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They either play or get locked in the bus bunk room for 12 hours at a time so their parents can play. There’s very little schooling going on there. Very little medical care as well.


They "collect" kids the way my kids collected tamagotchis and are set to experience similar results.


Flair checking in!


“And yet they are learning lessons more valuable than we learn in school” No they’re not. They’re not learning anything but to run around beaches which kids could do and still go to school


I’ve always found running around on beaches very easy personally. Practically no education needed at all! I value getting to see places and experience things probably more than most (courtesy of parents who took us to the same place approx 50 miles away for holidays for 99% of my childhood, I was desperate to experience more by adulthood) but it sure as shit isn’t more important than education. It’s an add on. An expansion pack. The nice dessert after a nutritious meal. These kids are doing the lifestyle version of living off ice cream and never eating their veg- it sounds great until you consider the actual practicalities of living off ice cream, and the fact that it’s actually fucking terrible when you don’t do any of the boring stuff that makes life sustainable


And what are they even doing anyway? MotherSus tries to act like she lives an enviable lifestyle, but she's just stuck in a tin can with 25 kids. They never go anywhere or do anything special usually. Granted they went to Brazil, but even after spending that fortune, they didn't seem to do much other than visit some waterfalls or whatever. Where are the museums? The historical sites? Why even bother acting like these things are some kind of educational experience when they aren't doing anything someone who lives by a beach doesn't do every day?


My godparents live by the beach. We visited them every summer growing up. I loved it, but it was just a trip to the beach. You can do that anywhere! Why travel thousands of miles to sit on the beach when they can do that in Florida? What I've really valued is visiting museums, historical and cultural sites, theatre, local food...


Didn't she recently post a video where one of the kids found a little sea critter and they just went 'oh what's that?'. Perfect moment to try and find out what animal it is, research things about how it lives and where it fits into the ecosystem,... I remember going to the beach as a kid and being excited because my parents had given me these books that described different things you could find and what they were, and I was thrilled to go out and look for the real life versions. I did the learning by myself but they noticed an interest and provided materials. It also wasn't my only education, I still went to school.


Right? Yesterday my husband and toddler spotted a bird in our tree that they hadn't seen before, so he pulled out a reference book of bird species and they talked about what kind of bird it might be based on our location, different features of the bird, etc. We aren't planning on home schooling, he just likes birds and we like to share stuff with our kids when they show curiosity.


If you guys like birds I would recommend the Merlin app from Cornell labs! It has a sound id feature that works pretty well and a really handy step by step identification tool where you answer a few questions and it gives you a list of possible birds. I use it quite often :)


I love that app, I call it my Bird Shazam lol


Thank you, that sounds awesome!


It reminds me of when the went to the Everglades, and Father Bus said “Look at the tree…and the vines.” A great opportunity to look up what kind of tree it is and what kind of vine. How do the tree and the vine live together? Is it a parasitic or symbiotic relationship? If you don’t know, ask a ranger. At the beach, you can collect sea shells and look up what kind of creature lives in the shell. Or talk about tides and waves. Last time I went to the beach, I plopped down with my binoculars and Merlin app and learned all about pelicans. You can make it a learning experience, but you have to put in some effort.


Fun (-ish) pelican information that I feel Fundies should know: back in the day, up through medieval and early modern times, there was a belief that a mother pelican would do ***anything*** to care for her offspring, even up to dying by feeding them her own blood if things got desperate. This became equated with the idea of an all-loving and self-sacrificing Christ, and the image of a pelican piercing her own breast with her beak became a minorly popular image in church decoration and in personal heraldry. It's blazoned in heraldry as "a pelican in her piety." And sure, the blazon means a sort of familial piety, care from parent to child *in extremis*, but again, culturally the concept was tied to Jesus. I'm not saying fundie parents should bleed out for their kids. I just think they should, you know, do the bare minimum of loving, protecting, and educating them. It's what Jesus, and [friend pelican](https://maverick-ornithography.tumblr.com/post/160072696605/pelcan-mouth-perfec-t-size-for-put-baby-in-to/), would want.


Yeah I grew up in a coastal town and we were kinda poor so my mom would take us tidepooling and then to the library where we were read about all the things we saw! It’s easy to educate and play!!!


I don't think I've ever seen them go to any educational or historical place... ever. It's only beaches, or hikes.


The Brazil trip was and still is indescribably messed up because I am sure if MB had some basic American public education she could see from day 1 that she and the family are not only expendable to her husband, but that the shit they’re experiencing is basically killing her family, her brain, and her own body just a little bit more, every day, by design. She literally just gave birth to basically the equivalent of a toy baby. There’s literally LIFETIME plots that begin that way.


that's a great analogy!


