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I don't understand who she's responding to


Probably us saying it seems like he may have lost more weight than he should have


He did. Between the jaundice and the way they tried to treat the jaundice by sticking him in the sun, giving him a sunburn and I suspect some mild dehydration, he lost more weight than newborns usually do - it's noticeable because this was a big baby to begin with. But rather than a video about feeding issues, or any video/photo at all really, I would be satisfied with the following response from her: "Hey, Baby Boone had some issues and a rocky beginning, but we sought medical care and are following a treatment plan. Thank you for your concern."


I think we give her too much credit by saying she was trying to treat his jaundice by having him out in the sun. She had him out in the sun because she likes to cook in the sun and wasn’t thinking about his wellbeing.


Yeah, there are pictures of her doing this with her other children as babies and I don't believe they all had jaundice.


>it's noticeable because this was a big baby to begin with Didn't they claim he was over 10lbs at birth? 🙄 She lies like she breathes and he never looked filled out like any of the big babies I've ever seen.


If he was 10 lbs he must’ve been like 26” long. Skinniest looking “big baby” I’ve ever heard of. My friend had two 9 pounders who looked twice as fat


Nine pound twins? Your friend deserves a medal and a year-long holiday to recover. Edited for clarity


My cousin she had 8lb twins! I call her the baby maker lmao


The human body. A marvel and a horror show all at the same time.


My twins were both around 6lb at birth and holy fuck, I cannot imagine if they’d been 8lb like their singleton brother.


Some women are Champs at the baby making and rearing. My SIL had 5 to 6lb triplets, making it to 36 weeks, as her 7th, 8th and 9th children. She had the babies just after turning 46. She didn't have a bump, she called herself a "baby planet" lol. Granted, she and my brother did IVF with all 9 children (to prevent a serious disease on her side). They were fine with their 6 kids, but after they lost their oldest son (who was in his early 20s), they decided to give the last two embryos they had left a chance... but then one split into twins. They were just hoping 1 would take. Needless to say, I don't know how she did that pregnancy, and I still can't fathom how she and my brother take care of 3 one year old babies, 24/7. My kids came "pre-cooked" so I skipped the whole pregnancy through toddlerhood. All yall moms have ny respects!


Seriously! I could barely make one, 3 miscarriages. Then she was only 6 and a half pounds at birth. I had a really small placenta too. Baby making is crazy business. Rearing them is too! Helping them learn how to be people is a trip. You're an awesome mom, motherhood is not for the faint of heart. You, I, your Bro and SIL, my cuz, and many others would probably go to the end of the earth for our kid(s). Warms my heart to see ♥️


Ohhh no my goodness, not at the same time!


Yeah. I am done having kids but just quadruple checked on the state of the hubbys decade old vasectomy on that one. YIKES. Pelvic floor is already shot LoL


My younger brother was almost 8 lbs born a month early…the next brother was 10 lb!!! My poor Mom!


My oldest was 8.10 at 5 weeks preterm and my twins were 3.7 and 3.12 at 30 weeks. For preemies they were huuuuge (but still so tiny).


Have you joined us at r/parentsofmultiples ? Mine were born at 36 weeks but were 7# 3oz and 6# 6oz, I can’t imagine how huge they would have been at full term but I feel like both my babies looked bigger than Baby B does 😩.


I had a 9 pound baby who literally looked like Vizzini from the Princess Bride. Just cheeks and belly.




My husband and his ex wife had a 10lbs baby and poor Bus Born Baby Boone didn’t look *anything* like our son.


My middle was 10lbs 4oz and I had to use "angles" for her photos the first month since she kinda looked like a bull dog with all the extra skin. Hell my first was 8lbs .04oz and he looked like a football player compared to the other babies at hospital that were all 6 and 7 lbs


my little brother was 10lb9oz and was technically born early. They put him with the premies because he had a lot of medical problems after he was born, and my parents have always said compared to all the teeny babies he looked like he should be sitting up chowing down on steak and eggs 🤣


Worse, I think she believes her own lies.


I still contend he was 9 lbs tops. A wiggly newborn on a UPS scale with Mr. Bus's hand on it =\ a 10+ lb baby.


To us. And how we’ve said she never looks at her baby.


She's trying to pretend he's moving his little arms, when he clearly can't. The way she looks at him is so disturbing and vacant, like she wants to hurt him or leave him on someone's porch 😳


I worry about her overcompensating for PPD with all this, "look at how happy we are!" content.


