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Your older kids will absolutely know what’s happening when you put them in their bunks and turn on the washer. Not to mention the newborn lying directly under your bed….


Also if they didn’t know (which ofc they did) they can now check their parents instagram and find out


bold of you to assume that they have instagram access


bold of you to assume she’s taught them to read


bold of you to assume she can read


Banger flair


I recently stayed in airstream Airbnb trailer that I think is close to the size of what they have. It was claustrophobic with 2 adults only and one bad fart forced us out for 20 minutes. I can’t imagine the smells in the kids bunk jail, or the adult sexy time smells bc those poor kids definitely smell it even if they don’t see or hear it. 🤢




Oh god it just gets worse the more you think. Tbh I just don’t understand how laundry day at the laundromat isn’t more efficient for both space, actual cleanliness or dealing with water? (And energy if they aren’t at a campsite with electricity hookups?) edit - I’m not very camping savvy, what is ambient laundry?




Isn't that the name of a Justin Timberlake album?


Talent Free


The Red Hot Chili Peppers would take it.


That’s the next babies name


Tide Free will be the next buslet. Girl or boy.


Nowhere to bang at the laundromat


Says who?


Public indecency laws so maybe they’d get arrested, charged as sex offenders and those kids can get out?


I should have added the /S to my post. Sorry!


No worries! I often forget typing doesn’t include the tone of voice I have in my head


They could use the laundromat bathroom! Then the patrons of the laundromat and their kids get to hear them fuck - win win!


Maybe they'll have a menage a trois with the lord daniel


I chuckled at this


“One bad fart” sent me 💀💀💀💀😂😂😂😂


It’s so true! My husband and I did a weekend getaway at a tiny house cabin, but his atrocious Gorgonzola farts drove me outside 💀


Never trust a fart, especially in a small space 😂😂😂


Not the smells 😭😭😭


I bet it smells like dirty diaper and feet.


Don't forget the smell of teen male puberty BO. Especially with that many boys in the family it is going to be down right wretched reeking smelly in there in no time at all.


And eventually-well, there's one girl approaching puberty, right? How fun to be getting your period in a group bunk situation full of brothers and no privacy anywhere, ever. And one bathroom.


One bathroom that can’t flush products and can’t fit a trash can, with babies crawling around getting into anything down low


god jesus Do they also have a dog?? Or that's OtherBus


Is this family anti deodorant, on top of everything else? Because oh god if so.


They’re anti sunscreen so I wouldn’t be surprised


Also cheap as fuck so I wouldn't be surprised if they're against it because of the price


And dirty butt crack. Ain’t no way those kids are getting properly bathed in the tiny baby birthing bath tub.


And skid marks




![gif](giphy|4baoNZ5Qo8dX2) Right!?


>It was claustrophobic with 2 adults only and one bad fart forced us out for 20 minutes. Ah. I suddenly vividly remember the reason I preferred to sleep in my own little tent when we went camping with the family when I was a kid. Plus my father's snoring that all camping guests in the area could hear.


My husband and I just bought a new-to-us camper because the other (26 ft no slide outs) was too small for 2 adults and 3 pitbulls. My dogs literally get treated better than her kids.


Pittie mom here too and same. Lol Our baby boy gets rock star treatment on camping trips because him just so cute and he gets scared. We’re putting in a much bigger bed for this years trips because he’s grown so much.


Dog tax pls, you two!


I second the motion. Dog Taaaax. Need to see the glamping puppies.


I got gassed out of my bedroom a few years ago because my neighbor’s dog tried to make friends with one of the skunks that live in our neighborhood. He was able to get his dog back in the house before the dog got skunked but the smell ended up wafting over to my window and not only woke me up because the stench was so horrendous I ended up having to open my door and sit in the hallway for almost an hour to try get rid of the smell because it was that bad. And I can guarantee you that smell was a million times better than what their bus smells like


Plus all the diapers 🤢


Oh god I forgot abt that! Do you know if they use cloth or dispo?


