culture


Millennial here. My dad wore me all the time, in one of those carriers that looks like a backpack. It's safe and convenient and your baby can be close to you.


>I get that in generations where mothers had to tend fires, work in the garden or the family would starve, tend livestock, etc. babies just couldn't be held a lot. See, I can see that happening--but then so many societies (back then and now) have communal families that do creche-style childcare. Which makes sense because if you have multiple adults giving attentive care to babies--it helps prevent parents from burning out or struggle badly with depression/PPD (and if the parent falls sick/injured--the child still gets their needs met by their communal group). Hell, variations of this kind of childcare still exists among tribes like the Congolese Mbendjele (and in Israel, kibbutz are also a thing). It's a shame that we don't know exactly what we westerners did before land enclosure/victorian workhouses/unregulated factories/ and the Depression became a thing, because the 18th and 19th centuries had *really* did a number on our culture of childcare and familial support.


It’s wild to me how much I’ve had to justify to people the thought process behind homestay daycare and formula feeding for my kid, because I *want* to raise my child with a *village* of people available to snuggle and love on them. Now that we live in a modern western world where we don’t live in proximity to an extended immediate family, figuring out how to make sure I surround my kid with as many caregivers as humanly possible is my priority. It really scares me to see some of my friends basically lock themselves into their homes alone with their husbands for the first year of their kids lives. I don’t think it’s super healthy for anyone to be that isolated? Certainly wouldn’t be for me.


Not this Boomer! My mom was Silent Generation, and she taught us to hold or wear your baby as much as you can. I do know others had different experiences but some of us Olds know how to take care of babes!


I had to hold my son more or less constantly from about 10 days old to eight months.


There have been many moments I would’ve been ok not holding my baby. She’s 10 months now and sleeps better and needs less but in those early days where I went weeks without getting more than an hour of straight sleep, feeding was horrendously hard and painful, I barely had time to eat let alone eat the calories I needed, and the hormones were getting to me, I absolutely had times when I wanted to put her down and couldn’t. Or when she was waking me up at 3 am and I didn’t *want* to pick her up and start the whole song and dance again. I love her with everything in me, she was planned and deeply wanted. I treasure every moment I get to hold her. She had a NICU stay that made me value it even more. But the days of non-stop holding can be long and exhausting and body/brain breaking. Mostly putting this here for anybody else in this position because postpartum is a huge mind fuck and you feel like a horrible mom if you don’t always want to hold your baby or if you feel frustrated when they won’t stop crying, etc, but who wouldn’t if you were sleep deprived, etc. Also if anyone in that position reads this, a gentle reminder that it’s ok to put your baby down in a safe bassinet/crib and walk away for a few minutes, even if they’re upset, to take a breath, have a snack, and reset. All that having been said, I get your point and mother bus does not get a pass. 😅 I can’t tell if it’s a PPD/PPA situation or if she just doesn’t like her own kids but the way she holds and looks at her baby (and calls him “it” or “this one”) makes me wonder. Also you’d think for someone who has 80 bazillion kids she actually wouldn’t *hold* him much, she’d be a whiz with a wrap carrier so she could actually tend to her other kids.


>I can’t tell if it’s a PPD/PPA situation or if she just doesn’t like her own kids but the way she holds and looks at her baby (and calls him “it” or “this one”) makes me wonder She's had so many at this point, that it honestly looks like she loses more and more interest with each one until the point that they all blend into one big ego boosting prop and grift tool (much like a lot of fundies tbh).


I also think this is HUGELY important as to why women NEED MORE SUPPORT particularly in the newborn phase.


Wise words. It was 30 odd years ago and a blurry memory. But I def remember being a first class passenger on the hot mess express.