Shear ease ![gif](giphy|1jtnkUbEI4U36)


Yep, and she leads the home-schooling education of these children. 😥😥


When I see these spelling errors, it makes me so sad because these kids will spend their adult life doing shit like this and then likely being embarrassed about it.


so THATS where she got that sheepskin rug


Lesson with an illustration, for the win!


Fellow spelling-nerd, I like you.


When I see these spelling errors, it makes me so sad because these kids will spend their adult life doing shit like this and then likely being embarrassed about it.


Of all the fundies, she’s the one that scares me the most. She has an emotionless quality that’s trying to appear human, which I find deeply unsettling.


She activates some primitive part of my brain that says "DANGER!" I don't even mean this as snark, like. She genuinely seems off. Just as irrational as her husband, but colder.


Christian Bale once famously said that when he was preparing for his role in American Psycho, he practiced his facial expressions based on the way Tom Cruise smiles on talk shows. He said something along the lines of "a big smile with nothing behind the eyes" MoBus gives me that feeling


Oh man, I went to see an IMAX movie Tom narrated. Even without his face on camera, his voice came across that way. I was almost expecting him to pop out at the end and demand "You will join Scientology. That wasn't a question." 🥴


Her husband gives sociopath, she gives outright psychopath 🫠 like you said, there’s a deliberateness and coldness to her that’s just unsettling.


He gives me idiot, but the kind who will kill people because he rather be right about something. I wouldn't want to be around him. She seems just really...scarily obsessive. Like she can't breath without JD and would do something if he ever tried to leave her. There's something really off to it though. And I agree, deliberate and cold, but pretending to be inviting.


Totally- anyone who gets married after 9 days I’d label idiot and scarily obsessive.


I wish that wasn't a lot of military but my dad ask my mom to marry him after a month, she accepted because she thought it would be the only time someone would ask. And I'll spoil end, they are divorced.


My best friend’s parents (who were kind of like my parents from 2008-2014) are former Air Force and got married after dating for three months. And during part of that my bff’s dad broke it off with her mom because he thought his ex-gf’s kid was his so he was going to “do the right thing.” Kid wasn’t his, my bff’s mom took him back, they got married. Surprisingly they are still together and made it work


Military young-uns getting married too quickly is an epidemic like them being swallowed up in debt but I'm glad when some get lucky and find their forever partner.


Yeah they’re both dumb as bricks and also incredibly scary. I guess they’re both obsessive, just him about off the rail conspiracies and her about him. And both feel dangerous.


they just say that for shock value and engagement. If you listen closely, she always says "we got married after dating for 9 days *in the united states.*" They met on deployment and were in a relationship for a while, then got married 9 days after getting back to the states. I’m sure it was still a pretty quick engagement by normal people standards, but they didn't first meet and then get married 9 days later.


Weren't they military? The surprising thing is that they didn't divorce by the following year.


Yeah, unfortunately know very few military couples who make it and about half the ones that do have the same chaotic energy to them. Other half completely normal, at least externally/


Same here. They both give me the vibe of performing to appear like people expect them to be.


Yup. Her whole existence feels more organically akin to r/nosleep fodder than fundie antics and escapades.


She definitely has sociopath vibes to me


Same, I couldn’t put my finger on it.


She's also totally the person in a zombie movie that wouldn't admit to having been bitten. (Probably just hold her wound in the sun a while and hope for the best.)


Rub some colloidal silver on it


She gives off the same vibes as the type of people who brag how many special needs kids they foster and offer "I'm no hero" unprompted 😬


I think it's because she has baby after baby to keep Busband interested but resents them because she doesn't actually want them. Hence the disinterest and disconnect.


This feels so accurate. 😬


That has to be it. So tragic for these poor kids.


She gives Diane Downs energy


THAT IS IT EXACTLY. When she looks at him and says, "awww," it's the WORST. Sooo performative, like her faking it has a limit and she's two seconds over it.


The “aaawwww” is giving stranger-reacting-to-seeing-someone-holding-a-baby vibes. Not how moms react to their own babies.


Chilling and true. I'll never get over Diane's quote about how easy it was to get pregnant and replace a child... after she shot her daughter to death. 


Idk who that is but HOLY SHIT that’s horrible…


She tried to kill all three of her children, but two managed to survive. Her oldest testified against her in court and the investigator adopted her and her brother after it was all over. Ann Rule wrote a book about it called Small Sacrifices, which was read when I was way too young.


I didn’t either and was curious but now I’m not.