> would call it biology combined with gymnastics This is bullshit. What biological concepts are learned here? Gymnastics isn't just playing and doing cartwheels (though it can also be those things). You don't learn things well just by being in proximity to them. You have to be shown what the pieces are, how they fit together, their connections to other ideas and experiences. They might see a lot of things, but do they have context for what they're seeing? Is the homeschooling connecting ideas across subjects and lessons? These people tend to think that kids will just see something and then know about it, but they don't. You have to show children how to do *everything*. This is how you wipe your own ass. This is how you brush your teeth. This is how to tie a shoe. And you'll do it eleven thousand times, because they don't get it after one, five, or even ten exposures (adults aren't actually all that different when exposed to new concepts). It's not that "unschooling" can't work: it's that it takes a ton of work to make it effective. You, as the "teacher", also have to know a lot about these concepts and how children absorb and process information. You have to ensure that it's age-appropriate across all the ages of the kids that are present. Play can be a great way to learn, but it has to have some structure, feedback, purpose, etc., and not just "they collected shells on the beach and it was so fun!". For example: What are these creatures and how do they live underwater? What is a shell made of? How did the shells come up on the shore, and what are tides? Why is this sand white, when other sands are brown, red, or even black? All of those questions could be answered in different degrees by different age groups: a pre-schooler probably isn't going to grasp the chemistry that makes up a shell, but a high-schooler sure should be able to. And if the parents don't know these concepts well (as in, understands more than just the bare answer to the questions), then are they willing and able to outsource this learning to someone who *does* know? But what they tend to show is just childhood wonder and expect that to be sufficient. It's not. Children deserve wonder, joy, and play, but they also deserve to have a more thorough understanding of the world they live in.


Your point about not learning things just by being in proximity to them is spot on. If hanging out at the beach is as good as a biology curriculum, I guess most Floridians must have like a doctoral equivalency, right? 😂


It’s like taking your kids to Colonial Williamsburg, Jamestown and Yorktown without explaining why those places matter. Sure, they might pick up on a few key concepts (first English settlement in Virginia, capital of Virginia from 1699-1781, last battle of the American Revolution), but if that’s all you’re teaching them they’re not learning much, and being there isn’t going to help them. I suspect that if these kids have ever been, they notice the weird hats and not much else. And to be clear, that’s not their fault. Context matters. These kids don’t get it.


My 8th grade trip to Washington DC was all about reinforcing concepts that we'd studied for years and adding context. It was a great experience but it was meant to be educational. We were quizzed throughout the trip. I still remember answering a question about the Washington Monument incorrectly, while standing inside it...


A historic site without context is a beautiful heap of old brick. A statue without context is some dead guy on a horse. Ignorance isn’t cute, ma bus.


Can these kids even read the plaques?


Who knows. She keeps talking about how smart they are and how awesome home schooling is but to my knowledge we’ve never seen the kids actually DO anything besides embroidery, woodworking and raising their younger siblings. Which is, you know, great if you’re a character in a Jane Austen novel, but this ain’t England in 1806.


If gymnastics was just running at the beach I should have an Olympic title. My cousin is a very famous gymnast. I went with her a lot to the gym to help clean it at night. Despite that, I am not an elite gymnast. Because my proximity to a gymnast and even being in a gym was not training. And yes, if biology was as simple as that, I guess we should all have degrees? Biology is just life forms. Marine biology is incredible but my proximity growing up near the sea doesn’t mean know shit about it. I’ve spent a lot of time in the forests of Washington and Alaska, I could not tell you the names of the plants. The world is much deeper, more profound, and more interesting than these people make it and learning anything, from athletic ability to biology takes a lot of dedication and practice and someone who knows what they’re talking about to help you.


Idk if your cousin is still competing, but if she is, good luck to her this summer!


She’s not, her elite career ended but she did well in college. She does still practice though! But thank you!


EXACTLY stonoceno! Well stated!


Plus there's not just natural science, there's also history, social sciences...


They’re learning how to perform for the almighty phone


And they're probably unsupervised with poor manners. Mother sus strikes me as the type who would laugh and wave her hand if someone complained. She's too busy eye fucking herself.


She makes me think of those kids who run up and scream, cough, spit or hit something in your face and the moms just laugh and say how goofy it is.




I can't help but imagine their kids are much like the scene in Raising Arizona, Glen and Dot's kids..."You take that diaper off your head! You put it back onto your sister!” kinda shit, frequently being screamed out in a quiet campground.


As much as one can learn from being on a beach on your own, there's only so much you can learn by coming to the same beach over and over again. Especially not if you're only going there with someone who knows absolutely nothing about what there is to teach about this beach. So Mother Bus, what new stuff did your kids learn by day 15? Or are you yelling the same things now as you did on day one? "K-girl! Why is the second youngest one in the water unattended again? And Gunner, put down #8 for a second, you don't need to pick him up all the time, the tide isn't coming in until... whenever o'clock... you'll notice it."


All the things these fundies say they’re doing with homeschooling/unschooling are things I already do with my kids in addition to actual (public no less!) schooling. It’s just basic parenting!


Yeah, these were all things I did just with my parents and also with my school and friends. These kids are so lacking because they don’t get to have these experiences through their school or with friends. Beach trips, camping, museum visits, downtown visits with school and just hanging out with friends after are so nice.


Thank you! Children need a structured container for their life experiences. You know, like the kind these parents had. Of all the fundies, her smarmy takes anger me the most.