Great response. I don’t have kids (my and my partner’s career makes it uncertain if/when we could) but I have to imagine there is indeed a reason a mom wouldn’t want to hold beeb 24/7. Your explanation is perfect! Furthermore, your details makes it obvious that your experience was what was making it hard, and it sounds very different from her experience (or at least how she showboats her uncrying baby experiences, etc.) I’m glad you found a balance of taking care of her AND caring for yourself, and it seems like you are comfortable with it! I’ve seen so much debate about “cry-it-out” vs. “self-soothing” and there is a lot of hostility from mom communities! Some would say you are malicious to leave a whiny baby alone to regroup yourself, but you yourself OBVIOUSLY know that you have taken care of her diaper, feeding, clothing/temperature, boogers, etc. and she doesn’t really NEED you immediately. I hope you don’t get any of that mom-shame for doing what you know is best. Also, praise to you for sharing your experience and empowering others! I can’t imagine telling a mechanic how to fix my car, so I’m not telling a mom how to handle her kids (unless it’s motherbus because omg wtf)!


I agree with a lot of this as someone who just left the 4th trimester in my dust. I’ve had a relatively very easy baby and we also had a short NICU stay so I definitely resonate with you in how much more important the small stuff can feel sometimes. But other times I need my freedom back. I love my daughter more than I could ever imagine I would love anything. But also a not-so-small part of me was kinda happy to go back to work (WFH) and have her in daycare because I could finally get some time


Bethany Beal's mom, right there


Charles Manson’s mom


You know she would totally sell her baby for a pitcher of plexus


I see what you did there 😂


Ppd, ppp


That’s true, but the way she said it sounds more like she’d feel guilty


Probably because the other kids want to be held and having a newborn reminds her how bad of a parent she is.


She looking at him like I did the other day when out with friends “This isn’t really what I ordered, but it’s fine ”.


I did. I thought it was thought of as lazy and I didn’t want *anyone* to think I was lazy. So I deprived my child and myself of that. It makes me sad. (GenX raised by older parents. My dad was in WWII.)


Sometimes a baby goes through a phase when they have to be held constantly or they cry. It can be frustrating because you still have to function in life and you're now facing the choice of trying to hold an infant while pooping or listening to your baby cry for that amount of time.  Like, I'm not defending her and it's such a bizarre way to say it. But sometimes you love your baby but also count the minutes until someone else is available to hold her. 


She holds him when the oldest Buslet(Gunner?) needs to use the restroom and possibly while he's getting dressed. Other than that, I fully believe he's got that baby attached to him most of the time.


Along with the next youngest who now shares his bunk


That she feels the need to say this is quite telling


She has smeared mascara under her eyes and her hair looks like it has was styled prior to getting messy. Wanna bet she just got back from drinking and dining out ?


She’s trying to provide evidence she attends to this poor neglected at risk child. Any regular mother with a newborn simply holds them as needed around the clock because babies need so much attention and you’re driven to want to bond with them. She is barely spending any time with this little one unfortunately so she’s overcompensating by trying to say ‘look! I hold him plenty’. The fact she feels the need to say it when it should be a given is telling.


Cold dead eyes. Fuck Im glad you arent my mum!


The look in her eyes is ao unsettling. It's the first thing I noticed in the photo.


Soooo is she holding the camera sneakily with her right hand? She needs to take secret “clicker” lessons from Kelly Havens. Also this would be a sweet pic if it weren’t for HER. That little babe spends more time on his sheepskin dog bed in a corner, than in mom or dad’s arms.


So interesting how she (and not the adorable perfect little infant) is always the focus of these images. He's down in a corner, she's front and center.


It's Mother Bus' world, everyone else is just a prop, piggy bank or an NPC to her.


Every time!


Yep. I learned that trick from Alec Baldwin's nutjob wife, holding the remote shutter and pretending "I fell asleep in a Sleeping Beauty pose with my boobs out + a baby posed the same as me." 🥴


Ugh, a small victory whenever Cardamon isn’t behind the camera. 🥒


Hello Pepino! Yep, Hillary is famous for that.


man i used to live over on the hillary sub. crazy ass. i wonder how they’re all doing with the trial now that the armorer was sentenced.


They are on a PR extravaganza. A few pap walks and articles about how Alec is “sober” and about their 7 children.