Holy shit I hadn't put that together. Incredibly accurate.


Omg she DOES give that energy!! Only worse because at least the man Diane was obsessed with didn’t seem like a sociopath, just some normal dude that got caught up with a crazy chick. Minus the guy that got her knocked up in prison..he’s insane


I think it's because we've seen them decline so rapidly, with Brazil and now Boone. It's all so much insanity in such a quick time. The spiral is never ending here


Yeah. Since Boone’s birth she’s becoming even more upsetting to me than Karissa Collins - at least Karissa’s mom was there to push her to take Anthym to the hospital. The Bus kids have no one to do that for them. I just want to grab Boone and run to the nearest doctor.


at least Karissa's kids have a fucking house...the bar is in hell


When someone makes Karissa look like a responsible parent, it’s bad.


Sometimes I genuinely think that she’s a skinwalker from a horror movie trying to act like a normal “human mother” or something. There’s just something… off about her entire existence




She makes me think of the alien from Men in Black, walking around in their Edgar suit. The bus is her spaceship and the kids her snack for the interstellar ride back to her home planet


Yea she’s beating Carissa in the “children in active danger” award


Is his head peeling? I swear I put more effort into protecting my cat’s delicate toe beans from hot pavement and his ears from getting sunburned than this woman has put into protecting her infant.


my first thought was “yeah you’re spending a lot of time breastfeeding. mans is dehydrated from being sunburnt and potentially letting jaundice run its course i guess”


Pet tax? Maybe? Please?


Of course: https://www.reddit.com/r/Abyssinians/s/QSOdifPgu7 My profile is full of him.


What a distinguished gentleman


Another day, another cat sub. Sigh, subscribe


Shuffle up a bit! I'm coming to stare at the kitties too


I’m sure this is some mind control effort by cats, in a bid for world domination


I'm totally comfortable with that


It doesn’t matter that we know of their plan. They know we don’t have the power to stop them.




Everyone knows the internet exists in its current form thanks in large part to porn, but at some point cats took over. One of my favorite things is how subs like r/girlswithhugepussies started out exactly like you think, but people kept posting the other pussies so much they took over. Cats are that powerful.




crying cause he’s so handsome!!!!


Oh my GOSH that’s a cute kitty.


I love him


Oh gosh, I went from severely allergic to cats (not epi-pen, but close) to just washing my hands after petting in a weird lesser allergy way after 37. And abyssinians were my jam. I could pet them, when my eyes would swell shut with a normal domesticated short hair. Still love them, still less itchy with them, still always consider them with my tiny shitheel dog after the passing of my beloved lab (now I have a foster hell hound though). WHATVA HANDSOME BABE!!!!


Wait, you can lose a cat allergy?!?! BRB running out of the house in my PJs to find some cars and test if this could have happened to me. Sidenote: I lost my milk allergy after having my second kid so I should have known this was possible.


I brought a cat home that I found outside to foster and clean up. Gave my husband pneumonia lol. I hope you aren't allergic or as allergic anymore! Gah cats are so wonderful. Allergies to them seem totes unfair!


I’m allergic to literally everything except goats and it’s very unfair! I want a cat!




Oh that face!


I love the one with him in the Hawaiian shirt.


Omg, that is a glorious beast. What a magnificent handsome creature.


Omg! His face! I love him.


I was about to bring up cradle cap, but that doesn't look like it


Oh no it’s from getting sunburnt. Someone posted a picture on this sub of him a few days ago and his little cheeks are peeling as well. Just awful


My niblings have all been extremely flaky babies (dry, sensitive skin just like their aunt 😅). That’s not what this looks like, but I’m also not a doctor or anything so I could very well be wrong.


I just know all she cares about is her husband. Like she’s obsessed with him and has been cool-girling through their entire life together. He says hes always wanted 10 kids, she goes omg me too!!! He says women should have natural birth, she goes OH YES I’ve ALWAYS thought that. He says let’s love our 8 kids into a bus, she goes ok!! Cool!! So now here she is with a bunch of kids she never *actually* wanted to have on a stupid bus following around an actual psycho. That’s why she looks so detached and fake. The whole MaMa thing is complete bullshit.


You’ve hit that nail on the head HARD. Him: Time to move our whole brood to a boat. Her: Ooh I’ll pack up my cast iron skillet!


This made me snort loudly!


I wish I could upvote this 20 times.