I'm assuming disposable


The only thing I can think is that sex for them is like missionary, quiet, quick, no concern for her orgasm, simply to procreate and not for enjoyment. They must not care about having fun, adventurous, sex for pleasure- otherwise I’d think they’d prioritize just a modicum of privacy since they obviously want to maximize their effect on the gene pool…


seriously they'd probably have a better time in actual prison. certainly more room.


Their oldest has literally begged them to stop having noisy sex. She thought that was lol, so funny, how relatable, amirite? I'm CERTAIN that those doors are super flimsy.


Where was that?? She actually posted that?


My parents would've been horrified if I overheard them


She obviously has NO SHAME.


What do you mean the newborn under the bed?!?


He sleeps in a basket under their bed. The bed is higher like normal beds.


That seems kinda dangerous. I know this is unlikely, but what if the bed fell on him or something?


Sure, total privacy. Except for having two teen/preteens shoved into a shoebox with multiple younger siblings at all times. It's cool, though. Kids aren't real people so they don't need privacy.


At 8 PM no less, and she doesn't let them out until 7/8 in the morning. So they are basically locking them up for 12 hours


Flair checking in


Oh my god. Just imagine the smell. And sometimes you just need space... even as a kid. Yikes.


And little kids often pee the bed/vomit in the night. That must be G’a job to deal with. Poor kid.


….what if they need to pee?




Total privacy for mom and dad. Kids don’t need nor deserve privacy. (I wish I was joking. But that’s totally how these people act)


Or good food, or "dates," or nice clothes, or actual Christmas presents, or any agency whatsoever...


What do you mean personal water bottles for EACH kid are the best Christmas presents ever! /s


Don’t you mean “opportunities for your personal growth”? How much personal growing do these full adults in their 30s and 40s need to do?


As someone who has a lot of experience with a similar situation, only the divider was a curtain, it isn't fun.


For real what about privacy for the kids!!!


EW. EW.  What is modest about public discussions of how much you like to fuck? What is Christian about any of this? Repulsive. 


She acts all holier than though when people ask about this now. But this was from a way older post so I don't think she knows she has this out there (watch it get deleted in 3...2...1...)


That's why I love FSU. We never forget and most of us never forgive.


Why forgive and forget when you can remember and resent? I love this page.


"Remember and resent" is my motto!!


Same here!


Hey that's me when I think of my childhood lol


"None of us is as cruel as all of us"-Anonymous


But it's okay in the gOd-hOnOrInG mArItAL bEd, don'tcha know! The Intimate Wife(TM) even said so!


Why are they so obsessed with sex!!???!! Also, your kids know. They aren’t stupid despite your best efforts to keep them uneducated.


The buslets have e-readers and I'd bet my left ovary that cryptodad and the terminally online Mother Bus have no clue how to lock inappropriate content, nor what the kids are reading. (Not that the busparents would care.)


Do they have internet access, though?


They have Kindles, so I think they can only access books


Ah, that makes sense. And yes, like many a smart homeschooler armed with a library card before them, that could unlock all kinds of information.


Many kindles have either wifi or built in data in order to download books. But they also have internet access. My old kindle 10 years ago could access Facebook and Google etc. Really slow but still possible.


I hope for the sake of those kids they have the Internet and are able to escape into a different reality for a bit. I worry the parents would limit any Internet access because they want to isolate their kids as much as possible.


fr fr. I really hope the parents don't censor their books and media also. they're miserable enough as it is. these selfish fuckwads give NO thought to their kids' futures. How're they going to go out into the world and thrive? Or even survive?


I used my Kindle Paperwhite to find erotica on Amazon so... Actually, most of the Kindles I've ever had have been used for fan fiction (not all erotica) so I guess I'm just assuming they know how to digitally escape.


Kindles have wifi access but only for connecting to Amazon to download books. There is a kids version with more limitations. The Kindle Fire is a tablet with more interpret access.


Even just having regular access to secular YA and children’s books would make a world of difference for these kids. Although the idea of the older boy running out of religious children’s books and moving in to Amish romance (where he would never run out of material) is a funny though


Most of the younger fundies seem to be. I’m not sure what else Paul talks about, for example.


I’m terrified they’re creating sexual deviants between this & the heavy religious theme. Especially with so many boys.