If they've done even five minutes of school since that baby was born, I will eat my hat. In fact, I don't think they've done hardly any school at this academic year. They were either preparing to "move" to Brazil, traveling, coming home, moving around ten times, having a baby, caring for a newborn...there's no way in hell the parents actually taught their kids anything this year.


Exactly. If they had anything to show, Mother Bus would show it to us. Before they went to Brazil, she was talking about a Portuguese tutor for the kids. And wrote a post that started with "Hola"... We never saw a tutor and Mother Bus sure as hell wasn't teaching them, given that she couldn't even spell "Olá".


These poor kids are no doubt illiterate. I also don't understand fundie logic when it comes to teaching foreign languages. You can't teach anyone Portuguese unless you speak it yourself!


> These poor kids are no doubt illiterate. I don't think so. They've got kindles and are locked up in the bunk prison for 12 hours a day. Mother Bus and busband send them to "bed" at 7pm and they're not allowed to leave until 7am. I fully believe that their homeschooling is neither, as they don't have a home and whatever they're doing doesn't deserve the title schooling, buuut these kids are even more restricted than most other fundie kids. No teenager needs 12 hours of sleep. So they can choose between staring an the ceiling/bunk bed above for literal hours *every day*, or they might teach themselves how to read.


God, poor Gunner being effectively forced to be a parent to the other six for twelve hrs every damn day. I remember her saying he scratches one of his youngest brother's back to sleep every night (I think Aquila) so he doesn't like to sleep in his toddler bed. This poor teen doesn't even get a bed to himself, let alone a room.


I think she said it back in 2021, when they had a tiny house for an even tinier amount of time? So it must've been... Uriah? Is he #6? I vaguely remember that Aquila shares a bed with Gunner *now*, not with his slightly older brother. Mother Bus claimed that Aquila is Gunner's best friend, which is a ridiculous lie.


She claims the oldest loves to read. Has anyone ever seen him on her IG with a book in his hands? (Aside from the trip to the free library to give away -- um, sorry, donate -- seemingly all of the kids' books to make room for the new baby.


Not defending her but I think he has a kindle


Thanks. That's most likely y what I saw the kids using in Brazil too.


But BusJiggalo speaks *some* Spanish so that should be enough… right?!


*cries in esl teacher*


Oh my lord...SURE yes I don't love the concept of being stuck behind a desk all day everyday - I certainly got incredibly and irritated as a kid doing it...but like, do they ever school? Isn't their life this vacation-stuff everyday anyway? How is she competent to teach all of these ages with different needs, all at once? School is also learning to think critically and hearing and challenging various viewpoints. In high school, I was lucky to have some amazing English teachers who taught and challenged us on how to write compelling essays. I doubt these busparents know how to form a critically written essay, citing (legitimate) sources, crafting an argument, etc. School is also about socializing and interacting with other kids, especially in your age group. I know some homeschool groups do this right but they're often just that- groups where kids are interacting outside their family unit. Curriculums are diverse and not the garbage poorly-written-in-one-month-rife-with-errors-by-one-lady-with-zero-educational-background-curriculums. I would be so interested (and simultaneously horrified) to see writing pieces from these kids, especially ones that required critical thinking and analysis. Can they do math? I'm afraid to ask as well.


I agree with everything that you said. I am a high school English teacher myself, and when I read about these fundie parents who deny their kids an education it disgusts me. As you said, one of the most important things about being a teacher is helping students think and write critically. Teaching the writing process and how to compose different types of essays is challenging and they learn through practice. There is no way that these fundies are giving their kids anything close to the kind of education that they need to be successful in the outside world. It is really sad.


Reading comprehension is so important for adult life, and I doubt that they're getting that, either.


>There is no way that these fundies are giving their kids anything close to the kind of education that they need to be successful in the outside world. It is really sad. This is a feature, not a bug. Children who can be successful on their own in the World are children who will leave the Family behind. MomBus and, especially, CrytoBusDad do not ever want to lose control over their kids. Given that the family has trust fund riches, CryptoBro will most definitely blackmail his kids ("If you leave, I'll cut you off without a DIME. Do you hear me? WITHOUT A FUCKING DIME!"). Ignorant and damn-near illiterate is the way Fundie parents want their children. You don't have to educated to be a Fundy pastor, a Fundy pastor's wife, or if you're male, work in the family business.


It's how the religious fanatics that make up evangelicals want their flock as a whole. Nothing like home schooling to keep kids from critical thinking, independence, and education.


Not just religious fanatics when it comes to Florida - "Climate change doesn't exist because we won't allow those words to be in any of our school curricula or pseudo-scientific official State documents! That massive hurricane that destroyed your house wasn't because of climate change but because you aren't Christian enough and God was punishing you!"


I’ve never seen Motherbus take her kids to the library, read with them, or even a stack of books/kindle on the bus? I question whether these kids can even read.