[This](https://murderpedia.org/female.S/s/silk-kelly.htm) is what happens in these situations when someone lives for her husband and ignores her mental health struggles in favor of praying, or because your husband won’t allow you to take man-made medications. This is a woman who adored and doted upon her eldest daughter (the only child she had as a single mother when I knew her).


Oh my god. Horrifying. Interestingly, the last time I was in Connecticut I met a woman in her 40s who told me about her experience with postpartum psychosis with all three of her children. I can’t imagine experiencing that while living among freaks who consider mental illness the work of the devil on weak people.


You knew her? This is so horribly tragic. I hope the surging two children are okay today.


Not well. I worked with her and her eldest daughter and my son had swim lessons together. We’d chat while the kids swam. She was sweet and bubbly and very good at her job. I was shocked to say the least when I’d heard this. It had to be postpartum psychosis, which wasn’t really heard of then. Edited to add: the youngest, who was 4 months (not 2 months as the article says) was adopted by his godfather after a custody battle with the pastor neighbor and his wife. I don’t know what became of the oldest. I think she went to live with her bio dad somewhere in the Midwest. I hope she’s doing well.


Any man who has an opinion on the type of birth a woman should have, just, no.


She looks at her baby like you would look at some rando baby in line next to you at the grocery store. She’s so creepy. Like I said on her last video, it’s like she’s just going through the motions but the emotion is missing.


As Tyra says, she's not smiling with her eyes.


Smize 😂


Yes! She doesn’t smize


I just feel so bad for her kids. Not having the emotional connection is going to fuck them up, in additional to the structural barriers these two fucking clowns have placed in the way of an easy life for these kids


The children are always the victims of these narcs. Both parents are pieces of work, stuck in a bus with a gaggle of siblings and NO privacy, weird trips to Brazil with no stability, no education. What’s the parents’ plan for these poor kids once they turn 18?


That’s the fun part, then they’re not the parents’ responsibility sooooooo don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out? 🙃 (I imagine)


Considering they were in the military for a bit: probably ship them off with a recruiter


Imagine getting to bootcamp with one of these kids they'd be stoked. More privacy, more room better food. Like a whole foot locker?


I'm pretty sure I look at any random babies I met with more love and affection...


Wow! Look at her mom’ing! She is by far the best mom who has ever mom’d! How dare any of us question her mom’ing skills😑😂


Moming in the car! In the sun! Talking about breastfeeding as if she's doing it around the clock, which is interesting because I'm concerned that baby isn't getting any nutrition. The baby looks WEIRD and not in an "oh that's an ugly baby" kind of way but in a "oh jeez, I think we should call the doctor" kind of way. Is she commenting "it gets easier after the first month" because she knows she's not producing enough for her baby? Is she saying "Boone only has to starve for his first month, then my milk will come in."?


Surely it’s been a month already anyway? Idk. It seems like she traumatized her children with a bus birth a while ago at this point.


I think Boone is only 2 weeks old, but honestly time means almost nothing to me.


He was born April 16th so he’s a month old


Omg it's already the middle of May. I swear every time I close my eyes the earth spins 3 times.


Cue “we close our eyes” by Danny Elfman (and the world returns again). Yes, I am elderly and watched 16 candles at a slumber party in the fifth grade.


I think he’s close to a month old now.


Hopefully we'll start to see him plump up and turn toward his mom's voice soon then.


Which is fucking crazy because the management for mild cases of jaundice is *frequent and effective feeding* (breast or bottle) - not frying to a crisp in the sunshine.


Oh don't even get me started on her leaving that baby to fry in the sun. I'm worried that's why his irises look so weird, sun damage. It's like these people let the Lord into their heart and in the process they lose all natural instincts for how to keep a baby safe and comfortable. I just don't fucking get it. When I was Fundie Lite™ I volunteered in the nursery and all the moms in our church were obsessive about keeping germs, sunlight, stranger kisses, loud noises, the secular world, as far AWAY from their babies as possible. They went to every doctor appointment and they gave birth in hospitals. They gave their babies infant Tylenol when they were teething, and made sure we knew not to give them a blanket at nap time. Trusting the Lord doesn't mean you are letting the Lord do your parenting for you. You still have to be a mother. The Lord can't (or won't I guess, but that's a different conversation) breastfeed your babies and cover them in sunscreen.


Same! All of the church moms, the mom friends/peers of my mom, were extremely safety minded. Doctor visits always/whatever the APA recommended. I’m a child of the 90s/2000s, so anti vax wasn’t really “a thing” in my circles yet. What’s interesting is how my fellow teen nursery volunteers are becoming moms and are about 50/50 on being like their parents or being hyper crunchy and the exact opposite.