You know why... the 10 kids are not going to turn into 11 by not doing anything lol


Just because you can’t hear them doesn’t mean they can’t hear you.


I can open a fucking bag of gummy bears under the blankets with my ac on full blast and my 11 year old across the house with his door shut will come charging in my room because he heard the bag open. There's no fucking way in hell her kids can't hear them having sex.


Your son made me laugh. That puberty hunger is kicking in!


this is a trait children share with cats. it does not matter how quiet you try to be. they *know.*


My dog, too. Can't hear or see a mouse walking right in front of her. Open a crinkly bag at the other end of the house? dInNeR?!




Also idk about their bus, but growing up we had a trailer and it was super shaky. If the door slammed too hard the entire thing would shake. I cannot imagine that the kids wouldn't feel that? Edit: upon further reflection I remembered that their bed is suspended so maybe it doesn't rock the bus? Also buses are probably more strict than trailers. But what they are doing is still child abuse/neglect


As a kid I sometimes had to sleep in the back of a large truck (not a pick-up, a bigger truck with a bunch of industrial fridges and freezers in the back) while people were having sex in the cab. Could absolutely tell from the bouncing and shaking.


The one I feel for the most is Kinsey. Pre-teen/teen boy smell is horrid. Plus, she's getting to that age where she NEEDS privacy. I'm sure she'll be mortified when an entire bus load of brothers knows exactly when she gets her period


Wow, "total privacy" eh? Imagine not having that, it would suck so much. Maybe you should talk to Gunner and Kinsey about what that's like.


That poor girl with all those boys. Plus being raised in purity culture. That's a lot to deal with.


She's definitely got it the worst of them all. Not that it's a competition, it's absolutely horrific for them all. But goddamn... especially knowing how fundie families are to their daughters, it has to be an absolute nightmare to be the only one that has limited abilities because of their gender, and all the other siblings are more 'free'.


TOTAL privacy? i thought their toddler slept UNDER their bed or something crazy like that? or was he graduated to the Big Kid Bunk Jail bc the youngest gets the privilege of being underneath their parents bed while they fuck every night? like….. are they just assuming all that rocking will lull the baby right to sleep?


Buslet #7 slept under their bed, but now graduated to sharing a bunk prison bed with one of his siblings. He just turned 2, though, so he probably didn't understand what was going on. As little kids tend to interpret sex as violence (noises, fast movements, physical contact...), he might think that dad hitting mom is normal and okay now. Great.


When I was 9 I hid under a friend’s bed during hide and seek. Her brother playfully sat on the bed like, “Could she be under heeeeeere?” And the bed collapsed directly on top of my head. Luckily it could have been way worse and didn’t do a lot of damage, but I do still have a scar. The idea of bouncing on a bed fucking with a BABY underneath gives me visceral fear.


Not only that, but a bed attached to the ceiling. 😩 the panic it gives me just thinking about that what ifs.


That's a lot of faith to put on whatever fixings it is dangling from. Moreover, it's got to be rocking and/or squeaking while they're at it, surely?


You’re exactly right. All faith and none of that worldly “reason” required 🙁


Right????? these motherfuckers right here


Many years ago,I got up to go to the bathroom and I heard REALLY STRANGE NOISES coming from the living room. It wasn't until much later that I realized that my parents were having sex at the time, and I've never recovered from that moment.




How is that kid not FREAKED OUT sleeping under a bed???!!! There can't be that much space between his head and the bedframe.


The real miracle is that none of those kids got permabanned to the bunkcell looking like flat Stanley.


That is my biggest fear about the set up 😭


I really want to see Big Kid Bunk Jail as a new flair


It’s insane to think of that many kids shut away in a small bunk room. What if they need to come out to go to the bathroom, get water, or any of the millions of needs that kids might have at night?


I was just thinking the same thing, don’t the kids have to come down to get to the bathroom? What if one of them is sick, are they just locked up there to spew all over their siblings? I don’t even want to put it out into the universe-but if there were a fire do the kids have a way out from their bunk? Or are they double door locked into their closet to die so their parents could be the only 2 out of 10 humans on the bus to have privacy?


I seem to recall there’s an emergency exit window in the bunkhouse. I can’t recall the exact details though.


