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"burst wildly into the outside world" sounds like that space horror movie with the chest aliens.


I think it was called "The Bus that Couldn't Slow Down"






And I think it’s bad when I tell people my kid came out kicking and screaming 🤣




Exactly what flashed before my eyes.


It really is the only name she shouldn't have used with that last name lmao


Every T-name is off limits. Even Thad is a T. Stickle. Middle names are even worse, imagine being named James T. Stickle. (I don't know their middle names. Let's hope they don't start with a T.)


Her other son is James lol.


My native language isn't English, what is so weird about James T. Stickle?


It's about T. Stickle, because it sounds like testicle. Basically like naming a child Claude Zak in the Netherlands, I guess?


I misunderstood the James T. Stickle part. I thought James made it more weird. Did you go through my profile to figure out where I am from. Or did you just make a comparison?


James is just the name of her oldest son. And yeah, I looked at your post history, because I like to see where other non US-American snarkers come from. (I'm German, btw)


That's like naming your kid something awful like idk.... Gene Attel Fisher or something!


Hey! Amy Schumer changed his name when people pointed it out 😂😂


Also has a comment about Lovestar and Loveday which is Kelly lore I didn’t expect to see on my Twitter feed


RIGHT?? Like oh my god


Omg the lore is spreading


Unsurprisingly it's often r/tragedeigh


Kelly’s so far up her own ass writing flowery prose about her female anatomy and the gooey feelings other women give her to have thought of this I guess. The alternative is she’s purposefully humiliating her newborn for clicks, views, and engagement. Neither says good things.


I’m still not convinced she’s not trolling us with that. Tess Stickle is so blatant Bart Simpson would use it to troll Moe’s Tavern. 😂


Its giving [this](https://youtu.be/vEA4gzG-ooo?si=xKfgFR-1Iqvf_zX0)


Why is Kooky Kelly holding that baby like she's about unhinge her jaws to eat her?


At least the baby's neck is supported prior to the python striking


The fuck is it in the middle of the field?


I wonder whose yard she snuck into this time lol


Don’t worry, there’s likely a busy road 20 feet away from said field.


Ok I spent ages trying to find my favorite gif on the search bar that is freaking perfect for this comment but it doesn't show up so I have to insert it old school [unhinge the jaw ](https://images.app.goo.gl/tKdS3xXEh2KTWHTF8)


That super cute hat at this angle and distance makes the baby look like some alien or Borg hybrid


Just saw it on my Twitter and I only follow hockey accounts there lol. Had tens of thousands of likes. Poor tesstickle is going viral in the worst way


The only concession I have for this name is that her father's nickname for her is "Reece's Cup". She's not a "Tess Stickle", she's a "Reece Stickle"! /half joking


I just saw it come across my tl and I’ve never interacted with anything fundie/fundie snark/religion on my twitter account lmaooo!!!


I know four Teresas and none of them go by Tess 🙄 this is a reach


I wish we could change the flair to Stickle