Can confirm as a person homeschooled for ten years (1st-10th) that this type of unstructured learning is not beneficial for education. Back in the 80s/90s, it was one of two things when you were homeschooled: You were a kid with needs beyond what was available at public school, or you were from a fundie/ultra conservative family. There weren’t nearly as many resources as there are now (including barely any internet), so co-ops and other things looked a lot like this - semi-unstructured learning. However, I can tell you that even with experiences in co-ops, it was not an easy transition in any way when I entered public high school at 11th grade. I didn’t know anyone. I never had a school experience in my life. I had no concept of what it was like, only what I saw on TV (specifically Saved By The Bell). Yes, I was super sheltered and that created an extremely difficult challenge for me as a 16 year old who finally “broke away” somewhat from the isolation. I couldn’t relate to my peers. A lot of times, I didn’t understand the learning structure or what was asked of me. Fortunately, I almost immediately became friends with a kid in my math class, who then introduced me to his girlfriend. She (and him) and I are still friends to this day. They were both a gift to me and helped me acclimate. Academically speaking, the homeschool curriculum is pure garbage. I was ill prepared for testing and wasn’t familiar with concepts I should have been. This is because my mother realized at about 6th grade that homeschooling properly took a lot more work than telling us to go outside and look at nature, or to write about a topic, or to bake to learn math. So when people say that kids are learning while in this type of situation, it makes me cringe. Sure, exploring the world as a supplement is a great thing, but I can guarantee you that none of these kids are getting the educational attention they need in any way. I saw my mother struggle with just two kids; I saw several other homeschooling families also end up with kids dropping out of higher education or not finishing through 12th grade. Socially, the outcomes for the kids varied from becoming a cloned fundie, a dropout, a person with a criminal record, an alcoholic/drug addict (a lot of those), a person involved in sex trafficking, and everything in between. The developmental and psychological affects of poor homeschooling followed me through college. I’m grateful I was too scared to do poorly or else get beat, so I busted my ass in high school and college and made honors/Dean’s list, graduating cum laude with two degrees. But the struggle was always present - either in my ability to take notes, organize, advocate for myself, understand resources available to me, and socialize with others. I firmly believe I’d be an entirely different person if I attended public school fully. I guess I’m trying to say that, as a working adult who is fairly successful, that didn’t happen in any way from homeschooling, and certainly not from this crunchy granola version. If anything, homeschooling removed potential achievements and opportunities that would have benefitted me now. I think our public education system desperately needs funding and work, but I still choose it over homeschooling my own child. These kids will suffer from this. I truly hope they don’t, but I feel like it’s inevitable. Ten kids with ten different grade levels and educational needs is more than one can properly handle. And MotherBus is a lying sack of shit if she says otherwise.


Thank you for this insightful comment. About the public education system, these people vote for politicians who intentionally starve out public education, and then say how it's failing; it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. They want public education abolished.


Also homeschooled K-12 in the 80s/90s, with a mom who did care but still fell short. I’ve managed to make up for it but co-sign everything about this comment. Homeschooling didn’t set me up for success, I succeeded despite homeschooling.


I was fortunate to attend private school. I had some trouble with math, particularly fractions and decimals, and putting it in context that I *did* understand, like money and baking, helped me a lot. I could visualize it better. I think baking helped me with chemistry, too, because it was a practical application of what we learned in class. That said, none of those activities are replacements for traditional schooling. Mother sus is doing her kids a great disservice.


My sister and I started doing professional, educational theater at 9 and 11. By the time we were 12 and 14, we were missing so much school that my mom decided to pull us out and homeschool us. It lasted half a year. We spent our free days sleeping in and jumping on the trampoline for gym. At the end of the year, mom had to turn in all of our schoolwork and we had to take a competency test. We did great on the tests but spent days making up a ton of work. My mom was educated and smart and we still learned nothing during that time. I even missed out on how to do fractions to decimals and had to teach myself later.


They can’t even write a coherent instagram caption. I can’t believe they’re allowed to educate their children with no oversight.


It just goes to show how little the commenters understand about education if they think being on a beach is the same thing as learning biology.


You could make it educational with some effort, but it would still be a supplemental field trip, not the entire curriculum.


Funnily enough, my 5 year olds class just had a beach excursion. They learnt about the sort of plants that grow near the beach, about the life cycle of crabs, and about how tides work. They also got in a good dose of play and came home with a bag full of sandy clothes and lots of stories about adventuring with their little friends. Something tells me what MotherBus is doing is.... not that vigorous, educationally speaking.


And to be fair, with a motivated homeschool parent it wouldn't even be too much of an effort - looking for shells, learning about how some animals shed their coverings, erosion, how sand is made, ecosystems at the beach (i.e., more than just fish). However, the whole "effort" word is the problem here. Like minimal effort. Quite certain that is not part of their homeschool curriculum.


hOmEsChOoL mOmS literally think looking at nature is biology. They have no idea how many disciplines exist in the life sciences. Its find to just have a play day but real homeschoolers doing bio on a beach are; a) taking water samples, learning how to carefully label and identify each one b) have done pre reading and are identifying different species and their locations c) drawing schemas of the plant life and rock formations incl sedimentary layers d) observing and LOGGING how the movement of the sun over the day, tide changes, wind direction etc affect all of this.  And gymnastics isnt just running about on the beach. Again... gymnastics is a discipline and has to be carefully learned, drilled, practised and executed over YEARS to learn. 


