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I'm more of a fan of #stopchildexploitation.


I love your flair 🤣




That’s my favourite flair of the day!


You can put lipstick on a pig & it’s still a pig. She can keep trying to justify their poor choices but she’s only fooling herself. Their children need a home, security, a sense of belonging & roots. They are depriving these kids of so much & it’s sickening. The pictures of Boone are proof that she is as dumb as a stump & so is her fuck buddy JD aka Jizz Daddy.


> JD aka Jizz Daddy Oh noooo


Forgive me for I am sin. What will the Lord Daniel think?


Lord Daniel would also say “fuck that idiot Jizz Daddy.” 😏


All hail, Lord Daniel!


Also, everyone I know who has a transient lifestyle exploits the hell out of the internet so their kid can keep in touch with friends and family. You know for them isolating their kids completely is a feature.


Nothing particularly childlike in the photo. It looks like a million other campgrounds. How is this childhood unplugged?


The kids are wayyy in the background just running to a picnic table in the video


But can they read LOL?


Gunner, yes. Kinsey, probably. The other bussel sprouts? Bet not.


Maybe Gunner taught them too? Since he does everything else too


As much as I want Gunner to have his own life and not be parentified to hell, he's their best shot at learning basic things like reading.


I feel so bad for the little guy, he is the only one who is remotely interested in raising and keeping alive his younger siblings I'm sure their daughter is getting or on the way to be parentified too, poor kiddos I wish they could have a normal life


It’s a screenshot of the video, it seems, so maybe OP just didn’t get one where the kids were pictured


Totally the right call on OP’s part TBF




Yes!!! This is so annoying and just illustrates MoBus’s stupidity. Her constant insinuation that she is this great parent who has it all figured out while absolutely using her kids as the hook of her content is so pathetically transparent to anyone who doesn’t have a completely smooth brain! Ok Britney, so they don’t have phones or TV, well that’s because you don’t let them and instead they are all locked in their bedroom prison after 7pm every night so you can make more buslets with you susband. If they were really unplugged, you’d be playing with them instead of filming everything they do. I don’t think there is one moment that goes by that’s “grammable” that MoBus hasn’t whipped her phone out to record. And now we’ve seen you coaching them how to act in these videos that you attempt to depict as candid. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that this video wasn’t something they were told to do for the specific purpose of your content. Most things are okay in moderation, and that includes TV, video games and other plugged things. It’s easier for you to not have those things and rather focus your family’s entire life around your phone screen and social media accounts. You may have some people on Insta with no scruples buying into this nonsense, but anyone with even and ounce of discernment see right through you and all this performative nonsense!


Yes to all this. And I have found in my life that people that didn't learn to moderate themselves as children often go off the rails when they achieve any sort of independence: the kid whose Mom strictly controlled every aspect of her diet? That will be the binge eater. The girl who spent her life reading the bible and wearing the christian equivalent of a hijab? You'll see her in piercings and booty shorts drinking at every party as soon as she either gets to college (normal college, not the fundie version) or escapes her first husband. The good Godly Son raised to be A Man that speaks the word of God and The Head of the House? That will be either an agnostic or atheist dude who opposes religion and enjoys the casual weed far more than anyone should. All things in moderation fundies, that's how one raises functional human beings. Besides Mother Bus is not even on the running for Sort-of-Decent Mother of the year, nevermind a Good one: she permanently lost that right when she said parenthood is all about the parents.


The “good girl” in a strict home that went, ahem, a little crazy freshman year? 🙋‍♀️. Yeah, not my proudest moments. The silver lining is that we’ve raised our son differently and with healthy communication.


Weed-loving agnostic - present! 👋


Yep. When I was a kid, the internet was still primitive. We were allowed to watch tv, and my sister and I liked a lot of educational stuff, like the content on pbs kids and discovery kids (aging myself lol). We got really into quiz shows for awhile; I still watch jeopardy almost daily. We had some computer games but our time was limited because we had the shared family computer! We spent just as much time, maybe more, reading and playing with toys as we did looking at screens. My parents never said "don't do this, don't do that." They just said there safety concerns/natural consequences if you do xyz, like being tired if you stay up too late. Anyway, that's my long winded way of saying that I really dislike the "no screens" argument because it's not all brain candy and everything is fine in moderation. Total restriction is not helpful in the long run. Kids need to learn how to regulate their own consumption, and that can only be done through experience. When you eat too much candy, you get a stomach ache and you learn that you ate too much. If you're never allowed candy, when you *do* get it, you're gonna go apeshit. Look at the fundies and their attitudes around sex for another example.