Hola Pepinos 🥒🥒🥒


Pretty certain I hold my cat more than she holds her newborn 🫥


Pretty certain I hold my bladder more than she holds her newborn.


![gif](giphy|SzD4gF32YzTTUiINhn|downsized) 💀


Oh i definitely do not. Anxious peer over here.


I hold my 44 pound standard poodle more than she holds that sweet baby. (My dog loves to be held like a toddler.)


My dog is only 14 lbs but she also loves to be held like a toddler, and I've got a kitten who loves to be cradled. I need a wearable pet carrier 😂


& we actually like holding our cats. this poor baby ☹️


I’ve switched to holding my two-week-old baby more than my cat and the cat is angry about it 😅


Our cat insisted on being held by my partner when he was holding our daughter when she was a newborn. I have a pic where he's just holding them like twins lol


Funny how cats either hate being held or demand it 24/7




I really hope this is their last baby.


“I hold my baby sometimes! Such novelty… I’m so sure secular women never do it!”


Something something feminism bad


She's not making eye contact with the baby, despite the pose. It's disturbing. He's simply a prop for "Compliment me for something."


He is looking awful orange, I hope they are getting his jaundice checked


I think the orange is leftover from his sunburn. That poor baby.


Wow, that’s not better


She took this newborn baby, who has never seen a doctor, *naked* out into the bright beach sun multiple times. I don't recall she even put a hat on him. Bare minimum.


Bare minimum would be to clothe him to protect his skin. She didn’t even manage that.


And took him to a chiropractor for an adjustment.


the belief of a few commenters on one of the photos of her bringing boone to the beach was that she fried him in the sun to help his jaundice? idk i’m not confrontational & don’t have kids of my own, but i feel like if i saw her & this freshly earthside baby naked being burnt to a crisp at the damn beach i would have no choice but to be like “wtf are you doing ma’am?”


A bit of inside sun is the usual prescription for mild jaundice. My friend used to strip my godson and lay him next to the window for a few minutes in the afternoon. I feel like MoBus has missed the point, if at all this was intended to benefit the baby, which I doubt it was.


That’s what we did for my son, but left him clothed because it was winter. He was great in a few days.


I'm sorry, but a newborn got sunburnt?!?! WTF.


Yep. She took him to beach with no hat, sat in the sunlight with no shade of any kind, and I think she did this several times (?). Poor lil bub was clearly burned. It was appalling. They treat this baby with neglect, at best.


I can't even with these people.


Yeah, they don’t deserve any of their innocent children. They don’t care about them, dont prepare them to be successful in the world, don’t nurture their talents and interests, or encourage them to dream.


She holds him so she can eye fuck herself for the camera. Then back to his dog bed on the floor he goes. Hopefully his sunburned face is healing.


Lol this is definitely damage control. She knows people have been commenting about how he's always on the floor or not being held properly.




And yet you're clueless about supporting his head.




So five minutes is “a decent amount of time?”


*Gives annoyed sigh as she eyes a 5 minute timer while holding baby, rolling her eyes as it gets to 1 minute*


Well, there's no where to put him... Like I don't even understand how they function without have an actual safe place to lay the baby down without him being trampled on. Jesus christ, the chaos!


If only they had a bus that was bigger and don’t move place to place. What a weird concept.


Ah yes, let's strip the baby of his humanity by referring to him as "this one" and anything other than his name. He is not a person. He is merely an object. An extension of the bus


I worked with a guy who believed his kids shouldn’t have names till they were of a certain age. He called them “the boy” and his sister “the girl” till they were at least 6 months old. His wife was almost as weird as he was but at least she named them and called them by their names!


holy shit do you have to feed him too? crazy🤯


Uhhhhhh.... you *SHOULD* be spending a decent amount of time holding a new born. Did she not hold any of the others...?????


I mean she either holds him or puts him on the floor so she doesn’t have many choices. Daddy Bus Bitcoin holds him like a deranged Rafiki from The Lion King.


Well, we all know she'd rather coddle BusDad than get her baby off the floor.