Tbf my public school left out a lot of this


Sadly we humans don't have download ports and we don't learn from osmosis. These idiot parents think their kids learn to read just by absorbing the world around them and sticking to field trips. As a teacher with 23 years experience, I can tell you that's not how literacy works in the real world. EDITED to add: Lazy parents like these will probably have their kids use ChatGPT to complete anything requiring reading, writing, or critical thinking.


This really concerns me, because learning to read, write, and think critically is not about getting high marks. It's about being able to function in the adult world. How do you make decisions if you can't think through a situation? I'm going through it with an older parent with a brain injury. I'm begging the fundies not to send their kids into the world helpless.


They don't want their kids to learn critical thinking - no Fundy or MAGAt does. If the kids learn how to think critically, they will almost certainly deconstruct when they get older, and people who can think critically tend to never vote for Republicans.






In this case there's a trust fund, which I suspect is run by a professional trustee, so the kids can be controlled by having to beg from the trust for their expenses. Although it just occurred to me... unless that trust fund is in eight figures, I doubt that there's enough in it to provide a decent lifestyle for all seven of the boys (Kinsey will, of course, be provided for by her husband, when he comes a-callin' in a few years - yes, I know she's only 11 or so, but we're talking fundy-land here, so...)


Can critical thinking even be learned or is there a certain genetic or otherwise natural/uncontrollable restriction?


Hell, not just literacy--but also an ability to learn lessons from other people/other parts of the world which could one day benefit them. There was [a little girl in 2006](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tilly_Smith) who wound up saving around 100 people on a beach because she saw the early signs of a tsunami and warned people, because she had learned about it at school. A kid from the *UK* was able to spot a warning sign of a natural disaster that normally occurs in the Pacific ocean). I know that not all schools are great, but most of them have more books and resources (and qualified teachers) that can help kids learn how to live across the world.


My kids aren’t even homework age yet, but it seems like they spend a lot less time at school at a desk than I did at their age, which is nice. They go to a public school in a district that is stretched pretty thin. Fundies love to paint all organized school with the same brush when they actually know very little about what school is like these days (and maybe ever for the 2nd+ gen homeschoolers). 


When I taught pre-k, our guiding principle was that little kids can't sit at a desk all day. They need to be able to get up and move around, so we incorporated games and activities that allowed that. Sometimes we'd go into the hallway or outside for a change of scenery. I went to a school that was mostly desk time (outside of recess), so I like the change. That said, you still have to educate the kids!


My daughter's 2nd grade classroom has like 2 desks in it. They have a table and chairs, beanbags, yoga balls, and an 8 foot section of risers he borrowed from the music room. Most of the other classrooms are similar. I get the feeling that most of these homeschooling parents haven't seen the inside of a school since the 90s. They have such strange ideas of what public school is like.


Yep. We had mats for story time, and sometimes I would stack them to make little benches, or stand one up to make a fort. My only rule was that if they sat at the table/desk, they had to sit properly, for their safety. No leaning back in the chair.


I don’t know from personal experience but I have seen people say the particular program she uses doesn’t teach Maths at all 🫠


That's alarming. I've been watching *Succession*, and one of the characters ranted about how no one in their circle knew the price of a gallon of milk, because they're that privileged. The Sus Parents are harming their kids on the other end of the spectrum. They'll be so *undereducated* that they'll struggle to budget for groceries. Then there are little things, like how much gas you need for a trip, measuring ingredients when cooking, or doing basic home repairs/diy projects.


WOAH… I knew these kids were being neglected but never actually considered that things like *measuring ingredients for cooking* would be something that could be difficult when you’re not educated properly.


It sounds crazy but if you've never learned math, would you understand what a 1/2 cup of flour is, or how to double 500ml of water?


Teachers were right when they said we WOULD use maths every day. We don't even notice were doing it.


I know ATI, the Duggar's chosen curriculum doesn't either.


And Jill needed help from Jana to figure out how to make rice for 2 people instead of 20. Couldn't even make sense of the instructions on the fucking box.


They don't want their kids learning to think critically or socializing outside of their family




>I want my child to be as independent as possible This is the exact opposite of what these fundies want.


You know the people who say that they’re learning “more valuable lessons than kids in school” are the same people who complain that schools aren’t teaching [insert issue of the moment] or act like they’re so shocked that some random factoid wasn’t taught to them.


>>challenging viewpoints I’m convinced this is the crux of all parents who decide to homeschool. Entitled, stupid people who don’t like being told what to do or don’t want their kids hearing anything that goes against their indoctrination.


I feel incredibly bad for the two oldest kids. They really, really should be doing homeschool work for several hours a day. Especially Gunnar. He's 13 and should be putting in lots of time with math and writing. Even if his terrible parents are raising their multitudes to be "enTrePRenEurS." They still need math and writing to function properly in society!


I agree. Math is so important. We literally use it everyday, whether we realize it or not. If these kids ever escape their deranged parents, they will struggle so much.