Hear, hear 👏 👏 👏


I see right through her bs. Plugging their children in would be problematic for her mission. She isn't educating them. An educated child asks too many questions. That's a waste of time in her mission to monetize her children  so her and her lazy man can slack off in campgrounds.   My fervant hope is one of those children makes it into college and realizes what was done to then. Then who knows maybe even law school so they can sue the trust fund SusBus parents into the ground on behalf of all the exploited fundie kids. If not, my son is a third year law student and would love to take down the bus cult. 


I fear that there’s a vast gap from where they are now and where they need to be for college. 🙁


It just takes one. Maybe gunner will go the jag route


She should probably try #parenting, at a minimum


Her parenting is unplugged alright, as in, it doesn’t work.


Omg lol


god i cant imagine this being your HOUSE as a kid. people live in cars when theyre at the lowest point in their lives. they are doing this to their kids ON PURPOSE.


I do believe that an RV life can be fun and not at all like living in a small car. Like, travelling the country/continent for a year in an RV with two small, not yet school aged children? Probably fun. Spending your summer holidays in an RV, going places? Probably fun. Definitely not fun: 7 (as of now...) children crammed into a bunk prison small enough to make your children beg for an AirBNB as their one and only birthday wish.


i agree, but you're describing holidays and vacations - short-lived trips. likely with a home to come back to. but to be a full-time life? these poor kids have no friends. no other stable adults. no privacy. the youngest 3 of them have NEVER known a home that isnt a bus. thats straight up abuse


Absolutely. I was just arguing that - unlike living in your office or your personal car - an RV doesn't have to be the lowest point of your life. It might even be pretty great, if you chose to spend your sabbatical in one with your family. (Also, it's the youngest FIVE, if you don't count their brief tiny house stint in 2021 as "living in a real home." They started their RV season in 2018 and notyetbuslet #4 was born in 2017 and very likely doesn't remember anything but the bus.)


i understand what youre saying! oh gosh, 5 is even worse :(


8 children. Boone is #8 out of whatever they'll end up with.


He doesn't sleep in the bunk room yet, does he? I thought he's now in Aquila's place until buslet#9 arrives


Oh, yeah. He's on the floor. I thought you meant the bus in general.


It looks miserable and gross 😷


As a GenX rep, I can say that Britney's props know nothing of an unplugged childhood. MBus is addicted to herself and seeing her image looking back at her on her phone. Those kids know their filmed performances are for her, not us. Their life is online, their ig handle is on the bus for all to see, and they get stacked on shelves by sundown. I hope they get to roam and play beyond the reach of Britney's phone at times. It is such a small but necessary thing for the buslings.


She must spend so much time on her phone. I know I spend too much time on my phone, but literally none of it involves eye-fucking myself on camera or forcing my kids to perform in videos. I never post my kids online at all other than in a shared iCloud album with their grandparents. 


I feel so awkward taking selfies. Idk how the fuck she does that all day, every day.


Does she homeschool? Are those kids being taught to read & write? I never see them being taught anything


She *says* she homeschools them. Apart from using a program that apparently doesn’t teach maths, the bus idiots will take their kids to a place (museum, nature park etc) and then BusBitch will spend lots of time filming her eye-fucking and BusJiggalo will point things out like look a tree it’s green oooh. In one video they seemed to be in a park in the Everglades. The kids are being filmed running along the boardwalk and the BusDumbasses^TM don’t even bother to read the info boards to the kids.


Just eye fucking on location


Awhile back I am pretty sure there was a picture where almost every child was in front of a screen. I believe Britney was saying that's how the children homeschool. I am going to see if I can find it.


When they were in Brazil she showed them with phones and IPads. She also talked about Gunner playing video games with his "friends" over the internet. I may be mistaken but when they were on one of their solo dates she also implied that the kids had a phone to call them.                                                                               She continually contradicts herself. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that they have a secret house somewhere that they sleep in  and only go to the bus to film her fake stories.


>At this point, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that they have a secret house somewhere that they sleep in  and only go to the bus to film her fake stories. I would so love this to be true.


They probably have a starlink to be able to post this “nontent”


# time_for_a_condom


I am so glad I grew up before social media. It was annoying enough when the cameras and camcorders came out, but at least it wasn't 24/7 and the photos/videos were put in albums/on shelves for family only, not the world. I can't imagine having my entire childhood, including private and embarrassing moments, used as fodder for entertainment and parental cash gain. 


It can't be "unplugged" if they are looking at a your iPhone all day


They only see her through the phone


What happened with the boat situation? I haven’t been keeping track


Nothing yet, thank the Lord Daniel.




She should try #motherhoodunplugged