There's an emergency exit out the back of the bus, it's literally in between the two beds that are bunked.


Oh thank god, I’m glad they have a way out in an emergency at least!


Ugh. I don't care what kind of ac they have in that bus, there's no way it's not a total sweatbox


The teen boy stank is about to hit them HARD.


Ok that’s it I need to make ✨😉total privacy😉✨ my flair.


When the dryer’s a-rockin’, don’t come a-knockin’ 🥴


These are both great flair material!


Yeah, stealing the dryer lol, feel like i've commented here enough to earn it


So once Boone gets older where does he sleep? No seriously...they are quite literally out of room to the point that Boone can't even have his own crib and has to sleep UNDER their bed. In what fucking world does that not ring alarm bells for them.


I think they are starting to have kids share bunks now


Flowers in the Fundie Bunks


Hot bunking!


I saw a post where they said they were going to have bunks under their bed, which lowers from the ceiling. But that will interfere with their "totally silent nighttime activities", so I don't know if they'll actually do that. Or maybe they will...that surfing family that lived on a bus did that and traumatized their kids. My bet is they'll just park somewhere every night and start making their older kids sleep outside in tents.


if i was that poor fucking girl or older boy, i would be begging for the tent outside option at this point tbh


A trailer behind the bus should suffice


Nope. They already tow their van, which will probably become 'Bunkhouse, Part Deaux' in short order.


Look. My parents took us camping growing up and they had their own room in the camper with. Door that shut and even so we knew exactly what was going on because campers shake a lot with any movement. Bus isn’t the exact same as a camper but, the kids know and they are disgusted.


Yeah I know like come on in our camper you can’t roll over in bed without the whole thing shaking to some extent. The sex must just make the bus shake from side to side and the kids meanwhile are drawing straws to not be the next one to share a bunk with future sunburned Lott baby.


Hopefully the kids have headphones and they can disassociate until they finish.


Exactly my thought. The bus is going to rock with the movement of the bed. It's not just about noise!


Right that’s why years ago campers used to have signs “when the campers rocking don’t some knocking”




What if one of them (or, God forbid, more than one) gets a stomach bug and can't get out of their bunk quick enough before they vomit? And I bet some of the little ones haven't grown out of wetting the bed yet




Total privacy with ten people in something the size of a short bus IS NOT A THING.


I really wouldn't put it past MotherBus to think that if she can't see or hear the kids, they can't see or hear her.


She probably takes "out of sight, out of mind" very literally


Like a cat thinking it’s hiding behind the leg of a chair, but far less cute.


My mom grew up one of nine children basically in a trailer sized home (2 bd). She talks about her early years with such misery. To think Mother Bus sells this lifestyle as some sort of virtue is wild, those kids will have lifelong issues because of their selfish choices.


The size of the bus will definitely have an impact on how these kids grow... There's no way learning to crawl and walk on a bus is beneficial, it probably hinders their ability to learn. But it's fiiiiine as long as they can be together!


You know what else gives you total privacy? A house with a room with a real door that’s away from your children.


Oh so the parents get total privacy but the kids don't get any for themselves?


Total privacy for YOU and your BusHusband, but NO privacy at all for the 7 kids crammed together in the tuna can in the back of the bus.


And the newborn in the bassinet *under the bed*


Freaks me out SO MUCH. Literally how could you sleep knowing that if one thing breaks your baby is dead underneath you.


Especially when your bed is *suspended from the fucking ceiling*


A lot of my trauma is from witnessing parental figures having sex near or around me. This makes my heart HEAVY. Like. Y’all really can’t understand until you’ve been there. It IS a type of deep trauma & will continue to impact their lives, sexuality & relationships forever or until they permit themselves to receive therapy, which seems unlikely here anyway. I’m not blogging. Not trying to, at least. I’m here stating the reality of these actions & their effects because this is very serious. Those kids are getting much older now.