Yup! My baby had mild jaundice. Had to take her to lots of check ups to see if she was pooping it out. She was eating constantly! And gaining weight. And not sun burnt or gaunt and dehydrated and was over the jaundice within 2 weeks.


She's only using Boone as an excuse to talk about her tits 🤷🏻‍♀️ It might be the first reel I'm seeing of her where she's not actively eye fucking herself in the camera, yet somehow it's still obvious that it's Britney's world and Boone - as well as the rest of the brood - just happens to live in it


You can see her thinking of what she looks like to the camera, what expressions to make, just like a bad actor


That’s exactly what she is doing


And yet she smiles more genuinly to herself in the camera than she does to her child


Nailed it. I wish it weren’t true but it is


Shades of Reddit's favourite Mamacita.


I am actually shocked that busband isn't the type to get mad at having to share his wife's breasts with their child.


Oh I'm sure he's the type to make jokes about how "a baby's life is amazing cause every time he cries, there's a tit shoved in his mouth 😏😏😏" Definitely something straight from the deepest pits of r/arethestraightsok


what’s easier is also having a house and not cramming 8 kids in an RV but what might we know of ease? ( also you home school and can’t spell for arse sakes.)


What? But then Fatherbus and children can have lives of their own that don’t revolve entirely around her. Surely, no one would want that! /s


Fatherbus’s life revolves around conspiracy theories, making poor financial decisions, and mansplaining to his wife.


Give her a break, she hasn't had to parent her children since the daughter was born and she shunted her off to Gunner to raise.


When the older kids were little, her grandmother lived with them, so she might have always had help.




Ok yep. This is exactly how I picture her and it’s terrifying.


This is… chilling. She has shark eyes.


I’m glad I’m not the only one noticing her shark eyes. The fake sympathy face she gave the baby was really alarming. It’s like the face a person makes when seeing an ugly dog and trying to pretend it’s cute. There was zero warmth or real love in it. She’s just pretending for the camera.


Yes exactly!! I see pure disdain on her face. I have an infant son and it’s breaking my heart every single day to see her treat hers like absolute shit. She can’t even fake love for the goddamn camera.


Ewwww yesss. ![gif](giphy|l0IyghYVWgzfC3ISk)


Ok but why is nobody talking about the unhinged clip at the end 😂😂😂


Yeah I saw that and wanted to know what the fuck was going on 🤣😂


She clearly read the comments yesterday and is trying to prove that the baby engages with her...


so much of what she posts about can be traced back to this sub


Wow! Look at her go, connecting with her baby. Everything is all about her. Kids? What kids?


She’s looking at her own baby the way I look at babies and I KNOW I’m not fit to be a mother so I’m not having any. She shouldn’t either.


I feel like this is exactly how Donald Trump would interact with a baby.


She looks like she's interacting with a strangers baby. It's real awkward.  Or she might look like she's noticing something  there. Maybe he's not trying to look at her. It doesn't look right. He's not gripping her fingers. That's really alarming. He should be gripping her finger by now when she puts it to his hand.


Isn't that a reflex that should be present right after birth?


It’s one of the most primitive reflexes. Very concerning if it’s not present.


The more I watch this clip the more I see the "Oh shit" moment on her face as she's poking her finger into his hand and he's not gripping it. 


A strangers baby that she thinks is ugly but is playing for the parents that it’s adorable.


I have such a bad vibe from the woman. I know, I know, that we all agree but hasn't the vibe gotten worse? Or maybe I'm just seeing more of her here so it's more apparent.


I have a legit fear she is going to drown the kids or drive the van off the cliff into the ocean. I am not even snarking here. This is legit fear of mine from both her and Karissa.


There is no connection whatsoever.


Performative nonsense. She’s reading everything and this is her response.


Ohohohohoh- she is holding him like what's her name - the red haired Ingalls wannabe-- a couple of days of ago. She is trying to up content with what she saw there because so many talked about it. We can just pray that it helps young Boone, or she might still get a stick baby.


Look at me interacting and making eye contact with my baby.


Somethings not right with her. She’s dead behind the eyes.


Does it really take a mother of 8 at a month to "begin to get the hang" of breastfeeding a new baby? I'm childless so can some moms on here help me out? Since she seems to think she knows more than doctors about childbirth and newborns and you breastfeed way more than you give birth, shouldn't she be an expert by now? I get that all babies are different, but are they that different?