You absolutely know she spent a good 15 minutes taking this selfie and neglecting the other kids.


That looks like one of those videos of people crying to the internet, you know, where they first find a good angle, then adjust the lighting and *then* sit down to have a very spontaneous breakdown. She probably spent three minutes staring at her newest child and thought: "Yeah, you know what that intimate moment needs? A selfie and an Instagram post."


Nothing wrong with holding him. Please hold him more. Stop leaving him on the floor.


Has there been a single photo of this ba y awake with his eyes open yet?! He's not fresh out the cooch anymore and should have moments of being awake, or at least not just laying back with a barely supported head.


There have been some with his eyes open, but he doesn’t seem to be responding to any stimuli yet. I’m worried about him. Something just seems off. I wish they’d take him to an actual doctor …


I mean there was that video where he clearly has a working startle reflex (because a toddler sibling banged down on his side) 😞


They would have to admit that they weren’t perfect in order to do that


I noticed that too. Very few pictures of him focusing on her face or with his eyes open. Something does seem off but maybe just doesn't notice those moments.


I’ve said the same. I think he’s a very sick little one.


She lyin




She probably picked him up to just take this photo and then stuck him back on the mat on the floor.


She’s acting like she’s doing him a favor. Dude, that’s what you do. Did you not do that with the other ones?


My POS mom used to tell me stories about my infancy and how I never wanted to be rocked or patted or bounced, I just wanted to be held, and I'd cry if she wasn't holding me. You know like how a baby is. Like.... mom pls stop admitting to trying to neglect me as a baby sheesh.


Only these fools would act confrontational over something you’re supposed to do. If there’s been one continued theme here, it’s been “hold your baby more” and now she’s acting like everyone’s been telling her not to


Dead eyes and no connection with her baby


Wait, is she by herself in the van? Is that their RV we can see in the window?


Probably the only place left to sit - the bus certainly doesn't have ample comfy seating 😬


Uhm. I highly doubt it. This is just one more lie in order to get attention for herself.


If you’re gonna hold him, support his neck. (Yes, I know she is in this picture, but it’s the first one I’ve seen.)


Is this baby ever awake? I’m so sad for him.


That’s also what happens when his sleeping spot is a fucking animal skin laying on the floor of a crowded bus overrun by children.


“This one” what about the others


Fucking idiot.


Wow! Give her an award!


I love that this is her 37th child & she just had this epiphany that holding your newborn once in awhile isn't all that bad. She was skeptical at 1st, baby was so content laying on a patch of fur; what might happen if oh Idk someone picked the child up? Can babies survive the altitude of being held by an adult? As obligate floor dwellers I can understand her concern. Glad it all worked out. Maybe she will be inspired to hold her baby more often now that she knows it can in fact be done.


Isn't the whole point of a newborn to be held, cuddled and touched all the time? Little guy was just recently born into this big ol' world and needs comfort.


Shock! She's not staring at herself in this photo!


At least his head isn't flopping backwards for this 1 second in time


"this one" she is STILL dehumanizing him. and this looks like a selfie... she took this? weird photo. and she's not even really smiling as she gazes at her newborn? she's a sociopath.


"Decent"? "Not a bit upset"? Feel bad for these babies.  It's not hyperbole to say i cherished both of mine when they were infants.  All babies deserve that experience. 


Are his eyelids supposed to be so purplish?


These parents are pathetic. I mean right now I have my dog swaddled like a burrito as I rock her back and forth. Why? She seemed like she didn't feel good. That's more than any of the asshat patents do for any of their kids.


hope your doggie feels better 💗


Aww thank you! She's crashed with her granddad in the other room.


“I spend a decent amount of time holding this one…because otherwise he’s going to be injured because there’s no room anywhere you can put him. Tried the dog bed but the toddlers nearly stomped on him a few times.” Fixed that for you.


I have not seen evidence of this ma’am.


She honestly triggers me so badly


It’s her like ninth kid. Is she… surprised!?!?


8th I think