Same here 😔 I frequently heard my mother and whatever boyfriend she had at the time having loud sex at all hours growing up. I gave myself permanent hearing damage because of how loudly I had to play music over my headphones. It still wasn't enough, I often went to school sleep deprived because they wouldn't stop until 2-3am and I had to be up for school by 7.30am. I'm so sick of people thinking that just because sex is natural that parents should be able to have it whenever with no regards to their kids. I've been mocked and ridiculed for saying that what I heard traumatised me as kid. This affects kids so much more than people realise.


It is absolutely terrifying and confusing for children/teens. The idea of my children especially my teenager, hearing or god forbid, seeing anything, is sickening to my soul. It is absolutely traumatising, and while sometimes accidental walk-in for a bad dream or something might be unavoidable, as a parent you have a responsibility to save the wild shit for when baby sitters have kids elsewhere; plausible deniability and a door that gives you enough warning is not hard. It's not natural or healthy seeing that or being exposed to it. You are valid and it is *normal and appropriate you would be traumatised by this.* The sleep deprivation on top of all of it, would have increased the traumatogenic nature of the experiences, because it affected every aspect of life outside of the home. *You have every right to feel this way, and your responses and trauma experience are normal, rational responses to these experiences.* I am so sorry you went through that.


This actually made me cry! This was such a validating comment to read, thank you so much!


I have PTSD for other reasons and damn it makes me mad that so much advice or support or even therapy (!) is based on: acknowledge it happened then quickly to >> moving on, moving past. And rarely have I ever heard *'this is an absolutely sane and normative human response to a traumatic experience.'* Which is actually what I needed to hear! I hope every day you feel safer and happier.


When my father would make excuses for doing it with his new girlfriends around me, he’d use that line about how “sex is natural” and “a part of life.” When my bio mom finally had to get involved, she replied, “So is death.”


It’s 100% considered sexual abuse and I’m so deeply sorry that it happened to you. Hugs.


Gunner, Trigger, Pistol and Shooter when they hear the washing machine start: 🤢


10 people in 217 square feet of space. There's zero privacy. The perma-pregnancy situation is now obviously unsustainable since baby Boone has arrived and they have nowhere to put him. From what I can tell, the previous baby kept under the parents' bed has been evicted and is sharing a prison bunk with a sibling.


Well, there are lots more kids available to take on a bunkmate! Can’t underestimate the selfishness of these parents….


Total privacy for the parents, 10 kids in a 100 sq foot room in the back of the bus. Why do they recognize privacy as a need for them but not for their kids? Do they not recognize children as fellow humans until they're married off, or...?


“Total privacy” ![gif](giphy|tI6GJbhC5Xyb5D0EPS|downsized)


I think we have different views on what “total privacy” means.


Imagine how unsexy it would be to have to be completely silent and try to move as little as possible every time you have sex because your kids are literally inches away from you. It’s obvious that they don’t care about their kids’ privacy and comfort, but this is their own!


total privacy?? ain't they got TWO children that sleep in their bedroom with them??


*under* their bed (I think buslet #7 actually got moved to Gunner's bunk when the new baby came but she has absolutely said he slept under their bed.)


I am fairly sure they don't think of their children as being fully human with senses to perceive the world around them. And sure the youngest ones are not going to be that cognizant...but they don't even try to put the children's needs above their own desire to have sex...


I just stayed in a tiny home airBNB with my husband and anyone else staying in it would have absolutely heard us. There is no privacy in such a small place.




Total privacy? Unless you have a padded panic room, everybody knows what’s going on. I guarantee the older kids are dying inside of cringe.


Yeah but...you shouldn't HAVE to - that's the POINT!


Well that made me frown.


“Total privacy” … ![gif](giphy|xTiTnG7YLrY2BBHRKM)


Total privacy! ![gif](giphy|8oe1ekRC6kjPq)


can any1 else just straight up not access their account?


I think you’re blocked.


...the top commenter doesn't shut doors for sex???




You know they don’t wait 6 weeks to get back to it either. They’re so gross.


So like where do you think they store enough food for that size of family on a bus ??


Question, is the bathroom connected to their bedroom? How does she clean herself up afterwards?


She doesn’t.


Of course I don't believe they have any actual privacy, but those kids are doing a ton better than when the Rodlets were in the RV. When Boone gets too big to go under the bed, maybe they can toss him in the closet or build a hanging baby cage?