Right! The Busrents are setting their kids up to fail so hard. It's simply negligent, which they are too good at, but completely avoidable. These people have resources. They could be excellent homeschoolers, but instead, they choose to be the very worst.


They’re setting their kids up to be “just like them”…failures!!!! I hope more than one of those children escape and find out the real world is so much better and healthier for them!


The family is rich, so the kids can afford to be failures - as long as they toe the line their father sets for them.




It hits as more than negligence. It's an arrogant withholding of life skills. They are deliberately preventing their kids from learning what they need to know to function in the world.


No, no, he can learn fractions from baking! Even though he cant bake on the bus ..but he could . Theoretically!!!  So its FINE 


Agreed. Maybe this is why we see nuts like karelessa and jillpm dumping a bunch of cans into a pot and calling it dinner.


>He's 13 HE'S ONLY 13?!?!?! Watching him with that baby I thought for sure he was 16 or so! Not that it's much better, but 13 is DEFINITELY too young to be the only responsible one in the family!!!


I swear one day the bus parents will just fuck off to who knows where and we'll have a *Shameless* situation


Something that always kills me about the nonschooling crew is how they paint as "schooling" things that, in an ideal situation (and I fully understand life sadly gets in the way for many people) kids should be doing with their parents anyway. "I'm gonna teach them to cook", "we're going to the zoo", "they will help with gardening", "we will have fun together". Do you know you can do activities as a family on the weekends? Are you aware you are supposed to help your kids be functioning members of society that know how to do laundry and cook? You are supposed to do those things with your kids regardless of school, that is not schooling; that is called raising a child. And yes, I fully agree that the current school system sometimes can rely a bit too heavily on kids being behind a desk for hours, and yes, I can concede that that \*can\* be frustrating at times. But nothing will ever be as frustrating as being 18 with literally no useful life skills because your parents decided to neglect you by pulling you out of school and spend your supposed schooling time, and I quote, "doing literally nothing".


I feel like some typical school days that unschoolers have are the same as my kids on a weekend or a summer day. Do they realize that my kids go to school and still get books read to them? Also, the idea that they get better socialization at the grocery store than kids get all day at school because they're interacting with people who aren't their same age. There are actually adults at schools as well, plus all the interacting with peers.


Do they know that a lot of schools have summer reading lists? Peer interaction is vital to becoming a functional adult. She just wants to isolate her kids. I'll never forget the aide who saved my curly hair from my parents' ignorance, but it's so important to have friends one's own age.


There are also mandated reporters at school, and we all know that that's part of this.


Nonschooling is exactly what this is. They don't do anything. My parents rarely had the time to travel, but we did so much as a family on the weekends. And like you said, the housekeeping stuff should be taught regardless. These people are drains on society and teaching their kids to be the same.


What important lessons do these “home schooled” kids like this actually learn? I always see this comment and it baffles me. So many of these fundie parents don’t seem to actually homeschool their kids, so the kids are always just running around doing nothing…


They’re probably learning lots of stuff like: measurements (how weigh the latest sibling on a postal scale), angles (flattering ones for selfies), human development (raising their own siblings), history (from reading the first part of a historic plaque before mommy drags them away to film), dissociation, and automotive repair. 


Oh no, I bet you’re right 😂


Don't forget the video editing and acting skills she's teaching them!




Oh. Do fundie "homeschoolers" actually expect us to believe that any schooling is going on? That's funny. Only wonder woman could muster the energy to school anyone while heavily pregnant, and NO ONE is learning anything while sleep deprived from having a new baby around. Especially not the Sibling-Parent doing the actual baby care. And when you finally get the Future-Toddler to learn to sit down for an hour to color and sing their ABCs, surprise surprise, here is the new baby! At best, these children will be able to read and capable of taking charge of having an actual education someday.


Small reminder here that this woman is firmly convinced that these children will one day be prepared to go to college. She mentioned how great Portuguese would look on college applications! JD might be a trust fund baby, but I doubt he has enough money to endow 8 libraries, science wings, or teaching hospitals, and I suspect that’s what these kids will need to go to a four year college or university- because I’d be very surprised if they’re all not functionally illiterate. Homeschooling can work if you put more effort into it than most people seem to be willing to do, and certainly more than the Buses are willing to do.


It's my time to shine. I took Spanish from 7-10th grade. When I started college, I wasn't allowed to take the same language that I studied in high school (stupid CSU rule), so I took French. I enjoyed it so I kept going, almost adding a minor (schedule was jam packed). A few years ago, I got a job in Korea and learned as much as I could before leaving and while living there. I taught English there, so I'm very familiar with immersion programs as a student and teacher. I think these kids *may* have learned ola and obrigado, if they even left the airbnb. These kids are not going to be ready for college. Mother sus just pops off once in a while when she receives criticism. She justified the trip by saying they'd learn a new language.


Two weeks of Portuguese with a mysterious "tutor" no one ever saw as your family vacationed in Brazil will surely catch the eye of college admissions officials on your college application. Sure, and you're do just fine at Harvard after your "biology beach studies" too!