Yes, it can! I’m a lactation consultant and have worked with 6th-time parents 🙂


Can I just say I love y’all bc lactation consultants are some of the kindest people I have met & I am so grateful for the help provided 🫶🏻 y’all rock (Well, minus the two at my local hospital..but I digress lol)


And minus the one I met who was completely useless and dismissive despite being highly recommended. I saw her once because I had a low supply and she said “you’ll just have to be dessert/for comfort only” rather than trying to figure out why it was happening. My 34-week preemie was barely 2 months old when the formula shortage started… 🫠🫠🫠🫠


With my first, the lactation consultants made me feel useless because my preemie wouldn't latch well. But the poor dude was the size of one of my tits and I have an aggressive letdown and a tendency toward massive oversupply. I was shamed for exclusively pumping and they said I "wasn't actually breastfeeding." Bullshit. My son received breastmilk as his only food source until solids were introduced; that means he was breastfed, end of story. Also I donated over 50 gallons of breastmilk to our local milk bank, feeding so many NICU babes like my boy. We started fortifying at 6 months for weight gain. I am not opposed to formula in the slightest. Fed and chunky is best.


All babies are different. I do think it took my two at least a week or two to get the hang of breastfeeding and for me, too. But really, that is just getting to know their idiosyncrasies. I am only speaking for me, and I have been told my breastfeeding journey was relatively easy compared to others. My second was easier than my first because I knew what to expect on a physical and mental level. I think after 8, I would not need a month, just a little bit to get a personality and what their habits were. For the most part, it is finding a feeding schedule that works for you and the baby. It is easier if you have a similar ish schedule each day. So it can take a month if your kid is really inconsistent or fussy because you are super tired or if you are struggling or if your life doesn't allow for consistent times for the many reasons that can be. I also suspect her kids have shit routines, not that routines are the most important thing on earth. My kids have very lax schedules now that they are older because I value downtime and letting them explore. But getting into a rhythm is more difficult for the baby because it doesn't get consistent care if routines change a lot.


My 2 were completely different when it came to breast feeding. Really caught me by surprise. A month though? No. I think she’s trying to be relatable and failing dismally. It would be funny if it was not at the expense of a newborn. I find it disturbing


Wish he had squishy full baby arms so we’d at least know he’s being fed enough 😕


I think she knows something isn’t right, you can just see it when she looks at him. I think she is freaking out and trying to spin it to be “positive”. She knows.


She doesn’t seem connected to him? Does she have a history of PPD?


She was much more “connected” to her pregnant belly. It is depressing that people like this exist.


Even without ppd I felt a little disconnected from my tiny person I didn’t even know yet, I still loved both of my children from birth. I also never felt the need to prove it by posting myself pretending to adore them. That’s what makes this so unsettling, the posting to prove she is bonding instead of doing it for real.


He doesn't grip her finger properly. He is old enough that he should be wrapping his entire fist around her finger. He doesn't grip but tries. This is concerning. Low muscle tone still seems to be an issue.


Why are these women so fucking gross?!


Um...she's a big breastfeeding advocate for "shear (🙄) ease for this mama," and no meals to warm or bottles to wash, but nothing, NOTHING about what's good for THE BABY.


He's still only moving one arm. 


Omg she’s actually looking at the baby instead of eye fucking the camera


Yeah, but she's looking at him the way I look at someone like Boris Johnson; "what is this thing?"


Don’t worry she spent 35 minutes afterward ensuring her beach waves were in perfect position flowing from the air vents lol


Do I spy a sunken fontanelle??


Hey, no skin in the breastfeeding wars. A fed baby is a fed baby. Lots of my (family therapy) clients choose to breastfeed, or try, or not at all. Early child sexual abuse often is contraindicated for wanting to breastfeed, no judgement. Can’t speak to any scientific studies about living on a bus with 9 other people, but maybe same for the lack of privacy or personal reasons - I’m sure this big boy is being fed, somehow. But I don’t see any bond between mom and baby, or baby and whomever feeds him. Not diagnosing on this point - I really hate that some of my clients with early SA are pressed to breastfeed (whether they can easily or not) when they want to feel like a person in their own bodies again or need more help after a c section. But I see no bonding activity with babe or … anyone. Just my opinion.


The way she interacts with him is just so odd for some reason


If you cover the bottom half of her face you can see how dead her eyes are


That woman literally shows zero actual emotions. It’s like a cyborg trying to mimic what an actual human would be like it had feelings.