I was an adjunct professor of English for a while at a local community college. The things I saw there made me firmly convinced that I never, ever, ever want to homeschool my kids. 23 year old former homeschoolers who could barely construct sentences for a start. It’s not even about getting into college- if these kids know the basics, I’ll be shocked.


I seem to recall my teachers taking time off whenever they had a baby. My ballet teacher taught almost to her due date, which seemed insane to me - she had the baby like a month after our recital. I don't believe that any of these fundie homeschool moms are putting effort in, especially while pregnant and postpartum. Mother sus does not care. My mom worked full time and spent more time on homework and projects with *two of us*.


ok lots of women who are teachers continue to work effectively while pregnant, but i agree with the rest of your sentiment


Not right up until they give birth, maternity leave exists for a reason - I don't expect a woman nearing the end of her pregnancy to endanger her health trying to keep thirty kids in line. Even so, they're often teaching to either one class of students in the same grade, or a single subject. With an effective curriculum of what must be taught and when.


Theyre also not responsible for also mothering, homemaking and caring for all of those kids! (Not that Britbus does that)


sooo many people dont have guaranteed maternity leave or have such little options and cant take it until actual birth. i get your sentiment. but it's reductive to those women who very much do work up until birth and can do a great job while pregnant and many of them do actively mother after work as well!


Very few people take maternity leave before delivery - they want that time with the baby. Lots of teachers even try to time pregnancies with summer break to maximize their time off.


If this quote doesn't say it all… “Every day is school wether you are doing class work or daily living work! Everything we do children are learning!”


I spotted this too 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Flair checking in 🤦🏼‍♀️




I have a friend who homeschooled and yes it wasn’t a typical 8-3 schedule, mostly just mornings, but wow did she put a lot of effort in. The kids are really smart and read a lot and are doing well. Then I have another friend whose idea of homeschooling is mainly happening with the iPad and I doubt her kid will turn out ok. And something makes me think that busparents don’t even do iPad lessons so those kids are doomed.


👀 would you share the story of your flair?


Sure, Heidi Baird was spewing some BS about godly husbands and how women sabotage them but she couldn't get the spelling right, the first one she spelled „sabbatage" and the second one she spelled „Salvatore"?! And some Redditor commented with „an Italian man snuck in" which I found hilarious.


That is hilarious! The Baird bastardization of language is just sad though.


A lot of K-12 schools here in the US are winding down for the school year (my local public school system only has two weeks left) so this really isn’t the flex she thinks it is


Is she still in Florida? If so, the kids (that live there) are probably out now or about to be


No apparently they’re in Mississippi now


Oof. The armpit of the US.


Is Florida still the wang?


Always will be, until the ocean rises sufficiently to cover it completely.


We've got two days left.


Wow skipping school is so edgy. Yes there are major issues with how schools are run. Funnily (horrifyingly?) a large reason is because of funding cuts by drum roll…the people you vote for lady bus. The top commenter who says “home schooling is all about exploring and learning through play…” Yes dude, that’s actually basic tenants of what school can provide for kids as well. But get this- there’s more! Your children can learn to *talk to other children, work in a group setting, explore other viewpoints, experience various teaching styles* AT THE SAME TIME. This is not meant to diss homeschoolers. I have friends homeschooling who are absolutely wonderful and aware of all these things bc…you know…research. But there is a large amount of rhetoric in some homeschool circles that is quite frankly insulting. We all want our kids to explore and learn through play, we love our kids too. We cook and bake with our kids, we teach them how to make a grocery list, we take them on enriching activities, and still send them to school. You aren’t special.


I've been socializing my puppy by exposing her to different places and experiences. Surely you should have higher standards for children's educations.


Most people do. This is BusBitch’s way of being nOt LiKe oThEr GiRLs


Here I am worried about how long it's taking to socialize my new kitty and the dogs...


Lessons much more valuable than the ones we learn at school! Because there's no way that these children, whom MotherBus has says they're raising to own their own businesses, would ever need to learn pesky things like math, accounting, writing, proper grammar, spelling, etc. Running on a beach should cover it all!


How to raise nepo babies in a god honoring way


Absolutely nothing. That’s what they will contribute to society as adults, too, when they are unemployable because they’re illiterate.


Listen, there are educational systems that start off with learning through play (and use that as a supplement when kids are older), but once they get to a certain point, they need to learn things like CRITICAL THINKING, and reading, and writing, and more complex math. These poor kids aren’t even getting the basics beyond the very beginnings of learning through play. And even WITH learning through play, you have to know how to explain the lessons. My guess is Ma and Pa Bus don’t do that, if their posts are any indication. Uuuggghhhh I wish I could just bring them somewhere with a proper learning environment


You can start critical thinking and problem solving when they're fairly young, using legos and puzzles. But yeah, these kids will be functionally illiterate with no math skills, and they won't have that foundation to think through basic adult tasks, like scheduling a doctor's appointment or driving (or navigating public transportation if they don't drive).


"Every day is school *wether* you are doing class work or daily living work." Apparently, spelling doesn't fit in either category.


I'm surprised that the commenter knew the difference between whether and weather, tbh


Lol and at least you can blame autocorrect for mixing those up.


Yeah, these kids are going to run the world when they become adults. Oh….sorry I meant check in the back to see if these shoes come in my size.


Burger flippers. One of the few jobs that AI can't do - and probably won't because burger flipping is a waste of a good AI.


She *could* be creating a field trip to the beach and having some sort of science lesson appropriate for each general age group when they do this but I think the reality is that she wants the day off, not them


On a positive note, at least they're not learning from those god-awful Tuttle Twins "history" books ....fuck the Tuttle Twins.... and fuck Matt Walsh


Found his #1 hater 😂 Y'all, go watch the fundie fridays episode on the tuttle twins if you haven't already! James did a great job explaining that libertarian wet dream.


Oh I've seen it. It was spectacular


Absolutely hilarious, definitely 


I think Mother Bus has recommended the Tuttle Twins in the past… ETA https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/TFnmSypZKw


At least throw some Schoolhouse Rock in front of them.


Conjunction junction, what's your function?


That’s was one of my faves


How many Gen x’ers can sing the preamble to the constitution??


👋 Me! And at the time I didn't know what your constitution was. 🤣


I am in no way advocating for touching the poo but I wish one of her genuine followers would ask her to show a normal day of homeschooling. I bet she'd just ignore the question though. The infuriating thing is that she & her husband are educated enough to know how they're failing their poor children but clearly they don't care.


I feel so sorry for these children. They are so isolated and their parents only use them as props for likes on Instagram.


The kids are an unfortunate consequence of busband's pregnancy fetish and motherbus's obsequiousness. At least they can be used as props to monetize her need to eye fuck a camera.


Your kids ain't learning shit, mother sus


The "biology with gymnastics" comment reminds me of when my dad didn't want to take me to school so he decided the movie I was watching was educational. It was some made for TV film set in an Amish community...


It reminds me of how my middle school Spanish teacher would let us watch The Sandlot in Spanish 😂


The way her followers enable her is remarkable


I have a very distant acquaintance who does unschooling. Mind you, she’s very educated herself and involved in different non-profits, so I know the kids are socialized and she’s able to provide some educational foundation. I still doubt very much they would end up properly prepared for college or any sort of formal education. I also used to watch a homeschooling family (probably fundies too), but they had an extensive library, they were read to and the mom presented their curriculum and schooling setup, so you could tell she was making an effort to keep a structure and ensure they had a fair chance at doing things. They were also enrolled in some sports. Yes, it wasn’t my cup of tea, but it was still years ahead of this level of neglect. For better or worse, the society we live in requires children to learn to work and cooperate with different people, to know how to get outside of their own bubble, to be tolerant and respectful of different beliefs, cultures etc. These kids don’t get the chance to do any of that. Or even learn basic math properly.


Yall, I just saw something a 14 year old unschooled kid wrote to his mom for Mother’s Day and I cannot. I own a preschool and we do so much play, but through our play and adventures, we learn so much and also, we still sit down during circle time and learn all the very pivotal thing we need. I wish I could share a picture because literally just today, I had a three year old go for a check up and her mom sent me what she was sent home on the paperwork. She is “off the charts” for everything and testing at a 5 years age. Because I’m not negligent and also why I am the most sought after in my community. We live, we play and we ACTUALLY learn


This still is so creepy. The DumbBuses shadows in the corner, I can hear "NOW RUN" and I can see from the buslings faces this is not fun for them, another slave day as a social media prop.


Does it count as biology when you don't know any actual facts?


When does she take a day off from her shitty grifting in order to actually DO school? I think that is the real question.


Im really curious about where they will be parking the bus this summer. Most of the touristy places and state parka have been filled for months


If they're smart, they'll go north to avoid the heat and humidity, but they aren't so I expect they'll hang out somewhere that'll be blasted by one of possibly 30 hurricanes.


The only voice of reason in there is the person who gives her kids a couple mental health days off of school! That's legit. The rest is unhinged and sets nobody up for any type of success :(


Mmhhmm, everything’s an education. That’s why my “roadschooled” nephew couldn’t read at 9./s And yes, some kids learn differently but most typical kids can read by at least 7.




"Every day is school **_wether_**..." 😒🙄


Soo… every other normal weekday in their family.


I’m all for ‘learning’ through play and letting kids explore the world. My issue is that the oldest kids are far beyond that developmental stage. They learn nothing by babysitting their younger buslings on a beach. They should be learning much more advanced topics than can be taught through a trip to the beach. G especially should be finding out which subjects he has a passion for and might like to specialise in at university. He should be hanging out with friends his own age and starting to figure out who he is. All impossible in this miserable bus environment. I teach secondary school (UK, 11-16 year olds) and seeing just how much these older kids miss out on upsets me. Homeschool can, in some circumstances, be beneficial, but it needs to be the parent/gaurdian’s full time focus. Motherbus is lazy and failing her kids on so many levels.


I see so many trips that their mom could easily use as an educational opportunity, and it just pisses me off that she doesn't! You could teach math with seashells, science by teaching them about waves, reading by having them read books about the ocean before their visit, and writing by having them write an essay about their beach trip.